The Plan of the Work

is in many ways the engine of an NVS edition. It contains the list of editions of Julius Caesar that are either fully collated or occasionally quoted, each preceded by its designated siglum (Latin, “sign”: in textual criticism, the specialized abbreviation or acronym representing each edition: plural = sigla) cited in the TN or the UCE. These sources are also cited in the CN, but in slightly different form, e.g., CAP would be represented with small capitals, C{APELL} (ed. 1768).

I prepared this PW based on the TN that the founder of our project, John W. Velz, created. He fully collated the following sixty-five editions, with one exception, in red, which remains to be done.

The textual notes are based on the following fully collated editions, each of which is preceded by the siglum representing it in the textual notes. Unless otherwise specified, the place of publication is London.

F2   T{HE} S{ECOND} F{OLIO}. Mr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories, and Tragedies. . . . The second Impression. 1632
F3   T{HE} T{HIRD} F{OLIO}.  Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. . . . The third  Impression. 1663-4
F4   T{HE} F{OURTH} F{OLIO}.  Mr. William Shakespear’s comedies, histories, and Tragedies. . . . The Fourth  Impression.1685
ROWE1    N{ICHOLAS} R{OWE}. Works. 6 vols. 1709  Vol. 5. 1709
ROWE2    N{ICHOLAS} R{OWE}. Works. 6 vols. 1709  Vol. 5. 1709
ROWE3    N{ICHOLAS} R{OWE}. Works. 8 vols. 1714  Vol. 6. 1714
POPE1      A{LEXANDER} P{OPE}. Works.  6 vols. 1723-5.Vol 5. 1725
POPE2      A{LEXANDER} P{OPE}. Works.  2nd ed. 8 vols. 1728. Vol 6.1728
THEO1     L{EWIS} T{HEOBALD}.  Works. 7 vols. 1733.  Vol. 6. 1733
THEO2     L{EWIS} T{HEOBALD}.  Works. 2nd ed. 8 vols 1740.  Vol. 7. 1740
HAN1      T{HOMAS} H{ANMER}.  Works.  6 vols. Oxford, 1743-4.  Vol. 5.1744
WARB     W{ILLIAM W{ARBURTON} Works. 8 vols. 1747. Vol. 7. 1747
THEO4     L{EWIS} T{HEOBALD}.  Works.  4th ed.   8 vols. 1757. Vol.7.1757
JOHN1     S{AMUEL} J{OHNSON}.  Plays. 8 vols. Printed for J. and R. Tonson, C. Corbet . . . 1765. Vol. 7. 1765
JOHN2     S{AMUEL} J{OHNSON}.  Plays. 8 vols. Printed for J. and R. Tonson, H. Woodfall . . . . 1765.Vol. 7.1765
CAP          E{DWARD} C{APELL}. Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. 10 vols. Vol. 8. 1768
v1773        S{AMUEL} J{OHNSON} & G{EORGE} S{TEEVENS}. Plays.  10 vols. 1773. Vol. 8.1773
JEN           C{HARLES} J{ENNENS}. Julius Cæsar, a tragedy. 1774.
v1778        S{AMUEL} J{OHNSON} &  G{EORGE} S{TEEVENS}. Plays.  10 vols. 1778. Vol. 8. 1778
v1785        S{AMUEL} J{OHNSON}, G{EORGE} S{TEEVENS}, &  I{SAAC} R{EED}. Plays.  10 vols. 1785. Vol. 8.1785   
MAL         E{DMUND} M{ALONE}. Plays & Poems. 10 vols. 1790. Vol. 7. 1790
v1793        G{EORGE} S{TEEVENS} & I{SAAC} R{EED}. Plays. 15 vols. 1793. Vol. 12. 1793
RANN      J{OSEPH} R{ANN}. Dramatic Works. 6 vols. 1786-[94]. Vol. 5.1794
v1803        I{SAAC} R{EED}. Plays. 21 vols. 1803. Vol. 16.1803
v1821       J{AMES} B{OSWELL}. Plays & Poems. 21 vols. 1821. Vol. 12.1821
SING1   S{AMUEL} W. S{INGER}. Dramatic Works. 10 vols. Chiswick.1826. Vol. 8.1826
KNT1     C{HARLES} K{NIGHT}. Works. Pictorial Edition. 8 vols. [1838-43]. Vol. 7.1841
COL1     J{OHN} P{AYNE} C{OLLIER}. Works. 8 vols. 1842-4.  Vol. 7.1844
KNT2    C{HARLES} K{NIGHT}. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. 12 vols. 1842-4.Vol. 10.1844.
