On Inverse Kinematics of a Rolling Disk between Two Manipulators
1995 ASME Design Technical Conference, Boston, MA
September 17-21, 1995
Dynamic Data Exchange between CAD and Spreadsheet for Mechanism Design
1995 ASEE Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA
June 25-28, 1995
Menu-Driven Programs for Mitsubishi Movemaster Robots
1995 ASEE Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA
June 25-28, 1995
Using Mitsubishi Movemaster I/O in Mechanical Engineering Technology
1995 ASEE Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA
June 25-28, 1995
Computer-Aided Graphical Design of Spatial Mechanisms
Mechanism and Machine Theory
Vol. 30, No. 2, pp.299- 312, 1995