G300 Environmental Geology and Urban Geology.       Fall Semester 2008

            (T 4:30 - 6:20 pm SB 209 and R 4:30 - 6:20 pm SB 270)
       Instructor:   Dr. S. Isiorho                  Office SB 236
               Phone 481-6254;  Email: isiorho@ipfw.edu

1. Course description:
    This course is designed to provide the student with basic understanding of the
“human-oriented” aspects of the earth sciences. The geologic features and

processes that affect our environment will be discussed. Since large population

of the industrial world dwell in urban areas, the geology of the urban

environment will be addressed. "To achieve an understanding of the

interrelationship between the earth and the urban environment, examination
the basic aspects of geology, land-use planning, and the physical,
aesthetic, and economic attributes of cities is required."

Provide students with a basic understanding of the geological foundations of environmental issues (earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, climae change, etc).

Provide an understanding of geologic environmental issues at local, regional, and global scales (natural resources and anthopogenic effects).

Improve student's skills in analyzing data pertaining to geologic environmental issues and in drawing informed conclusions regarding issues (critically evaluate scientific data that relates to environmental isues).                

Discuss and debate geologic environmental issues that are relevant to the state of Indiana.

YouTube videoWhy Earth Science? Produced by Americal Geological Institute

Earth System Science video by NASA

2. Textbook:
Environmental Geology by Keller

Investigations in Environmental Geology by D. Foley, G. D. McKenzie & R. O.Utgard
Supplementary lab text
Lab exercises in Environmental Geology by Harvey Blatt

3. Exams & Grading:
There will be two exams,  5 & 10 % respectively of the final grade. 
Lab/field sessions
will constitute 20% of final grade. 
Group project (5%) /reading assignments 15%.

A term research project (30 % of course grade) (10 double space typed (excluding pictures/graphs)
page report due November 20) and "professional" presentation of project results using power
point slides (Nov. 25 & 27, & Dec. 2 & 4) will account for 10 % of final grade.
No final exam.
Class participation will account for 5% of course grade.
(Grading scale > 89 % = A;  80-89 % = B; 70-79% = C; 60-69% = D).
“If you have or acquire a disability and would like to find out what special services
and accommodations may be available
to you, contact Services for
Students with Disabilities in WU 118 & 218 (481-6657, voice/TTY)”

Laboratories/field exercises are essential to the course. Students should develop skills in assessing and
determining geologic implications of environmental issues.

Class Project: Students will work in teams to evaluate the influence of geology in the location of IPFW campus.
The class project will examine the relationship between surface water and groundwater.
The class will also examine how our activities and actions are infleunced by geology (location, location, location).

Field Trips: There will be a minimum of two and a maximum of five field trips during this course
and all students are required to go on all trips. The class will visit wetlands and other areas of interest
in NE Indiana (Fox Island & County). Field trips will be on Thursdays during class time except for the
'county' trip...October, 25 (or November 1 for 'rainy' day, 2008. For the "County trip"...
Plan to arrive on campus by 8:30 am, as we leave for the County
Trip at 9:00 am prompt, to return around 4 pm. Dress appropriately for the trip.
A one page single space report of the trip will be required two days after the trip,
by 4 :00 pm. Please do not schedule anything for those two weekends.

Term Research Project: Students will be required to conduct research on a topic relating to this course.
The student may choose any suitable topic, but, must get the Instructor's approval before starting on the project.

I strongly encourage students to choose a research topic before Fall Break (October 9, 2008).
Students should consult with the instructor on weekly basis concerning their projects and
students should submit rough drafts before the final copy is turned in.

    Check the blackboarde for any weekly warm up questions

Reading Assignments  (Most articles are in PDF format)
Reading assignment is an intergral part of this course. For it to be another resource,
you should choose any three articles (refereed articles) in addition to those
listed below to review. The articles you select should be related to your proposed class project.
Write a one-page summary (double space) for each article along with a copy of each
article (only for your three selected articles).
Each summary must include a paragraph of your view of the article.
All together, you should
have a total of ten pages for the reading assignments.
NOTE: All reports, including tests must be submitted through Blackboard and always have your
name and topic as part of the name of 
your file (e.g. isiorhoreportwtg)…
not following this
simple rule will cost you points.

Ten articles total
Review articles 1 & 2, five articles from the five groups (one article from each group)
to make up seven from the list, and any other three peer  reviewed articles of your
 (not from this list) of choosing.

Guest Speaker:  Betsy Yankowiak
on "The Little River Wetland Project" Sept. 18, 2008

No class Sept. 25 & 30 & Oct. 2..... use this time to work on your project


Review articles 1 & 2
Drinking-Water Nitrate and Health Recent Findings and Research
Another site for the same article ...due August 28, 2008

* Write a one page review per article on any three peer reviewed articles (hard (or electronic)
copies of articles must be submitted to me in class on October 9, 2008) you selected for your
literature review for your proposed class project. Due October 7, 2008.

2. The impact of leaking sewage on urban groundwater... due October 9, 2008

One article from Group I ...due October 14, 2008
Sample Preparation ....
B. Setting environmental standars: A statistician's

One article from group II...due October 16, 2008
Landsliding in an Urban Area
Uncertainties in Rain induced landslide hazard

One article from group III...due October  23, 2008
Recurrent sampling in soils  inudated by Hurricane Katrina
B. Water vulnerability assessment and evaluation of huma activity...

