G305 Understanding Wetlands Test #1 March 3, 2010

Write a minimum of one page to a maximum of three (double space) pages per question.
Answer questions 1 & 2 and any other three questions (20 points per question).
Drop your answers through Blackboard assignment drop box before class on Thursday (March 3, 2010)

1. What is soil and why are there different types of soil? How would you describe two different soil types (hint use properties)? What soil type would likely be associated with wetlands?

2. Draw a cross section from point A to point B in the map . (MUST BE NEAT and use the attached graph paper). What is the contour interval? (Bring your cross section to class on Thursday if you cannot send it through Blackboard)

3. Based on your current knowledge, comment on this statement 'geology is important to the study of wetlands.' Use some of the things you have read so far in your answer.

4. What are the different rock classes? What are their differences?

5. What are the main functions of rivers? Use any local example.

6. What rock class would be mostly associated with wetlands? Why?

7. Briefly explain the hydrologic cycle, using illustrations where possible.

8. Locate a possible wetland area on the topographic map of question #2 (circle it and bring it to class). Explain why you chose the site and why it would make a good wetland site.

For extra points

Fill in the blanks

Sediments become sedimentary rocks by the process known as ........... which involves the .......... of grains, loss of water, and ............ whereby material is precipitated in pore spaces and binds grains together.

What are your motivating factors for choosing your research project?