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Promothes Saha, Ph.D., P.E.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
ASCE Regions: 9
ASCE Region 4: Indiana, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennesse, and Arkansas, 38 Branches, 43 Student Chapters
ASCE Indiana Section: 5 Branches, 9 Student Chapters
        President: Jason Durr,
        President-elect: Christa Petze,
        Treasurer: Akhter Zaman,
        Secretary: John Hasse,
Northeast Branch:
       Branch President, Michael Ramzi Saadeh, A.M.ASCE
       Branch Past-President, Garrett D Butler, A.M.ASCE
       Branch Vice President, David P. Devine, P.E.,L.S.,M.ASCE
       Branch Secretary, David P. Devine, P.E.,L.S.,M.ASCE
       Branch Treasurer, Michael Ramzi Saadeh, A.M.ASCE