Short Title: Lk (WSCp)
Short Short Title: Lk (WSCp)

November 2004

1062 citations

Dictionary of Old English
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University of Toronto
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Cameron number: B8.4.3.3

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Luke (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS. 140): Skeat 1871-87 14-238; Skeat, W.W., The Four Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions (Cambridge) [repr. Darmstadt 1970].

Cited by chapter and verse no. following ed.

Text category: Prose

[000100 (0.1)] Lucas Boc ðæs Halgan Godspelleres.

[000200 (1.1)] Forþam ðe witodlice manega þohton þara þinga race geendebyrdan þe on us gefyllede synt, swa us betæhtun ða þe hyt of frymðe gesawon; & þære spræce þenas wæron.

[000300 (1.3)] Me geþuhte geornlice eallum oð endebyrdnesse writan þe, þu se selusta theophilus, þæt ðu oncnawe þara worda soþfæstnesse of ðam ðe þu gelæred eart.

[000400 (1.5)] On Herodes dagum, iudea cyninges, wæs sum sacerd on naman Zacharias of Abian tune, & his wif wæf of Aarones dohtrum, & hyre nama wæs Elizabeth.

[000500 (1.6)] Soðlice hig wæron butu rihtwise beforan Gode, gangende on eallum his bebodum & rihtwisnessum butan wrohte.

[000600 (1.7)] & hig næfdon nan bearn, forðam ðe Elizabeth wæs unberende, & hy on heora dagum butu forð eodon.

[000700 (1.8)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa Zacharias his sacerdes hades breac on hys gewrixles endebyrdnesse beforan Gode.

[000800 (1.9)] Æfter gewunan ðæs sacerdhades hlotes, he eode þæt he hys offrunga sette; ða he on godes tempel eode eall werod þæs folces wæs ute gebiddende on þære offrunga timan.

[000900 (1.11)] Ða ætywde him drihtnes engel standende on þæs weofodes swyðran healfe; ða wearð Zacharias gedrefed þæt geseonde & him ege onhreas.

[001000 (1.13)] Ða cwæð se engel him to, ne ondræd þu þe, Zacharias, forþam þin ben ys gehyred & þin wif Elizabeth þe sunu cenð, & þu nemst hys naman Iohannes, & he byð þe to gefean & to blisse, & manega on his acennednysse gefagniað.

[001100 (1.15)] Soðlice he byð mære beforan drihtne & he ne drincð win ne beor, & he byð gefylled on haligum gaste, þonne gyt of hys modor innoðe, & manega Israhela bearna he gecyrð to Drihtne hyra gode.

[001200 (1.17)] & he gæð toforan him on gaste, & Elias mihte, þæt he fædera heortan to heora bearnum gecyrre, & ungeleaffulle to rihtwisra gleawscype, drihtne fullfremed folc gegearwian.

[001300 (1.18)] Ða cwæð Zacharias to þam engele, hwanun wat ic þis; Ic eom nu eald & min wif on hyre dagum forð eode.

[001400 (1.19)] Ða andswarode him se engel, Ic eom Gabriel, ic þe stande beforan Gode, & ic eom asend wið þe sprecan, & þe ðis bodian.

[001500 (1.20)] And nu þu byst suwiende, & þu sprecan ne miht, oð þone dæg þe ðas ðing gewurðaþ, forþam þu minum wordum ne gelyfdest, þa beoð on hyra timan gefyllede.

[001600 (1.21)] And þæt folc wæs Zachariam geanbidiende & wundrodon þæt he on þam temple læt wæs.

[001700 (1.22)] Ða he uteode ne mihte he him to sprecan, & hig oncneowon þæt he on þam temple sume gesihtðe geseah, & he wæs bicniende him & dum þurhwunede.

[001800 (1.23)] Ða wæs geworden þa his þenunga dagas gefyllede wæron, he ferde to his huse.

[001900 (1.24)] Soðlice æfter dagum Elizabeth his wif geeacnode & heo bediglude hig fif monþas & cwæð, Soðlice me Drihten gedyde þus, on þam dagum þe he geseah minne hosp betux mannum afyrran.

[002000 (1.26)] Soþlice on þam syxtan monðe wæs asend Gabriel se engel fram Drihtne on Galilea ceastre, þære nama wæs Nazareth, to beweddudre fæmnan anum were, þæs nama wæs Iosep, of Dauides huse, & þære fæmnan nama wæs Maria.

[002100 (1.28)] Ða cwæþ se engel ingangende, hal wes ðu mid gyfe gefylled, Drihten mid þe; ðu eart gebletsud on wifum.

[002200 (1.29)] Þa wearð heo on his spræce gedrefed, & þohte hwæt seo greting wære.

[002300 (1.30)] Ða cwæð se engel, ne ondræd þu ðe Maria; Soðlice þu gyfe mid gode gemettest.

[002400 (1.31)] Soðlice nu þu on innoðe geeacnast, & sunu censt & his naman Hælend genemnest.

[002500 (1.32)] Se byð mære & þæs hehstan sunu genemned, & him sylþ Drihten God his fæder, Dauides setl, & he ricsað on ecnesse on Iacobes huse, & hys rices ende ne byþ.

[002600 (1.34)] Ða cwæð Maria to þam engle: hu gewyrð þis forðam ic were ne oncnawe?

[002700 (1.35)] Ða andswarode hyre se engel; Se halga gast on þe becymþ & þæs heahstan miht þe ofersceadað, & forðam þæt halige ðe of þe acenned byð byþ Godes sunu genemned.

[002800 (1.36)] & nu Elizabeth þin mæge sunu on hyre ylde geeacnode, & þe monað ys hyre sixta, seo is unberende genemned, forþam nis ælc word mid Gode unmihtelic.

[002900 (1.38)] Ða cwæþ Maria, her is Drihtnes þinen, gewurþe me æfter þinum worde; & se engel hyre fram gewat.

[003000 (1.39)] Soþlice on þam dagum aras Maria & ferde on muntland mid ofste, on Iudeisce ceastre & eode into Zacharias huse & grete Elizabeth.

[003100 (1.41)] Ða wæs geworden þa Elizabeth gehyrde Marian gretinge, þa gefagnude þæt cild on hyre innoðe, And þa wearð Elizabeth halegum gaste gefylled.

[003200 (1.42)] & heo clypode micelre stefne & cwæþ; ðu eart betwux wifum gebletsod, & gebletsud ys þines innoðes wæstm, & hwanun is me ðis þæt mines drihtnes modor to me cume?

[003300 (1.44)] Sona swa þinre gretinge stefn on minum earum geworden wæs, þa fahnude min cild on minum innoþe.

[003400 (1.45)] And eadig þu eart ðu þe gelyfdest þæt fulfremede synd, þa ðing þe ðe fram Drihtne gesæde synd.

[003500 (1.46)] Ða cwæð Maria, min sawl mærsaþ Drihten; And min gast geblissude on Gode minum Hælende, forðam þe he geseah hys þinene eadmodnesse.

[003600 (1.48)] Soþlice heonunforð me eadige secgað ealle cneoressa, forðam þe me micele þing dyde se ðe mihtig is, & hys nama ys halig & hys mildheortnes of cneoresse on cneoresse hyne ondrædendum.

[003700 (1.51)] He worhte <mægne> on hys earme, he todælde þa ofermodan, on mode hyra heortan.

[003800 (1.52)] He awearp þa rican of setle, & ða eaðmodan up ahof.

[003900 (1.53)] Hingriende he mid godum gefylde, & ofermode idele forlet.

[004000 (1.54)] He afeng Israhel hys cniht, & gemunde hys mildheortnesse.

[004100 (1.55)] Swa he spræc to urum fæderum Abrahame & hys sæde on a woruld.

[004200 (1.56)] Soþlice Maria wunude mid hyre swylce þry monþas, & gewende þa to hyre huse.

[004300 (1.57)] Ða wæs gefylled Elizabethe cenningtid, & heo sunu cende.

[004400 (1.58)] & hyre nehcheburas & hyre cuðan þæt gehyrdon þæt drihten hys mildheortnesse mid hyre mærsude, & hig mid hyre blissodon.

[004500 (1.59)] Ða on þam ehteoþan dæge hig comon þæt cild ymsniþan, & nemdon hyne hys fæder naman Zachariam.

[004600 (1.60)] Ða andswarode his modor nese soþes, ac he byð Iohannes genemned.

[004700 (1.61)] Ða cwædon hig to hyre, nis nan on þinre mægðe þyson naman genemned.

[004800 (1.62)] Ða bicnodon hi to hys fæder hwæt he wolde hine genemnedne beon.

[004900 (1.63)] Þa wrat he gebedenum wexbrede, Iohannes is hys nama; ða wundrodon hig ealle.

[005000 (1.64)] Ða wearð sona hys muð & hys tunge geopenod & he spræc Drihten bletsiende.

[005100 (1.65)] Ða wearð ege geworden ofer ealle hyra nehcheburas, & ofer ealle Iudea muntland wæron þas word gewidmærsode.

[005200 (1.66)] & ealle þa ðe hit gehyrdon on heora heortan settun & cwædon; Wenstu hwæt byð þes cnapa; Witodlice drihtenes hand wæs mid him.

[005300 (1.67)] And Zacharias his fæder wæs mid halegum gaste afylled, & he witegode & cwæþ; Gebletsud si Drihten Israhela God, forþam þe he geneosode, & his folces alysednesse dyde; & he us hæle horn arærde on Dauides huse hys cnihtes.

[005400 (1.70)] Swa he spræc þurh hys halegra witegena muð, þa he of worldes frymðe spræcon, & he alysde us of urum feondum, & of ealra þara handa þe us hatedon, Mildheortnesse to wyrcænne mid urum fæderum, & gemunan his halegan cyþnesse.

[005500 (1.73)] Hyne us to syllenne þone að, þe he urum fæder Abrahame swor, þæt we butan ege of ure feonda handa alysede him þeowian, On halignesse beforan him eallum urum dagum.

[005600 (1.76)] And þu cnapa byst þæs hehstan witega genemned, þu gæst beforan Drihtnes ansyne his wegas gearwian, To syllenne his folce hys hæle gewit on hyra synna forgyfnesse.

[005700 (1.78)] Þurh innoþas ures Godes mildheortnesse on þam he us geneosode of eastdæle upspringende.

[005800 (1.79)] Onlihtan þam þe on ðystrum & on deaþes sceade sittað, ure fet to gereccenne on sybbe weg.

[005900 (1.80)] Soþlice se cnapa weox, & wæs on gaste gestrangod, & wæs on westenum oþ þone dæg hys ætiwednessum on ISRAHEL.

[006000 (2.1)] Soþlice on þam dagum wæs geworden gebod fram þam casere Augusto þæt eall ymbehwyrft wære tomearcod.

[006100 (2.2)] Þeos tomearcodnes wæs æryst geworden fram þam deman syrige Cirino, & ealle hig eodon, & syndrie ferdon on hyra ceastre.

[006200 (2.4)] Ða ferde Iosep fram Galilea of þære ceastre Nazareth, on Iudeisce ceastre Dauides seo is genemned Bethleem, forþam þe he wæs of Dauides huse, & hirede þæt he ferde mid Marian þe him beweddod wæs, & wæs geeacnod.

[006300 (2.6)] <Soþlice> wæs geworden þa hi þar wæron, hire dagas wæron gefyllede þæt heo cende, & heo cende hyre frumcennedan sunu, & hine mid cildclaþum bewand, & hine on binne alede, forþam þe hig næfdon rum on cumena huse.

[006400 (2.8)] & hyrdas wæron on þam ylcan rice waciende, & nihtwæccan healdende ofer heora heorda.

[006500 (2.9)] Þa stod Drihtnes engel wiþ hig & Godes beorhtnes him ymbescean, & hi him mycelum ege adredon.

[006600 (2.10)] & se engel him to cwæð; Nelle ge eow adrædan; Soþlice nu ic eow bodie mycelne gefean, se bið eallum folce; forþam todæg eow ys hælend acenned, se is Drihten Crist on Dauides ceastre.

[006700 (2.12)] And þis tacen eow byð; Ge gemetað an cild hreglum bewunden, & on binne aled.

[006800 (2.13)] And þa wæs færinga geworden mid þam engle mycelnes heofonlices werydes God heriendra & þus cweþendra; Gode sy wuldor on heahnesse & on eorðan sybb mannum Godes willan.

[006900 (2.15)] & hit wæs geworden þa ða englas to heofene ferdon, þa hyrdas him betwynan spræcon & cwædon; Utun faran to Bethleem, & geseon þæt word þe geworden is, þæt Drihten us ætywde.

[007000 (2.16)] & hig efstende comon, & gemetton Marian & Iosep & þæt cild on binne aled.

[007100 (2.17)] Þa hi þæt gesawon þa oncneowon hig be þam worde þe him gesæd wæs be þam cilde.

[007200 (2.18)] & ealle þa ðe gehyrdon wundredon be þam þe him þa hyrdas sædon.

[007300 (2.19)] Maria geheold ealle þas word on hyre heortan smeagende.

[007400 (2.20)] Ða gewendon ham þa hyrdas God wuldriende & heriende on eallum þam ðe hi gehyrdon & gesawon, swa to him gecweden wæs.

[007500 (2.21)] Æfter þam þe ehta dagas gefyllede wæron þæt ðæt cild emsnyden wære, his nama wæs Hælend; Se wæs fram engle genemned, ær he on innoðe geeacnod wære.

[007600 (2.22)] & æfter þam þe hyre clænsunge dagas gefyllede wæron æfter Moyses æ, hi læddon hyne on Hierusalem þæt hi hine gode gesettun swa swa on drihtnes æ awriten is, þæt ælc wæpned gecyndlim ontynende byð Drihtne halig genemned.

[007700 (2.24)] And þæt hig offrunge sealdon æfter þam þe drihtnes æ gecweden is twa turtlan, oððe twegen culfran briddas.

[007800 (2.25)] & þa wæs an man on Hierusalem þæs nama wæs Simeon & þes man wæs rihtwis & oþ Israhela frofor geanbidiende, & hali gast him on wæs.

[007900 (2.26)] & he andsware fram þam halegan gaste onfeng, þæt he deað ne gesawe, buton he ær Drihten Crist gesawe.

[008000 (2.27)] And on gaste he on þæt tempel com, & þa his magas læddon þone hælend, þæt hig for him æfter þære æ gewunan dydon, he onfeng hine mid his handum, & God bletsode & cwæð; Drihten, nu þu lætst þinne þeow æfter þinum worde on sibbe; Forðam mine eagan gesawon þine hæle, ða þu geearwodest beforan ansyne eallra folca.

[008100 (2.32)] Leoht to þeoda awrigenesse & to þines folces wuldre ISRAHEL.

[008200 (2.33)] Ða wæs his fæder & his modor wundriende be þam þe be him gesæde wæron.

[008300 (2.34)] And þa bletsude hig Simeon & cwæþ to Marian his meder; Loca nu þes is on hryre, & on æryst asett manega on Israhel, & on tacen þam ðe wiðcweden byð.

[008400 (2.35)] And his swurd þine sawle þurhfærð, þæt geþohtas syn awrigene of manegum heortum.

[008500 (2.36)] And Anna wæs witegystre Fanueles dohtor of Asseres mægðe þeos wunude manigne dæg, & heo leofode mid hyre were seofan ger of hyre fæmnhade.

[008600 (2.37)] & heo wæs wudewe oð feower & hundeahtatig geara.

[008700 (2.37)] Seo of þam temple ne gewat, dæges & nihtes þeowigende on fæstenum & on halsungum, And þeos ðære tide becumende drihtne andette & be him spræc eallum þam þe geanbidedon Hierusalem alysednesse.

[008800 (2.39)] & þa hi ealle þing gefyldon æfter drihtnes æ hi gehwurfon on Galileam on heora ceastre Nazareth.

[008900 (2.40)] Soðlice þæt cild weox & wæs gestrangod wisdomes full, & Godes gyfu wæs on him.

[009000 (2.41)] & his magas ferdon ælce gere to Hierusalem on easterdæges freolstide.

[009100 (2.42)] & þa he wæs twelf wintre hy foron to Hierusalem to þan easterlican freolse æfter hyra gewunan.

[009200 (2.43)] And gefylledum dagum þa hig agen gehwurfon, belaf se Hælend on Hierusalem, & his magas þæt nyston; wendon þæt he on heora gefere wære.

[009300 (2.44)] Þa comon hig anes dæges fær, & hine sohton betux his magas & his cuðan.

[009400 (2.45)] Ða hig hyne ne fundon hig gewendun to Hierusalem hyne secende.

[009500 (2.46)] Ða æfter þrim dagum hig fundon hine on þam temple sittende on middan þam lareowum, hlystende & hi ahsiende.

[009600 (2.47)] Þa wundrodon hig ealle þe gehyrdon be his gleawscipe, & hys andswarum.

[009700 (2.48)] Ða cwæþ his modor to him; Sunu hwi dydest þu unc ðus; þin fæder & ic sarigende þe sohton.

[009800 (2.49)] Ða cwæð he to him, hwæt is þæt gyt me sohton; Nyste gyt þæt me gebyrað to beonne on þam ðingum ðe mines fæder synt.

[009900 (2.50)] Ða ne ongeton hig þæt word þe he to him spræc.

[010000 (2.51)] Ða ferde he mid him & com to Nazareth, & wæs him underþeod.

[010100 (2.51)] And his modor geheold ealle þas word on hyre heortan smeagende.

[010200 (2.52)] And se hælend þeah on wisdome & on ylde & mid gyfe, mid Gode & mid mannum.

[010300 (3.1)] Soðlice þam fifteoðan geare þæs caseres anwealdes Tiberii, begymendum þam Pontiscan Pilate Iudeaþeode, feorðan dæles rica Galilee Herode; Filippo his breþer feorðan dæles rica Iturie, & þæs rices traconitidis & Lisania Abiline feorþan dæles rica, under ðara sacerda ealdrum Anna & Caifa.

[010400 (3.2)] Godes word wæs geworden ofer Zacharias sunu on westene & he com into eall Iordanes ricæ bodiende dædbote fulluht, & synna forgyfenesse, swa hit awriten ys on Isaias bec þæs witegan; Clypiende stefen on westene, gegearwiað drihtnes weg, doð his siðas rihte.

[010500 (3.5)] Ælc denu bið gefylled, & ælc munt & beorh byð genyðerud, & þwuru beoð on gerihte, & ungerydu on smeðe wegas, & ælce flæsc gesihð Godes hæle.

[010600 (3.7)] Soþlice he cwæð to þam menegum þe ferdon þæt hi wæron gefullode fram him, eala næddrena cynn hwa ætywde eow þæt ge fleon fram þam towerdan yrre?

[010700 (3.8)] Doð geornlice dædbote wæstmas & ne ongynne ge cweðan.

[010800 (3.8)] We habbað us to fæder Abraham; Ic secge eow, þæt god is swa mihtig þæt he mæg of þysum stanum Abrahames bearn aweccan.

[010900 (3.9)] Nu is seo æx asett to ðæs treowes wyrtruman; witodlice ælc treow þe ne bryncð godne wæstm bið forcorfen & on fyr aworpen.

[011000 (3.10)] Þa ahsodon hyne þa menegu & cwædon, hwæt do we?

[011100 (3.11)] Ða cwæð he to him: se þe hæfð twa tunecan sylle þam þe næfð, & þam gelice do se þe mettas hæfþ.

[011200 (3.12)] Ða comon þa manfullan þæt hig aþwegene wæron, & cwædon to him, lareow hwæt do we?

[011300 (3.13)] Þa cwæð he, ne do ge naht mare þonne þæt eow geset is.

[011400 (3.14)] Ða ahsodon hine þa cempan & cwædon, & hwæt do we?

[011500 (3.14)] Ða sæde he him, ne sleage nanne; ne tale ne doð, & beoð eðhylde on eowrum andlyfenum.

[011600 (3.15)] Soðlice þam folce wenendum & eallum on hyra heortan þencendum be Iohanne hwæþer he Crist wære.

[011700 (3.16)] Ða andswarude Iohannes him eallum secgende; Witodlice ic eow on wætere fullige; Soþlice cymð strengra þonne ic, þæs ic ne eom wyrþe þæt ic hys sceoþwancg uncnytte; He eow fullað on halgum gaste & on fyre.

[011800 (3.17)] & his fann ys on his handa, & he feormað his bernes flore, & gaderað hys hwæte into his berne; þæt ceaf he forbærnþ on unacwencedlicum fyre.

[011900 (3.18)] Manega oðre þing bodigende he þæt folc lærde.

[012000 (3.19)] Herodes se feorðan dæles rica, þa he wæs fram him geðread, be ðære Herodiadiscan hys broðor wife, & be eallum yfelum þe Herodes dyde.

[012100 (3.20)] & ofer eall þæt geicte þæt he beclysde Iohannem on cwearterne.

