Adams Central Burry, Scott 11 1991 PV 4. 14' 06 4.00 2 11.00  
  Adams Central Burry, Scott 12 1992 PV 3. 14' 00 7.00  
  Albion Duesler, Charles 11 1939 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00 4 9.00  
  Albion Duesler, Charles 12 1940 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Albion Stanger, Kenneth 11 1946 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Albion Stanger, Kenneth 12 1947 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Alexandria Blake, Robert 10 1931 SP 3. 3.00 9 33.00  
  Alexandria Blake, Robert 11 1932 SP 1. 51' 05 5.00  
  Alexandria Blake, Robert 12 1933 SP 1. 52' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Alexandria Bright, Winfield 11 1939 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Alexandria Bright, Winfield 12 1940 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Alexandria Goodwin, Stuart 12 1928 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Alexandria McNett, Ferrell 11 1929 SP 1. 46' 02 5.00  
  Alexandria Smith, Ted 12 1940 SP 5. 1.00  
  Alexandria Ulmer, William 11 1930 PV 3. 3.00  
  Alexandria-Monroe Martin, Curtis 11 1998 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00 1 4.00  
  Ambia DeWitt, Maynard 11 1944 LJ 1. 21' 10 7/8 5.00 6 26.00  
  Ambia DeWitt, Maynard 12 1945 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Ambia DeWitt, Maynard 12 1945 220 2. 4.00  
  Ambia DeWitt, Maynard 12 1945 LJ 1. 22' 04 1/4 5.00  
  Ambia Lowe, Elbert 11 1926 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Ambia Lowe, Elbert 12 1927 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Amo Haworth, Virgil 12 1913 SP 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Anderson Adams, Richard 11 1945 440 (R1) 2. 4.00 188 689.92  
  Anderson Adams, Richard 12 1946 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Beazley, Jerome 12 1962 880 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Black, Walter 12 1943 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Blakemore, Morris 12 1931 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Boyd, Melvin 12 1940 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Brissenden, John 12 1943 PV +1. 12' 00 1/2 4.50  
  Anderson Brooks, Fred 12 1927 220 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Brown, Stewart 12 1971 100 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Brown, Stewart 12 1971 220 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Brown, Tremayne 10 2022 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Anderson Brown, Tremayne 12 2024 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Anderson Carr, Pierre 9 2006 100 6. 10.92 4.00  
  Anderson Catt, Jerry 12 1950 440 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Cochran, Otis 9 1932 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Cochran, Otis 9 1932 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Combs, Danny 12 1988 3200 1. 9:12.50 10.00  
  Anderson Coryell, Michael 12 1981 1600 6. 4:15.80 1.00  
  Anderson DeVinney, Bob 12 1945 120 H 1. 15.1 5.00  
  Anderson DeVinney, Bob 12 1945 200 H 1. 22.7 5.00  
  Anderson Doyle, John 10 1965 440 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Fisher, Benjamin 12 1908 DT 3. 1.00  
  Anderson George, Marion 11 1927 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Anderson George, Marion 12 1928 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Anderson George, Marion 12 1928 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Anderson Gibson, John 12 1963 PV 5. 12' 08 1.00  
  Anderson Goacher, Donald 12 1932 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Gray, Bob 12 1945 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Green, Clyde 12 1947 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Anderson Hampton, Elmer 11 1931 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Hansberry, Howard 11 1908 440 3. 1.00  
  Anderson Harmon, Don 12 1928 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Harter, John 12 1983 1600 3. 4:16.26 6.00  
  Anderson Hester, John  10 1992 HJ 7. 6' 07 3.00  
  Anderson Hester, John  11 1993 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Anderson Hexamer, James 10 1936 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Hill, Weilden 11 1934 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Hobbs, Kyle 12 1987 800 6. 1:54.34 1.00  
  Anderson Hunt, Don 12 1952 880 4. 2:00.6 2.00  
  Anderson Jackson, Alfred 10 1922 880 (R1) 1. 2:07.0 5.00  
  Anderson Jackson, Alfred 11 1923 880 (R2) 1. 2:07.0 5.00  
  Anderson Johnson, Michael  11 1956 PV +1. 12' 04 4.00  
  Anderson Johnson, Michael  12 1957 PV +3. 12' 00 1.50  
  Anderson Johnson, Nat 12 1957 LJ 4. 21' 05 5/8 2.00  
  Anderson Jones, Billy 12 1954 PV +1. 12' 06 4.50  
  Anderson Jones, Brad 11 1979 Mile 3. 4:14.90 6.00  
  Anderson Jones, Brad 12 1980 1600 1. 4:08.90 10.00  
  Anderson Jones, Clifton 12 2000 110 H 4. 14.46 6.00  
  Anderson Jones, Joe 11 1943 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Julius, Gordon 12 1920 880 1. 2:07.4 5.00  
  Anderson Keep, Bill  11 1941 SP 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Ketner, Joe 12 1946 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Kimble, Dale 10 1941 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Kimble, Dale 11 1942 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Anderson King, Terry 12 1966 440 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Land, Arno 10 1948 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Leverette, James 10 1953 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Leverette, James 11 1954 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Luce, Arthur 12 1907 HT 3. 1.00  
  Anderson Malone, Ray 12 1946 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Maul, Wayne 12 1946 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson McClintock, Keith 12 1929 PV +5. 0.50  
  Anderson McGhee, Fred 12 1984 LJ 5. 23' 06 3/4 2.00  
  Anderson McGhee, Gary 11 1979 440 5. 49.84 2.00  
  Anderson McGhee, Willie 12 1984 400 3. 49.17 6.00  
  Anderson Meador, Ottwell 10 1935 Mile (R1) 1. 4:31.6 5.00  
  Anderson Meek, Franklin 11 1932 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Miller, Dallas 11 1921 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Anderson Miller, Dallas 11 1921 PV +1. 11' 06 4.00  
  Anderson Miller, Dallas 12 1922 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Anderson Miller, Dallas 12 1922 PV 1. 11' 02 5.00  
  Anderson Mitchell, Earl 11 1938 Mile (R1) 1. 4:34.5 5.00  
  Anderson Mitchell, Earl 12 1939 Mile (R1) 1. 4:27.6 5.00  
  Anderson Moreland, Paul 10 1908 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Anderson Morgan, Gene 12 1939 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Anderson Morgan, Marvin 12 1961 440 1. 48.8 5.00  
  Anderson Nunn, JD 10 1965 LJ 3. 22' 04 3/4 3.00  
  Anderson O'Neil, William 11 1934 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Anderson O'Neil, William 12 1935 220 4. 2.00  
  Anderson O'Roark, Pat 12 1949 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Peck, Victor 12 1952 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Peters, Charles 12 1968 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Pettigrew, Wilbur 12 1937 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Rheam, Erick 11 1990 3200 2. 9:22.84 8.00  
  Anderson Rheam, Erick 12 1991 3200 5. 9:27.38 2.00  
  Anderson Richardson, Arthur 10 1939 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Richardson, Arthur 11 1940 440 (R2) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Anderson Robinson, Maurice 12 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Anderson Rolling, Willie 10 1964 LJ 5. 22' 03 1.00  
  Anderson Rolling, Willie 11 1965 LJ 5. 22' 00 1.00  
  Anderson Sanders, Delano 12 1956 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Shaw, Charles 11 1932 100 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Shaw, Charles 11 1932 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Shipley, Lester 12 1942 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Shoemaker, Robert 11 1929 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Shoemaker, Robert 12 1930 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Smith, Russell 10 1947 880 (R1) 1. 1:58.0 5.00  
  Anderson Smith, Russell 10 1947 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Smith, Russell 11 1948 880 (R1) 1. 2:01.1 5.00  
  Anderson Smith, Russell 11 1948 LJ 1. 22' 06 1/4 5.00  
  Anderson Southworth, William 11 1935 Mile (R2) 1. 4:28.3 5.00  
  Anderson Southworth, William 12 1936 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Southworth, William 12 1936 Mile (R2) 1. 4:30.2 5.00  
  Anderson Spearman, Bob 12 1947 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Stapley, Keith 11 1955 PV 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Stapley, Keith 12 1956 PV +4. 12' 00 1.50  
  Anderson Stayton, John 10 1947 Mile (R1) 1. 4:28.4 5.00  
  Anderson Stayton, John 11 1948 880 (R2) 1. 1:59.4 5.00  
  Anderson Stayton, John 11 1948 Mile (R1) 1. 4:24.9 5.00  
  Anderson Stayton, John 12 1949 Mile 1. 4:24.0 5.00  
  Anderson Stith, Richard 12 1956 440 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Stockett, Tyrone 11 1993 LJ 8. 22' 07 3/4 2.00  
  Anderson Striker, Marion 12 1930 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 9 1940 220 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 10 1941 220 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 11 1942 100 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 11 1942 220 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 12 1943 100 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Stroup, Charles 12 1943 220 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Taylor, Tyson 12 2007 110 H 7. 14.96 3.00  
  Anderson Taylor, Tyson 12 2007 300 H 4. 38.70 6.00  
  Anderson Vermillion, Hoss 11 1913 120 H 1. 17.4 5.00  
  Anderson Vermillion, Hoss 12 1914 PV +3. 0.25  
  Anderson Vickers, Robert 12 1952 Mile 2. 4:28.9 4.00  
  Anderson Ward, Ray 11 1947 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Webster, Jaien 12 2018 110 H 2. 14.13 8.00  
  Anderson Whitehead, Roger 9 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Anderson Whitehead, Roger 10 1951 PV 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Wiley, Terry 11 1964 440 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Williams, Bill 12 1949 440 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Wilson, Gene 11 1949 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Wilson, Gene 12 1950 LJ 1. 22' 11 7/8 5.00  
  Anderson Wilson, John  10 1944 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Anderson Wilson, John  11 1945 100 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Wilson, John  11 1945 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Anderson Wilson, John  12 1946 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/8 4.00  
  Anderson Yates, Eugene 9 1937 880 (R2) 1. 2:03.6 5.00  
  Anderson Yates, Eugene 10 1938 880 (R1) 1. 2:02.9 5.00  
  Anderson Yates, Eugene 11 1939 880 (R2) 1. 1:58.8 5.00  
  Anderson Yates, Eugene 12 1940 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.0 5.00  
  Anderson Young, Roy 12 1950 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Anderson Young, Roy 12 1950 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Anderson 1986 400 R 4. 42.95 4.00  
  Anderson 1988 400 R 6. 42.92 1.00  
  Anderson 2006 400 R 8. 42.49 2.00  
  Anderson 2007 400 R 3. 42.28 7.00  
  Anderson 1949 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1950 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Anderson 1951 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Anderson 1962 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1965 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Anderson 1926 880 R (R2) 2. -  
  Anderson 1929 880 R (R2) 2. -  
  Anderson 1945 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1946 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.6 10.00  
  Anderson 1947 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.5 10.00  
  Anderson 1948 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1908 Mile R 2. -  
  Anderson 1912 Mile R 3. -  
  Anderson 1918 Mile R 2. -  
  Anderson 1920 Mile R 1. 3:37.8 -  
  Anderson 1926 Mile R (R2) 3. -  
  Anderson 1929 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:44.5 -  
  Anderson 1930 Mile R (R2) 2. -  
  Anderson 1931 Mile R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Anderson 1932 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:33.2 5.00  
  Anderson 1938 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1939 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1940 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:31.0 10.00  
  Anderson 1941 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1942 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:29.6 10.00  
  Anderson 1943 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1944 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Anderson 1945 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:30.0 10.00  
  Anderson 1946 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1947 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:26.7 10.00  
  Anderson 1948 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Anderson 1949 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Anderson 1950 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1951 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1955 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1956 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Anderson 1961 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Anderson 1981 1600 R 6. 3:25.48 1.00  
  Anderson 1982 1600 R 3. 3:19.46 6.00  
  Anderson 1983 1600 R 4. 3:17.62 4.00  
  Anderson 1984 1600 R 5. 3:20.27 2.00  
  Anderson 1993 1600 R 5. 3:23.66 5.00  
  Anderson Highland Baker, Kyle 11 1993 1600 5. 4:17.94 5.00 8 34.50  
  Anderson Highland Baker, Kyle 12 1994 1600 1. 4:14.52 10.00  
  Anderson Highland Hawkins, Kendon 10 1978 880 6. 1:56.0 1.00  
  Anderson Highland Hawkins, Kendon 12 1980 800 4. 1:53.62 4.00  
  Anderson Highland Herring, Keith 12 1980 LJ 6. 22' 08 1.00  
  Anderson Highland Hill, Derrick 11 2009 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Anderson Highland Hill, Derrick 12 2010 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Anderson Highland Poole, David 12 1976 HJ 4. 6' 10 4.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Cottrell, Jeff 12 1987 400 4. 49.90 4.00 20 92.50  
  Anderson Madison Heights Gehrke, Brian 11 1993 300 H 4. 37.40 6.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Gehrke, Brian 12 1994 110 H 1. 14.29 10.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Gehrke, Brian 12 1994 300 H 4. 37.97 6.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Hallam, Tim 12 1970 LJ 4. 22' 02 3/4 2.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Henning, Steve 12 1960 440 4. 2.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Hiles, Scott 12 1968 Mile 1. 4:08.0 6.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Huston, Charles 10 1963 SP 5. 53' 06 1/4 1.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Huston, Charles 11 1964 SP 2. 56' 08 1/4 4.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Huston, Charles 12 1965 SP 1. 61' 05 1/2 5.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Jones, Otis 12 1978 440 2. 48.1 8.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Kempher, Mike 12 1982 1600 2. 4:13.71 8.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Lewis, Rodney 11 1977 HJ +5. 6' 08 1.50  
  Anderson Madison Heights McCord, Charles 12 1992 800 8. 1:57.97 2.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Patterson, Rick 12 1988 1600 1. 4:13.25 10.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Perry, Jeffrey 11 1968 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Shockey, Jere 11 1966 HJ 4. 6' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Walker, Matt 12 1988 SP 2. 58' 05 1/2 8.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights Walker, Matt 12 1988 DT 5. 174' 11 2.00  
  Anderson Madison Heights 1966 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Andrean Arvia, Chris 12 2011 400 3. 48.69 7.00 18 78.00  
  Andrean Bonk, Garrett 12 2008 800 8. 1:56.62 2.00  
  Andrean Bullock, James  12 1981 110 H 6. 14.21 1.00  
  Andrean Finley, James 10 2023 300 H 4. 38.81 6.00  
  Andrean Finley, James 11 2024 110 H 4. 14.49 6.00  
  Andrean Gerbick, Matt 12 2010 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  Andrean Gerbick, Matt 12 2010 LJ 3. 22' 06 3/4 7.00  
  Andrean Hanlon, Dan 12 1981 HJ 6. 6' 08 1.00  
  Andrean Kane, William 12 1978 880 4. 1:54.0 4.00  
  Andrean Petties, Nolan 11 2003 LJ 5. 22' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Andrean Petties, Nolan 12 2004 LJ 5. 22' 10 3/4 5.00  
  Andrean Samar, Jack 12 1967 100 4. 2.00  
  Andrean Samar, Jack 12 1967 220 2. 4.00  
  Andrean Thomas, Tyler 11 2018 100 9. 11.01 1.00  
  Andrean Thomas, Tyler 12 2019 100 3. 10.76 7.00  
  Andrean Thomas, Tyler 12 2019 200 7. 22.10 3.00  
  Andrean Vrabel, Adam 10 1995 DT 4. 171' 05 6.00  
  Andrean Williams, Cameron 11 2018 110 H 6. 14.32 4.00  
  Angola Bolan, Mat 12 2015 110 H 9. 14.73 1.00 13 52.00  
  Angola Cagnet, Eric 12 2015 DT 7. 164' 01 3.00  
  Angola Douglass, Joseph 11 1926 SP 4. 2.00  
  Angola Finch, Dick 12 1957 PV 1. 12' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Angola Holderness, Joe 12 1941 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Angola Lambert, John 12 1985 DT 5. 164' 09 2.00  
  Angola Mattox, Skylar 12 2006 300 H 7. 38.40 3.00  
  Angola Mattox, Skylar 12 2006 LJ 6. 22' 02 1/4 4.00  
  Angola Meyer, Alex 11 2022 LJ 5. 22' 05 3/4 5.00  
  Angola Meyer, Alex 12 2023 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Angola Meyer, Alex 12 2023 LJ 1. 24' 02 10.00  
  Angola Sauter, Garrett 12 2021 110 H 7. 14.95 3.00  
  Angola Steury, Izaiah 11 2021 3200 4. 9:13.81 6.00  
  Argos Beigh, Everett 11 1914 220 1. 24.0 5.00 2 8.00  
  Argos Beigh, Everett 12 1915 100 2. 3.00  
  Ashley McClish, Fred 10 1963 Mile 3. 3.00 2 4.00  
  Ashley McClish, Fred 12 1965 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Atlanta Robertson, Lowell 11 1916 DT 2. 105' 03 3/4 3.00 3 7.00  
  Atlanta Robertson, Lowell 11 1916 PV 3. 10' 09 1.00  
  Atlanta Robertson, Lowell 12 1917 PV 2. 3.00  
  Attica Enicks, Hugh 12 1956 Mile 4. 2.00 2 8.00  
  Attica Little, Zach 12 2010 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Auburn Brown, Gary 12 1966 PV 5. 13' 04 1.00 21 46.61  
  Auburn Darling, Robert 12 1928 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Auburn Honess, Carroll 12 1943 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Auburn Hunter, William 11 1929 220 5. 1.00  
  Auburn Hunter, William 12 1930 220 5. 1.00  
  Auburn Lash, Donald 9 1930 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Auburn Lash, Donald 11 1932 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Auburn Lash, Donald 12 1933 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Auburn Lash, Donald 12 1933 Mile (R1) 1. 4:30.5 5.00  
  Auburn Michael, David 12 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Auburn Myers, Denzel 11 1935 SP 1. 49' 07 1/4 5.00  
  Auburn Stebing, Clinton 12 1943 PV +5. 0.25  
  Auburn Stebing, Dave 12 1966 SP 5. 57' 10 1/4 1.00  
  Auburn Trovinger, Harlan 12 1932 100 4. 2.00  
  Auburn Trovinger, Harlan 12 1932 PV +4. 0.75  
  Auburn Wattier, William 12 1946 SP 5. 1.00  
  Auburn Wertman, Herbert 12 1947 PV +2. 2.50  
  Auburn Williams, David  10 1932 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Auburn Williams, David  10 1932 SP 3. 3.00  
  Auburn Williams, David  11 1933 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Auburn Williams, Russell 12 1936 PV +2. 3.00  
  Austin Fletcher, Tim 11 2007 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00 7 36.50  
  Austin Hollan, Billy 12 2001 PV 6. 15' 03 4.00  
  Austin Sebastian, Jake 11 2008 PV 4. 15' 00 6.00  
  Austin Watts, John 11 1997 PV 8. 14' 00 2.00  
  Austin Watts, John 12 1998 PV +6. 14' 00 3.50  
  Austin White, Jonathan 11 1993 3200 3. 9:23.11 7.00  
  Austin White, Jonathan 12 1994 3200 2. 9:13.72 8.00  
  Avon Abramson, Keith 12 2018 800 1. 1:54.62 10.00 58 324.75  
  Avon Adewunmi, Adetayo 11 2024 HJ +8. 6' 06 1.50  
  Avon Akinyosoye, Sogo 12 2013 100 2. 10.82 8.00  
  Avon Akinyosoye, Sogo 12 2013 200 3. 22.07 7.00  
  Avon Allen, Angelo 11 2013 SP 4. 56' 02 6.00  
  Avon Allen, Angelo 12 2014 SP 1. 60' 06 10.00  
  Avon Cureton, Shayne 12 2010 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Avon Cureton, Shayne 12 2010 LJ 9. 21' 10 1.00  
  Avon Davisson, John 11 1972 HJ 3. 6' 03 3.00  
  Avon DePriest, Peyton 12 2017 400 6. 49.14 4.00  
  Avon DuPriest, Corey 12 2017 LJ 9. 22' 03 1/4 1.00  
  Avon Geller, Andrew 12 2004 110 H 8. 14.96 2.00  
  Avon Geller, Andrew 12 2004 300 H 4. 38.14 6.00  
  Avon Griffin, Marcus 12 2015 300 H 7. 38.75 3.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 11 2017 100 3. 10.68 7.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 11 2017 200 5. 21.74 5.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 11 2017 LJ 1. 24' 05 1/4 10.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 12 2018 100 1. 10.51 10.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 12 2018 200 2. 21.57 8.00  
  Avon Guerendo, Isaac 12 2018 LJ 2. 23' 03 1/2 8.00  
  Avon Heim, Trenton 12 2021 110 H 5. 14.77 5.00  
  Avon James, Nathaniel 10 2018 SP 8. 56' 02 3/4 2.00  
  Avon King, Brock 12 2018 SP 5. 57' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Avon King, Brock 12 2018 DT 4. 169' 00 6.00  
  Avon King, Madison 12 2017 800 5. 1:54.59 5.00  
  Avon Maish, Dave 12 1993 300 H 7. 37.75 3.00  
  Avon Mikell, Darrian 12 2009 HJ 3. 6' 09 7.00  
  Avon Mikell, Darrian 12 2009 LJ 4. 22' 05 1/4 6.00  
  Avon Pankey-Wallace, Drew 12 2016 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Avon Peterson, Jalen 12 2019 110 H 3. 14.44 7.00  
  Avon Peterson, Jalen 12 2019 300 H 3. 38.61 7.00  
  Avon Price, Steven 10 2005 800 2. 1:52.87 8.00  
  Avon Price, Steven 11 2006 800 2. 1:53.76 8.00  
  Avon Richard, Dillon 12 2018 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Avon Schall, David 11 2014 SP 5. 57' 02 3/4 5.00  
  Avon Schall, David 11 2014 DT 3. 185' 02 7.00  
  Avon Schall, David 12 2015 SP 5. 57' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Avon Schall, David 12 2015 DT 2. 184' 11 8.00  
  Avon Smith, Dameion 12 1998 DT 5. 167' 08 5.00  
  Avon Smith, Josh 12 2012 SP 6. 56' 10 1/2 4.00  
  Avon Townsend, Marcus 10 2023 100 5. 10.76 5.00  
  Avon Townsend, Marcus 11 2024 100 2. 10.77 8.00  
  Avon Townsend, Marcus 11 2024 200 4. 22.15 6.00  
  Avon Vivace, Brad 12 2010 SP 6. 55' 07 1/2 4.00  
  Avon 1993 400 R 6. 42.88 4.00  
  Avon 2016 400 R 8. 42.58 2.00  
  Avon 2017 400 R 2. 41.20 8.00  
  Avon 2018 400 R 1. 41.28 10.00  
  Avon 2021 400 R 6. 42.43 4.00  
  Avon 2016 1600 R 2. 3:19.52 8.00  
  Avon 2017 1600 R 4. 3:19.13 6.00  
  Avon 1996 3200 R 7. 8:03.57 3.00  
  Avon 2009 3200 R 7. 7:54.03 3.00  
  Avon 2012 3200 R 2. 7:44.00 8.00  
  Avon 2013 3200 R 7. 7:56.98 3.00  
  Avon 2014 3200 R 3. 7:49.88 7.00  
  Avon 2015 3200 R 2. 7:47.77 8.00  
  Avon 2016 3200 R 5. 7:48.78 5.00  
  Bainbridge Morris, Cecil 11 1918 440 1. 54.2 5.00 3 11.00  
  Bainbridge Morris, Cecil 11 1918 SP 2. 3.00  
  Bainbridge Morris, Cecil 12 1919 SP 2. 3.00  
  Barr-Reeve Sorrells, Connor 11 2012 3200 2. 9:01.40 8.00 2 16.00  
  Barr-Reeve Sorrells, Connor 12 2013 3200 2. 9:05.99 8.00  
  Batesville Dierckman, Dennis 11 1970 2 Mile 2. 4.00 12 52.50  
  Batesville Eckstein, Ayden 11 2024 HJ +6. 6' 06 3.50  
  Batesville Galle, Dave 12 1983 HJ 5. 6' 10 2.00  
  Batesville Giesting, Chris 11 2010 400 3. 47.69 7.00  
  Batesville Giesting, Chris 12 2011 400 1. 47.33 10.00  
  Batesville Grote, Rob 10 2002 3200 9. 9:37.49 1.00  
  Batesville Grote, Rob 11 2003 3200 3. 9:15.70 7.00  
  Batesville Moster, Adam 11 2019 800 8. 1:55.02 2.00  
  Batesville Schmidt, Peter 12 1979 880 2. 1:55.60 8.00  
  Batesville Shook, Forrest 12 1934 PV 3. 3.00  
  Batesville 1932 880 R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Batesville 1933 880 R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Battle Ground Lundquist, Gale 11 1961 Mile 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Bedford Bolding, Virgil 10 1929 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00 25 71.61  
  Bedford Bolding, Virgil 11 1930 Mile (R1) 1. 4:34.3 5.00  
  Bedford Bolding, Virgil 12 1931 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Bedford Bolding, Virgil 12 1931 Mile (R2) 1. 4:28.5 5.00  
  Bedford Connor, Robert 12 1925 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Bedford Dalton, Carl 12 1919 880 3. 1.00  
  Bedford Dalton, Carl 12 1919 Mile 1. 4:49.2 5.00  
  Bedford Edwards, Roland 9 1918 PV +1. 10' 03 4.00  
  Bedford Koetter, Irving 10 1921 880 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Bedford Koetter, Irving 11 1922 880 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Bedford Koetter, Irving 11 1922 Mile (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Bedford Myers, Charles 10 1923 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Bedford Patton, Ralph 9 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Bedford Pruett, Charles 12 1938 880 (R2) 1. 2:01.0 5.00  
  Bedford Sears, Charles 12 1923 100 3. 1.00  
  Bedford Self, Herbert 12 1929 100 5. 1.00  
  Bedford Shipman, Robin 11 1971 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Bedford Taylor, William 11 1929 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Bedford Taylor, William 12 1930 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Bedford Todd, Lowell 12 1925 PV +2. 3.50  
  Bedford Todd, Lowell 12 1925 SP 2. 4.00  
  Bedford Tolliver, Wayne 11 1936 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Bedford Tolliver, Wayne 12 1937 Mile (R2) 1. 4:31.8 5.00  
  Bedford Wible, Otis 12 1921 880 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Bedford 1916 Mile R 2. -  
  Bedford North Lawrence Bailey, Travis 11 1996 1600 7. 4:21.93 3.00 12 51.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Barrett, Logan 12 2011 1600 8. 4:16.28 2.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Cobb, Jeff 12 1985 LJ 6. 22' 10 3/4 1.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Garrison, Matthew 11 2013 LJ 2. 23' 02 1/4 8.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Garrison, Matthew 12 2014 LJ 5. 22' 11 1/4 5.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Hawkins, Lane 12 2019 HJ 9. 6' 07 1.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Hogue, Terry 11 1981 LJ 5. 22' 01 3/4 2.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Jones, Chris 12 1982 SP 6. 54' 05 1/2 1.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence McDonald, Steve 12 1975 880 3. 1:55.2 6.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Thompson, Zane 11 2022 300 H 6. 39.27 4.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Wildman, Lee 12 1977 DT 1. 175' 05 10.00  
  Bedford North Lawrence Zollman, Jeremiah 12 2010 SP 2. 59' 10 3/4 8.00  
  Bellmont Arnold, Aaron 12 1997 PV 5. 14' 03 5.00 8 37.00  
  Bellmont Jauregui, Travis 11 2009 HJ 9. 6' 07 1.00  
  Bellmont Jauregui, Travis 12 2010 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Bellmont Jones, Adam 11 1986 LJ 5. 23' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Bellmont Keller, Chadd 12 2008 SP 8. 54' 11 2.00  
  Bellmont Murphy, Mark 12 1999 PV 4. 15' 00 6.00  
  Bellmont Murphy, Mason 12 2021 DT 3. 172' 04 7.00  
  Bellmont Sieleschott, Devin 12 2004 PV 4. 15' 00 6.00  
  Bellmore Martin, Orval 12 1926 Mile (R2) 1. 4:41.3 5.00 1 5.00  
  Ben Davis Adams, Michael 12 2019 100 4. 10.84 6.00 162 900.50  
  Ben Davis Adams, Mike 12 1997 100 1. 10.75 10.00  
  Ben Davis Araya, Yonas 12 2018 800 3. 1:55.05 7.00  
  Ben Davis Austin, Andre 12 1986 LJ 2. 23' 04 1/2 8.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Amsalu 11 1993 3200 5. 9:28.39 5.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Amsalu 12 1994 3200 3. 9:20.08 7.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Fasil 10 1996 3200 2. 9:24.71 8.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Fasil 11 1997 1600 2. 4:19.70 8.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Fasil 11 1997 3200 2. 9:22.21 8.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Fasil 12 1998 1600 3. 4:17.56 7.00  
  Ben Davis Bizuneh, Fasil 12 1998 3200 1. 9:14.21 10.00  
  Ben Davis Bluitt, DeAndre 12 2014 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Ben Davis Brandon, Justin 10 2013 DT 5. 170' 06 5.00  
  Ben Davis Brandon, Justin 12 2015 DT 9. 157' 10 1.00  
  Ben Davis Brewer, Jalil 11 2015 SP 3. 57' 10 7.00  
  Ben Davis Brewer, Jalil 12 2016 SP 2. 60' 06 1/4 8.00  
  Ben Davis Brown, Duane 12 2009 110 H 5. 14.33 5.00  
  Ben Davis Brown, Nylan 12 2024 SP 1. 63' 01 1/2 10.00  
  Ben Davis Carnell, David 11 2023 110 H 4. 14.52 6.00  
  Ben Davis Cash, Davyd 12 1996 LJ 3. 23' 00 7.00  
  Ben Davis Chandler, Jeremy 11 1999 100 8. 10.99 2.00  
  Ben Davis Chandler, Jeremy 11 1999 200 8. 22.37 2.00  
  Ben Davis Chandler, Jeremy 12 2000 100 6. 10.92 4.00  
  Ben Davis Chandler, Jeremy 12 2000 400 8. 49.71 2.00  
  Ben Davis Clark, Greg 12 1969 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Ben Davis Coleman, Zubin 11 2012 DT 5. 169' 08 5.00  
  Ben Davis Coleman, Zubin 12 2013 DT 3. 174' 09 7.00  
  Ben Davis Conde, Moussa 11 2013 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Ben Davis Conde, Moussa 12 2014 110 H 6. 14.60 4.00  
  Ben Davis Conde, Moussa 12 2014 300 H 8. 38.64 2.00  
  Ben Davis Conde, Moussa 12 2014 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Ben Davis Cooper, Antoine 12 2022 DT 1. 172' 06 10.00  
  Ben Davis Day, Dominic 12 2019 LJ 6. 22' 04 1/4 4.00  
  Ben Davis Deal, Jonathan 12 1991 1600 6. 4:19.39 1.00  
  Ben Davis Doss, Devon 12 1994 100 5. 11.00 5.00  
  Ben Davis Duffy, Terry 12 1974 PV 5. 13' 09 2.00  
  Ben Davis Evans, Chris 12 2016 110 H 3. 14.28 7.00  
  Ben Davis Evans, Chris 12 2016 LJ 4. 22' 07 3/4 6.00  
  Ben Davis Fairer, David 12 2023 LJ 7. 22' 02 1/4 3.00  
  Ben Davis Garmon, Lauronzo 11 1992 PV 6. 13' 09 4.00  
  Ben Davis Gillman, Jim 12 1977 Mile 4. 4:16.0 4.00  
  Ben Davis Gomes, Ben 11 2006 LJ 5. 22' 02 3/4 5.00  
  Ben Davis Hall, Keenan 12 2006 300 H 4. 37.33 6.00  
  Ben Davis Hall, Keenan 12 2006 LJ 1. 24' 06 1/2 10.00  
  Ben Davis Hammer, Edwin 12 1939 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Ben Davis Hawkins, Jess 12 1949 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Ben Davis Hawkins, John 11 2003 SP 9. 54' 05 3/4 1.00  
  Ben Davis Hendricks, Greg 12 1983 DT 5. 151' 03 2.00  
  Ben Davis Holtson, Colin 12 2011 800 5. 1:54.25 5.00  
  Ben Davis Huston, Bryan 11 1989 3200 6. 9:28.06 1.00  
  Ben Davis Huston, Bryan 12 1990 3200 6. 9:23.96 1.00  
  Ben Davis Johnson, Mike 12 1989 PV 6. 14' 09 1.00  
  Ben Davis Jones, Derrick  12 2015 200 5. 21.73 5.00  
  Ben Davis Jones, Richard  12 1938 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ben Davis Keeler, Jack 11 1967 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Ben Davis Keeler, Jack 12 1968 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ben Davis Keller, Kyle 12 2007 PV +8. 14' 06 1.50  
  Ben Davis Kempf, Kevin 11 2001 300 H 3. 38.64 7.00  
  Ben Davis Kempf, Kevin 12 2002 300 H 1. 37.61 10.00  
  Ben Davis Lara-Gonzalez, David 11 2021 SP 5. 59' 06 5.00  
  Ben Davis Lara-Gonzalez, David 12 2022 SP 3. 61' 07 1/4 7.00  
  Ben Davis Leeks, Robert 12 1989 100 5. 10.93 2.00  
  Ben Davis Leeks, Robert 12 1989 LJ 3. 23' 04 1/2 6.00  
  Ben Davis Lewis, Robert 12 2012 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Ben Davis Mimms, Delbert 11 1995 SP 4. 57' 10 3/4 6.00  
  Ben Davis Neely, Marcus 12 2012 110 H 7. 14.73 3.00  
  Ben Davis Newbern, Brandon 12 2008 110 H 2. 14.48 8.00  
  Ben Davis Newbern, Brandon 12 2008 300 H 2. 38.25 8.00  
  Ben Davis Peach, Clyde 10 1964 220 5. 1.00  
  Ben Davis Pearson, Roy 11 1940 440 (R1) 1. 51.0 5.00  
  Ben Davis Pearson, Roy 12 1941 440 (R2) 1. 50.5 5.00  
  Ben Davis Pitts, Dallas 12 2015 SP 9. 54' 03 1/2 1.00  
  Ben Davis Porter, Garland 11 2000 SP 4. 56' 07 1/2 6.00  
  Ben Davis Porter, Garland 12 2001 SP 1. 60' 01 1/2 10.00  
  Ben Davis Powell, Christian 10 2014 LJ 9. 22' 06 3/4 1.00  
  Ben Davis Powell, Christian 11 2015 LJ 1. 23' 09 1/2 10.00  
  Ben Davis Powell, Christian 12 2016 LJ 1. 24' 02 1/4 10.00  
  Ben Davis Powers, William 12 1944 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Ben Davis Pruitt, Greg 12 1994 200 6. 22.05 4.00  
  Ben Davis Rademacher, Fried 11 1991 3200 2. 9:12.74 8.00  
  Ben Davis Rademacher, Fried 12 1992 3200 2. 9:20.73 8.00  
  Ben Davis Rhodes, Jeff 12 1968 HJ 1. 6' 07 3/4 6.00  
  Ben Davis Richardson, Michael 12 2003 100 5. 11.01 5.00  
  Ben Davis Roberts, Errick 10 2011 LJ 7. 21' 10 3/4 3.00  
  Ben Davis Rose, Robert 11 2009 110 H 6. 14.36 4.00  
  Ben Davis Rose, Robert 12 2010 110 H 4. 14.41 6.00  
  Ben Davis Rose, Robert 12 2010 300 H 6. 39.07 4.00  
  Ben Davis Rowe, Maurice 12 1936 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ben Davis Rowe, Maurice 12 1936 Mile (R1) 1. 4:28.2 5.00  
  Ben Davis Ruth, D'Quan 11 2010 300 H 5. 38.99 5.00  
  Ben Davis Ruth, D'Quan 12 2011 300 H 4. 38.56 6.00  
  Ben Davis Schenck, Robert 11 2010 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Ben Davis Schenck, Robert 12 2011 PV 8. 15' 03 2.00  
  Ben Davis Scotten, Ray 12 2002 PV 1. 16' 06 10.00  
  Ben Davis Skiles, Mike 11 1999 3200 8. 9:29.88 2.00  
  Ben Davis Skiles, Mike 12 2000 3200 5. 9:19.18 5.00  
  Ben Davis Stella, Anthony 12 2012 LJ 2. 22' 09 1/2 8.00  
  Ben Davis Stepp, Jordan 12 2009 DT 4. 169' 05 6.00  
  Ben Davis Tate, Jonathan 11 2005 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  Ben Davis Tate, Jonathan 12 2006 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Ben Davis Terrell, Matthew 10 2007 100 5. 10.89 5.00  
  Ben Davis Terrell, Matthew 10 2007 200 1. 21.59 10.00  
  Ben Davis Terrell, Matthew 11 2008 200 1. 21.23 10.00  
  Ben Davis Terrell, Matthew 12 2009 100 1. 10.47 10.00  
  Ben Davis Terrell, Matthew 12 2009 200 1. 21.29 10.00  
  Ben Davis Thompson, Charles 12 2003 100 7. 11.07 3.00  
  Ben Davis Tillery, Steve 11 1976 DT 6. 160' 09 1.00  
  Ben Davis West, Graham 12 2023 300 H 5. 39.02 5.00  
  Ben Davis Wilham, Derek 11 1989 300 H 5. 38.12 2.00  
  Ben Davis Wilkerson, Jordan 11 2015 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Ben Davis Williams, Bruce 12 2003 200 1. 21.76 10.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Lavarus 9 2005 100 9. 11.06 1.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Lavarus 11 2007 100 8. 10.97 2.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Lavarus 12 2008 100 4. 10.76 6.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Rapheal 11 2007 200 6. 22.08 4.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Rapheal 12 2008 200 3. 21.64 7.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Rapheal 12 2008 LJ 3. 23' 00 7.00  
  Ben Davis Williams, Scott 12 1985 1600 1. 4:09.02 10.00  
  Ben Davis Wilson, Jerry 10 2010 100 7. 10.99 3.00  
  Ben Davis 1985 400 R 5. 42.95 2.00  
  Ben Davis 1991 400 R 1. 42.37 10.00  
  Ben Davis 1994 400 R 9. 43.31 1.00  
  Ben Davis 1999 400 R 3. 41.80 7.00  
  Ben Davis 2000 400 R 1. 41.60 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2001 400 R 5. 42.33 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2002 400 R 1. 41.37 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2003 400 R 1. 41.56 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2006 400 R 2. 41.72 8.00  
  Ben Davis 2007 400 R 1. 42.09 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2008 400 R 1. 41.33 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2009 400 R 1. 41.17 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2010 400 R 2. 41.92 8.00  
  Ben Davis 2011 400 R 2. 41.82 8.00  
  Ben Davis 2013 400 R 5. 42.39 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2015 400 R 1. 41.20 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2016 400 R 1. 41.60 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2017 400 R 7. 42.23 3.00  
  Ben Davis 2019 400 R 2. 41.56 8.00  
  Ben Davis 1941 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Ben Davis 1942 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Ben Davis 1943 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Ben Davis 2000 1600 R 3. 3:19.67 7.00  
  Ben Davis 2001 1600 R 6. 3:21.09 4.00  
  Ben Davis 2002 1600 R 1. 3:17.47 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2003 1600 R 1. 3:17.96 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2005 1600 R 2. 3:17.37 8.00  
  Ben Davis 2006 1600 R 1. 3:15.72 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2007 1600 R 5. 3:19.82 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2008 1600 R 3. 3:18.32 7.00  
  Ben Davis 2009 1600 R 1. 3:17.15 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2010 1600 R 5. 3:17.87 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2011 1600 R 5. 3:18.57 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2013 1600 R 4. 3:19.92 6.00  
  Ben Davis 2014 1600 R 2. 3:18.70 8.00  
  Ben Davis 2015 1600 R 8. 3:19.91 2.00  
  Ben Davis 2022 1600 R 9. 3:21.56 1.00  
  Ben Davis 2000 3200 R 4. 7:53.32 6.00  
  Ben Davis 2007 3200 R 5. 7:52.45 5.00  
  Ben Davis 2008 3200 R 6. 7:57.14 4.00  
  Ben Davis 2009 3200 R 8. 7:54.03 2.00  
  Ben Davis 2010 3200 R 1. 7:45.59 10.00  
  Ben Davis 2013 3200 R 9. 7:58.90 1.00  
  Benton Central Anderson, Ben 12 1996 DT 8. 168' 02 2.00 6 29.00  
  Benton Central Budreau, Austin 11 2001 300 H 4. 38.92 6.00  
  Benton Central Budreau, Austin 12 2002 110 H 5. 14.48 5.00  
  Benton Central Daily, Scott 12 1972 SP 1. 57' 09 1/2 6.00  
  Benton Central Gall, Scott 12 1992 1600 4. 4:21.14 6.00  
  Benton Central Wealing, Logan 12 1999 3200 6. 9:28.68 4.00  
  Berne Lehman, Marvin 12 1926 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Bethany Christian Graber Miller, Simon 12 2018 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00 1 5.00  
  Bicknell Buck, Wallace 12 1926 880 (R2) 5. 1.00 8 21.00  
  Bicknell Buck, Wallace 12 1926 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Bicknell McCreary, Herdis 11 1924 100 3. 1.00  
  Bicknell McCreary, Herdis 11 1924 220 2. 3.00  
  Bicknell McCreary, Herdis 12 1925 100 2. 4.00  
  Bicknell McCreary, Herdis 12 1925 220 2. 4.00  
  Bicknell Phillipe, Maurice 12 1928 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Bicknell 1931 880 R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Blackford Fettig, Kevin 12 1981 SP 2. 57' 07 8.00 5 23.00  
  Blackford Kemps, David 12 1976 880 3. 1:53.9 6.00  
  Blackford Morgan, Kevin 12 1977 440 6. 49.2 1.00  
  Blackford Osborn, Gregg 11 1979 Mile 4. 4:16.81 4.00  
  Blackford 1977 Mile R 4. 3:21.7 4.00  
  Bloomfield Green, Kenneth 12 1997 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00 8 25.00  
  Bloomfield Hartling, Floyd 12 1914 DT 2. 3.00  
  Bloomfield Johnson, Wayne 11 1921 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Bloomfield Sims, Don 11 1913 440 1. 54.8 5.00  
  Bloomfield Sims, Don 12 1914 440 1. 53.6 5.00  
  Bloomfield Sims, Don 12 1914 DT 3. 1.00  
  Bloomfield Sims, Don 12 1914 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Bloomfield 1916 Mile R 3. -  
  Bloomington Alwine, Tom 12 1971 Mile 4. 2.00 59 158.69  
  Bloomington Barrow, Hubert 12 1933 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Bartlett, Robert 12 1931 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Bloomington Bates, Robert 12 1928 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Branam, George 11 1948 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Branam, George 12 1949 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Buckley, Roy 11 1904 DT 1. 100' 08 5.00  
  Bloomington Buckley, Roy 11 1904 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Bloomington Buckley, Roy 11 1904 PV 1. 9' 06 5.00  
  Bloomington Buckley, Roy 11 1904 SP 2. 3.00  
  Bloomington Crandall, Jack 11 1949 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Bloomington Crandall, Jack 12 1950 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Curts, Thomas 12 1956 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Deckard, Thomas 11 1933 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Deckard, Thomas 12 1934 Mile (R1) 1. 4:26.3 5.00  
  Bloomington Edmonds, Ronald 11 1966 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Edmonds, Ronald 12 1967 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Fox, Ted 10 1942 PV +5. 0.25  
  Bloomington Fox, Ted 11 1943 PV +3. 2.00  
  Bloomington Fox, Ted 12 1944 PV 1. 12' 03 5.00  
  Bloomington Goodman, Bob 11 1972 120 H 4. 14.6 2.00  
  Bloomington Huff, Frederick 12 1939 SP 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Kerr, Jerry 12 1952 Mile 4. 4:30.0 2.00  
  Bloomington Lemon, Forrest 12 1942 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Long, Louis 12 1942 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington May, Wyatt 12 1919 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Bloomington McGinn, Dan 12 1968 440 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Mitchell, Robert  12 1939 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Bloomington Morran, Keith 12 1968 SP +5. 0.50  
  Bloomington Myers, Charles 10 1925 100 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington Myers, Charles 10 1925 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Owens, Frank 11 1945 880 (R1) 1. 2:02.9 5.00  
  Bloomington Owens, Frank 12 1946 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Bloomington Owens, Frank 12 1946 Mile (R2) 1. 4:35.6 5.00  
  Bloomington Sciscoe, John 12 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Bloomington Seward, Fred 12 1904 120 H 1. 17.0 5.00  
  Bloomington Seward, Fred 12 1904 220 H 1. 27.8 5.00  
  Bloomington Spriggs, Joe Bill 11 1930 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Spriggs, Joe Bill 12 1931 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Bloomington Taylor, John 12 1955 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Tolbert, Charles 12 1941 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington Weybright, Earl 11 1906 880 3. 1.00  
  Bloomington Weybright, Earl 11 1906 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Bloomington White, Lea 12 1904 880 2. 3.00  
  Bloomington White, Lea 12 1904 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Bloomington Whitlow, Robert 12 1954 SP 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Williamson, Bill  12 1954 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Bloomington Wright, Ken 12 1967 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington Wylie, Lawrence 11 1906 880 2. 3.00  
  Bloomington Zimmer, George 12 1904 440 1. 54.4 5.00  
  Bloomington 1931 880 R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Bloomington 1933 880 R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington 1934 880 R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Bloomington 1938 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Bloomington 1947 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Bloomington 1934 Mile R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Bloomington 1939 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Bloomington 1941 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Bloomington 1942 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Bloomington North Afoaku, Onyi 12 2012 SP 2. 60' 01 1/2 8.00 83 445.00  
  Bloomington North Afoaku, Onyi 12 2012 DT 4. 172' 08 6.00  
  Bloomington North Anderson, Dylan 11 2010 LJ 7. 22' 00 3.00  
  Bloomington North Anderson, Dylan 12 2011 LJ 4. 22' 04 1/4 6.00  
  Bloomington North Bassett, Marty 11 1981 1600 5. 4:15.40 2.00  
  Bloomington North Bentz, Isaac 12 2016 800 5. 1:55.72 5.00  
  Bloomington North Brashear, Thomas 11 1996 100 4. 11.09 6.00  
  Bloomington North Brashear, Thomas 11 1996 200 3. 22.14 7.00  
  Bloomington North Brashear, Thomas 12 1997 100 5. 10.95 5.00  
  Bloomington North Brashear, Thomas 12 1997 200 1. 21.44 10.00  
  Bloomington North Brewer, Kaleb 12 2016 DT 8. 161' 08 2.00  
  Bloomington North Brinegar, Jamie 12 1984 300 H 5. 38.22 2.00  
  Bloomington North Bronnenberg, Joe 12 2003 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Bloomington North Buzzelli, Andrew 12 2009 3200 3. 9:15.44 7.00  
  Bloomington North Calvin, Logan 11 2016 SP 3. 56' 07 1/4 7.00  
  Bloomington North Calvin, Logan 12 2017 SP 2. 56' 08 1/2 8.00  
  Bloomington North Calvin, Logan 12 2017 DT 3. 171' 03 7.00  
  Bloomington North Clark, Kyle 11 2022 1600 6. 4:13.41 4.00  
  Bloomington North Clark, Kyle 12 2023 3200 9. 9:09.87 1.00  
  Bloomington North Cox, Jason 11 1980 SP 6. 55' 07 1/2 1.00  
  Bloomington North Cox, Jason 12 1981 SP 6. 53' 09 1.00  
  Bloomington North Cox, Jason 12 1981 DT 1. 165' 07 10.00  
  Bloomington North Devane, Geno 11 1992 LJ 4. 22' 11 1/2 6.00  
  Bloomington North Devane, Geno 12 1993 LJ 4. 23' 07 1/2 6.00  
  Bloomington North Disilvestro, Frank 12 1996 LJ 6. 22' 04 1/4 4.00  
  Bloomington North Enzinger, Jordan 12 2005 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Bloomington North Fleming, Wil 11 1999 SP 1. 59' 04 1/2 10.00  
  Bloomington North Fleming, Wil 12 2000 SP 2. 59' 00 1/2 8.00  
  Bloomington North Fleming, Wil 12 2000 DT 9. 161' 10 1.00  
  Bloomington North Fleming, Zach 12 1993 SP 5. 58' 11 5.00  
  Bloomington North Fox, Dane 12 2006 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Bloomington North Geisel, Matt 11 1995 1600 5. 4:15.67 5.00  
  Bloomington North Geisel, Matt 12 1996 1600 4. 4:20.54 6.00  
  Bloomington North Grove, Jeff 12 1982 1600 4. 4:15.18 4.00  
  Bloomington North Hiestand, John 10 2002 800 2. 1:54.95 8.00  
  Bloomington North Hiestand, John 11 2003 800 2. 1:54.43 8.00  
  Bloomington North Hiestand, John 12 2004 800 1. 1:50.40 10.00  
  Bloomington North Hoffmann, Michael 10 2006 1600 8. 4:20.00 2.00  
  Bloomington North Hoffmann, Michael 11 2007 1600 6. 4:14.64 4.00  
  Bloomington North Johnson, Jaidyn 12 2024 100 1. 10.52 10.00  
  Bloomington North Johnson, Jaidyn 12 2024 200 1. 21.77 10.00  
  Bloomington North Ledwig, Drew 12 2015 LJ 6. 23' 00 1/4 4.00  
  Bloomington North Morran, Gabe 12 2004 SP 7. 55' 11 3.00  
  Bloomington North Nichols, Sam 11 1999 SP 7. 54' 02 3.00  
  Bloomington North Nichols, Sam 11 1999 DT 3. 163' 05 7.00  
  Bloomington North Roberts, JaQualon 12 2023 400 7. 48.39 3.00  
  Bloomington North Ruokohen, Klaus 11 1985 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Bloomington North Schoch, Tim 12 2008 800 2. 1:55.44 8.00  
  Bloomington North Sharpless, Keith 12 1981 3200 4. 9:17.09 4.00  
  Bloomington North Smith, Jason  12 1998 800 4. 1:55.94 6.00  
  Bloomington North Smith, Ryan 9 2001 300 H 5. 39.14 5.00  
  Bloomington North Smith, Ryan 10 2002 110 H 9. 14.85 1.00  
  Bloomington North Smith, Ryan 11 2003 300 H 3. 38.38 7.00  
  Bloomington North Smith, Ryan 12 2004 300 H 6. 38.30 4.00  
  Bloomington North Tichenor, Griffin 12 2015 3200 2. 9:07.35 8.00  
  Bloomington North Tuttle, Max 12 2010 110 H 6. 14.53 4.00  
  Bloomington North Tuttle, Max 12 2010 300 H 1. 37.74 10.00  
  Bloomington North Vilardo, Mark 12 1992 3200 4. 9:27.50 6.00  
  Bloomington North Waterman, Jason 12 2010 800 4. 1:53.33 6.00  
  Bloomington North Way, Nathan 12 1985 PV 3. 15' 00 6.00  
  Bloomington North Welch, David 11 2000 1600 3. 4:18.46 7.00  
  Bloomington North Welch, David 12 2001 3200 8. 9:25.13 2.00  
  Bloomington North Wilson, Delvon 12 2015 200 9. 22.13 1.00  
  Bloomington North Winders, Caleb 9 2023 800 2. 1:52.68 8.00  
  Bloomington North Winders, Caleb 10 2024 800 2. 1:51.45 8.00  
  Bloomington North Wynalda, Marcus 12 2022 SP 7. 57' 08 1/4 3.00  
  Bloomington North 2023 400 R 3. 41.69 7.00  
  Bloomington North 1996 1600 R 6. 3:23.09 4.00  
  Bloomington North 1997 1600 R 8. 3:24.06 2.00  
  Bloomington North 2015 1600 R 6. 3:18.91 4.00  
  Bloomington North 2017 1600 R 5. 3:19.37 5.00  
  Bloomington North 2021 1600 R 2. 3:19.81 8.00  
  Bloomington North 2023 1600 R 8. 3:21.70 2.00  
  Bloomington North 2024 1600 R 8. 3:22.20 2.00  
  Bloomington North 1997 3200 R 8. 8:07.00 2.00  
  Bloomington North 2001 3200 R 6. 8:01.21 4.00  
  Bloomington North 2004 3200 R 3. 7:48.34 7.00  
  Bloomington North 2007 3200 R 6. 7:53.70 4.00  
  Bloomington North 2015 3200 R 6. 7:50.92 4.00  
  Bloomington North 2019 3200 R 7. 7:58.71 3.00  
  Bloomington North 2021 3200 R 3. 7:59.58 7.00  
  Bloomington North 2023 3200 R 1. 7:37.24 10.00  
  Bloomington North 2024 3200 R 1. 7:47.94 10.00  
  Bloomington South Alora, Scottie 12 2008 LJ 1. 23' 03 10.00 77 438.50  
  Bloomington South Bailey, Sawyer 12 2023 PV 4. 15' 00 6.00  
  Bloomington South Black, D'Andre 10 2022 300 H 8. 39.46 2.00  
  Bloomington South Black, D'Andre 11 2023 110 H 7. 14.69 3.00  
  Bloomington South Black, D'Andre 12 2024 110 H 6. 14.61 4.00  
  Bloomington South Black, D'Andre 12 2024 300 H 5. 39.07 5.00  
  Bloomington South Budde, Kaleb 12 2017 110 H 3. 14.23 7.00  
  Bloomington South Burton, Dan 10 1983 PV 2. 14' 09 8.00  
  Bloomington South Burton, Dan 11 1984 PV 5. 15' 00 2.00  
  Bloomington South Burton, Dan 12 1985 PV 1. 16' 02 10.00  
  Bloomington South Carlson, John 12 1983 LJ 6. 22' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Bloomington South Coryea, Jacob 12 2017 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Bloomington South Crick, Clay 12 2003 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.50  
  Bloomington South Curry, Ian 12 1998 PV 4. 14' 09 6.00  
  Bloomington South Dodrill, Jonathan 12 2018 DT 9. 162' 11 1.00  
  Bloomington South Dorais, Jason 12 2000 800 4. 1:54.74 6.00  
  Bloomington South Ferry, Josh 12 2003 800 1. 1:53.98 10.00  
  Bloomington South Frink, Jamil 12 1998 SP 9. 52' 06 1.00  
  Bloomington South Frink, Jamil 12 1998 DT 4. 169' 04 6.00  
  Bloomington South Gillard, Jack 11 2019 1600 2. 4:13.56 8.00  
  Bloomington South Gornall, Jordan 11 2010 800 3. 1:53.02 7.00  
  Bloomington South Hill, Ryan 12 1991 DT 2. 167' 11 8.00  
  Bloomington South Holahan, Joe 11 2008 800 6. 1:56.02 4.00  
  Bloomington South Holahan, Joe 12 2009 800 1. 1:52.26 10.00  
  Bloomington South Hopkins, Will 12 2016 DT 7. 162' 11 3.00  
  Bloomington South Hull, Gabe 10 2009 DT 7. 165' 05 3.00  
  Bloomington South Hull, Gabe 11 2010 SP 4. 58' 07 3/4 6.00  
  Bloomington South Hull, Gabe 11 2010 DT 1. 188' 03 10.00  
  Bloomington South Hull, Gabe 12 2011 SP 3. 61' 07 7.00  
  Bloomington South Hull, Gabe 12 2011 DT 1. 200' 05 10.00  
  Bloomington South Huntoon, Jordan 12 2013 800 8. 1:55.56 2.00  
  Bloomington South King, Kevin 11 1978 DT 3. 171' 04 6.00  
  Bloomington South King, Kevin 12 1979 SP 2. 58' 04 8.00  
  Bloomington South King, Kevin 12 1979 DT 1. 189' 11 10.00  
  Bloomington South Marintez, Xavier 12 2015 1600 4. 4:13.87 6.00  
  Bloomington South Morgan, Ed 11 1998 800 7. 1:56.76 3.00  
  Bloomington South Morgan, Ed 12 1999 800 5. 1:54.58 5.00  
  Bloomington South Newquist, Jay 12 1987 DT 3. 167' 11 6.00  
  Bloomington South O'Connor, Greg 10 1993 DT 8. 161' 07 2.00  
  Bloomington South O'Connor, Greg 11 1994 DT 7. 169' 04 3.00  
  Bloomington South O'Connor, Greg 12 1995 DT 5. 167' 05 5.00  
  Bloomington South Olson, Alex 11 2013 HJ 2. 6' 07 8.00  
  Bloomington South Olson, Alex 12 2014 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Bloomington South Rheam, Ryan 11 2023 3200 3. 9:03.96 7.00  
  Bloomington South Rheam, Ryan 12 2024 3200 8. 9:06.35 2.00  
  Bloomington South Rush, Eric 12 1984 3200 1. 9:23.43 10.00  
  Bloomington South Shaw, Ian 12 2019 3200 5. 9:09.56 5.00  
  Bloomington South Smith, Carl 12 2012 3200 7. 9:09.50 3.00  
  Bloomington South Smith, Thomas 12 2006 SP 8. 55' 03 3/4 2.00  
  Bloomington South Smith, Thomas 12 2006 DT 5. 168' 05 5.00  
  Bloomington South Stancombe, Ben 11 2008 SP 5. 57' 01 1/4 5.00  
  Bloomington South Stancombe, Ben 12 2009 SP 2. 58' 00 8.00  
  Bloomington South Stancombe, Ben 12 2009 DT 6. 165' 08 4.00  
  Bloomington South Stidd, Glen 12 1975 HJ 5. 6' 04 2.00  
  Bloomington South Tomasic, Francis 12 1976 2 Mile 4. 9:16.3 4.00  
  Bloomington South Vaughan, Brent 12 1986 HJ 3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Dave 11 1979 PV 1. 15' 00 10.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Dave 12 1980 PV 1. 15' 06 10.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Deakin 9 2012 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Deakin 10 2013 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Deakin 11 2014 PV 1. 17' 00 1/2 10.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Deakin 12 2015 PV 1. 17' 06 10.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Drew 10 2009 PV 8. 15' 00 2.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Drew 11 2010 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Bloomington South Volz, Drew 12 2011 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Bloomington South Voskuil, Peter 12 2015 800 5. 1:54.23 5.00  
  Bloomington South Washington, Chase 12 2018 110 H 7. 14.48 3.00  
  Bloomington South Waterhouse, Ken 11 1981 1600 2. 4:12.00 8.00  
  Bloomington South Waterhouse, Ken 11 1981 3200 2. 9:14.86 8.00  
  Bloomington South Waterhouse, Ken 12 1982 1600 1. 4:13.08 10.00  
  Bloomington South Waterhouse, Ken 12 1982 3200 2. 9:10.27 8.00  
  Bloomington South Wisniewski, Jacob 12 2018 1600 9. 4:16.54 1.00  
  Bloomington South Zinkan, Wil 12 2019 1600 4. 4:13.90 6.00  
  Bloomington South 1984 1600 R 6. 3:22.40 1.00  
  Bloomington South 1999 3200 R 1. 7:42.64 10.00  
  Bloomington South 2000 3200 R 7. 8:00.30 3.00  
  Bloomington South 2012 3200 R 9. 7:53.70 1.00  
  Blue River Valley Arford, Tony 12 1965 HJ 4. 6' 03 2.00 1 2.00  
  Bluffton Collins, Glenn 12 1975 180 H 6. 20.1 1.00 21 101.11  
  Bluffton Ellis, Luther 12 1910 HJ 1. 5' 09 1/4 5.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 11 2015 100 2. 10.77 8.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 11 2015 200 1. 21.39 10.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 11 2015 LJ 7. 22' 07 1/4 3.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 12 2016 100 1. 10.51 10.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 12 2016 200 1. 21.54 10.00  
  Bluffton Eskridge, D'Wayne 12 2016 LJ 2. 23' 08 1/2 8.00  
  Bluffton Fetzer, Homer 12 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Bluffton Fetzer, Homer 12 1914 SP 2. 3.00  
  Bluffton Fey, Tony 10 1995 SP 7. 56' 09 1/2 3.00  
  Bluffton Fey, Tony 11 1996 SP 2. 61' 02 1/2 8.00  
  Bluffton Fey, Tony 12 1997 SP 3. 59' 05 7.00  
  Bluffton Fornshell, Chad 12 1952 LJ 5. 20' 11 1/4 1.00  
  Bluffton Grover, Bret 11 2000 1600 7. 4:21.53 3.00  
  Bluffton Grover, Bret 11 2000 3200 7. 9:22.27 3.00  
  Bluffton Grover, Bret 12 2001 3200 3. 9:07.50 7.00  
  Bluffton Magley, Dick 12 1950 880 3. 3.00  
  Bluffton Penrod, Gerold 11 1929 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Bluffton Weisell, William 10 1928 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Bluffton Weisell, William 12 1930 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Boggstown Buehling, Dennis 12 1948 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Boone Grove Fauser, Mike 12 2010 800 6. 1:54.22 4.00 1 4.00  
  Boonville Barnes, Dylan 11 1990 HJ 4. 6' 08 4.00 21 77.33  
  Boonville Brammer, Robert 12 1926 PV +5. 0.33  
  Boonville Crick, Clay 10 2001 HJ +2. 6' 06 7.00  
  Boonville Davis, Raymond 10 1924 880 (R2) 1. 2:08.5 5.00  
  Boonville Davis, Raymond 11 1925 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Boonville Davis, Raymond 12 1926 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Boonville Harvey, Wardelle 11 1945 100 2. 4.00  
  Boonville Hedges, Edgar 11 1932 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Boonville Hedges, Edgar 12 1933 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.3 5.00  
  Boonville Loge, Harold 12 1927 PV 5. 1.00  
  Boonville Meece, Edward 12 1934 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Boonville Mockobee, Devin 12 2021 110 H 2. 14.58 8.00  
  Boonville Mockobee, Devin 12 2021 LJ 1. 23' 03 3/4 10.00  
  Boonville Phillips, William 10 1940 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Boonville Phillips, William 11 1941 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Boonville Phillips, William 12 1942 100 4. 2.00  
  Boonville Phillips, William 12 1942 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Boonville Stover, Kenneth 12 1956 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Boonville 1935 880 R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Boonville 1936 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Boonville 1941 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Borden Cook, Brandon 12 2002 DT 2. 172' 04 8.00 6 25.00  
  Borden Magallanes, Julien 11 2015 3200 3. 9:09.98 7.00  
  Borden McKinley, Austin 12 2015 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Borden Sumner, Sam 11 1989 DT 4. 169' 04 4.00  
  Borden Sumner, Sam 12 1990 SP 5. 59' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Borden Wheatley, Eric 11 2019 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Boswell Barrett, Bill 12 1962 PV +5. 12' 03 0.25 6 11.83  
  Boswell Cook, J. Russell 12 1913 PV +1. 10' 00 4.00  
  Boswell Fournier, Wallace 11 1911 PV +3. 0.25  
  Boswell Fournier, Wallace 12 1912 PV +2. 1.33  
  Boswell Matthews, Arthur 12 1936 SP 3. 3.00  
  Boswell Pratt, Robert 12 1939 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Bowman Academy Gibson, Marsalis 11 2013 110 H 1. 14.19 10.00 9 44.00  
  Bowman Academy Knight, Jalen 12 2013 400 9. 49.31 1.00  
  Bowman Academy Strickland, Cornelius 10 2010 100 4. 10.89 6.00  
  Bowman Academy Strickland, Cornelius 11 2011 100 2. 10.73 8.00  
  Bowman Academy Strickland, Cornelius 11 2011 200 3. 21.85 7.00  
  Bowman Academy Strickland, Cornelius 12 2012 100 9. 11.33 1.00  
  Bowman Academy Strickland, Cornelius 12 2012 200 9. 2:24.97 1.00  
  Bowman Academy 2010 400 R 4. 42.15 6.00  
  Bowman Academy 2011 400 R 6. 42.22 4.00  
  Brazil Currie, Joe 12 1920 220 2. 3.00 35 109.50  
  Brazil Cutshall, Carl 12 1906 440 3. 1.00  
  Brazil Dean, Milo 12 1925 220 5. 1.00  
  Brazil Dean, Milo 12 1925 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Brazil Evans, Wayne 11 1920 HJ +1. 5' 08 4.00  
  Brazil Evans, Wayne 12 1921 HJ 1. 6' 00 1/2 5.00  
  Brazil Fineran, Dan 12 1969 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 10 1928 440 (R1) 1. 52.4 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 11 1929 220 H 1. 26.1 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 11 1929 440 (R1) 1. 52.0 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 11 1929 LJ 1. 21' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 12 1930 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 12 1930 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 12 1930 440 (R1) 1. 50.2 5.00  
  Brazil Fuqua, Ivan 12 1930 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Brazil Hall, Charles  12 1938 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Brazil Henderson, Tom 11 1923 220 H 1. 26.3 5.00  
  Brazil Henderson, Tom 12 1924 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Brazil Henderson, Tom 12 1924 220 H 1. 26.1 5.00  
  Brazil McCullough, Norman 12 1934 Mile (R2) 1. 4:36.1 5.00  
  Brazil Oliver, Frazier 10 1939 PV +4. 1.50  
  Brazil Osman, John 11 1924 880 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Brazil Summerville, Joe 12 1908 Mile 1. 4:52.0 5.00  
  Brazil Williams, Glen 12 1966 880 2. 1:55.4 4.00  
  Brazil Winn, Don 12 1939 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Brazil Woods, Bill 11 1953 880 4. 2.00  
  Brazil 1921 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:44.4 -  
  Brazil 1922 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:43.2 -  
  Brazil 1926 Mile R (R1) 3. -  
  Brazil 1927 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:29.6 -  
  Brazil 1929 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:38.8 -  
  Brazil 1930 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:37.3 -  
  Brazil 1937 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Brazil 1944 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Brazil 1945 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Bellamy, LeVante 10 2013 100 4. 10.90 6.00 56 272.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Bellamy, LeVante 11 2014 100 6. 11.00 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Blakey, Mike 12 1967 100 2. 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Blakey, Mike 12 1967 220 3. 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Brase, Brian 11 1976 120 H 5. 14.2 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Burrell, Ezra 10 2021 1600 7. 4:19.51 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Burrell, Ezra 11 2022 1600 3. 4:12.31 7.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Burrell, Ezra 12 2023 1600 5. 4:11.04 5.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Coffey, David 11 2015 3200 8. 9:15.44 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Dwyer, John 12 1973 100 6. 1.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hill, Marty 11 1969 Mile 2. 4:17.0 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hill, Marty 12 1970 Mile 1. 4:16.6 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hmurovich, Jay 11 2024 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Holland, Daniel 11 1978 440 5. 49.1 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hunter, Kadeem 11 2008 200 6. 21.87 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hunter, Kadeem 12 2009 100 3. 10.73 7.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Hunter, Kadeem 12 2009 200 4. 21.87 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Kovach, Jack 11 2019 1600 5. 4:14.25 5.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Kovach, Jack 11 2019 3200 8. 9:15.23 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Labus, Kevin 12 2007 800 8. 1:56.32 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Mitchel, Pat 12 1980 SP 5. 58' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Morton, Trent 11 2004 800 4. 1:55.01 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Morton, Trent 12 2005 800 7. 1:55.42 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Peach, Clyde 12 1966 100 1. 9.5 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Peach, Clyde 12 1966 220 1. 20.7 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Robinson, Bryan 12 1973 440 3. 49.3 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Robinson, Tim 12 1982 800 4. 1:54.27 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Chris 9 2001 800 9. 1:56.65 1.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Chris 10 2002 800 6. 1:56.52 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Chris 11 2003 800 3. 1:54.57 7.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Robert 10 1999 1600 7. 4:24.28 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Robert 11 2000 1600 6. 4:20.87 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Smitson, Robert 12 2001 3200 1. 9:05.72 10.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Snider, Zack 10 2013 3200 3. 9:12.40 7.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Snider, Zack 11 2014 3200 7. 9:14.22 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Snider, Zack 12 2015 1600 1. 4:10.26 10.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Thirunavukkarasu, Krishna 11 2021 3200 8. 9:15.53 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Thirunavukkarasu, Krishna 12 2022 3200 6. 9:05.17 4.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Todd, Cameron 10 2022 1600 7. 4:13.52 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Todd, Cameron 11 2023 1600 2. 4:08.76 8.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Todd, Cameron 11 2023 3200 5. 9:05.99 5.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Todd, Cameron 12 2024 1600 2. 4:08.53 8.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Todd, Cameron 12 2024 3200 2. 8:56.40 8.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit VanWinkle, Greg 12 1977 Mile 1. 4:13.2 10.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit Watson, Edwin 10 2024 200 9. 22.92 1.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2024 400 R 9. 42.65 1.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 1966 880 R 1. 1:29.1 10.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 1973 880 R 3. 1:29.8 6.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 1976 Mile R 6. 3:22.7 1.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2000 1600 R 8. 3:24.60 2.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2002 3200 R 2. 7:58.96 8.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2003 3200 R 1. 7:47.29 10.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2005 3200 R 3. 7:51.55 7.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2012 3200 R 7. 7:51.26 3.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2014 3200 R 2. 7:48.16 8.00  
  Brebeuf Jesuit 2016 3200 R 6. 7:51.44 4.00  
  Bremen Andrews, Keith 11 1960 100 4. 2.00 13 45.50  
  Bremen Hall, Wade 12 1979 SP 5. 57' 03 2.00  
  Bremen Hammons, Mike 12 2000 100 8. 11.17 2.00  
  Bremen Hammons, Mike 12 2000 200 6. 22.40 4.00  
  Bremen Hill, Dennis 12 1968 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Bremen Karpenko, Wasyl 12 1961 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Bremen Lacher, Sam 11 2014 400 2. 48.48 8.00  
  Bremen Miller, Jared 11 2008 100 8. 10.85 2.00  
  Bremen Miller, Jared 11 2008 200 4. 21.71 6.00  
  Bremen Miller, Jared 12 2009 100 5. 10.77 5.00  
  Bremen Miller, Jared 12 2009 200 2. 21.59 8.00  
  Bremen Morris, Jim 11 1961 440 5. 1.00  
  Bremen Schmucker, Bill 12 1992 PV +8. 13' 09 1.50  
  Brook Davis, Freeman 10 1912 100 2. 3.00 8 20.00  
  Brook Davis, Freeman 12 1914 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Brook Ekstrom, Harold 11 1925 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Brook Ekstrom, Wayne 12 1947 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Brook Kemper, Ralph 12 1914 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Brook Long, Keith 12 1940 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Brook Whaley, Rolland 12 1941 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Brook Whaley, Rolland 12 1941 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Brookston VanCamp, Ray 1912 PV +2. 1.33 1 1.33  
  Brown County Allen, Dylan 12 2011 800 4. 1:54.17 6.00 9 45.00  
  Brown County Bowman, Sean 12 2003 1600 7. 4:19.66 3.00  
  Brown County Carr, Curtis 12 2007 1600 2. 4:12.00 8.00  
  Brown County Nay, Jacob 12 1995 3200 4. 9:21.81 6.00  
  Brown County Sheppard, Sean 10 1990 LJ 4. 22' 11 4.00  
  Brown County Sheppard, Sean 11 1991 LJ 3. 23' 01 3/4 6.00  
  Brown County Sheppard, Sean 12 1992 LJ 3. 22' 11 1/2 7.00  
  Brown County Webb, Nathan 12 2003 800 9. 1:57.09 1.00  
  Brown County 2018 3200 R 6. 7:49.43 4.00  
  Brownsburg Allen, Jim 11 1985 DT 6. 162' 04 1.00 61 309.00  
  Brownsburg Atkinson, Michael 12 1980 3200 3. 9:12.40 6.00  
  Brownsburg Baker, Ian 11 2024 1600 4. 4:15.30 6.00  
  Brownsburg Barbosa, Marcos 12 2021 110 H 4. 14.76 6.00  
  Brownsburg Brading, Jeremy 11 2005 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Brownsburg Calhoun, Dominic 11 2023 100 2. 10.57 8.00  
  Brownsburg Calhoun, Dominic 11 2023 200 1. 21.30 10.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 11 2021 110 H 1. 14.53 10.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 11 2021 300 H 1. 37.84 10.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 11 2021 LJ 4. 22' 09 1/4 6.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 12 2022 110 H 1. 13.90 10.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 12 2022 300 H 1. 37.92 10.00  
  Brownsburg Colquitt, John 12 2022 LJ 8. 22' 02 1/2 2.00  
  Brownsburg Cooksey, Evan 11 1998 3200 8. 9:21.64 2.00  
  Brownsburg Cooper, Deandre 10 2023 100 8. 10.80 2.00  
  Brownsburg Denton, Carl 12 1919 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Brownsburg Diemer-McKinney, Haiden 12 2022 800 5. 1:54.21 5.00  
  Brownsburg Eyasu, Alex 11 2023 300 H 8. 39.34 2.00  
  Brownsburg Eyasu, Alex 11 2023 LJ 8. 22' 02 1/4 2.00  
  Brownsburg Garner, Herman 11 1910 PV +1. 9' 10 3.00  
  Brownsburg Graham, Charles 12 1915 DT 2. 3.00  
  Brownsburg Handy, Josh 11 2023 200 5. 21.86 5.00  
  Brownsburg Hawthorne, Frederick 12 2023 110 H 8. 14.70 2.00  
  Brownsburg Humes, Devin 12 2017 DT 9. 157' 08 1.00  
  Brownsburg Kirtz, Bryce 11 2018 400 9. 49.18 1.00  
  Brownsburg Kirtz, Tyler 12 2016 400 2. 48.18 8.00  
  Brownsburg Lackey, Tyray 12 2021 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Brownsburg Metcalf, Don 11 1916 DT 1. 106' 04 5.00  
  Brownsburg Metcalf, Don 11 1916 LJ 1. 20' 10 1/2 5.00  
  Brownsburg Nibbs, Todd 9 2008 HJ +5. 6' 06 4.00  
  Brownsburg Nibbs, Todd 10 2009 HJ 7. 6' 07 3.00  
  Brownsburg Patterson, Bryce 11 2022 SP 6. 58' 03 1/2 4.00  
  Brownsburg Patterson, Bryce 12 2023 SP 9. 56' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Brownsburg Sathyamurthy, Hari 10 2014 800 2. 1:51.58 8.00  
  Brownsburg Sathyamurthy, Hari 11 2015 800 1. 1:51.50 10.00  
  Brownsburg Sathyamurthy, Hari 12 2016 800 2. 1:55.15 8.00  
  Brownsburg Smith, Isaiah 12 2023 SP 4. 58' 03 6.00  
  Brownsburg Smith, Michael  11 2003 1600 9. 4:20.89 1.00  
  Brownsburg Sumpter-Bey, Shai 12 2019 100 9. 10.98 1.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Pierce 9 2018 LJ 3. 23' 02 1/4 7.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Pierce 10 2019 200 8. 22.14 2.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Pierce 10 2019 LJ 1. 23' 11 1/2 10.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Reis 12 2019 DT 4. 170' 02 6.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Taran 11 1992 1600 9. 4:25.44 1.00  
  Brownsburg Thomas, Taran 12 1993 1600 3. 4:16.59 7.00  
  Brownsburg Tupuola, Shon 12 2022 DT 4. 164' 11 6.00  
  Brownsburg Vicenzi, Scott 11 2009 3200 8. 9:19.67 2.00  
  Brownsburg Vicenzi, Scott 12 2010 1600 6. 4:13.76 4.00  
  Brownsburg Walcott, Jaylen 11 2023 PV 8. 14' 09 2.00  
  Brownsburg Walcott, Jaylen 12 2024 PV 8. 15' 00 2.00  
  Brownsburg Ward, Brad 12 1985 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Brownsburg 1998 400 R 9. 42.97 1.00  
  Brownsburg 2018 400 R 7. 42.28 3.00  
  Brownsburg 2019 400 R 3. 41.75 7.00  
  Brownsburg 2022 400 R 1. 41.60 10.00  
  Brownsburg 2023 400 R 1. 40.70 10.00  
  Brownsburg 2024 400 R 6. 42.47 4.00  
  Brownsburg 2014 1600 R 1. 3:18.51 10.00  
  Brownsburg 2015 1600 R 4. 3:17.81 6.00  
  Brownsburg 2023 1600 R 7. 3:19.66 3.00  
  Brownsburg 2023 3200 R 8. 7:55.11 2.00  
  Brownstown Central Baker, David 11 2010 SP 8. 54' 03 1/4 2.00 8 37.00  
  Brownstown Central Barnes, Joe 12 2017 SP 3. 56' 03 1/2 7.00  
  Brownstown Central Crossman, Mark 11 2008 800 5. 1:56.00 5.00  
  Brownstown Central Crossman, Mark 12 2009 800 3. 1:53.66 7.00  
  Brownstown Central Fiscus, Craig 11 1988 1600 4. 4:18.52 4.00  
  Brownstown Central Hutchenson, Marc 12 1993 PV 6. 14' 00 4.00  
  Brownstown Central Ritz, Colton 12 2018 PV 6. 14' 09 4.00  
  Brownstown Central Weaver, Mike 12 1974 LJ 4. 22' 09 3/4 4.00  
  Brownsville Honaker, Quincy 12 1945 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Bryant Crowell, Lendell 12 1923 HJ +3. 0.33 1 0.33  
  Burlington Bailey, Allen 11 1927 SP 5. 1.00 2 6.00  
  Burlington Bailey, Allen 12 1928 SP 1. 47' 01 7/8 5.00  
  Burnettsville Campbell, James 1911 PV +3. 0.25 6 16.50  
  Burnettsville Graham, Virden 11 1914 HJ 1. 5' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Burnettsville Graham, Virden 12 1915 HJ 1. 5' 08 1/2 5.00  
  Burnettsville Graham, Virden 12 1915 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Burnettsville Musselman, Gerald 12 1914 PV +3. 0.25  
  Burnettsville Otto, Carl 12 1915 SP 1. 44' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Butler Blaker, Woody 11 1957 220 5. 1.00 3 9.00  
  Butler Blanchard, Lewis 12 1945 Mile (R1) 1. 4:34.5 5.00  
  Butler Michael, Jack 11 1947 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Calumet Book, Herbert 11 1933 LJ 3. 3.00 20 59.50  
  Calumet Butler, Henry  12 1970 880 4. 2.00  
  Calumet Caldwell, Terrell 9 2021 LJ 8. 21' 11 1/2 2.00  
  Calumet Caldwell, Terrell 10 2022 LJ 9. 22' 02 1/4 1.00  
  Calumet Ezell, George 12 2009 400 5. 48.51 5.00  
  Calumet Florence, Karl 11 1967 440 4. 2.00  
  Calumet Florence, Karl 12 1968 440 2. 4.00  
  Calumet Green, Nick  12 2001 110 H 8. 15.51 2.00  
  Calumet Harper, Ken 10 1975 100 5. 10.2 2.00  
  Calumet Hatler, Rick 12 1979 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Calumet Leonard, Faraji 12 1995 100 8. 11.17 2.00  
  Calumet Mobley, Vintress 11 1985 400 5. 49.01 2.00  
  Calumet Regans, Aaron 11 1986 HJ 5. 6' 08 2.00  
  Calumet Regans, Aaron 12 1987 HJ +5. 6' 08 1.50  
  Calumet Schoon, Bob 12 1979 HJ 6. 6' 09 1.00  
  Calumet Staresnick, John 12 1967 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Calumet Stewart, Aaron 11 1966 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Calumet Tovsen, Bill 12 1968 LJ 1. 23' 06 1/2 6.00  
  Calumet Young, McKinley 12 1959 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Calumet 1967 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Swim, Clifford 10 1946 HJ +4. 1.00 8 17.50  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Swim, Clifford 11 1947 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Swim, Gerald 12 1952 HJ 3. 6' 00 3/8 3.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Swim, Lenuil 11 1950 HJ 1. 6' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Swim, Lenuil 12 1951 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Thompson, Jerry 11 1960 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Thompson, Jerry 11 1960 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Cambridge City Lincoln Thompson, Jerry 12 1961 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Cannelton Sturgeon, Marvin 11 1955 880 1. 1:56.6 5.00 3 13.00  
  Cannelton Sturgeon, Marvin 12 1956 880 1. 1:58.5 5.00  
  Cannelton Zellers, Lowell 12 1950 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Carmel Bardach, Evan 11 2004 800 6. 1:55.99 4.00 185 963.70  
  Carmel Bardach, Evan 12 2005 800 4. 1:53.58 6.00  
  Carmel Baxter, Isiah 12 2018 200 7. 21.99 3.00  
  Carmel Beyerlein, Todd 10 1995 HJ 5. 6' 08 5.00  
  Carmel Beyerlein, Todd 11 1996 HJ 1. 6' 08 10.00  
