Mass Wasting

Mass Wasting or movement occurs when a mass of soil and or rock moves downward due to gravity.

The type of mass wasting is based on the type of material and the nature of movement.

1) Slip-

2) Fall-

3) Slide-
Nasa picture of a landslide

4) Slump -

5) Flow (e.g mud flow in arid regions, earth flow in humid setting)

6) Creep -- (H2O, Material type, Slope)

Landslide is a general term for the slow-to-very-rapid descent of rock or soil.

Factors controlling mass wasting

1. Steepness

2. Type of material

3. Water context

4. Shape angle

5. Relief (height differences i.e. vertical distance) Geology and shape stability

6. Vegetation

7. Weathering & climate

8. Human activities (overloading)

Solifluction and permafrost -- up on this in your textbook. ground frozen for many years; flow of H2O saturated debris over impermeable material.