Myth Topic 4


Myths of Creation


1. Creation of the Gods

a.  The gods are part of creation


2. Creation of Mortals



Cosmogony: the origin of the world




Hesiod, Theogony


origin of the gods

an elaborate hymn to Zeus







Chaos (Abyss)

Erebos (darkness) Nyx (“Night”)  --

beget Aether, radiance and Hemera, “Day”


Gaia (Gaea) — “Earth”


Tartaros — below earth


Eros — sexual love








Hecatonchires, “Hundred handers”



Ouranos (Uranus, “Heaven / Sky”),

Mountains, Pontus (“Sea”)



(with Ouranos):

Titans: Cronos (last born) Rheia, etc.

Oceanus (world river)







(lines 155 ff.)


Gaia makes a sickle, Cronos agrees

SKY separated from EARTH




Blood and guts:

Erinyes, “Furies” and Giants




His junk—thrown into the sea, white and foamy

Aphrodite / Cytherea (Venus)

Greek image

Roman image





(of Gaia and Pontus?  Lineage unclear)


reinterpretations of Eastern and Egyptian (beneficial) creatures


Sphinx 2 3



Chimaira (Chimera)





CRONOS as new king of the Titans


prophecy, to be overthrown

Children with Sister/wife Rheia:



Hestia, Demeter, Hera, (Hades), Poseidon, and ZEUS        [Aphrodite]


(next generation Olympians:

Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus, Ares, Hermes)



Cronos eats Children

Rheia gives him a swaddled rock

throws up kids





Zeus on Mt Olympos:


the Olympians (except Hades)



feeds his supporters ambrosia and nector


Cast and imprison Titans in Tartaros

Atlas (Titan or giant)


Gaia births Typhoios / Typhon

Battle—buried in the ground—Mt Etna




Series of Succession myths –

(primal human fear?)





Overthrow of Zeus?

First “wife”—Metis “cleverness”

Zeus eats her

Athena springs fully formed from his head

Virgin, Warrior, Wisdom





Zeus (Sky), Poseidon (sea) Hades (under earth)

Earth and Olympus are common ground





Creation: Not at all like Judeo-Christian event

Active personified elements, culminating in fully anthropomorphic gods




SIMILARITIES to Eastern Myths of Creation

Babylonian Enuma elish

Apsu and Tiamat (fresh and salt waters)

beget mud/earth/slime/lome

creation as a process, and a war

Younger generation overthrows



Ovid’s (Roman) Retelling

Metamorphoses, 1.1-89


some god, or superior nature settled this conflict” (21)


Rolls the earth into the shape of a great sphere (35)


Culminates in the creation of humans (78ff)




First Hebrew Creation account

 —omnipotent single God,

outside of creation

But creation is a process of separation:

watery chaos becomes heaven and earth

Light is brought into darkness

Culminates in creation of humans


Genesis 1:1–2:2