COURSE: Intermediate Accounting II (A312)

SEMESTER: Fall 2000

INSTRUCTOR: Janet C. Papiernik

OFFICE: Neff 350J

OFFICE HOURS: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Mondays

10:30 - 12:00 p.m. TTh

1:00 - 1:30 p.m. TTh

SCHOOL PHONE: 481-6477


COURSE PREREQUISITES: Intermediate Accounting I, A311

TEXT: Intermediate Accounting, 9th ed., Kieso and Weygandt. Wiley & Sons.

OPTIONAL MATERIAL: The book store may stock the publisher's study guide to accompany the text. Although this is not required material for the course, some students may wish to examine the study guide to determine if they would benefit from using it.

COURSE GOAL: The purpose of this course is to present generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and how they form the basis upon which financial information published in annual reports is assembled, communicated, and interpreted.

OUTSIDE READING: The student should understand that readings from sources other than the textbook are essential to a proper understanding of the economic framework in which accounting principles are developed. It is recommended, therefore, that the student develop the habit of reading such periodicals as the "Journal of Accountancy", "Wall Street Journal", "Business Week", and other similar pertinent publications.

INTERNET USAGE: Students are strongly encouraged to activate their student email account. This capability is available for all IPFW students and provides another channel of communication to the instructor and other students. Moreover, through their email account, students can gain access to the World Wide Web, a resource that contains large collections of accounting information from a variety of sources. A popular web site for the accounting profession is: /raw/fasb/ which links the student to the FASB web site.

STUDENTS' RESPONSIBILITIES: This is the second in a two course sequence that introduces students to the theoretical framework of accounting principles and procedures and how they are used in the presentation of assets and liabilities (Intermediate Accounting I, A311) and in the presentation of owner's equity (Intermediate Accounting II, A312) in financial statements and related disclosures. As such, these two courses represent a foundation for much of the accounting work the student will encounter later in his or her academic career.

The material discussed in this course is rigorous and requires a great deal of time to complete problem assignments and fully understand the course material. Therefore, it is expected that the student view these courses in a professional manner and accept responsibility for thoroughly reading and studying the textbook and other related readings as well as completing on a timely basis the assignment material. Since class time will be devoted to the review of assigned material and presentation of new material, it is extremely important that students study and complete all reading and problem assignments prior to class.

The instructor of this course keeps regular office hours for student consultation; therefore, students who are experiencing difficulties with the course are encouraged to visit with the instructor during posted hours for individual assistance.

Finally, there are a variety of services available to students. Some that you may wish to note are:

IPFW Writing Center, Kettler G35, 481-5740

Services for Students with Disabilities, Walb 118, 481-6657

Mental Health Services for Students, Walb 111, 481-6595

Campus Ministry, 481-6992 or 481-6994

Transitional Studies, Kettler 200, 481-6817

Campus Weather Emergency Information, 481-5770





Reading (C=Case; E=Exercise;

Date Chapter Topic Assignment P=Problem)

Aug. 22 T 14 Long-Term Liabilities 699-712 C1,E1,E6,P1

24 R 14 Long-Term Liabilities 712-725 E9,P5,P9

29 T 14 Long-Term Liabilities

31 R 15 Stockholders Equity - 757-779 E1,E4,E7,P3

Contributed Capital

Sept. 5 T 15 Appendix A 780-781 P5,P6,P12

7 R 16 Stockholder's Equity - 797-811 C2,E4,E7,E8

Retained Earnings

12 T 16 Appendix A 811-822 P8,P10,E18

14 R Catch-up and Review


21 R 17 Earnings per Share 845-860 E1,E7,E6,E11

26 T 17 Earnings per Share 860-873 E15,E21,E23,E25

28 R 17 Earnings per Share P4,P8

Oct. 3 T 18 Investments 903-912 C1,E1,E2,P5,P6

5 R No Classes - October Break

10 T 18 Investments 912-927 E13,E8

12 R 18 Appendix C 934-941 E9,P15

17 T 20 Accounting for Income 1027-1049 C1,E6,E2,E3,E8,E9






Reading (C=Case; E=Exercise;

Date Chapter Topic Assignment P=Problem)



Oct. 19 R 20 Accounting for Income E14,E15,P2


24 T Catch-Up and Review

26 R EXAM II: CHAPTERS 17,18,20

27 F Last Day to Withdraw from Fall Courses

31 T 21 Accounting for Pensions 1091-1109 E1,E2,E5

Nov. 2 R 21 Accounting for Pensions 1109-1126 E3,E8,E15

7 T 21 Appendix A 1126-1136 E23,E24,P3

(Worksheet only)

9 R 22 Accounting for Leases 1159-1178 C3,P2,E1

14 T 22 " " " 1178-1196 E3,E7,E8

16 R 22 Appendix A 1198-1200 P14,P15,E14

21 T 24 Statement of Cash Flows 1273-1289 C4,E11,E16

23 R No Class - Thanksgiving Break

28 T 24 Statement of Cash Flows 1301-1311 P2

30 R Catch-up and Review

Dec. 5 T EXAM III: CHAPTERS 21,22,24

7 R 25 Full Disclosure




1. There are three examinations covering the material discussed in that particular unit and a comprehensive final examination covering all of the material presented during the semester. All tests are constructed on a 100% base and contribute to the final course average as follows:

Unit Examinations: 75% (25% each exam)

Comprehensive Exam: 25%

The final course average will be computed according to the inputs given above and applied to the following scale to determine the final course grade:

A 100-90 (Outstanding achievement)

B 89-80 (Above average achievement)

C 79-70 (Average achievement)

D 69-60 (Below average achievement)

F 59- 0 (Failure)


2. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. This information will be used in determining borderline grade decisions.

3. Make-up examinations are given only in unusual circumstances when the instructor has been notified prior to exam time.  Although the make-up examination may not be the same structure as the original exam, the material covered will be the same. ONLY ONE MAKE-UP EXAM PER STUDENT PER SEMESTER IS PERMITTED. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED DURING THE SEMESTER. If the student should miss a scheduled exam, the student will not be permitted back into the classroom until the make-up exam is completed.

4. Withdrawals from the class require the student to complete and properly process a drop form. Last date to withdraw from class with a automatic grade of "W" is Friday, October 27, 2000. Withdrawal from a class after this date will not be approved unless authorized by the student's academic advisor and dean or division director after they have consulted with the instructor. Such drops will not be approved if sought because of poor performance in the course. See the 1998-00 IPFW Undergraduate Bulletin, page 287.

5. Academic honesty is expected of all students. You are responsible for knowing how to maintain academic honesty and for abstaining from cheating, the appearance of cheating, and permitting or assisting in another's cheating. See the 1998-00 IPFW Undergraduate Bulletin, page 287.