Opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate research are available. Please contact me (soulet@pfw.edu) to inquire about current opportunities.
Undergraduates should contact me to inquire about specific research projects in the lab. Students may receive research credit for each semester that they are doing active research. This research can also serve as the capstone project for the required Senior Seminar course (BIOL 49100) for Biology majors.

Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact me to discuss potential research projects and available funding prior to applying to the graduate program at PurdueFW. Our graduate program offers a Master of Science in Biology degree. Graduate students enrolled in the thesis option are eligible to receive a teaching assistantship. These are awarded on a competitive basis.
Applications for the biology graduate program should be submitted online from the Purdue University Web site: www.gradschool.purdue.edu/admissions
Refer to the above Web site for all information and directions. You may also contact me directly with questions. When all the necessary materials to complete your application file have been received by the Office of Graduate Studies, the office will forward them to the Department of Biology. See our Web site for more information about our program, deadlines, and application instructions: www.pfw.edu/biology
Students involved in research at PurdueFW may have opportunities to present their research results at local, regional, and international scientific meetings. Some of these opportunities include the PurdueFW Research and Creative Endeavor Symposium, Indiana Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, and the Indiana Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.