[012200 (3.21)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa eall þæt folc wæs gefullod, & þam hælende gefulledum & gebiddendum, heofon wæs geopenud & se halega gast astah lichamlicre ansyne on hyne swa an culfre, & stefen wæs of heofone geworden & þus cwæð; ðu eart min gecorena sunu, on þe me gelicode.

[012300 (3.23)] & se hælend wæs on ylde swylce þritig wintre, þæt menn wendon þæt he wære Iosepes sunu; Se wæs heliges sunu; se wæs nazareth, swa of cneorysse on cneorysse oð adam, se wæs godes sunu, oð fif & hundseofantig cneoryssa.

[012400 (4.1)] Soðlice se Hælend wæs full halgum gaste & ferde fram Iordane, & he wæs fram haligum gaste gelæd on sumum westene feowertig daga, & wæs fram deofle costod, & he on þam dagum nan þing ne æt; and þam dagum gefylledum hine hingrede.

[012500 (4.3)] Ða cwæð se deofol him to, gif þu sy Godes sunu sege þisum stane þæt he to hlafe gewurðe.

[012600 (4.4)] Ða andswarude him se Hælend, Hit is awriten þæt se man ne leofaþ be hlafe anum, ac of ælcum Godes worde.

[012700 (4.5)] And þa lædde se deofol hyne, & ætywde him ealle ricu eorðan ymbehwyrftes, on anre byrhmhwile & to him cwæð, Ealne þisne anweald ic ðe sylle, & hyra wuldor, forþam þe hi me synt gesealde, & ic hi sylle þam ðe ic wylle.

[012800 (4.7)] Witodlice ealle hig beoð þine gif þu geeaðmetst beforan me.

[012900 (4.8)] Þa andswarode him se hælend, Hit is awriten, Drihten þinne God ðu geeadmetst, & him anum þeowast.

[013000 (4.9)] Ða lædde he hyne on Hierusalem & gesette hine ofer þæs temples hricg, & him to cwæð, Gyf þu sy Godes sunu asend þe heonun nyþer.

[013100 (4.10)] Soðlice hyt is awriten, ðæt he hys englum be þe bebyt þæt hig þe gehealdon, & þæt hig þe mid handum nimon, þelæs þu ðinne fot æt stane ætspeorne.

[013200 (4.12)] Ða cwæð se hælend him andswariende, Hyt is gecweden, ne costa þu Drihten þinne god.

[013300 (4.13)] & ealre þære costunge gefylledre, se deofol him sume hwile fram gewat.

[013400 (4.14)] Þa ferde se hælend on gastes mægene on Galileam, & his hlisa be him ferde on eall þæt rice, & he lærde be hyra gesamnungum, & wæs fram eallum gemærsod.

[013500 (4.16)] Ða com he to Nazareth, þar he afed wæs, & he eode on restedæge on þa gesamnunge æfter his gewunan & he aras þæt he rædde.

[013600 (4.17)] & him wæs geseald Isaias boc þæs witegan & sona swa he þa boc unfeold þa funde he þar awriten, drihtnes gast is ofer me, forþam ðe he smyrede me, he sende me þearfum bodian, & gehæftum alysednesse, & blindum gesihþe, forbrocene gehælan & bodian Drihtnes andfenge ger, & edleanes dæg.

[013700 (4.20)] And þa he þa boc befeold he hig þam ðene agef & sæt, & ealra heora eagan on þære gesamnunge wæron on hyne behealdende.

[013800 (4.21)] Ða ongan he him to cweðan, Soþlice todæg þis gewrit is on eowrum earum gefylled.

[013900 (4.22)] & hig ealle wæron þæs gecnæwe, & wundredon be þam wordum þe of his muþe eode, & þus cwædun, Nys þes Iosepes sunu.

[014000 (4.23)] Ða cwæþ he, witodlice ge secgað me þas gelicnesse, eala læce, gehæl ðe sylfne; Do her on þinum earde, swa fela wundra swa we gehyrdon gedone on cafarnaum.

[014100 (4.24)] Ða cwæð he soðlice, ic eow secge þæt nan witega nis andfenge on his eþele.

[014200 (4.25)] Soþlice ic eow secge manega wudewan wæron on Helias dagum on Hisrahel, ða þa seo heofon wæs belocen þreo ger & syx monþas; þa wæs geworden mycel hunger on ealle eorðan & to þara nanum næs Helias asend, buton to anre wudewan on Sarepta Sidonie.

[014300 (4.27)] And manega licþroweras wæron on Israhel, under Heliseo þam witegan, & hyra nan næs aclænsud buton Naaman se Sirisca.

[014400 (4.28)] Ða wurdon hig ealle on þære gesamnunge mid yrre gefylled, þas þing gehyrende.

[014500 (4.29)] & hig arison & scufon hine of ðære ceastre, & læddon hine ofer ðæs muntes cnæpp, ofer þone hyra buruh getimbrud wæs, þæt hi hyne nyðer bescufon, þa ferde he þurh hyra midlen.

[014600 (4.31)] And he ferde to Cafarnaum on Galileisce ceastre, & hi þar on restedagum lærde & hig wundredon be his lare, forþam his spæc on anwealde wæs.

[014700 (4.33)] And on hyra gesamnunge wæs sum man unclæne deofol hæbbende, & he hrymde micelre stefne & cwæþ, Læt la Nadzarenisca Hælend, hwæt is us & þe, com þu us to forspillanne; ic wat þæt ðu eart Godes halega.

[014800 (4.35)] And þa cidde him se Hælend & cwæþ, adumba & ga him of, & þa he utadraf hine on heora midlene, he him framgewat, & him naht ne derude.

[014900 (4.36)] Ða wurdon hig ealle forhte & spræcon him betwynan & cwædon, hwæt ys þæt word þæt he on mihte & on mægene unclænum gastum bebyt & hig utgaþ?

[015000 (4.37)] Ða wæs his hlisa gewidmærsod on ælcere stowe þæs rices.

[015100 (4.38)] Soþlice he aras of heora gesamnunge & ferde on Simones hus.

[015200 (4.38)] Ða wæs Simones sweger geswenced on mycelum feferum, & hig hyne for hyre bædon.

[015300 (4.39)] & he standende ofer hig þam fefore bebead & he hig forlet & heo sona aras and him þenode.

[015400 (4.40)] Soðlice þa sunne asah ealle þe untrume wæron on mislicum adlum hig læddon him to & he syndrygum hys hand onsettende hig gehælde.

[015500 (4.41)] Ða ferdon þa deoflu of manegum hrymende & cweðende, Soðes þu eart Godes sunu, & he ne geþafude þæt hig æni þing spræcon forþam þe wiston þæt he Crist wæs.

[015600 (4.42)] Ða gewordenum dæge se Hælend utgangende ferde on weste stowe, & þa meniu hine sohtun, & hi comon to him, & behæfdon hine, þæt he him fram ne gewite.

[015700 (4.43)] Þa sæde he him, soðlice me gedafænað oðrum ceastrum Godes rice bodian, forþam to þam ic eom asend.

[015800 (4.44)] & he wæs bodigende on Galilea gesamnungum.

[015900 (5.1)] Soþlice wæs geworden þa ða menegu him to comon þæt hig Godes word gehyrdon, he stod wið þone mere Genesareth.

[016000 (5.2)] & he geseah twa scipu standende wið þæne mere.

[016100 (5.2)] Ða fisceras eodun & wohson heora nett.

[016200 (5.3)] He þa astigende on an scyp, þæt wæs Simones bæd hyne þæt he hit lythwon fram lande tuge, & on þam scipe sittende he lærde þa menegu.

[016300 (5.4)] Ða he sprecan geswac he cwæþ to Simone, Teoh hit on dypan & lætað eowre nett on þone fiscwer.

[016400 (5.5)] Þa cwæþ Simon him andswariende, Eala bebeodend ealle niht swincende we naht ne gefengon; Soðlice on þinum worde ic min nett utlæte.

[016500 (5.6)] & þa hi þæt dydon hig betugon mycele menigeo fixa, & hyra net wæs tobrocen.

[016600 (5.7)] & hig bicnodon hyra geferan, þe on oðrum scipe wæron, þæt hi comun & him fylston; ða comon hig & gefyldon butu þa scipu, swa þæt hi neh wæron besencte.

[016700 (5.8)] Þa Petrus þæt geseah he feoll to þæs Hælendes cneowum & cwæð, Drihten, gewit fram me forþam ic eom synfull mann.

[016800 (5.9)] & he wundrude & ealle þa ðe mid him wæron on þam were þara fixa þe hi gefengon.

[016900 (5.10)] Gelice Iacobum & Iohannem Zebedeis suna, þa wæron Simones geferan; ða cwæþ se Hælend to Simone, ne ondræd þu þe; Heonon forð þu byst men gefonde.

[017000 (5.11)] & hig tugon hyra scypo to lande, & forleton hig & folgodon þam Hælende.

[017100 (5.12)] Ða he wæs on anre ceastre þa wæs þar an hreofla & þa he geseah þæne hælend þa astrehte he hine & bæd & þus cwæð, Drihten, gyf þu wylt þu miht me geclænsian.

[017200 (5.13)] And he æthran hine his handa aþenede & cwæð, Ic wylle, si þu geclænsud; And sona se hreofla him fram ferde.

[017300 (5.14)] & he bebead him þæt he hit nanum men ne sæde, ac ga ætyw þe þam sacerde, & bring for þinre clænsunga swa Moyses bebead him on gewitnesse.

[017400 (5.15)] Witodlice þæs þe ma seo spræc be him ferde & mycele menegeo comun þæt hi gehyrdon & wurdon gehælede fram hyra untrumnessum.

[017500 (5.16)] He þa ferde on westen & hyne gebæd.

[017600 (5.17)] Ða wæs anum dæge geworden þæt he sæt & hig lærde & þa wæron þa Farisei sittende & þære ælareowwæs, þa comon of ælcon castele Galileæ & Iudeæ & Hierusalem, & drihtnes mægen wæs hig to gehælene.

[017700 (5.18)] And þa bæron men on anum bedde anne man se wæs lama.

[017800 (5.19)] & hig ne mihton hine inbringan & alecgan beforan him, for þære menigo þe mid þam Hælende wæs; þa astigon hig uppan þæne hrof & þurh þa watelas hine mid þam bedde asende beforan þæne Hælend.

[017900 (5.20)] Ða he geseah hyra geleafan he cwæð, La mann þe synd þine synna forgyfene.

[018000 (5.21)] Þa agunnon þencan þa boceras & Farisei & cwædon, hwæt is þes þe her sprycþ woffunga; Hwa mæg synna forgyfan buton god ana?

[018100 (5.22)] Ða se hælend gecneow hyra geþancas he andswariende cwæþ to him, hwæt þence ge on eowrum heortum, hwæðer is eðre to cweþenne þe synd þine synna forgyfene, hwæþer þe cweþan aris & ga, þæt ge witon þæt mannes sunu on eorðan <anweald> hæfð synna to forgyfanne; And he sæde þam laman, þe ic secge aris, nim þin bed & ga on þin hus.

[018200 (5.25)] & he sona beforan him aras, & nam þæt he on læg & to his huse ferde & God wuldrode.

[018300 (5.26)] & hig ealle wundredon & God mærsodon & wæron mid ege gefyllede, & cwædon, soðes we todæg wundru gesawon.

[018400 (5.27)] Þa æfter þam he uteode & geseah Publicanum, he wæs oþrum naman Leui gehaten æt ceapsceamule sittende, & he cwæþ to him, filig me.

[018500 (5.28)] & he him þa filigde & ealle hys þing forlet.

[018600 (5.29)] & Leui dyde him mycelne gebeorscype on his huse, & þar wæs mycel menegeo manfulra & oðerra þe mid him sæton.

[018700 (5.30)] Þa murcnodon þa Farisei & þa boceras & cwædon to hys leorningcnihtum, hwi ete ge & drincað mid manfullum & synfullum?

[018800 (5.31)] Ða andswarude se Hælend & cwæþ to him, Ne beþurfon læces þa ðe hale synd, ac þa ðe unhælþe habbaþ.

[018900 (5.32)] Ne com ic rihtwise clypian, ac synfulle on dædbote.

[019000 (5.33)] Ða cwædon hig to him, hwi fæstað Iohannes leorningcnihtas gelomlice & halsunga doð, & eallswa Farisea, & þine etað & drincað.

[019100 (5.34)] Þa cwæð he, cwystuþu magon þæs brydguman bearn fæstan swa lange swa se brydguma myd him ys.

[019200 (5.35)] Soþlice þa dagas cumaþ þonne se brydguma him byð afyrred, þonne fæstað hig on þam dagum.

[019300 (5.36)] Þa sæde he him an bigspell: Ne asend nan man scyp of niwum reafe on eald reaf, elles þæt niwe slit, & se niwa scyp ne hylp þam ealdan.

[019400 (5.37)] Ne nan man ne sent niwe win on ealde bytta, elles þæt niwe win brycð þa bytta & þæt win byð agoten, & þa bytta forwurðað.

[019500 (5.38)] Ac niwe win is to sendenne on niwe bytta, þonne beoð þa bytta gehealdene.

[019600 (5.39)] And ne drincð nan man eald win & wylle sona þæt niwe, he cwyþ, þæt ealde is betere.

[019700 (6.1)] Soþlice wæs geworden on þam æfteran restedæge, æryst þa he ferde þurh þa æceras hys leorningcnihtas þa ear pluccedon & mid hyra handum gnidon & æton.

[019800 (6.2)] Ða cwædon sume of þan sundorhalgan, hwi do ge þæt eow alyfed nis on restedagon?

[019900 (6.3)] Þa andswarode him se Hælend, ne rædde ge þæt, hwæt Dauid dyde þa hine hingrede, & þa ðe mid him wæron, hu he eode into Godes huse, & nam þa offrunghlafas & hig æt, & þam sealde þe mid him wærun, þa nærun alyfede to etanne buton sacerdon anum.

[020000 (6.5)] And he sæde him þæt Drihten is mannes sunu, eac swylce restedæges.

[020100 (6.6)] Soðlice on oðrum restedæge wæs geworden þæt he on gesamnunge eode & lærde, & þar wæs sum man & his swyðre hand wæs forscruncen.

[020200 (6.7)] Ða gymdon þa boceras & Farisei hwæþer he on restedæge hælde, þæt hi hyne gewregdon.

[020300 (6.8)] Soþlice he wiste hyra geþancas, & he sæde þam men þe ða forscruncenan hand hæfde, aris & stand her amiddan; þa aras he & stod.

[020400 (6.9)] Ða cwæþ se hælend to him, Ic ahsige eow alyfþ on restedagum wel don, oððe yfele, sawle hale gedon, hwæþer ðe forspillan?

[020500 (6.10)] And him eallum gesceawodum mid yrre he sæde þam men, Aþene þine hand, & he Aþenode & his hand wæs geedniwod.

[020600 (6.11)] Þa wurdon hig mid unwisdome gefyllede & spæcon betux him hwæt hig þam Hælende dydon.

[020700 (6.12)] Soþlice on þam dagum he ferde on anne munt hine gebiddan, & wæs þar waciende on Godes gebede.

[020800 (6.13)] And þa ða dæg wæs he clypode hys leorningcnihtas & geceas twelf of him, & þa he nemde apostolas.

[020900 (6.14)] Simonem þæne he nemde Petrus & his broðor Andreas, Iacobum & Iohannem, Filippum & Bartholomeum, & Thomam, & Matheum, & Iacobum, Alfei, & Simonem, se is genemned Zelotes, Iudam, Iacobi, & Iudam Scarioð se wæs læwa.

[021000 (6.17)] And mid him farendum he stod on feldlice stowe, & mycel wered his leorningcnihta, & mycel menegeo fram ealra Iudea & fram Ierusalem, & ofer muþan & sægemæro Tiri & Sidonis, ða coman þæt hi hyne gehyrdon, & wæron of hyra adlum gehælede.

[021100 (6.18)] & þa ðe wæron of unclænum gastum gedrehte wærun gehælede.

[021200 (6.19)] And eal seo menigeo sohte hine to æthrinenne, forþam þe mægen of him eode & he ealle gehælde.

[021300 (6.20)] Ða cwæþ se hælend beseonde to his leorningcnihtum, Eadige synd ge þearfan on gaste forþam þe Godes rice is eower.

[021400 (6.21)] Eadige synd ge ðe hingriað nu, forþam þe ge beoð gefyllede.

[021500 (6.21)] Eadige synt ge ðe nu wepað, forþam ge hlihaþ.

[021600 (6.22)] Eadige beo ge, þone eow men hatiað & ehtað, & onhiscaþ, & awurpað eowerne naman swa swa yfel for mannes suna.

[021700 (6.23)] Geblissiað & gefagniað on þam dagum, nu eower med is mycel on heofenum; Soðlice æfter þissum þingum hyra fæderas dydon þam witegum.

[021800 (6.24)] Þeahhwæðere wa eow witegum, forþam þe ge eowerne frofor habbað.

[021900 (6.25)] Wa eow þe gefyllede synt, forþam þe ge hingriað; Wa eow þe nu hlihað, forþam þe ge heofað & wepað.

[022000 (6.26)] Wa eow þonne eow ealle men bletsiað, æfter þissum þingum hyra fæderas dydon þam witegum.

[022100 (6.27)] Ac ic eow sege forþam þe ge gehyraþ, lufiað eowre fynd doþ þam tala þe eow hatedon.

[022200 (6.28)] Bletsiað þa ðe eow wiriað, gebiddaþ for þa þe eow onhisceað.

[022300 (6.29)] And þam þe slihþ on þin gewenge wend oðer agen, & þam þe ðin reaf nymþ, ne forbeod him no þine tunecan.

[022400 (6.30)] Syle ælcum þe ðe bidde, & se ðe nimþ þa ðing þe ðine synt ne mynega þu hyra.

[022500 (6.31)] And swa ge wyllaþ þæt eow men don, doþ him gelice.

[022600 (6.32)] & hwylc þanc is eow gif ge lufiað þa þe eow lufiað; Soðlice synfulle lufiað þa þe hi lufiað?

[022700 (6.33)] And gyf ge wel doð, þam ðe eow wel doð; hwylc þanc is eow; Witodlice þæt doð synfulle.

[022800 (6.34)] & gyf ge lænaþ þam þe ge eft æt onfoð, hwylc þanc is eow?

[022900 (6.34)] Soþlice synfulle synfullum lænað, þæt hi gelice onfon.

[023000 (6.35)] Þeahhwæðere lufiað eowre fynd & him wel doð, & læne syllað nan þing þanun eft gehihtende, & eower med byþ <mycel> on heofone, & ge beoþ þæs hehstan bearn, forþam þe he is god ofer unþancfulle & ofer yfele.

[023100 (6.36)] Heornostlice beoþ mildheorte swa eower fæder is mildheort.

[023200 (6.37)] Nelle ge deman, & ge ne beoð demede.

[023300 (6.37)] Nelle ge genyðerian, & ge ne beoð genyþerude; Forgyfaþ, & eow byð forgyfen.

[023400 (6.38)] Syllað & eow byþ geseald god gemet & full, geheapod & oferflowende hig syllaþ on eowerne bearm; þam sylfan gemete þe ge metað, eow byð gemeten.

[023500 (6.39)] Ða sæde he him sum bigspell, Segst þu, mæg se blinda þæne blindan lædan; Hu ne feallaþ hig begen on þæne pytt?

[023600 (6.40)] Nis se leorningcniht ofer þone lareow; ælc byð fulfremed, gif he is swylce hys lareow.

[023700 (6.41)] Hwi gesihst þu þa egle on þines broþor eagan, & ne gesihst þæne beam on þinum eagan?

[023800 (6.42)] And hu miht þu segan þinum breþer, broþor læt þæt ic ateo þa egle of þinum eage, & þu sylf ne gesyhst þæne beam on þinum agenum eagan; Eala licetere, teoh ærest þone beam of þinum eage, & þonne þu gesihst þæt ðu ateo þa egle of þines broðor eage.

[023900 (6.43)] Nys god treow þe yfelne wæstm deð, ne nis yfel treow godne wæstm donde.

[024000 (6.44)] Ælc treow is be his wæstme oncnawen.

[024100 (6.44)] Ne hig of þornum ficæppla ne gaderiaþ, ne winberian on gorste ne nimað.

[024200 (6.45)] God man of godum goldhorde hys heortan god forðbringð, & yfel man of yfelum goldhorde yfel forðbringþ; Soðlice se muð spycð swa seo heorte þencð.

[024300 (6.46)] Hwi clypege ge me, Drihten, Drihten, & ne doð þæt ic eow secge?

[024400 (6.47)] Ælc þara þe to me cymþ & mine spræca gehyrð & þa deþ, ic him ætywe hwam he gelic is.

[024500 (6.48)] He ys gelic timbriendum men his hus se dealf deopne & hys grundweall ofer þæne stan asette; Soðlice gewordenum flode hit fleow into þam huse, & hyt ne mihte þæt hus astirian, hit wæs ofer þæne stan getrymed.

