Professional Memberships
Institutional Memberships (use G/L 533620):
New institutional memberships costing $5,000 or less per year and are charged to departmental or College/School accounts, may be approved by the Dean of the College/School/Unit. In other areas of the University, the senior administrator reporting to the President, a direct report to the President, or a Regional Campus Chancellor, may grant approval.
The President, a direct report to the President, or a Regional Campus Chancellor, must approve new institutional memberships costing more than $5,000 per year. The appropriate Dean or Vice President may approve subsequent renewals.
- For memberships of $5,000 or more, prepare a letter requesting approval to the appropriate reviewer for final approval by the President. The letter should include the name of the organization, association, or society, its purpose or mission, the type of membership being considered, the annual membership
cost, the account number to be charged, and an explanation describing how the membership will benefit the University. If approved, a copy of the letter will be filed with Accounting Services. The invoice voucher with the invoice attached should be sent to Accounts Payable for payment.
Individual Memberships (Use G/L 533645):
Individual memberships in professional/academic organizations are allowed as long as there is a business purpose and the amount does not exceed $500. The business purpose and reasonableness determination is made by the Chief Administrative Officer. Approval of individual memberships follows the same requirements as institutional memberships. A memo from the individual should outline the business purpose, the benefit to the University and the account number to be charged. The letter should be forwarded to the Chief Administrative Officer. The Business Office staff will review and approve for allowability and availability of funds before forwarding to Accounts Payable for payment. The Business Office staff will track these memberships and their annual renewal dates. Annually a report of all individual memberships will be forwarded to the Chief Administrative Officer for review.