Recruiting Host Cash Procedure
The following forms allow you to request funds used to entertain student-athlete prospects and gives the host instructions on the use of the funds.
Directions on using the form
- Open the request for recruiting cash form by clicking on the above link
- Choose open
- Complete the form
- Sport account numbers are:
- 03 MBB
- 04 MVB
- 05 MSOC
- 06 Baseball
- 07 MTEN
- 08 MGOLF
- 09 WBB
- 10 WVB
- 11 WTEN
- 12 MCC
- 14 Cheer
- 17 Softball
- 19 WSOC
- 20 WIT
- 21 WOT
- 22 WCC
- 26 Pep Band
- Print two copies of the form
- Open the Host instructions for recruiting cash form by clicking on the above link. Then choose open.
- Print a copy of the instructions
- Give the instructions to the Host
- Coach signs both copies of the request form
- Athletic Administrator signs both copies of the request form
- The student host signs both request forms and writes in the amount they are receiving
- Send your student host to the Bursar with their ID
- Student returns with remaining funds and itemized receipts for purchases