[024600 (6.49)] Se ðe gehyrð & ne deþ, he is gelic þam timbriendan men his hus ofer þa eorþan butan grundwealle, & þæt flod in fleow & hrædlice hyt afeoll & wearð mycel hryre þæs huses.

[024700 (7.1)] Soþlice ða he ealle his word gyfylde on þæs folces hlyste; He eode into cafarnaum.

[024800 (7.2)] Þa wæs sumes hundredmannes þeowa untrum, se wæs sweltendlic, se wæs him dyre.

[024900 (7.3)] And þa he gehyrde be þam Hælende he sende to him Iudea ealdras & bæd þæt he come, & hys þeow gehælde.

[025000 (7.4)] Þa hi to þam Hælende comun, hi bædon hyne geornlice & þus cwædon, He is wyrðe þæt ðu him tilige, witodlice he lufað ure þeode, & he us ure samnunge getimbrode.

[025100 (7.6)] Þa ferde se Hælend mid him, & þa he wæs unfeor þam huse se hundredmann sende hys frynd to him & cwæþ, Drihten nelle þu beon gedreht; ne eom ic wyrðe þæt ðu ga under mine þecene, forþam ic ne tealde me sylfne þæt ic to ðe come, Ac cweð þin word & min cniht byð gehæled.

[025200 (7.8)] Ic ne eom an man under anwealde gesett; cempan under me hæbbende.

[025300 (7.8)] & ic secge þissum, ga, & he gæð, & ic secge þissum, cum, þonne cymð he, & ic secge minum þeowe, do þis, & he deð.

[025400 (7.9)] Ða wundrude se Hælend þam gehyredum, & cwæþ to þære menigeo bewend, Soþlice ic secge eow ne funde ic on Israhel swa mycelne geleafan.

[025500 (7.10)] & þa ða ham comon ðe asende wæron hig gemetton halne þone þe ær untrum wæs.

[025600 (7.11)] Þa wæs syððan geworden he ferde on þa ceastre þe is genemned Naim & mid him ferdun hys leorningcnihtas & mycel menego.

[025700 (7.12)] Þa he genealæhte þære ceastre gate þa wæs þar an dead man geboren anre wudewan sunu þe nanne oðerne næfde, & seo wudewe wæs þar, & mycel menegu þære burhware mid hyre.

[025800 (7.13)] Þa se Hælend hig geseah þa wæs he mid mildheortnesse ofer hig gefylled, & cwæþ to hyre, ne wep þu na.

[025900 (7.14)] Ða genealæhte he & þa cyste æthran, þa ætstodon þa þe hyne bæron; þa cwæþ se Hælend, eala geonga, þe ic secge aris.

[026000 (7.15)] Ða aras se þe dead wæs, & ongan sprecan, þa agef he hine hys meder.

[026100 (7.16)] Þa ofereode ege hig ealle, & hig God mærsodon & cwædon, þæt mære witega on us aras, & þæt God hys folc geneosude.

[026200 (7.17)] Ða ferde þeos spæc be him on ealle Iudea, & embe eall þæt rice.

[026300 (7.18)] Ða cyddun Iohannes leorningcnihtas him be eallum þysum þingum.

[026400 (7.19)] Þa clypode Iohannes twegen of his leorningcnihtum, & sende to þam Hælende, & þus cwæþ; Eart þu þe <to> cumene eart, hwæðer þe we oþres scylon onbydan.

[026500 (7.20)] Ða hig to him comun þus hig cwædon, Iohannes se fulluhtere us sende to þe & þus cwæð; Eart þu ðe to cumenne eart þe we sculon oðres onbidan.

[026600 (7.21)] Soðlice on þære tide he gehælde manega of adlum, ge of witum & of yfelum gastum, & manegum blindum he gesihþe forgeaf.

[026700 (7.22)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend; Faraþ & cyþað Iohannes þa ðing þe ge gesawon & gehyrdon; þæt blinde geseoð & healte gaþ, hreoflan synt gehælede, deafe gehyrað, deade arisaþ, þearfan bodiað, & eadig ys swa hwylc swa ne byð on me geuntrywsud.

[026800 (7.24)] And þa þa Iohannes ærynddracan ferdon.

[026900 (7.24)] Þa cwæð se Hælend to þam folce be Iohanne, Hwi ferde ge on westene geseon þæt hreod þe byð mid winde astyred, Ac hwi ferde ge to seonne þone man mid hnescum reafum gescryddne, þa ðe synt on deorwurþum reafe & on estum.

[027000 (7.26)] Ac hwi ferde ge þæne witegan geseon, witodlice ic eow secge he is mara þonne witega.

[027100 (7.27)] Ðes is be þam þe awriten is, nu ic asende minne engel beforan þine ansyne, se gegearwað þinne weg beforan þe.

[027200 (7.28)] Soþlice ic eow secge, nis betwux wifa bearnum nan mærra witega þonne Iohannes se fulluhtere, se þe is læssa on Godes rice, se is his mara.

[027300 (7.29)] & eall folc þis gehyrende sundorhalgan God heredon & gefullede on Iohannes fulluhte.

[027400 (7.30)] Soþlice þa sundorhalgan & þa ægleawan forhogodon þæs Hælendes geþeaht on him sylfon, na fram þam Hælende gefullode.

[027500 (7.31)] Hwam telle ic gelice þisse cneorisse men, & <hwam> synt hi gelice.

[027600 (7.32)] Hi synt gelice cildum on stræte sittendum & specendum betwux him & cweðendum; We sungon eow be hearpan, & ge ne saltudun, we heofdun & ge ne weopun.

[027700 (7.33)] Soþlice Iohannes com se fulluhtere hlaf ne ætende, ne win drincende, & ge cweðað, deofolseocnysse he hæfð.

[027800 (7.34)] Mannes sunu com, etende & drincende, & ge cweþað þes man is swelgend & win dringcende, manfullra and synfulra freond; And wisdom is gerihtwisud on eallum his bearnum.

[027900 (7.36)] Þa bæd hine sum of þam sundorhalgum þæt he mid him æte, ða eode he into þæs Fariseiscan huse & gesæt.

[028000 (7.37)] And þa þæt wif þe wæs on þære ceastre synfull, þa heo oncneow þæt he sæt on þæs Fariseus huse, heo brohte hyre sealfbox, & stod wiðæftan his fet, & ongan mid hyre tearum hys fet þwean, & drigde mid hyre heafdes fexe, & cyste hys fet & mid sealfe smyrede.

[028100 (7.39)] Ða se sundorhalga þe hyne ingelaðode þæt geseah, he cwæþ on hys geþance, Gyf þe man witega wære, witodlice he wiste hwæt & hwylc þis wif wære þe his æthrinþ þæt heo synful is.

[028200 (7.40)] Ða cwæð se hælend him andswariende, Symon ic hæbbe þe to secgenne sum ðing; þa cwæð he, lareow, sege þænne.

[028300 (7.41)] Twegen gafolgyldon wæron sumum lænende, an sceolde fif hund penega & oðer fiftig; ða hig næfdon hwanon hi hyt aguldon, he hit him bam forgef; Hwæþer lufode hyne swyðor?

[028400 (7.43)] Þa andswarode Simon, ic wene, se ðe he mare forgef; ða cwæð he rihte, þu demdest.

[028500 (7.44)] Þa bewende he hyne to þam wife, & sæde Simone, Gesyhst þu þis wif; Ic eode into þinum huse ne sealdest þu me wætan to minum fotum; ðeos mid hyre tearum mine fet þwoh, & mid hyre loccum drigde.

[028600 (7.45)] Coss þu me ne sealdest, þeos syððan ic ineode, ne geswac þæt heo mine fet ne cyste.

[028700 (7.46)] Min heafod þu mid ele ne smyredest, þeos smyrede mid sealfe mine fet.

[028800 (7.47)] Forþam ic secge þe, hyre synt manega sinna forgyfene, forþam heo me swyðe lufode; Læsse lufað þam ðe læsse forgyfen ys.

[028900 (7.48)] Þa cwæþ he to hyre, þe synt þine synna forgyfenne.

[029000 (7.49)] Ða begunnon þa ðe þar sæton betwux him cweðan, Hwæt is þes þe manna synna forgyfð.

[029100 (7.50)] Ða cwæþ he to þam wife, þin geleafa þe dyde hale; ga nu on sybbe.

[029200 (8.1)] Syððan wæs geworden þæt he ferde þurh þa ceastre & þæt castel Godes rice prediciende & bodiende, & hi twelfe mid <hym>.

[029300 (8.2)] And sume wif þe wæron gehælede of awyrgdum gastum & untrumnessum, seo Magdalenisce Maria of þære seofan deoflu uteodon, & Iohanna Chuzan wif Herodes gerefan, & Susanna & manega oðre þe him of hyra spedum þenedon.

[029400 (8.4)] Soþlice þa mycel menegeo com & of þam ceastrum to him efstun, he sæde him an bigspel.

[029500 (8.5)] Sum man his sæd seow, þa he þæt seow sum feoll wið þæne weg & wearð fortreden, & heofones fugulas hyt fræton.

[029600 (8.6)] And sum feoll ofer þæne stan & hit forscranc forþam þe hit wætan næfde.

[029700 (8.7)] & sum feoll on þa þornas, & þa þornas hyt forþrysmodon.

[029800 (8.8)] And sum feoll on gode eorðan, & worhte hundfealde <wæstm>.

[029900 (8.8)] Þa clypode he & cwæð, Gehyre se ðe earan hæbbe.

[030000 (8.9)] Ða ahsodon hine hys leorningcnihtas hwæt þæt bigspel wære.

[030100 (8.10)] Þa cwæð he, eow is geseald þæt ge witun Godes rices geryne & oðrum on bigspellum, þæt hi geseonde ne geseon, & gehyrende ne ongyton.

[030200 (8.11)] Soðlice þis is þæt bigspell, þæt sæd ys godes word; þa ðe synt wið þæne weg, þæt synt þa þe gehyrað.

[030300 (8.12)] Syððan se deofol cymþ, & ætbryt þæt word of hyra heortan þæt hig þurh þone geleafan hale ne gewurðað.

[030400 (8.13)] Ða ðe synt ofer þæne stan þa þæt word mid gefean onfoð, & þa nabbað wyrtruman forþam þe hi hwilum gelyfað, & awaciaþ on þære costnunge timan.

[030500 (8.14)] Ðæt sæd þe feoll on þa ðornas þæt synt þa ðe gehyraþ, & of carum & of welum & of lustum þiss lifes synt forþrysmede, & nanne wæstm ne bringað.

[030600 (8.15)] Þæt feoll on ða godan eorðan, þæt synt þa ðe on godre & on selestre heortan gehyrende þæt word healdað & wæstm on geþylde bringað.

[030700 (8.16)] Ne oferwrihð nan man mid fæte his onælede leohtfæt, oððe under bedd asett, ac ofer candelstæf asett, þæt ða ingangendan leoht geseon.

[030800 (8.17)] Soðlice nis nan ðing digle þæt ne sy geswutelod, ne behydd, þæt ne sy cuþ, & open.

[030900 (8.18)] Warniað hu ge gehyran, þam byð geseald ðe hæfð, & swa hwylc swa næfð þæt he wene þæt he hæbbe, him byð afyrred.

[031000 (8.19)] His modor & his gebroðru him to comun & hi ne mihton hine for þære menegu geneosian.

[031100 (8.20)] Þa wæs him gecyðed, þin modor & þine gebroðru standað her ute, wyllað þe geseon.

[031200 (8.21)] Þa cwæð he to him, min modor and mine gebroðru synt þa ðe gehyrað & doð Godes word.

[031300 (8.22)] Soðlice anum dæge wæs geworden þa he on scyp eode & his leorningcnihtas; þa cwæþ he to him, Utun seglian ofer þisne mere, & hig seglydan þa.

[031400 (8.23)] Þa hig reowun, þa slep he; ða com windi yst & hig forhtodon.

[031500 (8.24)] Þa genealæhton hig him to & cwædon, Hlaford, we forwurðað; ða aras he & ðreade þæne wind & þæs wæteres hreohnesse; ða geswac se wind & wearð mycel smyltnes.

[031600 (8.25)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend, hwar is eower geleafa.

[031700 (8.25)] Þa adredon hig & wundredon & betwux him cwædon, Wenst þu hwæt is þes, þæt he bebyt ge windum ge sæ, & hig him hyrsumiað.

[031800 (8.26)] Þa reowon hig to Gerasenorum rice, þæt is foran ongen Galileam; þa he to lande com, him agen arn sum man, se hæfde deofolseocnesse lange tide, & næs mid nanon reafe gescrydd, & ne mihte on huse gewunian ac on byrgenum.

[031900 (8.28)] Þa he geseah þæne Hælend he astrehte hyne toforan him, & cwæþ mycelre stefne hrymende, Hwæt is me and þe, la Hælend þæs hehstan Godes sunu, Ic halsige þe þæt ðu ne ðreage me.

[032000 (8.29)] Þa bead he þam unclænan gaste þæt he of ðam men ferde.

[032100 (8.29)] Soþlice lange tide he hyne gegrap, & he wæs mid racenteagum gebunden & mid fotcopsum gehealden, & toborstenum bendum he wæs fram deofle on westen gelædd.

[032200 (8.30)] Ða ahsode se Hælend hine, hwæt is þin nama?

[032300 (8.30)] Þa cwæð he, Legio, þæt is on ure geþeode eored, forþam þe manega deoflu on hyne eodun.

[032400 (8.31)] Þa bædon hig hine þæt he him ne bude þæt hi on grund ne bescuton.

[032500 (8.32)] And þar wæs mycel heord swyna on þam munte læsiendra.

[032600 (8.32)] Þa bædon hy þæt he lyfde him on þa gan; þa lyfde he him.

[032700 (8.33)] Þa eodon hig of þam men on þa swyn, þa ferde seo heord myculum ræse on ðæne mere & wearð þar adruncen.

[032800 (8.34)] Þa ða hyrdas þæt gesawon þa flugon hig & cyddon on þa ceastre & on tunum.

[032900 (8.35)] Þa eodon hig ut þæt hig gesawon þæt ðar geworden wæs.

[033000 (8.35)] Þa comon hig to þam Hælende, þa fundon hig ðæne man þe deofol of eode gescryddne & halum mode æt his fotum, & hig adredon him.

[033100 (8.36)] Ða cyddon him þa ðe gesawon hu he wæs hal geworden of ðam eorede.

[033200 (8.37)] Þa bæd hine eall menego þæs rices Gerasenorum þæt he fram him gewite, forþam hig mycelum ege gehæfte wærun; ða wende he on scype agen.

[033300 (8.38)] Þa bæd hyne se man ðe se deofol of eode þæt he mid him wunede.

[033400 (8.38)] Þa forlet se Hælend hyne & cwæð to him, wend to þinum huse & cyð hu mycel þe God gedon hæfð.

[033500 (8.39)] Ða ferde he into eall þa ceastre, & cyðde hu mycel se Hælend him gedon hæfde.

[033600 (8.40)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa se Hælend agen com; seo menegeo hine onfeng; ealle hig gebidon his.

[033700 (8.41)] And þa com an man þæs nama wæs Iairus, se wæs þære gesamnunge ealdor; ða feoll he to þæs Hælendes fotun & bæd hyne þæt he ferde to hys huse, forþam he hæfde ane dohtor, nean twelf wintre & seo forðferde; þa gebyrede hyt þa he ferde of ðam menegum he wæs ofþrungen.

[033800 (8.43)] Ða wæs sum wif on blodryne twelf ger.

[033900 (8.43)] Seo fordælde on læcas eall þæt heo ahte, & ne mihte þeah of ænegum beon gehælyd.

[034000 (8.44)] Ða genealæhte heo wiðæftan & æthran hys reafes fnæd, ða ætstod sona þæs blodes ryne.

[034100 (8.45)] Þa cwæð se Hælend, hwæt is se ðe me æthran?

[034200 (8.45)] Ða hig ealle ætsocon, þa cwæð Petrus & þa ðe mid him wæron, Eala Hlaford, þas menegeo þe ðringað & geswencað, & þu segst hwa hwa æthran me.

[034300 (8.46)] Þa cwæþ he sum me æthran, ic wiste þæt mægen of me eode.

[034400 (8.47)] Ða þæt wif geseah þæt hit him næs dyrne, heo com forht & astrehte hig to his fotum & geswutulude beforan eallum folce for hwylcum þinge heo hit æthran, & hu heo wearð sona hal.

[034500 (8.48)] Þa cwæð he to hyre, Dohtor þin geleafa þe hale gedyde; Ga nu on sybbe.

[034600 (8.49)] Him þa gyt specendum, þa com sum man to þære gesamnunge ealdre & cwæð to him, ne drece þu hyne.

[034700 (8.50)] Þa se Hælend þæt word gehyrde he andswarude þæs mædenes fæder, Ne ondræd þu ðe; Gelyf wotodlice, & heo bið hal.

[034800 (8.51)] And þa ðe he to þam huse com, ne let he nanne mid him ingan buton Petrum & Iohannem & Iacobum, & þæs mædenes fæder & hyre modor.

[034900 (8.52)] Þa weopon hig ealle & heofodon hi.

[035000 (8.52)] Ða cwæþ he, ne wepe ge; Soþlice nis þis mæden dead, ac heo slæpð.

[035100 (8.53)] Ða tældon hig hyne & wiston þæt heo dead wæs.

[035200 (8.54)] Ða nam he hyre hand & cwæð, Mæden, þe ic secge aris.

[035300 (8.55)] Þa gehwearf hyre gast agen & heo sona aras, & he het hyre syllan etan.

[035400 (8.56)] Ða wundredon hyre magas þa bead he þam þæt hi hit nanum men ne sædon þæt þar geden wæs.

[035500 (9.1)] Þa clypode he togædere his twelf apostolas, & sealde him mihte, & anweald ofer ealle deofolseocnessa, & þæt adla hi gehældon.

[035600 (9.2)] & he sende hig to bodianne Godes rice, & untrume gehælan.

[035700 (9.3)] Ða cwæþ he to him, ne nyme ge nan þing on wege, ne gyrde, ne codd, ne hlaf, ne feoh, ne ge ne ge nabbon twa tunecan.

[035800 (9.4)] & on swa hwylc hus swa ge ingað wuniað þar oð ge utgan, & swa hwylce swa eow ne onfoð, þonne ge of þære ceastre gað asceacað eower fota dust ofer hig on witnesse.

[035900 (9.6)] Ða ferdon hig þurh þa burhga bodiende & æghwar Hælende.

[036000 (9.7)] Þa gehyrde Herodes se feorðan dæles rica ealle þa ðing þe be him wærun gewordene; ða twynude him forþam þe sume sædon þæt Iohannes of deaðe aras, sume sædon þæt Helias ætywde; sume sædon eald witega aras.

[036100 (9.9)] Ða cwæþ Herodes, Iohannem ic beheafdude, hwæt is þes; Be þam ic þilc gehyre; ða smeade he þæt he hine gesawe.

[036200 (9.10)] Þa cyddun him ða apostolas swa hwæt swa hig dydon.

[036300 (9.10)] Ða nam he hig & ferde onsundron on weste stowe seo is Bethsaida.

[036400 (9.11)] Ða ða menego þæt wiston þa filidon hig him, þa onfeng he hig & spæc to him be Godes rice, & þa he gehælde ðe lacnunga beþorftun.

[036500 (9.12)] Þa gewat se dæg forð, & hig twelfe him genealæhton & sædon him, Læt þas menego þæt hig farun on þas castelu & on þas tunas þe her abutan synt & him mete findon, forþam þe we synt her on westere stowe.

[036600 (9.13)] Ða cwæð he to him, sylle ge him etan.

[036700 (9.13)] Ða cwædon hig we nabbað buton fif hlafas & twegen fixas, buton we gan & us mete bicgon & eallum þissum werede.

[036800 (9.14)] Þar wæron neah fif þusenda wera.

[036900 (9.14)] Ða cwæþ he to his leorningcnihtun, Doþ þæt hig sitton þurh gebeorscypas fiftegum.

[037000 (9.15)] & hig swa dydon & hi ealle sæton.

[037100 (9.16)] Ða nam he þa fif hlafas & þa twegen fixas, & on þone heofon beseah & bletsude hig & bræc, & dælde his leorningcnihtum, þæt hig asetton hig beforan þam menegum.

[037200 (9.17)] Þa æton hig ealle & wurdon gefyllede, & man nam þa gebrotu þe þar belifon twelf cypan fulle.

[037300 (9.18)] Ða wæs geworden þa se Hælend wæs ana hine gebiddende, hys leorningcnihtas wæron mid him; þa ahsode he hig, hwæt secgð þis folc þæt ic sy?

[037400 (9.19)] Ða andswarudon hig & cwædon, Iohannes baptistam, sume Heliam, sume þæt sum witega of ðam ealdum aras.

[037500 (9.20)] Ða sæde he him, hwæt secge ge þæt ic sy?

[037600 (9.20)] Þa andswarude Petrus, ðu eart Crist godes sunu.

