Aubrey, Life of Mr. William Shakespear (c. 1690)
Rowe, Some Account of the Life, &c., of Mr. William Shakepear (1709) [first sustained biography]
Hallliwell-Phillipps, Life (1848)
Elze, Literary Biography (1889)
Classical Backgrounds
Rymer, tr. of Rapin’s Reflexions (1674)
Riddle, Illustrations of Aristotle (1832)
Stapfer, Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity (1880)
Rowse, Shakespeare’s Ovid (1904) [Golding tr., entire]
Baldwin, William Shakspere’s Small Latine and Lesse Greeke v.1 and 2 (1944)
Collier Controversy
Collier, Notes and Emendations (1853)
Singer, Text Vindicated (1853)
Lettsom, New Readings, [I] Blackwoods 74 (454) (Aug. 1853)
Lettsom, New Readings, II Blackwoods 74 (455) (Sept. 1853)
Lettsom, New Readings, III Blackwoods 74 (456) (Oct. 1853)
White, Shakespeares Scholar (1854)
Dyce, Strictures on Collier (1859)
Concordances, Dictionaries, Grammars, Lexicons
Halliwell, Dictionary, v. 1 (1847)
Halliwell, Dictionary, v. 2 (1847)
Nares, Halliwell, and Wright, Glossary, v. 1 (1859)
Nares, Halliwell, and Wright, Glossary, v. 2 (1859)
Abbott, A Shakespearian Grammar (1870)
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, v. 1 (1874)
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, v. 2 (1875)
Cowden Clarke, Shakespeare Key (1879)
Mackay, Obscure Words and Phrases (1884)
Bartlett, Concordance, v. 1 (1894)
Bartlett, Concordance, v. 2 (1894)
Schmidt-Sarrazin, Shakespeare-Lexicon, v. 1 (1902)
Schmidt-Sarrazin, Shakespeare-Lexicon, v. 2 (1902)
Simpson, Shakespearian Punctuation (1911)
Baker, Dictionary (Julius Caesar) [1917]
Dent, Shakespeare’s Proverbial Language (1981)
Whalley, Enquiry into the Learning of Shakespeare (1748)
Farmer, Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare (1767)
Montagu, Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear (1769)
Duport, Essais littéraires sur Shakspeare, v. 1 (1828)
Duport, Essais littéraires sur Shakspeare, v. 2 (1828)
Jameson, Characteristics of Women, v. 1 (1833)
Jameson, Characteristics of Women, v. 2 (1833)
Courtenay, Commentaries, v. 1 (1840)
Courtenay, Commentaries, v. 2 (1840)
Joseph Hunter, New Illustrations, v. 1 (1845)
Joseph Hunter, New Illustrations, v. 2 (1845)
Maginn, Shakespeare Papers (1856)
Dowden, Shakspere: A Critical Study (1875)
J. Macmillan Brown, Julius Caesar: A Critical Study (1883)
Faucit, Shakespeare’s Female Characters (1885)
O’Brien, Monthly Packet, v. 11 (1886)
Gallagher, Shakespeariana, v. 6 (1889)
Moulton, Shakespeare as Dramatic Artist (1893)
Brandes, Critical Study, v. 1 (1898)
Brandes, Critical Study, v. 2 (1898)
Bradley, Shakespearean Tragedy (1904)
Fisher, Modern Language Notes, v. 22 (1907)
Raleigh, Johnson on Shakespeare (1908)
Schanzer, Problem Plays of Shakespeare (1963)
Edition Commentaries
Theobald, Shakespeare Restored (1726)
Edwards, Supplement to Warburton (1748)
Edwards, Canons of Criticism (1765)
Malone, Supplement to v1778, v. 1 (1780)
Malone, Supplement to v1778, v. 2 (1780)
Mason, Comments on v1785 (1785)
Pye, Comments on the Commentators (1807)
Becket, Shakespeare’s Himself Again (1815)
Keightley, Shakespeare Expositor (1867)
Notes and Conjectures
Upton, Critical Observations (1748)
Douce, Illustrations, v. 1 (1807)
Douce, Illustrations, v. 2 (1807)
Nichols, Illustrations, v. 2 [Correspondence between Thirlby, Warburton, Theobald] (1817)
Jackson, Seven Hundred Errors (1818)
Jackson, Shakespeare’s Genius Justified (1819)
[Mitford,] Conjectural Emendations (Gentleman’s Magazine, v. 22, 1844, pp. 115-36; 451-71)
[Mitford,] Conjectural Emendations (Gentleman’s Magazine, v.23, 1845, pp. 115-32, 571-85)
Adams, Manuscript Corrections (1854)
Walker, Critical Examination, v. 1 (1860)
Walker, Critical Examination, v. 2 (1860)
Walker, Critical Examination, v. 3 (1860)
Jervis, Proposed Emendations (1861)
Bailey, Received Text, v. 1 (1862)
Bailey, Received Text, v. 2 (1862)
Cartwright, New Readings (1866)
Fleay on Jonson in Julius Caesar (1874)
Furnivall responds to Fleay (1874)
Kinnear, Cruces Shakespearianae (1883)
Perring, Hard Knots in Shakespeare (1885)
Perring, Hard Knots in Shakespeare, 2nd ed. (1886)
Elze, Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists (1889)
Sherlock, Fragment on Shakspeare (1786)
Birch, Religion and Philosophy of Shakspere (1848)
Bucknill, Medical Knowledge (1860)
Rushton, Shakespeare Illustrated, pt. 1 (1867)
Rushton, Shakespeare Illustrated, pt. 2 (1868)
Knight, Studies of Shakspere (1868)
Green, Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers (1870)
Green, Andreae Alciati Emblematum Fontes Quatuor (1870)
Green, Andrea Alciati and His Book of Emblems (1872)
Fleay, Shakespeare Manual (1876)
Stokes, Chronological Order (1878)
Hales, Notes and Essays (1886)
Wordsworth, Shakspeare’s Use and Knowledge of the Bible (1892)
[Here is a translation of Platters account and a brief biography of Binz]
Carter, Shakespeare and Holy Scripture (1905)
Sprague, Studies in Shakespeare (1916)
Pollard, et al., Shakespeare’s Hand in the Play of Sir Thomas More (1923)
Performance and Theater History
Downes, Roscius Anglicanus (1708) [1886 facsimile]
Gildon, Life of Betterton (1710)
Davies, Dramatic Miscellanies, v. 1 (1784)
Davies, Dramatic Miscellanies, v. 2 (1784)
Davies, Dramatic Miscellanies, v. 3 (1784)
Greg, Henslowe’s Diary, v. 1, Text (1904)
Greg, Henslowe’s Diary, v..2, Commentary (1908)
Winter, Shakespeare on the Stage, v. 1 (1911)
Winter, Shakespeare on the Stage, v. 2 (1915)
Odell, Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving, v. 1 (1920)
Odell, Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving, v. 2 (1921)
Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, v. 1 (1923; 2009 rpt.; preview)
Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, v. 2 (1923; 2009 rpt.; preview)
Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, v. 3 (1923; 2009 rpt.; preview)
Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, v. 4 (1923; 2009 rpt.; snippet)