Request to Decrease Grant-in-Aid

The following form, associated Financial Aid Letter and Appeals Process allows you to request a decrease in Grant-in-Aid for a student athlete. Request to Decrease Grant-in-Aid Form
Financial Aid Letter to Decrease Grant-in-Aid
Scholarship Appeals Process
Directions on using the form and the letter Open the Request to Decrease Grant-in-Aid form by clicking on the above link. Then choose open.
  1. Place your cursor on the "Academic Term" you want, click and fill in the Term
  2. Tab to the next section
  3. Continue filling in the information on each section until you tab back to the top of the form
  4. Print the form
  5. Close the Adobe program
Open the Finacial Aid Letter to Decrease Grant-in-Aid form by clicking on the above link. Then choose open.
  1. Place your cursor in the "date" field, click, and fill in the date
  2. Tab to the next section
  3. Continue filling in the information on each section until you tab back to the top of the letter
  4. Print the letter
  5. Close the Adobe program
2:42 PM 4/14/2009 Open the Scholarhip Appeals Process information
  1. Print the information
  2. Close the Word program
After you have the hard copies of the form and letter complete the following steps
  1. Coach signs the form
  2. Compliance Officer signs the form
  3. Athletic Administrator signs the form
  4. coach has the Director of Financial Aid sign the form
  5. Give the form and the Letter to the Athletic Business Manager

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Copyright © 2004 Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Send comments and corrections on this web site to Tim Heffron

Revised: April 14, 2009