  Carmel Beyerlein, Todd 12 1997 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Carmel Browning, Robert 12 2014 3200 8. 9:15.53 2.00  
  Carmel Bullard, Gary 12 1979 DT 3. 174' 09 6.00  
  Carmel Bullard, Pete 12 1961 440 2. 49.6 4.00  
  Carmel Caldwell, Aydrian 11 2022 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Carmel Carlson, Chris 12 1999 PV +5. 14' 09 4.50  
  Carmel Coffey, Todd 11 1994 DT 9. 155' 02 1.00  
  Carmel Cotner, Joe 10 1977 2 Mile 4. 9:25.8 4.00  
  Carmel Cox, Zachary 12 2021 110 H 3. 14.72 7.00  
  Carmel Cox, Zachary 12 2021 300 H 7. 39.35 3.00  
  Carmel Crews, Kevin 11 1995 300 H 8. 38.58 2.00  
  Carmel Dalton, Patrick 11 2005 SP 9. 55' 02 1/2 1.00  
  Carmel Dalton, Patrick 12 2006 SP 4. 58' 03 1/4 6.00  
  Carmel Davis, Bill 12 1982 100 6. 10.80 1.00  
  Carmel Davis, Jeff 12 1993 DT 5. 168' 07 5.00  
  Carmel Dick, Carl 12 1994 LJ 9. 22' 07 1.00  
  Carmel Downer, Tito 11 1996 3200 9. 9:34.46 1.00  
  Carmel Downer, Tito 12 1997 3200 3. 9:27.24 7.00  
  Carmel Duncan, Jalen 12 2012 SP 4. 58' 10 1/2 6.00  
  Carmel Eagle, Kevin 11 1979 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/2 1.00  
  Carmel Ebikwo, Josh 11 2013 200 6. 22.59 4.00  
  Carmel Ebikwo, Josh 12 2014 100 5. 10.99 5.00  
  Carmel Ebikwo, Josh 12 2014 200 6. 22.39 4.00  
  Carmel Echols, Colin 12 1992 SP 9. 53' 04 3/4 1.00  
  Carmel Echols, Colin 12 1992 DT 9. 155' 02 1.00  
  Carmel Elliott, Matt 12 1987 DT 5. 159' 03 2.00  
  Carmel Fisher, Jacob 12 2021 3200 3. 9:11.46 7.00  
  Carmel Foster, Andy 12 1985 3200 4. 9:22.57 4.00  
  Carmel Franklin, Drew 12 2023 DT 6. 173' 05 4.00  
  Carmel Gallagher, Tom 12 1994 300 H 7. 38.49 3.00  
  Carmel Garing, Richie 10 1981 3200 5. 9:18.18 2.00  
  Carmel Grahn, Ron 11 1975 DT 2. 151' 07 8.00  
  Carmel Grahn, Ron 12 1976 DT 1. 174' 08 10.00  
  Carmel Grove, Kyle 12 2024 3200 4. 9:00.93 6.00  
  Carmel Gudgel, Spencer 11 2017 400 3. 48.78 7.00  
  Carmel Gudgel, Spencer 12 2018 400 3. 48.53 7.00  
  Carmel Herman, Jimmy 12 2012 110 H 2. 14.25 8.00  
  Carmel Hinson, Joe 12 2001 800 6. 1:55.82 4.00  
  Carmel Hoskins, Hobart 12 1913 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Carmel Howell, Greg 11 1989 1600 3. 4:18.23 6.00  
  Carmel Jackson, Chad 10 1999 400 9. 50.08 1.00  
  Carmel Jackson, Chad 12 2001 400 8. 49.85 2.00  
  Carmel James, Isaac 12 2015 100 7. 10.84 3.00  
  Carmel James, Isaac 12 2015 LJ 4. 23' 00 3/4 6.00  
  Carmel Janko, Josh 12 1994 1600 9. 4:24.29 1.00  
  Carmel Jontz, Jay 11 1986 800 6. 1:55.53 1.00  
  Carmel Jontz, Jay 12 1987 1600 2. 4:16.61 8.00  
  Carmel Jurek, Matt 12 2001 SP 9. 53' 08 1/2 1.00  
  Carmel Koeppen, Charlie 11 2000 3200 1. 9:12.62 10.00  
  Carmel Koeppen, Charlie 12 2001 3200 2. 9:05.73 8.00  
  Carmel Laconi, Vince 12 2015 SP 4. 57' 07 3/4 6.00  
  Carmel Leap-Hall, Brandon 12 2007 LJ 4. 22' 00 1/2 6.00  
  Carmel Leedke, Charlie 12 2023 800 6. 1:53.14 4.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Mitch 11 2016 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Mitch 12 2017 PV 4. 14' 06 6.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Ryan 10 2015 PV 3. 15' 09 7.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Ryan 11 2016 PV 1. 17' 00 10.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Ryan 12 2017 100 2. 10.61 8.00  
  Carmel Lipe, Ryan 12 2017 PV 1. 17' 03 10.00  
  Carmel Marker, Curt 12 1963 SP 4. 54' 05 3/4 2.00  
  Carmel Mathison, Kole 10 2021 3200 2. 9:01.55 8.00  
  Carmel Mathison, Kole 11 2022 1600 1. 4:04.82 10.00  
  Carmel Mathison, Kole 11 2022 3200 1. 8:59.05 10.00  
  Carmel Mathison, Kole 12 2023 1600 3. 4:09.44 7.00  
  Carmel Mathison, Kole 12 2023 3200 1. 8:53.18 10.00  
  Carmel Miller, Ben 11 2017 3200 3. 9:10.74 7.00  
  Carmel Miller, Ben 12 2018 3200 3. 9:14.90 7.00  
  Carmel Morris, Andy 11 1996 HJ 6. 6' 07 4.00  
  Carmel Morris, Andy 12 1997 300 H 4. 37.58 6.00  
  Carmel Newton, Langston 11 2011 DT 3. 183' 02 7.00  
  Carmel Newton, Langston 12 2012 SP 1. 61' 02 10.00  
  Carmel Newton, Langston 12 2012 DT 1. 192' 09 10.00  
  Carmel Ohlman, Tom 11 2009 3200 6. 9:18.12 4.00  
  Carmel Ohlman, Tom 12 2010 3200 7. 9:12.15 3.00  
  Carmel Parker, Colton 10 2019 300 H 8. 39.16 2.00  
  Carmel Parker, Colton 12 2021 300 H 2. 38.53 8.00  
  Carmel Pearson, Jakob 12 2019 110 H 5. 14.64 5.00  
  Carmel Porter, Dan 12 2010 1600 4. 4:13.18 6.00  
  Carmel Provenzano, Tony 11 2023 3200 2. 8:54.94 8.00  
  Carmel Provenzano, Tony 12 2024 3200 1. 8:51.40 10.00  
  Carmel Pursel, Jim 12 1969 SP 4. 2.00  
  Carmel Quist, Adom 11 2023 110 H 5. 14.60 5.00  
  Carmel Quist, Adom 12 2024 110 H 5. 14.58 5.00  
  Carmel Ray, Travis 12 1994 3200 9. 9:36.85 1.00  
  Carmel Rich, Jacob 11 2006 3200 8. 9:22.03 2.00  
  Carmel Ring, Nolan 12 2022 DT 9. 158' 09 1.00  
  Carmel Rippe, Joe 12 2009 LJ 9. 21' 08 1/2 1.00  
  Carmel Roberts, Austin 12 2014 100 1. 10.83 10.00  
  Carmel Roberts, Joseph 12 1910 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Carmel Rodholm, Mark 10 1983 800 2. 1:54.86 8.00  
  Carmel Rodholm, Mark 11 1984 800 4. 1:56.38 4.00  
  Carmel Rodholm, Mark 11 1984 1600 1. 4:15.81 10.00  
  Carmel Rodholm, Mark 12 1985 800 1. 1:54.56 10.00  
  Carmel Rodholm, Mark 12 1985 1600 2. 4:12.47 8.00  
  Carmel Roeder, Fred 12 1924 HJ +3. 5' 08 0.20  
  Carmel Rosenberg, Logan 12 2009 800 7. 1:54.35 3.00  
  Carmel Ross, Josh 12 1993 800 3. 1:56.01 7.00  
  Carmel Sandlin, Logan 11 2019 PV 4. 14' 09 6.00  
  Carmel Sarbinoff, Ryan 11 1999 200 7. 22.36 3.00  
  Carmel Sarbinoff, Ryan 11 1999 400 3. 48.89 7.00  
  Carmel Sarbinoff, Ryan 12 2000 200 1. 21.75 10.00  
  Carmel Sarbinoff, Ryan 12 2000 400 2. 47.93 8.00  
  Carmel Schafer, Owen 12 2021 400 1. 48.36 10.00  
  Carmel Schuman, Charlie 12 2022 3200 3. 9:02.39 7.00  
  Carmel Sechuga, Daniel 12 2014 1600 8. 4:18.22 2.00  
  Carmel Sharp, Bryce 12 2017 DT 6. 167' 11 4.00  
  Carmel Shaw, Sammy 12 2002 3200 4. 9:28.35 6.00  
  Carmel Shuey, Bill 11 1979 2 Mile 3. 9:11.45 6.00  
  Carmel Shuey, Bill 12 1980 3200 5. 9:18.00 2.00  
  Carmel Simmons, Matt 11 1999 110 H 6. 14.65 4.00  
  Carmel Simmons, Matt 12 2000 110 H 3. 14.28 7.00  
  Carmel Simmons, Matt 12 2000 300 H 9. 39.85 1.00  
  Carmel Southern, Patrick 11 2001 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Carmel Stubbs, Bill 11 1949 100 5. 1.00  
  Carmel Stull, Andrew 11 2006 100 7. 10.93 3.00  
  Carmel Stull, Andrew 11 2006 200 5. 22.12 5.00  
  Carmel Stull, Andrew 12 2007 100 6. 10.89 4.00  
  Carmel Stull, Andrew 12 2007 200 2. 21.60 8.00  
  Carmel Switzer, Gannon 11 1988 3200 6. 9:30.44 1.00  
  Carmel Thurmond, Theo 11 2024 DT 6. 163' 06 4.00  
  Carmel Veatch, Ben 10 2014 3200 2. 9:13.04 8.00  
  Carmel Veatch, Ben 11 2015 3200 1. 8:53.77 10.00  
  Carmel Veatch, Ben 12 2016 1600 1. 4:08.38 10.00  
  Carmel Veatch, Ben 12 2016 3200 1. 8:58.18 10.00  
  Carmel Wade, Lowell 12 1925 220 3. 3.00  
  Carmel Wade, Lowell 12 1925 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Carmel Walden, Chris 11 2010 1600 1. 4:10.70 10.00  
  Carmel Walden, Chris 11 2010 3200 9. 9:18.48 1.00  
  Carmel Walden, Chris 12 2011 1600 2. 4:08.52 8.00  
  Carmel Walden, Chris 12 2011 3200 2. 9:02.83 8.00  
  Carmel Walker, Jalen 10 2015 300 H 1. 37.74 10.00  
  Carmel Walker, Jalen 11 2016 300 H 2. 38.17 8.00  
  Carmel Walker, Jalen 12 2017 300 H 2. 37.91 8.00  
  Carmel Watts, Brian 11 1993 3200 7. 9:32.04 3.00  
  Carmel Williams, Daniel 12 2013 800 3. 1:54.33 7.00  
  Carmel Woods, Zach 10 2012 400 9. 49.45 1.00  
  Carmel York, Steve 11 1968 880 5. 1.00  
  Carmel York, Steve 12 1969 880 1. 1:53.6 6.00  
  Carmel Yost, Karl 12 1986 3200 6. 9:27.76 1.00  
  Carmel 1982 400 R 4. 42.49 4.00  
  Carmel 2004 400 R 8. 42.68 2.00  
  Carmel 2007 400 R 9. 42.62 1.00  
  Carmel 2012 400 R 8. 42.60 2.00  
  Carmel 2014 400 R 3. 41.96 7.00  
  Carmel 2015 400 R 7. 42.11 3.00  
  Carmel 2017 400 R 6. 42.12 4.00  
  Carmel 2021 400 R 3. 41.81 7.00  
  Carmel 2022 400 R 7. 42.27 3.00  
  Carmel 1909 Mile R 3. -  
  Carmel 1968 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Carmel 1985 1600 R 4. 3:23.12 4.00  
  Carmel 1999 1600 R 7. 3:21.91 3.00  
  Carmel 2000 1600 R 2. 3:18.98 8.00  
  Carmel 2001 1600 R 4. 3:20.92 6.00  
  Carmel 2012 1600 R 6. 3:19.49 4.00  
  Carmel 2015 1600 R 7. 3:19.36 3.00  
  Carmel 2017 1600 R 6. 3:19.71 4.00  
  Carmel 2018 1600 R 6. 3:19.53 4.00  
  Carmel 2019 1600 R 7. 3:20.48 3.00  
  Carmel 2021 1600 R 1. 3:18.90 10.00  
  Carmel 2023 1600 R 5. 3:18.07 5.00  
  Carmel 1996 3200 R 9. 8:05.82 1.00  
  Carmel 1997 3200 R 4. 8:01.05 6.00  
  Carmel 1999 3200 R 3. 7:49.17 7.00  
  Carmel 2000 3200 R 2. 7:46.77 8.00  
  Carmel 2001 3200 R 1. 7:47.68 10.00  
  Carmel 2003 3200 R 5. 7:49.49 5.00  
  Carmel 2004 3200 R 1. 7:41.70 10.00  
  Carmel 2005 3200 R 1. 7:49.28 10.00  
  Carmel 2008 3200 R 4. 7:55.64 6.00  
  Carmel 2009 3200 R 1. 7:41.79 10.00  
  Carmel 2011 3200 R 4. 7:49.30 6.00  
  Carmel 2014 3200 R 9. 7:56.10 1.00  
  Carmel 2015 3200 R 9. 7:56.20 1.00  
  Carmel 2016 3200 R 7. 7:52.24 3.00  
  Carmel 2017 3200 R 1. 7:43.65 10.00  
  Carmel 2018 3200 R 5. 7:49.20 5.00  
  Carmel 2021 3200 R 2. 7:44.83 8.00  
  Carmel 2022 3200 R 8. 7:53.27 2.00  
  Carmel 2023 3200 R 3. 7:39.56 7.00  
  Carroll (Flora) Bishop, Arthur 12 1999 3200 2. 9:09.83 8.00 3 8.75  
  Carroll (Flora) Williams, Tom 11 1962 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.25  
  Carroll (Flora) Williams, Tom 12 1963 HJ +5. 6' 01 3/4 0.50  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Armstrong, Anthony 12 2013 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00 49 279.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Becker, Justin 11 2017 100 5. 10.72 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Becker, Justin 11 2017 200 9. 22.79 1.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Becker, Justin 12 2018 100 2. 10.52 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Becker, Justin 12 2018 200 1. 21.50 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Brown, Andrew 12 2003 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Bushong, Scott 11 2000 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.50  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Bushong, Scott 12 2001 HJ +2. 6' 06 7.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Cavender, Ryan 12 2012 110 H 8. 14.81 2.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Clements, Cameron 11 2015 1600 8. 4:16.09 2.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Clements, Cameron 12 2016 3200 7. 9:17.32 3.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Flick, Chris 12 2019 300 H 6. 39.07 4.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Gensic, Benjamin 12 1997 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Gensic, Jacob 12 1996 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Gensic, Paul 10 1999 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Gensic, Paul 11 2000 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Gensic, Paul 12 2001 PV 2. 16' 09 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Goetz, Connor 12 2018 1600 5. 4:14.28 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Hess, Alex 12 2013 1600 6. 4:16.62 4.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Hess, Brad 12 2011 3200 8. 9:14.23 2.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Hester, John  12 2012 400 6. 49.35 4.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Jamicich, James 12 2016 DT 9. 159' 00 1.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Kleber, Robert 11 2008 1600 5. 4:23.91 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Kleber, Robert 12 2009 800 8. 1:54.44 2.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Kleber, Robert 12 2009 1600 3. 4:16.10 7.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Mahlan, David 10 1998 PV +2. 15' 00 7.50  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Marano, Benjamin 12 2018 300 H 2. 38.27 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Martin, James  10 2009 3200 2. 9:14.81 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Martin, James  12 2011 3200 5. 9:09.13 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Musi, Richard 12 2009 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Runkle, Dustin 11 1999 PV 3. 15' 03 7.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Runkle, Dustin 12 2000 PV 3. 15' 09 7.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Schmeling, Jacob 12 2015 1600 2. 4:13.27 8.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Starost, Scott 12 1999 DT 1. 167' 11 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Tredway, Christopher 11 1999 300 H 5. 39.29 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Tredway, Christopher 12 2000 100 7. 11.02 3.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Tredway, Christopher 12 2000 300 H 1. 37.68 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Villacicencio, Alex 12 1999 LJ 8. 21' 07 3/4 2.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Wagoner, Owen 12 2010 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Yager, Brian 12 1995 110 H 4. 14.61 6.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) Yager, Brian 12 1995 300 H 1. 37.39 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2001 400 R 7. 42.77 3.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2014 400 R 7. 42.65 3.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2017 400 R 1. 41.06 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2022 1600 R 7. 3:21.30 3.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2012 3200 R 1. 7:41.29 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2013 3200 R 1. 7:40.14 10.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2015 3200 R 5. 7:50.62 5.00  
  Carroll (Ft. Wayne) 2016 3200 R 3. 7:47.13 7.00  
  Cascade Cherry, Mike 12 1979 LJ 2. 23' 06 1/4 8.00 3 21.00  
  Cascade Johnson, Sean 11 2017 400 2. 48.71 8.00  
  Cascade Johnson, Sean 12 2018 400 5. 48.91 5.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 9 1994 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00 6 32.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 10 1995 HJ 6. 6' 08 4.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 11 1996 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 12 1997 400 3. 48.83 7.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 12 1997 110 H 9. 14.98 1.00  
  Cass Leininger, Andy 12 1997 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Castle Baxter, Richard 11 1996 1600 9. 4:24.18 1.00 23 76.00  
  Castle Goines, Monty 11 1984 110 H 3. 14.42 6.00  
  Castle Goodman, Danny 12 1994 3200 7. 9:32.08 3.00  
  Castle Goodman, David 12 1995 1600 9. 4:18.39 1.00  
  Castle Harris, Qyentin 11 2006 800 7. 1:55.20 3.00  
  Castle Lidy, Allen 12 1997 DT 9. 156' 02 1.00  
  Castle Mangum, Andrew 12 2022 1600 4. 4:12.55 6.00  
  Castle Monroe, Trevor 12 2022 3200 9. 9:11.71 1.00  
  Castle Mullen, Eric 12 1986 SP 5. 57' 06 1/2 2.00  
  Castle Ogburn, Gary 10 2002 400 2. 48.10 8.00  
  Castle Ogburn, Gary 11 2003 400 5. 49.19 5.00  
  Castle Ogburn, Gary 12 2004 400 4. 48.30 6.00  
  Castle Porter, Andrew 11 2008 400 8. 49.19 2.00  
  Castle Shinnerl, Alex 12 2016 PV 5. 16' 00 5.00  
  Castle Smith, Trey 11 2010 LJ 8. 21' 11 2.00  
  Castle Smith, Trey 12 2011 LJ 9. 21' 06 1/4 1.00  
  Castle Speth, Parker 11 2021 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Castle Speth, Parker 12 2022 PV 4. 15' 09 6.00  
  Castle Wanhainen, Michael 11 2009 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Castle Wanhainen, Michael 12 2010 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Castle 2002 1600 R 8. 3:22.37 2.00  
  Castle 2001 3200 R 9. 8:03.61 1.00  
  Castle 2021 3200 R 9. 8:03.38 1.00  
  Caston Powlen, Andy 11 2003 SP 4. 57' 10 6.00 3 15.00  
  Caston Powlen, Andy 12 2004 SP 2. 61' 04 8.00  
  Caston Powlen, Bryan 12 2006 SP 9. 55' 03 1/4 1.00  
  Cayuga Stark, Norman 12 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11 1 0.11  
  Center Grove Achgill, Chris 12 1972 880 1. 1:52.5 6.00 89 479.83  
  Center Grove Baker, Ryan 11 2003 DT 6. 162' 11 4.00  
  Center Grove Baker, Ryan 12 2004 DT 5. 170' 07 5.00  
  Center Grove Brown, Mike  12 1991 PV 3. 15' 00 6.00  
  Center Grove Burries, Connor 12 2022 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Center Grove Carrel, Bryan 12 1986 PV 3. 15' 06 6.00  
  Center Grove Coyle, Micah 10 2021 200 7. 22.33 3.00  
  Center Grove Dahlberg, Dave 12 1983 3200 2. 9:19.19 8.00  
  Center Grove Deffner, Mitch 11 2006 300 H 9. 38.37 1.00  
  Center Grove Deffner, Mitch 12 2007 300 H 9. 39.13 1.00  
  Center Grove Delp, Connor 12 2021 300 H 3. 38.85 7.00  
  Center Grove Doyle, Parker 11 2022 110 H 4. 14.54 6.00  
  Center Grove Doyle, Parker 12 2023 300 H 1. 37.78 10.00  
  Center Grove Fleener, Matt 12 2018 400 6. 48.92 4.00  
  Center Grove Galloway, Seth 12 2007 DT 8. 162' 09 2.00  
  Center Grove Goines, Christian 12 2017 110 H 6. 14.42 4.00  
  Center Grove Green, Nick  11 2000 800 9. 1:56.70 1.00  
  Center Grove Green, Nick  12 2001 800 7. 1:55.90 3.00  
  Center Grove Greller, Zach 10 2021 400 6. 49.47 4.00  
  Center Grove Greller, Zach 11 2022 400 9. 49.19 1.00  
  Center Grove Grimmer, Derek 12 2015 200 4. 21.72 6.00  
  Center Grove Hall, Josh 11 2016 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Center Grove Henry, Joe 10 1995 PV +8. 14' 06 1.50  
  Center Grove Henry, Joe 11 1996 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Center Grove Hohlt, Jackson 11 2015 400 7. 49.25 3.00  
  Center Grove Hohlt, Jackson 12 2016 300 H 4. 38.71 6.00  
  Center Grove Hohlt, Sam 11 2018 300 H 9. 39.02 1.00  
  Center Grove Hohlt, Sam 12 2019 300 H 7. 39.11 3.00  
  Center Grove Hohlt, Trevor 12 2017 300 H 4. 38.69 6.00  
  Center Grove Jackson, Nic 11 2007 LJ 7. 21' 09 3.00  
  Center Grove Mason, Grant 11 2016 200 9. 22.38 1.00  
  Center Grove Mason, Grant 12 2017 100 4. 10.72 6.00  
  Center Grove Mason, Grant 12 2017 200 4. 21.73 6.00  
  Center Grove Messer, Garrett 12 2023 SP 6. 57' 06 1/2 4.00  
  Center Grove Montgomery, Kyle 12 2024 1600 6. 4:16.65 4.00  
  Center Grove Mudd, Austin 11 2010 800 1. 1:51.01 10.00  
  Center Grove Mudd, Austin 12 2011 800 1. 1:49.25 10.00  
  Center Grove Mudd, Austin 12 2011 1600 1. 4:03.00 10.00  
  Center Grove Pheifer, Carter 10 2022 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  Center Grove Pheifer, Carter 12 2024 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Center Grove Schwartz, Kyle 12 2011 400 7. 49.86 3.00  
  Center Grove Skelton, Tyler 11 2004 LJ 6. 22' 09 3/4 4.00  
  Center Grove Stapleton, Conner 10 2011 300 H 8. 38.96 2.00  
  Center Grove Stapleton, Conner 11 2012 300 H 3. 38.07 7.00  
  Center Grove Stapleton, Conner 12 2013 300 H 1. 37.26 10.00  
  Center Grove Stapleton, Grant 11 2014 800 9. 1:55.35 1.00  
  Center Grove Stockman, Mike 12 1999 800 9. 1:55.47 1.00  
  Center Grove Stoner, Nick 11 2010 100 2. 10.82 8.00  
  Center Grove Stoner, Nick 11 2010 200 6. 21.90 4.00  
  Center Grove Stoner, Nick 12 2011 100 1. 10.66 10.00  
  Center Grove Stoner, Nick 12 2011 200 1. 21.57 10.00  
  Center Grove Swift, Luke 11 2008 110 H 6. 14.61 4.00  
  Center Grove Swift, Luke 12 2009 110 H 3. 14.28 7.00  
  Center Grove Swift, Luke 12 2009 300 H 5. 38.45 5.00  
  Center Grove Tapak, Ben 11 2024 300 H 9. 39.24 1.00  
  Center Grove Teipen, Jon 12 1995 3200 3. 9:20.88 7.00  
  Center Grove Tidd, Cameron 10 2014 DT 6. 160' 10 4.00  
  Center Grove Tidd, Cameron 11 2015 DT 1. 190' 04 10.00  
  Center Grove Tidd, Cameron 12 2016 DT 1. 181' 11 10.00  
  Center Grove Veteto, Justin 11 2013 110 H 2. 14.24 8.00  
  Center Grove Veteto, Justin 11 2013 300 H 6. 38.19 4.00  
  Center Grove Veteto, Justin 12 2014 110 H 2. 14.16 8.00  
  Center Grove Veteto, Justin 12 2014 300 H 1. 36.85 10.00  
  Center Grove Wheat, Brandon 11 2021 100 5. 10.81 5.00  
  Center Grove Wheat, Brandon 11 2021 200 3. 21.98 7.00  
  Center Grove Wheat, Brandon 12 2022 200 4. 21.82 6.00  
  Center Grove Whitney, Jason 12 1991 DT 4. 163' 10 4.00  
  Center Grove 2011 400 R 5. 42.22 5.00  
  Center Grove 2013 400 R 6. 42.42 4.00  
  Center Grove 2015 400 R 3. 41.59 7.00  
  Center Grove 2016 400 R 7. 42.42 3.00  
  Center Grove 2017 400 R 9. 42.35 1.00  
  Center Grove 2021 400 R 2. 41.79 8.00  
  Center Grove 2024 400 R 2. 42.35 8.00  
  Center Grove 2011 1600 R 1. 3:14.40 10.00  
  Center Grove 2013 1600 R 2. 3:15.99 8.00  
  Center Grove 2014 1600 R 4. 3:18.95 6.00  
  Center Grove 2015 1600 R 3. 3:17.44 7.00  
  Center Grove 2016 1600 R 1. 3:18.66 10.00  
  Center Grove 2017 1600 R 2. 3:18.10 8.00  
  Center Grove 2018 1600 R 7. 3:19.76 3.00  
  Center Grove 2021 1600 R 6. 3:22.66 4.00  
  Center Grove 2022 1600 R 4. 3:20.72 6.00  
  Center Grove 2023 1600 R 1. 3:16.41 10.00  
  Center Grove 2024 1600 R 4. 3:17.70 6.00  
  Center Grove 2003 3200 R 7. 7:53.88 3.00  
  Center Grove 2004 3200 R 2. 7:45.30 8.00  
  Center Grove 2009 3200 R 6. 7:53.17 4.00  
  Center Grove 2022 3200 R 2. 7:42.91 8.00  
  Centerville Guffey, Kevin 12 1989 300 H 4. 38.07 4.00 3 7.50  
  Centerville Sandlin, Zach 11 2010 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Centerville Sandlin, Zach 12 2011 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Central Noble Favors, Dakota 10 2007 400 9. 48.79 1.00 2 7.00  
  Central Noble Hawn, Chad 12 1989 PV 3. 15' 06 6.00  
  Charlestown Combs, Chad 12 1993 400 6. 49.44 4.00 5 25.00  
  Charlestown Kemple, Adam 12 1997 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Charlestown Mitchell, Camran 10 2024 400 7. 49.22 3.00  
  Charlestown Ottersbach, Jacob 11 2022 110 H 5. 14.56 5.00  
  Charlestown Ottersbach, Jacob 12 2023 110 H 3. 14.48 7.00  
  Chester Twp. Swihart, Charles 12 1950 SP 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Chesterton Baffin, Dominic 12 2015 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00 54 254.00  
  Chesterton Bagby, Tim 12 1960 880 1. 1:56.5 5.00  
  Chesterton Bakaitis, Jeff 12 1993 LJ 5. 23' 01 1/4 5.00  
  Chesterton Barnewall, Kieran 11 2024 110 H 3. 14.32 7.00  
  Chesterton Canright, Warren 12 1944 100 4. 2.00  
  Chesterton Ciokoro, Ejiroghe 12 2017 200 2. 21.55 8.00  
  Chesterton Corzan, Braden 11 2017 100 6. 10.81 4.00  
  Chesterton Corzan, Braden 11 2017 200 3. 21.65 7.00  
  Chesterton Corzan, Braden 12 2018 400 1. 47.41 10.00  
  Chesterton Cutter, Ryan 12 2011 800 9. 1:55.07 1.00  
  Chesterton Eason, Leonard 12 1952 SP 5. 49 '04 1/2 1.00  
  Chesterton Edlen, Owen 11 2024 SP 8. 55' 10 1/2 2.00  
  Chesterton Evans, Dennis 12 1989 SP 6. 55' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Chesterton Fulton, Rick 12 1980 SP 2. 60' 06 8.00  
  Chesterton Fyock, Vance 12 1992 200 7. 22.89 3.00  
  Chesterton Galloway, Kody 12 2011 HJ 2. 6' 06 8.00  
  Chesterton Hodgson, Scott 12 1999 PV +7. 14' 06 2.50  
  Chesterton Humphrey, Gerald 11 1936 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Chesterton Kintzele, Jakob 11 2017 3200 5. 9:11.49 5.00  
  Chesterton Kotik, Paul 12 1992 800 2. 1:56.40 8.00  
  Chesterton Lewandowski, Joe 12 1993 SP 7. 57' 10 3.00  
  Chesterton Matthys, Rick 12 1990 HJ 5. 6' 07 2.00  
  Chesterton Nicholson, Dimitri 11 2019 100 8. 10.96 2.00  
  Chesterton Nover, Matt 11 1987 HJ 4. 6' 10 4.00  
  Chesterton Osborn, David  12 2010 3200 8. 9:16.05 2.00  
  Chesterton Pearman, Don 11 1972 Mile 2. 4:21.5 4.00  
  Chesterton Raffin, Ben 12 2018 PV 4. 15' 00 6.00  
  Chesterton Razo, Louie 11 2017 LJ 4. 22' 10 3/4 6.00  
  Chesterton Redman, Jason 11 1992 3200 8. 9:33.52 2.00  
  Chesterton Rhed, Lucas 12 2016 800 6. 1:55.89 4.00  
  Chesterton Smith, Brendan 12 1986 1600 1. 4:14.27 10.00  
  Chesterton Sullivan, Archie 11 2013 400 5. 48.30 5.00  
  Chesterton Troop, Joe 11 2012 400 3. 48.82 7.00  
  Chesterton Vrska, Steve 10 2000 3200 8. 9:24.81 2.00  
  Chesterton Vrska, Steve 12 2002 3200 7. 9:32.25 3.00  
  Chesterton West, Spencer 11 2003 SP 5. 57' 03 3/4 5.00  
  Chesterton West, Spencer 12 2004 SP 5. 57' 06 5.00  
  Chesterton Wheele, Andy 12 1993 PV 7. 14' 00 3.00  
  Chesterton Wynder, Steve 11 1968 2 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Chesterton Wynder, Steve 12 1969 2 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Chesterton Zosso, Justin 11 2011 PV 7. 15' 03 3.00  
  Chesterton Zosso, Justin 12 2012 PV +3. 15' 03 6.50  
  Chesterton 2016 400 R 6. 42.34 4.00  
  Chesterton 2017 400 R 3. 41.45 7.00  
  Chesterton 2004 1600 R 2. 3:18.32 8.00  
  Chesterton 2009 1600 R 3. 3:18.41 7.00  
  Chesterton 2010 1600 R 6. 3:19.74 4.00  
  Chesterton 2012 1600 R 7. 3:19.63 3.00  
  Chesterton 2013 1600 R 8. 3:20.52 2.00  
  Chesterton 2002 3200 R 6. 8:04.22 4.00  
  Chesterton 2010 3200 R 7. 7:52.89 3.00  
  Chesterton 2012 3200 R 3. 7:47.61 7.00  
  Chesterton 2013 3200 R 2. 7:43.79 8.00  
  Chesterton 2014 3200 R 1. 7:44.87 10.00  
  Christian Academy Futter, Caleb 12 2019 3200 2. 9:06.58 8.00 4 27.00  
  Christian Academy Pinckney, Alexander 12 2024 3200 9. 9:11.15 1.00  
  Christian Academy Stidam, Skylar 11 2017 3200 2. 9:09.69 8.00  
  Christian Academy Stidam, Skylar 12 2018 3200 1. 9:13.34 10.00  
  Churubusco Buroff, Riley 10 2021 400 9. 49.69 1.00 10 42.50  
  Churubusco Buroff, Riley 11 2022 400 5. 48.62 5.00  
  Churubusco Buroff, Riley 12 2023 400 2. 47.22 8.00  
  Churubusco Hogeston, Cody 12 1994 PV 7. 14' 00 3.00  
  Churubusco McClure, Austin 12 2013 SP 7. 55' 02 3/4 3.00  
  Churubusco Ott, Westen 10 2024 SP 3. 59' 04 3/4 7.00  
  Churubusco Smith, Ethan 11 2023 PV 6. 14' 09 4.00  
  Churubusco Wood, Sam 9 2017 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  Churubusco Wood, Sam 10 2018 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Churubusco Wood, Sam 11 2019 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Clarksville Cobb, Todd 11 1986 HJ 4. 6' 08 4.00 5 32.00  
  Clarksville Cobb, Todd 12 1987 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Clarksville Masters, Ryan 12 2007 100 2. 10.74 8.00  
  Clarksville Masters, Ryan 12 2007 200 3. 21.61 7.00  
  Clarksville Tobin, Alan 12 1996 3200 7. 9:32.77 3.00  
  Clay Twp. (Bunker Hill) Stambaugh, Jack 11 1952 PV 2. 11' 09 4.00 1 4.00  
  Clayton Quinn, Wesley 12 1949 HJ +4. 1.50 1 1.50  
  Clinton Prairie Boesch, Chris 12 1997 1600 8. 4:25.48 2.00 3 6.00  
  Clinton Prairie Seager, Nick 12 2008 110 H 7. 14.74 3.00  
  Clinton Prairie Seager, Nick 12 2008 300 H 9. 39.59 1.00  
  Cloverdale Hinton, James 11 2009 LJ 5. 22' 03 5.00 1 5.00  
  Columbia City Cummins, Seth 11 1926 LJ 5. 1.00 23 56.97  
  Columbia City Cummins, Seth 12 1927 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Columbia City Deutsch, Gary 11 1955 PV +5. 0.50  
  Columbia City Deutsch, Gerald 11 1924 SP 3. 1.00  
  Columbia City Deutsch, Virgil 10 1926 PV +1. 11' 06 4.50  
  Columbia City Hall, Bryan 12 1994 DT 8. 165' 07 2.00  
  Columbia City Hesting, Liam 12 2019 DT 5. 167' 05 5.00  
  Columbia City Johnston, Thomas 10 1927 SP 3. 3.00  
  Columbia City Krider, Algernon 12 1922 SP +2. 2.00  
  Columbia City Leininger, Derek 12 2002 800 9. 1:57.66 1.00  
  Columbia City Lorber, Max 12 1920 PV +2. 1.00  
  Columbia City McFarland, Andrew 11 2015 400 3. 48.54 7.00  
  Columbia City McFarland, Andrew 12 2016 400 3. 48.69 7.00  
  Columbia City Parker, Jackson 11 2000 LJ 9. 21' 09 1/4 1.00  
  Columbia City Pence, Millard 12 1918 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Columbia City Phend, Dick 11 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Columbia City Phend, Donald 11 1953 PV +3. 1.20  
  Columbia City Phend, Donald 12 1954 PV +3. 2.50  
  Columbia City Ridge, Marcus 12 2024 1600 7. 4:16.86 3.00  
  Columbia City Rondeau, Donald 12 1953 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Columbia City Scharpenberg, Alex 10 2017 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.60  
  Columbia City Woodham, Gregory 12 1956 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Columbia City 1977 880 R 3. 1:29.9 6.00  
  Columbus Beikman, Denny 12 1958 120 H 5. 1.00 12 40.00  
  Columbus Hawk, Larry 11 1957 880 4. 2.00  
  Columbus Hawk, Larry 12 1958 880 4. 2.00  
  Columbus Howe, John 12 1952 440 1. 49.9 5.00  
  Columbus Nebesny, Andy 11 1971 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Columbus Steinwedel, Paul 12 1957 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Columbus Wille, Naverne 12 1955 Mile 1. 4:23.0 5.00  
  Columbus Yeley, Ed 11 1951 100 5. 1.00  
  Columbus Yeley, Ed 12 1952 100 4. 2.00  
  Columbus 1951 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Columbus 1952 880 R 1. 1:31.6 10.00  
  Columbus 1948 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Columbus East Brown, Roderick 12 2005 HJ +5. 6' 07 4.50 12 57.50  
  Columbus East Brown, Stephen 11 2005 100 7. 11.01 3.00  
  Columbus East Edds, Nick 12 2001 300 H 9. 39.57 1.00  
  Columbus East Kimmet, Jason 12 2014 400 6. 49.27 4.00  
  Columbus East Meyers, Rhett 12 2016 SP 5. 53' 07 3/4 5.00  
  Columbus East Meyers, Rhett 12 2016 DT 2. 180' 02 8.00  
  Columbus East O'Neal, TC 12 2017 LJ 3. 22' 11 1/2 7.00  
  Columbus East Pressley, Zac 11 2000 LJ 6. 22' 01 4.00  
  Columbus East Pressley, Zac 12 2001 200 8. 22.58 2.00  
  Columbus East Pressley, Zac 12 2001 LJ 5. 23' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Columbus East Wilson, Duwyce 12 2009 LJ 1. 22' 10 1/2 10.00  
  Columbus East 2009 400 R 6. 42.21 4.00  
  Columbus North Ballard, Chase 12 2015 3200 6. 9:14.61 4.00 46 241.33  
  Columbus North Bridges, Lee 11 1984 200 6. 21.97 1.00  
  Columbus North Bridges, Lee 11 1984 400 1. 48.49 10.00  
  Columbus North Bridges, Lee 12 1985 400 1. 47.42 10.00  
  Columbus North Bridges, Lucian 10 1985 200 3. 21.42 6.00  
  Columbus North Brueggemann, Thomas 12 2010 100 6. 10.93 4.00  
  Columbus North Burton, Mitchell 11 2016 LJ 5. 22' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Columbus North Burton, Mitchell 12 2017 LJ 8. 22' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Columbus North Carr, Andy 12 2014 3200 3. 9:13.50 7.00  
  Columbus North Clausen, Chris 12 2004 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  Columbus North Eaton, Kaden 12 2014 1600 9. 4:18.30 1.00  
  Columbus North Hamilton, Scott 11 1976 220 6. 22.3 1.00  
  Columbus North Hamilton, Scott 12 1977 100 5. 10.0 2.00  
  Columbus North Hamilton, Scott 12 1977 220 3. 21.8 6.00  
  Columbus North Herrmann, Mark 12 1979 DT 4. 173' 01 4.00  
  Columbus North Hladik, Bryan 12 2005 400 6. 48.99 4.00  
  Columbus North Hutton, Ryan 11 2002 1600 7. 4:23.25 3.00  
  Columbus North Hutton, Ryan 12 2003 3200 4. 9:17.00 6.00  
  Columbus North Kelsey, Christopher 11 2011 3200 7. 9:13.59 3.00  
  Columbus North Kelsey, Christopher 12 2012 3200 4. 9:06.43 6.00  
  Columbus North Kilbarger-Stumpff, Reese 11 2021 1600 2. 4:07.78 8.00  
  Columbus North Kilbarger-Stumpff, Reese 12 2022 1600 2. 4:09.56 8.00  
  Columbus North Krempel, Matt 12 2009 SP 7. 56' 03 1/4 3.00  
  Columbus North Mendez, Mateo 12 2023 800 5. 1:53.05   5.00  
  Columbus North Milroy, Ben 12 2004 3200 9. 9:20.79 1.00  
  Columbus North Nehring, Kyle 12 2005 DT 7. 166' 00 3.00  
  Columbus North Newell, Dan 11 1992 PV 7. 13' 09 3.00  
  Columbus North Newell, Matthew 12 2022 800 3. 1:53.26 7.00  
  Columbus North Pence, John 11 2007 3200 8. 9:18.65 2.00  
  Columbus North Pence, John 12 2008 3200 7. 9:20.58 3.00  
  Columbus North Russell, Will 12 2023 3200 8. 9:07.73 2.00  
  Columbus North Salee, Paul 12 2013 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Columbus North Smith, Tucker 9 2019 SP 2. 56' 09 3/4 8.00  
  Columbus North Smith, Tucker 11 2021 SP 1. 67' 11 1/4 10.00  
  Columbus North Smith, Tucker 12 2022 SP 1. 66' 06 3/4 10.00  
  Columbus North Smith, Tucker 12 2022 DT 2. 170 '04 8.00  
  Columbus North Wagner, Christian 11 2003 1600 1. 4:07.11 10.00  
  Columbus North Wagner, Christian 11 2003 3200 1. 8:55.92 10.00  
  Columbus North Wagner, Christian 12 2004 1600 1. 4:13.58 10.00  
  Columbus North Wagner, Christian 12 2004 3200 1. 9:04.45 10.00  
  Columbus North Ware, Erik 12 1988 110 H 4. 14.48 4.00  
  Columbus North Winters, Barry 12 1986 SP 6. 56' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Columbus North Winters, Barry 12 1986 DT 3. 159' 10 6.00  
  Columbus North 2011 3200 R 3. 7:46.98 7.00  
  Columbus North 2022 3200 R 1. 7:37.90 * 10.00  
  Columbus North 2023 3200 R 7. 7:54.14 3.00  
  Concannon House, Donald 12 1959 Mile 4. 2.00 2 7.00  
  Concannon Keeler, Irvin 12 1938 HJ 1. 6' 00 5.00  
  Concord Bass, Grant 12 2012 300 H 7. 38.95 3.00 30 130.00  
  Concord Blocher, Dennis 12 1963 PV 4. 12' 08 2.00  
  Concord Borglum, Eric 12 1982 DT 6. 153' 05 1.00  
  Concord Glassburn, Dave 12 1983 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Concord Gordon, Shane 9 1993 400 9. 49.67 1.00  
  Concord Headrick, Jeff 12 1997 3200 4. 9:29.25 6.00  
  Concord Huber, Matt 12 1998 300 H 9. 38.37 1.00  
  Concord Lattimer, Brian 12 1981 PV 3. 14' 06 6.00  
  Concord Martin, Daniel 10 1998 300 H 2. 37.72 8.00  
  Concord Martin, Daniel 11 1999 300 H 1. 37.43 10.00  
  Concord Martin, Daniel 12 2000 300 H 2. 37.81 8.00  
  Concord Moon, Joseph 12 2024 100 7. 11.00 3.00  
  Concord Myers, Jim 12 1996 DT 5. 177' 02 5.00  
  Concord Parker, LeVon 12 2003 LJ 7. 21' 09 3.00  
  Concord Reynolds, Rod 12 1976 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Concord Rice, Jamyris 11 2019 110 H 9. 17.86 1.00  
  Concord Smith, Lon 11 1995 300 H 5. 38.28 5.00  
  Concord Smith, Lon 12 1996 300 H 5. 37.70 5.00  
  Concord Spriggs, Jason 12 2012 DT 6. 168' 01 4.00  
  Concord Yoder, Anthony 10 2009 300 H 6. 38.47 4.00  
  Concord Yoder, Anthony 11 2010 300 H 3. 38.88 7.00  
  Concord 2018 400 R 8. 42.55 2.00  
  Concord 2024 400 R 7. 42.50 3.00  
  Concord 1996 1600 R 4. 3:21.69 6.00  
  Concord 2000 1600 R 4. 3:20.93 6.00  
  Concord 2002 1600 R 5. 3:21.45 5.00  
  Concord 2011 1600 R 6. 3:19.39 4.00  
  Concord 2002 3200 R 9. 8:06.29 1.00  
  Concord 2010 3200 R 6. 7:52.67 4.00  
  Concord 2011 3200 R 6. 7:51.00 4.00  
  Connersville Butler, George 10 1925 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00 25 92.70  
  Connersville Butler, George 11 1926 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Connersville Cooper, Mike 12 1975 HJ 3. 6' 06 6.00  
  Connersville Cox, Phil 11 1971 HJ 3. 6' 06 3.00  
  Connersville Craig, Rod 12 1991 LJ 2. 23' 04 1/2 8.00  
  Connersville Crosson, Todd 11 1982 3200 5. 9:16.27 2.00  
  Connersville Crosson, Todd 12 1983 3200 3. 9:21.98 6.00  
  Connersville Custer, John 12 1924 HJ +3. 5' 08 0.20  
  Connersville Dillingham, Allen 10 1931 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Connersville Dillingham, Allen 11 1932 HJ +1. 6' 00 7/8 4.50  
  Connersville Flint, Dale 11 1921 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Connersville Flint, Dale 12 1922 Mile (R1) 1. 4:40.8 5.00  
  Connersville Foster, Marshall 11 1992 400 5. 49.08 5.00  
  Connersville Horrall, Sam 10 1922 440 (R1) 1. 54.0 5.00  
  Connersville Horrall, Stanley 11 1924 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Connersville King, Christopher 12 2001 SP 8. 53' 10 1/2 2.00  
  Connersville Knorr, Andy 12 1992 3200 5. 9:29.93 5.00  
  Connersville Luckett, Merle 11 1922 220 3. 1.00  
  Connersville Luckett, Merle 12 1923 220 1. 23.2 5.00  
  Connersville Luckett, Merle 12 1923 440 (R2) 1. 53.3 5.00  
  Connersville Morehead, Craig 12 2001 DT 6. 166' 05 4.00  
  Connersville Nicholson, Eric 12 1990 400 5. 49.39 2.00  
  Connersville Sweet, Parker 11 2022 110 H 9. 14.98 1.00  
  Connersville Taylor, Dan 12 1984 3200 2. 9:25.52 8.00  
  Connersville 1990 1600 R 4. 3:24.03 4.00  
  Corydon Didelot, Orlin 12 1936 880 (R1) 5. 1.00 3 6.50  
  Corydon Windish, George 10 1939 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Corydon 1939 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Corydon Central Adams, Jeff 12 2000 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00 12 42.75  
  Corydon Central Combs, Quentin 12 2003 LJ 8. 21' 08 1/4 2.00  
  Corydon Central Marshall, Camden 12 2021 1600 1. 4:07.31 10.00  
  Corydon Central Noe, Meryl 12 1962 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.25  
  Corydon Central Pister, Aaron 11 1997 HJ +7. 6' 04 2.00  
  Corydon Central Pister, Aaron 12 1998 HJ 8. 6' 04 2.00  
  Corydon Central Pister, Ben 10 1994 HJ +6. 6' 06 2.50  
  Corydon Central Pister, Ben 11 1995 HJ 7. 6' 07 3.00  
  Corydon Central Pister, Ben 12 1996 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Corydon Central Taylor, Levi 12 2013 3200 8. 9:17.28 2.00  
  Corydon Central Zimmerman, Kerry 11 1978 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/2 1.00  
  Corydon Central Zimmerman, Kerry 12 1979 LJ 4. 22' 09 1/4 4.00  
  Covenant Christian (DeMotte) Bakker, Carson 12 2019 800 5. 1:53.12 5.00 1 5.00  
  Covington Bunnell, Shane 12 1995 800 7. 1:55.63 3.00 1 3.00  
  Cowan Dotson, Perry 12 1978 120 H 6. 14.5 1.00 1 1.00  
  Crawford County Beals, Travis 11 1993 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00 3 18.00  
  Crawford County Beals, Travis 12 1994 300 H 6. 38.28 4.00  
  Crawford County Beals, Travis 12 1994 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Crawfordsville Berard, Dirk 11 1972 Mile 3. 4:22.1 3.00 40 119.33  
  Crawfordsville Bridwell, Brent 12 1999 HJ +9. 6' 04 0.33  
  Crawfordsville Britton, Harry 12 1938 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Britton, Harry 12 1938 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, David 10 1968 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, David 10 1968 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, David 11 1969 HJ 1. 6' 07 6.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, David 11 1969 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, David 12 1970 LJ 1. 23' 01 1/2 6.00  
  Crawfordsville Churchill, Phil 12 1971 HJ 1. 6' 07 6.00  
  Crawfordsville Dennison, Clint 11 1972 HJ 2. 6' 03 1/4 4.00  
  Crawfordsville Dennison, Clint 12 1973 HJ 2. 6' 05 1/2 8.00  
  Crawfordsville Dinwiddie, Ernest 10 1921 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Dinwiddie, Ernest 11 1922 440 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Dinwiddie, Hugh 11 1919 100 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Dinwiddie, Hugh 11 1919 220 1. 24.0 5.00  
  Crawfordsville Eagleson, Ernest 11 1914 LJ 1. 20' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Crawfordsville Frees, John 12 1941 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Crawfordsville Good, Edgar 11 1912 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Gould, Philetus 11 1912 100 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Gray, Bernard 12 1931 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Kennedy, Maurice 12 1919 440 1. 54.8 5.00  
  Crawfordsville McAlvey, George 11 1913 220 H 1. 28.0 5.00  
  Crawfordsville McAlvey, George 12 1914 220 H 1. 28.6 5.00  
  Crawfordsville Nicholson, Lawrence 10 1912 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Nicholson, Lawrence 12 1914 880 2. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Patterson, Maurice 11 1918 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Patterson, Maurice 12 1919 120 H 1. 17.2 5.00  
  Crawfordsville Swarat, Don 10 1941 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Swarat, Don 12 1943 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Turner, John 1918 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Crawfordsville Wilhite, Pat 12 1983 100 5. 10.96 2.00  
  Crawfordsville Wisehart, Lloyd 10 1913 DT 3. 1.00  
  Crawfordsville Wisehart, Lloyd 11 1914 DT 1. 105' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Crawfordsville 1912 Mile R 2. -  
  Crawfordsville 1913 Mile R 1. 3:43.8 -  
  Crawfordsville 1917 Mile R 2. -  
  Crawfordsville 1918 Mile R 1. 3:42.0 -  
  Crawfordsville 1919 Mile R 1. 3:40.4 -  
  Crawfordsville 1942 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Crown Point Allman, John 12 1915 Mile 2. 3.00 51 188.83  
  Crown Point Bruce, Robert 12 1918 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Crown Point Doty, Dan 12 1980 300 H 3. 37.49 6.00  
  Crown Point Elting, Edwin 12 1919 PV +3. 0.33  
  Crown Point Feder, Tom 12 1983 3200 5. 9:27.27 2.00  
  Crown Point Grady, Troy 11 2014 110 H 9. 14.83 1.00  
  Crown Point Hanlon, Matthew 11 2018 400 8. 49.10 2.00  
  Crown Point Hanlon, Matthew 12 2019 400 2. 47.89 8.00  
  Crown Point Hein, Stephen 12 2006 1600 3. 4:16.56 7.00  
  Crown Point Hein, Stephen 12 2006 3200 9. 9:23.08 1.00  
  Crown Point Horst, William 12 1932 SP 5. 1.00  
  Crown Point Hudi, Randall 12 2008 LJ 8. 21' 11 1/4 2.00  
  Crown Point Hulen, Weston 11 2023 800 9. 1:54.52 1.00  
  Crown Point Keilman, David 12 1969 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Crown Point Kelly, Jordan 11 2012 PV 9. 14' 00 1.00  
  Crown Point Kelly, Scott 11 1986 800 4. 1:54.84 4.00  
  Crown Point Kessler, Mitchell 11 2014 SP 9. 55' 07 3/4 1.00  
  Crown Point Kessler, Mitchell 12 2015 SP 1. 58' 11 1/2 10.00  
  Crown Point Koch, Logan 12 2008 1600 8. 4:24.66 2.00  
  Crown Point Kral, Tyler 12 2012 SP 8. 54' 07 2.00  
  Crown Point Lambert, Greg 10 1978 Mile 6. 4:16.8 1.00  
  Crown Point Lambert, Greg 11 1979 Mile 6. 4:18.80 1.00  
  Crown Point Malaski, Seamus 11 2023 SP 8. 57' 04 1/4 2.00  
  Crown Point Malaski, Seamus 11 2023 DT 1. 187' 08 10.00  
  Crown Point Malaski, Seamus 12 2024 SP 4. 58' 02 1/2 6.00  
  Crown Point Malaski, Seamus 12 2024 DT 5. 169' 10 5.00  
  Crown Point Miller, Denzell 12 2009 300 H 7. 38.53 3.00  
  Crown Point Mumaw, Matt 12 1994 SP 8. 56' 07 3/4 2.00  
  Crown Point Rawlings, Mike 12 1978 880 1. 1:51.1 10.00  
  Crown Point Roman, Andrew 11 2022 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Crown Point Roman, Isaac 9 2024 PV +6. 15' 00 3.50  
  Crown Point Rowe, Brad 11 1977 2 Mile 1. 9:10.4 10.00  
  Crown Point Rowe, Brad 12 1978 2 Mile 1. 9:07.4 10.00  
  Crown Point Rudolph, Joseph 12 1905 PV 1. 10' 06 5.00  
  Crown Point Ryan, Nick 12 2018 LJ 1. 23' 05 1/2 10.00  
  Crown Point Schuster, Brady 12 2009 400 7. 48.77 3.00  
  Crown Point Shoemaker, Garret 12 2016 200 7. 22.21 3.00  
  Crown Point Shoemaker, Garret 12 2016 LJ 9. 22' 01 1.00  
  Crown Point Stonex, Wilber 12 1907 PV 2. 3.00  
  Crown Point Wilber, Neal 11 1984 1600 6. 4:20.13 1.00  
  Crown Point Young, Ralph 10 1907 DT 2. 3.00  
  Crown Point Young, Ralph 10 1907 HT 1. 133' 09 5.00  
  Crown Point 2012 400 R 9. 42.62 1.00  
  Crown Point 2013 400 R 3. 41.94 7.00  
  Crown Point 2014 400 R 9. 42.77 1.00  
  Crown Point 2016 400 R 5. 42.34 5.00  
  Crown Point 2013 1600 R 7. 3:20.32 3.00  
  Crown Point 2012 3200 R 8. 7:53.31 2.00  
  Crown Point 2013 3200 R 3. 7:44.60 7.00  
  Crown Point 2016 3200 R 9. 7:56.81 1.00  
  Crown Point 2021 3200 R 7. 8:00.38 3.00  
  Culver Crossland, George 12 1909 440 3. 1.00 8 18.33  
  Culver Crossland, George 12 1909 880 2. 3.00  
  Culver Crouch, Chance 11 1926 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Culver Dillon, Arthur 11 1909 PV +3. 9' 10 1/4 0.33  
  Culver Henderson, Wendell 11 1925 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Culver Weiger, Vern 12 1941 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Culver Whitted, David 11 1926 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Culver Whitted, David 11 1926 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Culver Academies Arroyo, Alejandro 12 2010 3200 3. 9:08.40 7.00 14 41.50  
  Culver Academies Bird, Callaway 12 2018 800 9. 1:56.28 1.00  
  Culver Academies Bourdier, George 11 2021 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Culver Academies Bourdier, George 12 2022 PV 3. 15' 09 7.00  
  Culver Academies Burns, Eric 11 2015 LJ 9. 22' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Culver Academies Ching, Daniel 12 2009 300 H 9. 38.98 1.00  
  Culver Academies Johnson, Scott 11 1993 PV +8. 13' 06 1.50  
  Culver Academies Johnson, Scott 12 1994 PV +8. 13' 06 1.00  
  Culver Academies Lindholm, Ryan 12 1993 800 9. 1:57.68 1.00  
  Culver Academies Morrill, Dave 12 1978 2 Mile 3. 9:08.9 6.00  
  Culver Academies Smith, Donnie 12 2003 400 4. 49.19 6.00  
  Culver Academies Stants, Harry 12 1991 3200 6. 9:30.79 1.00  
  Culver Academies 2003 400 R 5. 42.36 5.00  
  Culver Academies 1998 3200 R 9. 7:59.04 1.00  
  Dale Brown, Jay 12 1966 2 Mile 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Dana Daugherty, Russ 12 1919 LJ 1. 20' 09 1/2 5.00 2 10.00  
  Dana Majors, Fred 12 1925 HJ 1. 5' 07 5.00  
  Danville Collins, Caden 11 2023 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00 12 50.00  
  Danville Collins, Caden 12 2024 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Danville Collins, Christian 12 2021 HJ 8. 6' 04 2.00  
  Danville Cox, Henry 12 1943 PV +1. 12' 00 1/2 4.50  
  Danville Flanagan, James 11 2001 SP 2. 57' 01 3/4 8.00  
  Danville Flanagan, James 12 2002 SP 5. 53' 10 1/2 5.00  
  Danville Freimanis, Anthony 11 2002 SP 4. 54' 01 1/2 6.00  
  Danville Herald, Jack 11 2024 3200 7. 9:04.80 3.00  
  Danville Murer, Brian 10 1988 DT 6. 170' 05 1.00  
  Danville Murer, Brian 11 1989 DT 3. 174' 03 6.00  
  Danville Murer, Brian 12 1990 DT 5. 177' 04 2.00  
  Danville Sharp, John 12 1952 PV +3. 11' 06 2.50  
  Darlington Conrad, Roy 12 1907 LJ 1. 21' 04 1/4 5.00 4 13.00  
  Darlington Morrison, Lester 12 1907 HJ +1. 5' 04 4.00  
  Darlington Morrison, Lester 12 1907 SP 3. 1.00  
  Darlington Wright, Roy 11 1969 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Decatur Central Belden, Robert 12 2008 SP 9. 54' 05 3/4 1.00 15 88.00  
  Decatur Central Belden, Robert 12 2008 DT 1. 185' 08 10.00  
  Decatur Central Brumback, Ryan 12 1998 200 5. 22.14 5.00  
  Decatur Central Eubanks, Jeffrey 12 1976 LJ 6. 22' 06 1.00  
  Decatur Central Gibson, Aaron 10 1993 DT 4. 168' 10 6.00  
  Decatur Central Gibson, Aaron 11 1994 SP 9. 56' 07 1/4 1.00  
  Decatur Central Gibson, Aaron 11 1994 DT 2. 176' 02 8.00  
  Decatur Central Greenwald, Josh 11 2006 DT 1. 180' 02 10.00  
  Decatur Central Greenwald, Josh 12 2007 DT 1. 188' 03 10.00  
  Decatur Central Harrington, Blayne 12 2018 100 5. 10.75 5.00  
  Decatur Central McNeil, Lukayus 10 2012 SP 3. 59' 01 7.00  
  Decatur Central McNeil, Lukayus 11 2013 SP 1. 61' 06 10.00  
  Decatur Central McNeil, Lukayus 12 2014 SP 6. 57' 02 1/2 4.00  
  Decatur Central Wilson, Troy 12 1994 100 2. 10.88 8.00  
  Decatur Central 1997 400 R 8. 43.05 2.00  
  DeKalb Beckmann, Mark 11 2014 3200 9. 9:16.90 1.00 28 136.50  
  DeKalb Beckmann, Mark 12 2015 3200 9. 9:15.68 1.00  
  DeKalb Bowers, Cal 12 1991 SP 2. 57' 10 8.00  
  DeKalb Bowers, Derrick 11 1992 110 H 8. 14.54 2.00  
  DeKalb Brown, Isaac 11 2017 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  DeKalb Brown, Isaac 12 2018 HJ 6. 6' 07 4.00  
  DeKalb Grate, Marshall 11 1973 Mile 6. 4:18.2 1.00  
  DeKalb Johnson, Ryan  11 2000 1600 2. 4:18.21 8.00  
  DeKalb Johnson, Ryan  12 2001 1600 9. 4:20.73 1.00  
  DeKalb Kempf, Jan 12 1969 180 H 2. 4.00  
  DeKalb Miller, Matt 12 1998 800 2. 1:55.39 8.00  
  DeKalb Miller, Patrick 11 1995 800 6. 1:55.39 4.00  
  DeKalb Miller, Patrick 12 1996 800 5. 1:56.46 5.00  
  DeKalb Morrow, Nate 12 2008 3200 5. 9:18.41 5.00  
  DeKalb Pepple, Ron 11 1982 3200 6. 9:18.29 1.00  
  DeKalb Pepple, Ron 12 1983 3200 4. 9:25.48 4.00  
  DeKalb Shankster, Jeremy 11 1992 800 5. 1:57.04 5.00  
  DeKalb Shankster, Jeremy 12 1993 800 2. 1:54.66 8.00  
  DeKalb Snyder, Chase 11 2011 DT 7. 174' 04 3.00  
  DeKalb Sunderland, Curt 11 2004 HJ +5. 6' 06 3.50  
  DeKalb Sunderland, Curt 12 2005 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  DeKalb Treesh, Taylor 12 2001 DT 1. 182' 03 10.00  
  DeKalb VanOrt, Kaleb 11 2001 3200 4. 9:16.87 6.00  
  DeKalb VanOrt, Kaleb 12 2002 1600 4. 4:19.93 6.00  
  DeKalb Washler, Jason 12 1992 3200 6. 9:32.35 4.00  
  DeKalb Wilson, Ken 11 1971 180 H 1. 19.4 6.00  
  DeKalb Wilson, Ken 12 1972 180 H 2. 19.4 4.00  
  DeKalb 1996 3200 R 1. 7:53.00 10.00  
  Delphi Cowdin, Richard 12 1949 HJ +2. 3.50 12 26.50  
  Delphi Hamling, John 11 1920 440 2. 3.00  
  Delphi Popejoy, Charles 10 1928 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Delphi Popejoy, Charles 11 1929 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Delphi Popejoy, Charles 12 1930 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Delphi Redding, Floyd 12 1937 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Delphi Smock, John 11 1925 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Delphi Smock, John 12 1926 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Delphi Weaver, Mainord 11 1938 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Delphi Weaver, Mainord 12 1939 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Delphi 1915 Mile R 2. -  
  Delphi 1935 Mile R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Delta Bechdolt, Mason 10 2013 110 H 9. 14.81 1.00 13 53.00  
  Delta Bechdolt, Mason 11 2014 110 H 3. 14.28 7.00  
  Delta Bechdolt, Mason 12 2015 110 H 2. 14.02 8.00  
  Delta Bixby, John 11 1979 2 Mile 6. 1.00  
  Delta Bixby, John 12 1980 3200 4. 9:12.90 4.00  
  Delta Crumes, BJ 11 2000 400 6. 49.60 4.00  
  Delta Dillon, Tyler 12 2024 800 9. 1:56.28 1.00  
  Delta Shunk, Adam 11 1997 HJ +7. 6' 04 2.00  
  Delta Shunk, Adam 12 1998 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Delta Stitt, Abram 10 2021 LJ 6. 22' 03 1/4 4.00  
  Delta Stitt, Abram 11 2022 LJ 3. 22' 11 7.00  
  Delta 2023 400 R 8. 41.97 2.00  
  Delta 2022 1600 R 6. 3:21.27 4.00  
  DeMotte DeYoung, Roger 12 1952 120 H 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Dunkirk Brown, Jeffrey 11 1973 180 H 6. 20.0 1.00 4 13.00  
  Dunkirk Brown, Jeffrey 12 1974 120 H 5. 14.5 2.00  
  Dunkirk Brown, Jeffrey 12 1974 180 H 2. 19.4 8.00  
  Dunkirk Osborne, Melvin 11 1937 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Dyer Hartman, Clarence 12 1929 HJ +3. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Earl Park Budreau, Leonard 11 1935 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00 3 9.00  
  Earl Park Budreau, Leonard 12 1936 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Earl Park Schlater, Leon 12 1937 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  East Central Bertke, Mark 11 2016 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00 10 46.50  
  East Central Bertke, Mark 12 2017 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  East Central Kemper, Will 11 2024 DT 9. 158' 08 1.00  
  East Central Maxwell, Leo 11 2021 SP 4. 59' 08 6.00  
  East Central Maxwell, Leo 11 2021 DT 2. 175' 04 8.00  
  East Central Maxwell, Leo 12 2022 SP 5. 59' 02 3/4 5.00  
  East Central Olive, Corey 12 2009 300 H 1. 37.50 10.00  
  East Central Parris, Mark 12 1988 SP 1. 59' 03 10.00  
  East Central Record, Adam 11 2002 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  East Central 2009 1600 R 9. 3:20.27 1.00  
  East Chicago Central Askew, Willie 11 1987 400 1. 48.42 10.00 12 54.00  
  East Chicago Central Askew, Willie 12 1988 400 3. 48.84 6.00  
  East Chicago Central Burnett, TreQuan 11 2013 200 9. 22.85 1.00  
  East Chicago Central Daniels, Eric 12 2003 HJ 3. 6' 06 7.00  
  East Chicago Central Hill, Jonathan 12 2011 400 8. 49.89 2.00  
  East Chicago Central Holloway, Keino 12 1990 110 H 1. 14.15 10.00  
  East Chicago Central Lloyd, Kenneth 11 2012 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.00  
  East Chicago Central Lloyd, Kenneth 12 2013 HJ 3. 6' 06 7.00  
  East Chicago Central Norman, Michael 12 1987 200 6. 22.37 1.00  
  East Chicago Central 2012 400 R 6. 42.39 4.00  
  East Chicago Central 2011 1600 R 8. 3:19.76 2.00  
  East Chicago Central 2019 1600 R 8. 3:20.75 2.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Byron, Rudolph 11 1955 LJ 5. 1.00 16 37.46  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Forbes, James 12 1938 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Fountain, James 12 1960 Mile 5. 1.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Geiser, Richard 12 1943 120 H 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Jimerson, Larry 12 1961 SP 3. 54' 09 3/4 3.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Kaminsky, William 12 1938 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Krupa, Stanley 11 1934 220 H 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Ottenheimer, Lester 11 1941 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Sefton, Jack 11 1941 120 H 3. 3.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Sitko, John 9 1930 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Turner, Hiawatha 12 1972 100 4. 9.9 2.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Valentino, Tony 11 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Valentino, Tony 12 1945 PV +4. 0.60  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Williams, Louis 10 1953 LJ 1. 22' 01 3/8 5.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Williams, Louis 11 1954 100 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Roosevelt Williams, Louis 11 1954 LJ 1. 22' 00 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Angelich, Michael 12 1939 200 H 3. 3.00 43 162.10  
  East Chicago Washington Battle, Fletcher 12 1952 HJ +5. 5' 10 1/2 0.50  
  East Chicago Washington Blake, Joseph 11 1962 SP 5. 51' 11 1/2 1.00  
  East Chicago Washington Bozeman, Donald 12 1953 LJ 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington Buggs, Travis 12 1952 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Cohen, Stephen  12 1957 SP 4. 51' 01 1/2 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington Gillis, Henry 12 1950 120 H 1. 15.0 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Gonzales, Richard 11 1944 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington Greichunos, Edward 12 1941 LJ 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Halliday, Charles 11 1952 180 H 3. 3.00  
  East Chicago Washington Harris, Bennie  9 1956 LJ 1. 21' 07 1/4 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Harris, Bennie  10 1957 LJ 2. 21' 10 1/8 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Henderson, Jacob 10 1966 120 H 5. 1.00  
  East Chicago Washington Hunter, Wallace 12 1974 HJ 6. 6' 05 1.00  
  East Chicago Washington Jackson, Harrington 12 1966 100 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Jackson, Harrington 12 1966 220 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Johnson, Dale 12 1971 440 1. 49.1 6.00  
  East Chicago Washington Pickett, Frank 12 1968 180 H 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 9 1960 100 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 9 1960 220 5. 1.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 10 1961 100 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 10 1961 220 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 11 1962 220 1. 21.6 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 12 1963 100 1. 9.6 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Rivers, Bernard 12 1963 220 1. 21.3 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Roberts, Jackie 12 1975 120 H 3. 14.3 6.00  
  East Chicago Washington Roberts, Jackie 12 1975 180 H 2. 19.5 8.00  
  East Chicago Washington Robinson, Clarence 11 1961 LJ 2. 22' 07 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Siegle, Julius 12 1941 100 1. 10.5 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Siegle, Julius 12 1941 220 4. 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington Smoljan, Walter 11 1940 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Sullivan, Nathaniel 12 1967 120 H 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Thomas, John  1930 HJ +4. 0.60  
  East Chicago Washington Tyson, Henry 12 1947 HJ 1. 6' 01 7/8 5.00  
  East Chicago Washington Walton, Monroe 11 1928 220 H 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Winbush, William 12 1967 180 H 2. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington Wright, Roderick 9 1966 LJ 4. 22' 11 1/4 2.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1986 400 R 6. 43.38 1.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1941 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1954 880 R 4. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1960 880 R 4. 4.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1961 880 R 1. N/A 10.00  
  East Chicago Washington 1968 880 R 4. 4.00  
  East Noble Bloom, Kevin 11 2008 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00 24 87.00  
  East Noble Bloom, Kevin 12 2009 HJ 6. 6' 07 4.00  
  East Noble Brown, Dan  11 1993 SP 9. 56' 11 1/2 1.00  
  East Noble Chandler, Kevin 11 1997 1600 6. 4:24.15 4.00  
  East Noble Foote, Ralph 12 1967 2 Mile 3. 3.00  
  East Noble Gater, David 12 2001 100 9. 10.94 1.00  
  East Noble Gater, David 12 2001 200 7. 22.35 3.00  
  East Noble Gater, Jordan 10 2009 100 9. 10.91 1.00  
  East Noble Gater, Jordan 10 2009 200 6. 22.46 4.00  
  East Noble Gienger, Jim 12 1981 LJ 6. 21' 11 1/2 1.00  
  East Noble Kammerer, Klint 11 2000 SP 8. 55' 03 1/2 2.00  
  East Noble Kammerer, Klint 12 2001 DT 8. 163' 00 2.00  
  East Noble Krock, Tony 12 2005 1600 8. 4:18.27 2.00  
  East Noble Mueller, Nathan 12 2011 110 H 5. 14.50 5.00  
  East Noble Mueller, Nathan 12 2011 300 H 1. 38.24 10.00  
  East Noble Painter, Joe 11 2019 PV 6. 14' 09 4.00  
  East Noble Ritchie, Jack 11 1968 120 H 5. 1.00  
  East Noble Thrapp, Gary 11 1967 PV 5. 1.00  
  East Noble Thrapp, Gary 12 1968 PV 1. 15' 00 1/2 6.00  
  East Noble Yoder, Phil 10 1997 3200 9. 9:42.46 1.00  
  East Noble Yoder, Phil 11 1998 3200 2. 9:16.42 8.00  
  East Noble Yoder, Phil 12 1999 3200 1. 9:06.69 10.00  
  East Noble Yuska, Phil 12 1984 PV 1. 15' 06 10.00  
  East Noble 1996 3200 R 8. 8:05.12 2.00  
  Eastbrook Dalton, Clay 12 2019 SP 7. 53' 04 3.00 4 16.00  
  Eastbrook Neideck, Joshua 12 2014 800 3. 1:53.90 7.00  
  Eastbrook Roush, Tony 12 1992 DT 6. 157' 03 4.00  
  Eastbrook White, Connor 12 2018 1600 8. 4:15.90 2.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Ashcraft, Jeremy 11 1993 PV 3. 14' 06 7.00 7 44.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Ashcraft, Jeremy 12 1994 PV 1. 15' 00 10.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Cole, Grant 12 2013 LJ 1. 23' 05 1/4 10.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Donson, Blake 11 2010 DT 6. 169' 02 4.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Jackson, Kevin 12 2010 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Lawson, Robert 12 1951 880 3. 3.00  
  Eastern (Greentown) Swan, Kenny 12 1990 PV 5. 15' 00 2.00  
  Eastern (Pekin) Eberle, Brandon 11 2016 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00 4 18.60  
  Eastern (Pekin) Eberle, Brandon 12 2017 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.60  
  Eastern (Pekin) Wilson, James 11 1982 800 2. 1:54.08 8.00  
  Eastern (Pekin) Wolf, Tevin 12 2013 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Eastside Sebert, Dane 11 2023 DT 9. 166' 09 1.00 4 18.00  
  Eastside Sebert, Dane 12 2024 SP 2. 61' 07 8.00  
  Eastside Sebert, Dane 12 2024 DT 3. 172' 07 7.00  
  Eastside Thompson, Jacob 12 2017 DT 8. 159' 02 2.00  
  Edgewood Haskett, Austin 12 2019 1600 7. 4:15.10 3.00 9 37.00  
  Edgewood Martin, Cory 11 2002 DT 6. 164' 01 4.00  
  Edgewood Martin, Cory 12 2003 SP 2. 61' 08 8.00  
  Edgewood Martin, Cory 12 2003 DT 1. 174' 00 10.00  
  Edgewood McGlothlin, Jonathan 11 2019 400 9. 49.19 1.00  
  Edgewood Miller, Andrew 12 1999 DT 9. 155' 05 1.00  
  Edgewood Payne, Jeremy 12 1995 SP 3. 59' 04 1/4 7.00  
  Edgewood Warthan, Charles 11 1967 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Edgewood Warthan, Charles 12 1968 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Edison (East Gary) Jamison, Kenneth 12 1955 PV +2. 3.50 2 5.50  
  Edison (East Gary) Strachan, William 12 1962 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Adeline, Harold 12 1929 120 H 3. 3.00 140 481.71  
  Elkhart Anderson, Art 12 1919 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Elkhart Baker, Charles 10 1967 880 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Baker, Charles 11 1968 Mile 2. 4:08.9 4.00  
  Elkhart Baker, Charles 12 1969 Mile 1. 4:15.9 6.00  
  Elkhart Ball, Carroll 12 1929 100 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Ball, Carroll 12 1929 220 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Barnes, Erich 12 1954 880 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Bentz, Merle 12 1918 880 3. 1.00  
  Elkhart Best, Robert 12 1933 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Bock, Marvin 10 1928 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Bringle, Ray 12 1937 PV 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Brown, Robert  12 1940 100 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Brown, Robert  12 1940 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Carlson, Philip 12 1936 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Chaffee, Myron 12 1930 PV 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Chaffee, Robert 12 1960 PV 1. 12' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Elkhart Checkley, Joe 11 1952 SP 4. 49 '05 1/8 2.00  
  Elkhart Checkley, Joe 12 1953 SP 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Congdon, Vernon 12 1913 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Elkhart Courtney, Ray 12 1938 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart DeGraff, James 12 1953 880 1. 2:00.2 5.00  
  Elkhart Denman, Denny 12 1957 220 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Dinehart, Charles 11 1937 100 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Dinehart, Charles 11 1937 220 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Dotson, Gilbert 11 1931 880 (R2) 1. 2:02.8 5.00  
  Elkhart Dotson, Gilbert 12 1932 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Evans, Mason 9 1921 440 (R2) 1. 55.2 5.00  
  Elkhart Evans, Mason 12 1924 440 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Elkhart Fribley, Robert 11 1930 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Funk, Bernard 12 1929 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Glassburn, Doyne 12 1954 440 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Godfrey, Robert 12 1970 PV 3. 14' 08 1/4 3.00  
  Elkhart Gordon, Charles 11 1943 HJ +5. 0.25  
  Elkhart Hansborough, Clarence 12 1948 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Harris, C. William 10 1934 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Harris, C. William 11 1935 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Harris, C. William 12 1936 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Harris, C. William 12 1936 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Helfrick, Jack 11 1932 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Herrick, Robert 12 1970 440 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Hoffman, Leo 11 1945 440 (R1) 1. N/A 5.00  
  Elkhart Hunn, David 11 1931 PV +2. 3.50  
  Elkhart Hunn, David 12 1932 PV 1. 12' 07 5.00  
  Elkhart Jackson, Ted 11 1958 LJ 3. 22' 05 1/8 3.00  
  Elkhart Jackson, Ted 12 1959 LJ 1. 22' 03 5.00  
  Elkhart Johnson, Gordon 11 1927 440 (R2) 1. 51.6 5.00  
  Elkhart Johnson, Gordon 12 1928 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Kauffman, Jay 12 1939 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Keene, Ober 12 1924 440 (R2) 1. 54.0 5.00  
  Elkhart Knapp, Donald 11 1906 220 H 1. 28.6 5.00  
  Elkhart Lands, Fred 11 1966 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Lands, Fred 12 1967 2 Mile 1. 9:23.9 6.00  
  Elkhart Leers, Robert 12 1970 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Malloy, Max 10 2023 1600 9. 4:15.36 1.00  
  Elkhart Markey, Harry 10 1925 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Markey, Harry 12 1927 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Milanese, Joseph 12 1935 PV +2. 3.50  
  Elkhart Miller, Cornelius 11 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Elkhart Miller, Cornelius 12 1960 HJ 1. 6' 04 5.00  
  Elkhart Montagano, Pat 12 1950 PV +2. 3.00  
  Elkhart Murray, Richard 11 1953 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Murray, Rick 10 1972 120 H 5. 14.6 1.00  
  Elkhart Parmater, Frank 11 1930 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Parmater, Frank 12 1931 220 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Parmater, Frank 12 1931 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Perez, Alex 12 1958 SP 5. 50' 01 1/2 1.00  
  Elkhart Pettit, Dan 11 1967 440 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Pettit, Patrick 12 1960 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Phillips, Barney 10 1932 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Phillips, Roger 12 1948 440 (R1) 1. 50.4 5.00  
  Elkhart Pletcher, Timm 12 1969 100 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Robinson, Billy 12 1955 440 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Sandberg, Allan 12 1965 PV +5. 13' 00 0.33  
  Elkhart Scott, Robert  12 1961 880 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Sellers, Bruce 12 1944 SP 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart Shaffer, George 12 1906 DT 2. 3.00  
  Elkhart Shaffer, George 12 1906 HT 2. 3.00  
  Elkhart Stock, Gordon 12 1945 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Stock, Harry 12 1937 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart Swihart, Dale 10 1938 PV +3. 1.50  
  Elkhart Swihart, Dale 12 1939 PV +1. 12' 03 4.50  
  Elkhart Teeters, Dale 10 1924 880 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Elkhart Teeters, Dale 11 1925 880 (R1) 1. 2:07.4 5.00  
  Elkhart Teeters, Dale 12 1926 880 (R2) 1. 2:04.0 5.00  
  Elkhart Terlep, Steve 12 1962 SP 2. 55' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Elkhart Harris, Trinton 12 2024 LJ 7. 21' 09 3/4 3.00  
  Elkhart Umbarger, Charles 11 1959 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart Umbarger, Charles 12 1960 Mile 1. 4:20.5 5.00  
  Elkhart Wagner, Carlyle 11 1921 880 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Elkhart Weiler, Emmanuel 12 1932 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart Woods, Derrick 12 2021 100 7. 10.89 3.00  
  Elkhart Yoder, Otho 12 1926 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart 2021 400 R 5. 42.24 5.00  
  Elkhart 1929 880 R (R1) 2. -  
  Elkhart 1930 880 R (R2) 1. 1:35.3 -  
  Elkhart 1931 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.5 5.00  
  Elkhart 1932 880 R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1933 880 R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart 1934 880 R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1935 880 R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1936 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1938 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Elkhart 1939 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1943 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1944 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1945 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1946 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1948 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1959 880 R 1. 1:30.6 10.00  
  Elkhart 1964 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1967 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1971 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1953 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Elkhart 1954 Mile R 1. 3:25.8 10.00  
  Elkhart 1955 Mile R 1. 3:25.1 10.00  
  Elkhart 1956 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1957 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1960 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1966 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1967 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Elkhart 1968 Mile R 1. N/A 10.00  
  Elkhart 1969 Mile R 1. 3:20.6 10.00  
  Elkhart 1970 Mile R 1. 3:21.1 10.00  
  Elkhart 1971 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1972 Mile R 4. 3:24.5 4.00  
  Elkhart 1924 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:38.5 -  
  Elkhart 1926 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:40.0 -  
  Elkhart 1930 Mile R (R2) 3. -  
  Elkhart 1931 Mile R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Elkhart 1932 Mile R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1933 Mile R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1934 Mile R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart 1935 Mile R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Elkhart 1936 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1937 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart 1944 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Elkhart 1946 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Elkhart 1947 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Elkhart 2024 3200 R 3. 7:54.38 7.00  
  Elkhart Central Beathea, Edward 12 1987 400 3. 49.66 6.00 58 292.25  
  Elkhart Central Becker, Timothy 12 1992 800 4. 1:56.90 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Bias, Wayne 12 1985 SP 4. 57' 02 3/4 4.00  
  Elkhart Central Cozort, Christopher 11 1993 800 1. 1:53.15 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Cozort, Christopher 11 1993 1600 2. 4:13.30 8.00  
  Elkhart Central Davis, Stanley 12 1993 100 3. 11.04 7.00  
  Elkhart Central Davis, Stanley 12 1993 200 6. 22.16 4.00  
  Elkhart Central Eastman, Tom 12 1973 DT 2. 161' 11 8.00  
  Elkhart Central Floyd, Jason 11 1997 1600 4. 4:21.55 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Froese, Samuel 12 1987 1600 4. 4:19.10 4.00  
  Elkhart Central Gordon, Shane 11 1995 400 9. 49.56 1.00  
  Elkhart Central Gordon, Shane 12 1996 100 5. 11.12 5.00  
  Elkhart Central Gordon, Shane 12 1996 200 1. 21.90 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Harris, Treyton 11 2014 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Elkhart Central Harris, Treyton 12 2015 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Elkhart Central Hence, James 12 1985 110 H 4. 14.22 4.00  
  Elkhart Central Hence, James 12 1985 300 H 3. 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Hence, James 12 1985 LJ 3. 23' 05 3/4 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Holt, Curtis 12 1997 110 H 4. 14.63 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Holt, Curtis 12 1997 300 H 7. 37.85 3.00  
  Elkhart Central Hunt, Bradley 11 1992 1600 7. 4:24.42 3.00  
  Elkhart Central Hunt, Bradley 12 1993 800 7. 1:57.00 3.00  
  Elkhart Central Kline, Roger 12 1974 2 Mile 6. 9:30.3 1.00  
  Elkhart Central Lefever, Benjamin 11 1994 HJ +6. 6' 06 2.50  
  Elkhart Central Light, Derek 12 1993 PV 5. 14' 03 5.00  
  Elkhart Central Munet, Nathan 12 2015 800 4. 1:54.12 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Palmer, Nathan 12 2007 200 8. 22.16 2.00  
  Elkhart Central Perez, Marcus 12 2004 LJ 3. 23' 02 7.00  
  Elkhart Central Rockenbaugh, Adam 12 2001 110 H 9. 15.86 1.00  
  Elkhart Central Sherck, Damian 10 1995 1600 8. 4:17.90 2.00  
  Elkhart Central Sherck, Damian 11 1996 1600 1. 4:14.44 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Sherck, Damian 12 1997 1600 1. 4:18.54 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Washington, Trellus 11 1992 100 4. 10.88 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Washington, Trellus 12 1993 100 1. 10.75 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Washington, Trellus 12 1993 200 1. 21.58 10.00  
  Elkhart Central Wiley, Quontrel 11 2008 110 H 4. 14.55 6.00  
  Elkhart Central Wiley, Quontrel 12 2009 110 H 2. 14.09 8.00  
  Elkhart Central Wilson, Brandon 11 1999 100 7. 10.99 3.00  
  Elkhart Central Wilson, Brandon 12 2000 100 9. 11.33 1.00  
  Elkhart Central Woodward, Aric 11 2002 800 8. 1:56.92 2.00  
  Elkhart Central Zimmerman, Doug 10 1974 PV 6. 13' 09 1.00  
  Elkhart Central 1983 400 R 3. 42.67 6.00  
  Elkhart Central 1991 400 R 5. 42.91 2.00  
  Elkhart Central 1992 400 R 2. 42.98 8.00  
  Elkhart Central 1993 400 R 1. 42.07 10.00  
  Elkhart Central 1995 400 R 1. 42.32 10.00  
  Elkhart Central 1996 400 R 2. 42.30 8.00  
  Elkhart Central 2003 400 R 8. 42.84 2.00  
  Elkhart Central 2004 400 R 3. 42.21 7.00  
  Elkhart Central 2007 400 R 6. 42.44 4.00  
  Elkhart Central 1985 1600 R 5. 3:23.98 2.00  
  Elkhart Central 1993 1600 R 7. 3:25.42 3.00  
  Elkhart Central 1994 1600 R 9. 3:24.04 1.00  
  Elkhart Central 1995 1600 R 6. 3:21.02 4.00  
  Elkhart Central 1998 1600 R 5. 3:21.74 5.00  
  Elkhart Central 1999 1600 R 4. 3:20.19 6.00  
  Elkhart Central 2008 1600 R 7. 3:20.35 3.00  
  Elkhart Central 2019 1600 R 6. 3:19.74 4.00  
  Elkhart Christian Wilkins-Maxwell, Desmond 12 2019 LJ 9. 22' 02 1/4 1.00 1 1.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Cummins, Matthew 10 2001 3200 5. 9:20.40 5.00 37 187.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Cummins, Matthew 12 2003 1600 4. 4:17.73 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Dye, Jaurice 10 2005 3200 8. 9:23.55 2.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Fearnow, Paul 12 2004 DT 4. 171' 11 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Halliburton, Devington 12 2008 300 H 4. 39.15 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Jordan, Aaron 12 2004 100 5. 10.85 5.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Jordan, Aaron 12 2004 200 1. 21.64 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Kramer, Blake 12 2014 1600 6. 4:17.46 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Mack, Jeremy 11 2008 110 H 8. 14.94 2.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Matovich, Rick 11 1974 SP 6. 55' 06 1.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Matovich, Rick 12 1975 SP 6. 57' 09 1.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Miller, Corey 11 2002 110 H 1. 14.21 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Millsaps, Davontae 11 2012 100 6. 10.88 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Millsaps, Davontae 12 2013 100 6. 11.00 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Munet, Albert 12 1990 800 1. 1:53.88 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Murray, Rick 12 1974 120 H 4. 14.5 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Murray, Rick 12 1974 LJ 1. 23' 03 3/4 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Nave, Anthony 11 1986 HJ 6. 6' 08 1.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Pedler, Bryan 11 2002 PV 5. 14' 06 5.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Pedler, Bryan 12 2003 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Price, Gregory 12 1973 SP 2. 61' 01 1/2 8.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Redmond, Jerry 12 1987 800 4. 1:54.22 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Roach, Peter 12 2009 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Ronzone, Matthew 11 1986 1600 3. 4:15.55 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Smith, Julius 11 2003 DT 7. 161' 11 3.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Smith, Julius 12 2004 DT 1. 174' 10 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Stow, Perry 11 1975 PV 4. 14' 00 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial Walker, Kelvin 12 1983 LJ 1. 24' 06 3/4 10.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 1995 400 R 4. 42.74 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2004 400 R 9. 42.72 1.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2008 400 R 6. 42.54 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 1998 1600 R 6. 3:21.78 4.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2006 1600 R 4. 3:16.90 6.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2012 1600 R 8. 3:20.66 2.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2013 1600 R 5. 3:20.21 5.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2006 3200 R 8. 7:55.31 2.00  