[037700 (9.21)] Ða þreade he hig & bead þæt hig hit nanum men ne sædon, forþam þe hit gebyreð þæt mannes sunu fela þinga þolige, & beo aworpen fram ealdrum & ealdormannum & fram bocerum, & beon ofslegen, þriddan dæge arisan.

[037800 (9.23)] Þa cwæð he to eallum, Gyf hwa wyle æfter me cuman, ætsace hine sylfne & nime his cwylminge & me folgige.

[037900 (9.24)] Se þe wyle hys sawle hale gedon, se hig forspilþ.

[038000 (9.24)] Witodlice se ðe his sawle for me forspilð he hi gehæleð.

[038100 (9.25)] Hwæt fremað ænegum men þeah he ealne middaneard on æht begite, & hyne sylfne forspille; And his forwyrd wyrce, Se ðe me & mine spæca forsyhþ, þæne mannes sunu forsyhþ, þonne he cymð on his mægenþrymme & hys fæder & halegra engla.

[038200 (9.27)] Ic secge eow soðlice, her synd sume standende þa deade ne wurðaþ, ær hig Godes rice geseon.

[038300 (9.28)] Ða wæs geworden æfter þam wordum nean eahta dagas þæt he nam Petrum & Iohannem & Iacobum, & eode on anne munt, þæt he hyne gebæde.

[038400 (9.29)] Þa he hine gebæd þa wæs hys ansyn oþres hiwes, & his reaf hwit scinende.

[038500 (9.30)] Þa spæcon twegen weras wið hyne Moyses & Helias gesewene on mægenþrymme, & sædon his gewitendnesse þe he to gefyllende wæs on Hierusalem.

[038600 (9.32)] Petrus & þa þe mid him wæron wurdon mid slæpe gehefegude; And þa hi onwæcnedun hi gesawun his mægenþrym, & twegen weras þe mid him stodun.

[038700 (9.33)] And hi him fram eodun, Petrus cwæð to him; Eala bebeodend, god is þæt we her beon & uton wyrcan þreo eardungstowa, ane þe & ane Moyse & ane Hælie, & he nyste hwæt he cwæð.

[038800 (9.34)] Ða he þis spæc, ða wearð genip & ofersceadude hig, & hi ondredon him gangende on þæt genip.

[038900 (9.35)] Ða com stefen of þam genipe and cwæð, þes ys min leofa sunu; gehyrað hyne.

[039000 (9.36)] Ða seo stefn wæs gehyred þa wæs se Hælend gemett ana, & hi suwodun & ne sædun nanum men on þam dagum nan þing þæs ðe hi gesawun.

[039100 (9.37)] Oðrum dæge him of þam munte farendum him agen arn mycel menego.

[039200 (9.38)] Þa clypode an wer of þære menego & cwæð, Lareow, ic halsie þe, geseoh minne sunu forþam he is min anlica sunu, & nu se unclæna gast hine æthrinð, & he færlice hrymð & fornimð hyne & fæmð, & hyne tyrð & slit.

[039300 (9.40)] & ic bæd þine leorningcnihtas þæt hig hine utadrifon & hig ne mihton.

[039400 (9.41)] Þa cwæð se Hælend him to andsware, Eala ungeleafulle & þwure cneores, swa lange swa ic beo mid eow, & eow þolie; Læd hider þinne sunu.

[039500 (9.42)] And þa he hyne lædde him to, se deofol hine fornam & fordyde.

[039600 (9.42)] Ða nydde se Hælend þone unclænan gast ut, & gehælde þæne cnapan & agef hine his fæder.

[039700 (9.43)] Þa wundredon hig ealle be Godes mærðe, & eallum wundriendum be þam þingum þe gewurdun; He cwæð to his leorningcnihtum, Asettað þas spæca on eowrum heortum, hit ys towerd þæt mannes sunu si geseald on manna handa.

[039800 (9.45)] Ða þohton hig þis word & hit wæs bewrigen beforan him þæt hi hit ne ongeton, & hi ne dorston hine be þam worde ahsian.

[039900 (9.46)] Soðlice þæt geþanc eode on hig, hwylc hyra yldest wære.

[040000 (9.47)] Ða se Hælend geseh hyra heortan geþancas, he gesette þæne cnapan wiþ hine & cwæþ to him, Se ðe þysne cnapan on minum naman onfehð, se me onfehð; And se þe me onfehð he onfehð þæne þe me sende; Witudlice se ðe is læst betwex eow ealle, se is mara.

[040100 (9.49)] Ða andswarode Iohannes, bebeodend, we gesawon sumne on þinum naman deofolseocnessa ut drifende & we hine forbudon, forþam he mid us ne fylygð.

[040200 (9.50)] Ða cwæð he, ne forbeode ge.

[040300 (9.50)] Se ðe nis ongen eow se is for eow.

[040400 (9.51)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa his andfenga dagas wæron gefyllede; he getrymede hys ansyne þæt he ferde to Hierusalem.

[040500 (9.52)] Ða sende he bodan beforan his ansyne, þa eodon hig on þa ceastre Samaritanorum þæt hi him gegearwodon.

[040600 (9.53)] & hig ne onfengon hine forþam þe he wolde faran to Hierusalem.

[040700 (9.54)] Ða his leorningcnihtas þæt gesawon, Iacobus & Iohannes, þa cwædon hig, Drihten, wyltu we secgað þæt fyr cume of heofone & fornime hig.

[040800 (9.55)] And hine bewende he hig þreade, & hig ferdon on oþer castel.

[040900 (9.57)] Ða hi ferdon on wege, sum him to cwæð, Ic fylige þe swa hwyder swa þu færst.

[041000 (9.58)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend, foxas habbað holu & heofones fuglas nestþ; Soðlice mannes sunu næfþ hwar he hys heafod ahylde.

[041100 (9.59)] Ða cwæþ he to oðrum filig me.

[041200 (9.59)] Ða cwæþ he, drihten, alyf me æryst bebyrigean minne fæder.

[041300 (9.60)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend, læt þa dead byrigan hyra deadan.

[041400 (9.60)] Ga ðu & boda Godes rice.

[041500 (9.61)] Ða cwæð oðer, ic fylige þe drihten, ac læt me æryst hit cyþan þam ðe æt ham synt.

[041600 (9.62)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend him to, nan mann þe hys hand asett on hys sulh, & onbæc besyhð nys andfenge Godes rice.

[041700 (10.1)] Æfter þam se hælend gemearcude oðre twa & hundseofantig and sende hig twam beforan his ansyne on ælce ceastre & stowe þe he to cumenne wæs, & cwæð to him, her is mycel rip & feawa wyrhtan.

[041800 (10.2)] Biddað þæs ripes hlaford þæt he sende wyrhtan to his ripe.

[041900 (10.3)] Farað nu, nu ic eow sende swa swa lamb betwux wulfas.

[042000 (10.4)] Ne bere ge sacc, ne codd, ne gescy, ne nanne man be wege ne gretað.

[042100 (10.5)] On swa hwylc hus swa ge ingað, cweðaþ æryst, sib si þisse hiwræddenne.

[042200 (10.6)] And gyf þar beoð sybbe bearn, reste þar eower sib; Gif hit elles sy, heo sy to eow gecyrred.

[042300 (10.7)] Wunigaþ on þam ylcan huse, & etað & drincað þa þing þe hig habbað; Soðlice se wyrhta is his mede wyrðe; Ne fare ge fram huse to huse, ac on swa hwylce ceastre swa ge ingað & hig eow onfoð, etað þæt eow toforan aset ys, & gehælað þa untruman þe on þam huse synt, & secgað him, Godes rice to eow genealæcð.

[042400 (10.10)] On swa hwylce ceastre swa ge ingað, & hig ne onfoð eow gaþ on hyra stræta & cweðaþ, þæt dust þæt of eowre ceastre on urum fotum clifode, we drigeaþ on eow; witað þeah þæt Godes rice genealæcð.

[042500 (10.12)] Ic eow secge þæt sodomwaron on þam dæge bið forgyfenlicre þonne þære ceastre.

[042600 (10.13)] Wa þe Corozam, wa þe Bethsaida, forþam gif on Tyro & on Sidone gewordene wæron þa menegu þe on eow gedone synt, gefyrn hig on hæran & on axan hreowsunge dydon.

[042700 (10.14)] Ðeahhwæþere Tiro & Sydone on þam dæge byð forgyfenlicre þonne eow.

[042800 (10.15)] And þu Cafarnaum oð heofon upahafen, þu byst oþ helle gesenced.

[042900 (10.16)] Me gehyrð se ðe eow gehyrð, & me oferhogaþ se ðe eow oferhogað; Se þe me oferhogað, he oferhogað þæne þe me sende.

[043000 (10.17)] Ða gecyrdon þa twa & hundseofantig mid gefean & cwædon, Drihten deofolseocnessa us synt on þinum naman underþeodde.

[043100 (10.18)] Ða sæde he him, ic geseah Satanan swa swa ligræsc of heofone feallende, & nu ic sealde eow anweald to tredenne ofer næddran & snacan & ofer ælc feondes mægen, & nan þing eow ne derað.

[043200 (10.20)] Þeahhwæðere ne blissige ge on þam þe eow synt gastas underþeodde; Geblissiað þæt eower naman synt on heofonum awritene.

[043300 (10.21)] On þære tide he on halgum gaste geblissode & cwæð, Ic andete þe fæder, drihten heofones & eorðan, forþam þe ðu þas ðing wisum & gleawum behyddest, & lytlingum awruge, forþam hit beforan þe swa gelicode.

[043400 (10.22)] Ealle þing me synt fram minum fæder gesealde, & nan man nat hwylc is se sunu buton se fæder, ne hwylc si ðe fæder buton se sunu, & se ðe se sunu hit awreon wyle.

[043500 (10.23)] Þa cwæþ he to his leorningcnihtum bewend, Eadige synt þa eagan þe geseoð þa ðing þe ge geseoð.

[043600 (10.24)] Soðlice ic eow secge þæt manega witegan & cyningas woldon geseon þæt ge geseoþ & hig hit ne gesawon, & woldon gehyran þæt ge gehyraþ, & hig hit ne gehyrdon.

[043700 (10.25)] Ða aras sum æglæw man, & fandode his & cwæð, Lareow, hwæt do ic þæt ic ece lif hæbbe?

[043800 (10.26)] Ða cwæþ he to him, hwæt is gewriten on þære æ; Hu rætst þu?

[043900 (10.27)] Ða andswarude he, lufa drihten þinne God of ealre þinre heortan, & of ealre þinre sawle, & of eallum þinum mihtum & eallum þinum mægene, & þinne nehstan swa ðe sylfne.

[044000 (10.28)] Þa cwæð he, rihte þu andswarodest.

[044100 (10.28)] Do þæt, þonne leofast þu.

[044200 (10.29)] Ða cwæþ he to þam Hælende, & wolde hine sylfne gerihtwisian, And hwylc is min nehsta?

[044300 (10.30)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend hine upbeseonde, Sum man ferde fram Hierusalem to Hiericho & becom on þa sceaðan, þa hine bereafodon & tintregodon hine, & forleton hine samcucene.

[044400 (10.31)] Þa gebyrode hit þæt sum sacerd ferde on þam ylcan wege & þa he þæt geseah he hine forbeh, & eallswa se diacon, þa he wæs wið þa stowe & þæt geseah he hyne eac forbeah.

[044500 (10.33)] Ða ferde sum Samaritanisc man wið hine.

[044600 (10.33)] Þa he hine geseah þa wearð he mid mildheortnesse ofer hine astyred.

[044700 (10.34)] Þa genealæhte he & wrað his wunda & onaget ele & win, & hine on hys nyten sette & gelædde on his læcehus, & hine lacnude & brohte oðrum dæge twegen penegas & sealde þam læce & þus cwæð, Begym hys, & swa hwæt swa þu mare togedest, þonne ic cume ic hit forgylde þe.

[044800 (10.36)] Hwylc þara þreora þyncð þe þæt sy þæs mæg, þe on ða sceaðan befeoll.

[044900 (10.37)] Ða cwæð he, Se ðe him mildheortnesse on dyde.

[045000 (10.37)] Ða cwæþ se hælend, ga & do eallswa.

[045100 (10.38)] Soðlice hit wæs geworden þa hig ferdon, se Hælend eode on sum castel & sum wif on naman Martha onfeng hyne on hyre hus.

[045200 (10.39)] & þære swustur wæs Maria, seo eac sæt wið þæs hælendes fet & his word gehyrde.

[045300 (10.40)] Soþlice Martha geornlice him þenode.

[045400 (10.40)] Þa stod heo & cwæþ, Drihten, nis þe nan caru þæt min swustur let me ænlipie þenian; Sege hyre þæt heo fylste me.

[045500 (10.41)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend, Martha Martha, geornfull þu eart & embe fela þinga gedrefed.

[045600 (10.42)] Gewislice an þing is niedbehefe.

[045700 (10.42)] Maria geces þæne selestan dæl, se hyre ne byð afyrred.

[045800 (11.1)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa he wæs on sumere stowe hine gebiddende, þa þa he geswac, him to cwæð an his leorningcnihta, Drihten, lær us, us gebiddan, swa Iohannes his leorningcnihtas lærde.

[045900 (11.2)] Ða cwæþ he to him, cweðað þus, þonne ge eow gebiddað, Ure fæder þu ðe on heofone eart, si þin nama gehalgod, tocume þin rice, gewurðe ðin willa on heofone & on eorþan.

[046000 (11.3)] Syle us todæg urne dæghwamlican hlaf, & forgyf us ure gyltas, swa we forgyfað ælcum þara þe wið us agyltað; & ne læd þu us on costunge, ac alys us fram yfele.

[046100 (11.5)] Ða cwæþ he to him, Hwylc eower hæfð sumne freond, & gæþ to midre nihte to him, & cwyð to him, La freond, læn me þry hlafas, forþam min freond com of wege to me, & ic næbbe hwæt ic him toforan lecge.

[046200 (11.7)] And he þonne him þus andswarige, ne beo þu me gram nu min duru is belocen, & mine cnihtas synt on reste mid me, ne mæg ic arisan nu & syllan þe.

[046300 (11.8)] Gyf he þonne þurhwunað cnucigiende, ic eow secge gyf he <ne> arist & him sylð þonne forþam þe he his freond ys, þeahhwæþere for hys onhrope he arist & sylð him his neode.

[046400 (11.9)] And ic eow secge, biddað, & eow byð seald, secað, & ge findað; cnuciað, & eow byð untyned.

[046500 (11.10)] Ælc þara þe bitt onfehð, & se ðe secð he fint, & cnuciendum byð untyned.

[046600 (11.11)] Hwylc eower bitt his fæder hlafes, segst þu sylð he him stan, oððe gif he byt fisces sylð he him næddran for fisce, oððe gyf he bit æg, segst þu ræcð he him scorpionem, þæt is an wyrmcynn.

[046700 (11.13)] Witodlice gyf he þonne þe synt yfele cunnun syllan gode sylene eowrum bearnum swa mycele ma eower fæder of heofone sylð godne gast þam þe hyne biddað.

[046800 (11.14)] Ða wæs se Hælend utadrifende sume deofolseocnysse, & seo wæs dumb; And þa he utdraf þa deofolseocnesse þa spræc se dumba, & þa menego wundredon.

[046900 (11.15)] Sume cwædon on Belzebub deofla ealdre he utadrifð þa deofolseocnessa.

[047000 (11.16)] And sume his fandodon & gyrndon of heofone tacnys of him.

[047100 (11.17)] Ða he geseah hyra geðancas he cwæð, ælc rice on hyt sylf todæled byð, toworpen & þæt hus ofer þæt hus fealð.

[047200 (11.18)] Gyf Satanas is todæled on hine sylfne, hu stent his rice?

[047300 (11.18)] Forþamþe ge secgað þæt ic on Belzebub deofolseocnessa utadrife.

[047400 (11.19)] Gif ic on Belzebub deofla utdrife, on hwam utadrifað eower bearn, forþam hig beoð eowere deman.

[047500 (11.20)] Gewislice, gif ic on Godes fingre deofla ut adrife, eallunga Godes rice on eow becymð.

[047600 (11.21)] Ðonne se stranga gewæpnud his cafertun gehealt, þonne beoð on sibbe þa ðing þe he ah.

[047700 (11.22)] Gyf þonne strengra ofer hine cymð, & hine oferwinð, ealle his wæpnu þe he on truwude he him afyrð, & todælþ his herereaf.

[047800 (11.23)] Se þe nis mid me se is ongen me; and se þe ne gaderað mid me, se hit tostret.

[047900 (11.24)] Ðonne se unclæna gast gæð of þam men, he gæð þurh unwæterie stowa reste secende & nane ne gemet þonne cwyð he, Ic gewende eft to minum huse þe ic of eode.

[048000 (11.25)] & þænne he cymð, he hit gemet æmtig mid besmum afeormod.

[048100 (11.26)] Þonne gæð he & nimð seofan oðre gastas wyrsan þonne he & ingað, & þar eardiað, þonne synt þæs mannes endas wyrsan þam ærrum.

[048200 (11.27)] Soðlice wæs geworden þa he ðis sæde, sum wif him to cwæþ, Eadig is se innoð þe þe bær, & þa breost þe ðu suce.

[048300 (11.28)] Ða cwæð he, eadige synt þa ðe Godes word gehyrað & þæt gehealdaþ.

[048400 (11.29)] Ða hyra manega togædere comon he cwæþ to him, ðeos cneorys is manfull cneorys, heo secð tacen, & hyre ne bið nan geseald buton Ionan tacen.

[048500 (11.30)] Swa swa Iona wæs tacen Niniuetum, swa bið mannes sunu tacen þisse cneorisse.

[048600 (11.31)] Suðdæles cwen arist on dome mid þisse cneorysse mannum & genyðerað hig, forþam þe heo com of eorðan endum to gehyranne Salomones wisdom, and efne þes is mara þonne Salomon.

[048700 (11.32)] Niniuetisce men arisaþ on dome mid þisse cneorysse & genyðeriað hig, forþam þe hig dædbote dydon æt Ionam bodunge, & þes is mara þonne Iona.

[048800 (11.33)] Ne onælþ nan man his leohtfæt & sett on diglum, ne under bydene ac ofer candelstæf, þæt ða þe ingað leoht geseon.

[048900 (11.34)] Ðin eage is þines lichaman leohtfæt.

[049000 (11.34)] Gif þin eage bið hluttor ðonne bið eall þin lichama beorht; Gif hit byð deorc, eall þin lichama byð þystre.

[049100 (11.35)] Warna þæt þæt leoht þe ðe on is ne syn þystru.

[049200 (11.36)] Gyf þin lichama eall bið beorht and næfþ nanne dæl þystra, þonne byð he eall beorht, & þe onlyht swa þæt leohtfæt þæs ligræsces.

[049300 (11.37)] Þa bæd hine sum Fariseisc man þæt he æte mid him & he in eode & sæt.

[049400 (11.38)] Ða ongan se Fariseisca on him smeagan & cweðan hwi he geþwogen nære ær his gereorde.

[049500 (11.39)] Ða cwæð Drihten to him, nu ge Farisei þæt ute is calices & disces geclænsiað þæt eow innan is þæt is full reaflace & unrihtwisnesse.

[049600 (11.40)] La dysegan, hu ne worhte þæt þæt inne is, se ðe worhte þæt ute is, þeahhwæþere þæt to lafe is syllað ælmessan þonne beoð eow ealle þing clæne.

[049700 (11.42)] Ac wa eow Fariseum ge þe teoþiað mintan & rudan, & ælce wyrte & ge forbugað dom & Godes lufe; þas þing eow gebyrede to donne, & þa þing ne forlætan.

[049800 (11.43)] Wa eow Fariseum ge þe lufiað þa forman heahsetl on gesamnungum & gretinga on stræte.

[049900 (11.44)] Wa eow forþam þe ge synt swylce þa byrgena þe man innan ne sceawað; And þa men nyton þe him onufan gað.

[050000 (11.45)] Ða andswarode him sum ægleaw, lareow, teonan þu wyrhcst us mid þisse sage.

[050100 (11.46)] Þa cwæþ he, Wa eow ægleawum, forþam þe ge symað men mid þam byrþenum þe hig aberan ne magon, & ge ne ahrinað þa seamas mid eowrum anum fingre.

[050200 (11.47)] Wa eow ge þe timbriað witegena byrgena, eower fæderas hig ofslogon, eallunga ge cyðað & ge þafiað eower fædera weorcum, forþam hig ofslogon hig, & ge timbriað hira byrgena.

[050300 (11.49)] Forþam cwæð Godes wisdom, ic sende to him witegan & apostolas, & hig ofsleað hig, & ehtað þæt ealra witegena blod sy gesoht, þe wæs agoten of middangeardes fruman, fram þisse cneorysse, fram Abeles blode oð Zachariam blod, se forwearð betux þam altare & þam temple; Ic eow secge, swa bið gesoht fram þisse cneorysse.

