Myth 14


Heracles / Hercules


(metathesis --natural sound change)


The most popular of all Greek heroes


Despite this, however, there are few specific (surviving) texts devoted to him

We have to rely on mythographers (esp. Apollodorus) a lot

Depicted in art frequently






Strong and willful

Longing for experience

Natural / civilized

Monster killer /monstrous


After death taken to Olympus and became a god


His stories show up in the oldest Greek art


We have no continuous story of his career




BIRTH: divine and convoluted


Told in epic Shield of Heracles (6th century)

descended from Perseus and Andromeda


Amphitryon and Alcmena:

Zeus shows up


The real Amphitryon shows up and does the same


Becomes pregnant with fraternal TWINS:

Iphicles and Heracles



Heracles never becomes a great ruler (on the contrary)

Story told in Iliad

beware of foolish action/boasting

Zeus boasts that a descendant of his own seed would be born that day, and rule over the surrounding lands


Hera delays birth of Heracles and

hastens that of Eurystheus

Heracles’ cousin, and grandson of Perseus

hence Zeusian


Eurystheus is born immature


Ovid bonus (Book 9.329 ff):

the divine midwife

crossed legs and fingers


How do you tell the difference between the Twins?

Hera sends some snakes

recounted by Pindar

Heracles strangles them


Hercules is soo strong jokes ...

When he was a baby, Hera tried to nurse him and ...


Heracles was given the finest teachers:



Fighting in Armor

Playing the lyre, with Linus





Goes to live out in the country, tending cattle


Hunted a lion that was bothering Thespius, king of Thespiae

for 50 days

Thespius sends him a daughter each night

impregnates them all, and kills the lion






Buffoon and sexual genius


But can be a danger in peacetime


Marries Megara daughter of Creon, new king of Thebes

three kids


losses it

—because of Hera?



Euripides Heracles Insane (c. 416BC)

He think s he is going to kill his cousin Eurystheus


Big difference here


Euripides loves to focus on these irrational aspects of human life

Genuinely horrific



The Twelve Labors


Seeks out Oracle at Delphi to find out how to atone for his crime

--how to clean himself of this pollution


Must travel to his hometown, and serve his cousin Eurystheus

the Labors, or "athloi"


12 or 10 Labors, plus Deeds, plus "side deeds"





1. Nemean Lion

magic skin--no bow and arrow

wrestled in and broke its neck (cf. Beowulf and Grendel)

Has to use its own claw to skin it

Always wears the skin--with head like helmet

(with club and bow and arrow--wild man)


Brings skin to Eurystheus--the coward

"never let him into the city again"

show your prizes to Copreus "shitty"--my herald

builds a giant underground jar to hide in




2. the Hydra

many-headed serpant

brings his nephew--Iolaus (one of his few "buddy" stories")

burning arrows, then moves in with the sword

Chops of heads, but two more grow

Hassled by a crab the whole time


Iolaus cauterizes the stumps with a firebrand

Heracles buries the central, immortal head under a rock

dips his arrows in the poison of the hydra (!!!)

Smashed the crab--Cancer





3. Ceryneian Deer

female; golden antler; brazen hooves

tracks for a year-wounds with an arrow

carries on shoulder

reproached by Apollo for hassling his sister (Artemis') deer

He's under orders--shows it to Copreus, then lets it go.





4. Erymanthian Boar

SIDE DEED: Pholus and the Centaurs

while tracking, stops for a meal with Pholus

gets him to open the wine

The rest come running, Heracles attacks

They get Chiron--the wise, immortal Centaur

hit with arrow--eternal suffering PARADOX

trades mortality/immortality with Prometheus

Pholus drops an arrow on his hoof, and dies

He gets the boar





5. Augean Stables

Augeas never cleans

Eurystheus wants to humiliate Heracles

Heracles negotiates in disguise

--to get 1/10 of the cattle if he can do it in one day

redirects a river through the stables

Augeas refuses to pay

Heracles later returns and kills Augeas

according to Pindar, then establishes the Olympic Games





6. Stymphalian Birds

deadly bird with arrow-firing wings, and armor piercing beaks

clanging castanets--shoot them down





7. Cretan Bull

Summoned from the sea by Minos

threw it into the sea and rode it to Peloponnesus

killed by Theseus






8. Horses of Diomedes

A son of Ares

they eat human flesh

SIDE DEED: Alcestis

Argument btw Zeus and Apollo (Asclepius saved Hippolytus)

