IPFW Athletic Training
Table of Contents
Mission Statement
Sports Medicine Staff Personnel
Training Room Facilities
Training Room Rules
IPFW Sports Medicine Operating Policies and Procedures
1.0 Administration of Policies Regarding the Area of Sports Medicine
2.0 Student Athlete Physical
3.0 Student Athlete Physicals for Team “Tryouts” and Skill Instruction
4.0 Student Athlete Physicals for Cheerleading and Dance Teams
5.0 Pre-Existing / Current Medical Condition Policy
6.0 Return to Activity Guidelines
7.0 Reporting of Injuries and Illness by Student Athletes
8.0 Emergency Room or Student Heath Center Use by Student Athletes
9.0 Insurance Coverage, Medical Bills and Financial Responsibility of Payment
10.0 Medical Financial Responsibility of IPFW end of Athletic Participation
11.0 Student Athlete Referrals to Outside Providers
12.0 Off Campus Rehabilitation Services for Injured Student Athletes
13.0 Sports Medicine Staff Meetings
14.0 Athletic Training Inventory and Facility Management
15.0 Sports Medicine Coverage of IPFW Sponsored Athletic Teams and Events
16.0 Visiting Team Athletic Training Needs
17.0 Athletic Training for Summer Camp Coverage
18.0 Release of Medical Records and Length of Storage of Medical Records
19.0 Corrective Eye-Wear for Student Athletes
20.0 Athletic Related Dental Care and Mouth guards for Student Athletes
21.0 Orthopedic Appliances and Foot Orthotics to Student Athletes
22.0 Distribution of Prescription Drugs and Medications to Student Athletes
23.0 Influenza Vaccination of Athletic Teams
24.0 Acknowledgment of Potential Injury from Athletic Participation with a Pre-existing Injury
25.0 Medical Disqualification and “Medical Waiver” for Injured Student Athletes
26.0 Handicap or Close Proximity Parking for Injured Student Athletes
27.0 Nutritional or Dietetic Referral for Student Athletes
28.0 Selection of Ergogenic Aids and Food Supplements
29.0 Physiological Testing and Body Mass Determination for Student Athletes
30.0 Adjunct Sports Therapy for Student Athletes and Athletic Teams
31.0 Psychological Referrals for Student Athletes
32.0 Process for Determining Student Athlete Involvement in Studies
33.0 Management of Blood-Borne Pathogens
34.0 Payment of Medical Bills for Student Athletes Without Medical Insurance
35.0 Contract Negotiations with Non-IPFW Health Team Providers
36.0 Student Athletes Participating in Multiple Sports
37.0 Payment of Medical Bills after Completion of Eligibility
Sports Medicine Emergency Plan
Components of the Emergency Plan
Emergency Plan Personnel
Roles within the Emergency Team
Activating the EMS System
Providing Information
Guidelines to Use during a Serious On-Field Player Injury
Emergency Communication
Emergency Equipment
Recommend Medical Equipment
Information concerning a critically injured athlete
Weather Emergencies
Severe Thunderstorm 5
Emergency Plans
Baseball, Softball, Soccer Game Fields
Gates Center
Carrington, Hefner Fields and The Plex Soccer Complex
Memorial Coliseum and Memorial Stadium
Substance Abuse Policy and Program
Purpose of the Program
Components of Program
General Principles of Program
Athletic Department Code of Conduct
Substances Banned By The NCAA Include (But Are Not Limited To) The Following:
a. Psychomotor and central nervous system stimulants:
b. Anabolic agents:
c. Nutrition supplements:
d. Street drugs:
e. Peptide hormones and analogues:
f. Diuretics: 59
Enforcement of the Code of Conduct
Administrative Procedures
First Violation
Second Violation
Third Violation
Parent Involvement
Appeal Procedures
Acknowledgement of the Substance Abuse Policy and Program
Drug Testing Procedures
IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Appeals Committee
Institutional Drug-Testing Procedures
Medical Code
Organization 6
Causes For Loss of Eligibility
Institution and Student Athlete Selection
Institution and Student –Athlete Notification
Specimen Collection Procedures
ON –Site Screening Procedures
If the On-Site Screening Test is NEGATIVE
If the On-Site Screening Test is NON-NEGATIVE
Interpretation of Test Results
Chain of Custody
Notification of Results and Appeal Process
Restoration of Eligibility
Statement of IPFW Drug-Testing Exceptions Procedures
Procedures for Exceptions
Notification of Alleged Violation of Code of Conduct
Notification of Disciplinary Sanctions for Violation of Code of Conduct
Mission Statement
Sports Medicine Staff Personnel
Administrative Procedures
First Violation
- If a student-athlete has a confirmed positive test result, such fact will be reported by the Associate Director of Athletics to the student-athlete, the Head Coach and the Director of Athletics.