One article from group IV...due October 30, 2008
Over view of a CO2 sequestration field test in the West Pearl Queen reservoir, NM
Carbon Dioxide sequestration in Ohio River Valley area

One article from group V...due November  6, 2008
Liquefaction susceptibility mapping in Boston
Decline groundwater level and aquifer dewatering in Dhaka metropolitan area

 All together, you should have ten articles (Seven from the above list and three of your choosing)

Bonus article...  Environmental  worldview of children: a cross-cultural perspective

4. Tentative Schedule:
 Part One: Fundamentals of Environmental Concepts            chpts 1 - 3
Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts, Earth Materials (minerals), and Soil and
Environment. (Military Earthworms)
"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
~Chief Seattle, 1854.

Identify the rocks shown in these pictures    1           2           3           4        5

No class Sept 25, 30, & Oct. 2(the 6th week)
Use this time to search for any three articles that may be relevant to your research project and
write a one page double space review for each article.

Also, if you want extra credit, write a one page double space report on any two current environmental
related issues here on campus or in NE Indiana...

need a minimum of two references to support your report...bonus 1% of course grade...due September 18, 2008

Part Two: Hazardous Earth Processes                                    chpts 4 - 9
Natural Hazards: an Overview; (NASA-natural hazard wetsite.You should see floods, fires, & volcanic related materials here)
Flood in China
Flood in Elbe River
Drought California,
NAmerica Drought
Volcanic Activity;
Coastal Hazards.
     Exam # 1 (5% of course grade) Due Tuesday October 14 by 3:00 p.m.

Part Three: Human Interaction with the Environment            chpts 10-13
    Water: Process, supply, and use; Water pollution and Treatment; Water a pipe dream away? (South Africa);
Lake Chad Images        NASA Environment of  L.Chad ?
        Sediments and Hurricane Floyd
      Wind Power controversy in Cape Cod         

                Waste management
War on water Splits California Cities
More Water Info

Part Four: Minerals, Energy, and Environment                  chpts 14&15
Mineral Resources and Energy and the Environment
          Test # 2  (10% of course grade) Due Nov. 6  by 4:00 p.m.        Out    door / In       door    lab     Pics

Part Five:                                                                            chpts 16-18
Global Change, Land use 1, 2, 3, and Decision making                                   Human/Beach/Environment
Web learning ?
    No final exam

Water Issues in Fort Wayne (News Sentinel) 1,       Soil,      Site Survey,      FoxIsland (Isiorho),      vegetation (wetland)
        Shrinking L. Chad (CNN)         FishKill in Oman      Certified ORGANIC            
There will be 1 or 2 Field trips and all students are encouraged to go on all trips.
NO CLASS October 10 (Fall break) & Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving).
Saturday Field trip... October 25, 2008Plan on being at the loading dock in Science
Building by 8:30 a.m. Wear comfortable clothing and trekking shoes.
Dress appropriately for the weather.
[Your one page report is due three days after the field trip by 4:00 p.m.]

Presentations would start Nov. 25, 2008. Each presentation will be 15 minutes long.
You must use power point for your presentation. Your project report is due by November 20, but, no later than November 24, 4:00 p.m.

Note: Your presentation will be graded using the quality of your slides, completeness of your presentation, voice, explanation, and using appropriate pictures, graphs, and or tables.
Waste reduction ABC news
Power from the sea Tidal Waves
Blackboard Vista  Use this for posting questions/answers and other stuff. Send all your reports and assignments through blackboard assignment dropbox.
Some neat photos ?

Send your drafts, questions, notes, etc, through  Blackboard Vista 

Report Format (you must follow this format):

Title (what is your report about? not more than 15 words),
Abstract (a type of summary of your report...one should read this and get the gist of your paper),
Introduction (what do you know about the topic and what has been done and why this report i.e. purpose),
Method/Approach (how did you you get your information result, data etc.),
Result/Data (self explanatory),
Discussions (what does your result mean?.... you include your opinion here),
Conclusion (two to four sentence summary of your report),
Acknowledgment (if any),
References (what works did you cite?)

Part of grade be based on your following this format in addition to the content and writing style.

 At the Dunes

New links
Earth's Interior USGS
Storms of the Century
Gemstones....you know who you are
Space Wander
Water Shortage USA TODAY Jan. 27, 2003
Water pollution in Ohio Island
Coal and your health
Energy efficiency
Floods any benefit? A look at the 1993 great Midwest flood (PBS Nova).
"Driller face tighter safety, water rules"

Photos of sample rocks to be turned in September 14 before noon
Sample one    sample two      sample  three         Video (you will need quicktime player)

Great lakes pollution                 
Ivan visits Pensacola Florida
Another Pensacola picture

Earth as an Art Collection
River Flooding excercise....for extra credit
Private well testing
Creating more problems from water treatment.

Good Hydrologic cycle (USGS)

The above topics may be covered by October 23, leaving you with approximately four weeks to work on your project.

Emphasis will be on the role of geology on the environment.

Note: I will add any new materials under "New Links" in this section :)

Unconformity animation ... enjoy

Soil Lab video.....comments through Blackboard by Noon Sept 18 for extra credit
.... you can use media player...probably need to save it to your desk top first.

Labs/Field Work...not necessary in this order

1. Map reading...cross sections (topography of IPFW campus)
2. Rocks and Minerals
3. Soil... sieve & analysis
4. Well field....water levels and water chemistry
5. Flow measurements
6. Flood excercise
7. Campus field trip
8. County field trip (Saturday ...Oct. 25 or Nov. 1)
9. inventory of campus or county environmental issues (problems)
10. Make up lab

A one-page typed lab/field report is due 24 hours after each lab/field trip....to be submitted through Blackboard.

Video report.

You should watch any three science based videos and write half-page report on each video for extra cerdit.
Nova: Storm That Drowed a City... PBS 

What on earth made this? 

County Field trip ppt slides with video....I need some pictures

"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
~Chief Seattle, 1854.

Updated August 26, 2008