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1/13/2022 8:55 AM 770 animatedtripthereandbackagain.html
1/12/2022 8:51 AM 499477 AnswerstoPracticeQuestionsforPrereqQuizPart1.pdf
4/17/2024 7:17 AM 292313 AreasBetweenCurves.pdf
3/19/2024 9:01 AM 231299 AskforaSign1.pdf
3/18/2024 7:54 AM 184548 AskforaSignPage1.pdf
3/18/2024 7:54 AM 205499 AskforaSignPage2.pdf
1/26/2025 9:33 PM 322227 ATrigonometricLimit.pdf
1/23/2025 7:35 AM 249616 AverageRateofChangevsInstantaneousRateofChange.pdf
2/7/2022 11:38 PM 33739 avgbacteria.png
2/7/2022 11:23 PM 197405 bacteria.png
4/10/2024 6:44 AM 226469 BadBoss.pdf
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1/15/2025 12:13 PM 220922 ClassifyingPartsofCurves.pdf
1/9/2024 8:23 AM 222520 ClassifyingPartsofCurvesIncreasingDecreasingConcaveUpConcaveDown.pdf
1/15/2025 12:13 PM 435807 ClassifyingPartsofCurvesKEY.pdf
1/11/2022 11:43 PM 734476 ClickHEREtoZoom.png
3/12/2024 11:46 PM 239293 CriticalValuesandCriticalPoints.pdf
1/9/2024 5:30 PM 301064 Cutouts.pdf
1/13/2025 7:32 PM 20445 Data250113.png
1/13/2025 7:35 PM 111940 DayOneActivity.pdf
4/10/2024 7:00 AM 286027 DefiniteIntegralsandtheFTC.pdf
4/20/2024 7:43 PM 279913 DefiniteIntegralsandtheFundamentalTheorem.pdf
4/21/2024 10:21 AM 384230 DefiniteIntegralsandtheFundamentalTheoremKEY.pdf
2/5/2024 5:03 PM 652796 DerivativeofDerivativeofETCofetothex.png
2/1/2024 6:33 AM 128177 DerivativeofPowerFunction.pdf
2/6/2024 9:46 AM 227306 DerivativesofExponentialFunctions.pdf
1/30/2024 12:26 PM 197273 Does “One Out” Always Occur When Finding the Derivative of a Polynomial or Rational Function.pdf
1/30/2024 12:31 PM 197282 Does“OneOut”AlwaysOccurWhenFindingtheDerivativeofaPolynomialorRationalFunction.pdf
1/29/2025 11:55 AM 208208 Does“OneOut”AlwaysOccurWhenFindingtheDerivativeofaPolynomialorRationalFunctionUsingtheLimitDefinition.pdf
2/22/2024 9:16 AM 158885 ExponentialsandLogarithmstothebaseb.pdf
4/10/2024 6:45 AM 279665 FastandCurious.pdf
1/17/2024 7:55 AM 130478 FindLimitswithAlgebraicManipulation.pdf
2/27/2024 7:29 PM 167090 Findthederivativeofyequals3xtothelnofx.pdf
1/23/2024 2:33 PM 373837 GhostbustingWithLimitsandThroughTheEyeOfNewt.pdf
1/23/2024 9:38 PM 444134 GhostbustingWithLimitsandThroughTheEyeOfNewtKEY.pdf
2/18/2024 8:57 PM 537695 HappyAbe.gif
4/8/2024 7:41 AM 234752 JanetsDriveway.pdf
4/29/2024 9:10 PM 415151 jeopardyRound1Answers.pdf
4/29/2024 9:10 PM 326507 jeopardyRound1Questions.pdf
4/29/2024 9:18 PM 432453 jeopardyRound2Answers.pdf
4/29/2024 9:18 PM 329757 jeopardyRound2Questions.pdf
1/13/2025 5:26 PM 122903 KeepYourEyeOntheRedLines.pdf
2/14/2024 11:31 AM 246036 KEYQuotientRuleCYU.pdf
2/12/2024 5:57 PM 594941 KEYSnappinessofSnapchatCYU.pdf
2/14/2024 12:44 PM 299119 KEYTrigFunctionsCYU.pdf
1/21/2024 9:17 PM 403244 LeibnizVsNewton.jpg
4/2/2024 10:24 AM 277041 LHopitalsRule.pdf