COL2        J{OHN} P{AYNE} C{OLLIER}. Plays. 1853. 
HUD1       H{ENRY} N. H{UDSON}. Works. 11 vols. 1851-6. Vol. 8. 1855
SING2      S{AMUEL} W. S{INGER}. Dramatic Works. 10 vols. 1856. Vol. 8.1856.
CRK          G{EORGE} C{RAIK}. The English of Shakespeare; Illustrated in a Philological Commentary on His Julius Caesar.” London: Chapman and Hall, 1857.
DYCE1     A{LEXANDER} D{YCE}. Works. 6 vols. 1857. Vol. 5. 1857
COL3        J{OHN} P{AYNE} C{OLLIER}. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, & Poems. 6 vols. 1858. Vol. 5.1858 
STAU        H{OWARD} S{TAUNTON}. Plays. 3 vols. 1858-60.Vol. 3.1860
WH1         R{ICHARD} G{RANT} W{HITE}. Works. 12 vols. Boston. 1857-66. Vol. 10 1861
HAL          J{AMES} O. H{ALLIWELL}. Works. 16 vols. 1853-65. Vol. 13. 1864
KTLY       T{HOMAS} K{EIGHTLEY}. Plays. 6 vols. 1864. Vol. 5.1864
GLO          W{ILLIAM} G{EORGE} C{LARK} &  W{ILLIAM} A{LDIS} W{RIGHT}. Works.  Globe Ed. Cambridge & London. 1864.
CAM1       W{ILLIAM} G{EORGE} C{LARK} & W{ILLIAM} A{LDIS} W{RIGHT}.Cambridge Sh. 9 vols. Cambridge & London, 1863-6. Vol. 7. 1865.
DYCE2     A{LEXANDER} D{YCE}. Works. 9 vols. 1864-7. Vol. 6. 1865
RLF1         W{ILLIAM} J. R{OLFE}. JC. Rolfe’s English Classics. N. Y.  1872
COL4        J{OHN} P{AYNE} C{OLLIER}. Plays & Poems. 8 vols. 1875-8. Vol. 6. 1878
HUD2       H{ENRY} N. H{UDSON}. Complete Works. Harvard. Ed. 20 vols. 1880-1. Vol. 14. 1880.
WH2         R{ICHARD}G{RANT} W{HITE}. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, & Poems. 3 vols. Riverside Sh. Boston, 1883
OXF1        W. J. C{RAIG}. Works. Oxford Sh. 1891
ARD1       M{ICHAEL} M{ACMILLAN}. JC.  Arden Sh. 1902
NLSN       W{ILLIAM} A{LLAN} N{EILSON}. Works. Cambridge Ed. Boston & N.Y. 1906.
RLTR        E. K. C{HAMBERS}. JC.  Red. Letter Sh. 1906
YAL1        L{AWRENCE} M{ASON}. JC. Yale Sh. 1919
RID           M{AURICE} R. R{IDLEY}. JC. New Temple Sh. 1935
KIT1         G{EORGE} L{YMAN} K{ITTREDGE}. Complete Works. Boston. 1936
CAM3       J{OHN} D{OVER} W{ILSON}. JC. New Sh. 1949
ALEX       P{ETER} A{LEXANDER}. Works. 1951
SIS            C{HARLES} J. S{ISSON}. Complete Works. 1954
ARD2       T. S. D{ORSCH}. JC.  Arden Sh. 1955
PEL1         S. F. J{OHNSON}. JC.  Pelican Sh. 1960.
PEN2        N{ORMAN} S{ANDERS}. JC.  Penguin Sh. 1967.
