Directing Aesthetic
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Statement of Personal
Aesthetic as a Director

John O’Connell


As a director, I do not have a specific style or genre that interests me more than any other. A good director should be able to direct a variety of styles within a variety of environments. Recently I have been drawn to, and have been given ample opportunity, to direct both classical and contemporary comedies. When one has a "knack" for doing comedies producers tend to push one in that direction. However, recently directing tragedies like Othello and King Lear remind me of how much I enjoy struggling to make a classical tragedy pertinent in the lives of a contemporary audience.

I have very high expectations of myself and this art form. I have a strong desire to acquaint audiences with the realities of this art form that make it unlike our more prevalent forms of entertainment. The strength of theatre is its inherent ability to be immediate and poignant and different from television and film. Thus, I am often drawn to material that allows me to highlight the theatrical.

Ultimately, I understand that we don’t exist without an audience so it is always in my mind to bring an audience member back to the theatre. I am happy to say that I have succeeded in doing that on a regular basis. I also understand and cherish the collaborative nature of this art form and it has always been proven to me that my best work has been a result of my most fulfilling collaborations. Whether that collaboration be in the production room with designers or the rehearsal room with actors, it is essential for me to rely on the artistic input of these artists.

Finally I would like to address that my personal aesthetic as a professional director sometimes differs from my personal aesthetic as an educational director. In academia I have a strong grasp of the necessary element of educating cast members while I am directing them towards a vision that will please an audience. I pride myself on expecting a professional approach from young actors while maintaining a level of learning that is essential to their development in the rehearsal/performance environment. Their development as young artists is directly relevant to my presence and guidance within the process.

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