ENGR 127: Engineering Fundamentals I - Computer Lab
Instructor:  Promothes Saha, Ph.D., P.E.
Room 321C, ETCS, Email: sahap@pfw.edu
Office hour: MW 3:00 – 5:30 pm


Computer Lab

AutoCAD Templates: SI unit, in unit
Assignment Template:

Computer Lab Plan


Week of
Handouts (H) & Resources (R)
Assignment (total 290 points)

August 27 - Lab 1

Introduction to Excel and AutoCAD
H1) Lab 1
H2) Computer Lab Overview
H3) Time Management Tips
R1) Example Spreadsheet
R2) How to Install Software
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5 points)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (15)
September 3 - Lab 2 Area of Regions and Graphing
H1) Lab 2
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (10)
September 17 - Lab 3
Fillet, Chamfer, Coordinates and Projectiles
H1) Lab 3
R1) Simple Drawing Commands
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (10)
September 24 - Lab 4
Dimensioning, Layers, Center Marks, and Projectile Motion
H1) Lab 4
H2) Handout_Bertoline_dimen_notes
H3) Handout_Bertoline_good_dimensioning
R1) Soccer Ball Projectile Experiment.xlsx
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (10)
October 1 - Lab 5
Trigonometry & Vectors
H1) Lab 5
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 , 2, 3-excel, 3-AutoCAD (20)
October 15 - Lab 6
Isometric Projections and Force Balances
H1) Lab 6
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1, 2 & 3 (15)
October 22 - Lab 7
Orthographic Projections
H1) Lab 7
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 (5)
October 29 - Lab 8
Offset, Hatch, and Conservation of Energy
H1) Lab 8
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (15)
November 5 - Lab 9 Solving a System of Equations
H1) Lab 9
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1 & 2 (15)
November 12 - Lab 10 Modify & Frequency Plots
H1) Lab 10
R1) Lab 10 Activity 1_Data.xlsx
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1  (10)
November 12 - Lab 11 Design Practice & Derivatives
H1) Lab 11
R1) Lab 11_Data.xlsx
Due today: Lab 1 In-class (5)
Due next week:  Act 1  (10)
November 12 - Lab 12 Lab Practical Practice
H1) Lab 12 100 points
November 12 - Lab 13 Lab Practical Exam


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