BOB          M{AURICE} C{HARNEY}. JC.    Bobbs-Merrill Sh. Indianapolis. 1969
EVNS       G. B{LAKEMORE} E{VANS}.  Works.  Riverside Sh.  1974.
BEV          D{AVID} B{EVINGTON}.  Works. 3rd ed. Glenville, Ill. 1980
OXF4        A{RTHUR} H{UMPHREYS}. JC.  Oxford Sh. 1984.
OXF2        J{OHN} J{OWETT}. JC.  In Works. Oxford Sh.  Gen. Eds. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. Oxford. 1986.
CAM4      M{ARVIN} S{PEVACK}. JC. New Cambridge Sh. 1988.
ARD3       D{AVID} D{ANIELL} JC.  Arden Sh. 1998.

The following editions, books, and manuscripts are occasionally quoted in the textual notes (for unusual readings and corrections), commentary, or appendix. (John also examined most of these, although some of his readings and findings have undergone substantial revision. He believed strongly that the so-called Restoration Quartos, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, should be part of the editiorial tradition of the play.)

mFL    MS of Julius Caesar in Folger Shakespeare Library. mFLV.a.85. c. 1665-95.
Q1684   Julius Cæsar. / A  / TRAGEDY. / As it is Now ACTED / AT THE Theatre Royal. / W{RITTEN} / By William Shakespeare. / LONDON, / Printed by H. H. Jun. for Hen. Heringman and R. Bentley in / Russel-street in Covent-Garden, and sold by Joseph Knight and / Francis Saunders at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New Exchange in the Strand. 1684.
mF4Q   MS notes in copy of F4 apud J{OSIAH} P. Q{UINCY}, Manuscript Corrections from a Copy of the Fourth Folio. 1685 /1854.
Q1691   Julius Cæsar. / A  / TRAGEDY.  / As it is now Acted / AT THE / Theatre Royal. / Written by / WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE.  / LONDON, /  Printed for Henry Herringman, and Richard Bentley / at the Post-House, in Russel-street in Covent- / Garden. 1691.
mDOUAI   MS of Julius Caesar and five other plays in the Douai Public Library. MS 7.87, c. 1694).
Q1, Q2, Q3     Julius Cæsar. / A  / TRAGEDY.  / As it is Now ACTED / AT THE / Theatre Royal.  / WRITTEN BY / WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. / LONDON, / Printed by H. H. Jun. for Hen Herringman and R. Bentley / in Russel-street in Covent Garden, and sold by Joseph Knight and / Francis Saunders at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New Exchange in the Strand. c. 1695
mF4FL33        MS notes in F4, Copy 33, in Folger Shakespeare Library. c. 1723.  
mLONG          R{OGER} L{ONG}. MS notes in F2, Pembroke College Library, Cambridge. c. 1723.
TJOH1          T{HOMAS} J{OHNSON}. A Collection of the Best English Plays. 12 vols. The Hague. 1710-12. Vol. 1.  1711. 
Q4    Julius Cæsar. / A  / TRAGEDY.  / As it is Now ACTED / AT THE / Theatre Royal.  / WRITTEN BY / WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. / LONDON, / Printed by H. H. Jun. for Hen Herringman and R. Bentley / in Russel-street in Covent Garden, and sold by Joseph Knight and / Francis Saunders at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New Exchange in the Strand. c. 1695-1714.
TJOH2    T{HOMAS} J{OHNSON}. A Collection of the Best English Plays. 16 vols. The Hague. 1720-22. Vol. 1, also?  1720.
mTBY2      S{TYAN} T{HIRLBY}. MS notes in Pope’s 1725 ed. Beinecke Libr., Yale. Vol. 5. 1725-33
mHAN            T{HOMAS} H{ANMER}. Letters to William Warburton, British Library. 1735-9.
mTBY3           S{TYAN} T{HIRLBY}.  MS notes in THEO1, Copy 2, Folger Library. 1733-47.
WALK           R. W{ALKER}. Works. 7 vols. 1734. Vol. 1. 1734.