  Elkhart Memorial 2007 3200 R 9. 7:55.00 1.00  
  Elwood Ash, Robert 12 1923 120 H 3. 1.00 12 39.33  
  Elwood Ash, Robert 12 1923 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Elwood Burton, John 11 1964 PV 2. 13' 02 4.00  
  Elwood Burton, John 12 1965 PV +5. 13' 00 0.33  
  Elwood Courtney, Larry 12 1957 SP 2. 51' 11 3/4 4.00  
  Elwood Drake, Ron 12 1964 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Elwood Evans, Harold 11 1943 880 (R2) 1. 2:02.6 5.00  
  Elwood Evans, Harold 12 1944 880 (R1) 1. 1:59.0 5.00  
  Elwood Jones, Edmond 11 1924 Mile (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Elwood Riser, George 11 1929 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Elwood Virgil, Edward 12 1925 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Elwood Virgil, Edward 12 1925 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Etna Green Heisler, Larry 10 1959 SP 5. 51' 11 1.00 1 1.00  
  Evansville Lindsey, Bert 10 1913 100 3. 1.00 6 12.00  
  Evansville Lindsey, Bert 10 1913 440 2. 3.00  
  Evansville Schultz, Sellman 11 1916 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Evansville Schultz, Sellman 11 1916 220 2. 3.00  
  Evansville 1913 Mile R 2. -  
  Evansville 1914 Mile R 2. -  
  Evansville Bosse Bacon, Darrel 12 1994 200 9. 22.36 1.00 79 339.44  
  Evansville Bosse Barr, Hugh 11 1934 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Barr, Hugh 12 1935 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Boyd, James 12 1978 100 6. 10.1 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse Brazelton, Bruce 12 1958 440 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Clark, Bryant 11 1976 440 5. 48.8 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Coleman, Ed 12 1961 HJ +5. 6' 02 1/2 0.33  
  Evansville Bosse Detroy, Bill 12 1941 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse Doss, Theodore 12 1936 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Ely, James 12 1952 880 3. 2:00.4 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Fish, John 12 1927 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Frost, Harold 12 1939 HJ +1. 5' 11 1/4 4.50  
  Evansville Bosse Harper, Howard 12 2002 110 H 4. 14.44 6.00  
  Evansville Bosse Henderson, Paul 12 1952 220 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Hood, Jerome 12 2021 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Evansville Bosse Hunter, Ralph 12 1953 880 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse Ivy, Marcus 11 1991 200 2. 22.06 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse Ivy, Marcus 12 1992 200 3. 22.12 7.00  
  Evansville Bosse Jacobs, Mack 11 1993 200 5. 22.14 5.00  
  Evansville Bosse Jacobs, Mack 12 1994 200 1. 21.67 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse Kaiser, Vernon 12 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Evansville Bosse Kincaid, Tom 11 1948 PV +2. 2.50  
  Evansville Bosse Kincaid, Tom 12 1949 PV 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse King, Raymond 12 1982 LJ 3. 23' 04 6.00  
  Evansville Bosse Kuebler, Harold 10 1937 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse Kuebler, Harold 12 1939 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Landours, Dominique 12 1999 LJ 7. 21' 09 3/4 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Lockyear, Gene 12 1963 SP 1. 59' 04 5.00  
  Evansville Bosse Lyons, Hamilton 11 1931 SP 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Lyons, Hamilton 12 1932 SP 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse McKinney, Don 10 1938 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Mercer, Fred 10 1950 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse Mercer, Fred 11 1951 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Meyer, Robert 10 1938 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse Myers, James 11 1938 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse Noelting, Bernard 12 1941 100 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Noelting, Bernard 12 1941 220 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Porter, Kevin 11 2015 HJ 3. 6' 09 7.00  
  Evansville Bosse Porter, Kevin 12 2016 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Evansville Bosse Porter, Kevin 12 2016 LJ 7. 22' 02 1/4 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Riffert, Ronald 12 1992 400 4. 48.97 6.00  
  Evansville Bosse Siesky, Larry 11 1960 880 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Siesky, Larry 12 1961 880 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse Smith, Ronnie 12 1960 SP 1. 55' 05 1/4 5.00  
  Evansville Bosse Smith, Tracy 10 1993 800 8. 1:57.64 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse Smith, Tracy 11 1994 400 2. 47.92 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse Smith, Tracy 12 1995 400 1. 47.62 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse Snodgrass, Ronnie 12 1959 120 H 1. 14.6 5.00  
  Evansville Bosse Snodgrass, Ronnie 12 1959 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse Surles, Jonathan 12 1990 100 +3. 10.91 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse Williams, Adam  11 1997 200 7. 22.37 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Williams, Adam  12 1998 100 7. 11.05 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse Williams, Eugene 12 1969 440 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1982 400 R 6. 42.80 1.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1983 400 R 2. 42.36 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1984 400 R 5. 43.50 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1988 400 R 5. 42.90 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1989 400 R 2. 42.29 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1990 400 R 2. 41.79 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1991 400 R 2. 42.38 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1993 400 R 5. 42.79 5.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1994 400 R 1. 42.15 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1926 880 R (R1) 3. -  
  Evansville Bosse 1939 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1941 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.1 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1944 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1946 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1969 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1978 880 R 4. 1:29.7 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1933 Mile R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1938 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1940 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1952 Mile R 2. 3:27.2 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1958 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1965 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1991 1600 R 1. 3:18.08 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1992 1600 R 2. 3:18.86 8.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1993 1600 R 1. 3:16.06 10.00  
  Evansville Bosse 1994 1600 R 2. 3:20.45 8.00  
  Evansville Central Ashby, Donald 12 1960 LJ 1. 21' 07 1/2 5.00 53 208.67  
  Evansville Central Aydt, Malcolm 10 1930 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Central Bitzer, Andrew 12 2000 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Evansville Central Bowman, Jalen 11 2018 100 8. 10.98 2.00  
  Evansville Central Bowman, Jalen 11 2018 200 8. 22.11 2.00  
  Evansville Central Bowman, Jalen 12 2019 100 5. 10.85 5.00  
  Evansville Central Bowman, Jalen 12 2019 200 5. 21.76 5.00  
  Evansville Central Byers, Kenneth 11 1942 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Central Cuzzort, Larry 12 1976 2 Mile 3. 9:14.5 6.00  
  Evansville Central Dedmond, Max 11 2006 SP 6. 56' 02 4.00  
  Evansville Central Dedmond, Max 12 2007 SP 6. 55' 10 1/2 4.00  
  Evansville Central Dedmond, Max 12 2007 DT 6. 163' 09 4.00  
  Evansville Central Esters, DeWayne 11 1993 100 2. 10.90 8.00  
  Evansville Central Finott, Carlos 12 1999 100 5. 10.97 5.00  
  Evansville Central Hale, Hugh 12 1924 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  Evansville Central Helm, Frederick 12 2005 100 3. 10.72 7.00  
  Evansville Central Helm, Frederick 12 2005 200 7. 22.26 3.00  
  Evansville Central Hooten, Alexander 12 2022 1600 9. 4:15.87 1.00  
  Evansville Central Jack, Raymond 12 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Evansville Central Jones, Bill 12 1943 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Central Lewis, Norman 12 1965 LJ 2. 23' 02 4.00  
  Evansville Central Lindauer, Charles 11 1943 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Central Lindauer, Charles 12 1944 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Central Lindauer, Charles 12 1944 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Central Lutz, Frank (1) 10 1944 SP 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Central Lutz, Frank (1) 11 1945 SP 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Central Lutz, Frank (2) 11 1977 DT 3. 170' 05 6.00  
  Evansville Central Lutz, Frank (2) 12 1978 SP 6. 56' 10 1/2 1.00  
  Evansville Central Lutz, Frank (2) 12 1978 DT 6. 164' 09 1.00  
  Evansville Central Martin, Bill 12 1943 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Central McGuire, Forrest 11 1928 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Central McGuire, Forrest 12 1929 120 H 1. 17.1 5.00  
  Evansville Central McNary, Xavier 12 1992 100 5. 10.93 5.00  
  Evansville Central McNary, Xavier 12 1992 200 5. 22.62 5.00  
  Evansville Central Pearson, Kevin 12 1980 300 H 4. 37.76 4.00  
  Evansville Central Renfro, Adam 11 1980 3200 1. 9:05.29 10.00  
  Evansville Central Romerhaus, David 12 1952 440 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Central Russell, Burton 12 1925 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Central Stewart, Kyle 11 2019 LJ 3. 23' 06 1/4 7.00  
  Evansville Central Sullivan, Avion 10 2012 LJ 9. 21' 11 3/4 1.00  
  Evansville Central Sullivan, Avion 12 2014 100 9. 11.44 1.00  
  Evansville Central Sullivan, Avion 12 2014 LJ 4. 23' 00 1/2 6.00  
  Evansville Central Thomas, Otha 12 1961 LJ 1. 23' 03 1/2 5.00  
  Evansville Central Williams, Bobby 12 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Evansville Central Williams, Bryan 11 1994 PV 5. 14' 00 5.00  
  Evansville Central Zoll, Gilbert 11 1942 PV +2. 3.00  
  Evansville Central Zwilling, Jared 11 2004 DT 6. 167' 07 4.00  
  Evansville Central Zwilling, Jared 12 2005 SP 3. 58' 06 3/4 7.00  
  Evansville Central Zwilling, Jared 12 2005 DT 5. 167' 11 5.00  
  Evansville Central 2005 400 R 8. 42.65 2.00  
  Evansville Central 1942 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Central 1945 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Central 1956 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Alexander, John 12 1924 880 (R1) 1. 2:05.4 5.00 71 296.75  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Alexander, John 12 1924 Mile (R2) 1. 4:41.7 5.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Anderson, Larry 12 1999 400 7. 49.85 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Baize, Randy 11 2005 400 3. 48.74 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Baize, Randy 12 2006 400 6. 48.63 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Brandau, Albert 12 1946 220 5. 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Brown, Victor 11 1982 400 3. 48.82 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Brown, Victor 12 1983 400 1. 47.61 10.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Browning, Tyrone 10 1995 800 8. 1:55.69 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Browning, Tyrone 11 1996 800 3. 1:56.08 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Browning, Tyrone 12 1997 800 1. 1:54.73 10.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Canterbury, Jerry 11 1947 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Canterbury, Jerry 12 1948 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Conners, Mike 12 1967 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Cook, John 1939 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Cook, Malcolm 12 1949 440 1. 50.3 5.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Cook, Sylbert 12 1925 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Eickhoff, Brad 10 1999 100 3. 10.92 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Eickhoff, Brad 10 1999 200 6. 22.29 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Eickhoff, Brad 11 2000 100 3. 10.85 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Eickhoff, Brad 11 2000 200 5. 22.14 5.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Embry, Robert 11 1962 PV +5. 12' 03 0.25  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Fendrich, Jerry 12 1962 440 2. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Fingers, Demetrius 11 1998 LJ 8. 22' 02 3/4 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Fingers, Demetrius 12 1999 200 4. 22.19 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Fingers, Demetrius 12 1999 110 H 5. 14.62 5.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Flemming, Marlon 12 1975 SP 1. 61' 09 10.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Gard, David 12 1955 PV +2. 3.50  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Guest, Orlander 12 1979 880 6. 1:56.33 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Horne, Virgil 12 1959 440 5. 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Layden, Troy 12 1984 800 6. 1:57.35 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Lockhart, Bill 12 1949 220 3. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Madison, Anthony 11 1995 110 H 6. 14.70 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Maynard, William 11 2021 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Oakley, Edgar 12 1947 PV +2. 2.50  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Pickett, Bill 11 1967 PV 2. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Pickett, Bill 12 1968 PV 3. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Pinkston, Gil 11 1945 PV +2. 3.50  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Pinkston, Gil 12 1946 PV +2. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Riess, William 12 1941 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Rommel, Bill 12 1946 440 (R2) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Sammet, Bryan 12 1996 200 6. 22.81 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Scheidel, John 12 1973 PV 2. 14' 00 8.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Schwartz, Chad 11 1997 400 1. 48.50 10.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Southwood, William 12 1951 PV +3. 2.50  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Thomas, Danny  11 2000 400 3. 48.38 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Thomas, Xavier 12 2023 200 2. 21.44 8.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Thomas, Xavier 12 2023 400 3. 47.67 7.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Wallace, Bill 12 1949 880 4. 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Weber, Michael 11 2004 110 H 9. 15.32 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Weber, Michael 12 2005 300 H 9. 38.22 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Weber, Randy 11 1959 PV +5. 11' 09 0.50  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Weber, Randy 12 1960 PV +2. 12' 02 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Williams, Frank 11 1996 100 7. 11.18 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz Winiger, Julius 12 1929 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1995 400 R 6. 42.98 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1997 400 R 4. 42.20 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1998 400 R 6. 42.78 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1999 400 R 4. 42.15 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1937 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1938 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1940 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1948 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1949 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1962 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1945 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1946 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1995 1600 R 8. 3:21.98 2.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1997 1600 R 6. 3:23.30 4.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 1998 1600 R 9. 3:24.30 1.00  
  Evansville FJ Reitz 2005 1600 R 9. 3:22.75 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Blackman, Eric 12 2013 HJ 1. 6' 08 10.00 62 309.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 9 2004 300 H 7. 38.53 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 10 2005 110 H 1. 13.83 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 10 2005 300 H 1. 36.34 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 11 2006 110 H 2. 13.88 8.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 11 2006 300 H 1. 36.56 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 12 2007 100 4. 10.86 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 12 2007 110 H 1. 13.69 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Bryce 12 2007 300 H 1. 36.26 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Kendal 10 2007 LJ 9. 21' 08 1/4 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Brown, Kendal 12 2009 LJ 6. 22' 02 3/4 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison Cheaney, Calbert 11 1988 300 H 6. 38.13 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Coleman, Ricky 11 1996 100 8. 11.33 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Felton, David 11 2016 110 H 8. 14.56 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Fields, Chris 12 2010 SP 7. 54' 05 3/4 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Fields, Dominique 12 2010 110 H 8. 15.19 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Fine, Thomas 12 1972 SP 3. 54' 05 1/2 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Howard, Will 12 2014 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison Johnson, Travis 11 1984 100 3. 10.55 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison Johnson, Travis 11 1984 200 5. 21.85 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Johnson, Travis 12 1985 100 5. 10.80 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Kendrick, Andrew 12 2010 400 9. 49.15 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Killebrew, Aaron 12 2013 200 5. 22.38 5.00  
  Evansville Harrison Kirksey, Kevin 12 1990 800 3. 1:54.97 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison Koehl, Robert 12 1968 220 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Lowery, Jason 12 1999 LJ 3. 22' 01 1/4 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison Malvern, Jamey 12 2012 300 H 9. 39.10 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Mastison, Joshua 12 1999 SP 3. 56' 08 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison McBride, Noah 11 2016 100 9. 11.06 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison McBride, Noah 11 2016 200 6. 22.08 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison McBride, Noah 12 2017 100 1. 10.55 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison McBride, Noah 12 2017 200 1. 21.14 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison McCarty, Walter 12 1992 800 3. 1:56.63 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison Nicholson, Brandon 12 1991 400 4. 49.72 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison Pore, Damont 12 1994 100 7. 11.17 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Samsonov, Dennis 12 2009 PV 6. 15' 03 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison Sellers, Donald 10 1971 440 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Sellers, Donald 11 1972 880 2. 1:52.6 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison Sellers, Donald 12 1973 880 1. 1:53.2 10.00  
  Evansville Harrison Stewart, Jeremy 12 2005 110 H 6. 14.32 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison Thomas, Wayne 11 1992 LJ 8. 22' 09 1/4 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Watt, Courtney 12 1975 220 5. 22.7 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison Wedeking, Vaughn 11 1966 440 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison Wedeking, Vaughn 12 1967 440 1. 48.4 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison White, Ken 12 1980 LJ 2. 23' 01 3/4 8.00  
  Evansville Harrison Williams, Jason  12 1990 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/4 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison Winchell, Robert  12 1967 SP 1. 61' 01 1/4 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison Woosley, David 12 2013 PV 3. 15' 09 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1985 400 R 3. 42.81 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1989 400 R 4. 42.73 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1994 400 R 2. 42.76 8.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1995 400 R 9. 43.26 1.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2005 400 R 3. 42.00 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2006 400 R 3. 41.95 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2007 400 R 7. 42.49 3.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2017 400 R 8. 42.28 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2022 400 R 3. 41.96 7.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1967 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1973 Mile R 5. 3:25.5 2.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1990 1600 R 2. 3:21.60 8.00  
  Evansville Harrison 1991 1600 R 3. 3:21.09 6.00  
  Evansville Harrison 2009 1600 R 5. 3:19.52 5.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Black, Fleming 11 1954 HJ +3. 2.50 21 63.13  
  Evansville Lincoln Clark, Lionel 10 1950 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Evansville Lincoln Clark, Lionel 11 1951 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Clark, Lionel 12 1952 HJ 2. 6' 01 1/4 4.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Decker, William 11 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Evansville Lincoln DeJarnett, Don 12 1962 100 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Lincoln DeJarnett, Don 12 1962 LJ 5. 21' 02 3/4 1.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Johnson, Arthur 12 1961 100 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Martin, Calvin 11 1943 440 (R1) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Martin, Calvin 12 1944 440 (R2) 1. 50.2 5.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Smith, Curtis 12 1955 100 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Smith, Curtis 12 1955 220 1. 21.9 5.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Warfield, Henry 9 1945 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Warfield, Henry 10 1946 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Warfield, Henry 10 1946 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Warfield, Henry 11 1947 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Wharton, George 10 1946 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Evansville Lincoln Wharton, George 12 1948 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Evansville Lincoln 1943 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Evansville Lincoln 1944 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Evansville Lincoln 1961 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Boots, Michael 12 2018 DT 5. 166' 08 5.00 10 48.50  
  Evansville Mater Dei Brown, Roger  12 1982 HJ 3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Jochem, David 12 1973 PV +5. 13' 06 1.50  
  Evansville Mater Dei Kaiser, Jim  11 1986 3200 5. 9:27.49 2.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Kaiser, Jim  12 1987 3200 1. 9:04.52 10.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Koewler, Kurt 12 1984 SP 3. 55' 04 6.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei McKinney, Patrick 12 2006 800 3. 1:54.20 7.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Schickel, Tyler 12 2012 1600 7. 4:12.92 3.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei Schickel, Tyler 12 2012 3200 6. 9:09.28 4.00  
  Evansville Mater Dei 2005 3200 R 6. 7:55.76 4.00  
  Evansville North Cassidy, Ron 12 1990 PV 6. 14' 09 1.00 22 102.00  
  Evansville North Clark, Chris 11 2002 100 6. 10.87 4.00  
  Evansville North Clark, Chris 11 2002 200 9. 22.45 1.00  
  Evansville North Cooper, John 11 1995 HJ 8. 6' 07 2.00  
  Evansville North Cooper, John 12 1996 300 H 7. 37.99 3.00  
  Evansville North Garrett, Cornell 11 1976 100 2. 9.8 8.00  
  Evansville North Garrett, Cornell 11 1976 220 1. 21.3 10.00  
  Evansville North Garrett, Cornell 12 1977 100 3. 10.0 6.00  
  Evansville North Garrett, Cornell 12 1977 220 2. 21.7 8.00  
  Evansville North Grafton, Tad 11 1981 PV 1. 14' 09 10.00  
  Evansville North Grafton, Tad 12 1982 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Evansville North Kerr, Caleb 12 2012 3200 5. 9:06.59 5.00  
  Evansville North McManaway, Mark 11 1973 880 5. 1:55.4 2.00  
  Evansville North Niehaus, David 11 1971 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Evansville North Northington, Cainen 12 2024 400 1. 48.38 10.00  
  Evansville North Stewart, Brandon 11 2006 LJ 3. 22' 02 3/4 7.00  
  Evansville North Thomas, James 12 1964 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/4 5.00  
  Evansville North Williams, David  11 1980 3200 6. 9:18.10 1.00  
  Evansville North Williams, David  12 1981 3200 1. 9:08.78 10.00  
  Evansville North 1995 400 R 7. 43.00 3.00  
  Evansville North 1977 880 R 5. 1:30.2 2.00  
  Evansville North 1973 Mile R 6. 3:26.1 1.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Blue, Joey 12 2007 800 3. 1:55.14 7.00 12 63.75  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Brinkmeyer, Brian 11 1998 800 8. 1:56.96 2.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Brodie, Anthony 12 2022 100 1. 10.68 10.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Hansen, Evan 12 2015 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Hartman, Matt 12 1997 800 4. 1:56.39 6.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Hertel, Ray 12 1989 400 6. 49.42 1.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Lyles, Carl 11 1989 100 6. 10.99 1.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Martin, Tom 12 1977 880 1. 1:50.9 10.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Penn, Dylan 12 2018 400 7. 49.08 3.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Schadler, Matthew 11 2017 1600 2. 4:13.31 8.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Schadler, Matthew 12 2018 800 5. 1:56.05 5.00  
  Evansville Reitz Memorial Schadler, Matthew 12 2018 1600 1. 4:07.83 10.00  
  Evansville Rex Mundi 1970 880 R 5. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Fair Oaks Lewis, William  12 1955 HJ +5. 0.33 1 0.33  
  Fairfield Alvares, Robert 12 1973 440 6. 49.9 1.00 7 26.00  
  Fairfield Dewitt, Mitch 12 2016 LJ 8. 22' 01 2.00  
  Fairfield Hinen, Dillon 11 2011 800 3. 1:53.89 7.00  
  Fairfield Hinen, Dillon 12 2012 800 3. 1:53.34 7.00  
  Fairfield Johnson, Jeremy 11 2005 DT 9. 160' 04 1.00  
  Fairfield Koresntra, Alex 12 2008 400 6. 48.57 4.00  
  Fairfield Walter, Jake 12 2011 SP 6. 56' 11 1/2 4.00  
  Fairmount Allen, Charles 12 1907 Mile 2. 3.00 12 27.50  
  Fairmount Day, Roy 12 1910 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Gaddis, James 12 1938 SP 5. 1.00  
  Fairmount Gangwisch, Leroy 12 1907 440 3. 1.00  
  Fairmount Monahan, Eugene 10 1911 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Fairmount Monahan, Eugene 12 1913 HJ 1. 5' 06 5.00  
  Fairmount Overshiner, Verl 12 1936 220 4. 2.00  
  Fairmount Ribble, Robert 11 1942 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Ribble, Robert 12 1943 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Roney, Guy 12 1913 SP 3. 1.00  
  Fairmount Smith, Charles  12 1939 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Fairmount Smith, Charles  12 1939 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Fairmount Academy Bond, Charles 10 1911 440 2. 3.00 22 57.08  
  Fairmount Academy Gaddis, Russell 11 1912 DT 2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Academy Gaddis, Russell 12 1913 DT 1. 107' 00 5.00  
  Fairmount Academy Gaddis, Russell 12 1913 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Fairmount Academy Gaddis, Russell 12 1913 PV +1. 10' 00 4.00  
  Fairmount Academy Jones, Charlie 11 1916 HJ +3. 5' 07 1/2 0.50  
  Fairmount Academy Jones, Charlie 12 1917 HJ +2. 2.00  
  Fairmount Academy Jones, Charlie 12 1917 PV +3. 0.50  
  Fairmount Academy Little, Robert 12 1909 HJ 3. 5' 04 1.00  
  Fairmount Academy Mittank, Ralph 9 1913 PV +3. 0.50  
  Fairmount Academy Mittank, Ralph 10 1914 PV +1. 10' 01 4.00  
  Fairmount Academy Mittank, Ralph 12 1916 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Academy Mittank, Ralph 12 1916 LJ 2. 19' 09 3.00  
  Fairmount Academy Mittank, Ralph 12 1916 PV 1. 11' 07 3/4 5.00  
  Fairmount Academy Morrish, Ralph 12 1913 SP 1. 44' 02 5.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Arthur 11 1909 PV 1. 10' 08 1/4 5.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 10 1910 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 11 1911 PV +3. 0.25  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 12 1912 220 2. 3.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 12 1912 120 H 1. 17.0 5.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 12 1912 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Fairmount Academy Winslow, Ren 12 1912 PV +2. 1.33  
  Fishers Forbes, Josh 12 2022 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00 59 348.00  
  Fishers Allen, Cale 11 2007 3200 9. 9:19.46 1.00  
  Fishers Carver, Tres 11 2014 LJ 2. 23' 04 3/4 8.00  
  Fishers Carver, Tres 12 2015 LJ 3. 23' 01 3/4 7.00  
  Fishers Castillo, Jaylen 12 2021 800 3. 1:54.18 7.00  
  Fishers Gates, Joel 12 2024 DT 2. 180' 03 8.00  
  Fishers Hall, JonAnthony 10 2023 LJ 4. 23' 01 6.00  
  Fishers Hall, JonAnthony 11 2024 LJ 2. 23' 01 8.00  
  Fishers Harris, J-Shun 11 2013 100 5. 10.96 5.00  
  Fishers Kim, Matthew 11 2023 800 4. 1:52.71 6.00  
  Fishers Kim, Matthew 12 2024 800 5. 1:53.36 5.00  
  Fishers Kraft, Calvin 12 2014 1600 5. 4:16.65 5.00  
  Fishers Leamer, Max 11 2012 110 H 5. 14.52 5.00  
  Fishers Leamer, Max 12 2013 110 H 6. 14.49 4.00  
  Fishers Lloyd, Josh 12 2015 400 5. 49.11 5.00  
  Fishers Manley, Diquis 12 2013 400 4. 48.16 6.00  
  Fishers Meyer, Ethan 12 2019 1600 6. 4:14.58 4.00  
  Fishers Pollock, Robert 12 2012 800 9. 1:55.11 1.00  
  Fishers Puff, Wyatt 11 2019 SP 8. 53' 02 2.00  
  Fishers Puff, Wyatt 11 2019 DT 8. 157' 10 2.00  
  Fishers Quagliaroli, Sam 10 2023 3200 6. 9:06.12 4.00  
  Fishers Rogers, Noah 11 2015 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Fishers Rogers, Noah 12 2016 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/2 4.00  
  Fishers Roth, Josh 12 2017 3200 6. 9:12.47 4.00  
  Fishers Shields, Alex 11 2008 3200 6. 9:20.27 4.00  
  Fishers Shields, Drew 10 2007 1600 7. 4:16.70 3.00  
  Fishers Shields, Drew 11 2008 800 1. 1:55.14 10.00  
  Fishers Shields, Drew 11 2008 1600 1. 4:18.14 10.00  
  Fishers Shields, Drew 12 2009 800 5. 1:54.14 5.00  
  Fishers Shields, Drew 12 2009 1600 1. 4:11.36 10.00  
  Fishers Soehngen, Keefer 11 2021 400 2. 48.55 8.00  
  Fishers Soehngen, Keefer 12 2022 400 3. 48.12 7.00  
  Fishers Tarter, Tyler 10 2022 300 H 2. 38.57 8.00  
  Fishers Tarter, Tyler 11 2023 110 H 2. 14.37 8.00  
  Fishers Tarter, Tyler 12 2024 110 H 1. 13.85 10.00  
  Fishers Tarter, Tyler 12 2024 300 H 1. 37.25 10.00  
  Fishers Thompson, Trevor 11 2015 1600 5. 4:14.36 5.00  
  Fishers Tobias, Hayden 11 2019 SP 5. 55' 06 5.00  
  Fishers 2018 400 R 5. 42.18 5.00  
  Fishers 2022 400 R 5. 42.25 5.00  
  Fishers 2024 400 R 3. 42.37 7.00  
  Fishers 2013 1600 R 3. 3:18.93 7.00  
  Fishers 2014 1600 R 7. 3:20.97 3.00  
  Fishers 2018 1600 R 1. 3:15.80 10.00  
  Fishers 2021 1600 R 3. 3:20.04 7.00  
  Fishers 2022 1600 R 1. 3:18.85 10.00  
  Fishers 2023 1600 R 9. 3:21.83 1.00  
  Fishers 2024 1600 R 6. 3:20.34 4.00  
  Fishers 2007 3200 R 2. 7:51.19 8.00  
  Fishers 2008 3200 R 2. 7:54.44 8.00  
  Fishers 2012 3200 R 4. 7:48.14 6.00  
  Fishers 2013 3200 R 5. 7:53.39 5.00  
  Fishers 2017 3200 R 5. 7:48.88 5.00  
  Fishers 2018 3200 R 9. 7:52.40 1.00  
  Fishers 2019 3200 R 1. 7:47.16 10.00  
  Fishers 2021 3200 R 1. 7:42.46 10.00  
  Fishers 2022 3200 R 3. 7:43.30 7.00  
  Fishers 2023 3200 R 4. 7:43.42 6.00  
  Fishers 2024 3200 R 2. 7:52.93 8.00  
  Floyd Central Byrne, Joey 12 1998 3200 6. 9:20.07 4.00 41 209.00  
  Floyd Central Conrad, Brock 11 2024 DT 7. 162' 06 3.00  
  Floyd Central Conway, William 9 2021 1600 5. 4:18.84 5.00  
  Floyd Central Conway, William 10 2022 3200 4. 9:02.81 6.00  
  Floyd Central Conway, William 11 2023 3200 4. 9:05.96 6.00  
  Floyd Central Conway, William 12 2024 3200 3. 8:56.71 7.00  
  Floyd Central Crumbo, Brian 12 1986 1600 6. 4:16.20 1.00  
  Floyd Central Farnsley, Adam 12 1996 800 7. 1:56.89 3.00  
  Floyd Central Grangier, Max 11 2022 300 H 9. 39.47 1.00  
  Floyd Central Grangier, Max 12 2023 300 H 7. 39.31 3.00  
  Floyd Central Hamsley, Codie 11 2012 DT 2. 184' 03 8.00  
  Floyd Central Hamsley, Codie 12 2013 DT 1. 195' 00 10.00  
  Floyd Central Hnat, Steven 11 2004 DT 9. 165' 10 1.00  
  Floyd Central Hnat, Steven 12 2005 SP 2. 58' 07 1/4 8.00  
  Floyd Central Hnat, Steven 12 2005 DT 2. 175' 03 8.00  
  Floyd Central Jackson, Ben 11 1995 DT 2. 181' 02 8.00  
  Floyd Central Jackson, Ben 12 1996 SP 6. 56' 09 1/4 4.00  
  Floyd Central Jackson, Ben 12 1996 DT 1. 196' 03 10.00  
  Floyd Central Klingsmith, Gaige 11 2014 100 7. 11.02 3.00  
  Floyd Central Klingsmith, Gaige 12 2015 100 3. 10.78 7.00  
  Floyd Central Kruer, Kaden 12 2023 110 H 9. 14.89 1.00  
  Floyd Central Lee, Jamal 12 1993 100 6. 11.10 4.00  
  Floyd Central Lee, Jamal 12 1993 200 9. 22.77 1.00  
  Floyd Central Montgomery, Devon 12 2019 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Floyd Central Regan, Brad 11 1999 1600 9. 4:25.12 1.00  
  Floyd Central Regan, Brad 12 2000 3200 6. 9:20.65 4.00  
  Floyd Central Schuler, Larry 12 1991 800 4. 1:55.24 4.00  
  Floyd Central Stewart, Kaden 11 2022 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Floyd Central Stewart, Kaden 12 2023 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Floyd Central Striegel, Brett 12 1979 120 H 6. 14.51 1.00  
  Floyd Central Villegas, Antonio 9 2014 LJ 6. 22' 10 3/4 4.00  
  Floyd Central Villegas, Antonio 12 2017 LJ 2. 24' 02 8.00  
  Floyd Central Wallace, Adam 11 2014 800 7. 1:55.00 3.00  
  Floyd Central Wallace, Adam 12 2015 800 2. 1:53.79 8.00  
  Floyd Central Yeager, Ty 11 1992 110 H 2. 14.03 8.00  
  Floyd Central Yeager, Ty 11 1992 300 H 4. 38.31 6.00  
  Floyd Central Yeager, Ty 12 1993 110 H 1. 13.86 10.00  
  Floyd Central Yeager, Ty 12 1993 300 H 1. 36.85 10.00  
  Floyd Central Zoeller, Ryan 12 1992 1600 2. 4:19.61 8.00  
  Floyd Central 2024 400 R 8. 42.61 2.00  
  Floyd Central 2022 3200 R 7. 7:52.53 3.00  
  Forest Park Braunecker, Ben 12 2012 SP 5. 57' 04 1/2 5.00 9 29.00  
  Forest Park Buechler, Cory 12 1996 800 6. 1:56.50 4.00  
  Forest Park Childress, Dexter 12 2009 300 H 8. 38.72 2.00  
  Forest Park Foerster, Michael 12 2006 1600 9. 4:20.16 1.00  
  Forest Park Mehling, Jeff 12 2000 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Forest Park Parr, Matt 12 1998 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Forest Park Schipp, Aaron 12 1994 100 8. 11.21 2.00  
  Forest Park Wolf, Spenser 11 2021 3200 9. 9:17.94 1.00  
  Forest Park Wolf, Spenser 12 2022 3200 7. 9:05.37 3.00  
  Fountain Central Keller, Bill  12 1969 880 2. 4.00 2 5.00  
  Fountain Central Posthauer, Ron 11 2010 110 H 9. 15.30 1.00  
  Fowler Carr, Warner 12 1905 Mile 2. 3.00 12 28.33  
  Fowler Chesterton, Glenn 11 1916 LJ 3. 19' 08 1/2 1.00  
  Fowler Daily, Jewell 10 1941 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Fowler Daily, Jewell 11 1942 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Fowler Daily, Jewell 12 1943 LJ 1. 21' 10 7/8 5.00  
  Fowler Hardebeck, Rolland 11 1944 880 (R2) 1. 2:02.0 5.00  
  Fowler Hardebeck, Rolland 12 1945 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Fowler Henson, Melvin 11 1943 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Fowler Henson, Melvin 12 1944 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Fowler Vanderipe, Lee 12 1926 PV +5. 0.33  
  Fowler Whicker, James 11 1940 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Fowler 1943 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Frankfort Brandenburg, James 12 2015 110 H 7. 14.61 3.00 46 148.46  
  Frankfort Brown, Don 11 1933 PV 4. 2.00  
  Frankfort Brown, Don 12 1934 PV +1. 12' 03 4.50  
  Frankfort Brown, Halfred 12 1917 880 1. 2:05.4 5.00  
  Frankfort Buck, Robert  12 1924 440 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Frankfort Carter, Landon 12 1923 220 2. 3.00  
  Frankfort Clark, Richard 12 1971 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Frankfort Crum, Colton 9 2015 PV 2. 16' 03 8.00  
  Frankfort Crum, Colton 10 2016 PV 3. 16' 06 7.00  
  Frankfort Crum, Colton 11 2017 PV 2. 17' 00 8.00  
  Frankfort Crum, Colton 12 2018 PV 1. 17' 06 1/4 10.00  
  Frankfort Good, Marvin 12 1925 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Frankfort Hays, Robert 12 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Frankfort Heaton, Carl 11 1904 100 2. 3.00  
  Frankfort Heaton, Carl 11 1904 220 3. 1.00  
  Frankfort Heaton, Carl 12 1905 100 2. 3.00  
  Frankfort Johnson, Ernest 10 1923 880 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Frankfort Keeney, Scott 12 2005 3200 5. 9:18.29 5.00  
  Frankfort Kirby, Jay 12 1988 100 5. 11.08 2.00  
  Frankfort Kirby, Jay 12 1988 200 5. 22.24 2.00  
  Frankfort Laverty, Bob 12 1955 LJ 1. 22' 02 3/8 5.00  
  Frankfort Mark, Charles 12 1941 PV +2. 3.00  
  Frankfort McCarty, William 12 1932 PV +4. 0.75  
  Frankfort McDaniel, Justin 12 2000 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Frankfort Miner, James 10 1935 PV +2. 3.50  
  Frankfort Miner, James 11 1936 PV 1. 12' 00 5.00  
  Frankfort Powell, Eugene 11 1916 Mile 2. 4:55.2 3.00  
  Frankfort Ramos, Andrew 12 2009 1600 9. 4:23.05 1.00  
  Frankfort Reagan, Merl 10 1920 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Frankfort Rice, Tom 10 1945 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Frankfort Rice, Tom 11 1946 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Frankfort Ricker, Richard 10 1947 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Frankfort Ricker, Richard 11 1948 440 (R2) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Frankfort Rothenberger, Herman 10 1910 440 3. 1.00  
  Frankfort Sagor, Noble 10 1926 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Frankfort Scofield, Brian 11 1999 DT 6. 160' 08 4.00  
  Frankfort Sheets, Claude 11 1913 880 1. 2:09.0 5.00  
  Frankfort Spradling, George 11 1921 880 (R1) 1. 2:06.4 5.00  
  Frankfort Spradling, George 12 1922 880 (R2) 1. 2:04.0 5.00  
  Frankfort Thompson, Kaleb 12 2007 SP 8. 54' 11 1/2 2.00  
  Frankfort Vasquez, Javier 11 2010 1600 9. 4:15.17 1.00  
  Frankfort Whitmore, Fred 12 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Frankfort 1938 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Frankfort 1948 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Frankfort 1911 Mile R 2. -  
  Frankfort 1920 Mile R 2. -  
  Franklin Abney, Reid 11 2013 DT 7. 161' 09 3.00 27 117.00  
  Franklin Abney, Reid 12 2014 SP 8. 55' 08 1/4 2.00  
  Franklin Alexander, Kris 12 1998 1600 7. 4:19.58 3.00  
  Franklin Butze, Scott 12 1944 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Franklin Craig, George 12 1916 880 1. 2:09.0 5.00  
  Franklin Crowe, Robert 12 1942 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Franklin Epperson, Brad 12 1994 DT 1. 176' 03 10.00  
  Franklin McGaha, Chandler 12 2017 800 8. 1:55.43 2.00  
  Franklin McQuilling, Gerald 11 1943 Mile (R2) 1. 4:38.5 5.00  
  Franklin McQuilling, Gerald 12 1944 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Franklin Moran, Jake 9 2009 LJ 8. 21' 10 1/2 2.00  
  Franklin Powers, Jeffrey 12 2002 3200 3. 9:27.50 7.00  
  Franklin Riessen, Colin 12 2002 1600 5. 4:21.23 5.00  
  Franklin Riessen, Colin 12 2002 3200 5. 9:29.15 5.00  
  Franklin Sever, Jonathan 11 2023 300 H 9. 39.35 1.00  
  Franklin Smith, Johntel 12 2009 110 H 4. 14.31 6.00  
  Franklin Summers, Robert 12 1944 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Franklin Tranter, Zach 12 2009 3200 9. 9:21.20 1.00  
  Franklin Warrenburg, Ryan 11 2001 1600 6. 4:19.85 4.00  
  Franklin Warrenburg, Ryan 12 2002 1600 2. 4:18.92 8.00  
  Franklin Warrenburg, Ryan 12 2002 3200 6. 9:29.22 4.00  
  Franklin Wheeler, Brad 12 2004 3200 7. 9:18.49 3.00  
  Franklin Wilson, Sean 10 2006 1600 5. 4:18.23 5.00  
  Franklin Wilson, Sean 11 2007 1600 3. 4:12.05 7.00  
  Franklin Wilson, Sean 12 2008 1600 2. 4:19.70 8.00  
  Franklin 1997 3200 R 3. 7:58.91 7.00  
  Franklin 1998 3200 R 7. 7:58.28 3.00  
  Franklin Central Ashman, Joey 12 2024 800 3. 1:52.52 7.00 55 319.00  
  Franklin Central Chandler, Val 12 1967 SP 5. 1.00  
  Franklin Central Clerger, Kervenson 10 2024 400 6. 49.13 4.00  
  Franklin Central Crist, Jason 9 2009 1600 6. 4:20.98 4.00  
  Franklin Central Crist, Jason 10 2010 1600 2. 4:11.65 8.00  
  Franklin Central Crist, Jason 11 2011 1600 4. 4:12.06 6.00  
  Franklin Central Crist, Jason 12 2012 1600 1. 4:09.12 10.00  
  Franklin Central DeRidder, Andrew 12 2016 100 6. 10.91 4.00  
  Franklin Central DeRidder, Andrew 12 2016 200 8. 22.22 2.00  
  Franklin Central Dinges, Nathan 12 2000 800 8. 1:56.03 2.00  
  Franklin Central Dunn, Brian 12 2000 3200 2. 9:18.37 8.00  
  Franklin Central Fisher, Aaron 9 1998 1600 2. 4:16.37 8.00  
  Franklin Central Fisher, Aaron 10 1999 1600 3. 4:18.71 7.00  
  Franklin Central Fisher, Aaron 11 2000 1600 1. 4:12.00 10.00  
  Franklin Central Fisher, Aaron 12 2001 1600 2. 4:16.89 8.00  
  Franklin Central Green, Adam 11 2006 1600 6. 4:18.96 4.00  
  Franklin Central Green, Adam 12 2007 3200 6. 9:14.80 4.00  
  Franklin Central Healey, Justin 12 2021 800 6. 1:54.79 4.00  
  Franklin Central Jones, Clarence 12 1985 LJ 4. 23' 05 4.00  
  Franklin Central Kendrick, Carl 12 1988 SP 3. 57' 04 6.00  
  Franklin Central Kendrick, Carl 12 1988 DT 3. 177' 04 6.00  
  Franklin Central Markland, Kyle 12 2018 100 7. 10.85 3.00  
  Franklin Central Markland, Kyle 12 2018 200 9. 22.21 1.00  
  Franklin Central Norris, Chris 12 1986 110 H 5. 14.22 2.00  
  Franklin Central Norris, Chris 12 1986 300 H 1. 36.70 10.00  
  Franklin Central Norris, Rory 10 1989 110 H 1. 13.99 10.00  
  Franklin Central Quarles, Malachi 11 2018 110 H 8. 14.67 2.00  
  Franklin Central Quarles, Malachi 12 2019 110 H 1. 13.91 10.00  
  Franklin Central Quarles, Malachi 12 2019 300 H 1. 38.10 10.00  
  Franklin Central Rode, Mark 12 1999 1600 6. 4:22.86 4.00  
  Franklin Central Schmalfeldt, Andrew 12 2014 800 4. 1:54.35 6.00  
  Franklin Central Scott, Anton 10 2007 300 H 5. 38.87 5.00  
  Franklin Central Settle, Adam 12 2005 3200 6. 9:22.27 4.00  
  Franklin Central Washington, Donald 9 2002 LJ 4. 23' 01 6.00  
  Franklin Central Washington, Donald 10 2003 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/4 10.00  
  Franklin Central Washington, Donald 11 2004 LJ 1. 23' 04 3/4 10.00  
  Franklin Central Washington, Donald 12 2005 LJ 2. 23' 01 8.00  
  Franklin Central Weaver, Ivan 12 2024 400 2. 48.45 8.00  
  Franklin Central Willis, Darius 11 2007 200 7. 22.09 3.00  
  Franklin Central Woods, Kern 10 1999 LJ 4. 22' 11 1/2 6.00  
  Franklin Central Woods, Kern 12 2001 110 H 2. 14.40 8.00  
  Franklin Central Woods, Kern 12 2001 LJ 3. 23' 02 3/4 7.00  
  Franklin Central 2001 400 R 9. 42.91 1.00  
  Franklin Central 2007 400 R 4. 42.32 6.00  
  Franklin Central 2010 400 R 8. 42.59 2.00  
  Franklin Central 2016 400 R 3. 42.00 7.00  
  Franklin Central 2007 1600 R 3. 3:18.70 7.00  
  Franklin Central 2024 1600 R 3. 3:17.45 7.00  
  Franklin Central 1999 3200 R 4. 7:52.70 6.00  
  Franklin Central 2002 3200 R 4. 8:02.67 6.00  
  Franklin Central 2003 3200 R 3. 7:47.63 7.00  
  Franklin Central 2004 3200 R 9. 7:54.77 1.00  
  Franklin Central 2007 3200 R 1. 7:46.34 10.00  
  Franklin Central 2014 3200 R 5. 7:51.23 5.00  
  Franklin Central     2023 3200 R 6. 7:48.48 4.00  
  Franklin County Cox, Chad 12 2022 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00 2 10.00  
  Franklin County Vaughan, Jeremiah 12 2008 1600 6. 4:24.20 4.00  
  Franklin Twp. (Lanesville) Schickel, Joseph 12 1932 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Franklin Twp. (Wanamaker) Moore, Allan 11 1954 SP 1. 54' 01 1/2 5.00 1 5.00  
  Frankton Busby, Stan 12 1963 HJ +5. 6' 01 3/4 0.50 1 0.50  
  Fremont Baird, George 12 1951 PV +5. 0.25 2 4.25  
  Fremont Seiler, Jeremy 12 2016 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Frontier Post, Eric 12 2008 HJ +5. 6' 06 4.00 1 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Canterbury Shank, Corey 9 2006 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00 1 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Babb, Jesse 12 1930 120 H 4. 2.00 56 185.96  
  Ft. Wayne Central Barnes, Tim 12 1966 220 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Bienz, Paul 12 1944 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Bienz, Paul 12 1944 220 1. 21.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Blanks, Jim 11 1942 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Brabson, Neil 12 1970 440 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Bright, John 12 1948 PV +2. 2.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Buggs, Nathaniel 10 1929 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Buggs, Nathaniel 11 1930 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Buggs, Nathaniel 11 1930 LJ +4. 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Casey, Donald 11 1926 100 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Charlton, Jaehn 12 1936 220 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Charlton, Ralph 12 1966 100 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Charlton, Ralph 12 1966 LJ 2. 22' 08 1/2 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Crosby, Lawrence 12 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Ft. Wayne Central Felger, Earl 12 1926 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Flowers, John  12 1955 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ford, James 11 1948 220 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ford, James 12 1949 100 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ford, James 12 1949 220 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Garvin, John 12 1936 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Hobbs, Ben 12 1950 440 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Hubbard, Robert 11 1962 180 H 1. 19.3 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Jenkins, Van 11 1929 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Kelso, John 11 1958 440 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Kepler, Wayne 12 1927 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central King, Henry 10 1960 880 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central King, Henry 11 1961 880 1. 1:56.2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Kulesza, Henry 10 1938 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Kulesza, Henry 11 1939 HJ +1. 5' 11 1/4 4.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Lomont, Allen 11 1924 880 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Lomont, Allen 12 1925 880 (R2) 1. 2:06.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Menze, Lester 12 1934 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Mourning, Ben 11 1935 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Mourning, Ben 12 1936 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Pickett, Walter 12 1964 HJ 4. 6' 02 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ramsey, Max 11 1943 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ramsey, Max 11 1943 220 1. 22.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ramsey, Max 12 1944 220 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Ramsey, Max 12 1944 440 (R1) 1. 50.0 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Schroff, James 11 1935 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Schroff, James 12 1936 HJ 1. 6' 02 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Sims, Sam 10 1948 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Sims, Sam 11 1949 120 H 1. 14.8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Sims, Sam 11 1949 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Thomas, John  12 1959 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central White, Jessie 10 1965 HJ 3. 6' 03 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central White, Jessie 12 1967 HJ 4. 6' 06 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Wims, Jack 12 1955 880 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1936 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.8 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1943 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.8 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1944 880 R (R1) 1. 1:31.8 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1949 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1954 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1965 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central 1931 Mile R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Catholic Bobay, Edward 12 1961 PV +4. 12' 03 1.50 3 4.50  
  Ft. Wayne Central Catholic Ehrman, Phil 11 1950 100 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Central Catholic Ehrman, Phil 12 1951 440 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Adair, Daniel 11 2021 800 9. 1:55.25 1.00 48 239.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Adair, Eric 12 1990 PV 3. 15' 09 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Benz, Brendon 11 1993 1600 9. 4:19.67 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Biers, Mike 12 1979 HJ +4. 6' 09 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Bolyard, Bruce 12 1970 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Breininger, Dave 11 1969 SP 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Breininger, Dave 12 1970 SP 2. 58' 00 1/4 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Bultemeier, Brent 12 1978 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Dormans, John 11 1974 DT 5. 153' 00 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Ehlers, David 12 2016 1600 5. 4:16.77 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Eloms, Corey 12 1997 LJ 1. 23' 03 1/2 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Frye, Robert 12 1996 300 H 9. 38.41 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Gibson, Reece 11 2019 3200 3. 9:07.88 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Giles, Jeff 12 1992 PV 5. 14' 00 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Hawkins, Ricardo 12 1978 330 H 2. 37.0 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Heath, Andrew 12 1999 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Hibler, Steve 11 1958 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Hibler, Steve 12 1959 Mile 1. 4:19.8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Hoffman, Logan 12 2010 300 H 4. 38.96 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Lewis, Ben 12 1997 PV 7. 14' 00 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Linnemeier, Tom 11 1953 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Martin, Corey 12 1992 100 8. 11.03 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Panning, Zachery 12 2014 3200 4. 9:13.72 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Peters, Bob 12 1964 880 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Pratt, Lance 12 2022 100 2. 10.76 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Pratt, Lance 12 2022 200 2. 21.54 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Reinking, Jacob 12 2013 3200 9. 9:19.98 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 9 1997 100 4. 10.92 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 9 1997 200 4. 22.27 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 10 1998 100 5. 10.98 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 10 1998 200 3. 21.87 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 11 1999 100 1. 10.78 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 11 1999 200 5. 22.22 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 11 1999 LJ 5. 22' 11 1/4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Scott, Rolando 12 2000 200 8. 23.03 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Smith, Gustin 11 1999 100 6. 10.97 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Smith, Gustin 12 2000 400 1. 47.65 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia Stebing, Matt 12 1999 DT 5. 161' 01 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 1992 400 R 7. 44.07 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 1997 400 R 1. 41.73 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 1998 400 R 3. 42.40 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 1999 400 R 1. 41.39 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2000 400 R 3. 42.04 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2001 1600 R 8. 3:21.62 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2002 1600 R 3. 3:19.03 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2003 1600 R 8. 3:22.03 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2001 3200 R 3. 7:56.71 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Concordia 2022 3200 R 5. 7:44.98 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Dunfee, Tony 12 1994 PV 3. 14' 06 7.00 32 156.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Ehrman, Mike 11 1968 100 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Huffman, Greg 12 2006 800 8. 1:55.70 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger LaBrosse, Tim 12 1970 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger McGee, Gerald 12 2013 LJ 8. 22' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Miller, Luke 12 2013 1600 7. 4:17.20 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger O'Connell, Tom 12 1978 Mile 1. 4:13.4 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Orman, Greg 12 1978 2 Mile 4. 9:15.3 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Overmyer, Jeff 12 1991 DT 5. 163' 07 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Reifenberg, Ben 11 2006 1600 7. 4:19.44 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Reifenberg, Ben 12 2007 1600 4. 4:13.44 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Andy 12 1999 PV +7. 14' 06 2.50  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Dave 12 2011 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Jared 11 2013 PV 1. 16' 03 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Jared 12 2014 PV 3. 16' 00 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Kevin 10 2006 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Kevin 11 2007 PV 2. 16' 09 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Kevin 12 2008 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Matthew 11 2005 PV 8. 15' 00 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Matthew 12 2006 PV +4. 15' 03 5.50  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Ryan 11 2002 PV 3. 14' 09 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Schipper, Ryan 12 2003 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Strayeer, Jeremy 12 1994 300 H 9. 38.61 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Tippmann, Greg 10 2013 800 6. 1:55.33 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Tippmann, Greg 12 2015 800 9. 1:55.11 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Trahin, Robbie 12 2007 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Uecker, Jon 12 1991 200 6. 22.25 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Uecker, Jon 12 1991 400 1. 48.40 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger Wallace, Robert 12 1996 400 5. 48.73 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger White, Rashawn 12 2005 110 H 8. 14.38 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger 2005 3200 R 4. 7:55.33 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Dwenger 2006 3200 R 6. 7:54.43 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Germano, Bronson 11 2000 DT 5. 166' 09 5.00 22 75.50  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Green, David 12 1997 100 7. 11.15 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Harrington, Bob 11 1970 HJ 3. 6' 05 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Harrington, Bob 12 1971 HJ 4. 6' 05 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Howard, Gary 10 1973 120 H 3. 14.6 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Howard, Keith 12 1972 440 5. 50.4 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst James, Alphonso 11 1994 100 4. 10.93 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst James, Alphonso 11 1994 200 8. 22.31 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Kelley, Steve 12 1968 2 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Kelso, James 12 1983 100 4. 10.89 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Knox, Willie 10 1972 100 3. 9.9 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Knox, Willie 10 1972 220 4. 22.3 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Milton, Terry 12 1982 LJ 5. 23' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Reese, Samuel 12 1989 110 H 5. 14.53 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Reese, Samuel 12 1989 300 H 6. 38.13 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Smith, Joseph 12 1979 440 +6. 49.89 0.50  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Stiffler, John 12 1977 PV +3. 14' 09 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst Swim, Steve 11 1969 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst 1983 400 R 4. 42.97 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst 1970 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst 1972 880 R 2. 1:30.2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Elmhurst 1969 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Baumgartner, Jeff 12 1980 PV 3. 15' 00 6.00 11 28.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Burns, Kris 12 1987 SP 5. 56' 06 1/4 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Geise, Phil 12 1971 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Geise, Phil 12 1971 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Goodwin, Lew 12 1977 SP 5. 56' 07 1/2 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Goodwin, Lew 12 1977 DT 6. 167' 04 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Himmelhaver, David 12 1969 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Lamaster, Andy 12 2008 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Laramore, Lance 12 1993 300 H 9. 38.02 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Merchant, John 12 1968 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Luers Witt, John 11 1970 HJ 5. 6' 04 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 10 1948 100 2. 4.00 183 748.46  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 10 1948 200 H 1. 22.0 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 11 1949 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 11 1949 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 12 1950 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Adams, Archie 12 1950 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Allen, Aris 12 2009 SP 1. 58' 06 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Anderson, Neil 12 1969 880 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Archer, George 11 1939 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Archer, George 12 1940 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Baldwin, Don 12 1966 440 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Baumgartner, Paul 12 1940 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bojinoff, Mike 11 1941 120 H 1. 15.4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bojinoff, Mike 11 1941 200 H 1. 23.3 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bojinoff, Mike 12 1942 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bojinoff, Mike 12 1942 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bowman, Ron 11 1956 440 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bowman, Ron 12 1957 440 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Branson, Oscar 12 1937 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Bruick, Don 12 1940 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cain, Doug 12 1991 SP 4. 55' 07 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Chapman, Caran 11 1999 LJ 2. 22' 04 1/2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Chapman, Henry 12 1955 440 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 10 1939 100 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 10 1939 220 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 11 1940 100 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 11 1940 220 1. 22.4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 12 1941 220 1. 22.2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Cowan, Robert 12 1941 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Detweiler, Nelson 12 1948 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Doughty, Howard 10 1965 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Doughty, Howard 10 1965 180 H 1. 19.5 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Doughty, Howard 11 1966 120 H 1. 14.1 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Doughty, Howard 11 1966 180 H 1. 18.8 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Douglass, Robert 12 1942 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Dunton, Clifford 12 1953 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Dunton, Clifford 12 1953 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Esterline, Dave 11 1963 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Esterline, Dave 12 1964 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ewing, Robert 10 1951 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ewing, Robert 11 1952 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ewing, Robert 11 1952 220 1. 22.1 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ewing, Robert 12 1953 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ewing, Robert 12 1953 220 1. 22.1 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Foote, Bill 11 1977 LJ 6. 23' 02 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Friedrich, Herman 12 1937 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Geist, Frank 11 1956 880 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Geist, Frank 12 1957 880 1. 1:59.4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Griswold, William 11 1951 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Griswold, William 12 1952 Mile 1. 4:27.8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jack 11 1959 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jack 11 1959 180 H 1. 20.2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jack 12 1960 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jack 12 1960 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jim 11 1965 120 H 1. 14.3 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jim 11 1965 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jim 12 1966 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hallenbeck, Jim 12 1966 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hanson, Clarence 12 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Harper, Sam 12 1950 440 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hathaway, Eugene 12 1935 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hathaway, Eugene 12 1935 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hattery, Jim 11 1957 880 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hawk, Ashley 9 1941 Mile (R1) 1. 4:34.4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hawk, Ashley 10 1942 Mile (R1) 1. 4:31.8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hawk, Ashley 11 1943 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hawk, Ashley 12 1944 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hawk, Ashley 12 1944 Mile (R1) 1. 4:26.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hinga, John 12 1942 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hire, Robert 12 1933 SP 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Hunter, Sylvester 12 1998 300 H 3. 37.79 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Irons, Robert 11 1932 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Irons, Robert 12 1933 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Irvine, Adrian 12 1992 HJ +8. 6' 07 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ivey, Roy 11 1936 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Ivey, Roy 12 1937 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kelley, Tyvon 11 2013 400 7. 48.57 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kelley, Tyvon 12 2014 400 4. 49.15 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kemp, Don 11 1938 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kemp, Don 12 1939 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.5 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kemp, William 10 1943 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Kemp, William 11 1944 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Konow, Steve 12 1963 880 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lang, Dave 12 1957 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Leakey, Ross 11 1938 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lichtsinn, Robert 12 1942 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Long, James 11 1953 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Longardner, Freeman 11 1943 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lundell, Pete 11 1956 440 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lundell, Pete 12 1957 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lundell, Pete 12 1957 440 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lymon, Selwyn 10 2003 400 6. 49.38 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lymon, Selwyn 10 2003 LJ 3. 22' 04 1/2 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lyons, Charles 11 1954 HJ +1. 6' 03 5/8 4.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Lyons, Charles 12 1955 HJ 1. 6' 01 5/8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Mansfield, Don 12 1947 SP 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McAfee, Gary 12 1953 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McComb, Richard 12 1951 200 H 1. 22.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McKinney, Tyrone 10 2005 HJ +5. 6' 07 4.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McKinney, Tyrone 11 2006 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McKinney, Tyrone 12 2007 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McMeen, Allen 11 1936 100 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McMeen, Allen 11 1936 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side McMeen, Allen 12 1937 440 (R1) 1. 51.8 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Miller, Bill 12 1961 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Oates, Andre 11 1994 DT 5. 169' 06 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Pickett, Tim 12 1975 180 H 5. 20.1 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Pool, Bill 12 1962 440 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Rodgers, Jim 12 1974 120 H 6. 14.6 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Rogers, Rick 11 1975 PV 3. 14' 06 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Seifert, Tom 11 1957 SP 1. 54' 04 1/4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Seifert, Tom 12 1958 SP 1. 57' 08 1/4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sessler, John 11 1930 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sessler, John 12 1931 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Shank, Robert 11 1986 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Shank, Robert 12 1987 PV 1. 16' 06 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Short, Kay 12 1942 SP 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sickles, Alan 12 1984 PV 6. 14' 06 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Simon, Wayne 10 1946 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Snook, James 12 1942 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Snyder, Charles 12 1954 880 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Snyder, Leonard 11 1954 440 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Stanski, Tom 11 1959 880 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Starks, Jason 12 1993 HJ +6. 6' 06 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sutherly, Jene 12 1938 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sykes, Genttell 11 2001 300 H 7. 39.51 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Sykes, Genttell 12 2002 300 H 7. 38.88 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Thomas, Robert  11 1935 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Thompson, Ronald 11 1952 LJ 4. 21' 04 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Trowbridge, Ron 11 1955 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Trowbridge, Ron 12 1956 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Trowbridge, Ron 12 1956 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side VanDyke, Steven 12 2011 HJ +3. 6' 06 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Vauris, Howard 11 1930 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Vauris, Howard 11 1930 HJ +4. 0.60  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Vauris, Howard 12 1931 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Vauris, Howard 12 1931 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Wallace, Clifton 12 2002 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Whitacre, Eugene 11 1944 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Whitacre, Eugene 12 1945 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Williams, John  12 2001 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Zumbaugh, Tim 11 1970 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side Zumbaugh, Tim 12 1971 2 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1984 400 R 4. 43.34 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1930 880 R (R2) 3. -  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1932 880 R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1938 880 R (R2) 1. 1:34.2 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1939 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.9 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1942 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.2 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1946 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1947 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1948 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1950 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1953 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1957 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1962 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1963 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1964 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1965 880 R 1. 1:29.1 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1966 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1949 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1935 Mile R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1936 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1938 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1939 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1940 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1941 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:33.0 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1942 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:31.0 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1943 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1946 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:33.6 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1947 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1948 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1953 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1956 Mile R 1. 3:32.0 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1957 Mile R 1. 3:25.0 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1959 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1960 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1963 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1964 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1965 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 1971 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 2011 1600 R 9. 3:21.02 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne North Side 2012 1600 R 1. 3:16.95 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Bailey, Charles 11 2003 110 H 2. 14.26 8.00 144 855.50  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Bailey, Charles 11 2003 300 H 2. 37.67 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Bailey, Charles 12 2004 110 H 1. 13.91 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Bailey, Charles 12 2004 300 H 2. 37.53 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Brown, Bobby 11 1980 LJ 1. 