Below are brief descriptions of the courses taught by Dr. Soule. If you are currently enrolled in one of the courses you can access lecture outlines, lecture presentations, exam scores, and other materials via Blackboard using your PurdueFW login and password.
Microbiology for Health Professionals (BIOL 22000): The biology of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae) and their interactions with humans. Emphasis on microbes with medical and/or public health significance. Specific areas of study include characteristics, metabolism, and genetics of bacteria; host-parasite interactions; factors affecting human health and disease states; principles of disinfection and sterilization; epidemiology of infectious disease with emphasis on transmission, prevention, and treatment; and nosocomial infection risks and prevention. This course is designed for nursing and Allied Health students. (Fall, Spring, Summer; taught by Soule in Spring)
General Microbiology (BIOL 43700): An examination of microbial diversity that emphasizes the interrelationship between bacteria and their environments. Special emphasis is given to metabolic diversity, control of microbial growth and interactions of pathogenic microorganisms with their hosts. The laboratory is designed to complement the lecture and emphasizes pure culture techniques, isolation and identification of unknown organisms, measurement and control of microbial growth and studies of human commensal organisms. (Fall)
Bacterial Diversity and Systematics (BIOL 52410): This course will address modern techniques in prokaryotic identification and phylogenetic analysis. Molecular methods in culture-dependent and culture-independent prokaryotic identification will be discussed and students will learn how to integrate such results into a large phylogenetic context. Advanced characterization of several prokaryotic phyla will also be discussed. (Spring)
Medical Microbiology (BIOL 53300): Host-parasite relationships, immunology, bacteria, and viruses associated with infectious diseases. (Fall)