Apollo servant to Admetus

Apollo grants him to not die, if he can find a replacement

His wife agrees: Alcestis

Euripides: Alcestis (438 BC)

Heracles acts like a boor because everyone is mourning

they don’t want to burden him with sorrow

is ashamed when he finds out it’s for the queen

so he goes off stage and wrestles death

present her to him as a “new wife”

Feeds Diomedes to the horses





9. Girdle of Hippolyta

Queen of the Amazons

she gives it up right away--he’s so charming

Hera incites the Amazons against him

he kills her





10. Cattle of Geryon

red cattle in the far WEST

Sails out the Mediterranean--sets up the Pillars of Heracles

so hot in Africa--he fires an arrow at Helius, who lends him his cup

kicks ass, rustles the cattle into the cup, and sails back



Near the site of Rome, a three-headed monster stole cattle


Vergil tells the story





11. Apples of the Hesperides

Hera’s wedding present from Zeus

guarded by hundred header—Ladon

Way out in the West


SIDE DEED: Antaeus, Busiris

Antaeus—a giant, and son of Gaea he meets in Africa

wrestles the death then build house of skulls

don't throw him on the ground”


King of Egypt

kill a foreigner to restore the crops

Heracles allows to be bound, then kicks some ass

(Bu-Osiris—a temple dedicated to god of death.

Heracles overcomes death)


SIDE DEED: Prometheus

In the Caucasus—finds Prometheus—kills the eagle; sets him free

in Theogony—Zeus consents,

gives up his long-held anger”



Atlas—holding up the world






12. Ceberus

Descend to the underworld, and bring back the doggy

sacrifices one of Hades cows to him

Asks permission





Twelve Labors: OBSERVATIONS:


Edge of the world

Conquer Death (or at least compete)



When /Why 12??

Oldest accounts show no counting:

Theogony — genealogy of monsters, mentions 4

Geryon, Hydra, Cerberus, Nemean Lion




Oldest case of twelve

METOPES on the temple of Zeus at Olympia (470BC)

twelve blank spaces

but really an origin?



Significance of 12—Olympians; months; Titans



By Hellenistic times, the order is more or less set, with some logic





Heracles was a huge deal to expatriate Greeks

esp. In the West, Italy and Sicily

90% of surviving illustrated pots are found in Italy


Romans like to depict themselves as Heracles


most especially Commodus—basis for emperor in Gladiator


Alexander the Great, too—with lion skin





Attempts to win Iole, daughter of Eurytus

Heracles leaves, steals cattle?


Iphitus goes to ask, Heracles throws him over a cliff

BLOOD-pollution: violate Xenia



Delphic Oracle will not even speak with him

so he steals her tripod



Apollo stops him, and agrees to cleanse him

—he must serve a woman for 3 years



Sold at slave auction


Omphalequeen of Lydia

sex slave-cross dressing

Pan, smash!


Cecopes story



Death of Heracles

one of the most horrific in all Greek lit and Myth

Perseus, we don't know



Most fully told in Sophocles, Women of Trachis (c. 430BC)



Heracles has married Deianira — “man-killer”



had to wrestle Bull / sea-monster river god Achelous

Rips off horn, gets his bride



Had to cross river: Centaur Nessus ferries across for fee

puts Deianira on his back

Nessus gets frisky

shots with poison arrow


Nessus tells Deianira to collect blood and semen as love potion



Heracles goes back and captures Iole by force

—asks his messenger Lichas for a clean cloak for sacrifice



Deianira is upset about Iole

and uses the “love potion” on the shirt



Hercules death is reported in Women of Trachis

Shirt tightens, sweating—agony

the gift was yours (Deianira's) alone”

Smashes Lichas in his pain

Curses his marriage

take me away”

Orders son Hyllus to marry Iole

Deianira kills herself

After his pyre, his whole body is gone—ascended into heaven

marries Hebe, “Youth”



Eurystheus attempts to kill the Heraclids

but is easily beheaded by Hyllus


Dorians (especially Spartans) trace their ancestry to Heracles





HERACLES: “the renown of Hera?” ???

a common name, like John or Paul?

Origin of tales?

Argive plains?Thebes?


“Archetypal Greek hero”, but old-fashioned even by Homer's time

Doesn't fight other heroes, like Troy-fighters, but MONSTERS


Violence can solve anything

non-stop adventure

hard living, die “young”

He does everything too much

Fights Death—all the time


The greatest and most beloved of all Greek heroes

Mi Hercule!