




Citations for: 

Bingi, P., Sharma, M. K., and Godla, J. Critical Issues Affecting an ERP Implementation, Information Systems Management, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 7-14, 1999.


bulletVerville, Jacques; Halingten, Alannah. An investigation of the decision process for selecting an ERP software: the case of ESC
Management Decision; Volume 40 No. 3; 2002.
bulletTarn, J. Michael; Yen, David C.; Beaumont, Marcus.  Exploring the rationales for ERP and SCM integration. Industrial Management & Data Systems; Volume 102 No. 1; 2002
bulletReimers, K.  Implementing ERP Systems in China. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 7-10, 2002, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2002 (Best Paper Nomination).  (Available: http://www.kai-reimers.net/Downloads.htm,  Accessed: 5/10/02)
bulletReimers, K.  Implementing ERP Systems in China--Report on a Survey Questionnaire, Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management, Beijing, May 30, 2001. (Available: http://www.kai-reimers.net/Downloads.htm,  Accessed: 5/10/02)
bulletHolland, C.  and Light, B.  A stage maturity model for enterprise resource planning systems use.  Database for Advances in Information Systems, Database for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 34-45, Spring 2001.
bulletRobinson, B. and Wilson, F.   Planning for the market? Enterprise Resource Planning systems and the ontradictions of capital .  Database for Advances in Information Systems, Database for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 21-33, Fall 2001.
bulletNah, Fiona Fui-Hoon; Lau, Janet Lee-Shang; Kuang, Jinghua.  Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems
Business Process Management Journal; Volume 7 No. 3; 2001.
bulletVan Stijn, Eveline; Wensley, Anthony.  Organizational memory and the completeness of process modeling in ERP systems: Some concerns, methods and directions for future research
Business Process Management Journal; Volume 7 No. 3; 2001.
bulletHuang, Zhenyu; Palvia, Prashant.  ERP implementation issues in advanced and developing countries
Business Process Management Journal; Volume 7 No. 3; 2001.

Hussein Sleiman, Carmen Bernier.  Gestion de projets ERP : étude exploratoire du profil managérial des chefs de projet.  March 2001.  (Available: http://gresi.hec.ca/SHAPS/cp/gescah/formajout/ajout/test/uploaded/cahier0104.docAccessed: 5/1/02).

