First IPFW Analysis Mini-Symposium
November 11, 2011
Talks by visiting and local
- I. Kossovskiy (U. Western Ontario), Mappings of 2-nondegenerate hypersurfaces in dimension 3
- Let (M,p) and (M',p') be two
real hypersurfaces with distinguished points in complex
affine n-space and
let H(M,p;M',p') be the
space of local biholomorphic mappings of the ambient space preserving
the hypersurfaces and the distinguished points. How "rich" can the
space H(M,p;M',p') be?
Poincaré (for n=2) and later Chern and Moser (for
arbitrary n) in their famous papers gave the answer to this
question for Levi non-degenerate hypersurfaces. Their results
generated a big stream of further papers on CR-geometry and led to
remarkable theorems in complex analysis. Using a new approach, we
avoid the difficulties which occur in the Levi-degenerate case and
reproduce the Poincaré-Chern-Moser theory for the case of
2-nondegenerate hypersurfaces in complex 3-space. Joint work with
Valery Beloshapka.
- Y. Zhang (UCSD), Chern-Moser-Weyl tensor theory and its
applications to the Hopf Lemma for CR

- P. Dragnev (IPFW), Convexity of harmonic measures on real line and circle
- A. Coffman (IPFW), Counterexamples to unique continuation for a Beltrami system in C2
- Y. Pan (IPFW), Solvability of nonlinear PDE systems in dimension two
- In this talk, we present a general existence result (local and
global) for a nonlinear partial differential system of any order in
dimension two. In particular it implies the local existence
of J-holomorphic curves on a almost complex manifold, due to
Nijenhuis and Woolf, and also implies the existence of harmonic maps
from the unit disk to any Riemannian manifold with prescribed tangent
vector, which could be new. As a consequence of the method, we prove
that any nonlinear partial differential system with a power m
of the Laplace operator as principal part can be always solvable
locally for any jet of order 2m-1 at the origin. At the same
time, global solutions can be obtained, provided the system vanishes
to first order at the origin. These results are almost best possible
due to the classical theory of Ahlfors and Osserman.
Zhang's visit as Scholar in Residence supported in part by IPFW Office of Research, Engagement, and Sponsored Programs
"Mappings of 2-nondegenerate hypersurfaces in dimension

"Chern-Moser-Weyl tensor theory and its applications to the Hopf
Lemma for CR maps"

Kossovskiy, Dragnev, Zhang, Pan, Coffman

math lunch

the Department of Mathematical