23' 10 1/2 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Chavis, Jamie 11 1984 110 H 6. 14.71 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Chevilett, Don 12 1979 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Clark, John  11 1984 HJ 4. 6' 09 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Clemons, Deshannon 10 1990 300 H 6. 38.87 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Clemons, Deshannon 11 1991 110 H 2. 14.45 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Davis, Ernie 12 1986 200 4. 21.73 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop DeFord, Charles 12 1977 Mile 2. 4:15.3 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Drake, Corey 12 2003 1600 5. 4:19.05 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Ehle, James 12 1977 880 5. 1:54.1 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Ferrell, Robert 12 1985 HJ 3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Fisher, Travis 12 2008 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Fritz, Ryan 11 1997 800 9. 1:57.43 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Gaines, Joshua 11 2003 SP 8. 54' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Gerardot, J'ol 11 1997 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Gerardot, J'ol 12 1998 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Green, Kenny 12 1981 110 H 2. 14.04 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hahaj, Ryan 11 2000 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hahaj, Ryan 11 2000 LJ 5. 22' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hahaj, Ryan 12 2001 110 H 4. 14.48 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hahaj, Ryan 12 2001 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hahaj, Ryan 12 2001 LJ 2. 23' 05 3/4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hopkins, James 11 2005 300 H 5. 37.85 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hopkins, Walter 10 2004 300 H 5. 38.24 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hughes, Tim 11 1989 110 H 3. 14.14 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hunter, Gary 12 1974 PV 1. 15' 05 1/2 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hyndman, Paul 12 1978 SP 4. 57' 05 1/2 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Hyndman, Paul 12 1978 DT 5. 170' 08 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Jackson, Oliver 10 1979 120 H 4. 14.39 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Jones, Carey 12 1977 100 4. 10.0 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Jones, Richard  11 2000 LJ 7. 21' 11 3/4 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Jordan, Dorian 12 1998 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Keller, Mark 11 1982 800 5. 1:54.33 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Keller, Mark 12 1983 800 1. 1:52.94 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Kerlegrand, Jeffrey 12 2015 400 8. 49.27 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Kimball, Brian 10 1974 PV 2. 14' 10 3/4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Kimball, Brian 11 1975 PV 1. 16' 01 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Kimball, Brian 12 1976 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Koczan, Joe 11 1996 DT 9. 165' 09 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Koczan, Joe 12 1997 SP 5. 58' 03 1/2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Koczan, Joe 12 1997 DT 5. 167' 10 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Lee, Kesonn 11 2003 100 8. 11.13 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Lee, Kesonn 11 2003 200 6. 22.32 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Lee, Kesonn 12 2004 100 1. 10.70 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Lee, Kesonn 12 2004 200 5. 21.91 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Magley, Richard 11 1972 Mile 5. 4:24.6 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Magley, Richard 12 1973 Mile 1. 4:13.7 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Martin, John 12 1986 110 H 4. 14.21 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Martzall, James 10 2002 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Martzall, James 11 2003 PV 4. 15' 06 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Martzall, James 12 2004 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Martzall, Jeffrey 12 2001 PV 3. 16' 00 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Moldovan, Robert 10 2005 3200 2. 9:14.26 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Moldovan, Robert 11 2006 3200 1. 9:07.99 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Moldovan, Robert 12 2007 3200 7. 9:17.26 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Parker, Matthew 11 1994 1600 7. 4:20.76 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Parker, Matthew 12 1995 1600 4. 4:14.45 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Parsons, Craig 12 1995 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Peffley, Nate 11 1999 1600 2. 4:17.25 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Petty, Jermane 11 1992 LJ 6. 22' 11 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Plotner, Brennon 12 2004 800 3. 1:54.61 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Plotner, Brennon 12 2004 1600 3. 4:16.01 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Rogan, James 12 2009 100 6. 10.84 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Rogan, James 12 2009 200 5. 22.00 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Rogers, Rick 12 1976 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Royal, Jalen 11 2017 800 4. 1:53.25 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Royal, Jalen 12 2018 800 4. 1:55.41 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Ruich, Randy 12 1976 2 Mile 6. 9:18.4 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Sanders, Darius 12 2021 LJ 9. 21' 10 3/4 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Schneider, Brandon 12 2004 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Seeds, Matthew 12 1996 3200 6. 9:32.16 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Shank, Corey 10 2007 PV 1. 17' 00 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Shank, Corey 11 2008 PV 1. 16' 06 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Shank, Corey 12 2009 PV 1. 16' 03 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Stephens, Bijay 11 2015 110 H 5. 14.49 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Stephens, Bijay 11 2015 300 H 2. 37.76 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Stephens, Bijay 12 2016 110 H 7. 14.52 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Stephens, Bijay 12 2016 300 H 7. 38.88 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Stirlen, Tom 12 2000 DT 4. 167' 03 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Strong, Joseph 10 1995 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Strong, Joseph 11 1996 PV 4. 14' 06 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Strong, Joseph 12 1997 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Tipton, Brett 11 1998 800 5. 1:55.95 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Tipton, Brett 11 1998 1600 1. 4:14.90 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Tipton, Brett 12 1999 800 4. 1:53.60 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Tipton, Brett 12 1999 1600 1. 4:15.71 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Tucker, Robert 12 1999 SP 4. 56' 04 1/2 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Vaughn, Shaton 11 2017 110 H 2. 14.16 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Vaughn, Shaton 11 2017 300 H 1. 37.45 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Vaughn, Shaton 12 2018 110 H 4. 14.29 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Vaughn, Shaton 12 2018 300 H 1. 37.52 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wagstaff, Marcus 12 1990 LJ 5. 22' 08 1/2 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Westfield, Javion 12 2024 110 H 2. 14.24 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Westfield, Javion 12 2024 300 H 3. 38.67 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop White, Travis 10 2004 HJ 1. 6' 08 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop White, Travis 11 2005 HJ +9. 6' 06 0.50  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop White, Travis 12 2006 400 7. 48.64 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wilson, Seager 11 2004 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wilson, Seager 12 2005 PV 3. 15' 03 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wims, Scott 11 2005 100 4. 10.77 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wims, Scott 11 2005 200 1. 21.52 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wims, Scott 12 2006 100 1. 10.46 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wims, Scott 12 2006 200 1. 21.15 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wright, Allen 12 2015 400 6. 49.18 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop Wright, Trevor 12 2012 DT 9. 164' 08 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1986 400 R 1. 42.44 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1987 400 R 2. 43.00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1992 400 R 4. 43.33 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1993 400 R 3. 42.70 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2000 400 R 5. 42.57 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2001 400 R 3. 42.11 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2002 400 R 5. 42.55 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2003 400 R 2. 42.04 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2006 400 R 5. 42.17 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2008 400 R 3. 42.44 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2009 400 R 3. 42.01 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2011 400 R 8. 42.35 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1973 Mile R 2. 3:23.1 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1975 Mile R 4. 3:23.7 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1976 Mile R 4. 3:21.6 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1985 1600 R 3. 3:22.77 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1986 1600 R 2. 3:17.05 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1990 1600 R 5. 3:24.79 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1991 1600 R 4. 3:21.50 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1992 1600 R 6. 3:22.61 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1998 1600 R 3. 3:20.86 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1999 1600 R 6. 3:21.44 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2004 1600 R 6. 3:19.40 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2005 1600 R 1. 3:16.92 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2006 1600 R 3. 3:16.69 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2010 1600 R 3. 3:17.39 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2015 1600 R 2. 3:17.25 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2018 1600 R 3. 3:18.45 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1997 3200 R 1. 7:56.44 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1998 3200 R 1. 7:48.84 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 1999 3200 R 6. 7:56.06 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2001 3200 R 7. 8:01.26 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2003 3200 R 9. 7:56.42 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2017 3200 R 3. 7:47.29 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Northrop 2018 3200 R 3. 7:48.46 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Anderson, Wilbert 12 1974 440 3. 49.2 6.00 97 482.75  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Armstrong, Douglas 11 1970 HJ 4. 6' 04 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Autry, Jonathan 11 1979 SP 6. 56' 03 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Autry, Jonathan 12 1980 SP 4. 59' 04 1/2 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Barbour, Darin 12 2011 200 6. 22.06 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Boone, James 12 1973 180 H 5. 19.9 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Brown, Kevin  12 1976 180 H 3. 19.3 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Byrne, David 12 1974 SP 3. 57' 06 1/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Chambers, Marcus 11 1984 LJ 3. 24' 02 1/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Chambers, Marcus 12 1985 LJ 1. 24' 06 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Davies, Robert 12 1968 SP 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Davis, Mark 11 1972 HJ +4. 6' 02 0.75  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Dumoulin, David 11 1980 110 H 3. 14.41 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Dumoulin, David 12 1981 110 H 3. 14.11 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Dutton, Mitchell 11 2011 800 2. 1:53.85 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Dutton, Mitchell 12 2012 800 5. 1:53.83 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Emerson, Solomon 12 1988 300 H 5. 38.12 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Ford, David  11 1971 880 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Fowlkes, Oliver 12 1974 180 H 6. 19.8 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Frederick, Kendal 11 2010 200 8. 22.15 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Frederick, Kendal 12 2011 400 5. 49.08 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Glock, Chad 12 1989 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Goshert, Rob 12 1974 DT 1. 169' 10 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Grostefon, Scot 12 1989 PV 5. 15' 03 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Hamlin, Jesse 10 2017 1600 8. 4:16.77 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Hamlin, Jesse 11 2018 1600 3. 4:12.14 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Hamlin, Jesse 12 2019 3200 1. 9:04.69 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Jennings, Roman 10 2015 3200 5. 9:12.72 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Jordan, Akil 11 2002 100 8. 10.92 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Leuenberger, Anthony 11 1987 DT 2. 177' 06 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Leuenberger, Anthony 12 1988 DT 2. 178' 02 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Lewis, Samuel 12 2007 800 4. 1:55.44 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Malcolm, Scott 11 1978 100 4. 10.0 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Malcolm, Scott 12 1979 100 6. 10.07 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Norton, Benjamin 12 1997 800 2. 1:55.62 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Phillips, Richard 12 1974 HJ 3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Ramsey, John 11 1982 400 4. 48.92 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Ramsey, John 12 1983 200 3. 21.55 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Ramsey, John 12 1983 400 3. 48.22 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Sanders, Joel 11 2003 800 5. 1:55.67 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Scott, Britt 11 1984 110 H 4. 14.50 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Siebold, Kurt 12 1979 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Simmons, Tony 12 1975 120 H 6. 15.1 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Smith, Jay  12 1967 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Stewart, Jim 10 1975 PV 5. 14' 00 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Stewart, Jim 11 1976 PV 3. 14' 06 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Stewart, Raymond 12 1997 300 H 5. 37.66 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Surry, Antinoice 10 2003 200 8. 22.43 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Surry, Antinoice 12 2005 200 9. 25.49 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Talley, Deameon 11 2004 100 6. 10.90 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Trammel, Joe 12 1991 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Turange, Prentis 12 1980 400 5. 49.10 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Vernasco, Ron 11 1977 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Vernasco, Ron 12 1978 PV 1. 15' 06 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Wagner, Greg 12 2001 SP 3. 56' 05 1/4 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Walker, Jermaine 12 1992 110 H 4. 14.27 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Walker, Jermaine 12 1992 300 H 8. 38.80 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Washington, Charles 11 1983 LJ 2. 23' 10 3/4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider White, Dominique 10 2004 300 H 9. 38.91 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Williams, Adam  12 2012 800 6. 1:54.39 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Williams, Geoffrey 11 1982 300 H 6. 38.04 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Williams, Geoffrey 12 1983 200 5. 22.01 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Williams, Geoffrey 12 1983 400 4. 48.29 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 10 1981 110 H 4. 14.18 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 10 1981 300 H 2. 37.4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 11 1982 110 H 1. 13.94 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 11 1982 300 H 1. 36.98 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 12 1983 200 4. 21.5 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 12 1983 110 H 1. 13.98 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Woodson, Roderick 12 1983 300 H 1. 36.04 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Wynn, Justin 11 2003 HJ 5. 6' 04 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Wynn, Justin 11 2003 LJ 2. 22' 05 3/4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Wynn, Justin 12 2004 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider Wynn, Justin 12 2004 LJ 2. 23' 03 1/2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1991 400 R 6. 43.08 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2002 400 R 4. 42.49 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2003 400 R 9. 43.06 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2004 400 R 1. 41.85 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2011 400 R 3. 42.02 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2012 400 R 5. 42.37 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2018 400 R 9. 42.60 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1974 880 R 3. 1:30.4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1975 Mile R 2. 3:23.3 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1978 Mile R 6. 3:21.6 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1979 Mile R 4. 3:19.20 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1980 1600 R 6. 3:23.11 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1982 1600 R 1. 3:16.78 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1983 1600 R 5. 3:18.81 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1988 1600 R 6. 3:21.23 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 1997 1600 R 5. 3:23.26 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2009 1600 R 2. 3:18.24 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2010 1600 R 1. 3:16.31 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2002 3200 R 8. 8:05.30 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2003 3200 R 6. 7:49.60 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2010 3200 R 2. 7:46.88 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2011 3200 R 2. 7:42.78 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Snider 2012 3200 R 5. 7:50.44 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Adams, Robert 12 1940 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00 155 646.50  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Altman, Arden 11 1939 PV +4. 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Altman, Arden 12 1940 PV 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Anderson, Warren 12 1952 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Anderson, Warren 12 1952 180 H 1. 19.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Anderson, Warren 12 1952 HJ 1. 6' 03 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bandemer, Karl 12 1962 440 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Beery, Richard 12 1946 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Beery, Robert 12 1933 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bell, Richard 11 1927 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bell, Richard 12 1928 880 (R2) 1. 2:05.5 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Birchfield, Ron 10 1979 220 4. 22.14 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Birchfield, Ron 11 1980 300 H 1. 36.53 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Birchfield, Ron 12 1981 100 5. 10.77 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Birchfield, Ron 12 1981 300 H 1. 36.3 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Blanks, Paul 12 1972 220 2. 22.3 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bolyard, Tom 11 1958 880 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bostic, Lawrence 10 2000 LJ 4. 22' 05 1/2 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bostic, Lawrence 11 2001 LJ 4. 23' 01 3/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bostic, Lawrence 12 2002 LJ 7. 22' 07 1/2 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Boyd, Preshawn 11 2019 400 8. 48.79 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Brooks, John 11 1971 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bynum, Curtis 11 1998 400 6. 49.14 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Bynum, Curtis 12 1999 400 2. 48.16 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Close, Charles 12 1941 SP 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Clymer, Robert 11 1931 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Clymer, Robert 12 1932 Mile (R2) 1. 4:34.5 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Cook, LeRoy 12 1940 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Dawson, James 12 1961 SP 2. 55' 09 1/4 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ensley, Chester 10 1932 100 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ensley, Chester 10 1932 220 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ensley, Chester 11 1933 100 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ensley, Chester 11 1933 220 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Feistkorn, Charles 12 1941 880 (R2) 1. 2:02.1 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fish, Michael 12 1972 120 H 2. 14.2 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fleming, Jack 10 1930 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fleming, Jack 11 1931 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fleming, Jack 12 1932 880 (R2) 1. 2:01.2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fleming, Tom 12 1967 SP 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Flowers, John  10 1979 LJ 3. 23' 01 1/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Flowers, John  11 1980 LJ 4. 23' 00 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Flowers, John  12 1981 LJ 2. 23' 05 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Fowlkes, Derrick 10 1971 LJ 5. 21' 11 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Frost, Warren 11 1944 HJ +3. 2.50  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Geyer, William 11 1934 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Gorman, Juan 12 1990 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Gorman, Juan 12 1990 LJ 2. 23' 09 1/2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Gouty, William 10 1927 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Grady, Chris 12 1984 HJ 3. 6' 09 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Guillet, Emerald 12 2008 100 3. 10.75 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Harris, Shaton 11 2013 100 9. 11.08 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Harris, Shaton 12 2014 200 8. 22.50 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Horstman, Jon 12 1970 880 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Hovarter, Floyd 12 1948 SP 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Howe, Daniel 11 1957 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Howe, Daniel 12 1958 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Howe, Daniel 12 1958 180 H 1. 19.9 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Hunter, Greg 11 1976 LJ 3. 22' 08 1/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Jackson, Cedric 11 1999 400 5. 49.44 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Jackson, Cedric 12 2000 400 4. 48.39 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Jackson, Jeff 12 1981 200 3. 21.81 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Jackson, Jeff 12 1981 400 2. 48.78 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Johnson, Carl 12 1961 120 H 1. 14.7 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Johnson, Robert  12 1947 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Joyner, Kameron 12 2015 100 9. 11.02 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Kabisch, Todd 11 1987 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Kabisch, Todd 12 1988 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Kilpatrick, Dick 11 1941 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Kilpatrick, Dick 12 1942 HJ 1. 5' 10 3/4 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side LaBrash, John 10 1948 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side LaBrash, John 12 1950 880 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Leitz, Ed 12 1936 SP 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Littlejohn, Charles 12 1951 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Lougheed, Scott 12 1968 PV 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Lumpp, John 11 1967 440 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Lumpp, John 12 1968 440 1. 48.2 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Mable, Adrian 12 2013 110 H 3. 14.36 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Mable, Adrian 12 2013 300 H 9. 38.57 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side McEarhern, Gray 12 1972 HJ +4. 6' 02 0.75  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Miller, Dick  11 1957 SP 5. 50' 00 1/4 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Miller, Nelson 12 1937 SP 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Miller, Rich 12 1958 PV +2. 12' 00 2.50  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Moore, Roosevelt 12 2002 110 H 7. 14.57 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Norris, Merl 11 1935 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Rainbolt, Allen 12 1961 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Redd, Steve 12 1989 LJ 4. 23' 01 1/2 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Redding, David 12 1957 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Rhoades, Randy 11 1969 440 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ridley, Brandon 11 1994 200 4. 21.88 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ridley, Brandon 11 1994 400 3. 48.25 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ridley, Brandon 12 1995 200 8. 22.54 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Ridley, Brandon 12 1995 400 2. 47.83 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Roth, Ed 12 1948 SP 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Snyder, Paul 11 1945 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stavreti, Chris 12 1957 100 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Steinkamp, Stanley 11 1944 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stewart, Charles 10 1971 HJ 2. 6' 07 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stewart, Charles 11 1972 HJ +4. 6' 02 0.75  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stewart, Charles 12 1973 LJ 3. 23' 07 3/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stewart, Marvin 12 1975 440 3. 49.9 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stults, William 12 1944 120 H 1. 15.2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Stults, William 12 1944 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Thompson, Rodney 11 1981 LJ 4. 22' 05 1/4 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tubbs, Leon 11 1977 440 2. 48.4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tubbs, Leon 12 1978 220 2. 21.7 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tubbs, Leon 12 1978 440 1. 47.4 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tunget, Everett 11 1949 SP 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tunget, Everett 12 1950 SP 1. 50' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tyree, Robert 11 1977 HJ 4. 6' 09 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tyree, Robert 12 1978 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Tyree, Thomas 11 1981 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Vogel, Ernest 11 1940 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Vogel, Ernest 11 1940 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Vogel, Ernest 11 1940 HJ 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Vogt, Mike 12 1965 PV 3. 13' 03 3/4 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Walker, Art 12 1966 SP 3. 58' 10 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Watson, Bill 11 1968 440 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Williams, Morton 12 1945 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Wilson, Lee 12 1980 DT 5. 165' 02 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Windom, Glen 12 1979 330 H 4. 37.90 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Worman, James 12 1942 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Wright, Robert  12 1955 880 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Zahn, Perry 12 1930 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side Zuber, Dallas 12 1942 PV +2. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1980 400 R 2. 42.22 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1981 400 R 4. 42.64 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1933 880 R (R2) 1. 1:33.0 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1934 880 R (R2) 1. 1:35.6 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1940 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1941 880 R (R2) 1. 1:33.8 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1955 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1956 880 R 1. N/A 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1960 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1961 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1975 880 R 3. 1:32.0 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1977 880 R 2. 1:28.8 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1979 880 R 2. 1:27.36 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1932 Mile R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1933 Mile R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1958 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1962 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1963 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1968 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1972 Mile R 2. 3:23.4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1978 Mile R 4. 3:19.7 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1979 Mile R 6. 3:19.70 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1980 1600 R 4. 3:17.85 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1981 1600 R 3. 3:17.36 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1992 1600 R 8. 3:23.25 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1998 1600 R 4. 3:21.47 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 1999 1600 R 1. 3:17.69 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 2000 1600 R 5. 3:21.27 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 2008 1600 R 4. 3:18.85 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 2018 1600 R 4. 3:18.77 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne South Side 2019 1600 R 1. 3:17.19 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Baker, Keristen 12 1998 DT 3. 170' 11 7.00 69 368.50  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Beasley, Andre 11 1997 800 8. 1:57.33 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Brautzsch, Christopher 12 2006 110 H 1. 13.82 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Brewer, Douglas 12 1983 100 6. 10.97 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Kenneth 11 1975 120 H 5. 15.0 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Kenneth 11 1975 180 H 3. 19.8 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Kenneth 12 1976 120 H 2. 14.0 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Kenneth 12 1976 180 H 1. 19.1 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Mark 11 1977 120 H 2. 14.4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Mark 12 1978 120 H 1. 13.8 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Cammack, Mark 12 1978 330 H +6. 37.9 0.50  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Corley, W. Michael 12 2000 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Craig, Kevin 9 1995 200 1. 21.80 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Craig, Kevin 11 1997 100 2. 10.85 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Craig, Kevin 11 1997 200 3. 22.07 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Craig, Kevin 12 1998 100 1. 10.56 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Craig, Kevin 12 1998 200 8. 59.26 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Daniels, Zach 11 2016 300 H 9. 38.96 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Daniels, Zach 12 2017 300 H 7. 38.96 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Elliott, Ronald (1) 12 2001 300 H 1. 38.31 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Elliott, Ronald (2) 11 2019 110 H 6. 14.71 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Fikes, Eric 12 1997 LJ 4. 22' 03 1/4 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Ford, Shamarcus 12 2013 400 8. 48.95 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Green, Cory 12 1988 300 H 2. 37.86 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Harris, Roderick 11 1999 110 H 7. 14.79 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Harris, Roderick 11 1999 300 H 6. 39.36 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Harris, Roderick 12 2000 110 H 7. 14.80 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Harris, Roderick 12 2000 300 H 3. 37.90 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Knox, Willie 11 1973 100 2. 9.8 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Knox, Willie 11 1973 220 2. 22.2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne McCarrol, Eric 12 1978 LJ 2. 23' 02 3/4 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Mitchell, Deon 12 1994 100 9. 11.37 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Mitchell, John 11 1972 100 1. 9.7 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Mitchell, John 11 1972 180 H 1. 19.1 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Mitchell, John 12 1973 120 H 1. 14.3 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Mitchell, John 12 1973 180 H 2. 19.2 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Ramsey, Kenny 12 1994 110 H 9. 15.23 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Robinson, Carrington 12 2013 LJ 3. 23' 00 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Rouse, Wilfred 12 1974 180 H 1. 19.3 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Sanders, Brandon 11 1998 800 9. 1:57.22 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Stone, Devon 12 2013 110 H 5. 14.38 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Teusch, Stephen 12 1996 3200 1. 9:24.45 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Washington, Derek 12 2005 300 H 4. 37.81 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Wattley, Jamar 12 2001 110 H 3. 14.46 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Williams, David  11 1999 110 H 8. 15.07 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Williams, David  12 2000 110 H 5. 14.51 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Wims, Alfred 12 1984 400 4. 49.34 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Young, Craig 10 2017 100 9. 37.32 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne Young, Craig 11 2018 100 3. 10.58 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1989 400 R 3. 42.71 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1993 400 R 4. 42.72 6.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1996 400 R 5. 42.72 5.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1997 400 R 3. 42.16 7.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1998 400 R 7. 42.79 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2000 400 R 9. 42.95 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2005 400 R 1. 41.95 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2006 400 R 7. 42.19 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1972 880 R 5. 1:31.9 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1973 880 R 2. 1:28.7 8.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1974 880 R 1. 1:29.1 10.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1976 880 R 4. 1:28.7 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1978 880 R 6. 1:30.4 1.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1982 1600 R 4. 3:19.96 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1993 1600 R 6. 3:23.80 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1998 1600 R 8. 3:23.18 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 1999 1600 R 8. 3:21.92 2.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2000 1600 R 6. 3:22.73 4.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2001 1600 R 7. 3:21.40 3.00  
  Ft. Wayne Wayne 2004 1600 R 4. 3:19.27 6.00  
  Garrett Bodey, Andy 12 2001 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00 21 69.50  
  Garrett Brinkerhoff, Joseph 12 1939 100 3. 3.00  
  Garrett Brinkerhoff, Joseph 12 1939 220 5. 1.00  
  Garrett Burniston, Brent 12 1995 400 8. 49.23 2.00  
  Garrett Combs, Harold 12 1934 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Garrett Dixon, Mervin 9 1922 Mile (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Garrett Emenhiser, Wes 12 2001 DT 9. 162' 00 1.00  
  Garrett Frickey, Todd 11 2011 100 8. 11.01 2.00  
  Garrett Getts, Geoff 11 2009 DT 8. 161' 00 2.00  
  Garrett Getts, Geoff 12 2010 DT 8. 165' 09 2.00  
  Garrett Hicks, Derek 12 2004 SP 3. 61' 03 1/2 7.00  
  Garrett Hicks, Derek 12 2004 DT 2. 173' 04 8.00  
  Garrett Knepper, Jame 12 2003 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Garrett Moe, Lance 11 2005 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Garrett Mountz, George 12 1926 HJ +1. 5' 08 4.50  
  Garrett Neighborgall, Roger 11 1940 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Garrett Neighborgall, Roger 12 1941 100 2. 4.00  
  Garrett Neighborgall, Roger 12 1941 440 (R1) 1. 51.0 5.00  
  Garrett Nicholson, Howard 10 1929 SP 5. 1.00  
  Garrett Stroman, Jeff 11 1971 120 H 1. 14.4 6.00  
  Garrett Stroman, Jeff 12 1972 120 H 1. 14.2 6.00  
  Gary Elser, Irving 11 1915 PV +1. 10' 06 4.00 5 13.00  
  Gary Phillips, Gerald 12 1915 DT 3. 1.00  
  Gary Pritchard, Stuart 12 1916 880 2. 3.00  
  Gary Wicks, John 12 1912 PV 1. 10' 11 1/4 5.00  
  Gary 1916 Mile R 1. 3:49.8 -  
  Gary Emerson Baity, Elijah 12 1969 LJ 2. 4.00 53 169.13  
  Gary Emerson Barnum, Earl 10 1922 880 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Barnum, Earl 11 1923 880 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Bayer, Don 12 1961 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Bayer, Don 12 1961 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Bennett, Jack 11 1935 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Bennett, Jack 12 1936 120 H 1. 15.5 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Bennett, Jack 12 1936 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Bolinger, Dick 12 1940 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Bowman, Robert 11 1970 2 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Burns, Ed 12 1942 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Cogley, Harold 12 1918 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Dilling, Leo 11 1927 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Dunleavy, George 12 1920 120 H 1. 17.6 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Edwards, Mel 12 1950 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Elliott, Bob 12 1945 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Elser, Earl 11 1926 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Frankowski, Stanley 11 1941 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Holman, James 11 1938 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Hughes, Edward 12 1927 SP 1. 47' 00 1/8 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Jones, Larry 11 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Gary Emerson Kreig, Fred 12 1928 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Largura, Tino 11 1926 LJ 1. 21' 01 3/4 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Largura, Tino 11 1926 PV 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Link, Damel 11 1925 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Link, Damel 12 1926 880 (R1) +5. 0.50  
  Gary Emerson Lynch, David 12 1937 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Maragos, Mike 12 1946 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Maragos, Mike 12 1946 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Mihal, George 10 1941 SP 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Mihal, George 11 1942 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Miller, Gene 11 1944 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Miller, Gene 12 1945 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Miller, Gene 12 1945 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Miller, Norman 11 1927 PV 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Mohardt, Patrick 11 1924 440 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Gary Emerson Moody, Jay 12 1955 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Olis, Bernard 11 1943 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Sandbach, Kenneth 9 1928 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Sandbach, Kenneth 10 1929 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson Sandbach, Kenneth 10 1929 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Gary Emerson Sandbach, Kenneth 11 1930 120 H 1. 15.7 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Sandbach, Kenneth 11 1930 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Emerson Sturtridge, Richard 12 1923 120 H 1. 16.4 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Sturtridge, Richard 12 1923 LJ 1. 21' 01 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Szold, Bernard 12 1917 440 1. 52.4 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Viant, Zim 12 1917 PV +3. 0.50  
  Gary Emerson West, Lowell 12 1924 LJ 1. 21' 07 5/8 5.00  
  Gary Emerson Williams, Jimmie 11 1973 120 H 2. 14.5 8.00  
  Gary Emerson Zeman, Joe 11 1943 PV +3. 2.00  
  Gary Emerson 1919 Mile R 3. -  
  Gary Emerson 1950 Mile R 1. 3:27.1 10.00  
  Gary Emerson 1958 Mile R 1. N/A 10.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 9 1930 120 H 2. 4.00 185 774.88  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 9 1930 220 H 1. 24.6 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 10 1931 120 H 1. 15.4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 10 1931 220 H 1. 24.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 11 1932 120 H 1. 15.7 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 11 1932 220 H 1. 24.7 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 12 1933 120 H 1. 15.4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Abrams, Amos 12 1933 220 H 1. 24.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Banks, William 12 1967 220 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Beckwith, Galvin 11 1935 HJ 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Bell, George 12 1948 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, Eddie 11 1946 PV +2. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, Eddie 11 1947 PV 1. 12' 06 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, Eddie 12 1948 PV 1. 12' 06 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, Hoyt 11 1940 200 H 1. 22.9 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, Hoyt 11 1940 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, James  11 1938 PV 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Brown, James  12 1939 PV +1. 12' 03 4.50  
  Gary Froebel Buck, Robert  10 1953 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Buck, Robert  11 1954 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Buck, Robert  12 1955 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Buck, Robert  12 1955 180 H 1. 19.1 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Burton, Edward 12 1925 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Campbell, LaVerne 11 1941 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Gary Froebel Campbell, LaVerne 12 1942 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Carr, Herman 12 1936 440 (R2) 1. 49.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Divich, Steve 10 1928 PV 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Divich, Steve 11 1929 PV 1. 11' 06 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Eskew, Robert 11 1963 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Exum, Bill 11 1927 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Exum, Bill 12 1928 440 (R2) 1. 51.8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Farmer, Walter 12 1935 PV 1. 12' 10 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Ford, Sherman 11 1932 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Ford, Sherman 12 1933 440 (R2) 1. 50.0 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Ford, Willie 11 1957 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Ford, Willie 12 1958 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Freeman, LaFrance 12 1936 HJ +3. 2.50  
  Gary Froebel Fronczak, Eugene 12 1938 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Gaines, Nathaniel 11 1957 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Gaines, Nathaniel 12 1958 120 H 1. 14.7 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gardfrey, Leonard 10 1958 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Gardfrey, Leonard 11 1959 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Glenn, Burnest 12 1942 200 H 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 10 1947 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 10 1947 220 1. 22.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 11 1948 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 11 1948 220 1. 21.2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 12 1949 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Joseph 12 1949 220 1. 21.8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Marcelino 12 1942 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gonzalez, Marcelino 12 1942 220 1. 21.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gordon, Edward 11 1926 HJ +1. 5' 08 4.50  
  Gary Froebel Gordon, Edward 12 1927 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Gordon, Edward 12 1927 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Gracin, Jerry 12 1933 HJ 1. 6' 03 7/8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gracin, Jerry 12 1933 PV 1. 12' 02 1/8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Gullett, Patrick 10 1969 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Hadley, Alfred 12 1954 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Hadley, Alfred 12 1954 HJ +1. 6' 03 5/8 4.50  
  Gary Froebel Harris, Richard 12 1963 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Hart, Willie 10 1930 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Hart, Willie 10 1930 220 1. 22.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Hart, Willie 11 1931 220 1. 22.2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Hart, Willie 12 1932 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Hart, Willie 12 1932 220 1. 22.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Haywood, James 12 1944 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Henik, John 1940 PV 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Henik, Victor 1935 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Hill, John  11 1950 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Howard, Leroy 12 1953 440 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Jackson, Alvin 10 1927 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Jackson, Alvin 11 1928 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Jackson, Alvin 12 1929 HJ +1. 5' 07 3/8 4.50  
  Gary Froebel Jackson, Alvin 12 1929 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Jancarich, John 1933 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Jankowski, Ed 12 1928 120 H 1. 16.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Johnson, Willie 11 1931 PV +4. 0.60  
  Gary Froebel Johnson, Willie 12 1932 PV +2. 3.50  
  Gary Froebel Johnston, Wesley 12 1928 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Jones, Ronald 12 1945 PV 1. 11' 09 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Jordan, Harry 1932 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Kachaturoff, Dan 11 1949 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Kachaturoff, Dan 12 1950 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Kish, Alexander 12 1929 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Larry, Melvin 11 1953 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Mack, John 12 1958 440 1. 50.2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Mackins, Robert 12 1967 180 H 1. 19.0 6.00  
  Gary Froebel MacPherson, William 11 1928 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Gary Froebel Mallard, Louis 11 1930 HJ +4. 0.60  
  Gary Froebel Mallard, Louis 12 1931 HJ +1. 5' 10 3/4 4.50  
  Gary Froebel Mallard, Louis 12 1931 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel McReynolds, Lionel 11 1950 880 1. 1:59.0 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Miles, Howard 12 1967 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Miles, John  11 1964 440 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Minor, Davage 10 1939 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Gary Froebel Minor, Davage 11 1940 HJ 1. 6' 01 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Minor, Davage 11 1940 LJ 1. 21' 09 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Mitchell, Levi 11 1967 LJ 1. 23' 09 1/2 6.00  
  Gary Froebel Moore, John 12 1951 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Morgan, George 12 1935 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Gary Froebel Mullins, John 10 1929 440 (R2) 1. 54.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Mullins, John 11 1930 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Mullins, John 11 1930 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Mullins, John 12 1931 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Mullins, John 12 1931 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Nugnis, Walt 10 1927 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Nugnis, Walt 11 1928 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Nugnis, Walt 12 1929 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Nugnis, Walt 12 1929 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Nugnis, Walt 12 1929 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Odell, Eliza 12 1928 220 H 1. 26.1 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Parker, Harold 1934 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Gary Froebel Perrotta, Dan 11 1930 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Perrotta, Emil 12 1925 PV 1. 11' 03 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Pilenak, John 1931 PV +4. 0.60  
  Gary Froebel Pilenak, John 1932 PV +4. 0.75  
  Gary Froebel Pudlo, Walter 12 1938 100 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Pudlo, Walter 12 1938 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Pustik, John 11 1932 440 (R1) 1. 51.8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Robinson, Darvin 12 1954 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Robinson, PJ 12 1940 100 1. 10.5 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Robinson, PJ 12 1940 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Scott, Robert  10 1930 LJ 1. 22' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Scott, Robert  11 1931 LJ 1. 22' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Scott, Robert  12 1932 LJ 1. 23' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Shaffer, John 9 1941 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Shaffer, John 10 1942 440 (R2) 1. 51.4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Shaffer, John 10 1942 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Sims, James 10 1951 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Smith, Andrew 12 1925 120 H 1. 16.6 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Smith, Charles  10 1955 440 5. 1.00  
  Gary Froebel Spikener, Leroy 11 1967 880 1. 1:54.0 6.00  
  Gary Froebel Spikener, Leroy 12 1968 880 1. 1:52.7 6.00  
  Gary Froebel Stroud, Melvin 12 1946 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Stroud, Melvin 12 1946 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Thomas, Alvin 11 1949 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Thomas, Alvin 12 1950 220 1. 22.6 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Tinzley, James 12 1953 HJ 1. 6' 00 1/8 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Towns, Ed 12 1939 200 H 1. 23.1 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Towns, Ed 12 1939 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Townsell, Matthews 1932 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel Turanek, Nick 12 1935 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Williams, Jesse 1964 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Williams, Lorenzie 10 1949 LJ 1. 22' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Williams, Lorenzie 11 1950 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Williams, Walter 12 1935 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Williamson, Fred 11 1955 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Froebel Williamson, Fred 12 1956 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel Wonsowicz, Alex 12 1933 PV +2. 3.50  
  Gary Froebel Wonsowicz, John 10 1928 PV 1. 11' 09 3/4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel Wonsowicz, John 11 1929 PV +2. 3.50  
  Gary Froebel Wonsowicz, John 12 1930 PV +1. 12' 04 3/4 4.50  
  Gary Froebel 1929 880 R (R2) 1. 1:37.4 -  
  Gary Froebel 1930 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.5 -  
  Gary Froebel 1932 880 R (R2) 1. 1:31.9 5.00  
  Gary Froebel 1936 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.4 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1940 880 R (R2) 1. 1:31.8 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1941 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Gary Froebel 1946 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.6 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1948 880 R (R2) 1. 1:31.4 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1949 880 R 1. 1:31.6 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1950 880 R 1. 1:30.7 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1951 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel 1953 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Froebel 1955 880 R 1. 1:30.9 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1959 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel 1963 880 R 1. 1:30.2 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1964 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Froebel 1966 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Froebel 1967 880 R 1. 1:28.3 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1969 880 R 1. 1:28.9 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1926 Mile R (R1) 2. -  
  Gary Froebel 1928 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:34.3 -  
  Gary Froebel 1930 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:36.1 -  
  Gary Froebel 1931 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:34.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel 1932 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:30.4 5.00  
  Gary Froebel 1933 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:30.3 5.00  
  Gary Froebel 1940 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Gary Froebel 1942 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Gary Froebel 1944 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Gary Froebel 1945 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Gary Froebel 1953 Mile R 1. 3:24.7 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1961 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Froebel 1965 Mile R 1. 3:19.0 10.00  
  Gary Froebel 1967 Mile R 1. 3:18.6 10.00  
  Gary Mann Angotti, Arthur 12 1962 Mile 1. 4:24.9 5.00 111 529.00  
  Gary Mann Bacote, Edmond 11 1992 LJ 1. 24' 01 1/2 10.00  
  Gary Mann Bacote, Edmond 12 1993 LJ 3. 23' 08 7.00  
  Gary Mann Ballard, Edward 12 1996 400 8. 48.94 2.00  
  Gary Mann Bibbins, Clarence 11 1982 LJ 2. 23' 04 8.00  
  Gary Mann Bibbins, Clarence 12 1983 LJ 4. 23' 01 1/2 4.00  
  Gary Mann Boehler, Bob 12 1938 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Bradley, Ezekiel 12 1969 180 H 1. 19.0 6.00  
  Gary Mann Burns, Richard 12 1946 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Carr, Robert  10 1939 PV 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Carr, Robert  11 1940 PV 1. 12' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Mann Carr, Robert  12 1941 PV 1. 12' 06 5.00  
  Gary Mann Clifford, Tom 12 1941 100 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Clifford, Tom 12 1941 220 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Clifford, William 12 1934 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Clifford, William 12 1934 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Connolly, Bill 12 1941 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Cooper, Glenn 11 1934 120 H 1. 15.9 5.00  
  Gary Mann Cooper, Glenn 12 1935 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Cooper, Glenn 12 1935 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Dilling, Richard 11 1962 100 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Dilling, Richard 11 1962 220 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Dilling, Richard 12 1963 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Dilling, Richard 12 1963 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Ellerthorpe, Bill 12 1940 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Elser, Donald 10 1929 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Elser, Donald 11 1930 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Elser, Donald 12 1931 100 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Elser, Donald 12 1931 SP 1. 52' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Mann Fekete, Charles 11 1951 220 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Fitzgerald, Leonard 12 1939 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Geiselman, Earl 12 1936 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Gary Mann Geiselman, Earl 12 1936 220 1. 22.5 5.00  
  Gary Mann Grow, Ray 12 1933 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Gullett, Patrick 11 1970 100 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Gullett, Patrick 11 1970 220 1. 21.4 6.00  
  Gary Mann Gullett, Patrick 12 1971 100 1. 10.0 6.00  
  Gary Mann Gullett, Patrick 12 1971 220 1. 21.3 6.00  
  Gary Mann Harmon, Tom 11 1936 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Harmon, Tom 12 1937 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Gary Mann Harmon, Tom 12 1937 200 H 1. 23.3 5.00  
  Gary Mann Hecker, Charles 11 1931 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Johnson, Gerald 12 1930 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Lloyd, William 10 1934 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Lloyd, William 10 1934 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Lloyd, William 11 1935 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Gary Mann Lloyd, William 11 1935 220 1. 22.7 5.00  
  Gary Mann Lonzo, Steven 11 1991 400 3. 49.58 6.00  
  Gary Mann Lonzo, Steven 12 1992 400 3. 48.86 7.00  
  Gary Mann Lynch, Joe 12 1940 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann McConnell, John 12 1953 SP 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann McDowell, Dave 12 1937 HJ 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Mitchell, Richard 11 1992 800 1. 1:55.44 10.00  
  Gary Mann Much, Richard 11 1939 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Mann Olson, Arnold 12 1939 440 (R2) 1. 51.9 5.00  
  Gary Mann Owen, Larry 12 1963 LJ 2. 23' 00 3/4 4.00  
  Gary Mann Piggee, Brandon 12 1998 400 4. 49.08 6.00  
  Gary Mann Porter, Roy 11 1941 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Randle, Jeffery 12 1983 100 3. 10.76 6.00  
  Gary Mann Randle, Jeffery 12 1983 200 6. 22.03 1.00  
  Gary Mann Robinson, Hartwell 12 1939 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Rollins, Darrell 11 1987 110 H 2. 14.34 8.00  
  Gary Mann Rollins, Darrell 12 1988 110 H 3. 14.47 6.00  
  Gary Mann Smith, Tyrone 11 1982 200 3. 21.79 6.00  
  Gary Mann Smith, Van 11 1984 800 3. 1:56.27 6.00  
  Gary Mann Smith, Van 12 1985 800 5. 1:57.50 2.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 10 1989 1600 1. 4:17.93 10.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 10 1989 3200 4. 9:21.11 4.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 11 1990 1600 1. 4:13.79 10.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 11 1990 3200 4. 9:29.40 4.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 12 1991 800 2. 1:54.36 8.00  
  Gary Mann Smoot, Eric 12 1991 1600 1. 4:13.20 10.00  
  Gary Mann Someson, John 12 1957 880 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Sponsel, Kenath 11 1935 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Sponsel, Kenath 12 1936 440 (R1) 1. 50.0 5.00  
  Gary Mann Stapleton, Roger 12 1934 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann Tobias, Robert 12 1934 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Ulrich, Ehrhardt 11 1929 880 (R1) 1. 2:05.5 5.00  
  Gary Mann Uzelac, Dan 12 1938 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann Uzelac, Dan 12 1938 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Whitman, Wade 10 1943 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Whitman, Wade 11 1944 Mile (R2) 1. 4:33.2 5.00  
  Gary Mann Williams, Anthony 10 1987 800 3. 1:53.73 6.00  
  Gary Mann Williams, Anthony 11 1988 800 2. 1:53.65 8.00  
  Gary Mann Williams, Anthony 11 1988 1600 2. 4:15.13 8.00  
  Gary Mann Williams, Anthony 12 1989 800 5. 1:53.67 2.00  
  Gary Mann Williams, Anthony 12 1989 1600 2. 4:17.96 8.00  
  Gary Mann Yards, Ludwig 11 1929 SP 4. 2.00  
  Gary Mann Yards, Ludwig 12 1930 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Mann 1980 400 R 6. 43.19 1.00  
  Gary Mann 1982 400 R 2. 41.66 8.00  
  Gary Mann 1934 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.2 5.00  
  Gary Mann 1935 880 R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Mann 1937 880 R (R1) 1. 1:34.1 10.00  
  Gary Mann 1969 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Gary Mann 1970 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Mann 1971 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Mann 1934 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:37.5 5.00  
  Gary Mann 1936 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:26.6 10.00  
  Gary Mann 1937 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:35.0 10.00  
  Gary Mann 1938 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Gary Mann 1939 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:29.5 10.00  
  Gary Mann 1955 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Mann 1983 1600 R 3. 3:17.29 6.00  
  Gary Mann 1991 1600 R 2. 3:18.77 8.00  
  Gary Mann 1992 1600 R 1. 3:17.70 10.00  
  Gary Mann 1995 1600 R 5. 3:20.07 5.00  
  Gary Mann 1996 1600 R 3. 3:21.63 7.00  
  Gary Mann 1997 1600 R 2. 3:22.16 8.00  
  Gary Mann 1996 3200 R 6. 8:00.08 4.00  
  Gary Mann 1997 3200 R 5. 8:02.53 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Adams, George 11 1964 220 2. 4.00 253 1347.79  
  Gary Roosevelt Adams, William 12 1992 110 H 5. 14.33 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Anderson, Eugene 11 1963 440 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Bailey, Russell 12 1948 100 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Baker, Robert 12 1978 100 3. 9.9 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Bell, Keith 12 1965 880 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Blackwell, Artie 12 1983 110 H 4. 14.56 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Boone, Clarence 12 1977 SP 3. 59' 05 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Brooks, Rodney 12 1984 110 H 5. 14.64 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Brooks, Rodney 12 1984 300 H 2. 37.57 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Brown, Joseph 12 1943 HJ 1. 6' 00 1/4 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Brunson, Milton 11 1979 440 +6. 49.89 0.50  
  Gary Roosevelt Burnett, Derrick 11 1974 180 H 4. 19.6 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Burnett, Dewayne 12 1981 300 H 4. 37.7 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Calhoun, Lee 12 1951 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Calloway, Richard 12 1961 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Calloway, Richard 12 1961 220 1. 21.7 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Campbell, Antoine 12 1973 120 H 5. 14.8 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Campbell, Erik 11 1983 110 H 2. 14.02 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Campbell, Erik 12 1984 110 H 1. 13.90 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Carter, Marshall 12 1980 110 H 2. 14.38 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Carter, Marshall 12 1980 300 H 2. 37.34 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Davis, Henry 12 1952 HJ +5. 5' 10 1/2 0.50  
  Gary Roosevelt Davis, Wesley 11 1997 200 9. 22.77 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Davis, Wesley 11 1997 400 7. 49.24 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Davis, Wesley 12 1998 400 8. 49.36 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Deggans, Charles 12 1951 880 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Dillon, Tyrone 12 1989 800 3. 1:53.11 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Dooley, Thomas 12 1948 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Dooley, William 11 1951 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Durden, Bruce 11 1970 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Durden, Bruce 12 1971 440 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Fain, Eugene 12 1963 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Felton, Marvin 12 1965 440 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Floyd, James 11 1944 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Floyd, James 12 1945 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Floyd, Thomas 11 1948 HJ +1. 6' 01 3/4 4.50  