bulletJones, M.C. and Price, R.L.  Organizational Knowledge Sharing in ERP Environments: A Multiple Case Study Analysis, 22nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2001.
bulletSammond, D., Adam, F. and Elichirigoity, F.  ERP Dreams and Sound Business Rationale, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2001.
bulletKnapp, C. and Shin, N.  Impacts of Enterprise Planning Systems Selection and Implementation, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2001. 
bulletStijn, Eveline Van and Wijnhoven, Fons.  Diagnosing Organizational Memory Mismatches in ERP Usage Stage, 6th AMCIS, 2000.
bulletNg, C. A Framework for Enterprise Resource Planning Maintenance and Upgrade Decisions, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2001, (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/CNg01-1.pdf, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletSedera, D., Gable, G., and Rosemann, M.  A Balanced Scorecard Approach to Enterprise Systems Performance Measurement, Proceedings of the Twelfth Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2001 (Available:  http://infotech.scu.edu.au/ACIS2001/Proceedings/PDFS/76.pdf, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletRibeiro, J. F. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and organisations: towards an understanding of their relationship, Working paper, (Available: http://www.unisi.it/ricerca/dip/sas/Convegni/Paper/Ribeiro%20paper27%20aprile.doc, Accessed: 4/12/02).
bulletAl-Mudimigh, A., Zairi, M. and Jarrar, Y. Dominant Factors in ERP Software Systems Implementation: A Best Practice Perspective, (Avaiable:http://www.misr.mf.polyu.edu.hk/SCMIS/6_3.pdf, Accessed: 4/12/02)
bulletSeethamraju, R.  ERP & Business Management - New Directions for Education and Research, 3rd Annual SAP Asia Pacific Conference, SAPPHIRE '99, Singapore, 1999 (Available: http://www.business.vu.edu.au/sapconf/Paper13_ravi.doc, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletLight, B. and Holland, C.  Enterprise Resource Planning Systems:  Impacts and Future Directions, in Henderson, P. (Ed.)  Systems Engineering for Business Process Change:  Collected Papers from the EPSRC Research Programme, Springer, London, pp. 117-126, 2000, (Available: http://www.ben.light.btinternet.co.uk/papers/ERPSystemsimpacts.pdf, Accessed, 11/29/01).
bulletLight, B. and Holland, C. An International Analysis of the Maturity of ERP Systems Use, 6th Americans Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Long Beach, CA, 2000, (Available: http://www.ben.light.btinternet.co.uk/papers/ERPMaturity-AMCIS2000.pdf, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletAhlin, T., Zupancic, J. Implementation of An Integrated Software Package, (Available: http://fag.hia.no/kurs/is/is5000/zupancic.doc, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletAdam, F., and O' Doherty, P.  Do ERP Implementations have to Lengthy?  Lessons from IRISH SMEs.  5e colloque de l'AIM.  8-10 November 2000, Montpellier, France (Available at: www.aim2000.univ-montp2.fr/pdf/Adam.pdf, Accessed on: 11/19/01).
bulletChu, C., He, X., and Hayya, J.C.  A Datawarehousing Approach to Supply Chain Integration.  DSI Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 17-21, 2001 .  
bullet (Available: http://www.cob.asu.edu/content/dsi/abstracts/A%20DATA%20WAREHOUSING%20APPROACH%20TO%20SUPPLY%20CHAIN%20INTEGRATION.pdf, Accessed: 11/19/01)
bulletNg, C., Chan, T., and Andrews, R.  Learning to Program in ABAP: An Empirical Study of IT Students' Learning Styles, 3rd Annual SAP Asia Pacific Conference, SAPPHIRE '99, Singapore, 1999 (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/CNg99-1.pdf, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletRosemann, M., Sedera, W. and Sedera, D. Industry-oriented education in enterprise systems. 11th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 6-8 December 2000, Brisbane, Qld. (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/MRo00-2.pdf, Accessed: 9/7/01).
bulletKræmmergaard, P.,  Møller,  C.,  and Boer, H.  ERP Implementation: An Integrated Process of Radical Change and Continuous Learning.  International Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing.  26-29 August 2001, Aalborg, Denmark.  (Available: http://www.cip.auc.dk/pdf-files-ifip2001/kraemmergaard_No55.pdf, Accessed: 10/25/01)
bulletRosemann, M., Sedera, W. and Sedera, D. Industry-oriented education in enterprise systems. 11th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 6-8 December 2000, Brisbane, Qld. (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/MRo00-2.pdf, Accessed: 9/7/01).
bulletEsteves, J., and Pastor, J.  Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Research: An Annotated Bibliography, Communications of the AIS (Association for Information Systems), Volume 7 Article 8, August, 2001 (Available: http://cais.isworld.org/articles/default.asp?vol=7&art=8,  Accessed: 9/7/01).
bulletPaper included in the book:  Enterprise Systems Integration (Best Practices In series), Wazalek, John (Editor). Auerbach Publications, New York.
bulletDarbandi, Kazem and Ramalingam, P. Rama.  ERP: AN INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS.  American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference, February 17-21, 2000 Las Vegas, Nevada. (Available: http://www.asbbs.org/files/cis_mis.pdf, Accessed: 8/1/01)  
bulletSedera, Wasana and Sedera, Darshana. Industrial collaborations: a practical approach to teaching enterprise systems. 4th Annual SAP Asia Pacific Institute of Higher Learning Forum, 23-25 July 2000, Brisbane, Qld. (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/WSe00-1.pdf, Accessed: 8/1/01)
bulletChang, She- I and Gable, Guy G. A comparative analysis of major ERP lifecycle implementation, management and support issues in Queensland government. 5th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 20-22 June 2001, Seoul: 1152-1166.  (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/SCh01-1.pdf, Accessed: 8/1/01)
bulletStijn, Eveline van.  Sharedness of and commitment to the ERP vision in an ERP envisioning context, Research Proposal at Faculty of Technology & Management Department of Business Information University of Twente P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands.  (Available: http://ecis2001.fov.uni-mb.si/doctoral/Students/ECIS-DC_Stijn.pdf, Accessed: 8/1/01)
bulletSomers, Toni M. and Nelson, Klara.  Organizations and ERP Systems, POMS  Conference, Orlando, Florida, Mar 30 - Apr 2, 2001 (Available: http://www.poms.org/2001/cd/papers/pdf/Somers.pdf, Accessed: 7/9/01).
bulletPresley, Adrien.  Using the Strategic Alignment as a Framework for Analyzing Investments in ERP Systems, IIE Annual Conference 2001, May 20-23, 2001
Dallas, Texas (Available: http://fie.engrng.pitt.edu/iie2001/rsrch/papers/2160.pdf, Accessed: 7/9/01)
bulletKlaus, Helmut and Gable, Guy G. Senior managers’ understandings of knowledge management in the context of enterprise systems. 6th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 10-13 August 2000, Long Beach, CA: 981-987.  (Available: http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/HKl00-1.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletList of References on ERP and Legacy systems (Available: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~cspgmmt2/, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletArticle written in Chinese (Available: http://www.cca.nsysu.edu.tw/discuss/2000MIS_conference/34.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletNg, Celeste See Pui and Chan, Taizan. Optimal timing for ERP upgrade: a preliminary model. 3rd Annual SAP Asia Pacific Institutes of Higher Learning Forum 'Maximizing the synergy between teaching, research and business', 1-2 November 1999, Singapore, North Sydney, NSW: SAP Australia: 102-108. (Available: www.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/Papers/CNg99-2.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletStijn, Eveline Van and Wensley, Anthony K.P.  Organizational Memory and the Completeness of Process Modeling in ERP Systems:  Some Concerns, Methods and Directions for Future Research, (Available: http://www.icasit.org/km/erp.htm, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletSarker, Suprateek and Lee, Allen.  “Using a Case Study to Test the Role of Three Key Social Enablers in ERP Implementation,” International Conference on Information Systems 2000 (ICIS 2000), Brisbane.(Available: , Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletPeter Loos, Wirtschaftsinformatik II.  Advanced Information Technology Application in ERP Systems, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000), California 2000, pp. 635-639 (Available: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/wirtschaft/wi2/home/loos/amcis2000-loos.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletKræmmergaard, Pernille & Møller, Charles. A Research Framework for Studying the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Proceedings of IRIS 23 Conference, Lingatan, Sweden, 2000 (Available: http://iris23.htu.se/proceedings/PDF/89final.PDF, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletHirt, Sabine Gabriele and Swanson, E. Burton.  Maintaining ERP: Rethinking Relational Foundations, Working Paper, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), (Available: www.anderson.ucla.edu/acad_unit/info_sys/pdf/wp-2-99.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletRobey, Daniel,  Ross, Jeanne W. and Boudreau, Marie-Claude.  Learning to Implement Enterprise Systems: An Exploratory Study of the Dialectics of Change, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 18 (?), (Available: http://www.cis.gsu.edu/~drobey/Cis8160/jmisv18.PDF, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletSomers, Toni M. and Nelson, Klara.  The Impact of Critical Success Factors across the Stages of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementations, Proceedings of 34th HICSS 2001,  (Available: www.computer.org/proceedings/hicss/0981/volume%208/09818011.pdf, Accessed: 4/27/01)
bulletKarbandi, Kazem and Rama, Ramalingam, P.  ERP: An Information System For Business Success, Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Las Vegas, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2000.
bulletSomers, Toni M. and Nelson, Klara.  Towards an understanding of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2000, pp. 725-727.
bulletListed as one of the course readings of "Technology and Public Administration", by Prof. Ray Schwartz, Rutgers University (Available: http://www.cis.gsu.edu/~drobey/Cis8160/jmisv18.PDF, Accessed: 5/10/01)
bulletListed as one of the course readings of "Systèmes Comptables & prise de décision", by Prof. Michel Vézina, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montreal,  (Available:  http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.hec.ca/~p057/MSc/Index.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbingi,%2Bp%26start%3D220%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN Accessed: 5/10/01)École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal
bulletListed as one of the course readings of "Software Management (ACCT 6340)", by Prof. Indranil Bardhan, University of Texas at Dallas (Available: http://www.utdallas.edu/~bardhan/acct6340.htm, Accessed: 10/2/01)
bulletCited in the minicase on ERP Training (Available: http://lide.uhk.cz/home/fim/ucitel/fumikup1/www/dIZS/Minicase/case2_2.doc. Accessed: 4/1/02).


