
  1. Accounts for Programs
  2. Apparel
  3. Athletic Forms
  4. Athletic Scholarships
  5. Home Contest
  6. Individual Travel
  7. Cell Phones
  8. Professional Memberships
  9. Purchasing
  10. Rate Approvals
  11. Recruiting
  12. Team Budgets
  13. Team Travel
  14. Issuing and Collecting Equipment

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Purchase Request Form

The following form allows you to request a purchase of products and services.

Purchase Request

Directions on using the form

  1. Open the Purchase Request form by clicking on the above link
  2. Choose open
  3. Complete the form
  4. Print a copy of the form
  5. Coach signs the completed form
  6. Submit form to Business Manager or Account Clerk
    1. Business Manager for purchases greater than $2,500.00
    2. Account Clerk for purchases less than $2,500.00
  7. Follow the appropriate next steps:
    1. PCard
      1. Sign out a PCard or use your own to make puchase
      2. Return receipt and card (if applicable)
    2. Purchase Order
      1. Account clerk generates shopping cart
      2. Purchasing generates a Purchase Order
      3. Account clerk notifies purchaser of PO number
    3. Direct Invoice (DIV)
      1. Submit invoice to Business Office
      2. Account clerk prepares a Direct Invoice Voucher (DIV)
      3. Purdue mails check to vendor