Dictionary of Old English

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Dictionary of Old English Wyrm

November 2004


Short Title: PPs (prose)
Short Short Title: PPs (prose)

November 2004

760 citations

Dictionary of Old English
130 St. George St. Rm. 14285
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3H1

Cameron number: B8.2.1

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Psalms 1-50: Bright and Ramsay 1907, 1-122; Bright and Ramsay 1907, Liber Psalmorum: The West-Saxon Psalms, Being the Prose Portion, or the 'First Fifty' of the So-Called Paris Psalter (Boston).

Cited by psalm and verse no. following ed.

Text category: Prose


Psalm 36 (= Ps 37 NIV)


[050900 (36.1)] Ne wundrie ge žęra yfelwillendra, and žęra orsorgra, ne him na ne onhyriaš; ne eow ne ofžince, žeah eow ne sy swa swa him, žam že unriht wyrcaš.

[051000 (36.2)] For žęm swyže hraže forseariaš swa fileše, and hy gefeallaš swiše hrędlice, swa swa wyrta leaf, ožže blostman.

[051100 (36.3)] Ac žu hopa to Drihtne, and do good, and buwa eoršan, and fed že on hyre welum.

[051200 (36.4)] And blissa on Drihtne, žonne syleš he že žęt žu bidst on žinum mode.

[051300 (36.5)] Onwreoh Gode žine wegas, and hopa to him; he že gedeš fultum.

[051400 (36.6)] And he gedeš žine rihtwisnesse mannum swa sweotole swa sunnan, and žinne dom he gedeš swa sweotolne swa sunne byš to middes dęges.

[051500 (36.7)] Beo žu Gode underžyd, and halsa hine; and ne onhyre žam že byš orsorh on his wege, and wyrcš žeah unriht.

[051600 (36.8)] Forlęt yrre and hatheortnesse; ne bysna že be nanum žęra že yfel don.

[051700 (36.9)] For žęm ža že yfel doš, and žęt ne betaš, hy beoš awyrtwalode of eoržan; ac ža že to Gode hopiaš, and his fultumes anbidiaš, hy gesittaš on yrfeweardnesse eoržan.

[051800 (36.10)] Gebid ane lytle hwile, žonne ne byš se synfulla; žeah žu žonne sece his stowe, žonne ne findst žu hy.

[051900 (36.11)] Ac ža manžwęran gesittaš eoržan, and fęgniaš žęre myclan sibbe.

[052000 (36.12)] Se synfulla sętaš žęs rihtwisan, and gristbataš mid his tožum ongean hine; ac Drihten hine gebysmraš, for žam he gesyhš hu hraše his ende cymš.

[052100 (36.13)] ža synfullan teoš heora sweord, and bendaš heora bogan, to žęm žęt hi męgon besyrian žone earman, and žone wędlan, and žurhsceotan ža unscęšfullan heortan.

[052200 (36.14)] Ac heora sweord gaš inn on heora heortan, and heora bogan forberstaš.

[052300 (36.15)] Betere ys žam rihtwisan lytel, žonne žam synfullan mycel wela.

[052400 (36.16)] For žam se earm and žęt męgen žęra synfulra byš forbrocen, ac Drihten gestrangaš ža rihtwisan.

[052500 (36.17)] For žęm he wat ža wegas žęra unscešfulra, and heora yrfeweardnes byš on ecnesse.

[052600 (36.18)] Ne gesceamaš hy na on žęre ylfan tide; ac on hungres tide hy beoš gefyllede, žonne ža synfullan forweoršaš.

[052700 (36.19)] ža Godes fynd swiže hraše, žęs že hy beoš gearode and upp ahefene, beoš gedwęscte, swa <swa> smec.

[052800 (36.20)] ęfre borgiaš ža synfullan, and nęfre ne gyldaš; ža rihtwisan syllaš, ęgžer ge to borge ge to gife.

[052900 (36.21)] ža že God bletsiaš beoš eoršan yrfeweardas, and ža že hine wyrgeaš forweoršaš.

[053000 (36.22)] Fram Gode byš gereht se weg žęs rihtwisan, and hine lyst his wega and his weorca swiše.

[053100 (36.23)] And žeah se rihtwisa afealle, ne wyrš he gebrysed, ne his nan ban tobrocen; for žam God gefehš his hand, and hine upp aręrš.

[053200 (36.24)] Ic węs geo geong, and nu ic ealdige, and ne geseah ic nęfre rihtwisne man forlętenne, ne his sęd žęt węre hlafes wędla.

[053300 (36.25)] Ac se rihtwisa ęlce dęge miltsaš, and syleš ožrum to borge, and his sęd byš on bletsunge on genihte.

[053400 (36.26)] Gecyr for žęm fram yfele, and do good, žonne wunast žu on weorulda weorld.

[053500 (36.27)] For žęm God lufaš ryhte domas, and ne forlęt nęfre his halge, ac he gehylt hy on ecnesse.

[053600 (36.28)] He witnaš ža scyldigan, and žęt sęd žęra unrihtwisra forwyrš.

[053700 (36.29)] ža rihtwisan gesittaš eoršan on yrfeweardnesse, and hy buiaš on hyre a weorulda weoruld.

[053800 (36.30)] Se muš žęs rihtwisan smeaš wisdom, and his tunge sprycš rihte domas.

[053900 (36.31)] Seo ę his Godes biš on his heortan, and ne aslit his fot.

[054000 (36.32)] Se synfulla hopaž symle žęs rihtwisan, and secš hine to fordonne; ac Drihten hine ne forlęt on his handa, to žam žęt he hine męge fordon; and Drihten demš hym bęm.

[054100 (36.33)] Gebid Drihtnes, and heald his bebodu, and he že upp ahefš, to žęm žęt žu bust eoršan; and žu gesyhst hwęr ža synfullan forweoršaš.

[054200 (36.34)] Ic geseah žone unrihtwisan swiše up ahafenne, swa swa sum cedertreow on Libanus munte.

[054300 (36.35)] And ic ža žanon for, and eft šyder com, žonne nęs he; and ic acsode ęfter him, and hine sohte, and hine ne funde; <ne> furžum ža stowe, že ic hine ęr on geseah, gecnawan ne mihte.

[054400 (36.36)] Heald for šy rihtwisnesse, and efnesse; for žęm se gesibsuma <lęfš> symle yrfeweard ęfter him.

[054500 (36.37)] Ac ža unrihtwisan symle forweoržaš, ealle ętsomne, mid hyra yrfeweardum.

[054600 (36.38)] <Ac> seo hęl žęra rihtwisena cymeš symle fram Gode, and he byš heora gescyldend on geswinces tide.

[054700 (36.39)] And Drihten him gefultumaš, and hy alysš, and hy ahret ęt žam synfullum, and hy gedeš hale; for žęm hy hopiaš to him.