Myth 15
Theseus and the myths of Athens
Origins of Athens: Confused at best
3 possible origins:
1. descended from a mortal: Cecrops
2. they were autochthonus, "sprung from the earth" — like grasshoppers
3. descended from Athena (even though she's a virgin)
Erichthonius—another early king
Hephaestus tried to rape Athena—spills his seed on her leg
Son of Aegeus
takes the land route and performs six labors
1. "clubber"
2. pine-tree giant
3. giant pig
4. Sciron—feet washer/kicker
5. wrestler
6. Polypemon/Procrustes—"who likes
In Athens is not recognized—
he overcomes the Bull of Crete (Marathonian Bull)
Theseus goes off the kills the MINOTAUR of Crete
she laments on the shore as he sails away
but is actually found by Dionysus
Theseus and Amazons:
Amazons—goes off to abduct Antiope (sometimes Hippolyta)
they are actually very friendly to him
abducts Antiope
leads to Amazonomachy—defeated
Hippolytus (428 BC)
Pirithous king of the Lapiths
Pirithous gets married and invites Centaurs
unaccustomed to wine
ACM 227, 239 (Hyginus, 33, 79)
New wives!
Theseus: wants Helen
Pirithous wants Persephone (!)
Pirithous is still there (?)