G300 Test # 1 [Available from August 20, 2012]

Answer questions one through three and any other two questions.

Remember that you can never give too much information.

(A minimum of one page (double space typed) per question)

Use the Assignment box in Blackboard to submit your answers to me by 4:00 p.m. October 16, 2010

  Five percent of course grade (Each question is worth 1% of course grade)

1. a) Which of the following hillside homes shown in the diagram would be the best long-term investment?
    b) Explain the reason for your choice of one and the rejection of the other
    c) Find more information on the hotel on the SW of Fort Wayne that was aboundoned for several months before
        being completed with addditional thousands of dollars cost.

2. a) What would be the discharge for a hundred year flood and the recurrence interval for a flood with discharge of 1500 cfs 
      (use table 10.2  & graph paper (you can use your own graph paper)). 
        You may use your own semilog graph paper...probably a better idea.
   b) How is hydrograph useful in flood control?

3. Consider flooding and urbanization
    a) why are small basins (<10 square miles) greatly affected by urbanization when large basins
            (>several thousand square miles) may not be so affected?
  You may use Fort Wayne as an example.
    b) what ranges of floods (recurrence intervals) are most affected by urbanization and why?

4. a) You live in an area that could be flooded. How would you find out if your area is flood prone?
    b) How will any of your activities possibly contribute to flooding in your area?

5. a) List any ten natural hazardous processes.
    b) Discuss your experience with one natural hazard in great detail.

6. a) Why are railrod roadbeds and ballast made of angular gravel that has been crushed to size,
than alluvial gravel of the same size?
    b) "Rocks and minerals are important to us and the environment." Discuss that statement.

7. a) What is the role of soil in our society and how is it related to environmental geology?
    b) "Landslides have not nothing to do with soil." Defend or side this statement giving your reasons.

8.  a) Using your field of study (major...you need to specify it in your answer), show how your field is related to
        environmental problems where you live or work. 

     b) What role has geology with any three of the impacts you listed above?