- The Head Coach shall establish a private meeting attended by himself/herself, the student-athlete, the Head Athletic Trainer or his/her designee, and the Associate Director of Athletics to:
- Reinforce the non-punitive philosophy of the Substance Abuse Program, discuss any input of notified parents, review the sanctions and implications of Step 2 and thereafter, and discuss any other matters desired by any of the participants in the meeting.
- Agree upon and attend a mandatory assessment education/counseling session with the IPFW personal counselor, to discuss:
- A commitment by the student-athlete that he/she will meaningfully cooperate in problem awareness/assessment/counseling sessions as proposed by the personal counselor.
- Specific objectives or activities to be accomplished or discontinued by the student-athlete.
- During Step 1, team membership and athletic activities will not be adversely affected solely for the reason that the student-athlete had a confirmed positive test result.
- During Step 1, at any times (s) with or without prior notice or cause, the student-athlete may be required to participate in the Testing Procedure.
Second Violation
- If a student-athlete has a second confirmed positive test result during the same academic year, such fact will be reported by the Associate Director of Athletics to the student-athlete, the Head Coach, the Head Athletic Trainer or his/her designee, Director of Athletics and the IPFW personal counselor.
- The Head Coach shall establish a private meeting attended by himself/herself, the student-athlete, Associate Director of Athletics, the Head Athletic Trainer or his/her designee, and potentially the Director of Athletics. The IPFW personal counselor shall be notified of the meeting and the Counselor assigned to the student-athlete may attend the meeting to discuss any matter desired by any participant, including any input of notified parents, review the sanctions of Step 2 and thereafter, and agree upon the plan of action which is warranted by the fact that there has been a second confirmed positive test result.
- During Step 2, the Head Coach may, after prior notice to the Counselor and after providing the Counselor an opportunity to discuss the matter with the student-athlete and the Head Coach, take action by demoting the team status of the student-athlete (benching him/her) and/or then or later suspending him/her from the team.
- During Step 2, at any time(s) with or without prior notice or cause, the student-athlete may be required to participate in the Testing Procedure.
Third Violation
- If a student-athlete has a third confirmed positive test result during the same academic year, such fact will be reported by the Associate Director of Athletics to the student-athlete, the Head Coach, the Head Athletic Trainer or his/her designee, the Director of Athletics and the IPFW personal counselor.
- Upon such third confirmed positive test result, the student-athlete shall automatically and forthwith be dismissed from all athletic teams and shall lose his/her athletic scholarship at the end of the current academic year.
Parent Involvement
Unless prohibited by law, parents (including legal guardians) of a student-athlete will be notified as to matters involving participation of such student-athlete in this Substance Abuse Program under the following circumstances:
- If a student-athlete is denied the opportunity to participate in intercollegiate activities for the reason that he/she refused or otherwise failed to participate in the Testing Procedure by not providing a specimen when and where requested, the parents will be notified of such fact when the Director of Athletics determines that the student-athlete denied participation has not availed himself/herself of the interview opportunity or in the discretion of the Director of Athletics after the interview.
- If a student-athlete who is not then availing himself/herself of IPFW Personal Counselor by self-referral has the first confirmed positive test result, the parents may be notified of such fact at the discretion of the Director of Athletics after consultation with the IPFW Personal Counselor.
- If a student-athlete has a second or third confirmed positive test result during the same academic year, the parents will be notified of such fact at the time of each such result.
- Such parent notification will be by the Director of Athletics and notified parents are encouraged to thereafter initiate discussions of the matter with the Head Coach and/or the Director of Athletics and provide any input that might be of assistance in achieving the objectives of the Substance Abuse Program.
Failure to participate in Testing Procedures: A student-athlete will be denied the opportunity to participate in intercollegiate athletic activities.
- Second confirmed positive test result during one academic year: The student-athlete may be demoted in team status (benched) or may be suspended from the team.
- The student-athlete will be dismissed from all athletic teams and will lose his/her athletic scholarship at the end of the current academic year under the following circumstances:
- A third confirmed positive test result during one academic year.
- A material and substantial failure to participate in the Substance Abuse Program, including the refusal or failure to provide a specimen when and where requested as provided above under Testing Procedures.
Nothing herein contained supersedes or modifies any other procedure which may be applicable or sanction which may be imposed by the University or the Athletic Department or University disciplinary process resulting from the sale, transfer or use of illegal substances or the use/misuse/abuse of any substance.
