Assignments and Exam Dates  for SUMMER
Remember to have a minimum of one posting per week (5% of course grade) in the discussion section of WebCT Vista.  Use this forum to post questions related to this course. Your answers to questions will also count. Please avoid repeating something that has already be said by another student. Do not start a new thread if a topic is already being discussed under an existing thread.
Posting is required for the first 5 weeks only (starts May 16 and ends June 18). 
NO grade will be given for any posting after June18, 2005.

Read the syllabus
The week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

The instructions for the papers can be found in the units (found in the syllabus)
Read the entire assignment page and note the due dates as well as exam dates.

For all reports (free format), must include references and send as attachment (as word perfect or microsoft word document...may also save as a Rich Text File (RTF)).
Also, all reports must be sent through WebCTVista email if you want your reports (assignments) graded.
Include your name and report type on the title page & file. For example, IsiorhoaboutRpt.
NOTE: DO not send any report to my regular email

May 2005
May 16-28 (Practise Test)

A chance for you to see that your system is working right. Take the time to take this test quiz. Should you have problem viewing
or taking this quiz, send email to me ASAP at . The score from this test will not count toward your grade.

May 16 -17 PreQuiz
  A test to see what you know before starting the course (Score will be added to one of your tests at the end of the semester).  


Friday May 20, 2005.  Assignment I
Assignment on VOLCANOES (5% of course grade) due 4 p.m by email. (Fort Wayne local time). Your one page single spacing should get to me before 4 p.m.
Any report arriving after 4 p.m. will have 5 points deducted. Reports arriving the following day will not be graded.  
 Volcano in Congo (satelite image).
Unit  I

Tuesday May 24, 2005. Exam I (Test I) on unit one from 1 a.m. to 11:00 p.m (Duration 70 minutes)
50 questions and approximately four questions may be based on drawing(s) from the textbook.
Unit I

Tuesday May 31, 2005 Assignment II (5% of course grade) on ROCKS due by 4 p.m. (Fort Wayne local time). Your one page single spacing should get to me before 4 p.m.
Any report arriving after 4 p.m. will have 5 points deducted. Reports arriving after the due date will not be graded.
 Unit II

June 2005

Thursday June 2, 2005. Exam II (Test II) on unit two from 1 a.m. to 11:00 p.m (Duration 70 minutes)
50 questions and approximately 10 questions will be based on drawings either from the book or from my notes or a combination.
Unit II

Tuesday June 7, 2005 Assignment III. Assignment on EARTHQUAKES due by 4 p.m. (Fort Wayne local time). Your one page single spacing (5%) and the Earthqake certificate (5%) (should be saved as a JPEG, GIF or Bitmap) should get to me before 4 p.m. Any report arriving after 4 p.m. will have 5 points deducted. Reports arriving after the Due date will not be graded.  Unit III

Dat/ Event
Tuesday June 14, 2005 Exam III (Test III)
covering unit three (2 a.m. to 11:00 p.m) (Duration 70 minutes)
50 questions and approximately 20 questions will be based on drawings from book/lecture notes
Unit III

Friday June 17, 2005Five (5) pictures related to the course worth 10% of course grade ...should be accompanied by two to four sentences description per picture (Due June 17, 2005, 4:00 p.m. by WebCTVista email) (NOTE: YOU MUST PROVIDE THE SOURCE(S) OF YOUR PICTURES. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR SOURCE(S))

Tuesday June 21, 2005 Assignment IV
Assignment on WATER (5% of course grade) due by 4 p.m. (Fort Wayne local time). Your one page single spacing report should get to me before 4 p.m. Any report arriving after 4 p.m. will have 5 points deducted. Reports arriving after the Due date will not be graded.
Unit IV

Wednesday  June 22, 2005 PostQuiz   2 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Bonus quiz. Whatever you get in this quiz will be added to your test # 4 score.

Optional: Write your view or reflection about this course for 3 points (due June 22, 2005 by 6:00 p.m.)

June 2005

Final Exam (Test#4)  Wednesday June 22 from 6:00 a.m. through Noon,  Tuesday June 23, 2005.

50 questions and approximately 20 questions will be based on drawings from class notes.
Test (final exam) will not comprehensive.
  Unit IV

     BeginSyllabus                      Unit  I            Unit II           Unit III           Unit IV