Group Project Survival Skills

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    Group Assessment?


Introduction                   Case Study                    Resources

Group Assessment:

Determining how the group will be assessed will likely be determined by the professor. Usually, the end product will be evaluated though a group grade.  Often students are asked to assess the contributions of each member though an individual score. While the process varies from class to class, it is helpful for the group to understand the process in the beginning. This explains what is expected and can serve as an incentive for group members' participation. At the same time, groups themselves can refer to or establish their own assessment tools early on. The rubric below describes  exemplary, satisfactory and unacceptable team work. Review these links and think about how you agree or what you would add.

Linked below are examples of:

Team Work Rubric

Group Project & Individual Grading Samples


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Last updated: 11/30/04.