Appeal Procedures
- A student-athlete shall have the right to appeal to the Director of Athletics any matter involving interpretation or application of the Substance Abuse Program deemed by the student-athlete to be adverse to his/her personal best interests.
- Such appeal shall be in writing and state the facts and reasons upon which it is based and must be received by the Director of Athletics, or the person in charge of his/her office in his/her absence, within three (3) school days after the occurrence of the matter being appealed.
- The Director of Athletics shall, forthwith upon his/her receipt of the appeal, make a determination, based solely on the contents of the appeal and his/her familiarity with the objectives of the Substance Abuse Program, as to whether any actions then involving the student-athlete should be suspended during the appeal. If the Director of Athletics determines that some action should be so suspended, he/she shall cause to be taken such action as is appropriate to effect such suspension.
- The Director of Athletics shall investigate, to the extent he/she deems appropriate, the facts and circumstances involved in the subject matter of the appeal to determine whether, in his/her opinion, the student-athlete is entitled to the relief requested in the appeal.
- Such investigative activity, to the extent reasonably possible, shall be conducted so as to maintain the confidentiality of the Substance Abuse Program except to the extent that the student-athlete waives confidentiality.
- Such determination shall be in writing and shall be delivered or mailed within seven (7) school days after receipt of the appeal by the Director of Athletics to the student-athlete. If mailed to the student-athlete, it shall be by certified mail to the local address of the student-athlete as shown on IPFW’s Bursar Office records.
- If the Director of Athletics determines the appeal in favor of the student-athlete he/she shall cause to be taken such action as is appropriate to correct the situation. This determination shall be final.
- If the Director of Athletics determines the appeal in whole or in part against the student-athlete, the determination of the Director of Athletics shall be final except to the extent that the student-athlete has appeal rights to the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Appeals Committee (“Committee”) as hereinafter provided.
- If the determination of the Director of Athletics does not grant to the student-athlete the full relief sought, he/she may appeal such determination to the Committee.
- Such appeal must be in writing and must be received by the Director of Athletics, or the person in charge of his/her office in his/her absence, within three (3) school days after the determination of the Director of Athletics is delivered to the student-athlete, or within seven (7) calendar days after the determination has been deposited in the U.S. mails.
- The Director of Athletics shall promptly furnish a copy of said appeal, together with a copy of the initial appeal to the Director of Athletics and the determination of the Director of Athletics with respect to such appeal, to each member of the Committee.
- Upon receipt of the appeal, any three (3) members of the Committee by a writing signed by them may, based solely on the contents of the appeal, the determination of the Director of Athletics being appeal from, and their familiarity with the objectives of the Substance Abuse Program, order that the actions involving the student-athlete being appealed be suspended. If such order of suspension is issued, the Director of Athletics shall cause to be taken such action as is appropriate to affect such suspension.
- Upon receipt of such appeal, a hearing will be set before the Committee in order to take all evidence relevant to the subject matter of the appeal. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the hearing, provided that at least one of the members present at the hearing shall be either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Committee. Concurrence by a majority of the members present at the hearing shall be required to render a decision.
- The following procedures shall govern the conduct of this hearing.
- Notice of the date of hearing will be served upon the student-athlete at least five (5) school days prior to the date of the hearing.
- The hearing will be transcribed or recorded, and the student-athlete will be provided with a copy of the transcription or record.
- The hearing will be closed to the public. Notified parents may attend the hearing.
- The Director of Athletics, who shall be deemed to be the party adverse to the student-athlete for the purposes of the hearing, may be accompanied and assisted by members of his/her staff. The Director of Athletics shall have the burden of proof to show that the procedures of the Substance Abuse Program, to the extent relevant to the appeal, were substantially followed and that any deviation did not materially, substantially and adversely affect the student-athlete, and that the facts which were the basis of the action being appealed were true. The burden of proof shall be by a preponderance of the evidence.
- Prior to the hearing, the student-athlete will have the opportunity to obtain necessary witnesses and documents and other evidence, and the University will cooperate in such opportunity.
- The Director of Athletics and the student-athlete shall each have the right to confront and cross-examine the witnesses of the other. Where a witness does not appear, in the interest of justice, the Committee may accept a written statement into the record which will be disclosed to the other party who will then be given the opportunity to submit written questions to be answered by the witness and placed into the record.
- The Committee is not bound by rules of evidence applicable in a court trial. It may admit any evidence that has probative value in determining the issues involved. Efforts will be made to admit the most reliable evidence.
