Dr.Scott Bergeson

Assistant Professor of Biology
Department of Biology
Purdue University Fort Wayne

Phone 260-481-6317
Office: SB 340
Curriculum Vita

Professor Bergeson

Recent Publications

Bergeson. S.M., J.M. O’Keefe, and G.S. Haulton. 2018. Managed forests provide roosting opportunities for Indiana bats in south-central Indiana.
Forest Ecology and Management 427, 305–316.

Bergeson, S.M., T.C. Carter, and M.D. Whitby. 2015. Adaptive roosting gives little brown bats an advantage over endangered Indiana bats.
The American Midland Naturalist 174, 321–331.

Bergeson, S.M., T.C. Carter, and M.D. Whitby. 2013. Partitioning of foraging resources between sympatric Indiana and little brown bats.
Journal of Mammalogy 94, 1311–1320.


This lab’s research is broadly focused on the ecology, behavior, and physiology of wildlife; with an emphasis on the impacts of human activities (pesticides, timber harvest, urbanization) on endangered wildlife and the variable use of torpor (short term hibernation) by bats. While we mostly conduct our research in the Midwestern United States, we have also worked in The Great Smokey Mountains, the barrier islands of Georgia, and the Peruvian rainforest.

Community Outreach

We work with many community partners (e.g., Little River Wetlands Project, Black Pine Animal Sanctuary) to help research, conserve, and educate the public about wildlife. Our research often helps community partners conduct informed conservation projects on their properties. We have also conduct many educational programs at community events, schools, and environmental group meetings (e.g., Audubon Society).