Cash Advance Roster
Use this form to document the cash specific individuals receive while in Team Travel.
Team Travel Cash Advance Roster
Directions on using the form
- Open the Team Travel Cash Advance Roster form by clicking on the above link.
- Choose save if you want to be able to save data for future trips.
- Complete the informational portion of form
- Fill in the name of each travel party member that potentially could receive cash.
- Print a copy of the form
- When you give cash to a particular travel party member(s), write the date and the amount in the first available column.
- Have each individual sign their name in that same column.
- Continue using new columns as new distributions transpire.
- Use additional forms if necessary
- Coach signs and dates the copy
- Give the copy along with the Team Travel Summary form to the Account Clerk
- Account Clerk audits the form with the Team Travel Summary form