Time Commitment Calculator

To begin managing your time you first need a clearer idea of how you now use your time. Please use this time commitment calculator to estimate how much time you are currently spending in typical activities.

Your Name:


How many credit hours will you take this semester? Credits
How many hours do you work per week? (Not including commute time or time for meals) Hours
How many hours do you spend commuting to and from work per week? Hours
How many hours do you normally sleep each day? Hours
How many hours do you spend getting ready each day? (Showering, dressing, etc.) Hours
On average, how many hours do you spend preparing and eating food each day? Hours
How many hours do you spend caring for family members per week? Hours
How many hours do you spend doing general household tasks per week? (Running errands, doing laundry, cleaning, etc.) Hours
How many hours do you spend on recreational and leisure activities per week? (Exercising, watching TV, gaming, browsing the Internet, shopping, dating, etc) Hours
On average, how many hours do you spend on other activities per week? (Volunteering, religious activities, etc.) Hours