Resume / Vita
Fun Stuff
Research Project



Resume / Vita

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    Areas of Interest

    Journal Publications


    Refereed Conferences


    Research Under Review

    Research in Progress

    Workshop(s) Conducted



    Journal Reviewer

    Conferences Reviewed

    Discussant/Session Chair

  Awards, Honors and Affiliations


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PhD (MIS)                            Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

MS (Industrial Engg)            Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

BS (Mechanical Engg)        Sri Venkateswara University, India

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Associate Professor of Information Systems, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 2003-.

Chair of Management and Marketing, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 2001-2003.

Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Visiting Professor, Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed University), Prashanthi Nilayam, India.

Teaching Assistant, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

Research Assistant, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

Development Engineer (R&D), Bharat Earth Movers Ltd., India.

Industrial Engineer, Praga Tools Ltd., India.

Sales Engineer, Vishal Enterprises, India.

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Teaching interests include: Management Information Systems, Electronic Commerce, Management of IT, Database Management Systems, and Computer Literacy.

Student evaluations for the courses taught are generally in the range of 4.7 to 5.0 on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest rating.

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 Areas of interests

 Electronic Commerce, Management of IT, Knowledge Management, Enterprise systems, and Global IT.

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 Journal Publications

·     Karim, A., Mir, A., and Bingi, P.  Perceived usefulness of stress management strategies and their implementation: An empirical investigation, Journal of Applied Management & Entrepreneurship, Vol.10, No. 2, July 2005, pp. 21-34.

·      Adidam, P.T., Bingi, P., and Sindhav, B.  Building Relationships between Business Schools and Students: An Empirical Investigation into Student Retention, Journal of College Teaching and Learning, Vol. 1, No. 11, November 2004, pp. 37-47.

·    Bingi, P., Turnipseed, D. and Kasper, G.  The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men: The Role of Decision Confidence in Outcome Success, North American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 91-108, 2001.

·        Bingi, P., Mir, A., and Khamalah, J.  Challenges To Global Electronic Commerce: A Multidimensional Perspective, Information Systems Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2000.

·        Adidam, P.T., and Bingi, R.P.  The Importance of Decision Confidence to Strategy Outcomes, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 35-50, 2000.

·        Sharma, M.K. and Bingi, P. The Growth of Web-based Investment, Information Systems Management, Vol.17, No. 2, pp. 58-64, 2000.

·        Bingi, P., Leff, L.G., Shipchandler, Z.E., and Rao, Suresh.  Critical Information Technology Implementation Issues in Developed and Developing Countries, Information Strategy: An Executive’s Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 25-34, 2000.

·        Bingi, P., and Sharma, M.  Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Multinational Enterprises, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol. 6, pp. 211-215, 1999.

·        Sharma, M., and Bingi, P.  The Alliance Trend in Corporate America: A Wealth Maximizing Strategy? Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Vol. 6, pp. 226-230, 1999.

·        Bingi, P. and Shipchandler, Z. Implementing Information Systems in Developing Countries, ASCI Journal of Management, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 13-28, 1999.

·        Bingi, P., Sharma, M. K., and Godla, J. Critical Issues Affecting an ERP Implementation, Information Systems Management, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 7-14, 1999.

·        Bingi, R.P, Khazanchi, D., and Yadav, S.B.  A Framework for Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Knowledge Representation Schemes, Information Processing and Management Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 223-247, 1995.

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Refereed Conferences

·        Khamalah, J. Bingi, P., Adidam, P.T., and Lingaraj, B.P.  Application of Classification Models for Enhancing Student Retention, Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA), Chicago, March 2001.

 ·  Khamalah, J. Bingi, P., and Lingaraj, B.P.  Using A Neural Network Method to Obtain Early Warning of Student Retention/Attrition, DSI Conference, Orlando, November 2000.

·    Sharma, M.K., and Bingi, P.  Internet and Growth of Financial Transactions: An Examination of Issues Driving the Phenomenon, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Hawaii, April, 2000.

·        Padmanabhan, P., and Bingi, P.  Enhancing Customer Responsiveness of Businesses Using Internet, Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA), Chicago, March 2000.

·        Sharma, M., and Bingi, P.  Implications of Round-the-Clock Trading for Small Brokerage Firms, Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA), Chicago, March 2000.

·        Bingi, P. and Sharma, M.K. An Examination of Issues Surrounding the Growth of ERP Market, POMS International Meeting, New Delhi, India, December 1999.

·        Bingi, P. and Shipchandler, Z. IS/IT Implementation in Developing Countries: An Examination of Critical Issues, Academy of Business Disciplines, Fort Myers Beach, Florida, November 1999.