- Based on the evidence and record, the Committee must decide whether or not the action taken which is the subject matter of the appeal was properly taken pursuant to the IPFW Substance Abuse Program. If it finds that the action was properly taken, the appeal shall be dismissed. If it finds that the action was not properly taken, the Committee shall order such relief in favor of the student-athlete, as it deems proper and equitable in the circumstances.
- The findings and decision of the Committee shall be final and binding on both the Director of Athletics and the student-athlete.
- It is intended that an appeal to the Committee be only with respect to matters which involve the imposition of sanctions or the imminent probability that sanctions may be imposed. Accordingly, notwithstanding the foregoing, an appeal may be summarily dismissed without a hearing if four members of the Committee by a writing signed by them, determines that the appeal is not consistent with such intent.
- An appeal pending at the end of an academic year, except with respect to loss of athletic scholarship shall be dismissed as being moot. An appeal pending at the end of an academic year involving loss of athletic scholarship shall continue and be disposed of as soon as possible after the end of the academic year. If necessary, the Chancellor of the University shall reconstitute the Committee so that the appeal can proceed.
This Substance Abuse Program will be under constant evaluation and may be amended from time to time at the discretion of the IPFW Athletic Department. Amendments will be distributed to all student-athletes and no amendment will be retroactively applied.
Drug Testing Procedures
- The Athletic Department identifies student-athletes to be tested using a randomly generated list of numbers provided by the Faculty Athletics Rep.
- The lists of student-athletes to be tested are turned over to the Head Athletic Trainer for notification.
- Student-athletes report at the designated place and time and provide a urine sample.
- Collection procedures will be performed following guidelines set forth by the laboratory chosen by the Athletic Department.
- Documentation for all certified test administrators and procedures will be kept on file in the Training Room.
- A representative from the designated testing lab handles all paperwork and assures that every effort is made to maintain a proper chain of custody for the sample.
- Results are reported only to the Associate Director of Athletics, who takes appropriate action based on the principles and guidelines of the Athletic Department’s Substance Abuse Policies.
IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Appeals Committee
The Athletic Department Substance Abuse Appeals Committee will conduct the appeal procedure as outlined in the Substance Abuse Policy and Program and determine the appropriate actions in a timely manner.
A representative from the following IPFW administrative areas will make up the composition of the committee:
Academic Affairs.
Dean of Students Office.
Athletic Department Representative (non-coach).
Faculty Athletic Representative (Shall serve as Chair for the Committee).
Institutional Drug-Testing Procedures
Medical Code
- The presence in a student-athlete's urine of a substance and/or metabolite of such substance belonging to a class of drugs currently banned by the NCAA / IPFW may be cause for loss of eligibility.
- Related compounds are included in the class due to their pharmacological action and/or chemical structure. No substance belonging to the prohibited class may be used, regardless of whether it is specifically listed as an example.
- Evidence of presence of a banned substance and/or metabolite will be from analysis of the student-athlete's urine and confirmation by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry by an IPFW Sports Medicine approved laboratory.
- The current NCAA list of banned-drug classes is available from the NCAA and at www.ncaa.org/sports_sciences/drugtesting/banned_list.html. In addition, other substances may be screened to gather data for making decisions as to whether additional drugs should be added to the list. The NCAA Executive Committee will be responsible for reviewing and revising the list of banned-drug classes.
- The IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee may limit testing to select banned-drug classes.
- The IPFW Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA) has final authority over the procedures and implementation of the IPFW drug-testing program.
- The IPFW Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA) will recommend policies and procedures to the Director of Athletics and will hear drug testing appeals.
- The IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Task Force Committee will provide periodic evaluations and recommendations to IPFW Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA)
- IPFW Athletics will support, coordinate and be responsible for the general administration of the drug-testing program under the supervision of the IPFW Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA).
- IPFW Athletics will be responsible for administration of the program. This will include selection of and training of the test administrators who will take responsibility for respective drug-testing occasions.
- IPFW Athletics may utilize the services of outside collection agencies to conduct drug-testing specimen collection.
Certified test administrators and determination of testing sites will be part of the administrative responsibility of IPFW Sports Medicine.
- No member of a drug-testing crew may concurrently be serving as an IPFW coach or faculty member or in any other capacity.
- The IPFW Athletic Director or his or her designee will approve any contracts between the drug-testing entities or consultants.
- Any drug-testing laboratory (ies) will be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee, proficiency in detection and confirmation of the banned substance categories on the NCAA list of banned-drug classes.
- A periodic quality control check of the laboratory (ies) will be maintained.
- Members of the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee and/or its consultants may be called upon to interpret test results.
