IPFW Royal Dons Club Constitution
Article I
A general organization of individuals supporting the athletic program of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne shall be know as the IPFW Royal Dons Club, an affiliate organization of the Indiana-Purdue Foundation at Fort Wayne.
Article II
The purposes of the IPFW Royal Dons Club are as follows:
2.1 To unite, in an organized effort, the alumni and friends of IPFW who wish to express their interest in the campus and desire to serve it through their particular interest in athletics.
2.2 To uphold the aims and policies of athletics at IPFW, of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and of any conference with which the campus may be affiliated.
2.3 To encourage the attendance at IPFW of quality prospective student athletes.
2.4 To contribute, through the Athletic Scholarship Fund, financial support for IPFW student athletes who qualify academically for assistance to be administered by the IPFW Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid in accordance with rules and institutional regulations as stated in Article VII, paragraph 7.1 of this charter.
2.5 To contribute, through the Indiana-Purdue Foundation at Fort Wayne, financial support for capital improvements in athletic facilities.
2.6 To contribute, through the university’s regular accounting system, financial support for athletic operations.
2.7 To generally promote IPFW athletics within Northeastern Indiana and among alumni, students, faculty, and staff.
Article III
3.1 Any alumnus or friend of IPFW who supports the IPFW Royal Dons Club with a financial contribution shall automatically become a member of the IPFW Royal Dons Club. Contributions shall be payable to the Indiana-Purdue Foundation at Fort Wayne.
3.2 A single contribution in support of the IPFW Royal Dons Club shall entitle the donor to one year’s membership in the IPFW Royal Dons Club. In order to maintain membership in good standing the donor must renew this contribution in each new fiscal year. Failure to do so shall result in the individual’s name being deleted from the membership roll and mailing lists of the IPFW Royal Dons Club.
3.3 The IPFW Royal Dons Club Executive Board also reserves the right to delete a member’s name from the membership roll and mailing lists should a member of the association engage in any conduct which is in violation of conference, institutional, or NCAA rules and regulations or act in a manner which jeopardizes the good standing of IPFW in the field of intercollegiate athletics.
Article IV
Executive Board
4.1 The athletics director shall serve as the Executive Director of the Royal Dons Club. The Executive Director will be responsible for the Royal Dons Club charter and convening annual meetings.
4.2 The affairs of the organization shall be administered by the Executive Board and Executive Director. Those eligible for Executive Board memberships: Chancellor of IPFW or designee; Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs; Director of Athletics; Executive Board members.
4.3 The Board may, from time to time, appoint non-voting ex-officio members to the board.
4.4 The Board shall hold annual meetings at such times as it shall select, and special meetings may be held at any time upon the call of the Executive Director of the IPFW Royal Dons Club. Such meetings shall be open to any member of the Club in good standing.
4.5 In the transaction of the business of the organization more than one-half of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Article V
5.1 All contributions received by this organization shall be immediately deposited into the IPFW Royal Dons Club account maintained by the Indiana-Purdue Foundation at Fort Wayne to be expended only for the purposes of this organization as already stated. Allocation and disbursement of funds through the Indiana-Purdue Foundation will be in accordance with the policy established in January, 1978. This policy requires that the President of Purdue University must approve the annual allocation of funds held by the Foundation for expenditure for the benefit of the campus.
5.2 In the event of the dissolution or termination of activity of this organization, all of its funds, properties, rights, and interests shall remain on deposit with the Indiana-Purdue Foundation at Fort Wayne and shall be made available for expenditure for the benefit of recreational activity at IPFW.
Article VI
6.1 All funds for scholarships will be handled through the IPFW Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid, and recipients must meet all scholastic requirements of IPFW as determined by the authorities designated by IPFW and empowered by the Trustees to establish these scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded only to students who meet all scholastic and other requirements of the university and who are participating or have participated in the intercollegiate athletic program of the university.
Article VII
Fiscal Year
7.1 The fiscal year of this organization shall begin July 1 and end June 30 of each year.
Article VIII
8.1 The Charter may be amended at either bi-annual meeting of the Executive Board or at a special meeting called for that specific purpose. Ratification must be by 2/3 vote of those present, provided notice has been given that amendments will be proposed.
8.2 No amendment of Article II shall be adapted which is not wholly consistent with said article.
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Send comments and corrections on this web site to
Tim Heffron
Revised: November 1, 2004
URL: http://users.ipfw.edu/heffron/deptrdc.html