  Gary Roosevelt Garner, Derrick 12 1983 300 H 3. 36.99 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Gates, Joe 12 1973 220 6. 22.6 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Gentry, Franklin 12 1953 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Gilliam, Marvin 12 1959 LJ 2. 22' 01 1/4 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Givens, Edward 11 1970 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hall, Kenneth 12 1964 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Clark 11 1972 180 H 3. 19.7 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Clark 12 1973 100 3. 10.0 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Clark 12 1973 180 H 3. 19.4 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Ricardo 11 1976 180 H 5. 19.5 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Ricardo 12 1977 180 H 1. 19.3 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Warren 11 1947 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hamer, Warren 12 1948 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harner, Tom 12 1985 SP 2. 58' 02 3/4 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, Bennie  11 1964 880 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, Bennie  12 1965 880 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, Charles 12 1988 400 1. 48.61 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, James 11 1961 880 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, James 12 1962 880 1. 1:54.4 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Harris, Lewis 12 1949 220 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Holmes, Benjamin 10 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Gary Roosevelt Holmes, Benjamin 11 1945 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Gary Roosevelt Holmes, Benjamin 12 1946 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/8 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Hood, Larry 11 1962 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jefferson, Phillip 12 1988 800 1. 1:52.31 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jelks, Timothy 10 1999 200 9. 22.84 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jenkins, Robert 11 2004 400 8. 48.96 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Johnson, Lawrence 12 1981 800 6. 1:55.59 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Johnson, Ryan  10 1995 110 H 8. 14.76 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Johnson, Ryan  11 1996 110 H 3. 14.59 7.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Johnson, Ryan  12 1997 110 H 6. 14.66 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Charles 12 1977 LJ 1. 24' 01 1/4 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Harold 11 1946 440 (R1) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Harold 12 1947 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Harold 12 1947 440 (R1) 1. 49.4 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Jerry 12 1978 220 3. 22.0 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Joseph 12 1989 110 H 2. 14.00 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Joseph 12 1989 300 H 1. 37.56 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Lawrence 12 1960 PV +2. 12' 02 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Robert  12 1960 120 H 1. 15.0 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Jones, Robert  12 1960 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Laws, Teron 12 1977 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Lee, Henry 11 2006 1600 4. 4:17.94 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Lee, Henry 12 2007 1600 8. 4:20.57 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Bruce 12 1970 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Bruce 12 1970 180 H 1. 18.7 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Clay 11 1961 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Clay 12 1962 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Clay 12 1962 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Donald 11 1946 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Donald 11 1946 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Leek, Donald 12 1947 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Lynch, James 12 1960 LJ 5. 21' 01 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Malone, Richard 11 1967 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Malone, Richard 12 1968 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Martin, Gerald 12 1973 SP 6. 55' 04 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Matison, Rene 12 1964 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt McClinon, Derek 10 1989 800 1. 1:52.52 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt McClinon, Derek 11 1990 800 2. 1:53.95 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Meekins, Marc 12 1988 SP 6. 56' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Meeks, Leonard 12 1977 120 H 5. 14.5 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Meeks, Leonard 12 1977 180 H 5. 19.8 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moody, Herbert 11 1944 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moody, Herbert 12 1945 440 (R2) 1. 50.5 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moore, Glen 11 1982 100 2. 10.64 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moore, Glen 11 1982 200 5. 21.88 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moore, Glen 12 1983 100 2. 10.64 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Moore, Glen 12 1983 200 2. 21.47 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Morgan, Carl 10 1951 SP 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Owens, Isaiah 11 1971 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Patrick, Jeffery 10 1980 200 6. 22.20 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Patrick, Jeffery 11 1981 100 2. 10.58 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Patrick, Jeffery 11 1981 200 1. 21.38 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Patrick, Jeffery 12 1982 100 1. 10.47 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Patrick, Jeffery 12 1982 200 1. 21.41 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Phillips, Joe 12 1959 440 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Pipkins, James 11 1952 LJ 2. 22' 03 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Reedus, Lee 11 1964 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Reedus, Lee 12 1965 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Reedus, Lee 12 1965 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Robertson, Robert 12 1978 440 3. 48.6 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Robinson, Ernest 12 1960 220 1. 21.8 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Simmons, Derrick 12 1983 800 6. 1:56.07 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Simms, Albert 10 1947 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Simms, Albert 11 1948 120 H 1. 14.7 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Simms, Albert 11 1948 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Anthony 12 1988 110 H 2. 14.35 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Earl 11 1951 LJ 1. 21' 11 5/8 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Earl 12 1952 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Edward 12 1954 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Ezell 12 1963 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Ezell 12 1963 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Norman 11 1980 800 3. 1:53.40 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Smith, Norman 12 1981 800 1. 1:54.32 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Spears, Darryl 12 1990 300 H 2. 38.22 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Stearns, Robert 10 1949 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Stearns, Robert 11 1950 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Stearns, Robert 12 1951 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 10 1984 100 2. 10.53 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 10 1984 200 1. 21.28 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 11 1985 100 2. 10.58 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 11 1985 200 1. 21.26 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 12 1986 100 1. 10.54 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Story, John 12 1986 200 1. 21.38 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Street, William 11 1944 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Street, William 12 1945 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Summer, John 12 1996 100 1. 10.98 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Summers, John 12 1996 200 4. 22.26 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Taliaferro, Claude 12 1950 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Taliaferro, George 11 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Gary Roosevelt Theus, Floyd 12 1960 440 1. 48.9 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Thomas, Jessie 12 1998 110 H 5. 14.82 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Thomas, Jessie 12 1998 300 H 6. 38.12 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Thomas, Renaldo 12 1982 400 6. 49.21 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Thornton, Raymond 12 1948 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Traylor, Theodore 10 1952 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Traylor, Theodore 10 1952 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 10 1985 110 H 2. 14.09 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 10 1985 300 H 2. 37.17 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 11 1986 110 H 1. 13.70 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 11 1986 300 H 3. 36.94 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 12 1987 110 H 1. 13.86 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Elbert 12 1987 300 H 1. 36.62 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Turner, Shawn 12 1989 400 2. 48.45 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Walker, Aaron 11 1956 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Gary Roosevelt Walker, Aaron 11 1956 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Ward, Jerome 12 1955 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Ward, William 12 1968 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Washington, Alex 12 1981 110 H 1. 13.92 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Washington, Alex 12 1981 300 H 5. 37.7 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Wesley, Greg 12 1988 800 4. 1:55.24 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt White, Arthur 12 1961 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt White, Arthur 12 1961 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Whittaker, Robert 1945 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Wilkes, William 12 1991 100 2. 10.75 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, James 11 1978 LJ 3. 22' 11 1/4 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, James 12 1979 100 1. 9.95 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, James 12 1979 LJ 1. 23' 08 1/2 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Lemuel 11 1952 440 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Roosevelt  11 1965 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Roosevelt  12 1966 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Willie 11 1949 100 4. 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Willie 11 1949 200 H 1. 22.1 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Willie 12 1950 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williams, Willie 12 1950 200 H 1. 22.4 5.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williamson, Cory 12 1987 100 2. 10.84 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Williamson, Cory 12 1987 200 2. 22.11 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Wilson, Richard 10 1985 800 4. 1:56.91 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Wilson, Richard 11 1986 800 1. 1:52.71 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Wilson, Richard 12 1987 800 1. 1:53.02 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Young, Don 10 1981 100 4. 10.76 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Young, Don 11 1982 100 3. 10.67 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Young, Don 11 1982 200 4. 21.85 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Young, Don 12 1983 100 1. 10.63 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt Young, Don 12 1983 200 1. 21.17 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1981 400 R 1. 41.49 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1982 400 R 1. 41.02 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1983 400 R 1. 41.31 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1984 400 R 1. 42.35 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1985 400 R 4. 42.90 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1987 400 R 1. 42.78 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1988 400 R 2. 42.57 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1992 400 R 8. 44.21 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1996 400 R 4. 42.40 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1943 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1944 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1945 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.4 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1947 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.1 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1950 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1951 880 R 1. 1:32.9 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1952 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1954 880 R 1. 1:31.4 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1955 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1956 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1957 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1959 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1960 880 R 1. 1:30.7 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1962 880 R 1. 1:30.9 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1964 880 R 1. 1:28.6 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1970 880 R 1. 1:28.6 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1971 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1972 880 R 1. 1:30.0 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1973 880 R 6. 1:32.7 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1975 880 R 5. 1:34.4 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1976 880 R 3. 1:28.1 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1977 880 R 1. 1:26.6 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1979 880 R 4. 1:28.62 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1949 Mile R 1. 3:27.3 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1951 Mile R 1. 3:28.2 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1952 Mile R 1. 3:26.1 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1954 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1955 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1956 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1957 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1959 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1960 Mile R 1. 3:23.4 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1961 Mile R 1. 3:23.7 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1962 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1963 Mile R 1. 3:19.3 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1964 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1965 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1966 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1970 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1971 Mile R 1. 3:18.9 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1972 Mile R 5. 3:24.7 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1974 Mile R 5. 3:24.2 2.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1975 Mile R 1. 3:22.5 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1976 Mile R 2. 3:15.5 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1977 Mile R 6. 3:23.5 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1981 1600 R 2. 3:17.28 8.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1983 1600 R 1. 3:15.77 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1984 1600 R 1. 3:17.33 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1985 1600 R 6. 3:24.38 1.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1986 1600 R 3. 3:19.98 6.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1987 1600 R 1. 3:20.46 10.00  
  Gary Roosevelt 1989 1600 R 1. 3:16.37 10.00  
  Gary Tolleston Adams, Ernest 12 1963 SP 3. 55' 05 1/2 3.00 34 143.00  
  Gary Tolleston Anderson, Howard 12 1968 100 5. 1.00  
  Gary Tolleston Ezell, Lee 11 1965 SP 5. 57' 09 1.00  
  Gary Tolleston Ezell, Lee 12 1966 SP 1. 61' 08 3/4 6.00  
  Gary Tolleston Golston, Ronald 12 1964 880 1. 1:55.7 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Griffin, Paul 12 1962 PV +2. 12' 09 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Harris, Howard 12 1962 440 1. 49.9 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Hood, Isaac 12 1966 880 1. 1:54.8 6.00  
  Gary Tolleston Johnson, Richard 11 1955 440 3. 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Johnson, Richard 12 1956 440 1. 51.2 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Kendt, Donald 12 1953 120 H 1. 15.4 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Kurth, Richard 11 1947 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Kurth, Richard 12 1948 220 3. 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Laster, Arthur 12 1966 SP 2. 59' 01 3/4 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston Lewis, Willie 12 1963 440 1. 48.2 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Libich, Charles 12 1953 440 4. 2.00  
  Gary Tolleston Lloyd, Willie 12 1962 220 2. 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston Myers, Eli 11 1964 100 3. 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Myers, Eli 11 1964 LJ 2. 23' 04 1/4 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston Myers, Eli 12 1965 220 1. 21.5 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Myers, Eli 12 1965 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Nichols, Tom  11 1964 220 4. 2.00  
  Gary Tolleston Nichols, Tom  12 1965 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Pratt, Lance 10 1964 180 H 1. 19.2 5.00  
  Gary Tolleston Pratt, Lance 11 1965 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston Pratt, Lance 12 1966 440 2. 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston Roper, Robert 12 1963 100 5. 1.00  
  Gary Tolleston Sum, Andy 12 1942 PV +2. 3.00  
  Gary Tolleston Uzelac, Elliot 12 1959 SP 4. 53' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Gary Tolleston 1958 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Tolleston 1962 Mile R 1. 3:17.6 10.00  
  Gary Tolleston 1963 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary Tolleston 1966 Mile R 1. 3:20.0 10.00  
  Gary Tolleston 1969 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Gary Wallace Candiano, Dan 12 1966 2 Mile 3. 3.00 50 229.67  
  Gary Wallace Crowe, Donald 11 1946 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Wallace Crowe, Donald 12 1947 440 (R2) 1. 49.6 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Dugan, Michael 12 1982 110 H 4. 14.18 4.00  
  Gary Wallace Egbert, Arthur 11 1938 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace Egbert, Arthur 12 1939 220 1. 22.0 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Egbert, Arthur 12 1939 120 H 1. 15.5 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Flournoy, Anthony 12 2004 400 5. 48.51 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Flournoy, Jerel 12 2008 400 3. 48.21 7.00  
  Gary Wallace French, Huey 11 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Gary Wallace French, Huey 12 1951 PV 1. 12' 00 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Gardner, Robert 11 2007 400 1. 47.18 10.00  
  Gary Wallace Gardner, Robert 12 2008 400 1. 47.72 10.00  
  Gary Wallace Gray, Corky 12 1997 400 9. 49.54 1.00  
  Gary Wallace Harvey, Adrian 12 1983 1600 2. 4:15.55 8.00  
  Gary Wallace Hayes, William 11 1976 880 4. 1:54.2 4.00  
  Gary Wallace Hayes, William 12 1977 880 2. 1:53.3 8.00  
  Gary Wallace Hofmann, Kurt 11 1954 880 1. 1:58.4 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Hofmann, Kurt 12 1955 880 2. 4.00  
  Gary Wallace Jankovich, Robert 11 1947 PV +2. 2.50  
  Gary Wallace Jankovich, William 12 1951 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace Mahone, Darius 12 2014 300 H 5. 38.41 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Mathis, Kenneth 12 1974 220 4. 21.9 4.00  
  Gary Wallace McDaniel, Shonrick 12 1993 100 4. 11.07 6.00  
  Gary Wallace McDowell, Dan 12 1970 440 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace McKown, William 12 1935 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Gary Wallace Miles, Timothy 12 1971 880 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace Rahman, Hasheem 12 2006 400 9. 48.78 1.00  
  Gary Wallace Shurilla, Robert 11 1934 220 H 1. 25.5 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Shurilla, Robert 12 1935 220 H 1. 24.9 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Shurilla, Robert 12 1935 LJ 1. 22' 11 5.00  
  Gary Wallace Simms, Jimmy 12 1983 LJ 3. 23' 04 6.00  
  Gary Wallace Steele, Richard 11 1990 300 H 4. 38.73 4.00  
  Gary Wallace Sutherland, Karl 12 1986 LJ 6. 23' 00 1.00  
  Gary Wallace Tucker, Edward 12 1949 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace Walker, Herman 12 1988 100 6. 11.21 1.00  
  Gary Wallace Ward, Tom 12 1945 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace Yoponzo, Charles 11 1937 SP 3. 3.00  
  Gary Wallace 2007 400 R 8. 42.57 2.00  
  Gary Wallace 1938 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Gary Wallace 1941 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Gary Wallace 1947 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:28.1 10.00  
  Gary Wallace 1948 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:29.0 10.00  
  Gary Wallace 1949 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Gary Wallace 1994 1600 R 4. 3:21.44 6.00  
  Gary Wallace 2004 1600 R 5. 3:19.32 5.00  
  Gary Wallace 2006 1600 R 6. 3:17.69 4.00  
  Gary Wallace 2008 1600 R 1. 3:16.37 10.00  
  Gary Wallace 2000 3200 R 5. 7:59.61 5.00  
  Gary Wallace 2001 3200 R 4. 7:56.97 6.00  
  Gary West Side Bell, David  10 2004 HJ +5. 6' 06 3.50 119 735.50  
  Gary West Side Bell, David  11 2005 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Gary West Side Blackmon, Leonard 11 1974 880 5. 1:56.2 2.00  
  Gary West Side Blackmon, Leonard 12 1975 880 6. 1:57.8 1.00  
  Gary West Side Bond, Ronnie 12 1977 LJ 5. 23' 02 1/2 2.00  
  Gary West Side Brown, Mike  12 1969 440 1. 48.9 6.00  
  Gary West Side Buckingham, Robert 10 1973 440 5. 49.7 2.00  
  Gary West Side Buckingham, Robert 12 1975 440 1. 48.6 10.00  
  Gary West Side Burnett, Sotero 12 1980 100 2. 10.67 8.00  
  Gary West Side Burr, Richard 12 1973 180 H 1. 19.2 10.00  
  Gary West Side Carter, Kenneth 12 1980 400 4. 49.06 4.00  
  Gary West Side Damper, Arthur 12 1977 220 5. 22.1 2.00  
  Gary West Side Davis, Grover 11 1996 LJ 1. 23' 09 1/2 10.00  
  Gary West Side Davis, Grover 12 1997 LJ 7. 21' 09 3/4 3.00  
  Gary West Side Davis, Kevin  12 2000 110 H 8. 14.93 2.00  
  Gary West Side Denham, Anthony 12 1981 200 5. 22.09 2.00  
  Gary West Side Duckett, Terrence 11 1979 100 2. 9.96 8.00  
  Gary West Side Duckett, Terrence 11 1979 220 1. 21.86 10.00  
  Gary West Side Duckett, Terrence 12 1980 100 1. 10.66 10.00  
  Gary West Side Duckett, Terrence 12 1980 200 1. 21.30 10.00  
  Gary West Side Ellis, Eugene 10 2005 800 1. 1:52.38 10.00  
  Gary West Side Ellis, Eugene 11 2006 400 2. 47.84 8.00  
  Gary West Side Ellis, Eugene 12 2007 400 2. 47.84 8.00  
  Gary West Side Gray, Steven 12 1988 100 4. 10.92 4.00  
  Gary West Side Green, Terrell 10 2005 100 6. 10.96 4.00  
  Gary West Side Green, Terrell 10 2005 200 3. 21.98 7.00  
  Gary West Side Greer, Victor 10 1978 220 5. 22.2 2.00  
  Gary West Side Greer, Victor 11 1979 100 3. 9.97 6.00  
  Gary West Side Greer, Victor 11 1979 220 3. 21.89 6.00  
  Gary West Side Greer, Victor 12 1980 100 5. 10.77 2.00  
  Gary West Side Greer, Victor 12 1980 200 2. 21.69 8.00  
  Gary West Side Gregory, Keeon 12 1985 200 4. 21.68 4.00  
  Gary West Side Gregory, Keeon 12 1985 400 2. 47.43 8.00  
  Gary West Side Hill, Clifton 11 1975 220 2. 22.3 8.00  
  Gary West Side Hill, Clifton 12 1976 440 2. 48.6 8.00  
  Gary West Side Jelks, Mark 10 2001 200 9. 24.97 1.00  
  Gary West Side Jelks, Mark 10 2001 400 2. 48.28 8.00  
  Gary West Side Jelks, Mark 11 2002 100 1. 10.25 10.00  
  Gary West Side Jelks, Mark 11 2002 200 1. 20.88 10.00  
  Gary West Side Jenkins, Jerome 10 1983 HJ +3. 6' 10 5.00  
  Gary West Side Jenkins, Jerome 12 1985 HJ 6. 6' 06 1.00  
  Gary West Side Jenkins, Mark 11 1988 HJ 2. 6' 11 8.00  
  Gary West Side Jenkins, Mark 11 1988 LJ 5. 22' 11 1/4 2.00  
  Gary West Side Jenkins, Mark 12 1989 LJ 1. 24' 05 1/2 10.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Jeffery 12 1986 400 2. 48.50 8.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Jonvae 11 2013 100 3. 10.88 7.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Jonvae 11 2013 200 4. 22.11 6.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Jonvae 12 2014 100 3. 10.94 7.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Jonvae 12 2014 200 2. 21.76 8.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Lonnie 10 2012 LJ 5. 22' 03 1/4 5.00  
  Gary West Side Johnson, Lonnie 12 2014 LJ 1. 23' 06 10.00  
  Gary West Side Jones, Sotero 12 2001 100 4. 10.72 6.00  
  Gary West Side Jones, Sotero 12 2001 200 3. 21.99 7.00  
  Gary West Side Layne, Michael 10 1994 800 7. 1:56.64 3.00  
  Gary West Side Layne, Michael 11 1995 800 9. 1:55.70 1.00  
  Gary West Side Layne, Michael 12 1996 800 2. 1:53.89 8.00  
  Gary West Side Layne, Michael 12 1996 1600 8. 4:23.66 2.00  
  Gary West Side Malone, Anthony 12 1973 880 3. 1:55.2 6.00  
  Gary West Side Mason, Kenneth 12 1978 330 H 5. 37.4 2.00  
  Gary West Side Mateen, Robert 12 1988 300 H 3. 38.02 6.00  
  Gary West Side McCalister, William 12 1976 440 1. 47.8 10.00  
  Gary West Side McDuffie, James 12 1978 100 2. 9.8 8.00  
  Gary West Side McDuffie, James 12 1978 220 1. 21.7 10.00  
  Gary West Side Mitchell, Mirrie 12 1984 800 2. 1:55.70 8.00  
  Gary West Side Monagan, Walter 11 1980 400 2. 48.38 8.00  
  Gary West Side Monagan, Walter 12 1981 100 3. 10.62 6.00  
  Gary West Side Monagan, Walter 12 1981 400 1. 48.09 10.00  
  Gary West Side Pate, Michael 11 1971 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Gary West Side Patton, Warren 12 1973 HJ 4. 6' 05 1/2 4.00  
  Gary West Side Payne, Edward 12 1974 220 2. 21.9 8.00  
  Gary West Side Peterson, Craig 11 1980 110 H 4. 14.49 4.00  
  Gary West Side Pointer, William 11 1974 100 4. 10.0 4.00  
  Gary West Side Pointer, William 12 1975 100 3. 10.0 6.00  
  Gary West Side Pointer, William 12 1975 220 1. 22.2 10.00  
  Gary West Side Rich, Larry 12 1992 LJ 2. 23' 09 3/4 8.00  
  Gary West Side Robertson, Ronald 11 1984 LJ 1. 24' 10 1/2 10.00  
  Gary West Side Sanford, Jimmy 12 1977 180 H 2. 19.6 8.00  
  Gary West Side Sims, Carlton 11 2014 400 9. 49.51 1.00  
  Gary West Side Sumbry, Kenneth 11 1976 880 2. 1:53.8 8.00  
  Gary West Side Sumbry, Kenneth 12 1977 880 4. 1:53.7 4.00  
  Gary West Side White, Roderick 11 1973 100 4. 10.0 4.00  
  Gary West Side White, Roderick 11 1973 220 5. 22.5 2.00  
  Gary West Side White, Roderick 12 1974 100 1. 9.8 10.00  
  Gary West Side Woods, Alfred 11 2002 100 7. 10.90 3.00  
  Gary West Side Woods, Alfred 12 2003 100 6. 11.05 4.00  
  Gary West Side Woods, Alfred 12 2003 200 7. 22.40 3.00  
  Gary West Side 1980 400 R 1. 41.85 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1981 400 R 3. 41.74 6.00  
  Gary West Side 1983 400 R 5. 43.14 2.00  
  Gary West Side 1985 400 R 6. 43.74 1.00  
  Gary West Side 1986 400 R 3. 42.86 6.00  
  Gary West Side 1992 400 R 3. 43.21 7.00  
  Gary West Side 1996 400 R 8. 43.17 2.00  
  Gary West Side 1997 400 R 5. 42.29 5.00  
  Gary West Side 2001 400 R 6. 42.65 4.00  
  Gary West Side 2013 400 R 7. 42.44 3.00  
  Gary West Side 2014 400 R 1. 41.32 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1973 880 R 1. 1:28.2 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1974 880 R 6. 1:35.0 1.00  
  Gary West Side 1975 880 R 1. 1:30.1 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1978 880 R 1. 1:27.6 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1979 880 R 1. 1:27.05 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1970 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Gary West Side 1971 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Gary West Side 1974 Mile R 1. 3:18.4 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1975 Mile R 5. 3:24.2 2.00  
  Gary West Side 1976 Mile R 1. 3:14.8 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1978 Mile R 3. 3:18.6 6.00  
  Gary West Side 1980 1600 R 1. 3:13.66 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1981 1600 R 1. 3:16.57 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1984 1600 R 3. 3:17.97 6.00  
  Gary West Side 1985 1600 R 1. 3:16.97 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1986 1600 R 1. 3:15.27 10.00  
  Gary West Side 1987 1600 R 4. 3:23.15 4.00  
  Gary West Side 1994 1600 R 6. 3:23.33 4.00  
  Gary West Side 2006 1600 R 2. 3:16.18 8.00  
  Gary West Side 2007 1600 R 1. 3:15.38 10.00  
  Gary West Side 2014 1600 R 5. 3:19.41 5.00  
  Gary West Side 2006 3200 R 4. 7:52.67 6.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  10 1990 100 +2. 10.90 7.00 18 84.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  10 1990 200 4. 22.19 4.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  11 1991 100 1. 10.69 10.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  11 1991 200 1. 21.45 10.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  12 1992 100 1. 10.64 10.00  
  Gary Wirt Allen, Greg  12 1992 200 1. 21.84 10.00  
  Gary Wirt Brickman, Dave 11 1970 SP 3. 57' 08 1/2 3.00  
  Gary Wirt Eastlund, James 11 1966 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Gary Wirt Jones, Derrick  12 1991 400 6. 49.77 1.00  
  Gary Wirt Manor, John 12 1949 SP 2. 4.00  
  Gary Wirt McMillian, Jarvis 10 2009 100 8. 10.88 2.00  
  Gary Wirt McMillian, Jarvis 10 2009 200 7. 22.41 3.00  
  Gary Wirt Rollins, Jansen 12 1989 200 6. 22.20 1.00  
  Gary Wirt Shaffer, William 10 1943 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Wirt Shaffer, William 11 1944 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Gary Wirt Titus, Phillip 12 1992 800 6. 1:57.13 4.00  
  Gary Wirt 1988 1600 R 2. 3:18.61 8.00  
  Gary Wirt 1992 1600 R 7. 3:23.06 3.00  
  Gas City Gore, Chester 12 1936 200 H 5. 1.00 4 13.00  
  Gas City Marchal, Eddie 11 1909 880 1. 2:07.0 5.00  
  Gas City Marchal, Eddie 12 1910 880 1. 2:07.2 5.00  
  Gas City Rhoday, Maurice 11 1944 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Geneva Juday, Robert 11 1918 HJ +3. 0.50 6 7.67  
  Geneva Juday, Robert 12 1919 HJ +1. 5' 08 5/8 4.00  
  Geneva Juday, Robert 12 1919 PV +3. 0.33  
  Geneva Lough, Claude 11 1922 HJ +2. 2.00  
  Geneva Lough, Claude 12 1923 HJ +3. 0.33  
  Geneva Striker, Carl 11 1918 PV +3. 0.50  
  Gibson Southern Angermeier, Neil 11 2006 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00 7 43.00  
  Gibson Southern Angermeier, Neil 12 2007 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Gibson Southern Steckler, Chet 12 1992 HJ +3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Gibson Southern Tichenor, Frank 11 2002 100 5. 10.78 5.00  
  Gibson Southern Tichenor, Frank 11 2002 200 8. 22.10 2.00  
  Gibson Southern Walker, Chris 11 1984 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Gibson Southern Wicker, Lucian 11 2023 300 H 6. 39.23 4.00  
  Glenn Fisher, Jason 11 1993 800 5. 1:56.43 5.00 6 23.00  
  Glenn Fisher, Jason 12 1994 800 8. 1:56.71 2.00  
  Glenn Hill, Doug 12 1995 300 H 9. 38.72 1.00  
  Glenn Schuman, Hunter 11 2013 SP 9. 54' 06 3/4 1.00  
  Glenn Schuman, Hunter 12 2014 SP 2. 59' 11 3/4 8.00  
  Glenn Verkler, Bryan 12 1994 SP 4. 57' 11 1/2 6.00  
  Goodland Dickson, Chester 12 1914 SP 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Goshen Conant, Roger 12 1987 110 H 5. 14.50 2.00 46 132.11  
  Goshen Conant, Roger 12 1987 HJ +5. 6' 08 1.50  
  Goshen Daniels, Brandon 11 2011 SP 7. 56' 05 3/4 3.00  
  Goshen DeWilde, Gordon 12 1945 HJ +5. 0.20  
  Goshen Dolph, Jon 12 1995 800 3. 1:53.92 7.00  
  Goshen Getz, Lester 12 1933 PV 5. 1.00  
  Goshen Hills, Walter 10 1924 HJ +3. 5' 08 0.20  
  Goshen Hogan, Drew 11 2021 1600 9. 4:21.70 1.00  
  Goshen Johnson, Rummel 11 2016 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Goshen Johnson, Rummel 12 2017 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.60  
  Goshen Juday, Glenn 12 1915 100 3. 1.00  
  Goshen Kintigh, Tom 11 1943 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Goshen Kintigh, Tom 12 1944 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Goshen Koronkiewicz, David 11 2003 SP 6. 56' 01 4.00  
  Goshen Koronkiewicz, David 12 2004 SP 1. 62' 00 10.00  
  Goshen Leedy, Don 11 1964 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Goshen Leedy, Don 12 1965 880 3. 3.00  
  Goshen Miller, Tyler 12 2003 SP 3. 58' 09 7.00  
  Goshen Nisley, Todd 12 1994 SP 5. 57' 01 3/4 5.00  
  Goshen O'Shea, Jack 10 1928 SP 4. 2.00  
  Goshen O'Shea, Jack 12 1930 SP 4. 2.00  
  Goshen Peffley, Merle 12 1927 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Goshen Rarick, Jerry 11 1947 Mile (R2) 1. 4:31.0 5.00  
  Goshen Rassi, Ben 12 1983 PV 6. 14' 00 1.00  
  Goshen Rohrer, Joe 12 1917 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Goshen Rohrer, Joe 12 1917 220 1. 24.2 5.00  
  Goshen Shannahan, John 11 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Goshen Sparklin, Damon 12 2004 SP 6. 57' 01 4.00  
  Goshen Stafford, John 12 1967 880 4. 2.00  
  Goshen Starbuck, Sam 11 1906 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Goshen Starbuck, Sam 11 1906 PV 3. 1.00  
  Goshen Starbuck, Sam 12 1907 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Goshen Starbuck, Sam 12 1907 PV 3. 1.00  
  Goshen Sutliff, Sherman 12 1905 DT 3. 1.00  
  Goshen Sutliff, Sherman 12 1905 HT 2. 3.00  
  Goshen Warstler, Bryan 11 1976 Mile 6. 4:17.5 1.00  
  Goshen Weatherhead, Charles 12 1904 HT 1. 131' 01 5.00  
  Goshen Wynn, Mike 12 1984 3200 4. 9:31.48 4.00  
  Goshen Wynn, Tyler 11 2010 1600 8. 4:14.40 2.00  
  Goshen Wynn, Tyler 12 2011 1600 9. 4:16.37 1.00  
  Goshen 1953 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Goshen 1939 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Goshen 1966 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Goshen 1997 3200 R 7. 8:05.78 3.00  
  Goshen 1998 3200 R 2. 7:49.81 8.00  
  Goshen 1999 3200 R 7. 7:58.50 3.00  
  Greencastle Fenlon, Quinn 12 2006 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00 20 78.83  
  Greencastle Franklin, Joe 12 1986 800 3. 1:53.53 6.00  
  Greencastle Gibbs, Jason 10 1991 HJ 5. 6' 07 2.00  
  Greencastle Gibbs, Jason 11 1992 HJ 6. 6' 08 4.00  
  Greencastle Murphy, Gregg 12 1980 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33  
  Greencastle Norris, Steve 12 1962 HJ 1. 6' 04 1/4 5.00  
  Greencastle Pratt, Reginald 12 1916 880 3. 1.00  
  Greencastle Sears, Andrew 10 1925 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Greencastle Sears, Andrew 10 1925 Mile (R2) 1. 4:46.7 5.00  
  Greencastle Sears, Andrew 11 1926 Mile (R1) 1. 4:38.3 5.00  
  Greencastle Sears, Andrew 12 1927 880 (R2) 1. 2:05.4 5.00  
  Greencastle Sears, Andrew 12 1927 Mile (R1) 1. 4:35.0 5.00  
  Greencastle Shoptaugh, Henry 11 1917 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Greencastle Taylor, Robert 12 1917 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Greencastle Weatherford, Andy 10 2005 1600 1. 4:13.42 10.00  
  Greencastle Weatherford, Andy 11 2006 1600 1. 4:08.71 10.00  
  Greencastle Weatherford, Andy 12 2007 1600 5. 4:13.71 5.00  
  Greencastle Williams, Elliott 11 1964 HJ 2. 6' 04 4.00  
  Greencastle Williams, Elliott 12 1965 HJ +5. 6' 02 0.50  
  Greencastle Wood, Eric 12 1979 2 Mile 5. 2.00  
  Greenfield Atherton, Harold 12 1929 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00 7 17.00  
  Greenfield Culley, Jacque 10 1933 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Greenfield Hatfield, Claude 12 1927 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Greenfield New, Tom  10 1967 2 Mile 2. 9:28.5 4.00  
  Greenfield Pope, Clyde 12 1930 100 4. 2.00  
  Greenfield Sanders, Chester 11 1927 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Greenfield Scott, Mike 12 1963 880 4. 2.00  
  Greenfield-Central Beeson, Tyler 10 2012 SP 9. 54' 06 1/4 1.00 10 46.00  
  Greenfield-Central Beeson, Tyler 12 2014 DT 8. 158' 09 2.00  
  Greenfield-Central Gluys, Jim 12 1982 DT 1. 168' 04 10.00  
  Greenfield-Central Hargett, Cody 12 2021 PV +5. 15' 03 4.50  
  Greenfield-Central Helm, Tate 12 2019 SP 9. 52' 08 1/2 1.00  
  Greenfield-Central Knecht, Kirk 11 2023 LJ 6. 22' 05 3/4 4.00  
  Greenfield-Central Ryba, Elliot 11 2023 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Greenfield-Central Ryba, Elliot 12 2024 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Greenfield-Central Smock, Zach 10 1999 HJ +5. 6' 06 4.50  
  Greenfield-Central Speck, Marc 12 1995 100 9. 11.34 1.00  
  Greensburg Beck, Jason 12 1993 3200 9. 9:33.10 1.00 6 24.00  
  Greensburg Jones, Dan 11 1966 440 1. 48.8 6.00  
  Greensburg Konzelman, Darren 11 1993 110 H 5. 14.47 5.00  
  Greensburg Konzelman, Darren 11 1993 300 H 5. 37.44 5.00  
  Greensburg Nieman, Greg 12 2000 1600 9. 4:22.69 1.00  
  Greensburg Richardson, Andy 12 1993 SP 4. 59' 01 6.00  
  Greentown Frakes, Bill 11 1947 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00 2 8.00  
  Greentown Frakes, Bill 12 1948 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Greenwood Bailey, John 11 1910 220 H +3. 0.50 24 87.61  
  Greenwood Bailey, John 12 1911 HJ 1. 5' 07 5.00  
  Greenwood Bailey, John 12 1911 PV 2. 3.00  
  Greenwood Bertolet, Luke 12 2013 800 2. 1:53.68 8.00  
  Greenwood Crail, Gordon 11 1969 PV 1. 14' 06 6.00  
  Greenwood Crail, Gordon 12 1970 PV 1. 15' 05 1/2 6.00  
  Greenwood Edds, AJ 12 2006 110 H 7. 14.52 3.00  
  Greenwood Lyons, Noble 12 1923 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Greenwood Lyons, Noble 12 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Greenwood Mayhew, Dylan 12 2022 SP 8. 57' 05 2.00  
  Greenwood Nuhfer, David 11 1989 800 6. 1:55.43 1.00  
  Greenwood Perry, Robert 12 1912 DT 3. 1.00  
  Greenwood Riley, William 10 2023 100 3. 10.71 7.00  
  Greenwood Riley, William 11 2024 100 4. 10.88 6.00  
  Greenwood Riley, William 11 2024 200 2. 22.00 8.00  
  Greenwood Smith, Jeff 12 1987 LJ 2. 23' 05 3/4 8.00  
  Greenwood VanArsdale, Raymond 12 1919 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Greenwood Washel, Jamie 12 1992 SP 3. 57' 07 7.00  
  Greenwood Washel, Jamie 12 1992 DT 7. 156' 06 3.00  
  Greenwood Wishard, Fred 12 1913 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Greenwood Woodcock, Fred 12 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Greenwood Woodgate, Hayworth 11 1911 100 3. 1.00  
  Greenwood Woodgate, Hayworth 12 1912 440 1. 55.4 5.00  
  Greenwood 1912 Mile R 1. 3:48.0 -  
  Griffith Collet, John 11 1965 Mile 2. 4:15.5 4.00 6 26.00  
  Griffith Collet, John 12 1966 2 Mile 1. 9:31.0 6.00  
  Griffith Gordon, Ed 11 1957 HJ +3. 6' 00 1/8 2.00  
  Griffith Reyna, Rene 12 1998 DT 7. 164' 07 3.00  
  Griffith Sutton, Chad 11 1993 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Griffith Vana, Kevin 12 1969 440 2. 4.00  
  Guerin Catholic Bluish, Christopher 12 2015 800 6. 1:54.27 4.00 6 19.00  
  Guerin Catholic Garrett, Kent 10 2010 1600 7. 4:14.05 3.00  
  Guerin Catholic Garrett, Kent 12 2012 1600 5. 4:12.26 5.00  
  Guerin Catholic Taylor, Joseph 12 2014 1600 7. 4:17.99 3.00  
  Guerin Catholic Weber, Jack 12 2023 1600 7. 4:13.43 3.00  
  Guerin Catholic 2023 3200 R 9. 7:55.23 1.00  
  Hagerstown Groves, Gary 12 1971 SP 5. 55' 08 1/2 1.00 4 11.00  
  Hagerstown Waltz, Barry 12 1969 PV 2. 4.00  
  Hagerstown Webb, Jason 12 1995 110 H 7. 14.72 3.00  
  Hagerstown Webb, Jason 12 1995 300 H 7. 38.41 3.00  
  Hamilton Dewire, Doug 12 1978 PV 6. 14' 00 1.00 2 2.00  
  Hamilton Headley, Kent 12 1983 400 6. 48.66 1.00  
  Hamilton Heights Bardonner, Zack 12 1998 200 2. 21.54 8.00 15 84.33  
  Hamilton Heights Bardonner, Zack 12 1998 400 3. 49.04 7.00  
  Hamilton Heights Brown, Nathan 12 2001 DT 7. 165' 01 3.00  
  Hamilton Heights Defoe, Michael 11 2015 110 H 3. 14.21 7.00  
  Hamilton Heights DeFoe, Michael 12 2016 200 2. 21.68 8.00  
  Hamilton Heights Defoe, Michael 12 2016 110 H 2. 14.16 8.00  
  Hamilton Heights McQuinn, Peyton 10 2022 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  Hamilton Heights McQuinn, Peyton 11 2023 PV 9. 14' 09 1.00  
  Hamilton Heights McQuinn, Peyton 12 2024 PV 1. 16' 03 10.00  
  Hamilton Heights Thomas, Darrick 12 1997 PV 6. 14' 03 4.00  
  Hamilton Heights Wilson, Colin 11 2022 SP 2. 64' 04 1/2 8.00  
  Hamilton Heights Wilson, Colin 11 2022 DT 5. 164' 01 5.00  
  Hamilton Heights Wilson, Colin 12 2023 SP 2. 62' 06 3/4 8.00  
  Hamilton Heights Zimmerman, Blaine 12 2004 3200 4. 9:17.77 6.00  
  Hamilton Heights 1996 400 R 9. 43.21 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Alexander, Mason 11 2024 100 5. 10.93 5.00 78 440.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bird, Josiah 11 2023 DT 8. 167' 01 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bird, Josiah 12 2024 DT 1. 182' 09 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bray, Ethan 11 2015 PV 4. 15' 09 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bray, Ethan 12 2016 PV 2. 16' 06 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bray, Zach 11 2011 110 H 7. 14.72 3.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bray, Zach 12 2012 110 H 1. 14.01 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Bray, Zach 12 2012 300 H 2. 37.81 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Chrapla, David 10 1995 200 6. 22.48 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Christensen, Taylor 12 2013 LJ 5. 22' 05 1/2 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Davis, Ryan 12 2013 400 1. 47.25 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Dubois, Bennett 12 2022 800 9. 1:54.84 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Ehigbai, Francis 12 2015 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Engelberth, Jared 12 2005 DT 4. 173' 04 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Fendel, Gabe 10 2016 1600 2. 4:09.18 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Fendel, Gabe 11 2017 1600 1. 4:04.70 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Fendel, Gabe 12 2018 1600 4. 4:14.07 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Fuller, Khalid 12 2014 100 8. 11.07 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Gates, Zach 12 2008 3200 4. 9:17.60 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Griffith, Michael 10 2022 LJ 6. 22' 05 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Griffith, Michael 11 2023 LJ 5. 22' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Griffith, Michael 12 2024 LJ 3. 22' 07 1/4 7.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Guillory, Tiger 12 2015 LJ 2. 23' 05 1/4 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Hogan, Austin 11 2013 DT 6. 164' 00 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Hogan, Austin 12 2014 DT 2. 186' 06 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Huser, Jeff 11 1996 400 9. 49.23 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Huser, Jeff 12 1997 400 4. 48.96 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Kyle, Jordan 10 2003 3200 5. 9:22.95 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Kyle, Jordan 12 2005 3200 3. 9:15.54 7.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Langsford, Connor 11 2024 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Malone, Noah 9 2017 100 8. 10.83 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Malone, Noah 10 2018 100 4. 10.70 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Malone, Noah 10 2018 200 4. 21.71 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Malone, Noah 11 2019 100 2. 10.73 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Malone, Noah 11 2019 200 1. 21.31 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Moon, Brian 11 2005 200 8. 22.56 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Moon, Brian 12 2006 200 7. 22.20 3.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Myers, Hunter 11 2003 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.50  
  Hamilton Southeastern Norris, Madison 12 2018 110 H 1. 14.02 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Ortiz, Christian 11 2024 400 5. 49.12 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Parente, Chris 12 1995 3200 6. 9:26.06 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Powers, Nate 12 2007 300 H 7. 38.99 3.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Pratt, Gage 10 2019 200 9. 22.36 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Reeder, Troy 10 2011 1600 5. 4:14.71 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Reeder, Troy 11 2012 1600 2. 4:09.60 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Reeder, Troy 12 2013 1600 1. 4:07.26 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Reitzug, Zach 11 2012 300 H 4. 38.08 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Reitzug, Zach 12 2013 300 H 2. 37.65 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Richards, Brodie 11 2004 400 9. 49.45 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Satterfield, Nolan 12 2022 800 7. 1:54.39 3.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Schmitz, Mason 9 2024 800 4. 1:52.98 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Schuck, Nathan 12 2012 PV +3. 15' 03 6.50  
  Hamilton Southeastern Smith, Nathan 12 2018 300 H 4. 38.39 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Sydnor, Stephen 11 2021 LJ 2. 23' 02 3/4 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wagoner, Ben 11 2016 3200 5. 9:14.48 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wenger, Adam 12 2014 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wiggers, Jacob 12 2019 3200 9. 9:18.75 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 9 2011 110 H 8. 14.78 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 10 2012 110 H 6. 14.54 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 10 2012 300 H 6. 38.84 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 11 2013 110 H 4. 14.37 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 11 2013 300 H 4. 37.84 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jacob 12 2014 110 H 1. 14.09 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jeremiah 12 2010 110 H 5. 14.49 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern Wright, Jordan 12 2015 800 7. 1:54.66 3.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2013 400 R 4. 42.24 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2014 400 R 6. 42.47 4.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2018 400 R 2. 41.59 8.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2019 400 R 4. 41.92 6.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2022 400 R 9. 42.45 1.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2024 400 R 1. 41.79 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2004 1600 R 3. 3:18.94 7.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2005 1600 R 3. 3:18.01 7.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2012 1600 R 3. 3:18.22 7.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2013 1600 R 1. 3:14.74 10.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2018 1600 R 8. 3:20.00 2.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2024 1600 R 5. 3:19.79 5.00  
  Hamilton Southeastern 2022 3200 R 4. 7:44.06 6.00  
  Hammond Atwood, Will 12 1909 SP 2. 40' 06 3.00 163 679.47  
  Hammond Baldwin, Charles 11 1932 HJ +1. 6' 00 7/8 4.50  
  Hammond Baldwin, Charles 12 1933 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Hammond Baldwin, Robert 12 1938 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Belman, Charles 11 1905 120 H 1. 18.0 5.00  
  Hammond Belman, Charles 12 1906 120 H 1. 17.8 5.00  
  Hammond Belman, Charles 12 1906 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Hammond Bereolos, Hercules 12 1938 SP 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Blackburn, Ernest 10 1947 SP 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Blackburn, Ernest 11 1948 SP 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Blackburn, Ernest 12 1949 SP 1. 52' 05 1/8 5.00  
  Hammond Blackmon, Jerry 10 1939 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Blackmon, Jerry 12 1941 LJ 1. 22' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Hammond Blair, Harvey 10 1904 220 2. 3.00  
  Hammond Blair, Harvey 11 1905 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Hammond Blair, Harvey 11 1905 220 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Hammond Blair, Harvey 12 1906 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Hammond Blair, Harvey 12 1906 220 1. 23.2 5.00  
  Hammond Blair, Jack 10 1945 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Blair, Jack 11 1946 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Bogielski, Walter 11 1947 220 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Bogielski, Walter 12 1948 100 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Bogielski, Walter 12 1948 220 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Broertjes, Vernon 12 1937 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Bunger, Charles 11 1934 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Cearing, Lloyd 12 1920 100 3. 1.00  
  Hammond Cearing, Lloyd 12 1920 220 3. 1.00  
  Hammond Chapa, Rudy 10 1974 2 Mile 1. 9:11.9 10.00  
  Hammond Chapa, Rudy 11 1975 2 Mile 1. 8:58.5 10.00  
  Hammond Chapa, Rudy 12 1976 Mile 1. 4:05.8 10.00  
  Hammond Cobb, Robert 11 1938 LJ 1. 21' 03 1/4 5.00  
  Hammond Cobb, Robert 12 1939 100 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Cobb, Robert 12 1939 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Cook, Charles 10 1975 100 4. 10.1 4.00  
  Hammond Cook, Charles 12 1977 100 2. 9.9 8.00  
  Hammond Cordell, Dennis 12 1973 2 Mile 5. 9:33.0 2.00  
  Hammond Courtice, Thorton 12 1941 PV +2. 3.00  
  Hammond Crumpacker, Edgar 12 1912 220 H 1. 26.8 5.00  
  Hammond Dannis, Mark 12 1982 100 4. 10.72 4.00  
  Hammond Dannis, Mark 12 1982 300 H 5. 37.36 2.00  
  Hammond Dawson, Hugh 11 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Hammond Dawson, Hugh 12 1945 HJ 1. 6' 00 1/2 5.00  
  Hammond Ebert, Fred 12 1909 HT 3. 133' 02 1.00  
  Hammond Ein, Mel 12 1950 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Eldridge, Gary 12 1961 SP 5. 53' 03 1/2 1.00  
  Hammond Ford, Albert 12 1940 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Ford, Albert 12 1940 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Hammond Gavit, Bernard 12 1911 880 1. 2:09.4 5.00  
  Hammond Gavit, Bernard 12 1911 Mile 1. 4:46.6 5.00  
  Hammond Griffith, David 12 1939 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Hanock, Ronald 11 1945 220 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Hanock, Ronald 12 1946 220 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Hansen, Charles 11 1939 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Harbin, Jay 11 1942 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Harper, James 11 1948 HJ +1. 6' 01 3/4 4.50  
  Hammond Harper, James 12 1949 HJ 1. 6' 02 5/8 5.00  
  Hammond Hasse, Clarence 11 1938 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Hammond Hicks, Charles 12 1934 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Hines, Larry 11 1996 110 H 5. 15.01 5.00  
  Hammond Hines, Larry 12 1997 110 H 3. 14.40 7.00  
  Hammond Hines, Larry 12 1997 300 H 3. 37.52 7.00  
  Hammond Hirsch, Lucien 10 1912 880 3. 1.00  
  Hammond Humphrey, Richard 11 1943 100 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Humphrey, Richard 12 1944 100 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Humphrey, Richard 12 1944 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Jackson, JoaQuiam 12 1998 110 H 1. 13.99 10.00  
  Hammond Kennedy, Walter 11 1909 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Hammond Keough, Tim 12 1975 2 Mile 2. 9:05.8 8.00  
  Hammond Kocal, Adam 10 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Hammond Kocal, Adam 11 1960 HJ 2. 6' 03 4.00  
  Hammond Kocal, Adam 12 1961 HJ +1. 6' 04 1/4 4.50  
  Hammond Kontol, Dave 12 1974 880 2. 1:54.2 8.00  
  Hammond Krager, Warren 11 1939 SP 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Krager, Warren 12 1940 SP 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Lange, Donald 12 1938 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Lightsey, Bill 11 1966 LJ 5. 22' 10 1/4 1.00  
  Hammond Lindholm, Carlyle 11 1944 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Litton, Kenneth 12 1940 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Loper, Craig 12 1982 110 H 5. 14.36 2.00  
  Hammond Magda, Walter 12 1947 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Mamala, Horace 12 1942 100 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Mamala, Horace 12 1942 220 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Mattox, Arthur 11 1941 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Hammond McClendon, Duane 11 1973 120 H 6. 14.9 1.00  
  Hammond McClendon, Duane 12 1974 440 6. 49.6 1.00  
  Hammond McClendon, Napoleon 12 1947 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Hammond McClendon, Napoleon 12 1947 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Meyer, Ronald 11 1946 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Meyer, Ronald 12 1947 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Mikulas, Edward 12 1937 HJ 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Mitchell, Robert  12 1946 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Murakowski, Mark 12 1980 SP 1. 60' 09 10.00  
  Hammond Murakowski, Mark 12 1980 DT 1. 181' 00 10.00  
  Hammond Nelson, Robert 12 1924 HJ +3. 5' 08 0.20  
  Hammond Nelson, Ron 11 1956 PV +1. 12' 04 4.00  
  Hammond Nelson, Ron 12 1957 PV 2. 12' 03 4.00  
  Hammond Papais, Julius 12 1938 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Parrish, Roland 11 1970 880 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Parrish, Roland 12 1971 880 1. 1:53.1 6.00  
  Hammond Pelc, Edward 12 1942 440 (R1) 1. 51.7 5.00  
  Hammond Pinkowski, Carey 11 1974 Mile 1. 4:14.4 10.00  
  Hammond Pinkowski, Carey 12 1975 Mile 1. 4:12.4 10.00  
  Hammond Prymuski, Robert 12 1942 SP 1. 51' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Hammond Raymond, Robert 11 1931 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Raymond, Robert 12 1932 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.8 5.00  
  Hammond Rehder, Fred 12 1943 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Rhind, Alex 12 1917 100 3. 1.00  
  Hammond Rhind, Alex 12 1917 220 2. 3.00  
  Hammond Richards, James 12 1950 100 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Rohde, Edward 11 1905 220 H +2. 2.00  
  Hammond Rohde, Edward 12 1906 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Hammond Routa, John 12 1948 PV +2. 2.50  
  Hammond Sampson, Richard 11 1944 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Sampson, Richard 12 1945 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Sikora, Mike 12 1945 SP 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Sitko, John 11 1932 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Sitko, John 12 1933 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Smith, Jerry 12 2008 LJ 7. 22' 06 1/4 3.00  
  Hammond Snow, Donald 12 1953 220 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Summers, Dana 10 1907 880 1. 2:14.0 5.00  
  Hammond Summers, Dana 12 1909 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Hammond Templeton, Leonard 12 1942 SP 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Trutt, Melverne 11 1933 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Trutt, Melverne 11 1933 880 (R2) 1. 1:57.9 5.00  
  Hammond Trutt, Melverne 12 1934 440 (R1) 1. 51.0 5.00  
  Hammond Trutt, Melverne 12 1934 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.5 5.00  
  Hammond Turner, Jawann 12 2003 100 4. 10.90 6.00  
  Hammond Turner, Jawann 12 2003 200 4. 22.18 6.00  
  Hammond Tuttle, Dick 12 1963 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Whitney, Gordon 12 1945 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Woolard, Tom 11 1939 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Woolard, Tom 12 1940 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Yablonowski, Walter 12 1934 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Yablonowski, Walter 12 1935 440 (R2) 1. 50.5 5.00  
  Hammond Young, Garrick 12 1984 300 H 4. 38.11 4.00  
  Hammond Ziemba, Walter 11 1938 SP 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Ziemba, Walter 12 1939 SP 1. 51' 10 1/2 5.00  
  Hammond 1909 Mile R 2. -  
  Hammond 1952 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Hammond 1953 880 R 1. N/A 10.00  
  Hammond 1933 880 R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond 1939 880 R (R2) 1. 1:31.4 10.00  
  Hammond 1940 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1942 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.0 10.00  
  Hammond 1944 880 R (R2) 1. 1:33.5 10.00  
  Hammond 1945 880 R (R2) 1. 1:33.8 10.00  
  Hammond 1946 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Hammond 1947 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1948 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1935 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:27.7 5.00  
  Hammond 1938 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:32.8 10.00  
  Hammond 1939 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:28.1 10.00  
  Hammond 1940 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:30.9 10.00  
  Hammond 1941 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:34.9 10.00  
  Hammond 1942 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1943 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Hammond 1944 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Hammond 1945 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1946 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:31.8 10.00  
  Hammond 1947 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1948 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1950 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Hammond 1973 Mile R 4. 3:23.7 4.00  
  Hammond Clark Adams, Bob 12 1950 880 4. 2.00 14 30.31  
  Hammond Clark Adams, Norbert 11 1944 SP 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Clark Adams, Norbert 12 1945 SP 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Clark Cuculic, Larry 12 1974 Mile 5. 4:19.3 2.00  
  Hammond Clark Fraley, Gaylord 12 1941 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Clark Kristoff, Basil 11 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Hammond Clark Kristoff, Basil 12 1953 PV +3. 1.20  
  Hammond Clark Morris, Harold 11 1945 100 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Clark Morris, Harold 11 1945 220 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Clark Morris, Harold 12 1946 100 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Clark Morris, Harold 12 1946 220 1. 21.9 5.00  
  Hammond Clark Pukach, Joe 12 1942 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Clark Wetnight, Paul 12 1949 PV 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Clark Wonnacott, Jim 12 1960 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Gavit Alba, Juan 12 2000 DT 6. 166' 06 4.00 8 27.00  
  Hammond Gavit Anderson, Mike 12 2003 DT 5. 163' 04 5.00  
  Hammond Gavit Boldin, Peter 12 1973 220 4. 22.5 4.00  
  Hammond Gavit Bullock, Rayven 12 2010 200 9. 22.57 1.00  
  Hammond Gavit Burns, Tom 12 2000 1600 4. 4:18.95 6.00  
  Hammond Gavit Galos, Dan 12 2007 DT 9. 160' 07 1.00  
  Hammond Gavit Higgason, Dan 12 1983 1600 4. 4:16.52 4.00  
  Hammond Gavit Prugh, David 12 1972 SP 4. 54' 02 2.00  
  Hammond Morton Jankowski, Jeff 12 1978 330 H +6. 37.9 0.50 6 23.50  
  Hammond Morton Paquin, Gordon 12 1956 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Morton Sirbek, Tim 12 2005 3200 1. 9:08.16 10.00  
  Hammond Morton Svenningsen, Don 12 1958 880 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Morton Volbrecht, Ronald 11 1966 HJ 2. 6' 06 1/2 4.00  
  Hammond Morton Volbrecht, Ronald 12 1967 HJ 2. 6' 07 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Companik, Joseph 12 1984 1600 4. 4:19.53 4.00 29 157.50  
  Hammond Noll Dawson, Hashim 12 1994 400 8. 49.94 2.00  
  Hammond Noll Franklin, Terrell 12 2008 100 5. 10.78 5.00  
  Hammond Noll Furman, Steve 11 1969 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Goss, Clifford 11 1993 300 H 6. 37.51 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Goss, Clifford 12 1994 300 H 1. 37.14 10.00  
  Hammond Noll Grambo, Larry 12       1968 100 2. 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Grambo, Larry 12 1968 220 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Noll Kavanagh, Mike 11 1975 Mile 6. 4:20.6 1.00  
  Hammond Noll Kavanagh, Mike 12 1976 Mile 3. 4:15.2 6.00  
  Hammond Noll Kingsley, Willie 12 1960 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.50  
  Hammond Noll Ladwig, Barry 12 1991 110 H 5. 14.49 2.00  
  Hammond Noll Marshall, Bill 12 1965 LJ 4. 22' 03 2.00  
  Hammond Noll Matusz, Mike 12 1975 2 Mile 3. 9:21.6 6.00  
  Hammond Noll O'Boyle, Ian 12 2009 800 6. 1:54.26 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 9 1985 100 3. 10.73 6.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 9 1985 200 5. 21.85 2.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 10 1986 100 2. 10.59 8.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 10 1986 200 2. 21.49 8.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 11 1987 100 1. 10.73 10.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 11 1987 200 1. 21.73 10.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 12 1988 100 1. 10.67 10.00  
  Hammond Noll Setzer, Marvin 12 1988 200 2. 21.20 8.00  
  Hammond Noll Strabavy, Mike 12 1988 LJ 4. 22' 11 3/4 4.00  
  Hammond Noll Terrell, Franklin 12 2008 LJ 2. 23' 00 1/2 8.00  
  Hammond Noll Watts, Sam 12 2005 LJ 1. 23' 02 3/4 10.00  
  Hammond Noll 1988 400 R 1. 42.36 10.00  
  Hammond Noll 2000 400 R 7. 42.85 3.00  
  Hammond Noll 2005 400 R 5. 42.30 5.00  
  Hammond Technical Aulph, David 12 1974 880 4. 1:55.3 4.00 14 37.00  
  Hammond Technical Bafia, Alex 10 1948 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Technical Burns, Robert 12 1948 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Technical Franks, Robert 12 1972 LJ 2. 23' 02 4.00  
  Hammond Technical Golem, Jerry 11 1957 440 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Technical Jefchak, Jerome 11 1945 Mile (R2) 1. 4:32.2 5.00  
  Hammond Technical Jefchak, Jerome 12 1946 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Technical Labs, Herman 12 1950 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Hammond Technical Preda, Elmer 12 1947 100 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Technical Preda, Elmer 12 1947 220 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Technical Smith, Peter 12 1967 HJ 5. 6' 06 1.00  
  Hammond Technical Vieau, Dale 10 1946 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Hammond Technical Vieau, Dale 11 1947 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Hammond Technical Vieau, Dale 12 1948 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hancock Central Foist, Tim 12 1969 440 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Hanover Central De St. Jean, Derek 11 2010 DT 9. 165' 09 1.00 9 42.50  
  Hanover Central De St. Jean, Derek 12 2011 SP 9. 53' 10 1/4 1.00  
  Hanover Central De St. Jean, Derek 12 2011 DT 9. 170' 04 1.00  
  Hanover Central Fanta, Trenton 11 2015 DT 4. 174' 05 6.00  
  Hanover Central Fanta, Trenton 12 2016 SP 4. 56' 06 1/2 6.00  
  Hanover Central Schulte, John 11 1992 DT 2. 185' 04 8.00  
  Hanover Central Schulte, John 12 1993 DT 1. 217' 01 10.00  
  Hanover Central Shroka, Gregory 10 2003 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.50  
  Hanover Central Zak, Nicholas 12 2015 1600 3. 4:13.70 7.00  
  Harding Ash, Contrell 11 1998 100 3. 10.75 7.00 32 203.50  
  Harding Ash, Contrell 12 1999 100 2. 10.83 8.00  
  Harding Bunt, Ron 12 1982 DT 2. 167' 07 8.00  
  Harding Carr, Xavier 11 2008 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Harding Carr, Xavier 12 2009 HJ +4. 6' 08 5.50  
  Harding Contrell, Ash 12 1999 200 3. 22.01 7.00  
  Harding Doehla, George 11 1974 SP 1. 58' 02 1/4 10.00  
  Harding Doehla, George 11 1974 DT 6. 152' 00 1.00  
  Harding Doehla, George 12 1975 SP 2. 61' 02 1/2 8.00  
  Harding Doehla, George 12 1975 DT 1. 165' 11 10.00  
  Harding Goodman, Michael 12 1991 110 H 3. 14.46 6.00  
  Harding Jones, Quinton 10 2010 100 3. 10.86 7.00  
  Harding King, Geoffrey 12 2003 200 2. 21.91 8.00  
  Harding Lymon, Selwyn 11 2004 400 2. 47.78 8.00  
  Harding Moore, Ronnie 12 1992 200 4. 22.46 6.00  
  Harding Schneider, Glenn 10 1983 DT 3. 152' 08 6.00  
  Harding Schneider, Glenn 11 1984 DT 1. 184' 05 10.00  
  Harding Schneider, Glenn 12 1985 SP 3. 58' 00 6.00  
  Harding Schneider, Glenn 12 1985 DT 1. 189' 09 10.00  
  Harding Thomas, Jason 11 2002 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Harding Thomas, Jason 12 2003 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Harding Trier, Jeff 12 1986 DT 5. 157' 05 2.00  
  Harding Wallace, Shawn 12 1987 800 2. 1:53.21 8.00  
  Harding 1997 400 R 9. 43.06 1.00  
  Harding 2004 400 R 4. 42.32 6.00  
  Harding 2009 400 R 2. 41.52 8.00  
  Harding 2010 400 R 7. 42.48 3.00  
  Harding 2011 400 R 9. 42.39 1.00  
  Harding 2003 1600 R 4. 3:20.68 6.00  
  Harding 2007 1600 R 7. 3:21.62 3.00  
  Harding 2008 1600 R 2. 3:18.09 8.00  
  Harding 2009 1600 R 6. 3:19.91 4.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Beimfohr, Caleb 12 2019 800 7. 1:53.92 3.00 20 92.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Beimfohr, Caleb 12 2019 1600 8. 4:15.48 2.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Caldwell, Taylor 12 2011 HJ +3. 6' 06 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Cox, Ben 12 2008 DT 8. 160' 07 2.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Czajkowski, Connor 11 2021 100 4. 10.76 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Czajkowski, Connor 11 2021 200 1. 21.55 10.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Fall, Grant 12 2004 3200 6. 9:18.28 4.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Negron-Carrero, Andres 11 2023 400 6. 48.00 4.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Huber, Finley 12 2024 100 6. 10.97 4.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Huber, Finley 12 2024 200 5. 22.20 5.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Moss, Stephen 11 2006 LJ 4. 22' 02 3/4 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Ramirez-Soriano, Leonel 12 2021 800 7. 1:54.89 3.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Swathwood, Nick 11 1996 SP 4. 57' 08 1/2 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Swathwood, Nick 12 1997 SP 7. 57' 10 1/4 3.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) Swathwood, Nick 12 1997 DT 4. 174' 03 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) White, William 12 2019 3200 7. 9:14.08 3.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) 2019 400 R 7. 42.24 3.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) 2022 400 R 4. 41.97 6.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) 2024 400 R 5. 42.45 5.00  
  Harrison (West Lafayette) 2021 3200 R 5. 7:53.73 5.00  
  Hartford City Kile, Gene 12 1948 HJ 4. 2.00 4 14.00  
  Hartford City Rodgers, Robert 12 1944 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Hartford City Rodgers, Robert 12 1944 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Hartford City Simmons, Vic 12 1912 HJ 1. 5' 08 5/8 5.00  
  Hartford Twp. Shoemaker, Merle 12 1932 PV +4. 0.75 1 0.75  
  Hebron Centifanto, Bill 12 1992 1600 8. 4:25.07 2.00 8 24.00  
  Hebron Fox, PJ 12 2002 800 7. 1:56.80 3.00  
  Hebron Patz, Carl 11 1995 DT 8. 164' 01 2.00  
  Hebron Patz, Carl 12 1996 DT 7. 169' 11 3.00  
  Hebron Smith, Levi 12 1906 100 2. 3.00  
  Hebron Smith, Levi 12 1906 220 2. 3.00  
  Hebron Terpstra, Rafe 12 1995 PV 4. 14' 09 6.00  
  Hebron Thurner, Mark 12 1999 1600 8. 4:24.54 2.00  
  Henryville Dobbs, Landon 11 2024 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00 1 7.00  
  Heritage Brown, Roger  11 1986 3200 2. 9:23.95 8.00 7 23.00  
  Heritage Clopton, Jerry 11 2001 LJ 7. 22' 06 3/4 3.00  
  Heritage Clopton, Jerry 12 2002 LJ 6. 22' 10 4.00  
  Heritage Hedges, Norm 10 1988 1600 5. 4:19.14 2.00  
  Heritage Hedges, Norm 12 1990 1600 6. 4:21.54 1.00  
  Heritage Painter, Dave 11 1978 Mile 4. 4:16.4 4.00  
  Heritage White, Cody 12 2008 800 9. 1:56.89 1.00  
  Heritage Christian Himes, Luke 10 2022 SP 4. 61' 01 1/2 6.00 5 27.00  
  Heritage Christian Himes, Luke 11 2023 SP 1. 65' 01 1/2 10.00  
  Heritage Christian Himes, Luke 11 2023 DT 5. 173' 10 5.00  
  Heritage Christian Himes, Luke 12 2024 SP 7. 56' 10 3/4 3.00  
  Heritage Christian Young, Frankie III 10 2017 LJ 7. 22' 07 3/4 3.00  
  Heritage Hills Beuchlein, Elliott 12 2021 1600 6. 4:18.88 4.00 7 28.50  
  Heritage Hills Brahm, Terry 11 1980 1600 2. 4:12.96 8.00  
  Heritage Hills Brahm, Terry 12 1981 1600 4. 4:14.40 4.00  
  Heritage Hills Burres, Ryan 12 1994 LJ 7. 22' 09 3.00  
  Heritage Hills Gogel, Grant 12 2021 PV +5. 15' 03 4.50  
  Heritage Hills Hufnagel, Noah 12 2018 3200 9. 9:18.93 1.00  
  Heritage Hills Waninger, Nick 12 2003 3200 6. 9:23.62 4.00  
  Highland Barr, John  11 2002 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50 37 162.25  
  Highland Barr, John  12 2003 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.50  
  Highland Bell, David  11 1969 880 4. 2.00  
  Highland Bell, David  12 1970 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Highland Bell, Dennis 12 1972 Mile 4. 4:22.7 2.00  
  Highland Bluethmann, Jeff 12 1984 3200 5. 9:31.81 2.00  
  Highland Bluethmann, William 11 1985 HJ 4. 6' 08 4.00  
  Highland Bluethmann, William 12 1986 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Highland Bracco, John 10 1977 880 6. 1:54.1 1.00  
  Highland Bracco, John 11 1978 880 3. 1:53.4 6.00  
  Highland Bracco, John 12 1979 880 4. 1:55.87 4.00  
  Highland Crawford, Ted 12 1972 PV 5. 14' 00 1.00  
  Highland Dunn, Dennis 11 1976 100 5. 9.9 2.00  
  Highland Dunn, Dennis 10 1976 220 4. 21.9 4.00  
  Highland Durham, Josh 12 1995 400 6. 48.70 4.00  
  Highland Durham, Josh 12 1995 LJ 4. 22' 10 6.00  
  Highland Espitia, Regino 12 1968 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Highland Grider, Gannon 12 2018 DT 7. 164' 06 3.00  
  Highland Guerra, Lucas 12 2021 1600 3. 4:08.29 7.00  
  Highland Gunn, Jason 12 1996 3200 5. 9:31.17 5.00  
  Highland Jones, Nicholas 12 2012 LJ 4. 22' 05 6.00  
  Highland McNutt, Aramis 12 2024 SP 5. 57' 07 3/4 5.00  
  Highland McTroy, Quinten 11 2019 LJ 4. 22' 08 3/4 6.00  
  Highland Menzyk, Joe 12 1975 880 2. 1:54.5 8.00  
  Highland Moorehead, John 12 1976 180 H 4. 19.4 4.00  
  Highland Mussatt, Jerry 11 1960 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.50  
  Highland Rios, Christian 10 2019 DT 7. 158' 04 3.00  
  Highland Rios, Christian 12 2021 DT 9. 163' 08 1.00  
  Highland Robbins, Robbie 12 1972 HJ +4. 6' 02 0.75  
  Highland Ruebel, Noel 11 1973 HJ 1. 6' 06 1/2 10.00  
  Highland Ruebel, Noel 12 1974 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Highland Upchurch, John 12 1973 880 4. 1:55.2 4.00  
  Highland VanSensus, Scott 12 1983 HJ +3. 6' 10 5.00  
  Highland Washington, Gary 11 1973 2 Mile 3. 9:26.0 6.00  
  Highland Washington, Gary 12 1974 2 Mile 3. 9:27.0 6.00  
  Highland Zemen, Bernie 12 1972 2 Mile 1. 9:16.4 6.00  
  Highland 1976 880 R 2. 1:28.0 8.00  
  Hillsdale Love, Kenneth 12 1957 Mile 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Hobart Bailey, Adam 12 2006 SP 3. 58' 05 3/4 7.00 72 361.11  
  Hobart Beasey, Alan 12 1990 PV 4. 15' 00 4.00  
  Hobart Bowman, Robert 12 1971 2 Mile 1. 9:23.9 6.00  
  Hobart Carlson, Eric 12 1906 HT 1. 134' 03 1/2 5.00  
  Hobart Chandler, Francis 12 1964 PV 5. 12' 06 1.00  
  Hobart Ciszek, Ray 12 1943 440 (R2) 1. 52.1 5.00  
  Hobart Crites, Bill 12 1946 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Hobart Davis, Mike  12 1960 SP 3. 54' 05 3.00  
  Hobart Dayhuff, Tim 12 1977 440 5. 48.5 2.00  
  Hobart Dinsmore, James 12 1948 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Hobart Eickstead, Dean 10 1956 880 4. 2.00  
  Hobart Garriott, Russell 10 1954 SP 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Garriott, Russell 11 1955 SP 1. 57' 07 5.00  
  Hobart Garriott, Russell 12 1956 SP 1. 56' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Hobart Grudzinski, Bob 11 1964 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Grudzinski, Bob 11 1964 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Hobart Grudzinski, Bob 12 1965 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Grudzinski, Jim 11 1961 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Grudzinski, Jim 12 1962 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Hobart Howell, Wilbur 11 1943 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Cody 10 2021 PV 3. 16' 00 7.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Cody 11 2022 PV 1. 16' 08 10.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Cody 12 2023 PV 1. 17' 00 10.00  
  Hobart Johnston, James Jr. 10 1978 PV +4. 14' 00 3.00  
  Hobart Johnston, James Jr. 11 1979 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Hobart Johnston, James Jr. 12 1980 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Hobart Johnston, James Sr. 10 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Hobart Johnston, James Sr. 11 1953 PV 1. 12' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Hobart Johnston, James Sr. 12 1954 PV +3. 2.50  
  Hobart Johnston, Riley 10 2019 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Riley 12 2021 PV 1. 16' 06 10.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Robb 11 1981 PV 2. 14' 06 8.00  
  Hobart Johnston, Robb 12 1982 PV 1. 15' 03 10.00  
  Hobart Jordan, Dave 12 1959 PV 3. 12' 03 3.00  
  Hobart Kline, Keith 10 1994 PV 4. 14' 00 6.00  
  Hobart Kline, Keith 11 1995 PV 1. 15' 03 10.00  
  Hobart Kline, Keith 12 1996 PV 1. 16' 03 10.00  
  Hobart Kozyra, Sam (1) 11 1962 100 3. 3.00  
  Hobart Kozyra, Sam (2) 12 1988 400 6. 49.21 1.00  
  Hobart Liechty, Kurt 12 1979 Mile 1. 4:11.40 10.00  
  Hobart Marler, Jim 11 1960 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Hobart Marler, Jim 12 1961 Mile 1. 4:28.9 5.00  
  Hobart McMillian, Jarvis 11 2010 100 1. 10.69 10.00  
  Hobart McMillian, Jarvis 11 2010 200 1. 21.48 10.00  
  Hobart McMillian, Jarvis 11 2010 400 1. 47.45 10.00  
  Hobart McMillian, Jarvis 12 2011 200 4. 21.96 6.00  
  Hobart McMillian, Jarvis 12 2011 400 2. 47.73 8.00  
  Hobart Osika, Daniel 12 1998 SP 6. 55' 06 3/4 4.00  
  Hobart Otero, Benito 10 1999 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Hobart Ray, Ernest 11 2013 DT 9. 159' 09 1.00  
  Hobart Ray, Nicholas 10 2015 DT 5. 173' 10 5.00  
  Hobart Ray, Nicholas 11 2016 DT 4. 173' 07 6.00  
  Hobart Ray, Nicholas 12 2017 DT 5. 169' 00 5.00  
  Hobart Ray, Nicholas 12 2017 SP 6. 53' 08 4.00  
  Hobart Shield, Carl 10 1946 SP 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Shield, Carl 11 1947 SP 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Shield, Carl 12 1948 SP 1. 55' 04 5.00  
  Hobart Smallman, Robert 12 2007 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Hobart Stack, Andy 11 1984 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00  
  Hobart Stack, Andy 12 1985 PV 2. 15' 11 8.00  
  Hobart Stack, Jimm 9 1983 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00  
  Hobart Stack, Jimm 10 1984 PV 3. 15' 03 6.00  
  Hobart Stack, Jimm 11 1985 PV 4. 15' 00 4.00  
  Hobart Stack, Jimm 12 1986 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00  
  Hobart Stack, Nicholas 12 2013 PV 4. 15' 09 6.00  
  Hobart Stewart, Matthew 12 2013 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.50  
  Hobart Tromble, Francis 12 1939 SP 2. 4.00  
  Hobart Valenzuela, Gerald 12 2013 SP 8. 55' 01 1/2 2.00  
  Hobart White, Terry 11 1958 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Hobart White, Terry 11 1958 220 1. 22.0 5.00  
  Hobart White, Terry 12 1959 220 5. 1.00  
  Hobart 1989 1600 R 4. 3:19.74 4.00  
  Homestead Barnes, Austen 11 2009 400 4. 48.43 6.00 48 231.50  
  Homestead Brown, Shawn 12 1990 DT 6. 173' 01 1.00  
  Homestead Cleaver, Kyle 12 2001 DT 3. 172' 00 7.00  
  Homestead Crosley, Brian 12 1973 2 Mile 4. 9:32.0 4.00  
  Homestead Davis, Jordan 12 2014 300 H 7. 38.55 3.00  
  Homestead Edwards, Logan 12 2003 400 9. 49.84 1.00  
  Homestead Goodman, Kevin 12 1989 SP 5. 56' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Homestead Griffin, Eli 11 2023 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Homestead Griffin, Eli 12 2024 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Homestead Hall, Jonathan 10 2005 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Homestead Hall, Jonathan 11 2006 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Homestead Hall, Jonathan 12 2007 PV 3. 16' 00 7.00  
  Homestead Hart, Gregg 10 1988 DT 1. 182' 08 10.00  
  Homestead Hart, Gregg 11 1989 SP 3. 58' 01 6.00  
  Homestead Hart, Gregg 11 1989 DT 1. 193' 00 10.00  
  Homestead Hart, Gregg 12 1990 SP 1. 63' 03 1/2 10.00  
  Homestead Hart, Gregg 12 1990 DT 1. 216' 09 10.00  
  Homestead Hire, Ryan 12 2011 110 H 6. 14.72 4.00  
  Homestead Klump, Louis 11 1976 Mile 4. 4:15.2 4.00  
  Homestead Krogmeier, Perry 11 1976 220 5. 22.2 2.00  
  Homestead Law, Brayden 11 2015 1600 7. 4:14.97 3.00  
  Homestead Law, Brayden 12 2016 1600 3. 4:11.46 7.00  
  Homestead Law, Brayden 12 2016 3200 4. 9:13.77 6.00  
  Homestead Lougheed, Peter 11 1997 SP 6. 58' 01 1/2 4.00  
  Homestead Lougheed, Peter 12 1998 SP 8. 53' 08 1/2 2.00  
  Homestead Luzar, Will 11 1986 110 H 6. 14.24 1.00  
  Homestead Luzar, Will 11 1986 300 H 5. 37.55 2.00  
  Homestead Luzar, Will 12 1987 110 H 6. 14.51 1.00  
  Homestead Luzar, Will 12 1987 300 H 2. 37.05 8.00  
  Homestead Martin, Jacob 11 2023 300 H 2. 38.31 8.00  
  Homestead Meza, David 12 2010 PV 9. 14' 09 1.00  
  Homestead Murphy, Josh 12 2001 PV 8. 15' 00 2.00  
  Homestead Payne, Chase 11 2010 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Homestead Payne, Chase 12 2011 PV 4. 15' 09 6.00  
  Homestead Rosswurm, Jonathon 12 1993 HJ +6. 6' 06 3.00  
  Homestead Ruppert, Ryan 12 2019 3200 4. 9:09.40 6.00  
  Homestead Sierks, Tyler 11 2019 PV 5. 14' 09 5.00  
  Homestead Smith, Brock 11 1994 800 2. 1:55.73 8.00  
  Homestead Smith, Brock 12 1995 800 1. 1:52.47 10.00  
  Homestead Stanley, Trevor 12 2013 300 H 3. 37.81 7.00  
  Homestead Theisen, Brian 11 1992 300 H 9. 38.89 1.00  
  Homestead Widenhoefer, Ethan 11 2023 HJ 7. 6' 07 3.00  
  Homestead Widenhoefer, Ethan 12 2024 HJ +6. 6' 06 3.50  
  Homestead 2002 1600 R 7. 3:22.01 3.00  
  Homestead 2003 1600 R 9. 3:22.10 1.00  
  Homestead 2009 3200 R 9. 7:56.18 1.00  
  Homestead 2014 3200 R 7. 7:54.80 3.00  
  Homestead 2019 3200 R 4. 7:53.69 6.00  
  Howe Academy Jones, John  11 2011 SP 2. 62' 04 1/2 8.00 5 27.00  
  Howe Academy Jones, John  11 2011 DT 4. 181' 02 6.00  
  Howe Academy Loos, Lee 12 1951 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Howe Academy Nelson, Ted 11 1989 200 5. 22.13 2.00  
  Howe Academy Nelson, Ted 12 1990 100 +2. 10.90 7.00  
  Huntertown May, Charles 12 1951 SP 1. 51' 06 1/2 5.00 1 5.00  
  Huntingburg Hemmer, Bueford 12 1925 HJ +2. 2.50 1 2.50  
  Huntington Hawkins, Richard 11 1946 880 (R2) 3. 3.00 8 13.00  
  Huntington Johnson, Glenn 11 1917 100 2. 3.00  
  Huntington Lane, Robert 11 1906 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Huntington Prifogle, Elmer 11 1941 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Huntington Rader, Allen 12 1904 100 3. 1.00  
  Huntington Schenkel, Tom 12 1969 100 4. 2.00  
  Huntington Steele, Edwin  11 1933 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Huntington Stringfellow, Bud 12 1954 100 5. 1.00  
  Huntington North Chesterman, Elijah 12 2017 800 6. 1:54.92 4.00 22 93.00  
  Huntington North Cotton, Joel 12 1999 800 3. 1:53.05 7.00  
  Huntington North Daniels, Curt 12 2005 1600 5. 4:17.16 5.00  
  Huntington North Drabenstot, Rex 11 2008 SP 7. 55' 02 3.00  
