
  1. Accounts for Programs
  2. Apparel
  3. Athletic Forms
  4. Athletic Scholarships
  5. Home Contest
  6. Individual Travel
  7. Cell Phones
  8. Professional Memberships
  9. Purchasing
  10. Rate Approvals
  11. Recruiting
  12. Team Budgets
  13. Team Travel
  14. Issuing and Collecting Equipment

Return to Manual

Team Travel Setup

  1. Complete the Request to Travel for a Team Contest/Recruiting/ or Individual form and give it to the Account Clerk
  2. The Account Clerk acquires approvals from the Compliance Director and the Athletic Business Manager.
  3. The Account Clerk assigned a trip number to the approved form.
    1. Standard Account Clerk Services
      1. Rental/Fleet Vehicles
      2. Cash Advance Requests
  4. Before the team leaves on the trip, the coach must provide the Account Clerk with an updated Travel party roster if the roster is different from the original request (step 1) so the roster matches the Request to Travel for a Team Contest/Recruiting/ or Individual form.


Air Travel

As "group" air travel reservations are difficult at best, the Coach may use or use a travel agent. In either case, the Coach will use their Travel P-card for the reservations they make.

The Coach will need to work together with the the agent (from a reservation) or travel agent as changes in travelers and itineraries are common.

Now that baggage fees are common place, the Coach should use their travel p-card to cover these expenses.

Charter Bus Travel

For all Charter Bus reservations with a departure or a return to Fort Wayne, the Coach will make the reservation with the approved carrier.

The approved carrier will invoice the department referencing the trip number assigned by the Account Clerk.

The Coach needs to work with the approved carrier as changes in itineraries are common.

For Charter Bus reservations that do not include Fort Wayne as the departure or destination, the Coach shall make the reservation and use their Travel P-card to cover this expense.

Using vehicles for University Business

Campus Safety provides policies and instruction on all issues concerning vehicle use on university business. The following list is an example of issues that are addressed.


Hotels are contracted with and paid by P-Card. The university pays for rooms, tax other related business expenses.

One option in acquiring the best hotel price is to use .

Incidentals (movies, mini bars, personal phone calls, room service, individual laundry service, restaurants, fitness clinics, other personal hotel services, etc.) are not authorized university expenses.

Coaches are expected to clear all non-room-related expenses with the hotel at check-out and pay all such expenses personally.

Miscellaneous team expenses such as uniform laundry, safe rental, portage, business calls can be paid with the cash advance, Travel P-Card or paid personally to be reimbursed.

Coaches are required to bring back an itemized hotel bill to the Account Clerk.

Advice to Coaches about Lodging

  1. Assign students to specific rooms and keep track of your assignments. Give a copy to the Travel Agency and the Account Clerk as soon as possible.
  2. Tell students not to charge expenses to their rooms. Tell them they will be held personally responsible if they do.
  3. Have the hotel switchboard shut off the telephones to all rooms used by the team except the coach.
  4. Have the hotel attach a note to each team room folio informing hotel employees not to accept charges for room service, fitness centers, etc. and to notify the coach if anyone attempts to charge such expenses to a room.


The amount of subsistence is ultimately calculated by the actual time you were away from campus.

Cash Advances and/or Travel P-Cards are used to pay subsistence.

Cash Advance procedures

  1. The Account Clerk requests a cash advance amount from the Bursar based on the dates listed on the team travel request or an otherwise specific amount requested by the coach
  2. Head or assistant coach goes to Bursar to pick up the cash advance. You will need your ID
  3. Verify that the cash provided by the Bursar matches the amount of the cash advance
  4. Complete your team travel
  5. Complete a Team Travel Expense Summary form with the actual travel roster
  6. Turn in the Team Travel Expense Summary form with a signed copy of the Team Travel Cash Advance Roster Form, receipts, and un-used funds to Account Clerk
  7. If the amount of subsistence exceeds the per diem per authorized traveler, the coach is responsible for reimbursing the University in the amount of the excess

Coaches need to know that from the time you sign out the cash advance to the time of its return, you are responsible for those funds. You need to keep the funds on your person. Simply having the funds in a locked room is a breach of security. Reconcile and return unused funds and receipts to the Account Clerk. The unused funds and receipts must equal the cash advance.

Team Entertainment Policy

Fort Wayne Athletics Department will pay a pre-approved amount for reasonable team entertainment associated with "Away-from-Home Contest. Such entertainment will be governed by the following:

  1. Team entertainment must be pre-approved by the Associate A.D./Business Manager and the Compliance Officer.
  2. Team entertainment must be within a 100 mile radius of where the team is playing or practicing
  3. Funds cannot come from the university. The expense must be paid for with Foundation monies.
  4. Funds must be available for approval.

This policy is pursuant to NCAA Bylaw 16.7.1 of the NCAA Division I Manual.

Policy for nonessential person(s) traveling with athletic teams


  1. Essential personal include:
    1. administrators
    2. coaches, trainers
    3. players
  2. Nonessential personal include:
    1. family
    2. fans
    3. others who do not fit the essential personal definition.

Basic policy

Nonessential personal may travel with athletic teams so long as no additional expense is incurred by PFW or the Foundation. If an additional cost occurs due to nonessential personal, the extra expense must be paid personally by the responsible athletic employee or the nonessential personal.


Since PFW is not allowed to pay expenses due to the addition of nonessential personal, PFW can not prepay the nonessential's travel expenses to be reimbursed later. Therefore, the nonessential personal must reserve and pay the bill using their own money.


Travel expenses (including costs of transportation, lodging, subsistence, and event admission) for the spouse of PFW Head Coaches to attend final NCAA championship event in which PFW is an active contestant are reimbursable from monies provided by NCAA to participants in such championship events.

Note that this allowance is restricted to:

  1. spouses only--not children or relatives
  2. spouses of head coaches only--not part-time coaches' spouses
  3. funding source is NCAA monies--not IP Foundation
  4. final NCAA championship event only--not conference or preliminary competition
  5. contests in which our PFW team is an active contestant only--not merely attending as observers (Above ruling was discussed with and approved by John Shipley on 3/2/00)

The following is an example:

A coach, 12 players, and the coach's wife are the travel party to a conference game. The cost of a single hotel room is $40, double hotel room is $50, and a triple hotel room is $60. Since the coach's wife is considered nonessential, the coach's wife would pay the hotel $10 for the extra cost.

If the above example traveled to a NCAA final four then the coach would receive an additional check from the University for $10 assuming permission was given and the funds exist.

If a coach believes that some of these charges are legitimate business expenses, he or she may submit a claim for reimbursement upon returning to campus. The university reserves the right to refuse any expenses not justified as legitimate business expenses and to put the hotelier in contact with the coach for resolution of the outstanding charges.