G100-03 Syllabus

GEOL. G100          General Geology  (MWF 3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.)        Fall, 2003
Office Hours: MW (2:00 - 3:00 p.m.)

Instructor: Dr. S. A. Isiorho       Office: SB236
Phone:   (260) 481-6249        Fax (773) 913-0962        E-mail:  Isiorho@ipfw.edu

1. Course Description:
    This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of
physical geology and introduction to historical geology.  During the course you
will study the earth materials, changes on the surface and interior of the earth, and
the dynamic forces that cause them to change.  Students should be able to locate
physical features such as rivers, lakes or mountain chain given a blank world map.

2. Textbook:
     Physical geology by Plummer, McGreary & Carlson, 9th Edition
I will encourage you to use all of the available resources...text book, class note,
Students generated Powerpoint slides, CD-ROM

3.  Exams:
4 exams and it is strongly advised that you take all. Final exam will not be comprehensive.
All exams will be taken online (you will need your WebCT ID and Password to take the exams)
I would strongly suggest that you take the exams on campus.
To help you in taking test/exam online, you should do the practice quiz.
Course grade will be based on the final exam (30%), any other two exams (60%),
and reports (10%).   NO MAKE UP EXAM. Your results will be posted on WebCT.
    (Grading scale 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D)
"If you have or acquire a disability and would like to find out what special services and accommodations may be
available to you, contact Services for Students with Disabilities in WU 118 & 218 (481-6657, voice/TTY)"
Check the syllabus periodically as it is a living document.

If you are already in WebCT, DO NOT click on the word exams on this page
as that will make you log into WebCT again.

   PreQuiz Take this online Prequiz through your WebCT account from
                            Aug. 25, 6 a.m. to Aug. 27 (Wednesday) 8:00 p.m.
4. Schedule:
Introduction to Physical geology                                                                Chapter   1
Minerals                            (GemStones)                                                  Chapter   2
Igneous Rocks, Intrusive Activity, and the Origin of Igneous Rocks           Chapter   3
Volcanism and Extrusive Rocks                                                                 Chapter   4
  Learn about volcanoes of the world   VOLCANOES
Life on the Brink
Weathering: and Soil                                                                             Chapter   5
Review PptSlides
   August 29, 2003  is the last day to withdrawfor full refund

                                                         Key Words for Test #1
Rock#1 views ( )               2                                  4
Exam 1 Noon to 5:00 p.m.  September 19, 2003

         The Endof the Earth? ABC News Jan. 22, 2003

Sedimentation and Sedimentary Rocks                                     Chapter   6
    Sed. rock type and depositional environments
Metamorphism, Metamorphic Rocks, and Hydrothermal Rocks           Chapter   7
      Geogarden Tour  - share your view with the class on the bulletin board
Time and Geology    age of the earth links                                 Chapter   8
Geologic Time Classnnote by Dr. John c. Butler
  FAQ*A must read on origins       Who believes what?       Geologic Time Scale
Young Earth argument
Mass Wasting                                                                             Chapter 9

SOME KeyWords for Test#2

                            Rock #2 views (  )   1        2      3      4      5
(Exam 2)    Noon to 5:00 p.m. Friday October 17, 2003


Geologic Structure    (Folds , Faults, Joints, and Mountain)              Chapter   15
Earthquakes                                                                                     Chapter  16
(Virtual EQ) Check out this site and complete the assignment on Earthquake and turn in your certificate by email to me
(4% of course grade) by Nov. 21 1:00 p.m.
Also write a one- page report (3% of course grade) on the EFFECTS of Earthquake on the environment,
                                                due NOVEMBER 21, 1:00 p.m. by email.
  Earthquake animation
The Earth's Interior                                                                          Chapter  17
Plate Tectonics        Plate tectonics animations                                  Chapter  19
                               SOME KEY WORDS FOR TEST#3
        (Exam 3)   Friday November 14, 2003

Streams  /  Rivers                                                                          Chapter  10

 Hurricane Floyd          New Orleans Flood        Great Britain Flood       Nile Flood

 Identify the main drainnge pattern in the central portion of this image for extra credit (due Nov. 22, 2003 by NOON)
           NAmerica drought          Drought
Groundwater                                                                                Chapter  11
Glaciers and Glaciation                                                                 Chapter  12
Deserts and Wind Action                                                              Chapter  13
          (Final Exam: Exam 4)  December 19, 2003 (11:00 a.m. to  2 p.m.)
            All exams will be fifty minutes long.
For extra credits, take the online DecQuiz available from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday (Dec.12, 2003)
                                                                                SOME  KeyWords for test 4

Some interesting links
Some pictures        Arch,      Stacks,       3,              4,          & 5
Questions? E-mail me
NO CLASS October 13, (Fall Break) and November 26 & 28 (Thanksgiving Break)

Students Generated Power point Slides

  IPFW Homepage   Dr. Isiorho's Homepage

"While geologists argue, the rocks just sit there.  And sometimes they seem to smile."
                - unknown geologist          In Suspect Terrain, John McPhee

Last updated August 14, 2003.

Rock Samples             &          3                 (Posted Oct. 6, 2003