Dr. Bruce Abbott's Home Page
Cool Dude

Welcome to
Dr. Bruce Abbott's
Home Page!

How to Reach Me

Office: Psychology Department, Neff 388 F
Phone: (260) 481-6399
email: abbott@ipfw.edu

Classes I Teach

I'm on partial retirement now and will be off each spring semester. However, when available I teach the following classes on a regular or fairly regular basis: Over the years I have also taught:

My Research Interests

Lately I've been focusing my attention on Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), a theory of behavior developed by William T. Powers and described by him in Powers (1973), Behavior: The Control of Perception. You can find out more about PCT at the link above.

Java Programming

I've recently started teaching myself to program in Java so that I can create applications and applets that will run on a variety of computers. Eventually I hope to develop a series of applets to illustrate certain principles and applications of perceptual control theory (PCT) and another series to support active learning in my Introduction to Learning class. My first attempt at the latter is an applet that illustrates the effects of the bias and sensitivity parameters of the "generalized matching law" on the function relating the relative rate of responding to the relative rate of reinforcement in a two-key concurrent schedule. You can view the applet here.

My Textbook

Research Design and Methods Ken Bordens and I have coauthored a textbook on research methods in psychology, published by McGraw-Hill and now in its 8thedition, entitled Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach.

I have also created a set of thirteen demonstration computer programs (written in Borland Delphi) to accompany a book on perceptual control theory by William T. Powers: Living Control Systems III: The Fact of Control. These are available on a CD that comes with the book.

What I Do for Fun

A few years ago, I was bitten by a nasty bug and developed a terrible obsession known as genealogy. As a result, I now spend my "free" time wandering in cemeteries looking for old tombstones, ruining my eyes attempting to read scratchy microfilm census records, and lurking amongst the old records of county courthouses. For some of the results, click here.
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