[050400 (11.52)] Wa eow ægleawum forþam þe ge ætbrudun þæs ingehydes cæge, ge in ne eodun & ge forbudon þa þe ineodun.

[050500 (11.53)] Ða he him þis to cwæð, þa ongunnun ða Farisei & þa ægleawan hefilice him agen standan & his muð dyttan & embe hine syrwan, secende sum þing of his muðe þæt hig hine wregdun.

[050600 (12.1)] Mycelum weredum him embe standendum þæt hig hine trædun, ða cwæð he to his leorningcnihtum, warniað wið Farisea lare þæt is licetung, Soðlice nis nan þing oferheled, þe ne beo unheled; ne behydd þæt ne sy witen.

[050700 (12.3)] Forþam þe þæt ge secgað on þystrum beoð on leohte sæde & þæt ge on earum spræcun on beddcofum bið on hrofum bodud.

[050800 (12.4)] Ic secge eow, minum freondum, ne beo ge bregyde fram þam þe þone lichaman ofsleað, & nabbað syþþan hwæt hig ma don.

[050900 (12.5)] Ic eow ætywe hwæne ge ondredon, adrædað þone þe anweald hæfð, seððan he ofslyhð on helle asendan, þus ic eow secge adrædað þone.

[051000 (12.6)] Ne becypað hig fif spearwan to helflinge, & an nis of þam ofergyten beforan Gode, ac ealle eowres heafdes loccas synt getealde.

[051100 (12.7)] Ne adræde ge eow ge synt beteran manegum spearwum.

[051200 (12.8)] Soðlice ic eow secge swa hwylc swa me andet beforan mannum, þone mannes sunu andet beforan Godes englum.

[051300 (12.9)] Se þe me wiðsæcð beforan mannum, se byð wiðsacen beforan Godes englum, & ælc þe segð ænig word agen mannes sunu þam bið forgyfen; ðam þe wiðersacað ongen haligne gast, ne bið þam forgyfen.

[051400 (12.11)] Þonne hig lædað eow on gesamnunga & to dugeðeealdrum & to anwealdum, ne beo ge embeþencynde, hu oððe hwæt ge specon oððe andswarian.

[051500 (12.12)] Halig gast eow lærð on þære tide þa þing þe eow specan gebyrað.

[051600 (12.13)] Ða cwæð sum of þam menegum, Lareow, sege minum breðer þæt he dæle uncer æhta wið me.

[051700 (12.14)] Ða cwæð he, la man, hwa sette me deman, oððe dælend ofer inc?

[051800 (12.15)] Þa cwæð he, gymað & warniað wið ælce gytsunge, forþam þe nys nanes mannes lif on gytsunge of þam þe he ah.

[051900 (12.16)] Ða sæde he him sum bigspel.

[052000 (12.16)] Sumes weliges mannes æcer brohte forð gode wæstmas.

[052100 (12.17)] Þa ðohte he on him sylfum & cwæð, Hwæt do ic forþam ic næbbe hwyder ic mine wæstmas gadrige?

[052200 (12.18)] Ða cwæþ he, þus ic do.

[052300 (12.18)] Ic towurpe mine bernu & ic wyrce maran, & ic gaderige þyder eall þæt me gewexen ys & mine god, & ic secge minre sawle, eala sawel þu hæfst mycele god.

[052400 (12.19)] Asette to manegum gearum, gerest þe, et & drinc & gewista.

[052500 (12.20)] Ða cwæð God to him, La dysega, on þisse nihte hig feccað þine sawle fram þe, hwæs beoð þa ðing þe ðu gegearwudest?

[052600 (12.21)] Swa is se ðe him sylfum strynð, & nis welig mid gode.

[052700 (12.22)] Þa cwæð he to his leorningcnihtum, forþam ic eow secge ne beo ge ymbehydige eowre sawle hwæt ge etan, ne eowrum lichaman hwæt ge scrydun.

[052800 (12.23)] Seo sawul ys ma þonne se lichama, & se lichama ma þonne þæt reaf.

[052900 (12.24)] Besceawiað þa hrefnas þæt hig ne sawað, ne ne ripað.

[053000 (12.24)] Nabbað hig heddern ne bern, ac God hig fett, þæt þe ma ge synt hyra selran.

[053100 (12.25)] Hwylc eower mæg þencende ican ane elne to his anlicnesse?

[053200 (12.26)] Gyf ge þæt læsse ne magon, hwy synt ge be oðrum þingum ymbehydige?

[053300 (12.27)] Sceawiaþ þa lilian hu hi wexað, hi ne swincað ne ne spinnað; Soðlice ic eow secge þæt Salomon on eallum hys wuldre næs gescrydd swa þissa an.

[053400 (12.28)] Gyf God scrytt þæt hig, ðe ys todæg on æcere & tomorgen forscrincð, swa mycele ma God scryt eow gehwædes geleafan.

[053500 (12.29)] And nelle ge secean hwæt ge eton oððe drincon, & ne beo ge upahafene.

[053600 (12.30)] Ealle þas þing þeoda seceað Eower fæder wat þæt ge þises beþurfon.

[053700 (12.31)] Þeahhwæþere seceað Godes rice & ealle þas þing eow beoþ geihte.

[053800 (12.32)] Ne ondræd þu þe, la lytle heord, forþam eowrum fæder gelicode eow rice syllan.

[053900 (12.33)] Syllaþ þæt ge agon & syllað ælmessan, wyrcað seodas þa ðe ne forealdigeað ungeteorudne goldhord on heofenum; þyder ðeof ne genealæcð, ne ne moððe ne gewemð.

[054000 (12.34)] Ðar eower goldhord is, þar byð eower heorte.

[054100 (12.35)] Sin eower lendenu begyrde & leohtfatu byrnende, & beo gelice þam mannum þe hyra hlafordes abidað hwænne he sy fram gyftum gecyrred, þæt hig him sona ontynon þonne he cymð & cnucað.

[054200 (12.37)] Eadige synt þa þeowas þe se hlaford wæccende gemet þonne he cymð; Soðlice ic eow secge þæt he begyrt hine & deð þæt hig sittað & gangende him þenað.

[054300 (12.38)] And gif he cymð on þære æfteran wæccan, oððe on þære þriddan & þus gemet, eadige synt þa þeowas.

[054400 (12.39)] Witað þæt gif se hiredes ealdor wiste hwænne se þeof cuman wolde, witodlice he wacude & ne geþafude þæt man his hus underdulfe.

[054500 (12.40)] And beo ge wære forþam þe mannes sunu cymð þære tide þe ge ne wenað.

[054600 (12.41)] Þa cwæþ Petrus, Drihten, segst þu þis bigspell to us hwæþer þe to eallum?

[054700 (12.42)] Ða cwæþ Drihten, hwa wenst þu þæt sy getrywe & gleaw dihtnere, þæne se hlaford geset ofer hys hired þæt he him hwætes gemet on timan sylle.

[054800 (12.43)] Eadig is se þeow þe his hlaford gemet þus donde þonne he cymð.

[054900 (12.44)] Soðlice ic secge eow þæt he gesett hine ofer eall þæt he ah.

[055000 (12.45)] Gyf þonne se þeow cwyð on hys heortan, min hlaford uferaþ hys cyme, & agynð beatan þa cnihtas & þa þinena, & etan & drincan & beon oferdruncen, þonne cymþ þæs þeowan hlaford on þam dæge þe he ne wenð, & þære tide þe he nat, & todælþ hine & sett his dæl mid þam ungetreowum.

[055100 (12.47)] Soþlice þæne þeow þe his hlafordes willan wiste & ne dyde æfter his hlafordes willan, he biþ witnad manegum witum.

[055200 (12.48)] Ðone þeow þe his willan nyste & þeah dyde he bit witnad feawum witum; ælcum þe mycel geseald is, him man mycel tosecð, & æt þam þe hig micel befæstun hig mycel biddað.

[055300 (12.49)] Fyr ic sende on eorþan & hwæt wylle ic buton þæt hit bærne.

[055400 (12.50)] Ic hæbbe on fulluhte beon gefullod & wene ge, hu beo ic geþread oð hyt sy gefyllyd.

[055500 (12.51)] Forþam þe ic com sybbe on eorþan sendan, ne secge ic eow ac todal.

[055600 (12.52)] Heononforð beoð fife on anum huse todælede, þry on twegen, & twegen on þry, beoð todælede, Fæder on sunu & sunu on his fæder, modor on dohtor & dohtor on hyre modor, Swegr on hyre snore, & snoru on hyre swegere.

[055700 (12.54)] & he cwæþ to þam folce, þonne ge geseoð þa lyfte cumende on westdæle, sona ge cweðað storm cymð & hit swa byð.

[055800 (12.55)] And þonne ge geseoð suðan blawan ge secgaþ þæt is towerd & hit byð.

[055900 (12.56)] La liceteras cunnege afandian heofones ansyne & eorþan, humeta na afandige ge þas tide.

[056000 (12.57)] Hwi ne deme ge of eowsylfum þæt riht is?

[056100 (12.58)] Ðonne þu gæst on wege mid þinum wiðerwinnan to hwylcum ealdre, do þæt ðu beo fram him alysed, þelæs he þe sylle þam deman, & se dema þam bydele, & se bydel þe sende on cwertern.

[056200 (12.59)] Ic secge þe ne gæst þu þanone ær þu agylde þone ytemystan feorðling.

[056300 (13.1)] Þar wæron sume on þære tide of Galileum him cyþende þara blod Pilatus mengde mid hyra offrungum.

[056400 (13.2)] Þa cwæð he him andswarigende, wenege wæron þa Galileiscan synfulle toforan eallum Galileiscum, forþam þe hig swylc þoledon?

[056500 (13.3)] Ne secge ic na; ac ealle ge gelice forwurðaþ, buton ge dædbote don.

[056600 (13.4)] Swa þa ehtatyne ofer þa feoll se stypel on Siloa & hig ofsloh; Wenege þæt hig wæron scyldige ofer ealle menn þe on Hierusalem wunedon.

[056700 (13.5)] Ne secge ic, ac swa ge forwurðaþ, buton ge dædbote don.

[056800 (13.6)] Ða sæde he him þis bigspel.

[056900 (13.6)] Sum man hæfde an fictreow geplantod on his wingearde; þa com he & sohte his wæstmas on him þa ne funde he nanne.

[057000 (13.7)] Þa cwæþ he to þam hyrde nu synt þreo ger syðþan ic com wæstm secende on þissum fictreowe, & ic ne funde; Forceorf hine; hwi ofþricð he þæt land?

[057100 (13.8)] Ða cwæð he hlaford, læt hine gyt þis gear, oð ic hine bedelfe & ic hine bewurpe mid meoxe, & witodlice he wæstmas bringð.

[057200 (13.9)] Gif hit elles hwæt byð ceorf hine syððan.

[057300 (13.10)] Ða wæs he restedagum on hyra gesamnunge lærende.

[057400 (13.11)] Þa wæs þar sum wif seo hæfde untrumnesse gast ehtatyne gear, & heo wæs abogen; ne heo eallunga ne mihte up beseon.

[057500 (13.12)] Þa se Hælend hig geseah, he clypode hig to him & sæde hyre, Wif, þu eart forlæten of þinre untrumnesse, & his hand hyre on sette.

[057600 (13.13)] Þa wæs heo sona up aræred, & heo God wuldrode.

[057700 (13.14)] Ða gebealh se duguðeealdor hine forþam þe se hælend on restedæge hælde & sæde þam menegum; Syx dagas synt on þam gebyrað þæt man wyrce, cumaþ on þam & beoð gehælede, & na on restedæge.

[057800 (13.15)] Ða andswarude se Hælend & cwæð, La licteras, ne untigð eower ælc on restedæge his oxan oððe assan fram þære binne & læt to wætere.

[057900 (13.16)] Þas Abrahames dohtor þe Satanas geband nu eahtatyne gear, ne gebyrede hyre beon unbunden of þissum bende on restedæge?

[058000 (13.17)] Þa he þis sæde, þa sceamode ealle his wiðerwinnan.

[058100 (13.17)] & eall folc geblissode on eallum þam ðe wuldorfullice fram him gewurdon.

[058200 (13.18)] Soðlice he cwæþ, hwam is Godes rice gelic, & hwam wene ic þæt hit beo gelic?

[058300 (13.19)] Hit ys gelic senepes corne þæt se man onfenc & seow on his wyrtun & hit weox & wearð mycel treow, & heofenes fuhlas restun on his bogum.

[058400 (13.20)] And eft he cwæð, hwam wene ic þæt Godes rice si gelic?

[058500 (13.21)] Hit is gelic þam beorman þe þæt wif onfengc & behydde on þam melewe þreo gemetu, oð hit wearð eall ahafen.

[058600 (13.22)] Ða ferde he þurh ceastra & castelu to Hierusalem & þar lærde.

[058700 (13.23)] Ða cwæð sum man to him, Drihten, feawa synt þe synt gehælede.

[058800 (13.23)] Þa cwæþ he to him, efstað þæt ge gangen þurh þæt nearwe get forþam ic secge eow manega secað þæt hig ingan & hi ne magon.

[058900 (13.25)] Ðonne se hiredes ealdor ingæð & his duru beclyst ge standaþ þær ute & þa duru cnuciað & cweðaþ, Drihten atyn us; þonne cwyð he to eow, Ne can ic eow, nat ic hwanon ge synt.

[059000 (13.26)] Ðonne ongynne ge cweþan we æton & druncon beforan þe, & on urum strætum þu lærdest.

[059100 (13.27)] Þonne segð he eow, ne cann ic hwanon ge synt gewitað fram me ealle unrihtwyrhtan, þar bið wop & toþa grystlung.

[059200 (13.28)] Ðænne ge geseoþ Abraham & Isaac & Iacob & ealle witegan on Godes rice, & ge beoð utadrifene & hig cumað fram eastdæle & westdæle & norþdæle & sittað on Godes rice, & efne synt ytemeste þa ðe beoð fyrmyste, & synt fyrmyste þa ðe beoð ytemeste.

[059300 (13.31)] On þam dæge him genealæhton sume Farisei & him sædon, Far & ga heonon forþam þe Herodes þe wyle ofslean.

[059400 (13.32)] And þa cwæð he to him, gað & secgað þam foxe, deofolseocnessa ic ut adrife, & ic hæla gefremme todæg & tomorhgen & þriddan dæge ic beo fornumen.

[059500 (13.33)] Ðeahhwæðere me gebyreþ todæg & tomorhgen, & þy æfteran dæge gan, forþam þe ne gebyreð þæt se witega forwurðe butan Hierusalem.

[059600 (13.34)] Eala Hierusalem Hierusalem, þu ðe þa witegan ofslyhst & hænst, þa ðe to þe asende synt, hu oft ic wolde þine bearn gegaderian swa se fugel deð his nest under his fiðerum & þu noldest.

[059700 (13.35)] Nu bið eower hus eow forlæten; Soðlice ic eow secge þæt ge me ne geseoð ærþam þe cume se þonne ge cweðað, gebletsod sy se ðe com on drihtnes naman.

[059800 (14.1)] Þa wæs geworden þa he eode on sumes Farisea ealdres hus on restedæge þæt he hlaf æte, & hig begymdon hine.

[059900 (14.2)] Ða wæs þar sum wæterseoc man beforan him.

[060000 (14.3)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend to þam ægleawum & Fariseum, Ys hit alyfed þæt man on restedagum hæle?

[060100 (14.4)] Ða suwudon hig, þa nam he hine & gehælde & forlet hyne.

[060200 (14.5)] Þa cwæð he to him andswariende, hwylces eowres assa oððe oxa befealþ on anne pytt & ne tihþ he hyne hrædlice up on restedæge?

[060300 (14.6)] Ða ne mihton hig agen þis him geandwyrdan.

[060400 (14.7)] Ða sæde he sum bigspel be þam ingelaðudan, gymende hu hig þa fyrmestan setl gecuron & þus cwæð, ðonne þu byst to gyftum gelaþod ne site þu on þam fyrmestan setle, þelæs wenunga sum wurðfulra <sig> <yngelaðod> <fram> <hym>.

[060500 (14.9)] <&> <þonne> cume se þe ðe ingelaþode & secge ðe rym þysum men setl, & þu ðænne mid sceame nyme þæt ytemeste setl.

[060600 (14.10)] Ac þonne þu geclypod byst, ga & site on þam ytemestan setle, þæt se ðe þe ingelaðude þænne he cymð cweþe to þe, la freond, site ufur, þonne byð þe wurðmynt beforan midsittendum.

[060700 (14.11)] Forþam ælc þe hine upahefð, bið genyðerud, & se ðe hine nyðerað se bið upahafen.

[060800 (14.12)] Ða cwæð he to þam þe hine inlaðode, þonne þu dest wiste oððe feorme ne clypa þu þine frynd ne þine gebroðru, ne ðine cuðan ne þine welegan nehheburas, þelæs hi ðe agen laðiun, & þu hæbbe edlean.

[060900 (14.13)] Ac þænne þu gebeorscype do, clypa þearfan & wanhale & healte & blinde.

[061000 (14.14)] Þonne bist þu eadig, forþam ðe hi nabbað hwanun hig hit þe forgyldon; Soðlice hit byð þe forgolden on rihtwisra æriste.

[061100 (14.15)] Ða þis gehyrde sum of þam sittendum, þa cwæð he, eadig is se ðe hlaf ytt on Godes rice.

[061200 (14.16)] Ða sæde he him, sum man worhte mycele feorme & manega gelaðode.

[061300 (14.17)] Þa sende he his þeowan to þære feorme timan þæt he sæde þam gelaðedum þæt hig comun forþam þe ealle þing gearwe wæron.

[061400 (14.18)] Þa ongunnon hig ealle hig beladian.

[061500 (14.18)] Se forma him sæde, ic bohte ænne tun, ic hæbbe neode þæt ic fare & hine geseo; Ic bidde þe þæt ðu me beladige.

[061600 (14.19)] Ða cwæþ se oþer, ic bohte an getyme oxena; Nu wille ic faran & fandian hyra; Nu bidde ic þe belada me.

[061700 (14.20)] Ða cwæð sum, ic lædde wif ham, forþam ic ne mæg cuman.

[061800 (14.21)] Þa cyrde se þeowa & cydde his hlaforde þæt.

[061900 (14.21)] Ða cwæð se hlaford mid yrre to þam þeowan, Ga hraþe on þa stræta & on wic þisse ceastre & þearfan & wanhale & blinde & healte læd hider in.

[062000 (14.22)] Ða cwæð se þeowa, hlaford, hit ys gedon swa þu bude, & nu gyt her is æmtig stow.

[062100 (14.23)] Þa cwæð se hlaford þa gyt to þam þeowan, Ga geond þas wegas & hegas, & nyd hig þæt hig gan in, þæt min hus si gefylled.

[062200 (14.24)] Soðlice ic eow secge þæt nan þara manna þe geclypode synt ne onbyrigeað minre feorme.

[062300 (14.25)] Soðlice mid him ferde mycel menego.

[062400 (14.25)] Þa cwæð he to him bewend, Gyf hwa to me cymð & ne hatað his fæder & moder & wif & bearn & broþru & swustra, & þænne gyt his sawle ne mæg he beon min leorningcniht.

[062500 (14.27)] & se þe ne byrð hys cwylminge & cymð æfter me, ne mæg he beon min leorningcniht.

[062600 (14.28)] Hwylc eower wyle timbrian anne stypel, hu ne sytt he ærest & teleð þa andfengas þe him behefe synt, hwæðer he hæbbe hine to fullfremmenne, þelæs syððan he þæne grundweall legð & ne mæg hine fullfremman; Ealle þe hit geseoð agynnað hine tælan & cweðan, Hwæt þes man agan timbrian & ne mihte hit geendian.

[062700 (14.31)] Oððe gyf hwylc cynincg wyle faran & feohtan agen oðerne cyning hu ne sit he ær & þencð hwæðer he mæge mid tyn þusendum cuman agen þone þe him agen cymð mid twentigum þusendum.

[062800 (14.32)] & gif he þonne wið hine gefeohtan ne mæg, he sent æryndracan & bitt sibbe.

[062900 (14.33)] Witodlice swa is ælc of eow þe ne wiðsæcð eallum þingum þe he ah, ne mæg he beon min leorningcniht.

[063000 (14.34)] God ys sealt gif hit awyrð on þam þe hit gesylt bið; nis hyt nyt ne on eorþan ne on myxene, ac hyt bið utaworpen; Gehyre se þe earan hæbbe to gehyrenne.

[063100 (15.1)] Soðlice him genealæhtun manfulle & synfulle þæt hig his word gehyrdon.

[063200 (15.2)] Ða murcnedon þa Farisei & þa boceras & cwædon, ðes onfehð synfulle & mid him ytt.

[063300 (15.3)] Þa cwæþ he þis bigspel to þam.

[063400 (15.4)] Hwylc man is of eow þe hæfð hund sceapa, & gif he forlyst an of þam, hu ne forlæt he þonne nigon & hundnigontig on þam westene, & gæð to þam þe forwearð oð he hit fint?