Citations for: 

Bingi, P., Mir,  A., and Khamalah, J. Challenges To Global Electronic Commerce: A Multidimensional Perspective, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2000.


Ribbens , B., and Krajenta, G.  Strategic Priorities in an Ecommerce World: Integrating Fundamentals With Revolutionary Ideas (Available: http://cobweb.creighton.edu/MAM/papers/Ribbens.doc , Accessed: 11/29/01)

bulletPaik, S., and Bagchi, P.  Supply Chain Management Challenges in Electronic Commerce, Working Paper, (Available: http://www.nofoma.org/conferences/nofoma2001/wip/WIP/110_Baghi_Prabir.pdf, Accessed: 4/12/02).
bulletDuan, Y. , Mullins, R., Hamblin, D. Training for E-commerce Success in SMEs, in Managing Information Systems in Small Business: Challenges and Solutions. Edited by Stephen Burgess, Published by Idea Group Publisher, 2001.
bulletFleenor, C. Patrick and Raven, Peter.  Barriers to Effective E-Business in Developing Countries (Available: http://www.seattleu.edu/asbe/igbi/publications/Final_Barriers.htm#_ftn1, Accessed: 11/29/01)
bulletQuoted at Cyber Challenge 2001: Science that made a difference website http://www.jracademy.com/~jinaxios/current.html (Accessed: 8/30/01), on encryption and consumer confidence in Internet/Ecommerce.
bulletListed as one of the course reading of "E-Comerce 901 ", (I have left the instructor info as the course page is in Chinese language),  (Available: http://www.csim.hkc.edu.tw/lyj/901/0EC.htm, Accessed: 4/12/02).
bulletListed as one of the course reading of "E-Comerce Technology (MBA) ",  by Prof. Mike Chiasson, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY,
Winter 2002 (Available: http://mgis.mgmt.ucalgary.ca/797w02/, Accessed: 11/29/01).
bulletListed as one of the course reading of "INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT " by Prof. Jeff Gale, LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY,
Spring 2001 (Available: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Mn9HF1jmuQY:cba.lmu.edu/archive/sp01/faculty/jgale/mbag640/+bingi&hl=en, Accessed: 5/10/01).