HAN2             T{HOMAS} H{ANMER}. Works. 6 vols. Oxford. 1745. Vol. 5.
mWARB         W{ILLIAM} W{ARBURTON}. MS notes in Warburton, ed. 1747. 8 vols. Vol. 7. 1747
mTBY4           S{TYAN} T{HIRLBY}. MS notes in Warburton’s 1747 ed.1747-53.
mCAP2        E{DWARD} C{APELL}. MS holograph of Capell’s 1768 ed. Trinity College Library, Cambridge.                     1751
THEO3           L{EWIS} T{HEOBALD}. Works. 8 vols. 1752.  Vol. 7.      1752
BLAIR            H{UGH} B{LAIR}. Works. 8 vols. Edinburgh, 1753.
mHAWK        T{HOMAS} H{AWKINS}. MS notes in Theobald, ed. 1752, Copy 1. Folger Library. 
HAN3             T{HOMAS} H{ANMER}. Works. 6 vols. Oxford, 1770-1. Vol. 5. 1770.
GENT             F{RANCIS} G{ENTLEMAN}. Plays. Bell’s [Theatre / Acting] Edition, 9 vols., 1773-4. Vol. 5. 1773.
mCAP3           E{DWARD} C{APELL}. MS holograph of Capell’s Notes and Various Readings. Folger Shakespeare Library. 1774.
CAPN             E{DWARD} C{APELL}. Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare. 3 vols., pt. 2 of Vol. 1. 1783.
MALONE 1780  E{DMUND} M{ALONE}. Supplement to v1778. 2 vols., 1780.
RITSON 1783  J{OSEPH} R{ITSON}. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative. 1783.         
MASON 1785  J{OHN} M{ONCK} M{ASON}. Comments on the Last Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays. Dublin, 1785.
AYSmFL8  S{AMUEL} A{YSCOUGH}. MS annotations in Works, ed. Ayscough, 2nd ed. 1790. Widmann, Folger MS,: Copy 8
CHEDWORTH    J{OHN}H{OWE}, L{ORD} C{HEDWORTH}.  Notes upon Some Obscure Passages in Shakespeare’s Plays; With Remarks upon the Explanations and Amendments of the Commentators in the Editions of 1785, 1790, 1793. London, 1805.
SEYMOUR  E. H. S{EYMOUR}.  Remarks, Critical Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakespeare.  2 vols.  London, 1805
v1813       I{SAAC} R{EED}. Plays. 21 vols. 1813.    Vol. 16.                         1813.
HARN     W{ILLIAM} H{ARNESS}. Dramatic Works. 8 vols. 1825. Vol. 7. 1825
NICHOLS   J{OHN} B{OWYER} N{ICHOLS}.  Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century.  8 vols.  London: Nichols and Son, and Bentley, 1817-58.  Vol. 2.  1817
VALPY          A. J. V{ALPY}. Plays and Poems. 15 vols. 1832-4. 1833.
COLERIDGE  H{ENRY} N{ELSON} C{OLERIDGE}, ed.  The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.  4 vols. London, 1836-9.Vol. 2. 1836
PEAB              O. W. B. P{EABODY}. Dramatic Works. 7 vols. Boston, 1836.
VERP              G{ULIAN} C. V{ERPLANCK}. Plays. Illustrated Sh. 3 vols. New York, 1844-7. Vol. 3. 1847.
mCOL1           J{OHN} P{AYNE} C{OLLIER}. MS notes in the Perkins copy of F2 (1632), Huntington Library.   c.1853. 
DEL2              N{ICOLAUS} D{ELIUS}. Werke. 7 vols. Elberfeld, 1854[-61]. JV: 1856.
WALKER   W{ILLIAM} S{IDNEY} W{ALKER}. A Critical Examination of the Text of Shakespeare. Ed. William Nanson Lettsom.  3 vols. 1860.
HTR             J{OHN} H{UNTER}. JC.  Oxford Examination Scheme. 1861.
mSTAU           H{OWARD} S{TAUNTON}. MS notes, copied by P. A. Daniel, in Staunton’s 1864 ed. Folger Sh. Libr.  1864-74.
mNICH         B{RINSLEY} N{ICHOLSON}. Contributor to CAM1, Vol. 7. 1865.  
