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Recruiting Host Cash Procedure

The following forms allow you to request funds used to entertain student-athlete prospects and gives the host instructions on the use of the funds.

Student Host Request Form

Student Host Instructions

Directions on using the form

  1. Open the request for recruiting cash form by clicking on the above link
  2. Choose open
  3. Complete the form
  4. Sport account numbers are:
    • 03 MBB
    • 04 MVB
    • 05 MSOC
    • 06 Baseball
    • 07 MTEN
    • 08 MGOLF
    • 09 WBB
    • 10 WVB
    • 11 WTEN
    • 12 MCC
    • 14 Cheer
    • 17 Softball
    • 19 WSOC
    • 20 WIT
    • 21 WOT
    • 22 WCC
    • 26 Pep Band
  5. Print two copies of the form
  6. Open the Host instructions for recruiting cash form by clicking on the above link. Then choose open.
    1. Print a copy of the instructions
    2. Give the instructions to the Host
  7. Coach signs both copies of the request form
  8. Athletic Administrator signs both copies of the request form
  9. The student host signs both request forms and writes in the amount they are receiving
  10. Send your student host to the Bursar with their ID
  11. Student returns with remaining funds and itemized receipts for purchases