
  1. Mission Statement
  2. Organizational Chart
  3. Staff Directory
  4. Mastodon Athletic Advisory Subcommittee
    1. Relationship
    2. Make up
    3. Duties
    4. Guidelines
  5. Mastodon Academic Performance
  6. Faculty Athletic Representative
  7. NCAA Compliance Manual
  8. Athletic Business Manual
  9. Athletic Training Manual
  10. Athletic Facilities
  11. Wellness/Fitness
  12. Intramurals
  13. Health Physical Education and Recreation
  14. Admission to Athletic Contests
  15. Media Services
  16. Athletic Development

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Information on MAAS

The relationship MAAS has with Athletics

  • MAAS will clearly be the oversight body representing the faculty.
  • Schedules for athletic competition will be approved by MAAS.
  • The annual operating budget will be presented to MAAS for review. This should be on the most timely basis possible.
  • The athletes eligibility certification committee will be comprised of members from MAAS.
  • Certification and/or self-studies will be led by members of MAAS.
  • Policy and operational guidelines will be reviewed by MAAS with the intent of advice and counsel.

    The make up of MAAS

    The Mastodon Athletic Advisory Subcommittee shall consist of three faculty members of each university affiliation elected by the Senate; two students selected by the student's government; the faculty representative (ex officio); the NCAA compliance coordinator (ex officio); an PFW alumnus/alumna appointed ex officio by the chief executive officer in consultation with the administrator of alumni affairs; an administrative/professional staff member; and the administrator of athletic programs.

    The presiding officer of the senate shall annually request the student's government to select the student representatives and the administrative council to select the administrative/professional staff representative. Student representatives shall serve staggered two-year terms which commence at the beginning of the academic year. The administrative/professional staff representative shall serve for one year. Elected faculty members shall serve staggered three-year terms. The ex officio members may not chair the subcommittee.

    The duties of MAAS

  • Make recommendations to the chief administrative officer concerning the annual athletic budget, both intramural and intercollegiate, and supportive activities.
  • The budget will be submitted by the faculty representative.
  • Approve schedules for intercollegiate sports.
  • Establish eligibility requirements for participation in intercollegiate athletics.
  • Approve participation in new intercollegiate athletic activities with consent of the senate.
  • Approve participation in post-season activities.
  • Make recommendations to the chief administrative officer concerning ticket pricing policies and seating allocations. Establish policies and procedures for athletic awards, such as letters and jackets.
  • Propose, for the approval of the senate, membership in athletic conference.
  • Advise the ex officio members.
  • In cooperation with the financial aid office, determine policies concerning allocation of athletic grants when available, in accordance with conference policies.
  • When requested by administrators, make personnel recommendations in the athletic area to the chief administrative officer.

    The operational guidelines of MAAS

    The intent of these guidelines is to be the framework for operational decisions to be made over time. As decisions are made a memorandum of record, or copy of actual documents, will be placed in appropriate subsections (appendixes) to this document. Other items for inclusion would be approved documents by the athletic department, Mastodon Athletic Advisory Subcommittee (MAAS) or by the university where these pertain to the athletic department itself. Over time, this will become a reference document of the history and precedence for decisions of operational matters.