Myth Topic 12


Legends / Heroic Myth




“Hero” in Homer--a noble of well born male; alive

shift in meaning comes after Homer




Cultic worship of Heroes

at heroa: massive conspicuous tombs




Cultic following seems to have begun around 800 BC

Cf. pyramids

Cf. Cult of the Saints (“legends”)

                    center of worship




Heroic myths—not found in every culture

not in Egypt

rare in Bible (except for Samson)





Key Motifs often found in Heroic Myth


·     Divine birth

·     Miraculous birth / amazing childhood

·     Heroes amazing strength makes him a menace

o Heracles—big dumb oaf; Zeus

·     Truest companion is a male

·     Performs incredible deed (esp. dragon slaying)

·     Breaks a taboo, and a price must be paid

·     Resists dangerous women

·     Causes the death of companion

·     Goes on a Quest, even to the underworld

·     Gets help from gods, magical

·     Returns, atones for crimes, accepts limitations

·     At death, receives magnificent funeral, and quasi-immortality by memory