- Specimen collection by organizations other than those authorized by IPFW is not allowed without the consent of the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
Causes For Loss of Eligibility
- According to NCAA Bylaw, each academic year the student-athlete shall sign a form prescribed by the Management Council in which the student-athlete consents to be tested for the use of drugs prohibited by NCAA legislation. Failure to complete and sign the consent form prior to practice or competition in Divisions I and II sports in which the Association conducts year-round drug testing and prior to competition in all other sports in Divisions I, II and III shall result in the student-athlete's ineligibility for participation (i.e., practice and competition) in all intercollegiate athletics.
- According to NCAA Bylaw, a non-recruited student-athlete in sports other than those involved in the Association's year-round drug-testing program may participate in preseason practice activities prior to the team's first contest or date of competition without signing the drug-testing consent form.
- IPFW shall administer the consent form individually to each student-athlete (including recruited partial qualifiers and non-qualifiers) each academic year. Details about the content, administration and disposition of the consent form are set forth in NCAA Bylaw 30.5.
- All student-athletes found to be positive for a banned substance and/or metabolite are subject to loss of eligibility consistent with existing policies, as designated in NCAA Bylaw
- Student-athletes who fail to sign the notification form or signature form, fail to arrive at the collection station at the designated time without justification, failure to supply a valid IPFW identification card, fail to provide a urine sample according to protocol, leave the collection station before providing a specimen according to protocol, or attempt to alter the integrity or validity of the urine specimen and/or collection process will be treated as if there was a positive for a banned substance.
- According to NCAA Bylaw 10.2, a member institution's athletics department staff members or others employed by the intercollegiate athletics program who have knowledge of a student-athlete's use of a substance on the list of banned drugs, as set forth in, shall follow institutional procedures dealing with drug abuse or shall be subject to disciplinary or corrective action as set forth in
Institution and Student Athlete Selection
- The method for selecting student-athletes to be tested will be recommended by the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee and approved by the Director of Athletics or designee in advance of the testing occasion, and implemented by test administrators. All student-athletes are subject to testing.
- All eligible student-athletes competing at IPFW are subject to year-round testing.
- IPFW student-athletes may be selected on the basis of position, athletics financial-aid status, playing time, an IPFW-approved random selection process or any combination thereof or reasonable suspicion.
- IPFW Student-athletes will be selected from the official institutional squad list.
- IPFW Student-athletes listed on the squad list that have exhausted their eligibility or who have career-ending injuries will not be selected.
- Persons who are competing and have tested positive will may be automatically tested at any subsequent IPFW athletic event or NCAA championship in which drug testing are not being conducted.
Institution and Student –Athlete Notification
- In the event of on-campus drug testing, the site coordinator will inform the IPFW Compliance Officer, Facility Manager, Fitness / Wellness Coordinator and the Athletic Director no earlier than two days before the day of testing.
- Each student-athlete will receive either / both written / verbal notification of their test time and date. The notification form will instruct the student-athlete when to report to the collection station, student –athletes must be present 30 minutes prior to test time.
- An official IPFW representative must be in the collection station to certify the identity of the student-athletes selected. The institutional representative must remain in the collection station until all student-athletes have reported.
- The time of notification will be recorded and the student-athlete will read and sign the notification form.
- Completed notification forms will be returned to the collection station and given to the crew chief (or designate). The student-athlete or institutional representative will be given a copy at the completion of the collection process.
- A witness may accompany the student-athlete to the collection station.
- The witness will be asked to remain during the entire collection process and will be asked to sign the Student-Athlete Signature Form.
- At NCAA on-campus, non-championship testing events, the student-athlete will be notified of and scheduled for testing by the institution. The institution will notify the student-athlete of the date and time to report to the collection station and will have the student-athlete read and sign any Student-Athlete Notification Form.
- The student-athlete will be instructed that he/she must report to the collection station within 30 minutes of the determined notification time. Failure of reporting on time will deem the athlete ineligible until arrangements can be made to test the student-athlete.
- An IPFW representative will be present in the collection station to certify the identity of student-athletes and will be responsible for security of the collection station.
- Student-athletes shall provide picture identification (Valid IPFW Student Identification) when entering the drug-testing station.
Specimen Collection Procedures
- Only those persons authorized by the test administrator will be allowed in the collection station.
- The test administrator may release a sick or injured student-athlete from the collection station or may release a student-athlete to return to competition or to meet academic obligations only after appropriate arrangements for having the student-athlete tested have been made and documented on the Student-Athlete Notification Form.
- Upon entering the collection station, the student-athlete will be identified by an IPFW representative and confirmed with one form of photo identification.