[063500 (15.5)] & þonne he hit fint he hitt set on his exla geblissiende, & þonne he ham cymð he tosomne clypað hys frynd & his nehheburas, & cwyð, Blissiað mid me forþam ic funde min scep þe forwearð.

[063600 (15.7)] Ic secge eow þæt swa byð on heofone blis be anum synfullum þe dædbote deð, ma þonne ofer nigon & nigontigum rihtwisra þe dædbote ne beðurfon.

[063700 (15.8)] Oððe hwilc wif hæfð tyn scyllingas, gif heo forlyst anne scylling, hu ne onælð heo hyre leohtfæt, & awent hyre hus & secð geornlice oð heo hine fint?

[063800 (15.9)] & þonne heo hine fint heo clypað hyre frynd & nehhebyryna & cwyð, blyssiað mid me forþam ic funde minne scylling þe ic forleas.

[063900 (15.10)] Ic secge eow swa bið blis beforan Godes englum be anum synfullum þe dædbote deð.

[064000 (15.11)] He cwæð, soðlice sum man hæfde twegen suna.

[064100 (15.12)] Þa cwæð se yldra to his fæder, Fæder, syle me minne dæl minre æhte þe me to gebyreþ; þa dælde he him his æhte.

[064200 (15.13)] Ða æfter feawa dagum ealle his þing gegaderude se gingra sunu, & ferde wræclice on feorlen rice, & forspilde þar his æhta lybbende on his gælsan.

[064300 (15.14)] Ða he hig hæfde ealle amyrrede þa wearð mycel hunger on þam rice & he wearð wædla.

[064400 (15.15)] Þa ferde he & folgude anum burhsittendan men þæs rices, ða sende he hine to his tune þæt he heolde his swyn.

[064500 (15.16)] Ða gewilnode he his wambe gefyllan of þam biencoddun þe ða swyn æton, & him man ne sealde.

[064600 (15.17)] Þa beþohte he hine & cwæð, Eala, hu fela yrðlinga on mines fæder huse hlaf genohne habbað & ic her on hungre forwurðe.

[064700 (15.18)] Ic arise, & ic fare to minum fæder, & ic secge him, Eala fæder, ic syngode on heofenas & beforan þe.

[064800 (15.19)] Nu ic neom wyrðe þæt ic beo þin sunu nemned; do me swa anne of þinum yrðlingum.

[064900 (15.20)] & he aras þa & com to his fæder, & þa gyt þa he wæs feorr his fæder he hyne geseah & wearð mid mildheortnesse astyrod & agen hine arn & hine beclypte & cyste hine.

[065000 (15.21)] Ða cwæð his sunu, Fæder, ic syngude on heofon, & beforan ðe; Nu ic ne eom wyrþe þæt ic þin sunu beo genemned.

[065100 (15.22)] Ða cwæþ se fæder to his þeowum, Bringað raðe þæne selestan gegyrelan & scrydað hyne & syllað him hring on his hand, & gescy to his fotum.

[065200 (15.23)] & bringað an fætt styric & ofsleað & utun etan & gewistfullian, forþam þes min sunu wæs dead & he geedcucude; He forwearð & he is gemet; ða ongunnon hig gewistlæcan.

[065300 (15.25)] Soðlice hys yldra sunu wæs on æcere & he com, & þa he þam huse genealæhte he gehyrde þæne sweg & þæt weryd.

[065400 (15.26)] Þa clypode he anne þeow & axode hine hwæt þæt wære.

[065500 (15.27)] Ða cwæð he, þin broðor com, & þin fæder ofsloh an fæt celf forþam þe he hyne halne onfeng.

[065600 (15.28)] Ða bealh he hine & nolde ingan, þa eode his fæder ut & ongan hine biddan.

[065700 (15.29)] Ða cwæþ he his fæder andswarigende, Efne swa fela geara ic þe þeowude & ic næfre þin bebod ne forgymde, & ne sealdest þu me næfre an ticcen þæt ic mid minum freondum gewistfullude.

[065800 (15.30)] Ac syððan þes þin sunu com, þe hys spede mid myltystrum amyrde, þu ofsloge him fætt celf.

[065900 (15.31)] Ða cwæþ he, sunu, þu eart symle mid me, & ealle mine þing synt þine.

[066000 (15.32)] Þe gebyrede gewistfullian & geblissian forþam þes þin broðor wæs dead & he geedcucede he forwearð & he is gemet.

[066100 (16.1)] Ða cwæð he to his leorningcnihtum, Sum welig man wæs hæfde sumne gerefan se wearð wið hine forwreged swylce he his god forspilde.

[066200 (16.2)] Þa clypode he hine & sæde him, Hwi gehyre ic þis be þe?

[066300 (16.2)] Agyf þine scire, ne miht þu lencg tunscire bewitan.

[066400 (16.3)] Ða cwæþ se gerefa on his geþance, Hwæt do ic forþam þe min hlaford mine gerefscire fram me nymð; Ne mæg ic delfan, me sceamað þæt ic wædlige.

[066500 (16.4)] Ic wat hwæt ic do þæt hig me on hyra hus onfon þonne ic bescired beo fram tunscire.

[066600 (16.5)] Ða þa gafolgyldan gegaderude wæron þa sæde he þam forman, hu mycel scealt þu minum hlaforde?

[066700 (16.6)] Ða sæde he, hund sestra eles.

[066800 (16.6)] Þa sæde he him, nim þine feðere & site hraðe & writ fiftig.

[066900 (16.7)] Ða sæde he oðrum, hu mycel scealt þu; þa cwæþ he, hund mittena hwætes; ða cwæð he, nim þine stafas & writ hundeahtatig.

[067000 (16.8)] Ða herede se hlaford þære unrihtwisnesse tungerefan, forþam þe he gleawlice dyde, forþam ðe ðisse worulde bearn, synd gleawran þises leohtes bearnum on þisse cneoresse.

[067100 (16.9)] & ic secge eow, wyrcað eow frynd of þisse woruldewelan unrihtwisnesse þæt hig onfon eow on ece eardungstowe þonne ge geteoriað.

[067200 (16.10)] Se þe ys on lytlum getrywe, se ys on maran getrywe & se þe ys on lytlum unrihtwis se ys eac on maran unrihtwis.

[067300 (16.11)] Gif ge on unrihtwisum weoruldwelan næron getrywe hwa betæhð eow þæt eower ys.

[067400 (16.12)] And gyf ge on fremedum næron getrywe hwa sylþ eow þæt eower ys.

[067500 (16.13)] Ne mæg nan þeow twam hlafordum þeowian, oððe he anne hatað & oðerne lufað, oððe he anum folgað & oðerne forhogað; And ge ne magon Gode þeowian & woruldwelan.

[067600 (16.14)] Ðas ðing ealle þa Farisei gehyrdon þa ðe gifre wæron, & hig hine tældon.

[067700 (16.15)] Þa cwæð he to him, ge synt þe eow sylfe beforan mannum gerihtwisiaþ; Soðlice God can eowre heortan forþam þe beforan Gode ys ascuniendlic þæt mannum heah ys.

[067800 (16.16)] Seo æ & witegan oð Iohannem, & of him is bodud Godes rice, & ealle on þæt strangnysse wyrcað.

[067900 (16.17)] Eaðre is þæt heofen & eorðe gewiton þonne an stæf of þære æ fealle.

[068000 (16.18)] Ælc man þe his wif forlæt & oþer nimð se unrihthæmð, & se ðe þæt forlætene wif nimð se unrihthæmð.

[068100 (16.19)] Sum welig man wæs, & he wæs gescrydd mid purpuran & mid twine, & dæghwamlice riclice gewistfullude.

[068200 (16.20)] And sum wædla wæs on naman Lazarus, se læg on his dura swyðe forwundon, & wilnode þæt he hine of his crumum gefylde þe of his beode feollun, & him nan man ne sealde, ac hundas comon & his wunda liccodon.

[068300 (16.22)] Ða wæs geworden þæt se wædla forðferde & hine englas bæron on Habrahames greadan; þa wearð se welega dead & wæs on helle bebyrged.

[068400 (16.23)] Ða ahof he his eagan upp þa he on þam tintregum wæs, & geseah feorran Abraham & Lazarum on his greadan.

[068500 (16.24)] Ða hrymde he & cwæð, eala fæder Abraham, gemilsa me, & send lazarum þæt he dyppe his fingres lið on wætere, & mine tungan gehæle, forþam þe ic eom on þis lige cwylmed.

[068600 (16.25)] Ða cwæð Abraham, eala sunu, geþenc þæt þu God onfenge on þinum life, & gelice Lazarus onfeng yfel; Nu ys þes gefrefryd & þu eart cwylmed.

[068700 (16.26)] And on eallum þissum betwux us & eow is mycel dwolma getrymed, þa ðe willað heonon to eow faran ne magon, ne þanun faran hidere.

[068800 (16.27)] Ða cwæð he, fæder, ic bidde þe þæt ðu sende hine to mines fæder huse.

[068900 (16.28)] Ic hæbbe fif gebroþru þæt he cyðe him þæt hig ne cumon on þissa tintrega stowe.

[069000 (16.29)] Þa sæde Abraham him, hig habbað Moysen & witegan; hig hlyston him.

[069100 (16.30)] Ða cwæð he, nese fæder Abraham, ac hig doð dædbote gif hwylc of deaðe to him færð.

[069200 (16.31)] Ða cwæð he, gif hig ne gehyraþ Moysen & þa witegan, ne hig ne gelyfað þeah hwylc of deaðe arise.

[069300 (17.1)] Ða cwæð he to his leorningcnihtum, unmihtlic is þæt gedrefednyssa ne cuman, wa þam þe hig þurh cumað.

[069400 (17.2)] Nyttre him wære þæt an cweornstan sy gecnytt abutan his swuran & si on sæ beworpen ðonne he gedrefe anne of þissum lytlingum.

[069500 (17.3)] Warniað eow.

[069600 (17.3)] Gyf þin broðor syngað, cid him.

[069700 (17.4)] And gif he on dæg seofan siþun syngað, & seofan siþun to þe on dæg gecyrred byð & cwyð, Hit me ofþincð, forgyf hit him.

[069800 (17.5)] Ða cwæðon his apostolas, drihten, geic urne geleafan.

[069900 (17.6)] Ða cwæþ drihten, gif ge hæfdon geleafan swa senepes corn, ge sædun þissun treowe sy ðu awyrtwalud & aplantud on sæ, & hit hyrsumode eow.

[070000 (17.7)] Hwylc eower hæfþ eregendne þeow, oððe scep læsgendne þam of þam æcere gehworfenum, he him sona segð ga & site.

[070100 (17.8)] & ne segþ him gearw þæt ic ete & gyrt þe & þena me þa hwile þe ic ete & drince, & syððan þu ytst & drincst.

[070200 (17.9)] Wenst þu hæfð se þeowa ænigne þanc, forþam ðe he dyde þæt him beboden wæs; ne wene ic.

[070300 (17.10)] Swa ys eow þonne ge doð eall þæt eow beboden ys, cweþað, unnytte þeowas we synt, we dydon þæt we don sceolon.

[070400 (17.11)] Ða he ferde to Hierusalem, he eode þurh midde Samarian & Galileam, & þa he eode on sum castel him agen urnon tyn hreofe weras.

[070500 (17.12)] Þa stodon hig feorran & hyra stefna upahofon & cwædon, Hælend, bebeodend gemiltsa us.

[070600 (17.14)] Ða he hig geseah þa cwæþ he, Gað & ætywað eow þam sacerdum; þa hig ferdun hig wurdon geclænsude.

[070700 (17.15)] Ða hyra an geseah þæt he geclænsud wæs þa cyrde he mid mycelre stefne God mærsiende, & feoll to hys fotum, & him þancode & þes wæs Samaritanisc.

[070800 (17.17)] Þa cwæþ se Hælend him andswariende, Hu ne synt tyn geclænsude; hwær synt þa nigone?

[070900 (17.18)] Næs gemett se ðe agen hwurfe, & Gode wuldor sealde, buton þes ælfremeda.

[071000 (17.19)] Ða cwæð he, aris & ga forþam þe ðin geleafa þe halne gedyde.

[071100 (17.20)] Þa ahsodon hine þa Farisei hwænne Godes rice come.

[071200 (17.20)] Ða andswarude he & cwæð, ne cymð godes <rice> mid begymene, ne hig ne cweðaþ efne, her hyt ys, oððe þar; Godes rice is betwynan eow.

[071300 (17.22)] Þa cwæð he to his leorningcnihtum, þa dagas cumað þonne ge gewilniað þæt ge geseon anne dæg mannes sunu & ge ne geseoð.

[071400 (17.23)] & hig secgað eow, her he is, & þar he is; Ne fare ge ne ne fyliað.

[071500 (17.24)] Witodlice swa se ligræsc lyhtende scinð under heofone on þa ðing þe under heofone synt, swa bið mannes sunu on his dæge.

[071600 (17.25)] Æryst him gebyreð þæt he fela þinga þolige, & beon fram þisse cneorysse aworpen.

[071700 (17.26)] & swa on Noes dagum wæs geworden swa beoð mannes suna tocyme.

[071800 (17.27)] Hig ætun, & druncon & wifodon & wæron to gyftum gesealde, oð þæne dæg þe Noe on erke eode, & flod com & ealle forspilde.

[071900 (17.28)] Eallswa wæs geworden on Loðes dagum hig ætun & druncon & bohton & sealdon & plantedon & timbrudon.

[072000 (17.29)] Soðlice on þam dæge þe loð eode of Sodoma hyt rinde fyr & swefl of heofone, & ealle forspilde.

[072100 (17.30)] Æfter þysum þingum bið on þam dæge þe mannes sunu onwrigen bið.

[072200 (17.31)] On ðam dæge se ðe bið on þecene & his fatu on huse, ne stihð he nyðer þæt he hig nime; And se ðe bið on æcere, ne went he onbæc.

[072300 (17.32)] Beoð gemyndige Loðes wifes.

[072400 (17.33)] Swa hwylc swa secð his sawle gedon hale se hig forspilþ, & swa hwylc swa hig forspilþ se hig geliffæstað.

[072500 (17.34)] Soðlice ic eow secge, on þære nihte beoð twegen on bedde, an byð genumen & oðer bið forlæten.

[072600 (17.35)] Twa beoð ætgædere grindende, an bið genumen & oðer læfed.

[072700 (17.36)] Twegen beoð æt æcere, an bið genumen & oðer bið læfed.

[072800 (17.37)] Þa cwædon hig to him, hwar, drihten?

[072900 (17.37)] Ða cwæþ he, swa hwar swa se lichama bið, þyder beoð earnas gegaderud.

[073000 (18.1)] Ða sæde he him sum bigspel þæt hit ys riht þæt man symle gebidde & na geteorige, & þus cwæð, Sum dema wæs on sumere ceastre se God ne ondred ne nanne man ne onþracude.

[073100 (18.3)] Ða wæs sum wudewe on þære ceastre.

[073200 (18.3)] Þa com heo to him & cwæð, Wrec me wið minne wiðerwinnan.

[073300 (18.4)] Ða nolde he langre tide; æfter þam þa cwæþ he, þeah ic God ne ondræde, ne ic man ne onþracige, þeah forþam þe ðeos wuduwe me is gram ic wrece hig, þelæs heo æt neahstan cume me behropende.

[073400 (18.6)] Ða cwæð drihten, gehyrað hwæt se unrihtwisa dema cwyð.

[073500 (18.7)] Soþlice ne deð God his gecorenra wrace clypiendra to him dæges & nihtes, & he geþyld on him hæfþ.

[073600 (18.8)] Ic eow secge þæt he raþe hyra wrace deð.

[073700 (18.8)] Ðeahhwæþere wenst þu ðænne mannes sunu cymð, gemet he geleafan on eorðan.

[073800 (18.9)] Ða cwæð he to sumum þis bigspel þe on hig sylfe truwedon & oðre forhogodon.

[073900 (18.10)] Twegen men ferdun to sumum temple þæt hig hig gebædun an sundorhalga & oðer manfull.

[074000 (18.11)] Ða stod se Fariseus & hine þus gebæd, God, þe ic þancas do, forþam þe ic ne eom swylce oðre men, reaferas unrihtwise, unrihthæmeras, oððe eac swylce þes manfulla.

[074100 (18.12)] Ic fæste tuwa on ucan, ic sylle teoþunga ealles þæs þe ic hæbbe.

[074200 (18.13)] Ða stod se manfulla feorran & nolde furðun his eagan ahebban up to þam heofone, ac he beot his breost & cwæþ, God beo þu milde me synfullum.

[074300 (18.14)] Soþlice ic eow secge þæt þes ferde gerihtwisud to his huse, forþam þe ælc þe hine uppahefð bið genyðerud, & se þe hine nyðerað byð uppahafen.

[074400 (18.15)] Ða brohton hig cild to him þæt he hig æthrine, þa his leorningcnihtas hig gesawon hig ciddon him.

[074500 (18.16)] Ða clypode se Hælend hig to him & cwæð, Lætað þa lytlingas to me cuman & ne forbeode ge hig swylcera ys Godes rice.

[074600 (18.17)] Soðlice ic eow secge swa hwylc swa ne onfehð Godes rice swa swa cild, ne gæð he on Godes rice.

[074700 (18.18)] Ða ahsode hyne sum ealdor, lareow, hwæt do ic þæt ic ece lif hæbbe?

[074800 (18.19)] Þa cwæð se Hælend, hwi segst þu me godne?

[074900 (18.19)] Nis nan man god buton God ana.

[075000 (18.20)] Canst þu þa bebodu; Ne ofslyh ðu, ne fyrena þu, ne stel þu, ne leoh þu, Wurþa þinne fæder & þine modor.

[075100 (18.21)] Ða cwæð he, eall þis ic heold of minre geoguþe.

[075200 (18.22)] Ða cwæð se Hælend, an þing þe is wana.

[075300 (18.22)] Syle eall þæt ðu hæfst, & syle eall þæt þearfum, þonne hæfst þu goldhord on heofone, & cum & folga me.

[075400 (18.23)] Ða he þas word gehyrde he wearð geunret, forþam þe he wæs swiðe welig.

[075500 (18.24)] Ða se Hælend hine unrotne geseah he cwæð, Eala hu earfoðlice on Godes rice gað þa ðe feoh habbað.

[075600 (18.25)] Eaðelicor mæg se olfend gan þurh are nædle eage, þonne se welega on Godes rice.

[075700 (18.26)] Ða cwædon þa ðe þis gehyrdon, & hwa mæg hal beon?

[075800 (18.27)] Ða sæde he him, Gode synt mihtelice þa ðing þe mannum synt unmihtelice.

[075900 (18.28)] Þa cwæð Petrus, ealle þing we forleton & folgodon þe.

[076000 (18.29)] Ða cwæþ he, soþlice ic eow secge, nis nan man þe his hus forlæt oððe magas, oððe broþru, oððe wif, oððe bearn, for Godes rice, þe ne onfo mycele mare on þysse tide, & ece lif on towerdre worulde.

[076100 (18.31)] Þa nam se Hælend his leorningcnihtas & cwæð to him, faraþ to Hierusalem, & ealle þing beoð gefyllede þe be mannes suna þurh witegan awritene synt.

[076200 (18.32)] He byð þeodum geseald & bið bysmrud & geswungen & onspæt, & æfter þam þe hig hine swingað hig hine ofsleað, & he þriddan dæge arist.

[076300 (18.34)] & hig naht þæs ongeton & him þis word wæs behydd.

[076400 (18.35)] Þa he genealæhte Hiericho, sum blind man sæt wið þæne weg wædligende.

[076500 (18.36)] & þa he gehyrde þa menego farende, he ahsude hwæt þæt wære.

[076600 (18.37)] Ða sædon hig þæt þær ferde se Nazareniscea Hælend.

[076700 (18.38)] Þa hrymde he & cwæð, Eala Hælend, Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me.

[076800 (18.39)] & þa ðe forestopun hine þreadon þæt he suwude.

[076900 (18.39)] Ðæs þe ma he clypode, Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me.

[077000 (18.40)] Ða stod se Hælend & het hine lædan to him, þa he genealæhte he ahsude hine, hwæt wylt ðu þæt ic ðe do?

[077100 (18.41)] Ða cwæð he, Drihten, þæt ic geseo.

[077200 (18.42)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend, beseoh þin geleafa þe gehælde.

[077300 (18.43)] And he sona geseah, & him folgode God wuldrigende & eall folc Gode lof sealde þa hig þæt gesawon.

[077400 (19.1)] Ða eode he geond Iericho.

[077500 (19.2)] Þa wæs þar sum man on naman Zacheus, Se wæs welig & he wolde geseon hwylc se Hælend wære.

[077600 (19.3)] Þa ne mihte he for ðære menegu, forþam þe he wæs lytel on wæstmum, þa arn he beforan & stah up on an treow sicomorum þæt he hine gesawe, forþam þe he wolde þanon faran.

