Dictionary of Old English

Dictionary of Old English Corpus
in Electronic Form

Dictionary of Old English Wyrm

November 2004

Description of Corpus in HTML format

There are 3047 texts in the corpus. We ask that you not copy and/or (re)distribute the corpus without the written consent of the Dictionary of Old English. The individual scholar must take responsibility for clearing copyright with the editors and publishers of the editions used in his/her own citations of the material. This material may not be made available on the internet, but can be put on webservers that are accessible only to the users within the institution.

Each text is contained in a separate HTML file. The Short Title and Short Short Title as well as Cameron number is in the header. Full bibliographic material, encoding, and other miscellaneous information is also found in the header. Each citation starts with the citation number and text reference identifier.

The format of the Text Reference Identifier varies from text to text, and the user must consult the header of the text to determine which system is being used.

Latin or Greek included in the Old English texts and Latin glossed by Old English are rendered in italic text (no distinction is made between languages). Words which are fragmentary in manuscript or emended by the editor of the text are enclosed by '< >'. This may also indicate that there is a problem with the manuscript in the space adjacent to the word. Editorial punctuation has usually been adopted; for most texts it follows modern norms. Text that is originally in runic script is enclosed in double slashes '//'.

The special characters have been optimized to be viewed with 11 point characters with Netscape Navigator.

Short Title Index

The Gospels in Old English (from the "West Saxon Gospels")

The Old Testament in Old English

From the "Old English Hexateuch"


NOTE: the Vulgate (and hence Old English) number of Psalms is different (by 1) than the modern numbering. I have given the Vulgate/Old English numbering which corresponds to the passages you selected.

Dictionary of Old English
130 St. George St. Rm. 14285
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3H1

Phone: +1 416 978 8883
Fax: +1 416 978 8835
Email: corpus@doe.utoronto.ca (please start your subject with: corpus information)
Web: http://www.doe.utoronto.ca/