- The IPFW representative will record time of arrival and print name on the Student-Athlete Signature Form, Specimen Processing Form and complete the Chain-of Custody Form.
- The student-athlete’s outer garments and personal belongings are to be left outside the collection area. All items will be secured by test administration staff.
- The student-athlete will wash his/her hands prior to collection and at conclusion of procedures
- Split-specimen kit will be opened in presence of student-athlete.
- A certified test administrator will monitor the furnishing of the specimen by observation in order to assure the integrity of the specimen until a specimen of at least 60 – 85 ml is provided into the calibrated collection container with temperature strip.
- Once a specimen (at least 60 ml) is provided, the student-athlete is responsible for keeping the collection beaker controlled.
- Fluids and food given to student-athletes who have difficulty voiding must be from sealed containers (certified by the test administrator) that are opened and consumed in the station. These items must be caffeine- and alcohol-free and free of any other banned substances.
- If the specimen is incomplete, the student-athlete must remain in the collection station until the sample is completed. During this period, the student-athlete is responsible for keeping the collection beaker closed and controlled.
- If the student-athlete is unable to provide an adequate sample, the test administrator may give up to 2 hours to provide the sample. During this time, the student athlete will be allowed to only consume water and no food will be allowed.
- If the specimen is incomplete and the student-athlete must leave the collection station for a reason approved by the test administrator, the specimen must be discarded.
- Upon return to the collection station, the student-athlete will begin the collection procedure again according to #3.
- Once a specimen (at least 60 ml) is provided, the student-athlete will pour a small amount of urine into an approved container. A certified test administrator will check the temperature, specific gravity and pH of the urine in the presence of the student-athlete.
Temperature Acceptable: 90 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit
Specific Gravity Acceptable: Above 1.005 (1.010 if measured with a regent strip)
PH Acceptable: 4.5 – 7.5 (if measured with a regent strip)
- If the urine has a temperature below 90 degrees Fahrenheit or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit the specimen will be discarded by the student-athlete. The student-athlete must remain in the collection station until another specimen is provided. The student-athlete will provide another specimen according to #7 - #9.
- If the urine has a specific gravity below 1.005 (1.010 if measured with a reagent strip), the specimen will be discarded by the student-athlete. The student-athlete must remain in the collection station until another specimen is provided. The student-athlete will provide another specimen according to #7 - #9.
- If the urine has a pH greater than 7.5 (with reagent strip) or less than 4.5 (with reagent strip), the specimen will be discarded by the student-athlete. The student-athlete must remain in the collection station until another specimen is provided. The student-athlete will provide another specimen according to #7 - #9.
- If the urine has a specific gravity above 1.005 (1.010 if measured with a reagent strip) and the urine has a pH between 4.5 and 7.5 inclusive, the specimen will be processed and sent to the laboratory.
- Final determination of specimen adequacy will be made by the laboratory.
- If the laboratory determines that a student-athlete's specimen is inadequate for analysis, at the discretion of IPFW, another specimen may be collected.
- If a student-athlete is suspected of manipulating specimens (e.g., via dilution), IPFW will have the authority to perform additional tests on the student-athlete, not to exceed two consecutive negative tests.
- The certified test administrator who monitored the furnishing of the specimen by observation will record the temperature, specific gravity and pH values and sign for verification on the Specimen Processing Form and Chain of Custody Form.
- Once a specimen has been provided that meets the on-site temperature, specific gravity and pH parameters, the student-athlete will open both specimen bottles and will pour at least 30 ml of the specimen into each bottle.
- Security seals will be removed and attached to the chain of custody form. The student-athlete will place the cap on each bottle; the certified test administrator will then seal each vial in the required manner under the observation of the student-athlete and witness (if present). Security seals will be placed over the top and down the side of each bottle and the student-athlete will initial each seal to verify their particular samples.
Chain-of custody will be completed and placed in the provided biohazard bag of each sample collected. The laboratory's copy of the Student-Athlete Signature Form shall not contain the name of the student-athlete.
- The student-athlete and witness (if present) will sign the Student-Athlete Notification Form, certifying that the procedures were followed as described in the protocol. Any deviation from the procedures must be described and recorded on the
- Student-Athlete Signature Form at that time. If deviations are alleged, the student-athlete will be required to provide another specimen.
- The certified test administrator will sign the Student-Athlete Signature Form, give the student-athlete a copy and secure all remaining copies. The compiled Student-Athlete Signature Forms constitute the "Master Code" for that drug testing. The student-athlete will receive his/her copy of the Chain-of-Custody form and will be released from the collection area by the test administrator. The specimens now become the property of the IPFW Athletic Department.
