Because the architecture of My Math Lab (MML) homework was built more than 20 years ago,
a savvy learner can earn perfect scores on homework assignments,
get a sense of false confidence,
and then approach the quiz or test and crash and burn.
Your goal is to do the MML homework to learn as well as to earn.
- Use pencil and paper to recopy the question in your notes.
Then work out the solution the way you would on a test.
- Avoid performing a "google and grab" or other means just to get the assignment completed. This is not possible on a quiz or test. You WILL be allowed a graphing calculator on quizzes and tests, so use it on homework to become proficient with it when test time comes.
- To do your MML in a way that increases your learning, ideally, if possible, work on your MML in the office hour time or in the Math Mall KT G38 with other classmates to discuss the best way to solve the problem, where a helping hand is within reach. While there there are publisher learning aids for some questions that can help you understand how to do the MML assignment if you are struggling, you also have the Piazza Discussion Board. Please ask for help and build your own understanding by helping others.
- If no learning aids are present (instructor created questions), if you miss the question there IS feedback provided. You can redo assignments unlimited number of times.
- After completing the assignment with the score you are happy with, give it another try to try to complete it without any learning aids or notes, as you would on an quiz or test.
- If you cram right before the quiz or exam to complete the MML assignment, it will be unlikely you will retain anything for the comprehensive final exam and then you may have to relearn it all over again instead of recalling it.
- To prepare for a quiz or test
- use the Just for Practice No Grade Will Be Recorded assignment sets to hone your skills.
- review your worked out MML solutions in your notebook.
Try not to be lulled by MML only to face an aftermath where you crash and burn.
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