C&MC       C{HARLES} & M{ARY} C{OWDEN} C{LARKE}. Plays. Cassell’s Illustrated Sh. 3 vols. [1864-69]. Vol. 3 1867
KNT3         C{HARLES} K{NIGHT}. Works. Pictorial Ed. 8 vols. 1867.  Vol. 6. 1867.
CLNS         S{AMUEL} N{EIL} et al. Collins’ School and College Sh., 1873-9.
CLN1        W{ILLIAM} A{LDIS} W{RIGHT}. JC. Clarendon Press Ser. 1878.
HSS2 (i.e. HUDSS) H{ENRY} N. H{UDSON}. Plays. Boston, 1870-3.
WORD1    C{HARLES} W{ORDSWORTH}. History Plays. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1883. Vol. 1.  1883
IRV          H{ENRY} I{RVING} & F{RANK} M{ARSHALL}. Works.  Henry Irving Sh. 8 vols. New York, 1888-90.  Vol. 5. 1889
CAM2      W{ILLIAM} A{LDIS} W{RIGHT}. Works. Cambridge Sh. 9 vols. 1891-3. Vol. 7.   JV: 1892.
PITT         A{RTHUR} W{ILLIAM} V{ERITY}. JC.  Pitt Press Sh. Cambridge. 1890-1936. 1895.
GOL         I{SRAEL} G{OLLANCZ}. JC. Temple Sh. 1896.
EV1          C{HARLES} H. H{ERFORD}. Works. Eversley Ed. 10 vols.  1899.
CCS        M{ARK} H{UNTER}. JC.  College Classics Series of Sh’s. Plays. Madras, 1900.
BUL        A{RTHUR} H. B{ULLEN}. Works.  Stratford Town Ed. 10 vols. Stratford-on-Avon, [1904-7]. Vol. 10. 1906
H&B      H{ENRY} N. H{UDSON} & E{BENEZER} C. B{LACK} et al. New Hudson Sh., 1906?-26? 1908
v1913       H{ORACE} H{OWARD} F{URNESS}. JC.  New Variorum Ed.  Philadelphia. 1913.
TUD        R{OBERT} M.  L{OVETT}. JC. Tudor Sh. 1913.
AARD    A{RTHUR} D{ONALD} I{NNES} & W{ILLIAM} S{TRUNK}. JC. Heath’s [American] Arden Sh. N. Y. 1915.
LOB        J. H. L{OBBAN}. JC. Granta Sh. Cambridge, 1915.
PEN1     G. B. H{ARRISON}. JC. Penguin Sh. 1937.
CLN2     R{ALPH} E. C. H{OUGHTON}. JC.  New Clarendon Sh. Oxford. 1938.
N&H      W{ILLIAM} A. N{EILSON} & C{HARLES} H{ILL}. Plays and Poems. Cambridge, Mass. 1942.
MUN      J{OHN} M{UNRO}. Works. London Sh. 6 vols. 1957.
YAL2     A{LVIN} B. K{ERNAN}. JC.   New Yale Sh.  New Haven. 1959.
SIG        W{ILLIAM} & B{ARBARA} R{OSEN}. JC.  Signet Classic Sh. N. Y. 1963.
PEL2       S. F. J{OHNSON}. JC. Pelican Sh. Rev. gen. ed. Alfred Harbage. Baltimore. 1969.
PEL3       W{ILLIAM} M{ONTGOMERY}. JC. Pelican Sh. N.Y. 2000
RSC     J{ONATHAN} B{ATE} & E{RIC} R{ASMUSSEN}. Royal Shakespeare Company Sh. 2007.

[At this point, an NVS edition provides a list of textually-oriented sources occasionally quoted in the CN but not in the TN, and in the latter end of the text, a bibliography of all materials quoted in the CN only. For the sake of coherence and convenience only, we include a short bibliography below, keyed specifically to the CN link on our site.]

Ashwell, Lena. Reflections from Shakespeare: A Series of Lectures. Ed. Roger Pocock. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1926.
Babb, Lawrence. The Elizabethan Malady: A Study of Melancholia in English Literature from 1580-1642. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1951.
