Kathy S. Pollock,

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Contact Information

Campus phone: (260) 481-5751                 e-mail: pollockk@ipfw.edu

Curriculum Vita

Educational background


     Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting)
     1998 from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

     Masters in Business Administration
     1991 from Indiana University-Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Ind.

     Bachelor of Science in Business Adminstration (Accounting)
     1980 from Tri-State University, Angola, Ind.

Professional Certification


     Certified Public Accountant (1986), Indiana (inactive)  



2011 IPFW Friends of the University Teaching Excellence Award

2007 David Gotlob Excellence in Teaching Award

2005 IPFW Leepoxy Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education

2005 Beta Gamma Sigma, Honorary Business Fraternity

2002 Indiana CPA Society Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

2002 IPFW School of Business and Management Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award

2002 David Gotlob Excellence in Teaching Award

2002 Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity

2001-2002 Ivy Tech State College Academy for Instructional Excellence

2001 Indiana University Faculty Colloquium On Excellence in Teaching

2001 IPFW Summer Research Grant, $6,000

2000 Indiana Purdue Students' Government Association Student Service Award

2000 Who's Who Among America's Teachers

1994 American Accounting Association Regional Doctoral Consortium

1993-1995 Indiana CPA Educational Foundation Doctoral Program Grant Recipient

1982 Ivy Tech State College Student Service Award


Academic Experience


1996-Present: Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

  • Department Chairperson (2007-2010)
  • Interim Department Chairperson (2006-2007)
  • Associate Professor (2004-Present)
  • Assistant Professor (1998-2004)
  • Visiting Professor (1996-1998)

1992-1996: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kentucky

1991-1992: Adjunct faculty, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

1981-1983: Instructor, Indiana Vocational Technical College, Kokomo, Ind.


Business Experience


1989-1992: Public Accounting
Kathy S. Pollock, CPA, Fort Wayne, Ind.

1988-1989: Assistant Controller
PYA/Monarch Foodservice, Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind.

1983-1988: Public Accounting
Geo. S. Olive & Co., CPAs, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Professional Affiliations


Phi Kappa Phi, Honorary Fraternity (since 2012)

Beta Gamma Sigma, Honorary Business Fraternity (since 2005)

Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity (since 2002)

Indiana University Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (since 2001)

American Accounting Association (since 1992)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (since 1987)

Indiana CPA Society (since 1984)


Research Projects and Interests

Interests: Behavioral issues in public accounting firms and accounting education



The Effects of a Charismatic Leader’s Actions in a Public Community College with Kent D. Kauffman and Janet C. Papiernik, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, October – December 2011 (Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 194-208).

Teaching Ratio “Rules of Thumb” in Introductory Accounting Classes, with Michael Slaubaugh and George Schmelzle, Accounting Instructors' Report, Spring 2004.

Transformational Leadership: The Effect on Subordinate Performance in Public Accounting Firms, Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Winter II 2003 (Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 62-75).

High School Counselors: How They View the Accounting Profession, co-authored with Janet Papiernik and Michael Slaubaugh, The CPA Journal, May 2002 (Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 73-74).

Reviewing the Issues for Change in Accounting Education: Implications for Future Direction, co-authored with Janet Papiernik, Belverd Needles, and Doug Laufer, Accounting Instructors' Report, Fall 2001.

XBRL: A New Common Language for Business Information Reporting, co-authored with Janet Papiernik, Ohio CPA Journal, January 2001 (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 38-41).


Presentations and Proceedings:

The Study of Accounting Ethics: An NVivo Analyis of Published Works, with Geri Miller and Janet C. Papiernik at the MBAA International national meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 23-25, 2011

Be It Ever So Humble There’s No Place Like Home (case and teaching note), with Kent Kauffman and Janet C. Papiernik at the Society for Case Research, MBAA International meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 24-26, 2010.

An International Example of Backdating Stock Options with Janet Papiernik at the Society of Case Research Summer Case Writing Workshop, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, July 2007.

Online Annual Report Project: The Effect on Motivation, Satisfaction, and Interest in Accounting with Michael Slaubaugh and Sue Minke at the Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, June 2004.

Substitutes for Leadership: The Impact of Public Accounting Firms Subordinates at the American Academy of Accounting and Finance Annual Meeting 2003.

Online Annual Report Project: The Effect on Motivation, Satisfaction, and Interest in Accounting with Michael Slaubaugh and Susan Minke at the American Academy of Accounting and Finance Annual Meeting 2003.

Substitutes for Leadership: The Impact on Public Accounting Firm Subordinates, at the American Accounting Association Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Research Conference 2002.

Transformational Leadership: The Effect on Subordinate Satisfaction, Performance and Effort at the American Academy of Accounting and Finance Annual Meeting 2002.

Experiential Learning in Advanced Auditing: Examining Campus Organizations at the American Accounting Association Midwest Regional Meeting April 2002.

High School Counselors: How They View the Accounting Profession with Janet Papiernik and Michael Slaubaugh, at the American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting May 2002.

Teaching Ratio “Rules of Thumb” in Introductory Accounting Classes with Michael Slaubaugh and George Schmelzle at the American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting May 2002.

