Steven T. Sarratore
Professor of Theatre
Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Data Visualization Techniques to Evaluate the Baccalaureate Degree," A
Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement. Becoming A
Learning Focused Organization: Assessing and Improving Student Learning,
Volume 3, 2005. With Susan B. Hannah and Beomjin Kim. (pdf)
Text: Reconstructing Scenography--A Manifesto”
On-Stage Studies, Volume 25, January 2002. (pdf)
Games” Theatre Topics, Volume 9, No.1, March, 1999, 51-67.
“Faustus Cage[d]: A
Postmodern Approach to the Scenography of
Marlowe's A Tragical History of Doctor
Faustus” Theatre
Topics, Volume 4, No. 2, September 1994, 179-88. (pdf)
“Muses for a Postmodern
Scenography: Marcel Duchamp and John Cage” New
England Theatre Journal, Vol. 4, 1993, 19-38. (pdf)
- “Toward
A Postmodern Scenographic Theory” Theatre
Insight, Vol. II, No. 2, Fall 1990, 17-21.
Scenic Design Gallery