Bamborough, J. B. The Little World of Man: Elizabethan Psychological Theory. London: Longmans, Green, 1952.
Billson, C. J. “Shakespeare’s Library.” In Noctes Shakspearianae: A Series of Papers by Late and Present Members. Winchester Shakspere Society. Ed. Charles Halford Hawkins, 3-44. London: Castle and Lamb, 1887.
Boas, F. S.  Shakspere and His Predecessors. London: J. Murray, 1896.
Brook, G. L. The Language of Shakespeare.  London: Deutsch, 1976.
Brooke, Nicholas. Shakespeare’s Early Tragedies. London: Methuen, 1968.
Brower, Reuben A. Hero and Saint: Shakespeare and the Greco-Roman Heroic Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon, 1971.
Bucknill, J. C.  The Medical Knowledge of Shakespeare. London: Longman, 1860.
Colman, E. A. M. The Dramatic Use of Bawdy in Shakespeare. London: Longman, 1974.
DaCosta, J. M. Harvey and His Discovery. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1879.
Dowden, Edward. Shakspere: A Critical Study of His Mind and Art. London: King, 1875.
Dryden, John, and William Davenant.  The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: With the Death of Brutus and Cassius: Written Originally by Shakespear, and Since Alter’d. London: W. Chetwood, 1719.
Faber, M. D. “Lord Brutus’ Wife: A Modern View.” Psychoanalytic Review 52 (1965-66): 109-15.
Gentleman, Francis. The Dramatic Censor; Or,  Critical Companion. 2 vols. London: J. Bell, 1770.
Granville-Barker, Harley. Prefaces to Shakespeare. 2 vols.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947.
Hudson, Henry N. Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters. 2 vols. Boston: Ginn, 1872.
Jameson, Anna. Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. 2 vols. London: Saunders and Otley, 1833.
Jervis, Swynfen. A Dictionary of the Language of Shakespeare. London: John Russell Smith, 1868.
Kahn, Coppèlia.  Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, Wounds, and Women. London: Routledge, 1997.
Kinnear, Benjamin Gott. Cruces Shakespearianæ: Difficult Passages in the Works of Shakespeare. London: George Bell, 1883.
Jackson, Zachariah. Shakespeares Genius Justified: Being Restorations and Illustrations of Seven Hundred Passages in Shakespeares Plays. London: Major, 1819.
Law,  Robert A. “Porcia’s Curiosity: A Tale Thrice Told by Shakespeare.” Texas Studies in English 27 (1948): 207-14.
Lee, Henry T. “Shakespeare’s Brutus.” Knickerbocker 57 (1861): 491-501.
Leo, F. A. Four Chapters from North’s Plutarch. London: Trübner, 1878.
MacCallum, M. W. Shakespeare’s Roman Plays and Their Background. London, 1910.
Marshall, Cynthia. “Portia’s Wound, Calphurnia’s Dream: Reading Character in Julius Caesar.” English Literary Renaissance 24 (1994): 471-98.
Miles, Geoffrey. Shakespeare and the Constant Romans. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996.
Miola, Robert S. Shakespeare’s Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
O’Brien, Constance. “Shakspere Talks with Uncritical People: XXI: Julius Cæsar.” Monthly Packet 11 (Jan.1886): 353-70.
Paster, Gail Kern. “‘In the spirit of men there is no blood’: Blood as Trope of Gender in Julius Caesar.” Shakespeare Quarterly 40 (1993): 284-98.
Pettigrew, Thomas J. Medical Portrait Gallery: Biographical Memoirs of the Most Celebrated Physicians, Surgeons, Etc. London: Fisher and Son, 1839.
Plutarch.  The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes. Tr. Thomas North. London: Thomas Vautrollier, 1579.
Shaheen, Naseeb. Biblical References in Shakespeare’s Tragedies. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1987.
Tilley, Morris P. A Dictionary of Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950.
Upton, John. Critical Observations on Shakespeare. London: G. Hawkins, 1746.
Velz, John W. “‘Nothing Undervalued to Cato’s Daughter’: Plutarch’s Porcia in the Shakespeare Canon.” Comparative Drama 11 (1977-78): 303-15.