- After the collection has been completed, the specimens will be forwarded for in-house processing and to the laboratory and all copies of all forms forwarded to the designated persons.
- Failure to sign the Student-Athlete Signature Form, Specimen Processing Form, Chain of Custody form and arrival at the collection station at the designated time without justification or provide a urine specimen according to protocol or failure to provide a valid IPFW student identification card is cause for the same action(s) as evidence of use of a banned substance.
- The test administrator will inform the student-athlete of these implications (in the presence of witnesses) and record such on the Specimen Processing Form. If the student-athlete is not available, the test administrator will notify the IPFW official responsible for administration of the event or an institutional representative. The student-athlete will be considered to have withdrawn consent and will be ineligible on that basis.
ON –Site Screening Procedures
- Chain-of-Custody form and one specimen container will be removed from the bio-hazard bag.
- The laboratory provided testing device will be opened and be marked accordingly:
- Test Date
- Student-athlete identification number
- Sealed specimen bottle will be opened and a urine sample drawn into the supplied pipette until full.
- Two drops of the specimen will be placed into the sample well.
- Test results will be read in 5-7 minutes after the sample application
- If the laboratory provided testing device control line is absent, the sample will be tested again with a new laboratory provided testing device.
- If the control line is absent a second time, it is the discretion of the test administrator if the sample is to be forwarded to the laboratory for further analysis or a new sample taken.
- hain-of-Custody form will be completed annotating the results of on-site screen test.
If the On-Site Screening Test is NEGATIVE
A copy of the Chain-of-Custody form will be sent to Administrator’s laboratory via fax and the Head Athletic Trainer at IPFW.
Specimen will be destroyed as well as all remaining copies of the Chain-of-Custody form.
If the On-Site Screening Test is NON-NEGATIVE
A copy of the Chain-of-Custody form will be sent to Administrator’s laboratory via fax
An additional copy of the Chain-of-Custody form will be sealed in a specimen transport (bio-hazard) bag for transport to the laboratory via Airborne Express or other overnight shipper.
Copies of all forms will be forwarded to the designated persons.
Interpretation of Test Results
- All on-site screening procedures will be conducting in a secured area away from interference of all student-athletes and representatives of IPFW.
- All information disclosed whether negative or non-negative is strictly confidential and is not to be released by the student-athletes, test administrators, IPFW staff or any others involved with the procedures.
- Information confirming test results will be released only to the Head Athletic Trainer at IPFW at which time he/she will disclose the information the Athletic Director and Drug and Substance Committee for any disciplinary sanctions.
- The student-athlete will be considered eligible until the final results have been received from the testing laboratory even if the screening process has revealed a non-negative result.
- All non-negative results will be sent to a certified (SAMHSA) laboratory capable of analyzing samples with gas chromatography / mass spectrometry to ensure the integrity of the sample
- The following are the cut-offs in which a particular substance may reveal a non-negative result in the On-Site Screening and will be sent for further analysis.
THC (marijuana) 50 ng/ml
COC (cocaine) 300 ng/ml
OPI (opiates) 2000 ng/ml
AMP (amphetamines) 1000 ng/ml
PCP (phencyclidine) 25 ng/ml
BZO (benzodiazepines) 300 ng/ml
BAR (barbiturates) 200 ng/ml
- Although the above standards are in effect by the laboratory which IPFW has chosen to utilize, the sensitivity of the test administrated by the NCAA may elicit a different result.
- The on-site screening device is utilized only to identify potential use and exposure and all conclusive results will be quantified at the laboratory for specific substance amounts.
- IPFW reserves the right at any time to test for other substances than which are listed above including steroids and ephedrine.
- Once the laboratory has confirmed the sample supplied through quantitative analysis as “non-negative” or “positive” the student-athlete will be deemed ineligible and a Notification of Alleged Violation of Code of Conduct will be completed by the Head Athletic Trainer and will be forwarded to appropriate parties to initiate a Substance Abuse Committee hearing.
Chain of Custody
- An IPFW agent will receive the shipping case(s) and deliver them to the carrier.
- A laboratory employee will record that the shipping case(s) have been received from the carrier.
- The laboratory will record whether the numbered seal on each vial arrived intact.
- If a specimen arrives at the laboratory with security seals not intact, the IPFW may collect another specimen.
Notification of Results and Appeal Process
- The laboratory will use a portion of specimen for its initial analysis.
- Analysis will consist of sample preparation, instrument analysis and data interpretation.
- The laboratory director or designated certifying scientist will review all results showing a banned substance and/or metabolite(s) in specimen.