1/27/2025 11:30 AM 219007 LimitofaFunctionataValue.pdf
2/4/2025 11:34 PM 188702 LongRunBehaviorofRationalFunctions.pdf
2/4/2025 9:57 PM 248916 LongRunBehaviorofRationalFunctionsKEY.pdf
4/22/2024 8:11 PM 196176 LukeTakesaTrip.pdf
4/22/2024 8:11 PM 235362 LukeTakesaTripKey.pdf
1/8/2024 12:20 AM 379019 MA16500-01 SyllabusSpring2024.pdf
1/14/2025 9:15 PM 463347 MA16500-01-Syllabus-Spring2025.pdf
1/13/2022 10:57 PM 87625 MA16500-01StudentRegistrationDirections.pdf
1/13/2022 4:48 PM 120445 MA16500-02StudentRegistrationDirections.pdf
4/18/2024 7:29 AM 177197 MA16500FormulaSheetWithIntegrals.pdf
4/1/2024 7:18 AM 305604 MarginalAnalysis.pdf
1/29/2024 8:39 AM 227400 MissGulchandHerDerivative.pdf
1/27/2025 2:44 PM <dir> mml
1/12/2022 8:51 AM 125899 PracticeQuestionsforPrereqQuizPart1.pdf
3/12/2024 11:31 PM 181279 RBCoffeeCups.pdf
4/12/2024 12:59 PM 107457 RBLH.pdf
1/16/2025 2:02 AM 264793 RBMatchtheGraphs.pdf
4/1/2024 9:35 PM 124948 RBMinimumMarginalCost.pdf
2/26/2024 1:18 PM 82197 RBxetothekxnthderiv.pdf
3/24/2022 7:43 AM 179198 RevenueRectangles.pdf
3/25/2024 7:12 AM 164764 RhinoBonusMinimumSurfaceArea.pdf
3/24/2022 7:43 AM 192722 Section4.4CurveSketching.pdf
3/24/2022 7:43 AM 314725 Section4.4CurveSketchingKEY.pdf
1/8/2024 12:20 AM 11477 Student_Registration_Handout_lamaster72371.pdf
4/10/2024 10:14 PM 274828 SummationNotationofRiemannSums.pdf
1/10/2024 2:02 AM 755578 TangentLine.gif
1/15/2025 8:48 AM 187734 TangentLinesandThomastheTankEngine.pdf
2/14/2024 10:03 AM 290153 TangentsforTrigFunctions.pdf
1/29/2024 8:39 AM 158492 TermsThatCauchyUpTogether.pdf
2/12/2022 3:30 PM 56639 Test1PracticeTestAnnouncement.jpg
2/15/2024 11:09 AM 350673 TheDerivativeofAFunctionofAFunction.pdf
2/14/2024 6:51 PM 405463 TheDerivativeOfAQuotient.pdf
2/5/2024 9:48 PM 214404 TheDerivativeoftheNaturalLogarithmFunction.pdf
1/30/2024 8:45 AM 132603 ThegraphofthevelocityofThomastheTankEngine.pdf
2/12/2024 3:51 PM 314457 TheSnappinessofSnapchat.pdf
1/29/2024 8:39 AM 171354 TheVelocityofThomastheTankEngine.pdf
1/16/2025 1:45 AM 2633805 thomas-the-tank-engine-crash.gif
1/15/2025 7:17 AM 68827 Thomas.png
1/15/2025 6:45 AM 5850656 ThomasTangentQuintic.gif
3/12/2024 11:50 PM 219599 ThomastheTankEngine'sVelocityGetsMean.pdf
1/15/2024 10:09 PM 300464 ThomastheTankEngineTakesaTrip.pdf
1/17/2022 2:53 PM 336726 ThomasTrip.gif
1/17/2022 3:15 PM 286 thomastrip.htm
1/17/2022 2:53 PM 438651 ThomasTrip.mp4
1/22/2025 2:49 PM 2901525 ThomaswithStations.gif
1/12/2025 6:12 PM 239952 ToregisterforMA16500-01MMLS25.pdf
1/12/2025 2:39 PM 240109 ToregisterforMA16600-01MMLS25.pdf
4/30/2022 11:16 AM 538760 UGotThisKEY.pdf
3/24/2022 7:43 AM 246002 Use the graph of f prime to sketch f KEY.pdf
3/24/2022 7:43 AM 56165 Use the graph of f to sketch f prime.pdf
2/26/2024 11:21 PM 70927 UsinglogarithmicdifferentiationinsteadofQR.pdf
2/27/2024 8:35 AM 211287 WhatIsYourSlope.pdf