  Huntington North Drabenstot, Rex 12 2009 SP 4. 57' 01 6.00  
  Huntington North Dyer, Derek 11 1997 DT 8. 156' 11 2.00  
  Huntington North Dyer, Derek 12 1998 SP 2. 57' 09 1/2 8.00  
  Huntington North Dyer, Derek 12 1998 DT 2. 174' 00 8.00  
  Huntington North Furthmiller, Matt 12 1989 SP 4. 57' 02 1/2 4.00  
  Huntington North Furthmiller, Matt 12 1989 DT 2. 181' 03 8.00  
  Huntington North Gerding, Travis 11 2010 DT 5. 170' 07 5.00  
  Huntington North Gerding, Travis 12 2011 SP 5. 60' 11 5.00  
  Huntington North Gerding, Travis 12 2011 DT 2. 184' 09 8.00  
  Huntington North Hoopingarner, Brett 12 2000 400 5. 49.08 5.00  
  Huntington North Hosler, Jay 12 1985 110 H 5. 14.29 2.00  
  Huntington North Moore, Zac 11 1992 PV +8. 13' 09 1.50  
  Huntington North Moore, Zac 12 1993 PV +8. 13' 06 1.50  
  Huntington North Rogers, James 11 1975 440 6. 50.1 1.00  
  Huntington North Rogers, James 12 1976 440 4. 48.8 4.00  
  Huntington North Wilkinson, Stuart 12 1990 800 6. 1:56.34 1.00  
  Huntington North Wilson, Aaron 12 2000 DT 7. 165' 07 3.00  
  Huntington North 1999 1600 R 9. 3:22.16 1.00  
  Ind. School for Deaf Davis, Dyne 12 2003 DT 8. 160' 00 2.00 3 4.00  
  Ind. School for Deaf Newburn, LaMonte 12 1990 SP 6. 56' 11 1.00  
  Ind. School for Deaf Noel, Richard 12 1990 110 H 6. 14.52 1.00  
  Indian Creek Sisson, Mark 12 1979 2 Mile 1. 9:08.33 10.00 2 14.00  
  Indian Creek Tworek, Jeremiah 12 2006 300 H 6. 38.19 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Arbuckle, James 11 1964 SP 3. 56' 00 1/4 3.00 33 131.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Arbuckle, James 12 1965 SP 2. 60' 01 3/4 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Archie, John 11 1991 110 H 6. 14.47 1.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Archie, John 12 1992 110 H 7. 14.43 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Archie, John 12 1992 300 H 7. 38.72 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Beckett, James 12 1989 HJ 4. 6' 08 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Bell, James 12 1974 440 4. 49.5 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Bell, Jason 12 2002 SP 8. 53' 08 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Coleman, Jeremy 12 1998 100 8. 11.06 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Coleman, Jeremy 12 1998 200 7. 22.31 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Cross, Reginald 12 1999 400 1. 47.77 10.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Dixon, Elery 12 1974 100 6. 10.1 1.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Dixon, Elery 12 1974 220 1. 21.8 10.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Everett, Conrey 12 1991 800 1. 1:53.96 10.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Ford, DuRon 11 1995 200 5. 22.46 5.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Ford, DuRon 11 1995 400 5. 48.59 5.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Ford, DuRon 12 1996 200 8. 22.95 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Ford, DuRon 12 1996 400 7. 48.81 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Humphries, William 12 1991 400 2. 49.20 8.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Johnson, Jeffrey 11 1979 440 4. 49.60 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Johnson, Jeffrey 12 1980 300 H 5. 37.89 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Lino, George 12 1991 100 6. 10.93 1.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Martin, Robert 11 1992 100 9. 11.06 1.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Martin, Robert 11 1992 200 9. 23.23 1.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Martin, Robert 12 1993 100 7. 11.22 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Martin, Robert 12 1993 200 2. 21.79 8.00  
  Indpls. Arlington McPhearson, Mike 11 1962 PV 1. 13' 00 5.00  
  Indpls. Arlington McPhearson, Mike 12 1963 PV 3. 13' 02 3/4 3.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Milam, Dave 11 1968 SP 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Smith, Jason  12 1995 110 H 5. 14.69 5.00  
  Indpls. Arlington Young, Mark 12 1981 800 5. 1:55.58 2.00  
  Indpls. Arlington 1974 Mile R 4. 3:22.1 4.00  
  Indpls. Arlington 1999 1600 R 3. 3:20.06 7.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Avery, Robert 12 1940 880 (R2) 5. 1.00 192 681.84  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Barnett, Russell 11 1937 440 (R2) 1. 52.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bauermeister, Donald 12 1945 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bishop, George 11 1959 HJ +3. 6' 02 2.50  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bishop, George 11 1959 LJ 4. 21' 07 3/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Blakesly, Gail 12 1922 440 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bonds, Lewis 12 1982 HJ 1.  6' 10 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bose, Lewis 12 1935 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Brown, Franklin 12 1935 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Brown, McKenzie 11 1961 LJ 3. 22' 05 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Brown, McKenzie 12 1962 LJ 1. 22' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bruder, Henry 11 1932 SP 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Bruder, Henry 12 1933 SP 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Burries, Dale 11 1941 PV 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Burries, Dale 12 1942 PV +5. 0.25  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Butler, Henry  12 1915 880 1. 2:06.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Carr, Terrance 11 1996 LJ 7. 22' 01 1/4 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Carr, Terrance 12 1997 LJ 9. 21' 07 3/4 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Carter, Ray 12 1959 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Casey, Marion 11 1965 PV 4. 13' 03 3/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Clift, Russell 10 1923 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Clift, Russell 10 1923 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Clift, Russell 11 1924 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Cox, Ferdinand 12 1928 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Crawford, James 12 1929 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Day, Harold 11 1918 100 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Day, Harold 12 1919 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Day, Harold 12 1919 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Day, Sean 12 1990 200 3. 22.18 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical DeFabis, Julius 12 1947 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Delrymple, Robert 11 1937 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Delrymple, Robert 12 1938 440 (R1) 1. 50.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Dischinger, Donas 10 1931 220 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Drane, Rodney 11 1926 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Dunville, Larry 12 1961 HJ +3. 6' 03 1/2 2.50  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Edwards, Nicky 12 1977 880 3. 1:53.4 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Edwards, Nicky 12 1978 880 2. 1:51.8 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Fisher, Charles 12 1941 HJ 1. 5' 11 1/8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Fisher, Don 12 1946 SP 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Freeman, Robert 11 1945 HJ +5. 0.20  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Freeman, Robert 12 1946 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Freeman, Ted 12 1931 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gardner, Kenton 12 1927 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gardner, Montell 12 2019 LJ 7. 22' 02 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Glover, Shirley 12 1971 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Glover, Shirley 12 1971 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Graham, Brewer 12 1922 PV 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Graham, Larry 11 1952 880 1. 1:59.5 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gray, Glenn 10 1920 220 1. 23.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gray, Glenn 11 1921 100 1. 10.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gray, Glenn 11 1921 220 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gray, Glenn 12 1922 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Gray, Glenn 12 1922 220 1. 23.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Greenlees, William 11 1931 880 (R1) 1. 2:01.1 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Greenlees, William 12 1932 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Griggs, Haldane 11 1920 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Grimes, Jaylen 12 2022 400 7. 48.85 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hall, Malcolm 11 1929 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hall, Malcolm 12 1930 HJ 1. 5' 10 3/4 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Harris, Ingle 12 1948 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hay, Roger 12 1920 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Henderson, Dale 11 1977 SP 2. 60' 05 1/2 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Henderson, Dale 12 1978 SP 1. 62' 06 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Henschen, Lawrence 12 1928 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hickey, Tom 12 1970 SP 5. 57' 01 3/4 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hill, Jerry 10 1974 120 H 3. 14.4 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hill, Jerry 11 1975 120 H 1. 14.2 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hill, Jerry 11 1975 180 H 1. 19.4 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Hill, Jerry 12 1976 120 H 1. 13.4 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Kruse, William 12 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Kutchback, Knoll 12 1928 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Langlais, Archie 12 1923 440 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Lantz, Frederick 12 1932 Mile (R1) 1. 4:31.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Lee, Kenny 12 1976 SP 2. 60' 06 1/4 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Leet, Clarence 12 1925 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Leetmae, Rein 12 1957 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Leetmae, Rein 12 1957 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Lewis, William  11 1922 880 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Lowish, Richard 12 1941 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Mace, Richard 12 1956 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Mace, Richard 12 1956 180 H 1. 19.9 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Martin, Vernon 12 1939 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Maxwell, Thoburn 10 1922 Mile (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Maxwell, Thoburn 11 1923 Mile (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Maxwell, Thoburn 12 1924 880 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Maxwell, Thoburn 12 1924 Mile (R1) 1. 4:44.7 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical McArthur, William 12 1934 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical McCoy, Fred  11 1955 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical McCoy, Fred  12 1956 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical McCoy, Fred  12 1956 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical McIlwane, Charles 12 1918 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Meyerrose, Allen 10 1948 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Meyerrose, Allen 11 1949 440 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Meyerrose, Allen 12 1950 220 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Meyerrose, Allen 12 1950 440 1. 50.9 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, George 12 1934 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, Madison 10 1975 220 4. 22.7 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, Madison 11 1976 100 3. 9.8 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, Madison 11 1976 220 3. 21.7 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, Madison 12 1977 100 1. 9.7 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Miller, Madison 12 1977 220 1. 21.4 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Monroe, Ralph 10 1937 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Monroe, Ralph 11 1938 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Monroe, Ralph 12 1939 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Morris, William  10 1926 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Morris, William  10 1926 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Neely, Jack 11 1931 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Neely, Jack 11 1931 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Neely, Jack 12 1932 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Neely, Jack 12 1932 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Neff, Truman 1923 Mile (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Pedlow, Donald 11 1942 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Pedlow, Donald 12 1943 PV +5. 0.25  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Perkins, Earl 10 1916 220 1. 24.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Perkins, Earl 12 1918 100 1. 10.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Perkins, Earl 12 1918 220 1. 24.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Peterson, Charles 11 1958 LJ 4. 21' 06 5/8 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Potter, Wallace 12 1940 PV 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Poulos, Elias 10 1936 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Poulos, Elias 12 1938 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Roberts, Johnny 12 1979 120 H 5. 14.45 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Robinson, Calvin 12 1982 SP 5. 55' 05 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Robinson, Ronnie 12 1981 SP 1. 60' 02 1/2 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Romack, Floyd 12 1957 880 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Rush, Maurice 12 1924 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Rushton, Ronnie 11 1957 SP 3. 51' 09 1/4 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Russell, John 11 1929 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Russell, John 12 1930 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Sayles, Ronald 11 1969 120 H 1. 14.4 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Sayles, Ronald 11 1969 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Sears, Herbert 10 1927 880 (R1) 1. 2:03.3 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Sears, Herbert 11 1928 880 (R1) 1. 2:00.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Sears, Herbert 12 1929 880 (R2) 1. 2:02.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Smith, LaMar 11 1930 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Staley, Don 11 1935 SP 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Stonebraker, James 11 1955 SP 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Stoshitch, Bozidar 12 1936 SP 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Thoeny, John 11 1933 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Thoeny, John 12 1934 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Thoeny, John 12 1934 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Tinnel, Richard 11 1951 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Tinnel, Richard 11 1951 220 1. 21.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Townsend, John 12 1934 SP 1. 48' 08 7/8 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Truemper, Carl 12 1931 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Tuck, Greg 11 1974 100 3. 10.0 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Tuck, Greg 11 1974 220 6. 22.0 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Velsey, Jack 11 1921 120 H 1. 17.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical White, Kenneth 12 1933 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Wilkinson, Ralph 12 1962 SP 1. 56' 10 1/4 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Williams, Ed 12 1941 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Wilson, Clifford 12 1925 LJ 1. 22' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical Woodard, Robert 12 1958 SP 3. 51' 08 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1990 400 R 6. 42.68 1.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1924 880 R (R1) 1. 1:35.5 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1925 880 R (R1) 1. 1:35.8 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1926 880 R (R2) 1. 1:35.6 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1927 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.6 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1931 880 R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1934 880 R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1935 880 R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1950 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1956 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1958 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1970 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1971 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1975 880 R 2. 1:32.0 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1976 880 R 5. 1:28.8 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1920 Mile R 1. 3:40.4 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1922 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:41.0 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1923 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:44.2 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1926 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:39.0 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1928 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:39.1 -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1929 Mile R (R1) 2. -  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1931 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:36.1 5.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1933 Mile R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1934 Mile R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1935 Mile R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1937 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1938 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:34.4 10.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1940 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1941 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1943 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1945 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1946 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1948 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1949 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1950 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1952 Mile R 3. 3:27.6 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1953 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1954 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1970 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Arsenal Technical 1994 1600 R 7. 3:23.43 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Ellison, Mathew 11 1962 HJ +3. 6' 01 2.50 27 101.13  
  Indpls. Attucks Gilcrease, Ernest 10 1955 880 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Haynes, Winston 11 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Eulas 9 1946 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Eulas 9 1946 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Eulas 10 1947 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Lawrence 11 1953 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Lawrence 11 1953 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Thomas 12 1970 120 H 1. 14.4 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Jackson, Thomas 12 1970 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 10 1968 100 1. 10.1 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 10 1968 220 1. 22.3 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 11 1969 100 1. 9.8 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 11 1969 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 12 1970 100 1. 9.7 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Martin, Greg 12 1970 220 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Attucks McElwain, Jeffrey 11 1984 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Ovelton, Pete 12 1947 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Parrish, Wiley 12 1946 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Robertson, Oscar 12 1956 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Indpls. Attucks Smith, William 12 1950 PV +2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Spencer, Detroit 10 1958 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Attucks Terrell, Carlton 12 1950 220 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Attucks 1946 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Attucks 1947 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Attucks 1955 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Attucks 1968 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Brooks, David 11 1989 1600 6. 4:20.08 1.00 30 117.25  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Brooks, David 12 1990 1600 3. 4:16.99 6.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Brooks, David 12 1990 3200 5. 9:33.54 2.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Grubaums, Gunar 12 1959 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Holland, Quinn 11 2000 400 7. 49.63 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Holland, Quinn 12 2001 400 4. 48.87 6.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Hughey, Emerson 12 1951 PV +5. 0.25  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Lewis, Donald 11 1990 400 6. 49.60 1.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Meils, Rick 12 1968 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Miles, Charles 11 1988 100 2. 10.69 8.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Miles, Charles 11 1988 200 1. 21.19 10.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Miles, Charles 12 1989 100 1. 10.52 10.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Miles, Charles 12 1989 200 2. 21.42 8.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Miller, William 12 1944 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Mursch, Bruce 12 1954 SP 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Parker, Shawn 12 1998 110 H 6. 14.83 4.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Poland, Don 12 1960 100 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Poland, Don 12 1960 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Restivo, Rolly 11 1951 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Shorter, Bob 12 1959 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Shorter, Bob 12 1959 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Simms, Delmon 11 2003 100 3. 10.87 7.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Simms, Delmon 12 2004 100 3. 10.75 7.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Simms, Delmon 12 2004 200 6. 21.94 4.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Snapp, Dave 10 1960 880 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Wilkinson, Vance 11 1938 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple Wilkinson, Vance 12 1939 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple 1999 400 R 7. 42.68 3.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple 1951 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Broad Ripple 1960 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Anderson, Lucian 12 2017 400 9. 49.35 1.00 27 125.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Corsaro, Peter 12 2001 1600 7. 4:20.01 3.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Cross, Reginald 11 1998 400 5. 49.09 5.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Dotson, Malcolm 11 2014 100 4. 10.99 6.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Hocker, Cole 10 2017 1600 4. 4:13.58 6.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Hocker, Cole 11 2018 1600 2. 4:08.04 8.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Hocker, Cole 12 2019 800 1. 1:51.48 10.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Hocker, Cole 12 2019 1600 1. 4:07.00 10.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Huffins, Chris 12 1988 LJ 3. 23' 06 1/2 6.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Hutchens, John 12 2019 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Jones, David 11 1985 100 4. 10.79 4.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Loyd, Brian 11 1985 HJ 5. 6' 06 2.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Mason, Austin 12 2016 400 5. 49.31 5.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Merchun, Jim 12 2006 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral O'Herren, Hale 11 2009 1600 7. 4:22.01 3.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Page, Michael 11 2021 400 8. 49.66 2.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Roby, John 11 2011 200 8. 22.31 2.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Page, Michael 12 2022 400 4. 48.51 6.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Wilks, Christian 10 1999 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral Wilks, Christian 12 2001 HJ +2. 6' 06 7.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 1999 400 R 5. 42.53 5.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 2023 400 R 9. 42.23 1.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 2024 400 R 4. 42.44 6.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 1998 1600 R 1. 3:20.21 10.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 2002 3200 R 5. 8:03.31 5.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 2018 3200 R 7. 7:50.48 3.00  
  Indpls. Cathedral 2019 3200 R 5. 7:54.24 5.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Ball, Seth 10 2004 1600 7. 4:18.31 3.00 38 208.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Buhler, Chris 12 1975 880 4. 1:56.5 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Burkert, Marco 12 2013 400 6. 48.43 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Chavis, John 12 2016 400 7. 49.41 3.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Dietrick, Chris 12 2006 800 5. 1:54.88 5.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Finnell, Todd 12 1985 LJ 2. 23' 07 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Franklin, Terry 12 1984 200 2. 21.46 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Franklin, Terry 12 1984 LJ 2. 24' 07 3/4 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Hackman, Steve 10 1975 DT 4. 147' 00 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Hackman, Steve 11 1976 DT 4. 162' 00 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Hackman, Steve 12 1977 DT 2. 172' 05 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Kinghorn, Kirby 12 1985 1600 3. 4:12.94 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Leone, Todd 12 2006 800 4. 1:54.69 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Mason, Vincent 12 2002 400 7. 49.39 3.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Murphy, James 11 1980 1600 5. 4:17.70 2.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Murphy, James 12 1981 800 2. 1:54.78 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Murphy, James 12 1981 1600 1. 4:10.96 10.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Poore, Andrew 11 2006 3200 5. 9:18.14 5.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Poore, Andrew 12 2007 3200 3. 9:06.97 7.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Roney, Kris 12 1988 110 H 1. 13.95 10.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Walker, John 11 1986 100 3. 10.69 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Walker, John 11 1986 200 6. 21.80 1.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Walker, John 12 1987 100 4. 10.96 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Walker, John 12 1987 200 3. 22.23 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Wiseman, Malcolm 10 1985 110 H 3. 14.19 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard Wiseman, Malcolm 11 1986 110 H 3. 14.16 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 1984 400 R 3. 43.17 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 1985 400 R 2. 42.58 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 1986 400 R 5. 43.03 2.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 1988 400 R 3. 42.74 6.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2005 400 R 7. 42.45 3.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2002 1600 R 6. 3:21.82 4.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2005 1600 R 5. 3:19.87 5.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2016 1600 R 5. 3:20.25 5.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2024 1600 R 2. 3:17.00 8.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2004 3200 R 7. 7:53.95 3.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2006 3200 R 1. 7:41.56 10.00  
  Indpls. Chatard 2024 3200 R 7. 7:55.81 3.00  
  Indpls. Howe Banks, Robert 11 1943 880 (R1) 5. 1.00 49 159.90  
  Indpls. Howe Barringer, Kevin 11 1977 100 6. 10.1 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Boucher, Dave 12 1952 Mile 5. 4:30.2 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Branson, Harry 12 1945 HJ +5. 0.20  
  Indpls. Howe Burgan, Jack 12 1957 LJ 3. 21' 06 3/4 3.00  
  Indpls. Howe Butler, Jerry 12 1956 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Carter, Robert 11 1982 300 H 2. 37.27 8.00  
  Indpls. Howe Davenport, Bob 12 1980 110 H 1. 14.24 10.00  
  Indpls. Howe Davis, Kevin  12 1983 110 H 5. 14.64 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe DeWitte, Dave 12 1946 Mile (R1) 1. 4:30.7 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Dixon, Norman 12 1946 880 (R2) 1. 2:03.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Draine, Ronald 12 1995 LJ 8. 22' 04 1/2 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Graham, Arthur 12 1942 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Holland, Alonzo 12 1979 330 H 6. 37.99 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Jenkins, Richard 12 1982 100 5. 10.77 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Jenkins, Richard 12 1982 200 6. 22.05 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Knox, Frank 12 1949 SP 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Kouns, Harold 11 1954 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Howe Lash, Russell 11 1957 Mile 1. 4:25.3 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Lash, Russell 12 1958 Mile 1. 4:26.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Lewellen, Ron 12 1960 SP 4. 53' 07 1/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Martin, Dave 12 1949 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Howe Martin, Kowalski 12 1990 100 5. 10.95 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Mathis, David 11 1992 110 H 1. 13.80 10.00  
  Indpls. Howe Mathis, David 11 1992 300 H 6. 38.69 4.00  
  Indpls. Howe Mathis, David 12 1993 110 H 2. 13.99 8.00  
  Indpls. Howe Mathis, David 12 1993 300 H 3. 37.20 7.00  
  Indpls. Howe McCloud, John 12 1991 100 3. 10.78 6.00  
  Indpls. Howe McCloud, John 12 1991 200 4. 22.10 4.00  
  Indpls. Howe Pride, Glenn 12 1959 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Pritchard, Larry 12 1967 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Reed, Alfred 12 1945 HJ +5. 0.20  
  Indpls. Howe Shackle, Steve 11 1958 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Shackle, Steve 11 1958 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Shackle, Steve 11 1958 LJ 2. 22' 07 3/8 4.00  
  Indpls. Howe Shackle, Steve 12 1959 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Smith, Garry 12 1992 SP 2. 58' 08 8.00  
  Indpls. Howe Sterns, Bill 11 1958 HJ +4. 6' 01 1.50  
  Indpls. Howe Thomas, Don 12 1952 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Watson, William 12 1944 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Howe Wellman, Jack 11 1949 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Wellman, Jack 12 1950 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Howe Willis, Darius 9 2005 400 5. 48.80 5.00  
  Indpls. Howe Woodbury, Richard 12 1963 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe Woodbury, Richard 12 1963 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe 1981 400 R 6. 42.97 1.00  
  Indpls. Howe 1982 400 R 3. 42.21 6.00  
  Indpls. Howe 1990 400 R 3. 41.98 6.00  
  Indpls. Howe 1941 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Lutheran Ward, Lonte 10 2023 HJ 6. 6' 07 4.00 2 9.00  
  Indpls. Lutheran Ward, Lonte 11 2024 LJ 5. 22' 02 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Adam, Carl 12 1906 440 2. 3.00 150 479.47  
  Indpls. Manual Allen, Royce 11 1972 180 H 5. 20.1 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Allen, Royce 12 1973 180 H 4. 19.9 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Ankenbrock, Raymond 12 1908 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Bissell, Herbert 12 1910 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Boswell, Edwin 12 1926 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Brown, Lee 12 1913 Mile 1. 4:48.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Burnett, Herbert 11 1927 220 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Burnett, Herbert 12 1928 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Burnett, Herbert 12 1928 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Butler, Henry  10 1911 440 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Coffman, Scott 11 1913 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Coffman, Scott 12 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Indpls. Manual Cornelius, George 10 1913 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Cornelius, George 11 1914 100 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Courtney, Ardwood 11 1945 PV +2. 3.50  
  Indpls. Manual Courtney, Ardwood 12 1946 PV +2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Cross, Thomas 11 1946 SP 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Cross, Thomas 12 1947 SP 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 10 1905 220 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 10 1905 440 1. 54.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 11 1906 440 1. 54.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 12 1907 100 1. 11.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 12 1907 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Deming, Sherlie 12 1907 440 1. 56.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual DeMotte, Leslie 12 1920 HJ +1. 5' 08 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Duerson, Tony 12 2007 400 6. 48.53 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Duggan, Alph 12 1904 440 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Duggan, Alph 12 1904 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Eichrodt, Charles 12 1907 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Findlay, Walter 12 1908 SP 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fingers, Phillip 11 1980 HJ 3. 7' 00 6.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fingers, Phillip 11 1980 LJ 3. 23' 01 6.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fingers, Phillip 12 1981 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fingers, Phillip 12 1981 LJ 1. 23' 09 10.00  
  Indpls. Manual Finn, John 12 1910 220 1. 24.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Floyd, Walter 12 1923 SP 1. 47' 03 1/4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fye, Harold 12 1912 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Fye, Harold 12 1912 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Gardner, Elbert 11 1920 880 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Gardner, Elbert 12 1921 880 (R2) 1. 2:08.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 10 1916 PV 2. 11' 00 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 11 1917 120 H 1. 17.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 11 1917 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 11 1917 PV 1. 10' 09 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 12 1918 120 H 1. 16.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 12 1918 220 H 1. 27.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Garten, Fred 12 1918 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Graves, Reginald 11 1991 HJ 4. 6' 07 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Graves, Reginald 12 1992 HJ +3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Indpls. Manual Gullett, William 12 1916 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Hamilton, Ralph 12 1909 440 1. 54.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Hardin, Albion 11 1923 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Harmeson, Emil 10 1919 PV 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Harmeson, Emil 11 1920 PV 1. 10' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Harmeson, Emil 12 1921 PV 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Harmeson, Harold 11 1921 440 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Harmeson, Harold 11 1921 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Heiny, George 12 1926 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Holtzman, Paul 11 1905 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Indpls. Manual Holtzman, Paul 12 1906 HJ +1. 5' 04 5/8 2.25  
  Indpls. Manual Hoppe, Edward 12 1923 880 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Hoyt, Jack 12 1940 880 (R2) 1. 2:01.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Hutton, Leon 12 1925 220 H 1. 25.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Hutton, Leon 12 1925 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Indpls. Manual Jackson, Shawn 11 2011 LJ 3. 22' 05 7.00  
  Indpls. Manual Jackson, Shawn 12 2012 LJ 3. 22' 09 7.00  
  Indpls. Manual Jenkins, Esto 12 1911 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Johnston, Grant 12 1904 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Johnston, Grant 12 1904 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual King, Harold 12 1909 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual King, Harold 12 1909 220 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual King, Harold 12 1909 LJ 2. 20' 07 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual King, John 12 1905 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual King, John 12 1905 Mile 1. 4:53.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Kissel, Charles 12 1907 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Kissel, Charles 12 1907 220 1. 25.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Koster, Louis 12 1908 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Manion, Kenneth 12 1932 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Mascari, John  10 1940 Mile (R2) 1. 4:34.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Mascari, John  11 1941 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Mascari, Michael 10 1940 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Mascari, Michael 11 1941 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Mascari, Michael 12 1942 Mile (R2) 1. 4:28.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Messing, Frank 10 1917 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Messing, Frank 12 1919 220 H 1. 28.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Meuer, Albert 12 1906 880 1. 2:08.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Meuer, Albert 12 1906 Mile 1. 5:01.5 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Millholland, Donald 12 1913 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Morgan, Vernon 11 1993 800 6. 1:56.74 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Morgan, Vernon 11 1993 1600 6. 4:18.38 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Morgan, Vernon 12 1994 800 1. 1:55.19 10.00  
  Indpls. Manual Murr, Ferdinand 12 1904 HT 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Murr, Ferdinand 12 1904 SP 1. 40' 03 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Nahmias, Morris 11 1938 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Nahmias, Morris 12 1939 440 (R1) 1. 50.9 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Newlin, Fred 11 1909 Mile 1. 4:45.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Nicholson, John 12 1908 PV 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Nyers, Richard 12 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Indpls. Manual O'Connor, Robert 11 1918 SP 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual O'Connor, Robert 12 1919 SP 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Parchman, Corey 12 1997 200 8. 22.38 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Pickett, Don 12 1907 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Pickett, Roy 12 1911 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Pinner, James 12 1971 LJ 4. 22' 04 3/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Prout, Joe 12 1921 220 H 1. 27.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Raker, Raymond 12 1945 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Riley, Charles 12 1946 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Rogers, Elwood 12 1910 PV +1. 9' 10 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Ross, Robert 12 1921 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Rubush, Albert 10 1925 PV +4. 1.50  
  Indpls. Manual Rubush, Albert 11 1926 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Rubush, Albert 12 1927 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual Rubush, Albert 12 1927 LJ 1. 21' 06 1/8 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Rubush, Albert 12 1927 PV 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Scholl, Roland 11 1943 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Stackhouse, Allan 10 1907 PV 1. 9' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual Stackhouse, Allan 11 1908 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Stackhouse, Allan 11 1908 PV +1. 10' 03 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Stanton, Paul 11 1908 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Stiltz, Raymond 12 1908 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Summers, Thera 10 1921 220 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Taylor, Marcus 12 1991 LJ 6. 22' 07 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Tobin, Juan 12 1986 100 4. 10.71 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual Tobin, Juan 12 1986 200 3. 21.54 6.00  
  Indpls. Manual Tobin, Juan 12 1986 LJ 1. 23' 11 1/2 10.00  
  Indpls. Manual VanArsdale, Tom 12 1961 SP 4. 53' 11 1/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual VanSweringer, Roy 12 1912 880 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Wathen, Roger 12 1963 LJ 5. 22' 01 1.00  
  Indpls. Manual Whitney, Clinton 12 1920 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Whitney, Clinton 12 1920 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Wright, Will 12 1907 880 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Manual Wright, Will 12 1907 Mile 1. 5:03.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1939 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1905 Mile R 1. 3:49.0 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1906 Mile R 1. 3:48.0 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1907 Mile R 1. 3:47.6 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1908 Mile R 1. 3:41.2 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1909 Mile R 1. 3:43.8 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1911 Mile R 1. 3:46.0 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1913 Mile R 3. -  
  Indpls. Manual 1914 Mile R 1. 3:47.0 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1920 Mile R 2. -  
  Indpls. Manual 1921 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:44.8 -  
  Indpls. Manual 1938 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1940 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1943 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:33.8 10.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1944 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:32.0 10.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1947 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Manual 1981 1600 R 4. 3:21.53 4.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Johnson, Robin 12 1980 100 6. 10.90 1.00 10 53.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Johnson, Robin 12 1980 200 4. 22.06 4.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Prowell, Stoney 11 2014 400 1. 48.40 10.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Prowell, Stoney 12 2015 200 3. 21.71 7.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Prowell, Stoney 12 2015 400 1. 47.09 10.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Spight, Derrick Jr. 11 1982 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Spight, Derrick Jr. 12 1983 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Indpls. Marshall Yates, Steven 11 1982 110 H 6. 14.59 1.00  
  Indpls. Marshall 1980 400 R 5. 42.74 2.00  
  Indpls. Marshall 1979 880 R 5. 1:29.26 2.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Bush, Patrick  12 1977 440 1. 48.3 10.00 24 131.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Carney, Rodney 12 2002 400 6. 49.28 4.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Carney, Rodney 12 2002 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Chapman, Lamar 12 2002 LJ 9. 22' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Collins, James 12 1973 HJ 5. 6' 04 1/2 2.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Foster, Michael 12 1982 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Harrington, Kevin 10 1998 100 9. 11.70 1.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Harrington, Kevin 11 1999 200 1. 21.85 10.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Harrington, Kevin 12 2000 100 1. 10.77 10.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Harrington, Kevin 12 2000 200 3. 21.83 7.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Hester, John  12 1975 440 4. 50.0 4.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Hicks, William 12 1970 880 1. 1:54.3 6.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Johnson, Robert  11 1978 120 H 4. 14.3 4.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Johnson, Robert  11 1978 330 H 1. 37.0 10.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Johnson, Robert  12 1979 330 H 3. 37.50 6.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Keene, Brett 11 1965 880 1. 1:55.9 5.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Keene, Brett 12 1966 880 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Larrison, Mike 12 1970 SP 1. 59' 08 3/4 6.00  
  Indpls. Northwest McMichel, Walter 11 1987 LJ 4. 23' 03 1/4 4.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Pitts, Whitney 12 2004 LJ 8. 22' 04 3/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Northwest Talley, Keith 12 1982 110 H 2. 14.00 8.00  
  Indpls. Northwest 2000 400 R 4. 42.53 6.00  
  Indpls. Northwest 1975 Mile R 6. 3:26.9 1.00  
  Indpls. Northwest 1977 Mile R 2. 3:17.7 8.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Everett, Joseph 12 2016 200 3. 21.87 7.00 6 35.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Grays, Kynton 11 2018 LJ 4. 22' 10 3/4 6.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Jones, Armond 12 2013 SP 5. 56' 01 5.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Robinson, Kemari 12 2022 200 1. 21.49 10.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Stamm, Paul 12 2021 3200 7. 9:14.38 3.00  
  Indpls. Ritter Wehrle, Max 12 2016 3200 6. 9:15.29 4.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Lintner, Dan 11 1968 LJ 2. 4.00 8 35.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Lintner, Dan 12 1969 LJ 1. 22' 08 6.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial McMahon, Bill 12 1963 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial McMahon, Bill 12 1963 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Phillips, Chris 10 1991 DT 6. 160' 03 1.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Phillips, Chris 12 1993 DT 2. 179' 01 8.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Winston, Donald 11 1995 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Indpls. Scecina Memorial Wroblewski, Tom 12 1976 SP 6. 58' 00 1/4 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bancker, Adrian 12 1912 220 H 3. 1.00 115 346.03  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bieler, Louis 12 1913 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bluemel, Edward 12 1933 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Boatman, Bill 11 1957 HJ +3. 6' 00 1/8 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Boatman, Bill 12 1958 HJ +1. 6' 02 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bosson, Richard 11 1907 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Boyd, Merlin 12 1916 440 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Brown, Jack 12 1936 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Brown, Robert  11 1936 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bruce, Bob 11 1951 880 1. 2:00.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bruce, Bob 12 1952 880 2. 2:00.0 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Bryan, Robert 11 1922 880 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Butler, Lawrence 12 1916 100 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Butler, Lawrence 12 1916 440 1. 55.6 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Carll, George 12 1912 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Cline, Arthur 11 1936 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Crockett, David 12 1937 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Crockett, David 12 1937 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge DeWeese, Murat 11 1905 HJ +1. 5' 04 3/4 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge DeWeese, Murat 12 1906 HJ +1. 5' 04 5/8 2.25  
  Indpls. Shortridge DeWeese, Murat 12 1906 LJ 1. 20' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge DeWeese, Murat 12 1906 SP 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Dillon, Barry 11 1966 880 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Ellis, Conrad 11 1908 880 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Ellis, Conrad 12 1909 880 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Evans, Albert 11 1959 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Evans, Albert 11 1959 220 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Evans, Albert 12 1960 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Foster, Michael 11 1981 HJ 3. 6' 09 6.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Francis, Dean 12 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Indpls. Shortridge Fraser, Rolland 12 1935 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Gasper, Edward 10 1946 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge George, Charles 12 1926 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Greene, Marcellus 11 1975 440 5. 50.1 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hawkins, Paul 12 1908 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hendrickson, Robert 11 1907 440 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hendrickson, Robert 12 1908 440 1. 55.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hendrickson, Robert 12 1908 LJ 1. 20' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hill, James  12 1956 880 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Hubbard, Walter 12 1908 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Jarvis, VanBuren 12 1909 220 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Joseph, Russell 10 1904 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Joseph, Russell 10 1904 220 1. 23.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Kiger, William 12 1929 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Knapp, John 12 1960 880 2. 1:57.0 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Kraeger, George 12 1941 SP 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Lewis, George 12 1943 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Loer, James 11 1954 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Indpls. Shortridge Loer, James 12 1955 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Lotick, Lynn 12 1921 440 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Mace, Bill 12 1953 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Martin, Herschell 12 1926 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Maynard, Fred 11 1939 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Maynard, Fred 11 1939 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Maynard, Fred 12 1940 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge McKenzie, Obie 11 1962 LJ 4. 21' 06 3/4 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge McKenzie, Obie 12 1963 LJ 3. 22' 04 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge McLaughlin, Edward 11 1905 HJ +1. 5' 04 3/4 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge McLaughlin, Edward 11 1905 SP 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Means, Guy 12 1912 SP 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Moore, Paul 11 1916 120 H 1. 17.2 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Morrison, Harold 10 1907 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Morrison, Harold 11 1908 HJ 1. 5' 08 3/4 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Morrison, Harold 12 1909 HJ 1. 5' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Morrison, Harold 12 1909 LJ 1. 21' 03 1/4 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Morrison, Harold 12 1909 PV +3. 9' 10 1/4 0.33  
  Indpls. Shortridge Newlin , Willard 12 1914 440 +2. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Noble, Tom 12 1912 440 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Oberholtzer, James 12 1945 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Pattison, George 12 1928 Mile (R1) 1. 4:40.1 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Patton, Blaine 12 1905 880 1. 2:11.8 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Patton, Blaine 12 1905 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Piel, Alfred 12 1938 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Piel, Alfred 12 1938 220 1. 22.7 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Ray, Vernor 12 1912 SP 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Rehm, Dick 12 1937 SP 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Schomberg, William 11 1908 220 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Schomberg, William 12 1909 100 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Scott, Holman 11 1908 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Scott, Holman 12 1909 HJ 2. 5' 05 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Scott, Holman 12 1909 PV 2. 10' 04 1/4 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Simmons, James 11 1935 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Simmons, James 12 1936 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Steep, George 12 1904 Mile 1. 5:04.0 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Tichenor, Jack 11 1947 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Upchurch, Jerry 10 1963 880 2. 1:56.8 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Wade, George 11 1927 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Walker, William 10 1925 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge White, Douglas 11 1914 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge White, Hal 12 1912 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Williams, Gerry 12 1959 HJ 1. 6' 06 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Williams, Tommie 12 1980 110 H 6. 14.61 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Wilson, Francis 12 1916 220 H 1. 27.4 5.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Wiltshire, Raymond 11 1928 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Wiseman, Terry 12 1963 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Wiseman, Terry 12 1963 220 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Ziegner, Herman 12 1933 100 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge Ziegner, Herman 12 1933 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1929 880 R (R1) 1. 1:37.8 -  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1933 880 R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1938 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.7 10.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1939 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1954 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1959 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1963 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1907 Mile R 2. -  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1908 Mile R 3. -  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1915 Mile R 3. -  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1936 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:32.2 10.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1939 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1942 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1944 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1956 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1960 Mile R 2. 3:24.5 8.00  
  Indpls. Shortridge 1962 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Allen, Anthony 12 1974 LJ 3. 22' 11 3/4 6.00 103 424.60  
  Indpls. Washington Appleton, Pat 11 1982 HJ 6. 6' 08 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Benson, Thomas 12 1961 PV +2. 12' 06 3.50  
  Indpls. Washington Blake, Richard 12 1966 PV 3. 13' 04 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Bonds, Tom 11 1979 120 H 3. 14.37 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Byfield, Carter 12 1944 PV 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Carter, Emerson 11 1929 PV +2. 3.50  
  Indpls. Washington Carter, Emerson 12 1930 LJ +4. 1.50  
  Indpls. Washington Carter, Emerson 12 1930 PV +1. 12' 04 3/4 4.50  
  Indpls. Washington Carter, Marion 11 1937 PV 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Carter, Marion 12 1938 PV +3. 1.50  
  Indpls. Washington Cherry, Harry 12 1934 PV +4. 1.50  
  Indpls. Washington Coleman, Roderick 12 1992 LJ 5. 22' 11 5.00  
  Indpls. Washington Corey, Kenneth 11 1960 PV +2. 12' 02 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Covington, Ronald 11 1992 LJ 9. 22' 09 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Cummins, Michael 11 1966 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/2 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Dillman, Lon 12 1977 440 3. 48.4 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Duff, Loren 11 1930 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Gerrish, Courtney 12 1940 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Gilbert, Kenneth 11 1979 880 1. 1:54.80 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Giles, Ivory 11 1966 HJ 3. 6' 05 1/2 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Giles, Ivory 12 1967 HJ 3. 6' 07 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Grace, Wayne 11 1971 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Grace, Wayne 11 1971 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Grace, Wayne 12 1972 100 2. 9.7 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Grace, Wayne 12 1972 220 1. 22.3 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Hardin, Dean 11 1931 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 9 1964 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 10 1965 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 10 1965 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 11 1966 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 11 1966 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 12 1967 100 1. 9.6 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Highbaugh, Larry 12 1967 220 1. 20.5 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Hines, Frank 10 1943 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Hines, Frank 12 1945 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Holder, Monterrio 10 1988 HJ 4. 6' 09 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Holder, Monterrio 11 1989 HJ 3. 6' 10 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Holder, Monterrio 12 1990 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Holder, Monterrio 12 1990 LJ 3. 23' 05 3/4 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Howard, Billy 12 1940 100 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Howard, Billy 12 1940 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Jacobs, John 12 1944 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Jacobs, John 12 1944 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Jones, Edward 12 1944 HJ 1. 5' 11 5.00  
  Indpls. Washington Kemp, Willis 12 1933 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Lane, Dewayne 12 1994 110 H 8. 15.16 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Lemen, Robert 11 1932 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Lemen, Robert 12 1933 220 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Lemen, Robert 12 1933 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Maxey, Craig 12 1987 800 5. 1:54.25 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington McGee, James 12 1968 HJ 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Mears, David 12 1934 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Menchhofer, Arvill 11 1937 100 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Merritt, Chris 10 1992 400 6. 49.29 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Merritt, Chris 11 1993 400 1. 48.68 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington O'Banion, Ira 10 1939 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Owensby, John 12 1951 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Phillips, Don 11 1968 SP 1. 59' 07 1/2 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Phillips, Don 12 1969 SP 1. 64' 03 1/2 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington Powe, Lavelle 12 1982 PV 6. 14' 06 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Ramsey, Darrow 11 1984 400 5. 49.52 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Rasheed, Ibn 11 1994 SP 6. 57' 01 1/2 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington Rasheed, Ibn 11 1994 DT 3. 174' 05 7.00  
  Indpls. Washington Rasheed, Ibn 12 1995 SP 5. 57' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Indpls. Washington Rasheed, Ibn 12 1995 DT 1. 182' 03 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Rusler, Tom 12 1953 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Sartor, Herschel 12 1936 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Simms, Chris 12 1989 400 5. 49.15 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Sullivan, Leonard 12 1956 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington Turk, John 12 1931 PV +4. 0.60  
  Indpls. Washington Walker, Kenneth 12 1983 DT 1. 157' 07 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Washington, Quentin 11 1993 400 3. 49.23 7.00  
  Indpls. Washington Washington, Quentin 12 1994 400 5. 48.84 5.00  
  Indpls. Washington Weddle, Julian 11 1935 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington Williams, Lamont 11 1979 440 2. 48.86 8.00  
  Indpls. Washington Williams, Lamont 12 1980 400 1. 48.14 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Williams, Lamont 12 1980 800 1. 1:52.84 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington Williams, Stanley 11 1983 300 H 5. 37.39 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Wilson, Tony 12 1973 100 5. 10.2 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington Wooten, Bennie 10 1967 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1981 400 R 5. 42.71 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1983 400 R 6. 43.15 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1965 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1966 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1967 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1936 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1938 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1940 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1943 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.6 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1944 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1946 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1948 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1971 880 R 1. 1:27.8 10.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1972 880 R 3. 1:30.5 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1932 Mile R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1942 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1945 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1979 Mile R 3. 3:18.45 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1980 1600 R 3. 3:17.24 6.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1981 1600 R 5. 3:21.93 2.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1989 1600 R 6. 3:20.39 1.00  
  Indpls. Washington 1993 1600 R 2. 3:17.34 8.00  
  Indpls. Wood Davis, Richard 11 1960 100 1. 9.9 5.00 10 33.00  
  Indpls. Wood Davis, Richard 11 1960 220 4. 2.00  
  Indpls. Wood Dearman, James 12 1971 LJ 3. 22' 06 3.00  
  Indpls. Wood Harris, Zeimore 12 1971 440 5. 1.00  
  Indpls. Wood Tapps, Porter 12 1963 LJ 4. 22' 03 1/2 2.00  
  Indpls. Wood Thurman, Roy 11 1962 100 2. 4.00  
  Indpls. Wood Williams, Don 12 1971 PV 4. 14' 03 2.00  
  Indpls. Wood Winston, Wilbert 12 1960 LJ 2. 21' 05 1/2 4.00  
  Indpls. Wood 1960 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Indpls. Wood 1962 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Jac-Cen-Del Franke, Cecil 12 1986 3200 1. 9:22.13 10.00 1 10.00  
  Jasper Ackerman, John 12 1955 120 H 2. 4.00 11 39.00  
  Jasper Bair, Bralen 12 2023 200 6. 21.88 4.00  
  Jasper Block, Steve 12 1974 880 3. 1:55.3 6.00  
  Jasper Dick, Alan 12 1968 440 3. 3.00  
  Jasper Eckman, Abe 12 2022 3200 2. 9:01.50 8.00  
  Jasper Hoffman, Greg 11 1981 DT 6. 156' 11 1.00  
  Jasper Messmer, Derek 11 2007 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00  
  Jasper Messmer, Derek 12 2008 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Jasper Seitz, Calvin 9 2024 1600 8. 4:17.97 2.00  
  Jasper Weinel, Jaryn 12 2023 800 8. 1:54.40 2.00  
  Jasper 2017 3200 R 7. 7:49.93 3.00  
  Jay County Barcus, Kevin 12 1985 800 3. 1:56.42 6.00 9 41.00  
  Jay County Hoffman, Nick 12 2002 300 H 6. 38.87 4.00  
  Jay County Peterson, Doug 10 1982 1600 5. 4:15.48 2.00  
  Jay County Peterson, Doug 12 1984 800 5. 1:56.29 2.00  
  Jay County Peterson, Doug 12 1984 1600 3. 4:18.19 6.00  
  Jay County Rains, Casey 12 1997 800 6. 1:57.24 4.00  
  Jay County Reynard, Brandon 11 2008 300 H 5. 39.29 5.00  
  Jay County Vormohr, John 11 1983 SP 5. 56' 04 1/2 2.00  
  Jay County Vormohr, John 12 1984 SP 1. 59' 02 10.00  
  Jefferson Twp. (Kempton) Watson, Roy 12 1956 HJ 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Allen, Marvin 12 1959 100 5. 1.00 74 343.50  
  Jeffersonville Allen, Marvin 12 1959 220 3. 3.00  
  Jeffersonville Bailey, Shawn 12 1980 100 3. 10.72 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Bailey, Shawn 12 1980 200 5. 22.18 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Baker, Ian 11 1996 300 H 1. 36.68 10.00  
  Jeffersonville Baker, Ian 12 1997 110 H 1. 14.26 10.00  
  Jeffersonville Baker, Ian 12 1997 300 H 2. 36.49 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Barr, Roderick 12 1991 300 H 5. 38.30 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Bush, Maliek 12 2022 110 H 7. 14.86 3.00  
  Jeffersonville Cappola, Anthony 12 2017 PV 3. 14' 06 7.00  
  Jeffersonville Dailey, Victor 12 2019 HJ 7. 6' 08 3.00  
  Jeffersonville Dowdell, Tyrell 11 2012 400 5. 49.25 5.00  
  Jeffersonville Dowdell, Tyrell 12 2013 400 3. 48.11 7.00  
  Jeffersonville Edwards, Andre 11 1999 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Edwards, Andre 11 1999 LJ 9. 21' 07 3/4 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Edwards, Lance 12 1998 LJ 7. 22' 03 3/4 3.00  
  Jeffersonville Ellis, Dennis 12 1978 100 5. 10.0 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Exum, Emmett 9 1995 LJ 6. 22' 06 3/4 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Exum, Emmett 10 1996 LJ 2. 23' 07 1/4 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Fitzpatrick, Riley 11 1979 220 5. 22.18 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Florence, David 12 1985 SP 5. 57' 01 1/4 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Gray, Jeramie 12 2005 100 8. 11.04 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Harrison, Jerome 12 1981 100 1. 10.27 10.00  
  Jeffersonville Harrison, Jerome 12 1981 200 2. 21.61 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Hawes, David 11 1987 1600 6. 4:21.55 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Hawes, David 12 1988 1600 3. 4:17.64 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Hughes, Richard 12 1974 120 H 2. 14.1 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Hughes, Richard 12 1974 180 H 3. 19.4 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Hughes, Thomas 10 1974 440 2. 49.2 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Hughes, Thomas 11 1975 440 2. 49.1 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Lacy, Shane 10 1988 100 3. 10.89 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Lacy, Shane 10 1988 200 3. 21.90 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Lacy, Shane 11 1989 200 4. 21.96 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Lacy, Shane 12 1990 400 2. 48.68 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Lee, Ron 9 1978 HJ 3. 6' 09 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Lee, Ron 10 1979 120 H 2. 14.29 8.00  
  Jeffersonville Lee, Ron 10 1979 HJ 3. 6' 11 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Lee, Ron 11 1980 HJ 4. 7' 00 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Lee, Ron 12 1981 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Jeffersonville Martin, Jeremy 11 2010 LJ 6. 22' 01 3/4 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Martin, Kenny 12 1976 120 H 3. 14.2 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Miles, Tony 11 1991 LJ 4. 22' 08 1/4 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Oliver, Chet 12 1985 100 6. 10.86 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Overton, Dayna 10 1991 100 4. 10.90 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Overton, Dayna 11 1992 100 3. 10.76 7.00  
  Jeffersonville Overton, Dayna 12 1993 LJ 9. 22' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Porter, Stephen 12 1968 120 H 1. 14.4 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Porter, Stephen 12 1968 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Rankin, Anthony 12 1987 100 3. 10.90 6.00  
  Jeffersonville Rankin, Anthony 12 1987 200 4. 22.32 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Rhodes, Glenn 12 1987 LJ 6. 22' 09 1/2 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Shaw, Ronald 10 1973 HJ 6. 6' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Jeffersonville Shaw, Ronald 11 1974 HJ 4. 6' 08 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Slaughter, Marcus 11 1994 HJ +6. 6' 06 2.50  
  Jeffersonville Smith, Don  12 1951 SP 4. 2.00  
  Jeffersonville Smith, George 12 1943 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Jeffersonville Stanton, Mike 12 1989 800 4. 1:53.56 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Welch, Robert 10 1959 HJ 2. 6' 03 4.00  
  Jeffersonville Welch, Robert 11 1960 HJ +3. 6' 02 2.50  
  Jeffersonville Welch, Robert 12 1961 HJ +1. 6' 04 1/4 4.50  
  Jeffersonville Wilcoxson, Scott 11 1986 800 2. 1:53.41 8.00  
  Jeffersonville 1980 400 R 4. 42.72 4.00  
  Jeffersonville 1981 400 R 2. 41.72 8.00  
  Jeffersonville 1987 400 R 4. 43.19 4.00  
  Jeffersonville 1988 400 R 4. 42.76 4.00  
  Jeffersonville 1991 400 R 4. 42.69 4.00  
  Jeffersonville 1996 400 R 7. 43.16 3.00  
  Jeffersonville 1998 400 R 8. 42.89 2.00  
  Jeffersonville 2023 400 R 7. 41.93 3.00  
  Jeffersonville 1978 880 R 5. 1:30.4 2.00  
  Jeffersonville 1979 880 R 6. 1:29.26 1.00  
  Jeffersonville 1974 Mile R 2. 3:18.8 8.00  
  Jeffersonville 1987 1600 R 6. 3:24.82 1.00  
  Jeffersonville 1988 1600 R 3. 3:20.68 6.00  
  Jennings County Alsup, Thomas 12 2014 DT 5. 161' 01 5.00 15 73.50  
  Jennings County Bailiff, Andy 12 1998 300 H 7. 38.14 3.00  
  Jennings County Duncan, Robert 11 2000 1600 8. 4:22.46 2.00  
  Jennings County Duncan, Robert 12 2001 1600 5. 4:19.55 5.00  
  Jennings County Floyd, Aaron 11 2001 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00  
  Jennings County Floyd, Aaron 12 2002 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Jennings County Lewis, Nathan 12 1991 3200 4. 9:21.21 4.00  
  Jennings County Lewis, Troy 12 1986 1600 5. 4:16.09 2.00  
  Jennings County McCoy, Christopher 12 1987 DT 4. 160' 06 4.00  
  Jennings County McCrory, Kelly 10 1977 DT 5. 169' 02 2.00  
  Jennings County McCrory, Kelly 11 1978 SP 2. 60' 01 1/2 8.00  
  Jennings County McCrory, Kelly 11 1978 DT 1. 182' 04 10.00  
  Jennings County McCrory, Kelly 12 1979 SP 1. 61' 01 10.00  
  Jennings County McCrory, Kelly 12 1979 DT 2. 180' 08 8.00  
  Jennings County Tungate, Darryl 12 2002 PV +7. 14' 00 2.50  
  Jimtown Slater, Michael 11 1973 SP 3. 59' 09 6.00 4 20.00  
  Jimtown Slater, Michael 11 1973 DT 3. 158' 02 6.00  
  Jimtown Slater, Michael 12 1974 SP 4. 57' 03 1/2 4.00  
  Jimtown Spencer, Germaine 11 1994 LJ 6. 22' 10 1/2 4.00  
  Jonesboro Mitchell, Robert  12 1932 120 H 4. 2.00 4 11.00  
  Jonesboro Mitchell, Robert  12 1932 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Jonesboro Rhoades, Clifton 10 1928 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Jonesboro Rhoades, Clifton 12 1929 Mile (R2) 1. 4:48.0 5.00  
