Hao_Sun ipfw  

Department of English and Linguistics

Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne
  March 15, 2025
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"There are things you just can learn from textbooks," presented at 2016 INTESOL conference, November 12, Indianapolis, IN.

"Get your feet wet: learning to teach in the real world," presented at the 2013 INTESOL, November, 2013, Indianapolis, IN (with Hemsoth, C.).

"Key elements of an interactive class" (with Boissy, S.), presented at INTESOL, Indianapolis,IN, October 2012.

"Making it work: engagement and beyond," presented at 2012 Fort Wayne Teaching conference, Fort Wayne, IN, February 2012.

"Opening routines a decade apart: the case of telephone service encounters,” presented at Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, June 2012.

"A Three-phase multimode pedagogical task and learner perception" (with Gu, X.), presented at Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, June 2012.

"Leading, learning, practicing and reflecting: insights from an overseas practicum," presented at INTESOL conference, Indianapolis, IN, November 2011.

"An exploratory study of learners’ language performance in a task-based L2 classroom," (with Gu, X.), presented at the First International Symposium on Chinese Language and discourse, University of Californian Los Angeles, CA, November 2010.

"Effects of types of planning on L2 Chinese oral production" (with Gu, X.), presented at the first Teachers College Columbia University Round Table on Second Language Studies, New York, NY. October 2010.

“A shift in service representatives’ discursive patterns,” presented at the 11th International Pragmatics Conference in Melbourne, Australia, July 12-17, 2009.

“Enrich, enhance, and empower grammar instruction using discourse data,” presented at the 5th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China and the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Beijing, May 2007.

“Exploring forms and functions in telephone conversation closings,” presented at the 9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, July 2005.

Demystifying English adversatives for Chinese ESL learners,” presented at the 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics in Madison, Wisconsin, July 2005.

“Yes, you help me”: Issues in ESL telephone communication,” presented at the 2004 INTESOL conference at Carmel, IN, November 2004.

"Beneath and beyond adjacency pairs: Insights from Chinese leave-taking," presented at the Annual American Applied Linguistics Conference in Portland, Oregon, May 2004.

"Contextualizing ‘Thank you’ and its acknowledgment," presented at the International Language in Education Conference 2001, Hong Kong Institute of Education, and December 2001.

"Two teachers' conceptualization and construction of writing conferences: A cross-cultural comparison," co-author, presented at the International Conference on Culture, Communication and Language Pedagogy, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2001.

"Framing interactions and defining relations: phatic talk in Chinese telephone
conversations," presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Symposium about Language and Society at Austin, University of Texas at Austin. April 2000.

"Identification as interaction," presented at the 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 99), Tokyo, Japan, August 1999.

“A functional approach to discourse: Interaction vs. transactional telephone conversations,” presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics conference in Seattle, Washington, March 1998.

“Teaching and learning about telephone conversations,” presented at the TESOL’98 Convention in Seattle, Washington, March 1998.

“What is missing here? Examining adjacency pairs in Chinese telephone conversations,” presented at the Deseret Language and Linguistics Society Symposium, Provo, UT, February 1997.

“Stories of the world: International student perspectives in US English classes,” panel discussion, presented at the Spring Conference, University of Arizona, 1995.

“The word ‘Guai’ in Chinese parental talk,” presented at the Linguistic Association of the Southwest Conference XXIII, Houston, Texas, October 1994.

“Do they talk the same way? Peer review talk in Chinese and English,” presented at the Eighth Annual International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, Champaign-Urbana, IL, April 1994.

“Gender and language: An inquiry into ESL students’ group journal,” presented at the AZ-TESOL Southeastern Region Mini Conference, Tucson, AZ, January 1994.

“Starting a group journal and a class magazine in multicultural classrooms,”co-presenter at the AZ-TESOL Conference, Yuma, AZ, April, 1993.
“Peer review in ESL writing classes,” co-presenter at AZ-TESOL Conference, Yuma, AZ, April 1993.


Panel organizer, “Addressing language needs from the beginning,” INTESOL 2008. Carmel, IN, November 2008.

Panel co-organizer of “Chinese institutional discourse(s),” presented at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference in Goteborg, Sweden, July 2007.

"Interaction and language learning," panel member at the 37th TESOL Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, March 2003.

"Chinese TESOLers' centripetal participation in scholarly publication," panel member at the 35th TESOL Annual conventional, St. Louis, Missouri, March 2001.

“Stories of the world: International student perspectives in US English classes,” panel discussion at the Spring Conference, University of Arizona, 1995.