[077700 (19.5)] Þa he com to þære stowe þa geseah se Hælend hine & cwæð, Zacheus efst to þinum huse forþam þe ic wylle todæg on þinum huse wunian.

[077800 (19.6)] Ða efste he & hine bliþelice onfengc.

[077900 (19.7)] Þa hig þæt gesawon þa murcnudun hig ealle, & cwædon þæt he to synfullum men gecyrde.

[078000 (19.8)] Ða stod Zacheus & cwæð to drihtne, Nu ic sylle ðearfum healfe mine æhta, & gif ic ænigne bereafode ic hit be feowerfealdum agyfe.

[078100 (19.9)] Ða cwæð se Hælend to him, todæg þisse hiwræddene ys hæl geworden, forþam he wæs Habrahames bearn.

[078200 (19.10)] Mannes sunu com secean & hal don þæt forwearð.

[078300 (19.11)] Þa hig þis gehyrdon þa geichte he sum bigspell, forþam þe he wæs neh Ierusalem, & forþam þe hig wendon þæt hrædlice Godes rice geswutelud wære.

[078400 (19.12)] Witodlice he cwæð, sum æþelboren man ferde on fyrlen land þæt he him rice onfenge & eft agen come.

[078500 (19.13)] Ða clypode he his tyn þeowas & sealde tyn pund him, & cwæð to him, Ceapiaþ oð þæt ic cume.

[078600 (19.14)] Ða hatedon hine his leode & sendon ærendracan æfter him & cwædon, We nyllað þæt þes ofer us rixie.

[078700 (19.15)] Ða he agen com & þæt rice onfengc, he het clypian his þeowas þe he þæt feoh selde, þæt he wiste hu mycel gehwylc gemangode.

[078800 (19.16)] Ða com se forma & cwæð, hlaford, þis pund gestrynde tyn pund.

[078900 (19.17)] Þa cwæð se hlaford, geblissa þu, goda þeowa, forþam þe ðu wære on lytlum getrywe, þu byst andweald hæbbende ofer tyn ceastra.

[079000 (19.18)] Ða com oðer & cwæð, hlaford, þin pund gestrynde fif pund.

[079100 (19.19)] Ða cwæþ he to þam, & beo þu ofer fif ceastra.

[079200 (19.20)] Þa com oþer & cwæð, hlaford, her ys þin pund þe ic hæfde on swatlin aled.

[079300 (19.21)] Ic ðe adred forþam þe ðu eart stið man, þu nimst þæt ðu ne settest, & þu ripst þæt ðu ne seowe.

[079400 (19.22)] Ða cwæð he to him, of þinum muðe ic ðe deme, la lyðra þrowa.

[079500 (19.22)] Ðu wistest þæt ic eom stið man, þæt ic nime þæt ic ne sette & ripe þæt ic ne seow.

[079600 (19.23)] And hwi ne sealdest þu min feoh to hyre?

[079700 (19.23)] & þonne ic come ic hit witodlice mid gestreone onfenge.

[079800 (19.24)] Ða cwæð he to þam þe him abutan stodon, nimað þæt pund fram him & syllað þam þe hæfð an pund.

[079900 (19.25)] Ða cwædon hig to him, hlaford, he hæfð tyn pund.

[080000 (19.26)] Soðlice ic secge eow þæt ælcum hæbbendum bið geseald, fram þam þe næfð, ge þæt þæt he hæfð him byð afyrred.

[080100 (19.27)] Ðeahhwæþere þa mine fynd þe noldon þæt ic ofer hig rixude, lædað hider & ofsleað hig beforan me.

[080200 (19.28)] & þysum gecwedenum he ferde to Hierusalem.

[080300 (19.29)] Ða he genealæhte Bethfage & Bethania to þam munte þe is genemned Oliueti, he sende his twegen cnihtas & cwæð, Faraþ on þæt castel þe ongen inc ys, on þam gyt gemetað assan folan getiged, on þam nan man gyt ne sæt; untigað hyne, & lædað to me.

[080400 (19.31)] & gif inc hwa ahsað hwi gyt hyne untigeað, secgað him, drihten hæfð his neode.

[080500 (19.32)] Ða ferdon þa ðe asende wæron & fundon swa he him sæde þæne folan standan.

[080600 (19.33)] Ða hig hine untigdon, þa cwædon þa hlafordas, hwi untige ge þæne folan?

[080700 (19.34)] Ða cwædon hig, forþam þe drihten hæfð his neode.

[080800 (19.35)] Þa læddon hig hine to þam Hælende, & hyra reaf wurpon ofer þæne folan, & þæne Hælend onufan setton.

[080900 (19.36)] & þa he for, Hi strehton under hine hyra reaf on þam wege, & þa he genealæhte to Oliuetes muntes nyðerstige, þa ongunnon ealle þa menego geblissian, & mid mycelre stefne God heredon be eallum þam mihtum þe hig gesawun, & cwædon, Gebletsud sy se cyning þe com on drihtnes naman.

[081000 (19.38)] Syb sy on heofenum, & wuldor on heahnessum.

[081100 (19.39)] Ða cwædon sume of þam Fariseum to him, Lareow, cid þinum leorningcnihtum.

[081200 (19.40)] Ða cwæþ he to him, Ic eow secge, þeah þas suwigen, stanas clypiað.

[081300 (19.41)] & þa he genealæhte & geseah þa ceastre, he weop ofer hig & cwæð, Eala, gif þu wistest & witodlice on þysum þinum dæge þe ðe to sybbe synt; Nu hig synt fram þinum eagum behydde, forþam ðe þa dagas to ðe cumað, & þine fynd þe betrymiaþ, & behabbað þe, & genyrwað þe æghwanun, & to eorþan afyllað þe & þine bearn þe on ðe synt.

[081400 (19.44)] & hig ne læfað on þe stan ofer stane, forþam þe ðu ne oncneowe þa tide þinre geneosunge.

[081500 (19.45)] Ða ongan he of þam temple utdrifan þa syllendan & ða bicgendan.

[081600 (19.46)] & him to cwæð, Hit ys awriten þæt min hus ys gebedhus.

[081700 (19.46)] Ge hit worhton to sceaðena scræfe.

[081800 (19.47)] & he wæs dæghwamlice on þam temple lærende.

[081900 (19.47)] Soþlice þara sacerda ealdras & þa boceras & þæs folces ealdormen smeadon hu hig hine fordon mihton, & hig ne fundon hwæt hi him to gylte dydon.

[082000 (19.48)] Soðlice eall folc wæs abysgod þe be him gehyrde secgan.

[082100 (20.1)] Ða wæs anum dæge geworden þa he þæt folc on þam temple lærde & him bodude þa comun þara sacerda ealdras & þa boceras, & to him cwædon, Sege us on hwylcum anwalde wyrcst þu ðas þing, oððe hwæt ys se ðe þe þisne anwald sealde.

[082200 (20.3)] Ða cwæþ he him to andsware, & ic ahsige eow an word andswariað me, wæs Iohannes fulluht of heofone, hwæðer þe of mannum?

[082300 (20.5)] Ða þohton hig betwux him & cwædon, Gyf we secgað þæt he sy of heofone, he cwyð to us hwi ne gelyfde ge him.

[082400 (20.6)] Gyf we secgað þæt he sy of mannum, eall folc us hænð hi wiston gere þæt Iohannes wæs witega.

[082500 (20.7)] Ða andswaredon hig þæt hig nyston hwanun he wæs.

[082600 (20.8)] Ða cwæð se Hælend him to, ne ic eow ne secge on hwylcum anwalde ic þas þing wyrce.

[082700 (20.9)] He ongan þa ðis bigspel to þam folce cweðan, Sum man plantude him wingeard & hine gesette mid tilium, & he wæs him feor manegum tidum.

[082800 (20.10)] Ða on tide he sende hys þeow to þam tilium þæt hig him sealdon of þæs wingeardes wæstme, þa swungon hig þæne & idelne hine forleton.

[082900 (20.11)] Ða sende he oðerne þeow þa beoton hig ðæne & mid teonum gewæcende hine forleton idelne.

[083000 (20.12)] Þa sende he þridan, þa wurpon hig ut þæne gewundudne.

[083100 (20.13)] Ða cwæð þæs wingeardes hlaford, hwæt do ic?

[083200 (20.13)] Ic asende minne leofan sunu wenunga hine hig forwandiað þonne hig hine geseoþ.

[083300 (20.14)] Ða hine þa tilian gesawun hig þohton betwux him & cwædon, Her ys se yrfeweard; Cumaþ uton hine ofslean þæt seo æht ure sy.

[083400 (20.15)] & hig hine of þam wingearde awurpon ofslegene.

[083500 (20.15)] Hwæt deð þæs wingeardes hlaford?

[083600 (20.16)] He cymð, & forspilð þa tilian, & sylþ þæne wingeard oðrum.

[083700 (20.16)] Hig cwædon þa hig þis gehyrdon þæt ne gewurþe.

[083800 (20.17)] Ða beheold he hig & cwæð, Hwæt is þæt awriten is, þone stan þe ða wyrhtan awurpon, þes is geworden on þære hyrnan heafod.

[083900 (20.18)] Ælc þe fylþ ofer þæne stan byð forbryt, ofer þæne þe he fylð, he tocwyst.

[084000 (20.19)] Ða sohton þara sacerda ealdras & þa boceras hyra handa on þære tide on hine wurpun, & hig adredon him þæt folc; Soðlice hi ongeton þæt he þis bigspell to him cwæð.

[084100 (20.20)] Ða sendun hig mid searwum þa ðe rihtwise leton þæt hig hine gescyldgudun & þæt hig hine gesealdon þam ealdron to dome & to þæs deman anwalde to fordemanne.

[084200 (20.21)] Ða ahsodon hig hine & cwædon, lareow, we witun þæt þu rihte sprycst & lærest, & for nanon men ne wandast, ac Godes weg on soðfæstnesse lærst.

[084300 (20.22)] Ys hit riht þæt man þam casere gafol sylle þe na?

[084400 (20.23)] Þa cwæð he to him þa he hyra facen onget, Hwi fandige min?

[084500 (20.24)] Ywaþ me anne peninc hwæs anlicnesse hæfþ he & ofergewrit; ða cwædon hig, þæs caseres.

[084600 (20.25)] Ða cwæð he to him, Agyfað þam casere þa ðing þe ðæs caseres synt, & Gode þa ðing þe Godes synt.

[084700 (20.26)] Ða ne mihton hig his word befon beforan þam folce, þa suwudon hig wundrigende be his andsware.

[084800 (20.27)] Ða genealæhton sume of Saduceum, þa ætsacað þæs æristest & ahsodon hine & cwædon, Lareow, Moyses us wrat gif hwæs broðor byð dead & wif hæbbe, & se byð butan bearnum þæt his broðor nime his wif & hys broþor sæd awecce.

[084900 (20.29)] Seofon gebroðru wæron & se forma nam wif, & wæs dead butan bearnum.

[085000 (20.30)] Ða nam oðer hig & wæs dead butan bearne.

[085100 (20.31)] Ða nam se þridda hig, & swa ealle seofone, & nan sæd ne læfdon & wæron deade.

[085200 (20.32)] Þa ealra ytemest wæs þæt wif dead.

[085300 (20.33)] On þam æryste hwylces hyra wif biþ þæt.

[085400 (20.34)] Ða cwæþ se hælend to him, þysse worulde bearn wifiað & beoð to giftum gesealde.

[085500 (20.35)] Ða ðe synt þære worulde wyrðe, & ærystes of deaðum ne giftigeaþ hi ne wif ne lædað, ne ofer þæt sweltan ne magon.

[085600 (20.36)] Hig synt soðlice englum gelice, & hig synt Godes bearn þonne hig synt ærystys bearn, forþam þe soðlice deade arisað.

[085700 (20.37)] & Moyses ætywde wið anne beigbeam swa he cwæð, Drihten, Abrahammes God, & Isaaces God, & Iacobes God, nys God deadra ac lybbendra, ealle hig him lybbað.

[085800 (20.39)] Ða andswarudon him sume þara bocera & cwædon, lareow, wel þu cwæde.

[085900 (20.40)] & hig hine leng ne dorston ænig þing ahsian.

[086000 (20.41)] Þa cwæð he to him, Hwi secgað hig þæt Crist sy Dauides sunu?

[086100 (20.42)] & Dauid cwyð on þam sealme, drihten sæde to minum drihtne site on mine swiðran healfe, oð þæt ic asette þine fynd to fotsceamole þinra fota.

[086200 (20.44)] Dauid hine clypað Drihten, & humeta ys he hys sunu?

[086300 (20.45)] Ða sæde he hys leorningcnihtum, eallum folce gehyrendum, Warniað wið þa boceras ða þe wyllað on gegyrlum gan, & lufiað gretinga on stræte, & þa yldstan setl on gesamnungum & þa forman hlininga on gebeorscypum, þa forswelgað wydywyna hus, hiwgende lang gebed; þa onfoð maran genyþerunge.

[086400 (21.1)] Ða he hine beseah he geseh þa welegan hyra lac sendan on þone sceoppan, þa geseah he sume earme wydewan bringan twegen feorðlingas.

[086500 (21.3)] Ða cwæð he, soð ic eow secge þæt ðeos earme wudewe ealra mæst brohte.

[086600 (21.4)] Soðes ealle þas brohton gode lac of hyra mycelan welan, þeos wudewe brohte of þam þe heo hæfde ealle hyre andlyfene.

[086700 (21.5)] & þa cwæð he to þam þe sædon be þam temple, þæt hit wære geglenged mid godum stanum & godum gifum.

[086800 (21.6)] Þas þing þe ge geseoð þa dagas cumað on þam ne bið stan læfed ofer stan, þe ne beo toworpen.

[086900 (21.7)] Þa ahsodon hig hine, la bebeodend, hwænne beoð þas þing, & hwylce tacna beoð þonne þas þing gewurðaþ?

[087000 (21.8)] Ða cwæþ he, warniað þæt ge ne syn beswicene.

[087100 (21.8)] Manege cumað on minum naman, & cweðað, Ic hit eom & tid genealæcð; Ne fare ge æfter him, ne beo ge bregede þonne ge geseoð gefeoht and twyrædnessa.

[087200 (21.9)] Ðas þing gebyrigeað æryst ac nys þonne gyt ende.

[087300 (21.10)] Ða cwæð he to him, þeod arist agen þeode & rice agen rice, & beoð mycele eorþan styrunga geond stowa, & cwealmas & hungor, & egsan of heofone & mycele tacna beoð.

[087400 (21.12)] Ac toforan eallum þissum hig nimað eow & ehtað & syððan eow on gesamnunga, & on hyrdnyssa & lædaþ eow to cyningum & to demum for minum naman; þis eow gebyrað on gewitnesse.

[087500 (21.14)] Ne sceole ge on eowrum heortum foresmeagan hu ge andswarian.

[087600 (21.15)] Ic sylle eow muð & wisdom, þam ne magon ealle eower wiðerwinnan wiðstandan & wiðcweðan.

[087700 (21.16)] Ge beoð gesealde fram magum & gebroðrum & cuðum & freondum, & hig eow to deaðe geswencað.

[087800 (21.17)] & ge beoð eallum on hatunga for minum naman, & ne forwyrð a locc of eowrum heafde.

[087900 (21.19)] On eowrum geþylde ge gehealdað eowre sawla.

[088000 (21.20)] Þonne ge geseoð Hierusalem mid here betrymede, witað þæt hyre toworpennes genealæcð.

[088100 (21.21)] Þonne fleoð on muntas þa ðe on Iudea synt & nyðer ne astigað þa ðe on hyre middele synt, & into hyre ne magon þa ðe þarute synt, forþam ðe þis synt wrace dagas þæt ealle þing syn gefyllede þe awritene synt.

[088200 (21.23)] Soðlice wa eacnigendum wife & fedendum on þam dagum þonne bið mycel ofþriccednys ofer eorðan, & yrre þisum folce, & hig feallað on swurdes ecge, & beoð hæftlingas on ealle þeoda; Hierusalem bið fram þeodum fortreden oð mægða tida synt gefyllede.

[088300 (21.25)] And beoð tacna on sunnan & on monan & on steorrum & on eorðan, þeoda forþriccednys, for gedrefednesse sæs sweges, & yða bifigendum mannum, for ege & anbide þe eallum ymbehwyrfte tobecumað; ðonne beoð heofones myhta astyrede.

[088400 (21.27)] & þonne hig geseoð mannes sunu on lyfte cumende mid mycelum anwalde & mægenþrymme.

[088500 (21.28)] Ðonne þas þing agynnað beseoð & eowre heafdu upahebbaþ, forþam ðe eower alysednes ge genealæcð.

[088600 (21.29)] Ða sæde he him sum bigspel, behealdað þæne ficbeam & ealle trywu.

[088700 (21.30)] Þonne hig wæstm brincgað, ge witun þæt sumor ys gehende.

[088800 (21.31)] And þonne ge þas þing geseoð witað þæt Godes rice is gehende.

[088900 (21.32)] Soðlice ic eow secge þæt þeos cneores ne gewit ærþam þe ealle þas ðing gewurþon.

[089000 (21.33)] Heofen & eorðe gewitaþ; soðlice mine word ne gewitað.

[089100 (21.34)] Warniaþ eow þelæs eower heortan gehefegude syn on oferfylle & on druncennesse & þises lifes carum & on eow se færlica dæg becume, swa swa grin.

[089200 (21.35)] He becymþ on ealle þa ðe sittað ofer eorðan ansyne.

[089300 (21.36)] Waciað on ælcere tide & bidað þæt ge wurðe syn, þæt ge þas towerdan þing forfleon, & standan beforan mannes suna.

[089400 (21.37)] Soðlice he wæs on dæg on þam temple lærende, & on niht he eode & wunode on þam munte þe ys gecweden Oliueti, & eall folc on morgen com to him, to þam temple þæt hi hine gehyrdon.

[089500 (22.1)] Ða soðlice genealæhte freolsdæg Azimorum se is gecweden Eastre.

[089600 (22.2)] & þara sacerda ealdras & þa boceras smeadon hu hig hine forspildon; <Soðlice> <hig> <adredon> <him> <þæt> <folc>.

[089700 (22.3)] Ða eode Satanas on Iudam, se wæs oðre naman Scarioth, an of þam twelfum.

[089800 (22.4)] Þa ferde he & spæc mid þara sacerda ealdormannum & duguðe ealdrum hu he hine him gesealde.

[089900 (22.5)] And hig fagenydun & him weddedon feoh to syllenne, & he behet & he sohte hu he eaðelicust hine beæftan þære menego gesealde.

[090000 (22.7)] Ða com se dæg Azimorum on þam hi woldon hyra Eastron gewyrcan.

[090100 (22.8)] & he sende Petrum, & Iohannem & cwæð to him, farað & gearwiað us þæt we ure Eastron gewyrcon.

[090200 (22.9)] Ða cwædon hig, hwar wylt tu þæt we gearwion?

[090300 (22.10)] & he cwæð to him, Nu þænne ge on þa ceastre gað eow agen yrnð an man mid wæterbuce; Filigeað him on þæt hus þe he ingæð, & secgeað þam hushlaforde, Ure lareow þe segð hwar ys cumena hus þar ic mine eastron wyrce mid minon leorningcnihtum.

[090400 (22.12)] And he eow betæcð mycele healle gedæfte; gegearwiað þara.

[090500 (22.13)] Ða ferdun hig & gemettun swa he him sæde, & hig gegearwudun Eastrun.

[090600 (22.14)] And þa tima wæs he sæt & his twelfe apostolas mid him, & he sæde him, Of gewilnunge ic gewilnude etan mid eow þas Eastron ær ic forðfare.

[090700 (22.16)] Ic eow secge þæt ic heononforð ne ete, ær hyt sy on Godes rice gefylled.

[090800 (22.17)] And onfeng calice & þancas dyde & cwæð, Onfoð & dælað betwux eow.

[090900 (22.18)] Soðlice ic eow secge þæt ic ne drince of þises wingeardes cynne ær Godes rice cume.

[091000 (22.19)] And he onfengc hlafe & þancude & him sealde, & cwæð, ðis is min lichama, se is for eow geseald; Doð þis on min gemynd.

[091100 (22.20)] And swa eac þæne calic, syððan he geeten hæfde & cwæð, ðes calic is niwe cyðnys on minum blode, se bið for eow agoten.

[091200 (22.21)] Ðeahhwæðere her is þæs læwan hand mid me on mysan, & witodlice mannes sunu gæð æfter þam ðe him forestihtud wæs, þeahhwæðere wa þam men þe he þurh geseald bið.

[091300 (22.23)] And hi agunnon betwux him smeagan hwylc of him þæt to donne wære.

[091400 (22.24)] & hi flitun betwux him hwylc hyra wære yldest.

[091500 (22.25)] Þa sæde he him, cyningas wealdað hyra þeoda, & ða ðe anweald ofer hig habbað synt fremfulle genemned.

[091600 (22.26)] Ac ne beo ge na swa, ac gewurðe he swa swa gingra se þe yldra ys betwux eow; And se þe forestæppend ys beo he swylce he þen sy.