·        Godla, J., Bingi, P., Lingaraj, B.P., and Sharma, M.K. An MRP Enhancement Model to Deal with Excessive Yield Variations in a Process Industry, DSI Conference, New Orleans, November 1999.

·        Bingi, P., and Turnipseed, D.  The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men: The Role of Decision Confidence in Outcome Success, Southern Management Association Conference, Atlanta, October 1999.

·        Adidam, P. T., and Bingi, R. P. The Neglected Role of Decision Confidence in Strategy Success: An Empirical Investigation, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, August 1998.

·        Sharma, M., and Bingi, R.P. SAP/R3 for Financial Operations: Some Implementation Issues, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, July 1998.

·        Sharma, M., and Bingi, R.P. Internet and Growth of Financial Transactions, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, July 1998.

·        Bingi, R. P. and Khazanchi, D. An Instrument to Measure Group Effectiveness of Systems Development Groups, Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, March 1998.  This paper has also received IRWIN/McGRAW-HILL Distinguished Paper Award.

·        Adidam, P.T., and Bingi, R.P.  A Model of the Roles of Decision Confidence and Strategy Quality on the Success of a Strategy, DSI Conference, San Diego, November 1997.

·        Khazanchi, D., and Bingi, R. P.  The Effectiveness of Information Systems Development Groups in the Analysis Phase, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Conference, Indianapolis, November 1996.

·        Khazanchi, D., and Bingi, R. P.  Successful Assimilation of Information Systems in Small Businesses: The Importance of Needs Definition, Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, March 1996.

·        Bingi, R. P., and Kasper, G.  A Model of the Effect of Decision Aids on Decision Confidence and Decision Success, SouthWest DSI (SWFAD), Houston, March 1995.

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Symposiums/Panels/Table Topics/Presentations

·        Bingi, P. and Sharma, M. Electronic Commerce, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India, January 4, 2000

·        Adidam, P. T., and Bingi, R. P. Roles of Strategic Quality and Decision Confidence on the Success of a Strategy: An Empirical Study, presented to the Faculty of School of Business, University of Nebraska at Omaha, November 1997.

·        Panel member, “Curriculum Structure and Content for the Class of 2001,” Association for Information Systems (AIS) Conference, August 1997.

·        Bingi, R. P. Emerging Information Technologies and Their Impact on Manufacturing, A Manufacturing Executive Symposium: Reengineering Documents for Today’s Manufacturing Environment, co-organized by IPFW and Xerox Co., Fort Wayne, August 20, 1997.

·         Panel member, “Production and Operations Management Education in the Twenty First Century," Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) Annual Meeting, March 1997.

·        Bingi, R. P.  A Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Representation Schemes, TexIS'92 Doctoral Consortium, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, 1992.


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Research under review

·        None


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Research in progress

·         Impact of Electronic Commerce on Small and Medium Businesses

·        Survey of KM strategies


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Workshop(s) Conducted

·        Electronic Commerce: A New Business Paradigm, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, India, January 5-7, 2000.  About 15 executives from major Indian public and private sector companies participated in the program.

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·        Indiana-Purdue University summer research grant, 1996.

·        Microsoft Corporation Instructional Lab Grant valued at $40,400 towards Microsoft Office Professional and Microsoft Access software licenses (1996-1998).

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·     Associate Editor, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications (JITCA).

·     Editorial Board, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.  

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Conferences Reviewed:

·               Information Systems Development, Annual Meeting, 2000.

·               Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA), Annual Meetings,   1996-1999.

·               Information Resources Management Association (IRMA), 1999.

·               Association for Information Systems (AIS), Annual Meeting, 1997-1998.

·               Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Annual Meetings, 1996-1998.

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 Discussant /Session Chair

·               International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD), 1999.

·               Association for Information Systems (AIS), Annual Meeting, 1997.

·               Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Annual Meeting, 1996-1997.

·               Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA), Annual Meeting, 1995.

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·     Who’s Who in America, 55th Edition, 2001.

·     Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award, Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, March 1998.

·     Phi Kappa Phi (FKF) Honorary Society

·     Larry and Jill Austin Scholarship, College of Business, Texas Tech University.

·     Competitive Scholarship, Dept. of ISQS, College of Business, Texas Tech Univ.

·     Competitive Scholarship, Department of I.E., Texas Tech University.

·     Indian Government University Grants Commission's Fellowship to pursue M. Tech.

·     Andhra Pradesh State Special Scholarship to pursue B. Tech.

·     Member, Decision Science Institute (DSI).

·     Member, Association for Information Systems (AIS).

·        Member, International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD).

·     Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) (95-96).

·     Member, Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA).

·     Student President, Mechanical Engineering Association, Sri Venkateswara University, India.



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Last Modified: 10/27/10