- By facsimile or electronic mail, the laboratory will inform the certified test administrator of the results by each respective code number. Subsequently, the laboratory will mail the corresponding written report to IPFW.
- Upon receipt of the results, the Head Athletic Trainer will break the number code to identify any individuals with positive findings.
- Once the laboratory has confirmed the sample supplied through quantitative analysis as “non-negative” or “positive” the student-athlete will be deemed ineligible and a Notification of Alleged Violation of Code of Conduct will be completed by the Head Athletic Trainer and will be forwarded to appropriate parties to initiate a Substance Abuse Committee hearing.
- The student-athlete will be notified through certified mail and/or phone call of their test results, eligibility status and hearing date with the committee.
- A positive finding may be appealed by the student-athlete, coach or IPFW athletic department member. The IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee shall notify the student-athlete of the positive test and of the right to appeal no later than 48 hours of notification of the results.
- IPFW Athletics shall appeal if so requested by the student-athlete.
- The request for a student-athlete appeal shall be submitted in writing (e.g., letter, fax, email, etc.) by the director of athletics to the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee within 48 hours of notification of positive results or breach of protocol.
- Appeals must heard prior to the next contest date or date agreed upon by the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee and student –athlete.
- During this time, the student-athlete may seek an outside laboratory to test them again at their own expense. The laboratory must be certified for this type of testing and follow the same sample analysis (GC/MS) as IPFW or the NCAA and all results must be reported to the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee prior to their hearing.
- The student-athlete may have others available to participate on his/her behalf.
- The IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee will send a report of aggregate findings to the director of athletics. No report of aggregate data will be otherwise released without the approval of the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
- IPFW may release the results of a student-athlete's final positive test to the involved institution's conference office upon the approval of the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
- The following is a recommended statement concerning a positive testing test results in a student-athlete's ineligibility. If inquiries are received, this statement could be released:
"The student-athlete in question was found in violation of the IPFW eligibility rules and has been declared ineligible."
Restoration of Eligibility
- Student-athletes who have lost eligibility due to a positive drug test will be tested by IPFW in order to be considered for eligibility restoration. Retests for reinstatement of eligibility are conducted at the student-athlete’s expense.
- Requests for retesting should be submitted to IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
- Student-athletes who are ineligible as a result of an IPFW positive drug test shall be subject to testing by the IPFW at any time during their period of ineligibility. In addition, these student-athletes shall be subject to a mandatory IPFW exit test no sooner than one month prior of their suspension, with the results of the retests provided to the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
Statement of IPFW Drug-Testing Exceptions Procedures
The NCAA list of banned-drug classes (NCAA Bylaw is comprised of substances that are generally reported to be performance enhancing and/or potentially harmful to the health and safety of the student-athlete. The NCAA recognizes that some banned substances are used for legitimate medical purposes. Accordingly, the NCAA allows exception to be made for those student-athletes with a documented medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of such a drug.
Exceptions may be granted for substances included in the following classes of banned drugs: stimulants, beta blockers, diuretics and peptide hormones. (NCAA Bylaw
Procedures for Exceptions
- Alternative non-banned medications for the treatment of various conditions exist and should be considered before an exception is pursued.
- In the event that the student-athlete and the physician (in coordination with sports-medicine staff at the student-athlete's institution) agree that no alternative to the use of the banned substance is available, the decision may be made to continue the use of the banned substance (i.e., stimulant, beta blocker, and diuretic or peptide hormone).
- The institution should maintain in the student-athlete's medical record on campus a letter from the prescribing physician that documents that the student-athlete has a medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of such a drug. The letter should contain information as to the diagnosis (including appropriate verification), medical history and dosage information.
- A student-athlete's medical records or physicians' letters should not be sent to IPFW unless requested by the IPFW. Also, the use of the substance need not be reported at the time of an IPFW drug testing.
- In the event that a student-athlete is tested by the IPFW and tests positive for a substance for which the institution desires an exception, normal procedures for reporting positive test results will be followed and the institution, through its director of athletics, may request an exception by submitting to the IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee a physician's letter and any other medical documentation it wishes to have considered.
- Requests for exceptions will be reviewed by IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee.
- The IPFW Athletic Department Substance Abuse Committee will inform the director of athletics regarding the outcome of the exception request. In the event that the exception is not granted, the student-athlete may appeal this action.
- The eligibility of the involved student-athlete will be maintained during the period of time the exception is being reviewed by the drug subcommittee.
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Copyright © 2004 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Send comments and corrections on this web site to
Tim Heffron
Revised: November 2, 2004
URL: http://users.ipfw.edu/heffron/depttraining.html