Team Travel Expense Summary
The following form is used after completing team travel:
Directions on using the form
- Open the Team Travel Expense Summary form by clicking on the above link
- Choose open
- Complete the form
- Select the sport
- Enter the destination
- Select or enter the State
- Enter departure and returns times and dates
- Enter expenses
- PCard expenses get a P
- Cash expenses get a C
- Look up the expense type in the legend on the right, and place the expense code in the "Type Expense" column
- Enter the cash advance number
- Enter the original cash advance amount
- Calculate and enter the Room Nights (Rooms * Nights for all lodging)
- Enter or update your travel roster
- Verify your entries
- Print a copy of the form
- Coach signs the copy
- Give the copy along with the reciepts and un-used funds to the Account Clerk
- Account Clerk audits the form with the reciepts and un-used funds
- Account Clerk completes a cash advance deposit envelope
- Account Clerk completes a cash advance DIV
- Athletic Business Manager signs the copy and the DIV
- Copy and file the Team Travel Expense Summary and the cash adavance DIV
- Stuff the cash receipts, original expense summary, and original DIV in the envelope
- Send to Bursar (KT G57)