  Kankakee Valley Baker, Brandon 12 2000 300 H 6. 39.04 4.00 14 58.00  
  Kankakee Valley Frieden, Zack 11 2024 DT 4. 171' 06 6.00  
  Kankakee Valley Knapik, Dave 11 1984 DT 6. 159' 04 1.00  
  Kankakee Valley Knapik, Dave 12 1985 DT 3. 168' 09 6.00  
  Kankakee Valley Leturgez, Bryan 10 1979 330 H 5. 37.97 2.00  
  Kankakee Valley Leturgez, Bryan 11 1980 400 3. 48.98 6.00  
  Kankakee Valley Leturgez, Bryan 12 1981 200 6. 22.23 1.00  
  Kankakee Valley Leturgez, Bryan 12 1981 400 3. 48.86 6.00  
  Kankakee Valley Peregrine, Ken 12 1973 SP 5. 55' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Kankakee Valley VanSoest, John 11 1986 3200 4. 9:27.27 4.00  
  Kankakee Valley VanSoest, John 12 1987 1600 1. 4:16.47 10.00  
  Kankakee Valley VanSoest, John 12 1987 3200 3. 9:13.01 6.00  
  Kankakee Valley Wallace, Jeff 12 1980 1600 6. 4:17.90 1.00  
  Kankakee Valley Wilson, Dustin 12 2007 400 7. 48.53 3.00  
  Kendallville Cotner, Robert 12 1954 120 H 3. 3.00 4 6.50  
  Kendallville Nixon, Pat 12 1963 HJ 3. 6' 03 3/4 3.00  
  Kendallville Prentice, George 11 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Kendallville 1919 Mile R 2. -  
  Kewanna Mutchler, Howard 12 1908 120 H 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Kirklin Strohl, Stanley 11 1917 220 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Knightstown Rausch, Nathan 11 2003 DT 9. 159' 05 1.00 2 4.00  
  Knightstown Rausch, Nicolas 12 1999 DT 7. 158' 08 3.00  
  Knox Henry, Howard 10 1937 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00 3 3.25  
  Knox Henry, Howard 11 1938 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Knox Nichols, Tom  12 1942 PV +5. 0.25  
  Kokomo Abbott, Murl 10 1925 880 (R1) 3. 3.00 226 841.52  
  Kokomo Abbott, Murl 11 1926 880 (R1) 1. 2:03.0 5.00  
  Kokomo Abbott, Murl 12 1927 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Abbott, William 9 1945 PV +4. 0.60  
  Kokomo Abbott, William 11 1947 PV +2. 2.50  
  Kokomo Abney, Kriss 11 1982 DT 3. 158' 05 6.00  
  Kokomo Abney, Kriss 12 1983 DT 2. 154' 11 8.00  
  Kokomo Allen, Stanley 12 1931 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Alsup, John Jr. 11 2010 LJ 5. 22' 02 5.00  
  Kokomo Alsup, John Jr. 12 2011 LJ 1. 23' 07 1/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Alsup, John Sr. 11 1989 LJ 5. 23' 00 1/4 2.00  
  Kokomo Alsup, John Sr. 12 1990 LJ 1. 24' 03 1/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Anderson, Robert 12 1935 100 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Anderson, Robert 12 1935 220 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 10 1909 440 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 11 1910 100 1. 10.6 5.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 11 1910 440 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 11 1910 LJ 1. 20' 00 5.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 12 1911 100 1. 10.6 5.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 12 1911 220 1. 23.4 5.00  
  Kokomo Applegate, Emerson 12 1911 440 1. 55.4 5.00  
  Kokomo Armstrong, Quincy 11 2019 300 H 4. 38.61 6.00  
  Kokomo Babb, Robert 10 1928 PV 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Babb, Robert 12 1931 PV 1. 12' 07 5.00  
  Kokomo Bachman, Conner 12 1934 PV +4. 1.50  
  Kokomo Barber, Jim 12 1966 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Barber, Jim 12 1966 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Bates, Dan 12 1964 SP 4. 55' 11 1/2 2.00  
  Kokomo Bender, Hiram 12 1933 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Bergman, Russell 12 1958 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Boughman, Dixon 12 1970 PV 2. 15' 03 1/2 4.00  
  Kokomo Bowling, Donnie 11 1992 HJ +8. 6' 07 1.50  
  Kokomo Bowling, Donnie 12 1993 HJ +6. 6' 06 3.00  
  Kokomo Breedlove, Jeremy 12 2014 1600 4. 4:15.79 6.00  
  Kokomo Brown, James  10 1915 880 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Brown, James  12 1917 880 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Bundrent, Byron 12 1979 440 3. 49.07 6.00  
  Kokomo Chancellor, Emmett 10 1910 100 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Chancellor, Emmett 11 1911 100 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Chancellor, Emmett 11 1911 220 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Christie, Harold 12 1924 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Christie, Harold 12 1924 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Cissell, Eldrew 12 1913 220 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Colbert, Roger 12 1961 HJ +5. 6' 02 1/2 0.33  
  Kokomo Coleman, Milton 11 1951 220 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Coleman, Milton 11 1951 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Coleman, Milton 12 1952 LJ 3. 21' 09 1/4 3.00  
  Kokomo Cox, Dave 12 1961 PV +2. 12' 06 3.50  
  Kokomo Cox, Erwin 12 1963 PV 2. 13' 02 3/4 4.00  
  Kokomo Crispen, Wayne 12 1942 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Cuthbert, Marvin 12 1928 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Dean, Stanley 11 1927 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Denny, Bob 12 1937 120 H 1. 14.9 5.00  
  Kokomo Denny, Bob 12 1937 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Denny, Lewis 11 1941 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Derck, Gerald 10 1925 SP 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Derck, Gerald 11 1926 SP 1. 45' 05 1/2 5.00  
  Kokomo Deschamps, Paul 11 1937 PV 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Deschamps, Paul 12 1938 PV 1. 12' 00 5.00  
  Kokomo DeWees, Kenneth 11 1911 DT 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo DeWees, Kenneth 12 1912 DT 1. 103' 05 1/2 5.00  
  Kokomo Donahue, Richard 12 1936 220 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Eads, Jack 12 1940 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Edwards, James 11 1933 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Edwards, James 12 1934 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Elvin 12 1944 220 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 9 1932 100 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 9 1932 220 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 10 1933 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 10 1933 220 1. 21.9 5.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 11 1934 100 1. 9.8 5.00  
  Kokomo Elliott, Fred 11 1934 220 1. 21.7 5.00  
  Kokomo Evans, Dick 12 1962 PV +5. 12' 03 0.25  
  Kokomo Fawcett, Charles 11 1958 LJ 1. 22' 08 5.00  
  Kokomo Fawcett, Charles 12 1959 LJ 3. 21' 09 3.00  
  Kokomo Flynn, Jack 11 1936 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Kokomo Frazier, James 9 1937 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Frazier, James 10 1938 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Frazier, James 11 1939 LJ 1. 22' 02 5.00  
  Kokomo Frazier, James 12 1940 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Fryxell, John 9 1934 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Fryxell, John 10 1935 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Fryxell, John 11 1936 880 (R1) 1. 1:59.3 5.00  
  Kokomo Glover, Adrian 12 2011 1600 6. 4:15.97 4.00  
  Kokomo Graf, Bob 12 1962 880 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Granson, Tim 12 1981 300 H 6. 37.8 1.00  
  Kokomo Halstead, Jack 12 1937 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Hankins, Glenmore 12 1934 880 (R2) 1. 2:04.1 5.00  
  Kokomo Hankins, Norman 12 1941 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Kokomo Harris, Dan 12 1971 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Harris, Henry 12 1942 220 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Harvey, Edgar 11 1930 100 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Harvey, Edgar 11 1930 220 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Harvey, Edgar 12 1931 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Kokomo Harvey, Edgar 12 1931 440 (R1) 1. 50.5 5.00  
  Kokomo Hilligoss, Tom 11 1964 SP 1. 56' 11 3/4 5.00  
  Kokomo Hilligoss, Tom 12 1965 SP 4. 58' 04 1/2 2.00  
  Kokomo Hoffmeister, Jerry 12 1971 440 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Hopkins, Murden 12 1911 PV 1. 10' 05 5.00  
  Kokomo Imbierowicz, Bradley 12 2005 PV 9. 15' 00 1.00  
  Kokomo Irwin, Theodore 11 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Kokomo Irwin, Theodore 12 1924 PV 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Johnson, Donre 11 1996 100 3. 11.06 7.00  
  Kokomo Jones, Steve 11 1964 PV 4. 12' 10 2.00  
  Kokomo Jones, Steve 12 1965 PV 1. 13' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Kokomo Keller, Bill  12 1977 2 Mile 2. 9:12.5 8.00  
  Kokomo Keller, Bill  12 1977 Mile 5. 4:16.5 2.00  
  Kokomo Kenney, Lawrence 11 1929 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Kenney, Lawrence 12 1930 880 (R1) 1. 2:01.7 5.00  
  Kokomo Kenworthy, Herbert 11 1944 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Kenworthy, Herbert 12 1945 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Killingbeck, Dave 12 1966 880 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Killings, Taylor 11 2011 110 H 9. 14.93 1.00  
  Kokomo Knisely, Eugene 10 1925 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Knisely, Eugene 11 1926 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Knisely, Eugene 12 1927 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Knisely, Eugene 12 1927 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Lawrence, Plez 12 2022 100 3. 10.76 7.00  
  Kokomo Lawrence, Plez 12 2022 200 7. 22.23 3.00  
  Kokomo Lees, Harold 10 1936 PV +2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Lees, Harold 11 1937 PV 1. 12' 00 5.00  
  Kokomo Life, John 12 1935 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Liggon, Dalon 12 2003 110 H 6. 14.86 4.00  
  Kokomo Liggon, Dalon 12 2003 300 H 8. 39.35 2.00  
  Kokomo Long, Ralph  11 1930 100 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Long, Ralph  12 1931 100 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Long, Ralph  12 1931 220 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Majors, Patrick 11 1994 400 7. 49.71 3.00  
  Kokomo Manis, Tony 11 1987 400 6. 50.27 1.00  
  Kokomo Manis, Tony 12 1988 400 4. 48.94 4.00  
  Kokomo Matchett, Don 10 1934 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Matchett, Don 11 1935 880 (R2) 1. 1:58.8 5.00  
  Kokomo Moses, Tony 12 2012 400 2. 48.78 8.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 11 1927 100 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 11 1927 220 1. 22.5 5.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 11 1927 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 12 1928 100 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 12 1928 220 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Odom, Carrol 12 1928 LJ 1. 21' 08 3/4 5.00  
  Kokomo Oliver, Ron 12 1975 SP 5. 58' 06 2.00  
  Kokomo Overton, Steve 12 1959 PV 2. 12' 09 4.00  
  Kokomo Parker, Paul 11 1916 HJ +3. 5' 07 1/2 0.50  
  Kokomo Paudice, Roy 10 1925 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Paudice, Roy 11 1926 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Pearcy, Ralph 11 1918 100 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Pearcy, Ralph 11 1918 220 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Pendergrass, Neil 11 1951 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Pettigrew, Curtis 11 1994 SP 1. 62' 02 1/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Pettigrew, Curtis 12 1995 SP 1. 63' 06 1/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Pettigrew, Curtis 12 1995 DT 7. 164' 03 3.00  
  Kokomo Petty, Barney 12 1948 PV +2. 2.50  
  Kokomo Pierce, Patrick 12 1991 LJ 1. 24' 01 1/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Pigg, Jauron 10 1993 LJ 2. 23' 08 8.00  
  Kokomo Pigg, Jauron 11 1994 LJ 2. 24' 06 8.00  
  Kokomo Pigg, Jauron 12 1995 200 7. 22.51 3.00  
  Kokomo Pigg, Jauron 12 1995 LJ 3. 23' 10 7.00  
  Kokomo Puckett, John 12 1923 440 (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Purvis, Harry 11 1928 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Rayl, Jesse 11 2006 LJ 9. 21' 09 1/2 1.00  
  Kokomo Rogers, Triston 11 2004 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Kokomo Rouse, Frank 11 1951 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Sandifur, Ralph 10 1933 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Starbuck, Frank 10 1935 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Stifle, Bill 12 1958 100 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Stifle, Bill 12 1958 220 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Tobias, George 11 1929 PV 4. 2.00  
  Kokomo Tobias, George 12 1930 PV 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Tolerson, Jesse 12 1994 1600 5. 4:19.53 5.00  
  Kokomo Toye, Ken 11 1951 120 H 1. 15.1 5.00  
  Kokomo Toye, Ken 12 1952 120 H 1. 14.6 5.00  
  Kokomo Toye, Ken 12 1952 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Tyler, Rolando 10 1994 100 3. 10.71 7.00  
  Kokomo Tyler, Rolando 10 1994 200 7. 22.18 3.00  
  Kokomo Vandervort, Alan 12 1988 800 3. 1:53.90 6.00  
  Kokomo Wagner, Lewis 12 1936 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 10 1924 100 2. 3.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 10 1924 220 1. 22.0 5.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 11 1925 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 11 1925 220 1. 21.6 5.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 11 1925 440 (R1) 1. 51.0 5.00  
  Kokomo Walter, Russell 11 1925 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Warman, Chester 12 1933 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Warman, Chester 12 1933 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Kokomo Warne, Thomas 11 1926 PV +1. 11' 06 4.50  
  Kokomo Warne, Thomas 12 1927 PV 1. 12' 01 5.00  
  Kokomo Williams, Heber 12 1915 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Kokomo Wright, David 10 1963 880 5. 1.00  
  Kokomo Wright, David 11 1964 880 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Wright, David 12 1965 880 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo Young, Frankie Jr. 10 1993 LJ 1. 23' 09 3/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Young, Frankie Jr. 11 1994 LJ 1. 24' 07 3/4 10.00  
  Kokomo Young, Frankie Jr. 12 1995 LJ 1. 24' 07 3/4 10.00  
  Kokomo 1990 400 R 5. 42.49 2.00  
  Kokomo 1993 400 R 7. 42.88 3.00  
  Kokomo 1994 400 R 4. 42.82 6.00  
  Kokomo 1923 880 R (R1) 1. 1:37.0 -  
  Kokomo 1925 880 R (R2) 1. 1:37.1 -  
  Kokomo 1928 880 R (R2) 1. 1:36.2 -  
  Kokomo 1930 880 R (R1) 3. -  
  Kokomo 1931 880 R (R2) 1. 1:35.2 5.00  
  Kokomo 1932 880 R (R1) 1. 1:34.1 5.00  
  Kokomo 1934 880 R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1935 880 R (R2) 1. 1:32.7 5.00  
  Kokomo 1936 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1937 880 R (R2) 1. 1:34.2 10.00  
  Kokomo 1938 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Kokomo 1939 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Kokomo 1940 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Kokomo 1941 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1942 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1943 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1957 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Kokomo 1958 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Kokomo 1924 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:36.8 -  
  Kokomo 1926 Mile R (R2) 2. -  
  Kokomo 1933 Mile R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1934 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:33.1 5.00  
  Kokomo 1935 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:30.8 5.00  
  Kokomo 1936 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Kokomo 1937 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Kokomo 1952 Mile R 5. 3:28.7 2.00  
  Kokomo 1977 Mile R 3. 3:20.6 6.00  
  Kokomo 1987 1600 R 3. 3:22.22 6.00  
  Kokomo 1993 1600 R +9. 3:25.99 0.50  
  Kokomo 1994 1600 R 3. 3:20.65 7.00  
  Kokomo 1995 1600 R 4. 3:19.92 6.00  
  Kokomo Haworth Ridlen, Dan 11 1971 PV 1. 15' 02 3/4 6.00 3 11.00  
  Kokomo Haworth Ridlen, Dan 12 1972 PV 3. 14' 10 1/2 3.00  
  Kokomo Haworth Ridlen, Stan 12 1973 DT 5. 156' 02 2.00  
  Kouts Keller, Stephen 12 2012 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00 4 17.00  
  Kouts Miller, Bryan 12 1998 LJ 9. 22' 02 1/2 1.00  
  Kouts Moyer, Brad 12 1995 300 H 6. 38.33 4.00  
  Kouts Rochford, Jeremy 12 1995 HJ 4. 6' 09 6.00  
  LaCrosse Pick, George 11 1948 880 (R1) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Lafayette Campbell, Fay 11 1914 PV +3. 0.25 7 10.25  
  Lafayette Jackson, Paul 12 1919 440 2. 3.00  
  Lafayette Leverenz, Milton 12 1917 880 3. 1.00  
  Lafayette Miller, Lynn 12 1904 DT 3. 1.00  
  Lafayette Miller, Lynn 12 1904 HJ 1. 5' 04 5.00  
  Lafayette 1915 Mile R 1. 3:47.0 -  
  Lafayette 1917 Mile R 3. -  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Anthrop, Danny 11 2011 100 6. 10.94 4.00 10 51.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Anthrop, Danny 12 2012 100 4. 10.84 6.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Anthrop, Danny 12 2012 200 5. 22.18 5.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Bir, Dan 11 1970 2 Mile 1. 9:25.9 6.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Bir, Mark 10 1967 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Bir, Mark 11 1968 2 Mile 1. 9:19.2 6.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Bir, Mark 12 1969 2 Mile 1. 9:09.3 6.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Fischer, Grant 11 1999 1600 5. 4:20.97 5.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Lewis, Broderick 9 2005 LJ 6. 21' 11 4.00  
  Lafayette Central Catholic Smit, Jared 10 1996 3200 3. 9:27.15 7.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Allyn, John 12 1945 880 (R2) 1. 2:03.0 5.00 86 410.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Deeter, Robert 12 1933 100 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Deeter, Robert 12 1933 LJ 1. 21' 06 1/4 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Dickson, Kerry 12 1979 Mile 2. 4:14.80 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Dunkle, Chris 12 1993 DT 6. 167' 06 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Eaton, Andrew 12 2003 LJ 4. 22' 03 1/2 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Fisher, William 11 1928 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Franz, Fritz 11 1951 440 2. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Goldsberry, Gilbert 10 1931 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Halpin, Henry 12 1935 220 5. 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Heninger, Charles 12 1943 SP 2. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Hogan, Thomas 12 2021 200 4. 22.00 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Johnson, Matthew 11 2013 100 1. 10.74 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Johnson, Matthew 12 2014 200 5. 22.32 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Keller, Dustin 11 2002 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Keller, Dustin 12 2003 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Kent, Tom 11 1971 LJ 2. 22' 09 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Kent, Tom 12 1972 LJ 1. 23' 02 1/4 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Krehnbrink, Michael 11 1983 400 2. 47.95 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Krehnbrink, Michael 12 1984 400 2. 48.92 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Lewis, Broderick 12 2008 LJ 9. 21' 10 3/4 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Madlung, Jerry 11 1975 SP 4. 60' 03 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Madlung, Jerry 12 1976 SP 4. 58' 07 1/4 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McCahan, Dwight 11 1932 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McCahan, Dwight 12 1933 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McQuay, Carl 11 2012 LJ 8. 22' 00 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McQuay, Carl 12 2013 200 1. 21.73 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McQuay, Carl 12 2013 LJ 4. 22' 11 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson McQueen, David 12 1931 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Medrano, Tito 11 2007 3200 4. 9:07.81 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Medrano, Tito 12 2008 3200 2. 9:02.94 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Miller, Russell 12 1943 220 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Moffitt, Bob 11 1977 LJ 3. 23' 03 1/4 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Neal, Tyyon 10 2003 110 H 8. 15.19 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Neal, Tyyon 11 2004 110 H 7. 14.69 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Neal, Tyyon 12 2005 110 H 3. 14.03 7.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Nugent, William 11 1943 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Parker, Bill 9 1947 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Pinn, James 12 2002 LJ 5. 22' 10 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Richie, Glenn 12 1982 800 6. 1:54.61 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Robinson, Myles 12 2006 400 3. 48.17 7.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Rogers, Derrick 12 2012 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stall, Andy 12 1969 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stillabower, Shawn 12 1987 300 H 5. 38.20 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stolz, Bob 12 1983 1600 5. 4:17.64 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stolz, Bob 12 1983 3200 1. 9:14.96 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stovall, Prentice 11 1998 110 H 3. 14.56 7.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stovall, Prentice 11 1998 300 H 1. 37.71 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Stovall, Prentice 12 1999 110 H 9. 15.26 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Vaughn, Harold 12 1973 LJ 1. 24' 03 1/4 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Walgamuth, Andrew 12 1996 PV 5. 14' 06 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wallace, Lucas 10 2011 200 9. 2:33.71 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wallace, Lucas 11 2012 200 1. 21.70 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wallace, Lucas 12 2013 200 2. 21.81 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wilson, Tim 11 2013 110 H 7. 14.51 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wilson, Tim 11 2013 300 H 8. 38.30 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wilson, Tim 12 2014 110 H 7. 14.72 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wilson, Tim 12 2014 300 H 6. 38.50 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wyant, Shane 10 2007 SP 7. 55' 07 1/2 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wyant, Shane 11 2008 SP 6. 56' 04 3/4 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson Wyant, Shane 12 2009 SP 5. 56' 08 1/4 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 2009 400 R 9. 42.50 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 2012 400 R 4. 42.00 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 2013 400 R 1. 41.41 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 2021 400 R 7. 42.47 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1931 880 R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1932 880 R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1933 880 R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1935 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.6 5.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1936 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1937 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1942 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1943 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1944 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1945 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1949 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1932 Mile R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1933 Mile R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1942 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1944 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:29.5 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1945 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:30.2 10.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1946 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1947 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1951 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1952 Mile R 4. 3:27.8 4.00  
  Lafayette Jefferson 1954 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  LaGrange LeMaster, Charles 12 1948 LJ 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Lake Central Berry, Josh 11 2023 400 9. 48.61 1.00 39 187.50  
  Lake Central Crague, Aaron 11 1997 3200 6. 9:37.92 4.00  
  Lake Central Crague, Aaron 12 1998 3200 5. 9:19.05 5.00  
  Lake Central Frick, Ryan 11 2010 DT 4. 174' 07 6.00  
  Lake Central Gethers, Kameron 10 2021 100 9. 10.99 1.00  
  Lake Central Gethers, Kameron 11 2022 100 9. 10.95 1.00  
  Lake Central Gethers, Kameron 11 2022 200 9. 2:03.79 1.00  
  Lake Central Hernandez, Chris 11 1993 800 4. 1:56.10 6.00  
  Lake Central Hernandez, Chris 12 1994 800 3. 1:56.04 7.00  
  Lake Central Hupke, Jeff 12 1986 1600 4. 4:15.60 4.00  
  Lake Central Kaluf, Brian 11 2003 110 H 7. 14.86 3.00  
  Lake Central Kaluf, Brian 11 2003 300 H 4. 38.77 6.00  
  Lake Central Kaluf, Brian 12 2004 110 H 5. 14.42 5.00  
  Lake Central Kistler, Matt 12 1991 SP 6. 53' 08 1.00  
  Lake Central Kruse, Nick 10 2000 1600 5. 4:20.54 5.00  
  Lake Central Kruse, Nick 11 2001 1600 4. 4:17.66 6.00  
  Lake Central Kruse, Nick 12 2002 1600 1. 4:17.20 10.00  
  Lake Central Kwasny, Kyle 12 1998 110 H 9. 19.58 1.00  
  Lake Central Kwasny, Kyle 12 1998 PV 8. 14' 00 2.00  
  Lake Central Newton, Charlie 12 2024 800 6. 1:54.91 4.00  
  Lake Central Orban, Mike 12 1985 3200 5. 9:22.82 2.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 10 2012 SP 7. 55' 04 3.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 10 2012 DT 3. 181' 00 7.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 11 2013 SP 2. 59' 06 1/2 8.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 11 2013 DT 2. 187' 05 8.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 12 2014 SP 3. 58' 02 7.00  
  Lake Central Robinson, Gelen 12 2014 DT 1. 197' 07 10.00  
  Lake Central Schilling, Steve 12 2001 800 2. 1:53.06 8.00  
  Lake Central Smith, John  12 1981 DT 3. 158' 09 6.00  
  Lake Central Sykes, Charles 12 2015 200 7. 21.84 3.00  
  Lake Central Wesley, Brian 12 2002 DT 7. 163' 04 3.00  
  Lake Central Zona, Alex 12 2006 PV +4. 15' 03 5.50  
  Lake Central 2015 400 R 2. 41.46 8.00  
  Lake Central 2017 400 R 5. 42.01 5.00  
  Lake Central 1987 1600 R 5. 3:23.23 2.00  
  Lake Central 2015 1600 R 1. 3:16.49 10.00  
  Lake Central 2021 1600 R 4. 3:20.47 6.00  
  Lake Central 1996 3200 R 5. 7:59.50 5.00  
  Lake Central 2016 3200 R 8. 7:56.24 2.00  
  Lakeland Baker, Aaron 12 2009 DT 5. 168' 02 5.00 5 27.00  
  Lakeland Evans, Brian 12 1992 DT 3. 174' 05 7.00  
  Lakeland Garretson, Evan 12 2014 SP 4. 57' 08 3/4 6.00  
  Lakeland Leu, Mark 11 1994 300 H 8. 38.50 2.00  
  Lakeland Leu, Mark 12 1995 300 H 3. 37.83 7.00  
  Lakewood Park Christian Collins, Zach 12 2021 100 6. 10.85 4.00 1 4.00  
  Lanesville Carr, Lin 12 1987 LJ 5. 22' 11 3/4 2.00 1 2.00  
  Lapel Combs, Luke 11 2019 1600 3. 4:13.70 7.00 4 15.50  
  Lapel Cripe, Ezra 11 2006 100 5. 10.90 5.00  
  Lapel Guion, Chandler 11 2010 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Lapel Thompson, Sean 12 2016 300 H 8. 38.95 2.00  
  LaPorte Anderson, Delwyn 12 1937 880 (R1) 2. 4.00 63 234.00  
  LaPorte Baumann, Roy 12 1936 PV +2. 3.00  
  LaPorte Bensz, Tyler 12 2018 LJ 6. 22' 09 1/4 4.00  
  LaPorte Coburn, Skyler 11 2010 300 H 8. 39.08 2.00  
  LaPorte Coburn, Skyler 12 2011 300 H 7. 38.84 3.00  
  LaPorte Davis, Gaylord 12 1953 120 H 5. 1.00  
  LaPorte Didion, Anthony 11 2013 1600 8. 4:17.24 2.00  
  LaPorte Didion, Anthony 12 2014 1600 2. 4:14.63 8.00  
  LaPorte Droege, Phil 11 1970 220 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Fara, Thomas 12 1950 200 H 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Flannery, Bryan 12 2016 1600 8. 4:18.14 2.00  
  LaPorte Fout, Michael 10 2006 3200 7. 9:21.32 3.00  
  LaPorte Fout, Michael 11 2007 3200 1. 9:03.49 10.00  
  LaPorte Glassman, Fred 12 1942 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  LaPorte Glassman, Wayne 12 1952 SP 2. 52' 03 4.00  
  LaPorte Haag, Bernard 11 1953 100 5. 1.00  
  LaPorte Haag, Bernard 12 1954 100 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Harayda, Ken 10 1946 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Harayda, Ken 11 1947 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  LaPorte Harayda, Ken 12 1948 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  LaPorte Hesselrode, Harold 12 1962 PV +2. 12' 09 3.00  
  LaPorte Hook, Raymond 12 1907 100 3. 1.00  
  LaPorte Hook, Raymond 12 1907 220 2. 3.00  
  LaPorte Hubner, Mitchell 12 2012 800 7. 1:54.60 3.00  
  LaPorte Hubner, Mitchell 12 2012 1600 3. 4:09.80 7.00  
  LaPorte Hucksted, David 12 1973 Mile 4. 4:17.7 4.00  
  LaPorte Konowitz, William 12 1971 SP 2. 58' 03 4.00  
  LaPorte Krenzke, George 12 1927 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  LaPorte Lewis, Diondre 12 2007 LJ 8. 21' 08 3/4 2.00  
  LaPorte Lubs, Dale 10 1954 Mile 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Lubs, Dale 11 1955 Mile 2. 4.00  
  LaPorte Lubs, Dale 12 1956 Mile 1. 4:29.5 5.00  
  LaPorte Lubs, Jerry 11 1934 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Ludwig, Keith 12 2005 1600 9. 4:18.61 1.00  
  LaPorte Mansfield, Edgar 12 1937 PV 3. 3.00  
  LaPorte McCoy, Payton 12 2012 200 8. 22.64 2.00  
  LaPorte Miller, Dave 12 1969 120 H 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Miller, Matthew 12 2009 3200 7. 9:18.31 3.00  
  LaPorte Mueller, Edwin 12 1944 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  LaPorte Pate, Wayne 12 1976 LJ 2. 23' 11 8.00  
  LaPorte Payne, Jacob 12 2015 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  LaPorte Raymond, Cole 11 2021 1600 4. 4:12.90 6.00  
  LaPorte Raymond, Cole 12 2022 800 6. 1:54.36 4.00  
  LaPorte Ryden, Kenneth 12 1935 120 H 1. 15.8 5.00  
  LaPorte Ryden, Kenneth 12 1935 220 H 3. 3.00  
  LaPorte Saffell, Jerry 11 1962 120 H 1. 14.4 5.00  
  LaPorte Saffell, Jerry 11 1962 180 H 2. 4.00  
  LaPorte Saffell, Jerry 12 1963 120 H 1. 14.1 5.00  
  LaPorte Saffell, Jerry 12 1963 180 H 1. 18.6 5.00  
  LaPorte Smith, Al 12 1948 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  LaPorte Sobecki, Jeremy 11 1994 800 4. 1:56.44 6.00  
  LaPorte Sobecki, Jeremy 12 1995 800 4. 1:54.06 6.00  
  LaPorte Solmos, Kris 12 1995 3200 5. 9:25.48 5.00  
  LaPorte Steele, Edwin  12 1926 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  LaPorte Thomson, Tom 12 1964 120 H 1. 14.5 5.00  
  LaPorte Williams, Tayshaun 11 2024 200 3. 22.10 7.00  
  LaPorte Wise, Richard 12 1968 880 4. 2.00  
  LaPorte Yelich, Chris 12 1979 SP 4. 57' 07 4.00  
  LaPorte 1937 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:33.4 10.00  
  LaPorte 1941 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  LaPorte 1948 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:30.1 10.00  
  LaPorte 2024 1600 R 7. 3:22.18 3.00  
  LaPorte 2011 3200 R 5. 7:50.97 5.00  
  Larwill Sheets, Howard 12 1961 LJ 5. 21' 11 1/4 1.00 4 14.00  
  Larwill Wallace, Sheldon 10 1927 PV 2. 4.00  
  Larwill Wallace, Sheldon 11 1928 HJ 1. 5' 09 3/8 5.00  
  Larwill Wallace, Sheldon 11 1928 PV 2. 4.00  
  LaVille Carter, John 12 1977 PV +5. 14' 09 1.50 5 14.50  
  LaVille Hulsey, Lincoln 10 2022 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00  
  LaVille Hulsey, Lincoln 11 2023 PV 3. 15' 00 7.00  
  LaVille Hulsey, Lincoln 12 2024 PV 9. 15' 00 1.00  
  LaVille Larkin, James 12 1996 LJ 8. 21' 10 3/4 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Allen, Stenoree 12 2019 110 H 8. 15.25 2.00 160 925.33  
  Lawrence Central Alves, Eric 11 1984 110 H 2. 14.31 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Alves, Eric 12 1985 110 H 6. 14.31 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Anthony, Jim 12 1981 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33  
  Lawrence Central Armacost, Austin 10 2004 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Barber, Jayson 12 1995 110 H 3. 14.51 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Barnett, Aaron 11 1999 SP 6. 54' 11 3/4 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Barnett, Aaron 12 2000 SP 6. 55' 09 1/2 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Beatty, Kenny 12 1997 110 H 8. 14.83 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Bellamy, Ricky 11 1997 LJ 6. 21' 10 1/2 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Bellamy, Ricky 12 1998 LJ 5. 22' 08 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Blitz, Gregory 12 1967 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Brisco, Dwayne 12 2005 SP 1. 60' 03 1/2 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brisco, Dwayne 12 2005 DT 3. 174' 11 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, DaQuan 11 2012 110 H 3. 14.25 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, DaQuan 11 2012 300 H 1. 37.49 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, DaQuan 12 2013 300 H 7. 38.21 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Jeron 11 2011 400 6. 49.09 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Jeron 12 2012 400 1. 48.08 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Jeron 12 2012 LJ 1. 23' 07 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Kevin  11 2011 LJ 8. 21' 09 1/4 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Ron 10 1988 200 4. 21.97 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Ron 11 1989 100 3. 10.76 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Ron 11 1989 200 1. 21.35 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Ron 12 1990 100 1. 10.58 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Brown, Ron 12 1990 200 1. 21.69 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Bubenzer, Bruce 12 1957 180 H 1. 19.9 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Bullock, James  10 1997 100 6. 11.08 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Bullock, James  11 1998 100 2. 10.69 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Bullock, James  11 1998 200 1. 21.20 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Burgess, Tyrennzie 11 2010 200 2. 21.68 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Burgess, Tyrennzie 12 2011 100 7. 11.00 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Burgess, Tyrennzie 12 2011 200 2. 21.76 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Butler, Kind 12 2007 LJ 5. 21' 11 1/2 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Cheesebourough, George 12 1992 100 7. 11.02 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Cheesebourough, George 12 1992 200 8. 23.15 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Claflin, Connor 11 2010 800 7. 1:54.48 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Claflin, Connor 12 2011 800 7. 1:54.63 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Colby, Dominique 12 1992 400 2. 48.35 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Davis, Geoff 10 2007 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Davis, Geoff 11 2008 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Dearman, Jamie 12 2004 110 H 4. 14.11 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Dickerson, Tyree 11 1975 LJ 5. 21' 11 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Dickerson, Tyree 12 1976 440 3. 48.7 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Dickerson, Tyree 12 1976 LJ 5. 22' 06 1/2 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Dorsey, Matt 11 2012 800 4. 1:53.42 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Dorsey, Matt 12 2013 800 1. 1:52.74 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Dorsey, Matt 12 2013 1600 2. 4:09.92 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Footman, Ken 12 1997 400 6. 49.10 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Franklin, Andre 10 1998 400 1. 48.90 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Franklin, Kenny 12 1997 110 H 7. 14.73 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Freeman, Richard 11 2012 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Freeman, Richard 12 2013 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Gardner, Marciellion 12 2012 LJ 7. 22' 00 1/2 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Garrett, Kamyren 10 2019 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Garrett, Kamyren 12 2021 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Gennett, Bryan 12 2008 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Glover, Will 11 2004 100 2. 10.74 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Glover, Will 11 2004 200 7. 22.42 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Glover, Will 12 2005 100 1. 10.45 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Glover, Will 12 2005 200 2. 21.83 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Goins, Paul 12 2021 110 H 8. 21.69 2.00  
  Lawrence Central Golder, Brandon 12 2003 100 2. 10.84 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Gray, Deontre 11 2012 100 5. 10.86 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Green, Tyron 12 2002 800 1. 1:51.91 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Green, Tyron 12 2002 LJ 2. 23' 09 1/2 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Harris, Steve  12 1970 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Hulse, Brian 12 2001 110 H 7. 15.12 3.00  
  Lawrence Central Jackson, Elijah 12 2023 100 1. 10.52 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Johnson, Lamar 9 1996 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Johnson, Lamar 9 1996 LJ 9. 21' 10 1/2 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Kirkpatrick, Will 10 1994 300 H 5. 38.03 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Lawrence, Geoffrey 12 1971 SP 1. 58' 11 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Lenox, Tony 12 1978 440 6. 49.1 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Madison, Phil 11 2003 400 2. 48.63 8.00  
  Lawrence Central McCloud, Tim 12 1991 SP 5. 53' 11 2.00  
  Lawrence Central McCreary, Tyler 11 2004 1600 6. 4:18.25 4.00  
  Lawrence Central McCreary, Tyler 12 2005 800 6. 1:54.87 4.00  
  Lawrence Central McCreary, Tyler 12 2005 1600 2. 4:13.50 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Meyers, Nathan 12 2002 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  Lawrence Central Middleton, Nick 10 1991 1600 3. 4:15.85 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Middleton, Nick 11 1992 1600 1. 4:14.51 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Middleton, Nick 12 1993 1600 1. 4:07.47 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Middleton, Nick 12 1993 3200 1. 9:16.79 10.00  
  Lawrence Central Middleton, Shawn 12 2004 HJ +5. 6' 06 3.50  
  Lawrence Central Mitchell, DeJuan 11 2007 110 H 6. 14.85 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Mitchell, DeJuan 12 2008 110 H 3. 14.53 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Morrow, Melvin 12 1998 PV +6. 14' 00 3.50  
  Lawrence Central Pervine, Ryan 12 2009 DT 2. 173' 11 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Petty, Tom 11 1978 120 H 3. 14.2 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Petty, Tom 11 1978 330 H 4. 37.2 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Petty, Tom 12 1979 330 H +1. 37.30 9.00  
  Lawrence Central Phillips, Matt 12 1975 120 H 4. 14.3 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Pollard, Wil 12 1994 200 3. 21.81 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Pollard, Win 12 1994 200 5. 22.01 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Pollard, Win 12 1994 400 4. 48.36 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Powell, Glenn 11 2010 110 H 2. 14.20 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Rayner, Deveren 11 2019 300 H 5. 38.75 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Read, Chris 11 1970 440 1. 49.7 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Saunders, Zach 11 2008 PV 3. 15' 00 7.00  
  Lawrence Central Saunders, Zach 12 2009 PV 2. 16' 00 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Shelman, Anthony 11 2011 100 5. 10.90 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Smith, Chrisjaan 12 2012 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Lawrence Central Smith, Don  12 1995 LJ 9. 22' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Terrell, Tony 12 1982 800 3. 1:54.09 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Teter, James 11 1966 PV 2. 13' 08 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Teter, James 12 1967 PV 1. 14' 00 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Tunstell, Henry 12 1984 100 4. 10.67 4.00  
  Lawrence Central Turner, Royce 10 1972 HJ 1. 6' 05 1/4 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Turner, Royce 11 1973 HJ 3. 6' 05 1/2 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Turner, Royce 12 1974 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Lawrence Central Wallace, DeQuinton 12 2011 400 9. 50.05 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Weaver, Byron 12 1949 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Lawrence Central Wilson, Dominique 10 1999 400 4. 48.93 6.00  
  Lawrence Central Wilson, Dominique 12 2001 400 1. 47.63 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 1987 400 R 6. 43.54 1.00  
  Lawrence Central 1989 400 R 6. 42.80 1.00  
  Lawrence Central 1990 400 R 1. 41.48 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 1991 400 R 3. 42.50 6.00  
  Lawrence Central 1994 400 R 3. 42.78 7.00  
  Lawrence Central 1995 400 R 5. 42.88 5.00  
  Lawrence Central 1996 400 R 3. 42.34 7.00  
  Lawrence Central 1997 400 R 2. 42.06 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 1998 400 R 1. 41.90 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 1999 400 R 6. 42.57 4.00  
  Lawrence Central 2000 400 R 8. 42.91 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 2003 400 R 4. 42.26 6.00  
  Lawrence Central 2005 400 R 2. 41.99 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2010 400 R 1. 41.41 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 2011 400 R 1. 41.34 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 2012 400 R 2. 41.86 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2013 400 R 2. 41.84 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2019 400 R 8. 42.32 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 2022 400 R 8. 42.38 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 2023 400 R 2. 41.17 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 1978 880 R 3. 1:29.0 6.00  
  Lawrence Central 1967 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 1969 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 1970 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Lawrence Central 1975 Mile R 3. 3:23.5 6.00  
  Lawrence Central 1976 Mile R 3. 3:19.2 6.00  
  Lawrence Central 1977 Mile R 5. 3:22.2 2.00  
  Lawrence Central 1978 Mile R 2. 3:18.4 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 1992 1600 R 5. 3:21.43 5.00  
  Lawrence Central 1993 1600 R 3. 3:17.89 7.00  
  Lawrence Central 1994 1600 R 1. 3:20.35 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 1995 1600 R +2. 3:19.63 7.50  
  Lawrence Central 1998 1600 R 2. 3:20.55 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 1999 1600 R 2. 3:19.91 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2000 1600 R 7. 3:23.26 3.00  
  Lawrence Central 2001 1600 R 2. 3:19.55 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2002 1600 R 2. 3:18.34 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2003 1600 R 3. 3:19.00 7.00  
  Lawrence Central 2010 1600 R 2. 3:16.45 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2011 1600 R 2. 3:14.87 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2012 1600 R 2. 3:17.42 8.00  
  Lawrence Central 2023 1600 R 6. 3:19.33 4.00  
  Lawrence Central 2010 3200 R 3. 7:49.32 7.00  
  Lawrence Central 2011 3200 R 1. 7:38.62 10.00  
  Lawrence Central 2012 3200 R 6. 7:50.93 4.00  
  Lawrence North Araia, Nef 10 2001 3200 7. 9:21.90 3.00 153 873.00  
  Lawrence North Araia, Nef 11 2002 3200 1. 9:22.78 10.00  
  Lawrence North Araia, Nef 12 2003 1600 2. 4:11.96 8.00  
  Lawrence North Araia, Nef 12 2003 3200 2. 9:14.85 8.00  
  Lawrence North Aubrey, Dave 10 1987 1600 5. 4:21.01 2.00  
  Lawrence North Barnes, Jermaine 12 2000 LJ 3. 22' 05 3/4 7.00  
  Lawrence North Bibbs, Terron 12 2007 300 H 6. 38.96 4.00  
  Lawrence North Brown, Jamar 12 2011 DT 8. 171' 10 2.00  
  Lawrence North Carter, Ruben 11 1996 400 4. 48.60 6.00  
  Lawrence North Carter, Ruben 12 1997 100 3. 10.88 7.00  
  Lawrence North Carter, Ruben 12 1997 200 2. 21.57 8.00  
  Lawrence North Carver, BJ 12 1993 100 5. 11.09 5.00  
  Lawrence North Carver, BJ 12 1993 200 8. 22.59 2.00  
  Lawrence North Coale, Scott 11 2004 800 5. 1:55.92 5.00  
  Lawrence North Conley, Jordan 10 2008 LJ 5. 22' 09 1/4 5.00  
  Lawrence North Davis, Ben 12 1993 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Lawrence North Davis, Corbin 12 2004 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00  
  Lawrence North Dickerson, Glenn 12 1988 PV 1. 14' 09 10.00  
  Lawrence North Dickerson, Tim 12 1983 110 H 3. 14.51 6.00  
  Lawrence North Farmer, Bryon 12 2001 300 H 6. 39.34 4.00  
  Lawrence North Ford, David 12 2005 300 H 7. 38.09 3.00  
  Lawrence North Ford, David  10 2003 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Lawrence North Ford, David  11 2004 HJ +5. 6' 06 3.50  
  Lawrence North Ford, David  12 2005 110 H 4. 14.10 6.00  
  Lawrence North Gayde, Collin 12 1997 PV 9. 14' 00 1.00  
  Lawrence North Geisinger, Scott 12 2005 800 9. 1:56.01 1.00  
  Lawrence North Gingles, Terry 11 1995 HJ 9. 6' 07 1.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Brandys 11 2002 110 H 2. 14.22 8.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Brandys 11 2002 300 H 3. 68.65 7.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Brandys 12 2003 110 H 1. 13.97 10.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Brandys 12 2003 300 H 1. 37.47 10.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Jeasun 11 2001 200 6. 22.25 4.00  
  Lawrence North Green, Jeasun 12 2002 200 6. 21.84 4.00  
  Lawrence North Hampton, David 12 1990 110 H 3. 14.41 6.00  
  Lawrence North Hampton, David 12 1990 300 H 5. 38.80 2.00  
  Lawrence North Hanawalt, Jake 12 2014 3200 5. 9:13.75 5.00  
  Lawrence North Hayden, Ryan 10 1988 400 5. 49.13 2.00  
  Lawrence North Hayden, Ryan 11 1989 400 1. 47.91 10.00  
  Lawrence North Hayden, Ryan 12 1990 200 5. 22.20 2.00  
  Lawrence North Hayden, Ryan 12 1990 400 1. 47.74 10.00  
  Lawrence North Heeter, Trae 11 2009 400 8. 49.19 2.00  
  Lawrence North Kemp, Dometreius 12 2004 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Lawrence North Lee, Steve 12 1993 SP 2. 60' 11 3/4 8.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 10 2000 100 4. 10.86 6.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 11 2001 100 2. 10.61 8.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 11 2001 200 4. 22.03 6.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 11 2001 LJ 1. 23' 06 10.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 12 2002 100 2. 10.32 8.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 12 2002 200 3. 21.26 7.00  
  Lawrence North Lewis, Marcus 12 2002 LJ 1. 24' 03 3/4 10.00  
  Lawrence North Lipscomb, Zachary 12 2007 SP 9. 54' 08 1/2 1.00  
  Lawrence North Lockridge, Dwayne 12 2001 SP 7. 54' 04 1/2 3.00  
  Lawrence North Lorsung, Matt 12 1988 SP 5. 56' 06 1/4 2.00  
  Lawrence North Majors, Tyler 12 2018 SP 7. 56' 11 3.00  
  Lawrence North Mason, Deangelo 12 2017 200 6. 21.95 4.00  
  Lawrence North McAloon, Kris 12 2001 800 4. 1:54.04 6.00  
  Lawrence North Meriweather, Charles 10 1978 330 H 3. 37.0 6.00  
  Lawrence North Meriweather, Charles 11 1979 330 H +1. 37.30 9.00  
  Lawrence North Miles, John  12 1999 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Lawrence North Moore, Damario 11 2024 100 9. 11.29 1.00  
  Lawrence North Moore, Damario 11 2024 300 H 7. 39.15 3.00  
  Lawrence North Muncie, Brandon 11 2010 LJ 1. 22' 11 10.00  
  Lawrence North Murphy, Joe 11 2013 800 4. 1:54.81 6.00  
  Lawrence North Murphy, Joe 12 2014 800 5. 1:54.61 5.00  
  Lawrence North Murphy, Joe 12 2014 1600 1. 4:11.05 10.00  
  Lawrence North Myers, Kivahni 12 2016 110 H 4. 14.43 6.00  
  Lawrence North Norris, Rory 12 1991 110 H 1. 14.00 10.00  
  Lawrence North Norris, Rory 12 1991 300 H 1. 37.32 10.00  
  Lawrence North Ostendorf, Nicholas 12 2023 1600 8. 4:13.68 2.00  
  Lawrence North Patterson, William 12 2006 DT 4. 170' 07 6.00  
  Lawrence North Pedersen, Arne 12 1984 SP 6. 54' 09 1/2 1.00  
  Lawrence North Phelps, Marcus 11 2002 800 5. 1:56.30 5.00  
  Lawrence North Phelps, Marcus 12 2003 800 6. 1:56.35 4.00  
  Lawrence North Pounds, Brandon 11 2007 SP 2. 60' 03 1/2 8.00  
  Lawrence North Pounds, Brandon 12 2008 SP 1. 63' 09 10.00  
  Lawrence North Pounds, Brandon 12 2008 DT 4. 172' 03 6.00  
  Lawrence North Powell, Tristan 12 2024 400 4. 48.88 6.00  
  Lawrence North Roche, Joshua 11 2010 800 5. 1:53.52 5.00  
  Lawrence North Rodriguez, Mark 11 1977 SP 4. 58' 05 4.00  
  Lawrence North Rodriguez, Mark 12 1978 SP 3. 59' 04 6.00  
  Lawrence North Rowie, Deon 12 1990 110 H 5. 14.50 2.00  
  Lawrence North Safer, Marcus 11 2010 110 H 3. 14.38 7.00  
  Lawrence North Safer, Marcus 12 2011 110 H 2. 13.87 8.00  
  Lawrence North Safer, Marcus 12 2011 300 H 6. 38.71 4.00  
  Lawrence North Sales, Monshun 9 2024 200 8. 22.34 2.00  
  Lawrence North Schumpert, Adrian 12 2016 200 5. 22.01 5.00  
  Lawrence North Sharp, Mark 11 1983 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Lawrence North Stone, Nathan 10 2017 PV 5. 14' 06 5.00  
  Lawrence North Stone, Nathan 11 2018 PV 2. 17' 00 8.00  
  Lawrence North Stone, Nathan 12 2019 PV 1. 16' 06 10.00  
  Lawrence North Tamer, Greg 12 1995 800 5. 1:54.09 5.00  
  Lawrence North Truitt, Darryl 12 2006 100 4. 10.80 6.00  
  Lawrence North Truitt, Darryl 12 2006 200 3. 21.86 7.00  
  Lawrence North Tunstall, Dushawn 11 2015 300 H 5. 38.51 5.00  
  Lawrence North Tunstall, Dushawn 12 2016 300 H 1. 37.59 10.00  
  Lawrence North Tyler, Don 12 1989 400 4. 48.85 4.00  
  Lawrence North Vance, Brian 10 1991 110 H 4. 14.47 4.00  
  Lawrence North Vance, Brian 11 1992 110 H 3. 14.24 7.00  
  Lawrence North Vance, Brian 11 1992 300 H 5. 38.53 5.00  
  Lawrence North Vance, Brian 12 1993 110 H 3. 14.17 7.00  
  Lawrence North Vyain, Jeff 12 2002 1600 9. 4:24.70 1.00  
  Lawrence North Wagoner, Matt 12 1992 800 7. 1:57.37 3.00  
  Lawrence North Wallace, Steve 11 1984 300 H 1. 37.43 10.00  
  Lawrence North Webb, Derwin 10 1986 LJ 3. 23' 02 6.00  
  Lawrence North Webb, Derwin 12 1988 LJ 1. 24' 05 10.00  
  Lawrence North White, Dorrian 11 2004 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  Lawrence North White, Dorrian 12 2005 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00  
  Lawrence North Wilkerson, Chris 12 1990 SP 3. 59' 05 3/4 6.00  
  Lawrence North Williams, Jason  10 2001 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Lawrence North Williams, Tywuan 11 1998 110 H 2. 14.38 8.00  
  Lawrence North Wilson, Traquincey 10 2006 100 9. 10.98 1.00  
  Lawrence North Wilson, Traquincey 11 2007 100 3. 10.75 7.00  
  Lawrence North Wilson, Traquincey 11 2007 LJ 1. 23' 06 1/2 10.00  
  Lawrence North Wilson, Traquincey 12 2008 100 2. 10.61 8.00  
  Lawrence North Wilson, Traquincey 12 2008 200 2. 21.51 8.00  
  Lawrence North York, Mike 12 1995 1600 7. 4:17.11 3.00  
  Lawrence North 1995 400 R 8. 43.15 2.00  
  Lawrence North 1999 400 R 2. 41.77 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2001 400 R 2. 42.07 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2002 400 R 2. 41.88 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2003 400 R 3. 42.25 7.00  
  Lawrence North 2006 400 R 6. 42.18 4.00  
  Lawrence North 2008 400 R 4. 42.44 6.00  
  Lawrence North 2016 400 R 4. 42.11 6.00  
  Lawrence North 1979 Mile R 2. 3:18.38 8.00  
  Lawrence North 1984 1600 R 4. 3:20.50 4.00  
  Lawrence North 1985 1600 R 2. 3:20.68 8.00  
  Lawrence North 1988 1600 R 1. 3:18.44 10.00  
  Lawrence North 1989 1600 R 3. 3:19.40 6.00  
  Lawrence North 1990 1600 R 1. 3:21.52 10.00  
  Lawrence North 1993 1600 R 4. 3:23.47 6.00  
  Lawrence North 1995 1600 R +2. 3:19.63 7.50  
  Lawrence North 1996 1600 R 8. 3:23.32 2.00  
  Lawrence North 1997 1600 R 7. 3:23.96 3.00  
  Lawrence North 2000 1600 R 9. 3:25.01 1.00  
  Lawrence North 2001 1600 R 9. 3:22.09 1.00  
  Lawrence North 2002 1600 R 4. 3:19.81 6.00  
  Lawrence North 2003 1600 R 2. 3:18.97 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2009 1600 R 8. 3:20.08 2.00  
  Lawrence North 2016 1600 R 8. 3:20.73 2.00  
  Lawrence North 1999 3200 R 9. 8:01.48 1.00  
  Lawrence North 2000 3200 R 3. 7:49.75 7.00  
  Lawrence North 2001 3200 R 2. 7:51.81 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2002 3200 R 1. 7:57.17 10.00  
  Lawrence North 2003 3200 R 2. 7:47.41 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2004 3200 R 6. 7:51.67 4.00  
  Lawrence North 2005 3200 R 2. 7:50.96 8.00  
  Lawrence North 2008 3200 R 8. 8:01.80 2.00  
  Lawrence North 2009 3200 R 3. 7:49.45 7.00  
  Lawrence North 2011 3200 R 7. 7:52.37 3.00  
  Lawrence North 2013 3200 R 4. 7:49.94 6.00  
  Lawrence North 2015 3200 R 8. 7:54.68 2.00  
  Lawrence North 1993 400 R 2. 42.45 8.00  
  Lawrenceburg Boyd, Branden 11 1996 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00 8 32.00  
  Lawrenceburg Boyd, Branden 12 1997 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Lawrenceburg Green, Chris 11 1985 400 4. 48.77 4.00  
  Lawrenceburg Green, Chris 12 1986 400 1. 48.17 10.00  
  Lawrenceburg Kennett, Denver 11 1963 HJ 1. 6' 05 3/4 5.00  
  Lawrenceburg Sturgeon, James 10 1958 440 5. 1.00  
  Lawrenceburg Sturgeon, James 11 1959 440 4. 2.00  
  Lawrenceburg Thomas, Mario 11 1985 LJ 5. 23' 04 2.00  
  Lebanon Ashley, Matthew 9 1917 Mile 3. 1.00 23 77.00  
  Lebanon Church, Paul 12 1915 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Lebanon Cook, Ephus 11 1928 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Lebanon Crew, Hunter 12 2022 DT 8. 161' 01 2.00  
  Lebanon DeVol, Harry 12 1917 220 H 1. 27.4 5.00  
  Lebanon Fields, Roy 12 1918 880 1. 2:05.4 5.00  
  Lebanon Higgins, Eugene 10 1920 PV +2. 1.00  
  Lebanon Isenhower, Matthew 10 2001 HJ 7. 6' 04 3.00  
  Lebanon Killin, Sam 12 1993 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Lebanon Kincaid, Craig 12 1977 440 4. 48.5 4.00  
  Lebanon Lark, Kaden 10 2023 HJ 8. 6' 07 2.00  
  Lebanon Swift, Harry 12 1923 Mile (R2) 1. 4:39.3 5.00  
  Lebanon Tauer, Paul 12 1928 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Lebanon Terrill, Craig 12 1999 SP 5. 56' 01 5.00  
  Lebanon Willhite, Randy 12 1976 DT 3. 169' 03 6.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 9 1929 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 10 1930 440 (R2) 1. 54.5 5.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 11 1931 220 3. 3.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 11 1931 440 (R2) 1. 50.3 5.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 12 1932 220 3. 3.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Carl 12 1932 440 (R2) 1. 50.7 5.00  
  Lebanon Williams, Kyle 11 2015 DT 8. 159' 04 2.00  
  Lebanon 1930 Mile R (R1) 3. -  
  Leo Bayer, Andy 12 2008 3200 1. 9:02.82 10.00 16 65.00  
  Leo Bolyard, Brad 12 1999 400 6. 49.69 4.00  
  Leo Brumm, Travis 12 2006 HJ 6. 6' 08 4.00  
  Leo Gerke, Dale 11 1983 PV 1. 15' 00 10.00  
  Leo Gerke, Dale 12 1984 PV 4. 15' 03 4.00  
  Leo Heath, Ryan 10 1999 800 8. 1:55.27 2.00  
  Leo Heath, Ryan 12 2001 800 8. 1:56.40 2.00  
  Leo Kimbel, Jeffery 12 1986 300 H 2. 36.73 8.00  
  Leo Rivas, Luigi 12 2021 110 H 9. 25.67 1.00  
  Leo Rivas, Luigi 12 2021 300 H 4. 38.92 6.00  
  Leo Slick, David 12 2022 200 5. 21.87 5.00  
  Leo 2021 1600 R 9. 3:24.44 1.00  
  Leo 2000 3200 R 9. 8:00.95 1.00  
  Leo 2018 3200 R 8. 7:51.49 2.00  
  Leo 2019 3200 R 9. 8:00.24 1.00  
  Leo 2021 3200 R 6. 7:59.67 4.00  
  Liberty Davis, Wilbur 12 1943 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00 3 4.00  
  Liberty Dragoo, George 12 1947 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Liberty Reynolds, Stephen 12 1927 220 4. 2.00  
  Ligonier Folk, Carl 12 1950 880 5. 1.00 2 4.00  
  Ligonier Longnecker, Russell 10 1911 SP 2. 3.00  
  Lima Goodwin, Sidney 11 1924 Mile (R2) 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Linton Baird, Charles 12 1933 HJ 3. 3.00 29 71.70  
  Linton Baker, Roy 11 1905 440 2. 3.00  
  Linton Brantley, Frank 11 1910 PV +1. 9' 10 3.00  
  Linton Brantley, Frank 11 1910 SP 1. 42' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Linton Brown, Jewell 11 1931 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Linton Dixon, Charles 12 1913 PV +3. 0.50  
  Linton Dixon, Reid 12 1911 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Linton Haseman, Emil 10 1908 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Linton Haseman, Emil 12 1910 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Linton Humphreys, George 11 1904 PV 2. 3.00  
  Linton Humphreys, George 11 1904 SP 3. 1.00  
  Linton Humphreys, George 12 1905 LJ +2. 2.00  
  Linton Maxwell, Paul 11 1930 HJ +4. 0.60  
  Linton Maxwell, Paul 12 1931 HJ +1. 5' 10 3/4 4.50  
  Linton Maxwell, Paul 12 1931 PV +4. 0.60  
  Linton Moss, Dexter 1909 100 2. 3.00  
  Linton O'Brien, Edison 12 1926 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Linton Oliphant, Elmer 11 1909 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Linton Oliphant, Elmer 12 1910 220 H +3. 0.50  
  Linton Oliphant, Elmer 12 1910 Mile 1. 4:56.4 5.00  
  Linton Parks, Emery 11 1926 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Linton Parks, Emery 11 1926 220 H 1. 26.1 5.00  
  Linton Parks, Emery 12 1927 220 H 1. 25.6 5.00  
  Linton Parks, Emery 12 1927 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Linton Rupert, Gerald 11 1926 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Linton Rupert, Gerald 12 1927 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Linton Taylor, Abner 12 1923 880 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Linton 1933 880 R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Linton 1931 Mile R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Linton-Stockton Herman, Todd 11 1989 HJ 5. 6' 06 2.00 3 15.00  
  Linton-Stockton Stamm, Grant 12 2014 110 H 4. 14.38 6.00  
  Linton-Stockton Stamm, Grant 12 2014 300 H 3. 38.16 7.00  
  Logansport Calisto, Alex 11 2013 800 5. 1:55.06 5.00 31 120.00  
  Logansport Chaffey, Fred 12 1916 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Logansport Collins, Ron 12 1970 100 5. 1.00  
  Logansport Collins, Ron 12 1970 220 3. 3.00  
  Logansport Coon, Jeremy 12 1996 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Logansport Courtad, Mark 11 1992 1600 6. 4:23.93 4.00  
  Logansport Cripe, Russell 12 1922 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Logansport Dawalt, Ryan 12 1992 HJ +3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Logansport Fribley, Robert 12 1931 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Logansport Harris, Steve  11 1977 DT 4. 169' 03 4.00  
  Logansport Harris, Steve  12 1978 DT 2. 175' 06 8.00  
  Logansport Hart, Dave 12 1959 880 1. 1:59.0 5.00  
  Logansport Hilkert, Kay 12 1939 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Logansport Kniesly, Norbert 11 1928 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Logansport Kniesly, Norbert 12 1929 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Logansport Leirer, Arthur 12 1945 220 3. 3.00  
  Logansport Moore, Bill 10 1940 PV 4. 2.00  
  Logansport Moore, Bill 11 1941 PV +2. 3.00  
  Logansport Moore, Bill 12 1942 PV 1. 13' 06 1/8 5.00  
  Logansport Moore, Bruce 12 1967 PV 3. 3.00  
  Logansport Nelson, Eugene 11 1924 Mile (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Logansport Smith, Tim 10 1974 Mile 2. 4:16.5 8.00  
  Logansport Smith, Tim 11 1975 Mile 2. 4:16.1 8.00  
  Logansport Smith, Tim 12 1976 Mile 2. 4:14.9 8.00  
  Logansport Vernon, John 11 1952 100 5. 1.00  
  Logansport Vernon, John 12 1953 100 2. 4.00  
  Logansport Vester, Fred 11 1972 LJ 4. 22' 03 1/2 2.00  
  Logansport Vester, Fred 12 1973 LJ 4. 23' 02 1/2 4.00  
  Logansport Wells, Chuck 12 1976 SP 1. 60' 06 1/2 10.00  
  Logansport Wolf, Robert 12 1962 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Logansport 1959 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Loogootee Elms, Steve 11 1965 HJ +5. 6' 02 0.50 2 3.00  
  Loogootee Stuckey, Robert 12 1949 PV +3. 2.50  
  Lowell Boyer, Hunter 11 2016 3200 9. 9:20.75 1.00 19 83.00  
  Lowell Boyer, Hunter 12 2017 3200 7. 9:16.78 3.00  
  Lowell Farmer, Ryan 12 2021 200 6. 22.26 4.00  
  Lowell Farmer, Ryan 12 2021 400 3. 49.15 7.00  
  Lowell Fleming, Alec 11 2017 3200 9. 9:18.47 1.00  
  Lowell Fleming, Alec 12 2018 3200 2. 9:13.92 8.00  
  Lowell Gordon, Keith 12 1926 100 4. 2.00  
  Lowell Hudak, Dustin 12 2019 800 3. 1:51.73 7.00  
  Lowell Johnson, Thomas 11 2022 DT 7. 162' 03 3.00  
  Lowell Kirchenstien, Terrye 11 1986 SP 3. 58' 05 1/4 6.00  
  Lowell Kirchenstien, Terrye 12 1987 SP 2. 59' 04 3/4 8.00  
  Lowell Kirchenstien, Terrye 12 1987 DT 6. 157' 03 1.00  
  Lowell Koza, Michael 11 2005 400 9. 49.13 1.00  
  Lowell Koza, Michael 12 2006 400 4. 48.27 6.00  
  Lowell McLellan, Seth 12 1942 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Lowell Sanchez, Gabriel 11 2019 800 2. 1:51.73 8.00  
  Lowell Skamay, Ray 12 2010 300 H 2. 38.12 8.00  
  Lowell 2010 1600 R 4. 3:17.73 6.00  
  Lowell 2018 1600 R 9. 3:20.11 1.00  
  Luce Twp. Winchell, Robert  11 1922 SP +2. 2.00 2 3.00  
  Luce Twp. Winchell, Robert  12 1923 SP 3. 1.00  
  Lynn Townsend, Don 12 1957 PV +3. 12' 00 1.50 1 1.50  
  Maconaquah Bingham, Jeff 12 1985 1600 6. 4:18.87 1.00 11 44.50  
  Maconaquah Chase, Jonathan 12 1997 DT 6. 164' 07 4.00  
  Maconaquah Emrich, Jim 12 1995 PV +8. 14' 06 1.50  
  Maconaquah Herrell, Mike 12 1982 1600 3. 4:14.33 6.00  
  Maconaquah Little, PJ 10 1996 800 8. 1:57.14 2.00  
  Maconaquah Little, PJ 11 1997 800 3. 1:55.89 7.00  
  Maconaquah Miller, Randy 12 1992 PV 2. 14' 06 8.00  
  Maconaquah Morrell, Jeff 12 1981 400 5. 49.39 2.00  
  Maconaquah Strong, Jeridan 11 1975 PV 2. 14' 09 8.00  
  Maconaquah Strong, Jeridan 12 1976 PV 4. 14' 06 4.00  
  Maconaquah Walton, KJ 12 2014 200 9. 22.55 1.00  
  Madison Collins, David 12 1973 2 Mile 1. 9:17.2 10.00 9 38.00  
  Madison Germano, Bronson 12 2001 DT 4. 170' 04 6.00  
  Madison Kendall, Stanley 12 1929 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Madison Linvorno, Andy 12 1988 800 5. 1:55.85 2.00  
  Madison Miller, Dick  12 1943 SP 3. 3.00  
  Madison O'Banion, Daunte 12 2019 400 5. 48.59 5.00  
  Madison Partee, Jordan 10 2012 LJ 6. 22' 00 3/4 4.00  
  Madison Smith, Mike 12 1975 Mile 4. 4:19.3 4.00  
  Madison 1933 Mile R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Madison Shawe Schultz, Charles 12 1974 2 Mile 5. 9:29.3 2.00 1 2.00  
  Madison Twp. (Wakarusa) Marker, Loyal 11 1932 440 (R1) 3. 3.00 2 5.00  
  Madison Twp. (Wakarusa) 1932 Mile R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Manchester Bazzoni, David 12 2001 PV 4. 15' 09 6.00 9 32.00  
  Manchester Bazzoni, John 10 1988 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Manchester Bazzoni, John 11 1989 LJ 6. 22' 10 1/2 1.00  
  Manchester Bazzoni, John 11 1989 PV 4. 15' 03 4.00  
  Manchester Bazzoni, John 12 1990 PV 2. 15' 09 8.00  
  Manchester Fisher, Jeff 12 1987 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Manchester Gratz, Robin 12 1966 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Manchester Lincoln, Dominic 12 2022 300 H 4. 39.20 6.00  
  Manchester McNeeley, Kegan 12 2012 100 7. 10.89 3.00  
  Marion Aldrich, Ralph 11 1929 880 (R2) 5. 1.00 95 339.10  
  Marion Anderson, Charles 11 1904 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Marion Anderson, Val 12 1946 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Marion Archey, Oatess 12 1955 120 H 1. 14.5 5.00  
  Marion Archey, Thomas 12 1953 880 3. 3.00  
  Marion Asher, Jerod 12 1998 1600 6. 4:19.08 4.00  
  Marion Banks, Jonathan 12 2006 110 H 9. 14.90 1.00  
  Marion Batchelor, Kenneth 12 2002 300 H 8. 38.88 2.00  
  Marion Beck, Kyle 12 2001 800 3. 1:53.68 7.00  
  Marion Beck, Ted 12 1954 SP 5. 1.00  
  Marion Betts, Mylon 12 1996 LJ 5. 22' 04 1/4 5.00  
  Marion Bick, Ed 12 1951 440 1. 50.4 5.00  
  Marion Boyd, Darryl 12 1970 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Marion Boyd, Darryl 12 1970 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Marion Burke, LaVern 10 1935 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Marion Burke, Paul 12 1933 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Marion Burke, Woodrow 10 1933 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Marion Burnett, Zaimar 10 2019 200 6. 21.87 4.00  
  Marion Burnett, Zaimar 12 2021 200 2. 21.91 8.00  
  Marion Burnett, Zaimar 12 2021 LJ 3. 23' 00 7.00  
  Marion Chasey, Hal 12 1927 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Marion Collins, Will 11 2014 100 2. 10.91 8.00  
  Marion Davidson, Homer 10 1925 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Marion Davidson, Homer 11 1926 440 (R2) 1. 52.5 5.00  
  Marion Davidson, Homer 12 1927 100 5. 1.00  
  Marion Davidson, Homer 12 1927 440 (R1) 1. 51.4 5.00  
  Marion Davis, Rolla 10 1905 100 3. 1.00  
  Marion Dixon, Edward 11 1967 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Marion Dixon, Edward 12 1968 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Marion Ferguson, Francis 12 1932 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Marion Feuerstein, Jordan 12 2014 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Marion Fleece, David 12 1982 3200 4. 9:14.19 4.00  
  Marion Fleece, Gerald 12 1957 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Marion Fleece, Lorenzo 12 1949 880 3. 3.00  
  Marion Foss, Josh 12 2005 1600 4. 4:16.74 6.00  
  Marion Good, Clifford 12 1965 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Marion Greer, Floyd 12 1932 220 5. 1.00  
  Marion Hewitt, Arthur 12 1908 100 3. 1.00  
  Marion Hill, Terry 12 1964 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Marion Jones, Brent 12 1998 200 6. 22.23 4.00  
  Marion Jones, Cubie 12 2022 LJ 4. 22' 10 1/2 6.00  
  Marion Knipple, Don 12 1930 HJ +4. 0.60  
  Marion Knipple, John 12 1955 SP 2. 4.00  
  Marion McConn, Dean 10 1946 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Marion McConn, Dean 12 1948 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Marion McFarland, Don 10 1936 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Marion McFarland, Don 11 1937 LJ 1. 22' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Marion Mills, Charles 11 1955 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Marion Millspaugh, Tony 12 1972 SP 5. 53' 11 1/2 1.00  
  Marion Nevels, Reggie 12 2000 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Marion Norkus, Bill 12 1952 SP 1. 52' 04 5.00  
  Marion Palmer, William 10 1936 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Marion Palmer, William 11 1937 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Marion Peterson, Brent 12 2000 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00  
  Marion Pettiford, Donald 12 1947 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Marion Price, Jovon 12 1969 HJ 2. 6' 06 4.00  
  Marion Randle, Devin 11 2008 400 5. 48.51 5.00  
  Marion Randle, Devin 12 2009 400 1. 47.72 10.00  
  Marion Reason, Thomas 12 2012 300 H 5. 38.74 5.00  
  Marion Richardson, Todd 12 1994 SP 7. 56' 09 1/2 3.00  
  Marion Salamo, Robert 12 1998 SP 5. 56' 05 3/4 5.00  
  Marion Samuels, Paul 12 1940 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Marion Sheron, Tony 10 1996 200 7. 22.96 3.00  
  Marion Smith, Mike 11 1975 LJ 3. 22' 02 3/4 6.00  
  Marion Smith, Ralph 12 1931 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Marion Smith, Ralph 12 1931 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Marion Stickann, Frank 11 1928 100 5. 1.00  
  Marion Stickann, Frank 12 1929 100 4. 2.00  
  Marion Stickann, Frank 12 1929 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Marion Taylor, Leland 10 1941 100 5. 1.00  
  Marion Taylor, Leland 11 1942 100 5. 1.00  
  Marion Trahan, Sam 12 2008 200 7. 22.17 3.00  
  Marion Vogel, Gerald 12 1931 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Marion Walker, Michael 12 1990 110 H 2. 14.24 8.00  
  Marion Ward, Donald 11 1952 440 2. 4.00  
  Marion Ward, Donald 12 1953 440 1. 49.2 5.00  
  Marion Ward, Steve 12 1965 HJ 2. 6' 04 3/4 4.00  
  Marion White, Courtney 12 1995 110 H 2. 14.44 8.00  
  Marion Williams, Tristan 12 2005 LJ 9. 21' 08 1/4 1.00  
  Marion 1998 400 R 2. 42.31 8.00  
  Marion 2006 400 R 9. 42.71 1.00  
  Marion 2007 400 R 2. 42.16 8.00  
  Marion 1961 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Marion 1932 880 R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Marion 1934 880 R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Marion 1935 880 R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Marion 1936 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Marion 1947 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Marion 1932 Mile R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Marion 1933 Mile R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Marion 1982 1600 R 2. 3:17.51 8.00  
  Marion 2001 1600 R 3. 3:20.05 7.00  
  Marion 2002 1600 R 9. 3:22.83 1.00  
  Marion 2000 3200 R 8. 8:00.59 2.00  
  Marion 2005 3200 R 8. 7:57.54 2.00  
  Marion Bennett Olds, Bill 12 1967 100 5. 1.00 2 3.00  
  Marion Bennett Olds, Bill 12 1967 220 4. 2.00  
  Markleville Jones, David 12 1949 880 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Martinsville Applegate, Justin 11 2009 DT 9. 159' 05 1.00 37 137.00  
  Martinsville Applegate, Justin 12 2010 DT 3. 174' 09 7.00  
Barco, Martin 10 2022 1600 5. 4:12.93 5.00  
  Martinsville Barco, Martin 11 2023 800 3. 1:52.70 7.00  
  Martinsville Barco, Martin 11 2023 1600 1. 4:07.45 10.00  
  Martinsville Barco, Martin 12 2024 800 1. 1:50.97 10.00  
  Martinsville Barco, Martin 12 2024 1600 1. 4:06.34 10.00  
  Martinsville Browdues, William 12 1925 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Martinsville Cole, Brent 12 1983 SP 3. 56' 09 1/2 6.00  
  Martinsville Cordell, Ronald 12 1953 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Martinsville Cramer, Wayne 11 1921 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Martinsville Cramer, Wayne 12 1922 HJ +2. 2.00  
  Martinsville Dannemiller, Adrien 12 2007 3200 5. 9:12.45 5.00  
  Martinsville Davis, Randy 12 1982 SP 1. 59' 01 1/2 10.00  
  Martinsville Eubank, George 10 1927 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Martinsville Eubank, George 11 1928 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Martinsville Eubank, George 12 1929 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Martinsville Fancher, Jon 12 1998 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Martinsville Goss, Ephriam 12 1948 HJ 5. 1.00  
  Martinsville Goss, James 12 1946 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Martinsville Haase, Jesse 11 1918 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Martinsville Haase, Jesse 12 1919 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Martinsville Haase, Jesse 12 1919 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Martinsville Lowry, Jace 11 2010 3200 4. 9:09.73 6.00  
  Martinsville Nay, Adam 12 2010 400 8. 49.14 2.00  
  Martinsville Reynolds, Lester 12 1927 SP 2. 4.00  
  Martinsville Rivers, Scott 12 1987 SP 3. 58' 08 1/2 6.00  
  Martinsville Russell, Andrew 11 1998 3200 4. 9:18.26 6.00  
  Martinsville Slack, Colton 12 2008 400 9. 49.30 1.00  
  Martinsville South, Dewey 12 1920 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Martinsville Stanton, Troy 12 1988 DT 4. 176' 02 4.00  
  Martinsville Walsh, Kevin 12 1987 PV 4. 14' 06 4.00  
  Martinsville Wells, Chad 10 1990 800 5. 1:55.53 2.00  
  Martinsville Williams, Austin 12 1986 DT 6. 154' 07 1.00  
  Martinsville 1923 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:40.4 -  
  Martinsville 1925 Mile R (R2) 1. 3:43.1 -  
  Martinsville 1961 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Masonic Home Gladden, Thomas 11 1925 Mile (R1) 1. 4:38.6 5.00 2 7.00  
  Masonic Home Gladden, Thomas 12 1926 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  McCutcheon Asay, Curtis 12 2003 PV 9. 14' 00 1.00 18 80.83  
  McCutcheon Blount, Donnie 11 2015 100 6. 10.83 4.00  
  McCutcheon Blount, Donnie 12 2016 100 7. 10.95 3.00  
  McCutcheon Brooks, Bobby 12 1999 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  McCutcheon Escalera, Albaro 12 2009 3200 4. 9:16.50 6.00  
  McCutcheon Kemmer, Kerry 12 1985 800 2. 1:56.32 8.00  
  McCutcheon Kirtz, Kris 12 2024 400 8. 49.40 2.00  
  McCutcheon Koning, Michael 12 2004 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  McCutcheon Larson, Troy 10 1994 400 6. 49.55 4.00  
  McCutcheon Larson, Troy 12 1996 100 2. 11.05 8.00  
  McCutcheon Larson, Troy 12 1996 400 2. 48.18 8.00  
  McCutcheon Martin, Kelly 11 2002 200 7. 22.08 3.00  
  McCutcheon Martin, Kelly 12 2003 100 9. 11.25 1.00  
  McCutcheon Martin, Kelly 12 2003 200 9. 22.85 1.00  
  McCutcheon Persin, William 12 2018 3200 7. 9:17.24 3.00  
  McCutcheon Stockberger, Daniel 11 2006 800 1. 1:53.16 10.00  
  McCutcheon Stockberger, Daniel 12 2007 800 1. 1:52.67 10.00  
  McCutcheon 1993 1600 R +9. 3:25.99 0.50  
  Mentone Haupert, Bob 12 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13 2 1.13  
  Mentone Meiser, Tom 12 1973 880 6. 1:55.7 1.00  
  Merrillville Burke, Frank 12 1983 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00 56 280.00  
  Merrillville Collins, Dylon 11 2012 100 2. 10.83 8.00  
  Merrillville Conwell, Rahim 12 2011 200 7. 22.27 3.00  
  Merrillville Curcio, Brad 11 1985 300 H 4. 37.39 4.00  
