STAT242 Introduction to Data Science with R, Fall 2024

You will be able to find links to slides and datasets here. Please refer to Brightspace for syllabus, assingments, and anouncements for the section you are enrolled in!

Please email at with comments and suggestions for improvements or typos. You will do good and you might earn extra credit for any suggestion or even a typo I act upon. Thank you!

Download pages 1-48 of the PDF slides 1-48.
  - If the links in the PDF do not work in your browser, save the file and open with Adobe Reader.
Pages 49-72 of the slides.
Pages 73-104 of the slides.
Pages 105-120 of the slides.
Pages 121-160 of the slides.
Pages 161-184 of the slides.
Pages 185-200 of the slides.
Pages 201-224 of the slides.
Pages 225-248 of the slides.
Pages 249-280 of the slides.

1. example.txt that you need for the Importing Data section.
2. R_lab6.csv that you need for your Lab 6.
3. Pearson.txt. No need to download. We will fetch the file directly.
4. Titanic dataset that you need for your Lab 5.

As part of this class, you have Free Access to All Paid Courses in DataCamp for almost six months.

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This class is supported by DataCamp, the most intuitive learning platform for data science and analytics. Learn any time, anywhere and become an expert in R, Python, SQL, and more. DataCamp's learn-by-doing methodology combines short expert videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises to help learners retain knowledge.
DataCamp offers 350+ courses by expert instructors on topics such as importing data, data visualization, and machine learning. They're constantly expanding their curriculum to keep up with the latest technology trends and to provide the best learning experience for all skill levels. Join over 6 million learners around the world and close your skills gap.

RStudio and R can be automatically installed via Purdue Fort Wayne software deployment system on classroom and lab computers.
- Double click at the Purdue FW Software Center icon at your Desktop and search for RStudio. Both R and RStudio will install automatically. To start, click on the windows logo and type RStudio.
We will install on our personal computers at the start of our first class session.

To install the free version of RStudio and R, start from

To quickly run something in R (without actually installing R) you can use an online emulator in a web browser, e.g.:

Modified 10/10/2024.
