Is online course for you?


Study Habits:

Are you able to motivate your self to study?


Do you complete assignments ahead of deadlines?


Can you find time (30 minutes to an hour at a time uninterrupted) to work online?


Do you pay close attention to details when you read materials?


Are you willing to ask questions before you get completely frustrated?


Computer Skills:

Are you comfortable with computers?


Are you willing to ask questions about computers if you find that you cannot get something to work?


Can you you distinguish between the different types of files (.doc- word documents, .htm- web files, . Ppt- Power point files, etc.)?


Are you comfortable using e-mail to communicate?


Do you know how to find information on the internet?


Are you willing to logon 4-5 times a week to check into the class to find out new information?


Do you have access to a printer?


You should be successful in an online classroom if your answer  is yes to 10 of these questions.


Copied from Dr. E. Heise