[091700 (22.27)] Hwæðer ys yldra þe se þe ðenað þe se ðe sitt, witudlice se ðe sitt; Ic eom on eowrum midlene swa swa se þe ðenað.

[091800 (22.28)] Ge synt þe mid me þurhwunedon on minum geswincum, & ic eow dihte, swa min fæder me rice dihte, þæt ge eton & drincon ofer mine mysan on minum rice & ge sitton ofer þrymsetl demende twelf mægða Israhel.

[091900 (22.31)] Ða cwæð drihten, Simon Simon, nu Satanas gyrnde þæt he eow hridrude swa swa hwæte.

[092000 (22.32)] Ic gebæd for þe þæt ðin geleafa ne geteorige, And þu æt sumum cyrre gewend andtryme þine gebroðru.

[092100 (22.33)] Ða cwæð he drihten, ic eom gearu to farenne mid þe, ge on cwertern ge on deað.

[092200 (22.34)] Ða cwæþ he, ic secge þe Petrus, ne cræwþ se hana todæg ær þu me ætsæcst.

[092300 (22.35)] Ða cwæð he to him, þa ic eow sende butan seode & codde & gescy wæs eow ænig þing wana; ða cwædon hig, nan þing.

[092400 (22.36)] Ða cwæð he, ac nu se þe hæfð seod gelice nime codd, & se ðe næfð sylle his tunecan & bicge him swurd.

[092500 (22.37)] Soðlice ic eow secge þæt gyt scyl beon gefylled þæt be me awriten is, & þæt he mid rihtwisum geteald wæs, witudlice þa þing þe be me synt habbað ende.

[092600 (22.38)] And hig cwædon, drihten, her synt twa swurd & he cwæð þæt ys genoh.

[092700 (22.39)] And æfter gewunan he uteode on þæne munt Oliuarum þæt ys Elebergena, & his leorningcnihtas him fyligdon.

[092800 (22.40)] And þa he com to þære stowe he sæde him, gebiddað þæt ge on costnunge ne gan.

[092900 (22.41)] And he wæs fram him alocen swa mycel swa is anes stanes wyrp, & gebigedum cneowum he hyne gebæd & cwæð, Fæder gif þu wylt, afyr þysne calic fram me, þeahhwæðere ne gewurðe min willa ac þin.

[093000 (22.43)] Þa ætywde him Godes engel of heofone & hyne gestrangode, & he wæs on gewinne & hine lange gebæd & his swat wæs swylce blodes dropan on eorðan yrnende.

[093100 (22.45)] & þa he of gebede aras & com to his leorningcnihtum, he hig funde slæpende for unrotnesse.

[093200 (22.46)] & he sæde him, hwi slape ge?

[093300 (22.46)] Arisað & biddað ge on costunge ne gan.

[093400 (22.47)] Him þa þa gyt sprecendum þa com þæt wered & him toforan eode an of þam twelfum se wæs genemned Iudas & he genealæhte þam Hælende þæt he hine cyste.

[093500 (22.48)] Ða cwæð se Hælend, Iudas, mannes sunu þu mid cosse sylst.

[093600 (22.49)] Ða gesawon þa ðe him abutan wæron þæt þær towerd wæs & cwædon, drihten, slea we mid swurde.

[093700 (22.50)] Ða sloh hyra an þara sacerda ealdres þeow & hys swyðre eare of acerf.

[093800 (22.51)] Þa andswarude se Hælend, lætað þus; & þa he æthran hys eare he hyt gehælde.

[093900 (22.52)] Ða cwæð se Hælend to þam ealdormannum & to þam witum & þæs temples ealdrum, Ge ferdon swa swa <to> anum sceaðan mid swurdum & mid sahlum þæt ge me gefengon.

[094000 (22.53)] Ða ic wæs dæghwamlice on temple mid eow, ne aþenedon ge eower handa on me, ac þis is eower tid & þystra anweald.

[094100 (22.54)] Ða namon hig hine & læddon to þæra sacerda ealdres huse, & Petrus fyligde feorran.

[094200 (22.55)] And petrus wæs mid him on middan þam cafertune, þar hig æt þam fyre sæton.

[094300 (22.56)] Ða hine geseah sum þinen æt leohte sittende & hine beheold, þa cwæð heo, & þes wæs mid him.

[094400 (22.57)] Ða ætsoc he & cwæð, eala wif, ne can ic hyne.

[094500 (22.58)] And þa embe lytel hine geseah oðer & cwæð, þu eart of him.

[094600 (22.58)] Ða cwæð Petrus, eala mann, ic ne eom.

[094700 (22.59)] & þa æfter lytlum fæce swylce anre tide, sum oðer seðde & cwæð, Soðlice þes wæs mid him, witodlice he is Galileisc.

[094800 (22.60)] Ða cwæð Petrus, eala man, nat ic hwæt þu segst.

[094900 (22.60)] And þa hig þæt spræcon samninga se hana creow.

[095000 (22.61)] Þa drihten bewende hine & beseah to Petre, ða gemunde Petrus, drihtnes wordes þe he cwæð, þæt ðu min ætsæcst þriwa todæg ær se hana crawe.

[095100 (22.62)] Ða eode Petrus ut & biterlice weop.

[095200 (22.63)] & þa ðe þæne Hælend heoldon hine bysmrodon & beoton.

[095300 (22.64)] & oferwrugon hys ansyne & þurhsun his nebb, & ahsodon hyne, aræd; hwylc ys se ðe þe sloh?

[095400 (22.65)] And manega oðre þing hig him to cwædon dysigende.

[095500 (22.66)] And þa ða dæg wæs þa togædere comun þæs folces yldran & þara sacerda ealdermenn & boceras & læddon hine to hyra gemote & cwædon, Sege us gif þu sy Crist.

[095600 (22.67)] Ða cwæþ he, þeah ic eow secge, ge <me> <ne> gelyfaþ.

[095700 (22.68)] Þeh ic eow ahsige ge ne andswariað me ne ne forlætað.

[095800 (22.69)] Heonunforð bið mannes sunu sittende on Godes mægnes swyþran healfe.

[095900 (22.70)] Ða cwædon hig ealle, eart þu Godes sunu.

[096000 (22.70)] Ða cwæð he, ge secgað þæt ic eom.

[096100 (22.71)] And hig cwædon, hwi gyrne we gyt gewitnesse, sylfe we gehyrdon of hys muðe.

[096200 (23.1)] Ða aras eall hyra menegeo & læddon hine to Pilate, & agunnon hyne wregan & cwædon, ðisne we gemetton forhwyrfende ure þeode, & forbeodende þæt man þam casere gafol ne sealde, & segð þæt he si Crist cyning.

[096300 (23.3)] Ða ahsode Pilatus hine, eart þu Iudea cining.

[096400 (23.3)] Ða andswarude he, þu hit segst.

[096500 (23.4)] Þa cwæþ Pilatus to þam ealdrum & þam werede, ne finde ic nanne intingan on þysum men.

[096600 (23.5)] Ða hlyddon hig & cwædon, he astyrað þis folc lærende þurh ealle Iudeam agynnende of <Galilea> <oð> <hyder>.

[096700 (23.6)] <Ða> <Pilatus> <gehyrde> Galileam he ahsude hwæðer he wære Galileisc man.

[096800 (23.7)] & þa he gecneow þæt he wæs of Herodes anwalde, he hine agen sende to Herode; He wæs on þam dagum on Hierusalem.

[096900 (23.8)] Soðlice Herodes fagnude þa he þæne Hælend geseah.

[097000 (23.8)] Mycelre tide he wilnode hine <geseon> forþam ðe he gehyrde mycel be him, & he hopode þæt he gesawe sum tacen þe fram him gewurde.

[097100 (23.9)] Þa ahsode he hine manegum wordum & he naht ne andswarude.

[097200 (23.10)] Ða stodon þara sacerda ealdras hine anrædlice wregende.

[097300 (23.11)] Þa oferhogode Herodes hine mid <hys> hyrede & bysmrode hine gescrydne hwitum reafe, & hyne agen sende to Pilate.

[097400 (23.12)] And on þam dæge wurdun Herodes & Pilatus gefrynd; Soðlice hig wæron ær gefynd him betwynan.

[097500 (23.13)] Ða cwæð Pilatus to þara sacerda ealdrum & duguðe ealdrum & to þam folce, ge brohton me þisne man swylce he þis folc forhwyrfde, & nu ic beforan eow ahsiende, ic nanne intingan findan ne mæg on þisum men of þam þe ge hine wregað, ne furðun Herodes.

[097600 (23.15)] Ic hine sende agen to him & him naht þæslices deaðe gedon wæs.

[097700 (23.16)] Ic hine gebetne forlæte.

[097800 (23.17)] Niede he sceolde him forgyfan anne to hyra freolsdæge.

[097900 (23.18)] Þa hrymde eall þæt folc ætgædere & cwæþ, Nim þisne & forgyf us Barrabban, se wæs for sumere twyrædnesse & manslyhte on cwertern asend.

[098000 (23.20)] Eft spæc Pilatus to him & wolde forlætan þæne Hælend.

[098100 (23.21)] Ða hrymdon hig & cwædon, ahoð hine, ahoð hine.

[098200 (23.22)] Ða cwæð he to him þriddan siðe, hwæt dyde þes yfeles?

[098300 (23.22)] Ne mette ic nan þing yfeles on þissum men þæt he si deaþes scyldig; Ic hine þreage & forlæte.

[098400 (23.23)] And hig astodon & mycelre stefne bædon þæt he wære ahangen, & hyra stefna swiðredon.

[098500 (23.25)] & he forgef him þæne þe wæs for manslyhte & sumere sace on cwerterne, þone hi bædon & þæne hælend he sealde to hyra willan.

[098600 (23.26)] And þa hig hine læddon hi gefengon sumne Cyreniscne Simonem, se com of þan tune & þa rode him onsetton þæt he hi bære æfter þam Hælende.

[098700 (23.27)] Him fylide mycel wered folces & wifa þa hine heofun & weopun.

[098800 (23.28)] Þa cwæþ se Hælend bewend, eala dohtra Hierusalem, nelle ge ofer me wepan, ac wepað ofer eow sylfe, & ofer eower bearn.

[098900 (23.29)] Forðam þa dagas cumað on þam hig cweþað, eadige synt þa untymyndan & innoþas þe ne cendun & þa breost þe ne sictun.

[099000 (23.30)] Þonne agynnað hig cweðan to þam muntum feallað ofer us, & to beorgum oferwreoð us.

[099100 (23.31)] Forþam gif hig on grenum treowe þas þing doð, hwæt doð hig on þam drigean?

[099200 (23.32)] And mid him wæron gelædde twegen manfulle þæt hig wæron ofslegene.

[099300 (23.33)] And syððan hig comon on þa stowe þe is genemned Caluarie þæt is heafodpannan stow, þar hig hine hengon & anne sceaþan on his swiðran healfe & oðerne on his wynstran.

[099400 (23.34)] Ða cwæð se Hælend, fæder, forgyf him, forþam hig nyton hwæt hig doð; Soðlice hig dældon hys reaf & wurpun hlotu.

[099500 (23.35)] & þæt folc stod geanbidiende, & þa ealdras hine tældon mid him & cwædon, Oþre he gehælde gehæle hine sylfne gif he sig Godes gecorena.

[099600 (23.36)] And þa cempan hine <bysmredon> & him eced brohton, & þus cwædon, Gif þu si Iudea cining, gedo þe halne.

[099700 (23.38)] Ða wæs his ofergewrit ofer hine awriten greciscum stafum & ebreiscum, þis is Iudea cining.

[099800 (23.39)] An of þam sceaþum þe mid him hangode hine gremede & cwæþ, Gif þu Crist eart, gehæl þe sylfne & unc.

[099900 (23.40)] Ða andswarude se oþer & hine þreade and cwæþ, Ne þu God ne ondrætst þæt ðu eart on þære ylcan genyðerunge?

[100000 (23.41)] & wyt witodlice be uncer ærdædum onfoð.

[100100 (23.41)] Soðlice þes naht yfeles ne dyde.

[100200 (23.42)] & he cwæþ to þam Hælende, Drihten, gemun þu me þonne þu cymst on þin rice.

[100300 (23.43)] Ða cwæþ se Hælend to him, Todæg þu bist mid me on paradiso.

[100400 (23.44)] Þa wæs nean seo syxte tid, & þystro wæron ofer ealle eorþan oð þa nigoþan tide, & sunne wæs aþystrod & þæs temples wahryft wearð toslyten on middan.

[100500 (23.46)] Ða cwæð se Hælend clypiende mycelre stefne, Fæder ic bebeode minne gast on þinre handa, & þus cweþende he forþferde.

[100600 (23.47)] Þa se hundredman geseah þæt þar geworden wæs, he God wuldrode & cwæð, Soþlice þes man wæs rihtwis.

[100700 (23.48)] & eall wered þe æt þisse wæfersynne wæron & gesawon þa þing þe gewurdon, wæron agen gewende hyra breost beoton.

[100800 (23.49)] Ða stodon ealle hys cuþan feorran, & þa wif þe him fyligdon fram Galilea þas þing geseonde.

[100900 (23.50)] & þa an man on naman Iosep, se wæs gerefa god wer & rihtwis.

[101000 (23.51)] Þes ne geþwærode hyra geþeahte & hyra dædum fram Arimathia Iudea ceastre se sylfa geanbidude Godes rice.

[101100 (23.52)] Þes genealæhte to Pilate & bæd þæs Hælendes lichaman, & nyðer alede hyne & on scytan befeold & lede hine on aheawene byrgene on þære næs þa gyt nænig aled.

[101200 (23.54)] And þa wæs se dæg Parasceue þæt is gegearwunge, & sæterdæg onlyhte.

[101300 (23.55)] Ða wif þe him fyligdon þe comon mid him of Galilea hig gesawon þa byrgene, & hu his lichama aled wæs, & hig cyrdon.

[101400 (23.56)] & <gearwodun> wyrtgemang & sealfa & on sæterndæg hig gestildon æfter bebode.

[101500 (24.1)] On anum restedæge swyþe ær on dægered hig comun to þære byrgene & bæron mid him þa wyrtgemang þe hi gegearwodon.

[101600 (24.2)] & hig gemetton þæne stan awyltne of þære byrgene.

[101700 (24.3)] And þa hi in to þære byrgene eodon, hig ne gemetton na þæs Hælendes lichaman.

[101800 (24.4)] And þa wæs geworden þa hig on mode afæryde wæron be þyson þa stodon twegen weras wið hig on hwitum reafe.

[101900 (24.5)] & þa hig adredon & hyra andwlitan on eorþan hyldun hig cwædon to him, Hwi sece ge lybbendne mid deadum?

[102000 (24.6)] Nis he her, ac he aras.

[102100 (24.6)] Geþencað hu he spæc wið eow þa gyt þa he wæs on Galilea, & cwæð ðæt mannes sunu bið geseald on handa synfulra manna & beon ahangen & þy þriddan dæge arisan.

[102200 (24.8)] & hig gemundon his worda, & hig gewendon fram þære byrgene & cyddon eall þis þam endlufenum & eallum oðrum.

[102300 (24.10)] Soþlice wæs Maria Magdalene, & Iohanna, & Maria Iacobi, & oðre þe mid him wæron þa sædon þas þing þam apostolum.

[102400 (24.11)] & þas word wæron geþuhte beforan him swa woffunng & hig ne gelyfdon him.

[102500 (24.12)] Þa aras Petrus & arn to þære byrgyne, & alutende he geseah þa linwæda sylfe alede, & he ferde wundrigende þæs þar geworden wæs.

[102600 (24.13)] & þa ferdon twegen of him on þæt castel þæt wæs on fæce syxtig furlanga fram Hierusalem on naman Emaus.

[102700 (24.14)] & hig spæcon him betwynan be eallum þam þe þar gewordene wæron.

[102800 (24.15)] And þa hig spelledon & mid him smeadon, se Hælend genealæchte & ferde mid him.

[102900 (24.16)] Soðlice hyra eagan wærun forhæfde þæt hig hine ne gecneowun, & he cwæð to him, hwæt synt þa spæca þe gyt recceað inc betwynan gangende, & synt unrote?

[103000 (24.18)] Ða andswarude him an, þæs nama wæs Cleofas & cwæð, Eart þu ana forwrecen on Hierusalem, & nystest þu þa þing þe on hyre gewordene synt on ðysum dagum.

[103100 (24.19)] He sæde þa, hwæt synt þa þing?

[103200 (24.19)] And hig sædon be þam Nazareniscean Hælende, se wæs wer & witega mihtig on spæce & on weorce beforan Gode & eallum folce, & hu hine sealdun þa heahsacerdas & ure ealdras on deaðes genyþerunge & ahengon hine.

[103300 (24.21)] We hopedon þæt he to alysenne wære Israhel, & nu is se ðridda dæg todæg þæt þis wæs geworden.

[103400 (24.22)] & eac sume wif of urum us bregdon, þa wæron ær leohte æt þære byrgene, & na his lichaman gemettun.

[103500 (24.23)] Hig comon & sædun þæt hig gesawun engla gesihðe, þa secgað hine lybban.

[103600 (24.24)] & þa ferdun sume of urum to þære byrgyne & swa gemetton swa þa wif sædon hine hig ne gesawon.

[103700 (24.25)] Ða cwæð se Hælend to him, eala dysegan & on heortan læte to gelyfenne eallum þam þe witegan spæcon.

[103800 (24.26)] Hu ne gebyrede Criste þas þing þoligean, & swa on his wuldor gan?

[103900 (24.27)] And he rehte him of Moyse & of eallum haligum gewritum þe be him awritene wæron.

[104000 (24.28)] & hig <genealæhton> þam castele þe hig to ferdun & he dyde swylce he fyr faran wolde, & hig nyddon hyne & cwædon, wuna mid unc forþam þe hit æfenlæcð & se dæg wæs ahyld, & he ineode þæt he mid him wunude.

[104100 (24.30)] & þa he mid him sæt he onfeng hlaf & hine bletsude & bræc & him ræhte.

[104200 (24.31)] Þa wurdon hyra eagan geopenude & hig gecneowon hine & he gewat fram him.

[104300 (24.32)] And hig cwædon him betwynan næs uncer heorte byrnende þa he on wege wið unc spæc, & unc halige gewritu ontynde.

[104400 (24.33)] And hig arison on þære ylcan tide & wendon to Hierusalem & gemetton endlufan gegaderude & þa ðe mid him wæron, & cwædun þæt drihten soðlice aras & Simone ætywde.

[104500 (24.35)] And hig rehton þa þing þa ðe on wege gewordene wæron, & hu hig hine oncneowun on hlafes brice.

[104600 (24.36)] Soðlice þa hig þis spræcon se Hælend stod on hyra midlene, & sæde him, sib sy eow; ic hit eom ne ondræde ge eow.

[104700 (24.37)] Ða wæron hig gedrefede & afærede & hig wendon þæt hig gast gesawon.

[104800 (24.38)] And he sæde him, hwi synt ge gedrefede & geþancas on eowre heortan astigað?

[104900 (24.39)] Geseoð mine handa & mine fet þæt ic sylf hit eom.

[105000 (24.39)] Grapiað, & geseoð þæt gast næfþ flæsc & ban, swa ge geseoð me habban.

[105100 (24.40)] And þa he þis sæde he æteowde him fet & handa.

[105200 (24.41)] Ða cwæð he to him þa hig þa gyt ne gelyfdon & for gefean wundredon, Hæbbe ge her ænig þing to etenne?

[105300 (24.42)] & hig brohton him dæl gebræddes fisces & beobread.

[105400 (24.43)] And þa he æt beforan him he nam þa lafa & him sealde, & cwæð to him, þis synt þa word þe ic spæc to eow þa ic wæs þa gyt mid eow forþam þe hit is neod þæt beon ealle þing gefyllede þe be me awritene synt on Moyses æ, & on witegum & on sealmum be me.

[105500 (24.45)] Ða atynde he him andgyt þæt hig ongeton halige gewritu.

[105600 (24.46)] & he cwæð to him þæt ðus is awriten & þus gebyrede Crist þolian, & þy ðriddan dæge of deaðum arisan, & beon bodud on his naman dædbote & synna forgyfenesse on ealle þeoda, agynnendum fram Hierusalem.

[105700 (24.48)] Soðlice ge synt þinga gewitan.

[105800 (24.49)] & ic sende on eow mines fæder behat; Sitte ge on ceastre oð ge syn ufene gescrydde.

[105900 (24.50)] Soðlice he gelædde hig ut on Bethaniam & he bletsode hig his handum upahafenum.

[106000 (24.51)] & hit wæs geworden þa he bletsude hig, he ferde fram him & wæs fered on heofen.

[106100 (24.52)] & hig gebiddende hig gehwurfon on Hierusalem mid mycelum gefean.

[106200 (24.53)] & hig wæron symle on þam temple God hergende & hyne eac bletsigende, AMEN.