Challenges in Accounting Education for the 21st Century with Janet Papiernik, Belverd Needles, and Doug Laufer at the Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Meeting 2001.

Problems with ISO Implementations: Small Company Issues with George Schmelzle and Michael Slaubaugh at the Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Meeting 2001.


Current projects and papers in progress:

Experiential Learning In Advanced Auditing: Examining Campus Organizations, sole author. Revising this paper based on reviewer comments from Advances in Accounting Education.

Substitutes for Leadership: The Impact on Public Accounting Firm Subordinates. Sole author, revising this paper based on reviewer comments from Behavioral Research in Accounting

Lead a Congregation to Water: A Successful Experience in Budgeting. Sole author with planned submission to a non-profit journal.

Scooby-doo: The Number One Forensic Accounting Cartoon Dog, with June Ball with planned submission to The New Accountant.

Online Annual Report Project: The Effect on Motivation, Satisfaction, and Interest in Accounting, sole author, for submission in Issues in Accounting Education.

Leading Professionals: A Practical Guide, sole author, for submission in The Journal of Accountancy.

Transformational Leaders: Do They Exist in Public Accounting Firms, sole author for submission to Behavioral Research in Accounting.



2010: Discussant for Society for Case Research, annual meeting

2008: Workshop leader, “AACSB: Nuts and Bolts of Assessment,” MBAA International, annual meeting.

2003: Moderator, Academy of Accounting and Finance, annual Meeting

2001: Panelist, “Challenges in Accounting Education for the 21st Century,” MBAA annual meeting.

2000: Discussant, American Accounting Association, Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations National Section Meeting

1995: Moderator, American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting


Community Involvement


Leadership activities:

2012-present: IPSN, Inc. (“The Communicator”), Board of Directors and Treasurer

2010-2011: Sexual Assault Treatment Center, Board of Directors and Treasurer

2008-2010: IPSN, Inc. (“The Communicator”), Board of Directors and Treasurer

2005-2007: Indiana CPA Society, Board of Directors

2000-2004: Indiana CPA Society, Leadership Cabinet

2001-2005: Family and Children's Services, Board of Directors

2000-2007: Center for Nonviolence, Board of Directors and Treasurer

2001-2006: Junior Achievement instructor

1999-2004: Plymouth Congregational Church, Treasurer and Chair of Stewardship and Finance


Public presentations and other activities:

·         “Challenges of an Accounting Teacher” for IPFW Friends of the University (2011)

·         “Audit and Accounting Update” for CE for CPAs (2009)

·         “Plan for Success from the Beginning,” for IPFW Fall Teaching Conference (2009) with Carolyn Stumph.

·         “IFRS and Academia: Front Line or Rear Guard,” for Financial Executives International and CE for CPAs (2009)

·         “Fraud: The Survey Says,” for CE for CPAs (2008)

·         “Where were you in 1978?: A Perspective on Changes in Accounting Education” for CE for CPAs and Financial Executives International chapter meeting (2008).

·         “How should the current ethics requirement be enhanced?” Interviewed by CPA IN Perspective (Fall 2004).

·         “An Introduction to Forensic Accounting” for the American Society of Women Accountants (2003).

·         “Basic Accounting and Systems” for the Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne Interior Design Small Business Management course (2002).

·         “The Perilous Future” for the Northeast Indiana Accounting Educator and CPA Roundtable (2000).

·         “An Auditor's Perspective on the Audit of Payroll” for the Fort Wayne Accounting Payroll Association (1999).

·         “Accounting Education as a Career” for the Indiana CPA Society Accounting Career Conference (1996).




Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne:

2012-2014: Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee

2010-2012: Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, Advisory Board

2009-Present: IPFW Faculty Senate, Executive Committee, Chair 2010-2011

2009-Present: IPFW Faculty Senate, Student Affairs Committee, Chair 2009-2010

2008-present: North Central Association, self-study report team and Criterion Four co-chair

2006-2007: Foundations of Excellence, self-study report team

2004-2007: Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, Advisory Board

2002-Present: Advisory Committee on Equity

2002: Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching Retreat Committee

1999-2000: Academic Web Page Development Task Force

1997-2001: Women’s Studies, Advisory Board


Doermer School of Business and Management Sciences:

2006-Present: Ad hoc Assessment Committee

2004-2005: Ad hoc Committee for the Revision of SBMS Governance Documents, Chair

1997-Present: Undergraduate Policy Committee, (Chair 1999-2002 and 2003-2005)


Department of Accounting and Finance:

2006-Present: Assessment Committee, Chair

2006-Present: IPFW Faculty Senate representative

2004: Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair

2003: Accounting Curriculum Revision Committee

1997-2010: AICPA On-Campus Champion


Presentations/Other Activities:

·         Teaching at Its Best Reading Circle leader (CELT 2012)

·         Promotion and Tenure Process (CELT and VCAA office 2011-2012)

·         Mentoring and the Tenure Process (Multi-campus seminar in 2004)

·         Several sessions for basic Web site development (Department and School).

·         Several sessions for how to utilize WebCT, an instructional platform (Department and School)

·         Preparation of a course portfolio for FACET (Campus).

·         Assessment using Educational Benchmarking, Inc. services (Campus).

·         Serve as a peer reviewer for colleagues across campus.


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