  Merrillville Daniel, Ben 11 2000 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.50  
  Merrillville Daniel, Ben 12 2001 HJ 1. 6' 06 10.00  
  Merrillville Davies, Randy 12 1972 880 3. 1:56.5 3.00  
  Merrillville Davis, Marcellus 12 1992 LJ 7. 22' 10 3.00  
  Merrillville DeMure, Chris 12 1996 SP 8. 54' 06 2.00  
  Merrillville Downs, Jordan 12 2015 LJ 5. 23' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Merrillville Eubank, Neil 11 1984 SP 2. 55' 08 1/2 8.00  
  Merrillville Eubank, Neil 12 1985 SP 1. 64' 03 3/4 10.00  
  Merrillville Eubank, Neil 12 1985 DT 2. 180' 01 8.00  
  Merrillville Ferrell, Byron 12 2010 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Merrillville Foster, Joe 12 1996 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  Merrillville Grant, Kenneth 11 2021 SP 9. 54' 11 3/4 1.00  
  Merrillville Griffin, Xavier 12 2018 300 H 8. 38.99 2.00  
  Merrillville Hoyles, Carlton 12 2006 110 H 8. 14.53 2.00  
  Merrillville Jamerson, Austin 10 2011 HJ +3. 6' 06 6.00  
  Merrillville Jamerson, Austin 12 2013 110 H 8. 14.70 2.00  
  Merrillville Jones, Thomas 12 2016 300 H 5. 38.77 5.00  
  Merrillville Judge, Larry 11 1981 SP 4. 56' 01 4.00  
  Merrillville Judge, Mike 11 1982 SP 3. 56' 02 1/2 6.00  
  Merrillville Judge, Mike 12 1983 SP 2. 57' 01 1/2 8.00  
  Merrillville Larimore, Dexter 11 2005 SP 7. 56' 02 3.00  
  Merrillville Lopez, Luis 10 1986 SP 2. 59' 08 8.00  
  Merrillville Lopez, Luis 11 1987 SP 4. 57' 08 1/4 4.00  
  Merrillville Marshall, Justin 12 2023 LJ 2. 23' 09 3/4 8.00  
  Merrillville Meding, Jeff 12 2002 PV 4. 14' 06 6.00  
  Merrillville Milenkovski, Andrew 12 2007 400 4. 48.26 6.00  
  Merrillville Neville, David 11 2001 100 7. 10.83 3.00  
  Merrillville Neville, David 12 2002 200 4. 21.28 6.00  
  Merrillville Neville, David 12 2002 400 1. 46.99 10.00  
  Merrillville Norton, Brett 10 2016 SP 9. 51' 10 1/2 1.00  
  Merrillville Norton, Brett 11 2017 SP 4. 55' 10 1/2 6.00  
  Merrillville Norton, Brett 12 2018 SP 2. 59' 07 1/4 8.00  
  Merrillville Norton, Brett 12 2018 DT 8. 163' 01 2.00  
  Merrillville Person, Montrell 11 1999 110 H 4. 14.61 6.00  
  Merrillville Person, Montrell 12 2000 110 H 1. 13.96 10.00  
  Merrillville Person, Montrell 12 2000 300 H 4. 38.10 6.00  
  Merrillville Peters, John 11 2024 110 H 7. 14.70 3.00  
  Merrillville Sales, Brian 12 2015 400 2. 48.33 8.00  
  Merrillville Sovich, Tim 12 2006 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Merrillville Tuggle, Jh'Rome 12 2004 200 2. 21.70 8.00  
  Merrillville Tuggle, Jh'Rome 12 2004 400 1. 47.65 10.00  
  Merrillville West, Brian 12 2009 SP 9. 54' 11 1.00  
  Merrillville Williams, Jamel 11 1992 100 6. 10.94 4.00  
  Merrillville Williams, Ronneal 11 2007 110 H 5. 14.73 5.00  
  Merrillville Williams, Roosevelt  11 2007 110 H 8. 15.11 2.00  
  Merrillville 1992 400 R 9. 44.25 1.00  
  Merrillville 2004 400 R 6. 42.40 4.00  
  Merrillville 2021 400 R 4. 42.02 6.00  
  Merrillville 2007 1600 R 2. 3:18.18 8.00  
  Merrillville 2008 1600 R 5. 3:19.76 5.00  
  Merrillville 2016 1600 R 3. 3:19.72 7.00  
  Merrillville 2008 3200 R 7. 7:58.32 3.00  
  Michigan City Ada, Bradley 12 2004 800 8. 1:56.24 2.00 25 142.50  
  Michigan City Adams, Jacob 11 2016 800 8. 1:56.90 2.00  
  Michigan City Adams, Jacob 12 2017 800 3. 1:53.02 7.00  
  Michigan City Allen, BJ 12 1998 DT 6. 166' 06 4.00  
  Michigan City Amm, Alan 12 2002 DT 5. 164' 04 5.00  
  Michigan City Armstrong, Daniel 11 2015 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Michigan City Armstrong, Daniel 12 2016 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Michigan City Cain, Victor 10 1998 LJ 2. 23' 00 8.00  
  Michigan City Cowan, Matt 12 1998 300 H 4. 37.86 6.00  
  Michigan City Fics, Ryan 12 2006 LJ 7. 22' 00 3.00  
  Michigan City Haynes, Esau 12 2021 100 2. 10.67 8.00  
  Michigan City Hemphill, ShanQuan 12 2016 HJ 2. 6' 11 8.00  
  Michigan City Hollis, Rodney 12 2000 800 5. 1:54.86 5.00  
  Michigan City Jones, Desmond 12 1997 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Michigan City Lee, Javan 11 2000 110 H 6. 14.53 4.00  
  Michigan City Lockridge, Matthew 12 2016 100 3. 10.82 7.00  
  Michigan City McGill, Keyshawn 11 2017 HJ +4. 6' 06 5.50  
  Michigan City McGill, Keyshawn 12 2018 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Michigan City McKill, Keyshawn 12 2018 200 6. 21.99 4.00  
  Michigan City Smallwood, Makiyah 11 2016 110 H 1. 14.11 10.00  
  Michigan City Smallwood, Makiyah 11 2016 300 H 6. 38.87 4.00  
  Michigan City Stefanko, Ryan 11 2018 SP 4. 59' 03 1/2 6.00  
  Michigan City Stefanko, Ryan 12 2019 SP 3. 56' 08 7.00  
  Michigan City Wozniak, Justin 12 2019 DT 2. 177' 02 8.00  
  Michigan City 1996 1600 R 2. 3:20.77 8.00  
  Michigan City Elston Atkins, Carl 11 1925 880 (R2) 3. 3.00 36 94.17  
  Michigan City Elston Berger, Robert 12 1987 100 5. 11.00 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Callahan, David 12 1981 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33  
  Michigan City Elston Carter, Steven 12 1988 200 6. 22.37 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Cochran, Ray 11 1925 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Michigan City Elston Donaldson, Brealon 11 1952 PV 1. 12' 07 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Farroh, Shipley 12 1934 SP 4. 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Fischer, Bruce 12 1956 880 3. 3.00  
  Michigan City Elston Fischer, Richard 12 1948 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Fox, Edward 12 1945 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Grandorf, Norman 9 1927 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Grandorf, Ray 9 1930 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Higdon, Kevin 12 1977 2 Mile 5. 9:29.2 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Horan, Selwyn 12 1926 100 2. 4.00  
  Michigan City Elston Horan, Selwyn 12 1926 220 1. 22.7 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Lawrence, Charles 12 1906 100 3. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Lawrence, Charles 12 1906 220 3. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Lawrence, Charles 12 1906 SP 1. 41' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Lawrence, Charles 12 1906 DT 3. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Sheehy, Timothy 12 1988 3200 5. 9:28.68 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Starks, DeWayne 12 1982 300 H 4. 37.35 4.00  
  Michigan City Elston Starks, DeWayne 12 1982 LJ 6. 22' 09 1/4 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Stevenson, Dick 11 1937 SP 1. 51' 02 5/8 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Stevenson, Dick 12 1938 SP 1. 49' 07 3/8 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Thompson, Maynard 12 1954 440 5. 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston Weisflog, James 11 1946 880 (R1) 1. 2:03.3 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Weisflog, James 12 1947 880 (R2) 1. 1:59.0 5.00  
  Michigan City Elston Wiencek, Jeremiah 12 1992 SP 8. 53' 06 1/2 2.00  
  Michigan City Elston Wilkie, William 12 1926 PV +5. 0.33  
  Michigan City Elston Wroblewski, Ed 11 1979 2 Mile 2. 9:09.76 8.00  
  Michigan City Elston Wroblewski, Ed 12 1980 3200 2. 9:06.21 8.00  
  Michigan City Elston 1926 880 R (R1) 1. 1:34.0 -  
  Michigan City Elston 1927 880 R (R2) 1. 1:34.5 -  
  Michigan City Elston 1925 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:41.3 -  
  Michigan City Elston 1982 1600 R 6. 3:24.81 1.00  
  Michigan City Elston 1995 1600 R 9. ++ 1.00  
  Michigan City Marquette Murray, Dennis 12 1971 880 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Michigan City Rogers Novak, Paul 12 1988 HJ 3. 6' 10 6.00 2 10.00  
  Michigan City Rogers Wagner, Joe 12 1984 200 4. 21.82 4.00  
  Michigantown Richey, Max 10 1954 PV 5. 1.00 2 5.00  
  Michigantown Richey, Max 12 1956 PV +1. 12' 04 4.00  
  Milan Swisher, Chris 12 2001 800 5. 1:55.64 5.00 2 15.00  
  Milan Swisher, Chris 12 2001 1600 1. 4:16.64 10.00  
  Mishawaka Banke, Nicholas 11 2008 DT 5. 171' 03 5.00 74 260.02  
  Mishawaka Banke, Nicholas 12 2009 SP 6. 56' 07 1/4 4.00  
  Mishawaka Banke, Nicholas 12 2009 DT 1. 179' 02 10.00  
  Mishawaka Benjamin, John 12 1950 SP 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Boger, Robert 11 1941 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Boger, Robert 12 1942 880 (R1) 1. 1:58.0 5.00  
  Mishawaka Boulanger, Albert 10 1934 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Boulanger, Albert 12 1936 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Bradley, Tanner 11 2014 PV +9. 14' 06 0.50  
  Mishawaka Claeys, Arthur 12 1943 220 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Couvreur, Remi 12 1933 220 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Duffey, William 11 1928 220 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Evans, Robert 12 1937 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka Eversole, Shannon 12 1987 PV 3. 15' 03 6.00  
  Mishawaka Gall, Joe 12 1940 SP 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Gibbens, Robert 12 1935 100 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka Gibson, Jay 11 1938 100 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Gibson, Jay 11 1938 220 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Gibson, Jay 12 1939 100 1. 10.3 5.00  
  Mishawaka Gibson, Jay 12 1939 220 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Glasco, Shane 12 2019 HJ 3. 6' 09 7.00  
  Mishawaka Hirsch, Brenton 12 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Mishawaka Johnson, Leroy 11 1956 HJ 1. 5' 10 5.00  
  Mishawaka Johnson, Leroy 12 1957 HJ +1. 6' 01 1/8 4.50  
  Mishawaka Kristl, Franklin 10 1934 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Kristl, Franklin 10 1934 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Kristl, Franklin 12 1936 200 H 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Mishawaka Kristl, Franklin 12 1936 LJ 1. 22' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Mishawaka Lambert, Rudolph 12 1939 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka Lanham, Steve 12 1989 1600 5. 4:19.84 2.00  
  Mishawaka Lechlitner, Don 12 1956 SP 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka LeMon, Chuck 12 1964 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Lockridge, Charles 11 1929 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka Lockridge, Charles 12 1930 880 (R2) 1. 2:03.8 5.00  
  Mishawaka Manuwal, Lewis 11 1937 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Manuwal, Lewis 12 1938 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka McClure, Milo 12 1933 Mile (R2) 1. 4:33.4 5.00  
  Mishawaka Meunick, Charles 11 1932 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Meunick, Charles 12 1933 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka Norris, Van 12 1938 PV +3. 1.50  
  Mishawaka Padgett, Craig 12 2008 1600 3. 4:20.33 7.00  
  Mishawaka Rhodes, Edmin 12 1933 SP 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Richards, Tom 11 1963 SP 2. 55' 09 1/2 4.00  
  Mishawaka Ronchetti, John 12 1957 120 H 1. 15.0 5.00  
  Mishawaka Ross, Milton 11 1949 PV +3. 2.50  
  Mishawaka Ross, Milton 12 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Mishawaka Steele, Frank 11 1942 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Stockbarger, Fred 11 1958 SP 2. 52' 05 1/4 4.00  
  Mishawaka Thomas, Bill 12 1991 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Mishawaka Tuttle, Ralph 12 1934 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Vernasco, Nilo 12 1934 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Weaver, Arza 10 1935 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Weaver, Arza 12 1936 880 (R2) 1. 2:01.4 5.00  
  Mishawaka Willett, Frederick 11 1934 220 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka Williams, Troy 11 1939 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Mishawaka Woods, Dentrayives 10 2022 LJ 7. 22' 03 3.00  
  Mishawaka Young, Moncer 10 1934 HJ 1. 5' 09 3/4 5.00  
  Mishawaka Young, Moncer 11 1935 HJ 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka Zimmerman, James 11 1943 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka 1934 880 R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka 1935 880 R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Mishawaka 1941 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Mishawaka 1943 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Mishawaka 1944 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Mishawaka 1946 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Mishawaka 1947 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Mishawaka 1948 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Mishawaka 1929 Mile R (R2) 2. -  
  Mishawaka 1931 Mile R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Mishawaka 1934 Mile R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Mishawaka 1936 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Mishawaka 1938 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Mishawaka 1943 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Mishawaka 1944 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Mishawaka Marian DeCicco, Nick 12 1974 DT 4. 158' 04 4.00 2 5.00  
  Mishawaka Marian 2008 1600 R 9. 3:20.62 1.00  
  Mississinewa Butche, Brennan 12 2019 1600 9. 4:17.02 1.00 4 13.00  
  Mississinewa Lowe, Payton 12 2014 LJ 7. 22' 08 3.00  
  Mississinewa Nelson, Hayden 11 2022 100 5. 10.87 5.00  
  Mississinewa Nelson, Hayden 12 2023 100 6. 10.77 4.00  
  Mitchell Grissom, Trevin 12 2015 300 H 9. 39.20 1.00 4 13.00  
  Mitchell Jenkins, Matthew 12 2018 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00  
  Mitchell Root, James 12 1926 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Mitchell Sheeks, Gilbert 11 1941 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Monon Harvey, George 12 1957 Mile 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Montezuma Hold, Robert 9 1926 PV 4. 2.00 6 13.00  
  Montezuma Hold, Robert 10 1927 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Montezuma Hold, Robert 11 1928 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Montezuma Hold, Robert 11 1928 PV 3. 3.00  
  Montezuma Marshall, Charles 10 1934 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Montezuma Marshall, Charles 12 1936 HJ +3. 2.50  
  Monticello Bair, Gary 9 1961 440 3. 3.00 39 115.50  
  Monticello Bushnell, Thomas 12 1907 DT 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Coble, Reid 12 1922 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Collins, Gus 12 1910 DT 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Dobbins, Clarence 1909 DT 1. 105' 10 5.00  
  Monticello Fauber, Ray 10 1909 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Gardiner, Herbert 12 1905 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Gardiner, Herbert 12 1905 HT 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Gardner, Donald 12 1908 PV +1. 10' 03 4.00  
  Monticello Hahn, Bill 12 1958 HJ +4. 6' 01 1.50  
  Monticello Hildreth, Harry 12 1910 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Hinshaw, Ray 10 1909 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Lods, William 11 1910 120 H 1. 17.2 5.00  
  Monticello Lods, William 12 1911 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Lods, William 12 1911 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Lowe, Clarence 1905 440 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Million, Cloyd 11 1910 880 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Million, Cloyd 12 1911 880 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Nelson, James 12 1945 220 1. 22.7 5.00  
  Monticello Rawlins, King 11 1907 120 H 1. 19.0 5.00  
  Monticello Rawlins, King 11 1907 220 H 1. 29.6 5.00  
  Monticello Rawlins, King 12 1908 120 H 1. 17.0 5.00  
  Monticello Rawlins, King 12 1908 220 H 1. 28.2 5.00  
  Monticello Rinier, George 12 1907 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Rothrock, Charles 12 1905 SP 1. 39' 00 5.00  
  Monticello Schlademan, Karl 12 1907 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Schlademan, Karl 12 1907 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 9 1905 DT 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 11 1907 DT 1. 98' 03 1/2 5.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 11 1907 HT 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 11 1907 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 11 1907 SP 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 12 1908 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 12 1908 SP 1. 43' 02 5.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 12 1908 DT 1. 117' 06 5.00  
  Monticello Stockton, Karp 12 1908 HT 2. 3.00  
  Monticello 1905 Mile R 2. -  
  Monticello 1920 Mile R 3. -  
  Monticello 1941 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Montpelier Millikan, William 12 1908 SP 2. 3.00 7 25.00  
  Montpelier Millikan, William 12 1908 DT 2. 3.00  
  Montpelier Parnell, Forest 12 1933 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Montpelier Shade, Raleigh 11 1905 DT 1. 103' 00 5.00  
  Montpelier Shade, Raleigh 11 1905 PV 3. 1.00  
  Montpelier Shade, Raleigh 12 1906 DT 1. 106' 10 5.00  
  Montpelier Shade, Raleigh 12 1906 PV 1. 10' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Mooresville O'Dell, Stewart 11 1969 SP 2. 4.00 6 19.00  
  Mooresville Passmore, Michael 12 2013 800 9. 1:55.61 1.00  
  Mooresville Phillips, Brad 12 1990 HJ 6. 6' 07 1.00  
  Mooresville Thomas, Wilbur 12 1944 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Mooresville Wolfe, Mason 12 2021 800 4. 1:54.21 6.00  
  Mooresville 2023 400 R 5. 41.80 5.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Arnett, Bram 12 2021 SP 2. 60' 11 1/2 8.00 8 30.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Arnett, Bram 12 2021 DT 8. 165' 01 2.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Bartholomew, Steve 12 2004 DT 3. 173' 03 7.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Hannon, Charles 12 1969 SP 3. 3.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Kostelnik, Alec 11 2012 3200 9. 9:11.89 1.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Kostelnik, Alec 12 2013 3200 6. 9:15.42 4.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Lemmons, Brett 12 2017 400 7. 49.20 3.00  
  Morgan Twp. (Valpo) Molchan, Dan 11 2000 PV 8. 14' 00 2.00  
  Morristown Bass, Jerald 11 1957 PV +3. 12' 00 1.50 1 1.50  
  Morton Memorial Day, Barry 12 1997 400 5. 48.99 5.00 5 30.00  
  Morton Memorial Perkins, Charles 10 1996 LJ 4. 22' 08 1/4 6.00  
  Morton Memorial Perkins, Charles 11 1997 LJ 3. 22' 08 1/4 7.00  
  Morton Memorial Perkins, Charles 12 1998 LJ 1. 23' 04 10.00  
  Morton Memorial 1942 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Mt. Ayr Pritchett, James 12 1942 440 (R2) 4. 2.00 2 4.00  
  Mt. Ayr Selby, Robert 12 1955 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Mt. Comfort Sparks, Kenneth 12 1963 440 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Burhenn, George 11 2022 300 H 5. 39.27 5.00 22 85.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Burhenn, George 12 2023 110 H 1. 14.33 10.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Burhenn, George 12 2023 300 H 3. 38.75 7.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Chastain, Aaron 12 1987 SP 6. 55' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Hanson, Chris 12 2010 800 8. 1:54.72 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Langston, Andres 10 2022 400 8. 48.89 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Langston, Andres 11 2023 400 8. 48.52 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Langston, Andres 12 2024 300 H 2. 38.20 8.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Noble, Christian 11 2015 3200 7. 9:14.83 3.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Noble, Christian 12 2016 3200 2. 9:04.71 8.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Rush, Aaron 11 2015 1600 9. 4:16.63 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Rush, Aaron 12 2016 1600 9. 4:18.31 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Saleh, Ahmed 11 2024 1600 9. 4:18.87 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Trevino, Tristan 11 2022 800 8. 1:54.57 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Trevino, Tristan 12 2023 800 7. 1:53.15 3.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Untrauer, Brad 11 2004 1600 9. 4:18.65 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Untrauer, Brad 12 2005 1600 7. 4:17.53 3.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Wheeler, Jeff 12 1985 3200 3. 9:21.92 6.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) Wood, Brisco 12 2016 800 9. 1:57.18 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) 2021 1600 R 5. 3:22.65 5.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) 2022 1600 R 3. 3:20.67 7.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Fortville) 2023 1600 R 4. 3:17.57 6.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Ambrose, Scott 11 1988 SP 4. 56' 06 1/4 4.00 17 74.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Ambrose, Scott 12 1989 SP 1. 61' 00 10.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Carr, Gary 10 1960 440 5. 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Carr, Gary 11 1961 440 4. 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Carr, Gary 12 1962 440 4. 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Cox, James 12 1984 DT 5. 161' 11 2.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Dieterle, Max 12 1991 300 H 2. 37.64 8.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Foster, Donald 12 1954 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Foster, Donald 12 1954 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Genet, Travis 12 1988 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Gooden, Nathan 12 1999 3200 9. 9:29.95 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Hawkins, Robert 11 1975 LJ 4. 22' 00 4.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Higgins, Zachary 12 2005 110 H 7. 14.37 3.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Jones, Ron 11 1979 HJ 2. 6' 11 8.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Jones, Ron 12 1980 HJ 1. 7' 01 1/4 10.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Moudy, Gregory 11 1995 DT 9. 162' 06 1.00  
  Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon) Sellers, Taylor 12 2005 800 5. 1:54.60 5.00  
  Muncie Barr, John  11 1931 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00 37 104.61  
  Muncie Barrett, Oliver 10 1930 220 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Burch, Marshall 12 1935 880 (R1) 1. 2:01.4 5.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Lawrence 11 1934 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Lawrence 11 1934 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Lawrence 12 1935 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Lawrence 12 1935 440 (R1) 1. 50.6 5.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Willie 9 1926 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Willie 9 1926 220 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Willie 11 1928 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Willie 11 1928 220 1. 21.9 5.00  
  Muncie Fowlkes, Willie 12 1929 220 1. 22.6 5.00  
  Muncie Hawk, George 11 1937 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Hill, James  11 1933 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Muncie Jones, Darnell 12 1926 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Muncie Ryman, Walling 11 1925 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Ryman, Walling 12 1926 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Shelton, Walter 11 1936 100 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Shelton, Walter 12 1937 100 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Shelton, Walter 12 1937 220 1. 23.0 5.00  
  Muncie Spurgeon, Wiley 12 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Muncie Stevens, Robert 10 1937 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Weir, Allen 12 1932 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Williams, Aaron 9 1936 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Williams, Aaron 10 1937 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Williams, Aaron 10 1937 HJ 1. 6' 01 5.00  
  Muncie Williams, Aaron 10 1937 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Williams, JC 10 1933 220 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Williams, Leo  10 1934 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Muncie Williams, Leo  11 1935 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Williams, Leo  11 1935 HJ 1. 6' 04 1/4 5.00  
  Muncie 1928 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.0 -  
  Muncie 1930 880 R (R1) 2. -  
  Muncie 1933 880 R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Muncie 1937 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Muncie 1934 Mile R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Muncie 1935 Mile R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Burris Bill, Roger 12 1962 LJ 2. 22' 02 1/2 4.00 22 78.50  
  Muncie Burris Conner, Allen 12 1953 SP 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Burris Hindall, Boyd 11 1940 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Burris Huffman, Ronald 11 1955 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Burris Huffman, Ronald 12 1956 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Burris Lillie, Gene 12 1943 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Burris Ryan, Tom 12 1944 HJ +3. 2.50  
  Muncie Burris Salyer, Harold 10 1941 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Burris Salyer, Harold 11 1942 880 (R2) 1. 1:59.2 5.00  
  Muncie Burris Salyer, Harold 12 1943 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Burris Salyer, Harold 12 1943 880 (R1) 1. 2:03.5 5.00  
  Muncie Burris Swinford, Philip 10 1944 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Burris Williams, Leo  12 1978 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  Muncie Burris Winick, Darwin 11 1946 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Burris Winick, Darwin 12 1947 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Burris Wolter, Robert 11 1942 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Burris Wolter, Robert 12 1943 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Burris 1940 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Burris 1941 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Muncie Burris 1942 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Burris 1943 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:30.7 10.00  
  Muncie Burris 1958 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Adams, Jack 11 1944 200 H 4. 2.00 111 383.00  
  Muncie Central Adams, Jack 12 1945 200 H 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Adams, Jack 12 1945 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Agullana, Leon 11 1953 PV +3. 1.20  
  Muncie Central Anderson, Mark 12 1986 SP 4. 58' 02 1/2 4.00  
  Muncie Central Anderson, Mark 12 1986 DT 2. 164' 02 8.00  
  Muncie Central Barnes, Jimmie 12 1956 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Billings, Curt 12 1981 DT 2. 162' 01 8.00  
  Muncie Central Bonner, Linnie 10 1940 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Brewer, William 10 1946 SP 1. 51' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Muncie Central Brewer, William 11 1947 SP 1. 55' 05 1/4 5.00  
  Muncie Central Brewer, William 12 1948 SP 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Brown, John 11 1965 100 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Brown, John 12 1966 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Brown, John 12 1966 220 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Carmichael, Brian 11 1994 800 6. 1:56.59 4.00  
  Muncie Central Carmichael, Jason 11 1991 300 H 6. 38.39 1.00  
  Muncie Central Carmichael, Jason 12 1992 300 H 2. 38.11 8.00  
  Muncie Central Casterlow, John 12 1955 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Childress, Curtis 12 1957 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Crawford, Robert 11 1953 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Dague, Mike 12 1951 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central DeVault, Mike 12 1959 SP 3. 53' 06 3.00  
  Muncie Central Elum, Robert 12 1951 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Faulkner, Eddie 11 1995 100 4. 11.04 6.00  
  Muncie Central Faulkner, Eddie 11 1995 200 3. 21.94 7.00  
  Muncie Central Faulkner, Eddie 12 1996 400 6. 48.80 4.00  
  Muncie Central Gibson, Dave 12 1958 PV 1. 12' 03 5.00  
  Muncie Central Girtz, Chris 12 2007 LJ 6. 21' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Muncie Central Greenlaw, Michael 12 1990 400 4. 49.13 4.00  
  Muncie Central Greiner, John 12 1943 100 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Grimes, Sam 12 1943 220 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Grobey, Rodney 11 1940 Mile (R1) 1. 4:32.7 5.00  
  Muncie Central Grobey, Rodney 12 1941 880 (R1) 1. 2:02.9 5.00  
  Muncie Central Grobey, Rodney 12 1941 Mile (R2) 1. 4:35.4 5.00  
  Muncie Central Harris, William 11 1954 880 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Hawk, George 12 1938 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Isenbarger, John 12 1966 PV 4. 13' 04 2.00  
  Muncie Central Johnson, Wallace 12 1969 HJ 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Jones, John  11 1947 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Keep, Bill  12 1960 SP 5. 52' 10 3/4 1.00  
  Muncie Central Lambert, James 11 1950 Mile 1. 4:26.7 5.00  
  Muncie Central Lambert, James 12 1951 Mile 1. 4:22.3 5.00  
  Muncie Central Lounsbury, Jerry 11 1952 PV +3. 11' 06 2.50  
  Muncie Central Lounsbury, Jerry 12 1953 PV +3. 1.20  
  Muncie Central Lunsford, Walter 12 1942 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Martin, Eugene 12 1945 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Miller, Carl 12 1953 HJ +3. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Murphy, Henry 11 1960 440 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Nettles, James 12 1960 180 H 1. 19.3 5.00  
  Muncie Central New, Tom  12 1953 Mile 1. 4:26.3 5.00  
  Muncie Central Olden, Robert 12 1956 120 H 1. 15.0 5.00  
  Muncie Central Patterson, Robert 11 1958 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Patterson, Robert 12 1959 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Powers, Chris 10 1997 1600 9. 4:26.52 1.00  
  Muncie Central Powers, Chris 11 1998 3200 7. 9:20.76 3.00  
  Muncie Central Powers, Chris 12 1999 3200 3. 9:13.33 7.00  
  Muncie Central Purtlebaugh, Ron 11 1969 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Purtlebaugh, Ron 12 1970 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Randall, Fred 11 1944 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Randall, Fred 12 1945 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Roberts, Earl 12 1947 HJ +4. 1.50  
  Muncie Central Sims, Randall 10 1969 220 1. 21.9 6.00  
  Muncie Central Sims, Randall 12 1971 100 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Sims, Randall 12 1971 220 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, Jay  12 1981 800 4. 1:55.56 4.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, Jay  12 1981 1600 3. 4:13.70 6.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, John  12 1943 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, Steven 12 1996 200 5. 22.61 5.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, Vaughn 11 1945 PV +4. 0.60  
  Muncie Central Smith, Vaughn 12 1946 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Muncie Central Smith, Vaughn 12 1946 PV 1. 12' 03 5.00  
  Muncie Central Stevens, Robert 11 1938 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Stevens, Robert 12 1939 Mile (R2) 1. 4:28.3 5.00  
  Muncie Central Stillwagon, Richard 11 1954 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Stillwagon, Richard 11 1954 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Stillwagon, Richard 12 1955 PV +5. 0.50  
  Muncie Central Stoner, Keith 11 1978 120 H 5. 14.4 2.00  
  Muncie Central Stoner, Keith 12 1979 120 H 1. 14.14 10.00  
  Muncie Central Taylor, Billy 11 1947 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Taylor, Billy 12 1948 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Vance, Jeremy 11 1996 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Muncie Central VanWinkle, Todd 12 1982 PV 4. 14' 09 4.00  
  Muncie Central Wilkerson, Fred 12 1958 880 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Williams, Aaron 11 1938 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Williams, Aaron 11 1938 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Muncie Central Williams, Aaron 11 1938 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Muncie Central Williams, Malachi 12 1940 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Muncie Central Williams, Ronald 12 1960 220 2. 4.00  
  Muncie Central Woods, Timmric 12 2014 200 7. 22.48 3.00  
  Muncie Central Wray, Jason 11 1994 LJ 8. 22' 08 1/4 2.00  
  Muncie Central Wray, Jason 12 1995 400 4. 48.53 6.00  
  Muncie Central Young, Ernest 12 1992 400 7. 49.39 3.00  
  Muncie Central Young, Rickarto 12 1983 300 H 2. 36.48 8.00  
  Muncie Central 1943 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Muncie Central 1944 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Muncie Central 1945 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Muncie Central 1946 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Central 1951 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Muncie Central 1954 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Central 1956 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Central 1961 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Muncie Central 1938 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Muncie Central 1953 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Muncie Central 1955 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Muncie Central 1983 1600 R 6. 3:19.10 1.00  
  Muncie Central 1989 1600 R 5. 3:20.24 2.00  
  Muncie Central 1990 1600 R 6. 3:25.93 1.00  
  Muncie Central 1992 1600 R 4. 3:20.55 6.00  
  Muncie Central 1995 1600 R 1. 3:18.37 10.00  
  Muncie Central 1996 1600 R 7. 3:23.11 3.00  
  Muncie Northside Cheesman, Jeff 12 1977 120 H 3. 14.4 6.00 13 73.00  
  Muncie Northside Grady, Matt 11 1982 3200 1. 9:01.29 10.00  
  Muncie Northside Kelley, David 11 1975 Mile 3. 4:17.5 6.00  
  Muncie Northside Kelley, David 12 1976 2 Mile 1. 9:02.7 10.00  
  Muncie Northside Marsh, Kelley 11 1975 880 1. 1:53.4 10.00  
  Muncie Northside Marsh, Kelley 12 1976 880 1. 1:52.0 10.00  
  Muncie Northside McClellan, Don 12 1974 Mile 4. 4:18.1 4.00  
  Muncie Northside Rippy, Felix 11 1979 2 Mile 4. 4.00  
  Muncie Northside Sherman, Joe 12 1974 2 Mile 4. 9:27.2 4.00  
  Muncie Northside Underkoffler, David 12 1981 3200 6. 9:18.51 1.00  
  Muncie Northside White, Jeff 12 1985 800 6. 1:57.78 1.00  
  Muncie Northside Young, Willie 11 1973 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/2 1.00  
  Muncie Northside 1973 Mile R 3. 3:23.3 6.00  
  Muncie Southside Isom, Ronrico 12 1984 100 6. 10.74 1.00 5 12.00  
  Muncie Southside McCoy, Ricky 12 1989 HJ 6. 6' 06 1.00  
  Muncie Southside Roberts, Rick 12 1970 LJ 2. 22' 09 1/4 4.00  
  Muncie Southside Sanders, Scott 10 1983 LJ 5. 23' 00 3/4 2.00  
  Muncie Southside 1973 880 R 4. 1:30.2 4.00  
  Munster Hunt, Jim 11 2007 LJ 3. 22' 01 7.00 10 49.00  
  Munster Keslin, Tyler 12 2016 1600 7. 4:17.95 3.00  
  Munster Marcus, Matt 12 2017 400 4. 49.05 6.00  
  Munster Murakowski, Dave 12 1980 DT 4. 168' 07 4.00  
  Munster Rigoni, Tony 12 2012 800 8. 1:55.06 2.00  
  Munster Selent, Chris 12 2005 LJ 4. 22' 07 6.00  
  Munster Vrabel, Adam 12 1997 SP 2. 66' 08 8.00  
  Munster Vrabel, Adam 12 1997 DT 3. 182' 07 7.00  
  Munster 2015 400 R 5. 41.71 5.00  
  Munster 2015 1600 R 9. 3:20.76 1.00  
  Nappanee Pinkerman, Beherald 12 1927 120 H 5. 1.00 5 15.00  
  Nappanee Weddle, Randall 11 1961 220 4. 2.00  
  Nappanee Weddle, Randall 12 1962 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Nappanee Weddle, Randall 12 1962 220 3. 3.00  
  Nappannee Chokey, Douglas 12 1968 880 2. 4.00  
  New Albany Barr, Joe 12 1945 120 H 2. 4.00 86 327.95  
  New Albany Barr, Joe 12 1945 200 H 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Bassham, Carl 11 1937 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  New Albany Brandt, Tim 12 1981 SP 5. 55' 01 2.00  
  New Albany Camble, Micah 12 2019 400 4. 48.18 6.00  
  New Albany Carroll, Joseph 11 1955 PV 1. 12' 06 3/4 5.00  
  New Albany Carroll, Joseph 12 1956 PV +4. 12' 00 1.50  
  New Albany Clayton, Ron 11 1967 180 H 3. 3.00  
  New Albany Clayton, Ron 12 1968 180 H 1. 19.1 6.00  
  New Albany Diedrich, William 11 1941 120 H 5. 1.00  
  New Albany Diedrich, William 12 1942 120 H 3. 3.00  
  New Albany Eze, Ndubisi 11 2018 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  New Albany Eze, Ndubisi 12 2019 110 H 4. 14.58 6.00  
  New Albany Farnsley, Dwight 12 1960 PV +2. 12' 02 2.00  
  New Albany Harrison, Gerald 12 1981 300 H 3. 37.4 6.00  
  New Albany Head, Kenny 10 1963 440 3. 3.00  
  New Albany Head, Kenny 11 1964 440 1. 47.3 5.00  
  New Albany Head, Kenny 12 1965 440 1. 47.8 5.00  
  New Albany Hickerson, Mike 12 1972 440 2. 50.1 4.00  
  New Albany Hutchinson, Tom 11 1958 HJ +1. 6' 02 4.00  
  New Albany Hutchinson, Tom 12 1959 HJ +3. 6' 02 2.50  
  New Albany Hutchinson, Tom 12 1959 LJ 5. 21' 05 1/2 1.00  
  New Albany Johnson, Ja'raylan 11 2021 LJ 5. 22' 06 1/2 5.00  
  New Albany Johnson, Ja'raylan 12 2022 LJ 2. 23' 01 3/4 8.00  
  New Albany Jones, Jon 11 1993 400 5. 49.41 5.00  
  New Albany Jones, Jon 12 1994 400 1. 47.84 10.00  
  New Albany Jones, Josh 11 1996 110 H 6. 15.10 4.00  
  New Albany Kelso, Charles 12 1945 100 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Kiper, Frank 11 1933 LJ 5. 1.00  
  New Albany Kiper, Frank 12 1934 100 5. 1.00  
  New Albany LaDuke, Joe 11 1945 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  New Albany Lane, Jeffrey 11 2006 200 6. 22.25 4.00  
  New Albany Liebert, Carl 11 1964 HJ 5. 6' 02 1.00  
  New Albany Lord, Aaron 12 2023 1600 6. 4:12.53 4.00  
  New Albany McClure, Steve 12 1975 DT 6. 142' 02 1.00  
  New Albany Owens, Edward 12 1956 120 H 3. 3.00  
  New Albany Parrish, Jermaine 11 2012 100 1. 10.67 10.00  
  New Albany Parrish, Jermaine 11 2012 200 2. 21.91 8.00  
  New Albany Parrish, Jermaine 12 2013 100 8. 11.05 2.00  
  New Albany Pumphrey, Craig 12 1992 DT 4. 160' 09 6.00  
  New Albany Pumphrey, Paul 12 1989 DT 6. 165' 10 1.00  
  New Albany Reas, Robert 11 1939 SP 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Reeves, Javen 12 2014 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  New Albany Roberts, Richard 11 1954 180 H 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Robinson, Bill 11 1964 220 1. 21.6 5.00  
  New Albany Seacat, Wes 11 2002 1600 6. 4:22.61 4.00  
  New Albany Seacat, Wes 12 2003 1600 6. 4:19.53 4.00  
  New Albany Stephenson, Jerry 12 2002 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  New Albany Stringer, Ronald 12 2003 200 5. 22.20 5.00  
  New Albany Stubbins, Delmar 12 1984 HJ +6. 6' 08 0.50  
  New Albany Traughber, Richard 12 1945 HJ +5. 0.20  
  New Albany Wehmiller, Brett 11 2010 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  New Albany Wehmiller, Brett 12 2011 110 H 3. 14.21 7.00  
  New Albany Wehmiller, Brett 12 2011 300 H 5. 38.66 5.00  
  New Albany Wehmiller, Brett 11 2011 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  New Albany Wells, Josh 11 2006 DT 9. 162' 03 1.00  
  New Albany White, Charles 12 1951 PV +5. 0.25  
  New Albany Woodard, Jeff 11 1976 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  New Albany Woodard, Jeff 12 1977 HJ 1. 7' 01 1/4 10.00  
  New Albany Wrege, John 12 1936 100 5. 1.00  
  New Albany Zoeller, Robert 11 1938 100 2. 4.00  
  New Albany Zoeller, Robert 11 1938 220 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Zurschmiede, George 11 1940 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Albany Zurschmiede, George 12 1941 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  New Albany Zurschmiede, Joe 12 1943 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Albany 2021 400 R 9. 42.68 1.00  
  New Albany 1966 880 R 5. 2.00  
  New Albany 1967 880 R 5. 2.00  
  New Albany 1937 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  New Albany 1939 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  New Albany 1940 880 R (R1) 1. 1:33.6 10.00  
  New Albany 1941 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  New Albany 1942 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  New Albany 1931 Mile R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Albany 1934 Mile R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  New Albany 1935 Mile R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  New Albany 1936 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  New Albany 1937 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  New Albany 1938 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  New Albany 1943 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  New Albany 1948 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  New Albany 1964 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  New Albany 1988 1600 R 5. 3:20.74 2.00  
  New Albany 1991 1600 R 6. 3:21.79 1.00  
  New Albany 2019 1600 R 4. 3:19.24 6.00  
  New Albany 2021 1600 R 7. 3:24.07 3.00  
  New Albany Scribner Finley, William 12 1950 440 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  New Augusta Good, Edgar 12 1913 Mile 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  New Carlisle Baginski, Stan 12 1963 LJ 1. 23' 06 1/2 5.00 5 14.00  
  New Carlisle Davenport, Robert 12 1938 SP 2. 4.00  
  New Carlisle Flatt, Russell 11 1948 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Carlisle Laskoski, Clem 12 1935 SP 3. 3.00  
  New Carlisle Underley, Joseph 12 1932 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Castle Baker, Lawrence 12 1994 110 H 4. 14.80 6.00 22 61.00  
  New Castle Birsinger, Don 12 1930 120 H 5. 1.00  
  New Castle Dailey, James 12 1949 440 5. 1.00  
  New Castle Dailey, Tom 12 1951 SP 3. 3.00  
  New Castle Haynes, Jason 12 1988 HJ 6. 6' 08 1.00  
  New Castle Joyner, Harry 12 1963 HJ 2. 6' 04 3/4 4.00  
  New Castle Lawson, Randall 11 1931 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  New Castle Lockhart, Cecil 12 1937 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  New Castle McCormack, James 12 1929 220 H 2. 4.00  
  New Castle Miller, Aaron 11 1990 1600 5. 4:21.13 2.00  
  New Castle Miller, Kay 12 1955 HJ +2. 3.00  
  New Castle Pinneo, Greg 12 1983 DT 4. 152' 04 4.00  
  New Castle Schuler, Tom 12 1980 DT 6. 164' 01 1.00  
  New Castle Smith, Marlon 12 2006 HJ 3. 6' 09 7.00  
  New Castle Stairs, Wilbur 12 1943 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  New Castle Stephens, Harry 12 1934 220 5. 1.00  
  New Castle Troxell, Ernie 11 1968 SP 3. 3.00  
  New Castle 1929 880 R (R1) 3. -  
  New Castle 1939 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  New Castle 1940 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  New Castle 1937 Mile R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  New Castle 1936 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  New Haven Davis, Mike  12 1979 DT 5. 171' 07 2.00 12 41.00  
  New Haven Dommer, Zac 10 2001 DT 5. 166' 09 5.00  
  New Haven Dommer, Zac 11 2002 DT 8. 162' 11 2.00  
  New Haven Fitzgerald, Jim 11 1979 880 5. 1:56.16 2.00  
  New Haven Foss, Ed 11 1969 PV 5. 1.00  
  New Haven Gillingham, Jeremy 12 2002 SP 7. 53' 09 1/4 3.00  
  New Haven Huffer, Ronald 11 1954 100 1. 10.1 5.00  
  New Haven Huffer, Ronald 11 1954 220 1. 22.0 5.00  
  New Haven Michael, Shane 12 1990 DT 2. 184' 04 8.00  
  New Haven Norton, Rick 11 1980 HJ 6. 6' 09 1.00  
  New Haven Osdale, Don 11 1964 PV 1. 13' 06 5.00  
  New Haven Zent, Mike 12 1992 DT 8. 155' 06 2.00  
  New Market Kessler, Chester 12 1935 440 (R2) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  New Palestine Draper, Rusty 12 1998 1600 9. 4:19.75 1.00 14 73.00  
  New Palestine Feeney, Pat 11 2009 400 2. 47.93 8.00  
  New Palestine Feeney, Pat 12 2010 400 2. 47.54 8.00  
  New Palestine Gray, Chad 12 1992 400 9. 49.54 1.00  
  New Palestine Hockett, Brian 11 1999 300 H 4. 39.15 6.00  
  New Palestine Poturalski, Chris 11 2014 400 7. 49.32 3.00  
  New Palestine Poturalski, Chris 12 2015 400 4. 49.06 6.00  
  New Palestine Seifert, James 12 1984 400 6. 49.56 1.00  
  New Palestine Sommers, Nick 12 1998 110 H 4. 14.57 6.00  
  New Palestine Voelz, Samuel 12 2017 800 1. 1:52.60 10.00  
  New Palestine Yoder, Todd 12 1996 110 H 8. 15.29 2.00  
  New Palestine 2009 1600 R 4. 3:18.74 6.00  
  New Palestine 2017 1600 R 3. 3:18.51 7.00  
  New Palestine 2017 3200 R 2. 7:44.20 8.00  
  New Prairie Baltes, Joseph 12 1995 3200 7. 9:26.65 3.00 4 13.00  
  New Prairie Rydzinski, Brian 12 1993 400 7. 49.52 3.00  
  New Prairie Smiley, Kyle 11 2008 1600 9. 4:24.76 1.00  
  New Prairie Smiley, Kyle 12 2009 1600 4. 4:16.88 6.00  
  New Richmond Geiger, Gene 11 1938 220 2. 4.00 3 8.00  
  New Richmond Geiger, Gene 12 1939 100 4. 2.00  
  New Richmond Geiger, Gene 12 1939 220 4. 2.00  
  New Ross Shelley, Carlton 12 1956 SP 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  New Washington Powell, Troy 12 1987 HJ 3. 6' 11 6.00 1 6.00  
  New Winchester Kurtz, Ned 12 1955 LJ 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Noblesville Anderson, Andrew 10 2019 800 9. 1:55.32 1.00 88 290.64  
  Noblesville Anderson, Andrew 12 2021 800 5. 1:54.56 5.00  
  Noblesville Carlin, Roger 12 1918 440 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Casler, Chester 12 1919 880 1. 2:07.4 5.00  
  Noblesville Click, Caden 11 2023 1600 4. 4:10.04 6.00  
  Noblesville Clover, Robert 12 1920 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Noblesville Conlon, Sean 12 2005 200 6. 22.20 4.00  
  Noblesville Core, Charles 12 1964 HJ 3. 6' 03 3.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Arnold 12 1924 Mile (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 11 1913 440 3. 1.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 11 1913 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 12 1914 100 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 12 1914 440 +2. 2.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 12 1914 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Cottingham, Henry 12 1914 PV +1. 10' 01 4.00  
  Noblesville Gaerte, Robert 10 1922 PV 3. 1.00  
  Noblesville Gaerte, Robert 11 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Noblesville Green, Labaron 11 1982 400 5. 49.05 2.00  
  Noblesville Green, Labaron 12 1983 400 5. 48.65 2.00  
  Noblesville Haas, Paul 12 2006 SP 7. 55' 10 3.00  
  Noblesville Haas, Paul 12 2006 DT 2. 176' 10 8.00  
  Noblesville Hardin, James 11 2017 400 5. 49.10 5.00  
  Noblesville Hartmann, Drew 12 2017 SP 5. 55' 04 1/2 5.00  
  Noblesville Hiatt, Tyler 12 2008 SP 3. 58' 04 7.00  
  Noblesville Hiatt, Tyler 12 2008 DT 3. 179' 01 7.00  
  Noblesville Hickner, Travis 12 2021 3200 5. 9:14.15 5.00  
  Noblesville Hoffman, Eric 12 2017 3200 8. 9:17.26 2.00  
  Noblesville Hull, Harry 9 1916 HJ 2. 5' 07 3/4 3.00  
  Noblesville Hull, Harry 10 1917 HJ +2. 2.00  
  Noblesville Hull, Harry 12 1919 HJ +1. 5' 08 5/8 4.00  
  Noblesville Hull, Harry 12 1919 PV +3. 0.33  
  Noblesville Kelly, Donald 10 1944 PV +3. 0.86  
  Noblesville Longardner, Alan 12 1994 HJ +6. 6' 06 2.50  
  Noblesville Louks, Corey 12 1992 SP 7. 53' 08 1/2 3.00  
  Noblesville Lunsford, Harry 12 1924 HJ +3. 5' 08 0.20  
  Noblesville Mickler, Bryan 12 2008 100 9. 10.88 1.00  
  Noblesville Milkey, Max 12 2014 110 H 8. 14.73 2.00  
  Noblesville Milkey, Max 12 2014 300 H 9. 38.68 1.00  
  Noblesville Mills, Ernest 12 1923 100 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Mills, Ernest 12 1923 440 (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Mullin, Steve 12 1965 220 5. 1.00  
  Noblesville Mumaw, Joel 12 2022 1600 8. 4:15.34 2.00  
  Noblesville Oliver, Ty 11 1989 110 H 6. 14.55 1.00  
  Noblesville Oliver, Ty 11 1989 300 H 3. 38.02 6.00  
  Noblesville Oliver, Ty 12 1990 300 H 1. 38.17 10.00  
  Noblesville Owens, Jake 11 2014 400 8. 49.35 2.00  
  Noblesville Pattee, Alex 12 2002 800 4. 1:56.12 6.00  
  Noblesville Pennycuff, Dustin 11 1997 DT 7. 160' 06 3.00  
  Noblesville Propst, Asher 11 2022 3200 8. 9:10.51 2.00  
  Noblesville Reasoner, Ronnie 12 1962 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Noblesville Rogers, Travis 11 2002 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 11 1926 120 H 1. 16.6 5.00  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 11 1926 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 12 1927 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 12 1927 120 H 1. 16.0 5.00  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 12 1927 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 12 1927 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Noblesville Scully, Joe 12 1927 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Noblesville Smith, Glen 11 1920 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Smith, Glen 11 1920 PV +2. 1.00  
  Noblesville Smith, Mac 12 2021 200 9. 22.36 1.00  
  Noblesville Sparks, Matt 12 1992 1600 3. 4:20.15 7.00  
  Noblesville Sparks, Matt 12 1992 3200 3. 9:26.48 7.00  
  Noblesville Thompson, Zach 11 1989 DT 5. 167' 02 2.00  
  Noblesville Thompson, Zach 12 1990 DT 3. 182' 03 6.00  
  Noblesville Walden, Nick 12 1999 DT 4. 162' 07 6.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 11 1912 100 1. 10.8 5.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 11 1912 220 1. 24.6 5.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 11 1912 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 12 1913 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 12 1913 220 1. 24.6 5.00  
  Noblesville Walton, Paul 12 1913 LJ 1. 19' 09 1/2 5.00  
  Noblesville White, Don 12 1948 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Noblesville Wild, Carl 12 1918 PV +3. 0.50  
  Noblesville Wise, Raymond 12 1911 PV +3. 0.25  
  Noblesville Zimmer, Harlan 12 1915 440 2. 3.00  
  Noblesville 1999 400 R 9. 42.86 1.00  
  Noblesville 2005 400 R 9. 42.66 1.00  
  Noblesville 2021 400 R 8. 42.55 2.00  
  Noblesville 1959 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Noblesville 1997 1600 R 4. 3:22.87 6.00  
  Noblesville 2014 1600 R 3. 3:18.88 7.00  
  Noblesville 2019 1600 R 9. 3:20.94 1.00  
  Noblesville 1997 3200 R 9. 8:07.11 1.00  
  Noblesville 2004 3200 R 8. 7:54.75 2.00  
  Noblesville 2008 3200 R 1. 7:52.69 10.00  
  Noblesville 2022 3200 R 9. 7:55.19 1.00  
  Noblesville 2024 3200 R 6. 7:55.68 4.00  
  North Central (Farmersburg) Greene, Neal 12 2016 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00 2 6.00  
  North Central (Farmersburg) Jacob, Michial 12 2002 1600 8. 4:23.85 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Allen, Eric 12 1993 LJ 7. 22' 09 3/4 3.00 224 1170.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Alyea, Ethan 10 2017 SP 7. 53' 05 1/2 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Alyea, Ethan 11 2018 SP 6. 56' 11 3/4 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Alyea, Ethan 11 2018 DT 2. 176' 09 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Alyea, Ethan 12 2019 SP 4. 56' 07 1/4 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Alyea, Ethan 12 2019 DT 1. 183' 11 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bell, Bob 11 1981 LJ 3. 23' 01 1/4 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bell, Bob 12 1982 LJ 1. 23' 08 1/4 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Berry, Robert 11 1975 HJ 2. 6' 06 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Berry, Robert 12 1976 HJ 1. 7' 01 1/8 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Boone, Justin 12 2010 LJ 4. 22' 04 1/2 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bradley, Anthony 10 2009 SP 8. 55' 06 1/4 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bradley, Anthony 11 2010 SP 3. 59' 02 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bradley, Anthony 12 2011 SP 1. 62' 06 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Brady, Tom 12 1961 HJ +3. 6' 03 1/2 2.50  
  North Central (Indpls.) Broaden, John 12 2010 200 4. 21.71 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Brown, Mark 12 1978 220 4. 22.1 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Brown, Mark 12 1978 LJ 5. 22' 09 1/2 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Patrick  12 2001 400 6. 49.26 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Pierre 10 2002 100 9. 10.95 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Pierre 11 2003 100 1. 10.73 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Pierre 11 2003 200 3. 21.99 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Pierre 12 2004 100 4. 10.83 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Bush, Pierre 12 2004 LJ 7. 22' 08 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Cale, Jeff 12 1986 800 5. 1:55.27 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Callaway, Steve 11 1969 PV 4. 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Cheesebourough, Rob 11 1985 300 H 5. 37.43 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Cheesebourough, Rob 12 1986 300 H 4. 37.49 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clardy, Darrold 11 1979 100 5. 10.01 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clardy, Darrold 11 1979 220 6. 22.47 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clardy, Darrold 12 1980 100 4. 10.76 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clardy, Darrold 12 1980 200 3. 22.04 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clark, JaRon 12 2012 200 4. 22.06 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clay, Damian 12 2019 400 7. 48.79 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clutter, Dave 11 1962 120 H 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Clutter, Dave 12 1963 120 H 3. 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Costin, Kent 11 1972 440 3. 50.2 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Costin, Kent 12 1973 440 2. 49.2 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Darring, Al 11 1976 120 H 6. 14.3 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Darring, Al 11 1976 180 H 2. 19.3 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Darring, Al 12 1977 120 H 6. 14.5 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Darring, Hal 11 1976 440 6. 49.2 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Darring, Hal 12 1977 220 4. 21.9 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Denny, Shalom 11 1998 300 H 8. 38.17 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Denny, Shalom 12 1999 110 H 2. 14.52 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Edwards, Kaden 12 2023 SP 5. 57' 10 1/2 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) England, Gary 11 1972 SP 2. 54' 07 1/4 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) England, Gary 12 1973 SP 1. 61' 04 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) England, Gary 12 1973 DT 6. 155' 10 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Ervin, Brent 12 1977 220 6. 22.1 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Frey, Alex 11 2019 3200 6. 9:12.55 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Goodwin, Rob 12 1994 PV +8. 13' 06 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Graves, Demetrice 12 1984 800 1. 1:55.35 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Green, Josiah 12 2021 SP 3. 59' 09 1/4 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Green, Josiah 12 2021 DT 4. 169' 09 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Gunn, Duane 12 1980 300 H 6. 37.92 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Gunn, Duane 12 1980 LJ 5. 22' 10 1/2 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Harrell, Tony 12 2001 400 9. 50.05 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Harrell, Tony 12 2001 LJ 6. 22' 10 1/2 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Harrington, Wes 12 1972 PV 4. 14' 09 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Haslam, Bob 12 1978 Mile 2. 4:15.1 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Henderson, Greg 12 1969 220 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Hollander, Brandt 12 2004 DT 8. 166' 05 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Holt, Dehnm 11 2024 400 3. 48.68 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Hunter, Ian 12 2018 3200 4. 9:15.58 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Jackson, Derrick 12 1993 200 7. 22.50 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) James, Robert 12 2002 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  North Central (Indpls.) Johnson, Lamar 11 1998 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Johnson, Lamar 12 1999 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Johnson, Lamar 12 1999 LJ 6. 21' 10 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Johnson, Michael  11 2007 200 4. 21.72 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Johnson, Rod 12 1984 LJ 4. 24' 00 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Jones, Richard  11 1976 880 5. 1:54.8 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kelley, Harvey 11 1989 400 3. 48.79 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kent, Bryant 12 2006 400 5. 48.53 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Killeen, Nate 11 2022 800 4. 1:53.43 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Killeen, Nate 12 2023 800 1. 1:51.84 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kroot, Greg 12 1978 SP 5. 57' 03 1/2 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kyser, Howard 11 2003 DT 2. 170' 09 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kyser, Howard 12 2004 SP 4. 58' 08 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Kyser, Howard 12 2004 DT 7. 166' 09 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Laing, Derek 11 1974 LJ 6. 22' 05 1/2 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Laing, Derek 12 1975 100 2. 9.8 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Laing, Derek 12 1975 LJ 1. 23' 09 3/4 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Langford, Ed 12 1977 PV 1. 15' 00 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Leneschmidt, John 11 1978 DT 4. 171' 00 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Lile, Carl 12 2002 110 H 6. 14.52 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Lough, Jacob 12 2018 800 2. 1:54.91 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Maguire, Cole 10 2016 300 H 3. 38.29 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Maguire, Cole 11 2017 300 H 3. 38.33 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Maguire, Cole 12 2018 300 H 7. 38.98 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Martin, Collis 10 1986 100 5. 10.79 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Martin, Collis 11 1987 100 6. 11.05 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Mason, Korren 12 2024 400 9. 49.40 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) McConnell, Dante 11 1993 110 H 9. 14.64 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) McConnell, Dante 12 1994 110 H 2. 14.33 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) McCoy, Fred  12 1985 100 1. 10.56 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) McCoy, Fred  12 1985 200 2. 21.37 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) McGee, Ken 12 1983 DT 6. 151' 00 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Mitchell, James 12 2014 200 4. 22.23 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Muhwanga, Chard 12 2017 DT 4. 170' 01 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Patterson, Howard 12 1971 HJ 5. 6' 05 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Payne, Paul 12 1975 HJ 6. 6' 04 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pennington, Harry 12 1969 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pennington, Mike 12 1968 880 3. 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Perlstein, Mark 12 1972 PV 1. 14' 10 1/2 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Phariss, Bart 9 1996 3200 4. 9:28.30 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Phariss, Bart 10 1997 3200 5. 9:37.19 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Phariss, Bart 11 1998 1600 5. 4:18.57 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pierson, Anthony 12 1995 400 7. 49.11 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pipkin, Oliver 12 1976 100 1. 9.7 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pipkin, Oliver 12 1976 220 2. 21.6 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pratt, Steve 11 1971 Mile 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pratt, Steve 12 1972 880 4. 1:57.4 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Pritchard, Glenn 12 1968 SP +5. 0.50  
  North Central (Indpls.) Redman, Eric 11 2000 800 6. 1:55.46 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Redman, Eric 12 2001 1600 3. 4:16.94 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Redmon, Vaughn 12 1982 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Rice, Solomon 12 2015 1600 6. 4:14.87 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Richardson, Ron 12 1989 300 H 2. 37.86 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Ritterskamp, Karl 12 1961 PV +4. 12' 03 1.50  
  North Central (Indpls.) Roby, Courtney 12 2001 100 5. 10.75 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Rohan, Peter 12 1991 800 5. 1:55.51 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Rohm, Frank 11 1974 SP 5. 55' 11 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Rohm, Frank 12 1975 SP 3. 61' 02 1/2 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Rouse, Jo'el 11 1995 110 H 9. 14.77 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Seabrook, Jordan 10 2003 110 H 4. 14.79 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Seabrook, Jordan 11 2004 110 H 3. 14.10 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Seabrook, Jordan 11 2004 300 H 3. 37.64 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Seabrook, Jordan 12 2005 110 H 2. 13.86 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Seabrook, Jordan 12 2005 300 H 2. 37.32 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Shank, Khyran 12 2010 100 9. 11.18 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Sigal, David 12 1975 2 Mile 6. 9:29.5 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Smith, Antonio 11 2024 300 H 4. 38.68 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Stevens, Kurt 12 1962 180 H 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Stover, Rick 11 1970 880 2. 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jason 10 1992 SP 4. 57' 06 1/2 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jason 10 1992 DT 5. 159' 11 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jason 11 1993 SP 1. 61' 04 3/4 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jason 11 1993 DT 3. 178' 02 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jason 12 1994 SP 2. 61' 09 1/4 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jerry 11 1976 SP 3. 59' 00 1/4 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Strayhorn, Jerry 12 1977 SP 1. 61' 03 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tate, Lars 12 1984 100 5. 10.70 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tate, Tony 12 1992 100 2. 10.71 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tate, Tony 12 1992 200 2. 22.09 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tolbert, McArthur 12 1989 100 4. 10.77 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tourner, Brian 10 1991 300 H 4. 38.10 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Tourner, Greg 11 1983 110 H 6. 14.68 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Walters, Denny 11 1961 100 4. 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Walters, Denny 11 1961 220 5. 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Ware, Isaiah 10 2015 400 9. 49.29 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Ware, Isaiah 12 2017 100 7. 10.82 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Ware, Isaiah 12 2017 400 1. 47.91 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Watkins, Anthony 10 1972 220 3. 22.3 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Watkins, Anthony 12 1974 440 1. 48.9 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Whitlow, Shaun 12 1998 SP 4. 56' 06 3/4 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Wilkins, Barry 11 2008 800 4. 1:55.95 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Wilkins, Barry 12 2009 800 9. 1:54.66 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Wolley, Michael 10 1999 DT 8. 158' 06 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Wolley, Michael 12 2001 DT 2. 177' 00 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Zienasellassie, Futsum 9 2009 3200 1. 9:11.97 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Zienasellassie, Futsum 10 2010 3200 1. 9:05.96 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Zienasellassie, Futsum 11 2011 3200 1. 8:56.73 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) Zienasellassie, Futsum 12 2012 3200 1. 8:51.15 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1980 400 R 3. 42.34 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1982 400 R 5. 42.63 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1984 400 R 2. 42.40 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1985 400 R 1. 42.36 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1989 400 R 1. 42.13 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1992 400 R 1. 42.73 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1993 400 R 9. 43.06 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1995 400 R 3. 42.66 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1998 400 R 5. 42.75 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2000 400 R 6. 42.66 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2001 400 R 1. 41.70 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2002 400 R 6. 42.74 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2006 400 R 4. 42.15 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2012 400 R 3. 41.99 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2019 400 R 6. 41.95 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2022 400 R 6. 42.27 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1960 880 R 2. 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1968 880 R 1. 1:29.0 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1969 880 R 2. 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1975 880 R 4. 1:32.1 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1976 880 R 1. 1:26.6 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1977 880 R 4. 1:30.1 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1979 880 R 3. 1:28.39 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1965 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1969 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1971 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1972 Mile R 1. 3:21.6 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1976 Mile R 5. 3:22.7 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1977 Mile R 1. 3:15.3 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1978 Mile R 5. 3:20.4 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1979 Mile R 5. 3:19.40 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1980 1600 R 2. 3:14.56 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1983 1600 R 2. 3:16.79 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1984 1600 R 2. 3:17.49 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1986 1600 R 5. 3:21.66 2.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1987 1600 R 2. 3:21.75 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1989 1600 R 2. 3:16.49 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1990 1600 R 3. 3:23.16 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1992 1600 R 3. 3:20.13 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1996 1600 R 9. 3:23.83 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1997 1600 R 3. 3:22.19 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 1998 1600 R 7. 3:22.79 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2001 1600 R 1. 3:18.30 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2004 1600 R 1. 3:17.84 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2006 1600 R 5. 3:17.34 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2016 1600 R 7. 3:20.66 3.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2017 1600 R 1. 3:17.79 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2018 1600 R 2. 3:16.43 8.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2019 1600 R 3. 3:18.91 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2024 1600 R 1. 3:16.88 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2004 3200 R 4. 7:48.58 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2007 3200 R 3. 7:51.16 7.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2009 3200 R 5. 7:51.53 5.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2010 3200 R 9. 7:55.67 1.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2013 3200 R 6. 7:54.35 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2014 3200 R 4. 7:50.44 6.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2017 3200 R 6. 7:49.66 4.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2018 3200 R 1. 7:44.07 10.00  
  North Central (Indpls.) 2019 3200 R 2. 7:48.67 8.00  
  North Harrison Byrne, Ryan 11 2004 1600 8. 4:18.36 2.00 6 34.00  
  North Harrison Byrne, Ryan 12 2005 1600 3. 4:14.38 7.00  
  North Harrison Byrne, Tyler 11 2009 1600 5. 4:20.30 5.00  
  North Harrison Byrne, Tyler 12 2010 3200 2. 9:07.99 8.00  
  North Harrison Guy, Johnnie 12 2012 3200 3. 9:03.85 7.00  
  North Harrison Reynolds, Jonathan 12 2013 1600 5. 4:16.00 5.00  
  North Judson 1940 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00 1 2.00  
  North Knox Chambers, Derek 12 2011 100 9. 11.05 1.00 3 10.00  
  North Knox Holbrook, Matthew 12 2006 SP 5. 56' 07 3/4 5.00  
  North Knox Russell, Don 12 1965 PV 2. 13' 03 3/4 4.00  
  North Montgomery Ramey, Dakota 12 2013 DT 4. 173' 11 6.00 1 6.00  
  North Newton Cohen, Stephen  12 2003 3200 7. 9:24.76 3.00 5 24.00  
  North Newton Cooper, Tim 11 1985 3200 2. 9:20.74 8.00  
  North Newton Hinch, Mike 12 1995 100 1. 10.94 10.00  
  North Newton Vanderwall, Ben 12 2019 LJ 8. 22' 02 1/4 2.00  
  North Newton VanHouten, Dan 12 1983 3200 6. 9:29.53 1.00  
  North Posey Hargrave, Nick 12 2004 300 H 8. 38.64 2.00 1 2.00  
  North Putnam Clodfelter, Chet 12 1981 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33 3 6.33  
  North Putnam Coleman, Tom 12 2000 DT 8. 162' 00 2.00  
  North Putnam Hackleman, Nolan 12 2024 LJ 8. 21' 08 2.00  
  North Salem Jeffries, Buell 12 1914 SP 1. 45' 09 5.00 8 25.00  
  North Salem Jeffries, Loyce 12 1917 SP 3. 1.00  
  North Salem Trotter, Fred 10 1916 Mile 1. 4:51.0 5.00  
  North Salem Trotter, Fred 11 1917 Mile 1. 4:42.4 5.00  
  North Salem Trotter, Fred 12 1918 Mile 1. 4:39.2 5.00  
  North Salem Walton, Hobart 11 1914 220 H +3. 0.50  
  North Salem Walton, Hobart 12 1915 120 H 2. 3.00  
  North Salem Walton, Hobart 12 1915 HJ +3. 0.50  
  North Vermillion Crowder, Tom 12 1975 HJ 4. 6' 05 4.00 2 8.00  
  North Vermillion Keele, Doug 12 1983 SP 4. 56' 08 1/2 4.00  
  North Vernon Shumaker, Gorrell 12 1912 HJ 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Northeast Dubois Betz, Dustin 12 2008 1600 7. 4:24.36 3.00 3 8.00  
  Northeast Dubois Betz, Jeremy 12 1994 PV 6. 14' 00 4.00  
  Northeast Dubois Parsons, Josh 12 2007 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Northeastern Barnhizer, Scott 11 1996 110 H 9. 15.76 1.00 3 8.00  
  Northeastern Gardner, Scot 11 1987 3200 6. 9:18.65 1.00  
  Northeastern Gardner, Scot 12 1988 3200 3. 9:17.73 6.00  
  Northfield Andrews, Chad 11 1998 3200 3. 9:17.93 7.00 11 56.50  
  Northfield Cordes, Jared 10 1994 1600 3. 4:15.71 7.00  
  Northfield Cordes, Jared 11 1995 1600 2. 4:12.80 8.00  
  Northfield Cordes, Jared 12 1996 1600 2. 4:14.97 8.00  
  Northfield Haupert, Gary 11 1966 HJ 5. 6' 04 1/2 1.00  
  Northfield Haupert, Gary 12 1967 HJ 1. 6' 10 6.00  
  Northfield Kelly, Ken 12 1974 PV 3. 14' 00 6.00  
  Northfield Leming, Kevin 11 1986 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Northfield Leming, Kevin 12 1987 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Northfield Rosen, Aaron 12 1994 3200 8. 9:35.87 2.00  
  Northfield Swank, Bob 12 1969 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Northridge Bach, Carter 12 2021 DT 7. 168' 01 3.00 17 69.75  
  Northridge Domer, Eric 10 1992 300 H 3. 38.14 7.00  
  Northridge Domer, Eric 12 1994 300 H 2. 37.60 8.00  
  Northridge Downey, Brock 12 2015 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Northridge Fickert, Michael 12 2015 SP 8. 55' 00 1/4 2.00  
  Northridge Fritz, Braxton 12 2005 3200 7. 9:23.32 3.00  
  Northridge Hoffman, Jordan 12 2009 DT 3. 172' 06 7.00  
  Northridge Mercer, Ladd 11 2007 1600 9. 4:21.59 1.00  
  Northridge Moore, Jack 12 2021 3200 6. 9:14.16 4.00  
  Northridge Moore, Jack 12 2022 3200 5. 9:03.02 5.00  
  Northridge Sallee, Tanner 10 2018 800 7. 1:56.27 3.00  
  Northridge Virgil, Seth 12 2009 400 6. 48.57 4.00  
  Northridge Virgil, Seth 12 2009 LJ 2. 22' 08 8.00  
  Northridge Zuercher, Ben 11 2016 400 9. 49.68 1.00  
  Northridge Zuercher, Ben 12 2017 400 8. 49.22 2.00  
  Northridge 2007 3200 R 7. 7:54.07 3.00  
  Northridge 2009 3200 R 2. 7:48.24 8.00  
  Northview Gasway, Casey 11 1994 HJ 4. 6' 07 6.00 4 21.00  
  Northview Gasway, Casey 12 1995 HJ 3. 6' 10 7.00  
  Northview Whittington, Joel 11 2010 300 H 9. 39.22 1.00  
  Northview Whittington, Joel 12 2011 300 H 3. 38.39 7.00  
  Northwestern Conyers, A'Marion 12 2022 HJ 9. 6' 04 1.00 11 43.00  
  Northwestern Crites, Bob 10 1970 PV 4. 14' 08 1/4 2.00  
  Northwestern Crites, Bob 11 1971 PV 3. 14' 06 3.00  
  Northwestern Lane, Jerry 12 1953 SP 2. 4.00  
  Northwestern Mumaw, Gary 12 1972 2 Mile 3. 9:24.9 3.00  
  Northwestern Munson, Owen 12 2016 400 4. 48.72 6.00  
  Northwestern Oyler, Joe 12 1968 PV 5. 1.00  
  Northwestern Parker, Tayson 10 2018 LJ 5. 22' 09 3/4 5.00  
  Northwestern Parker, Tayson 11 2019 100 6. 10.88 4.00  
  Northwestern Parker, Tayson 11 2019 200 4. 21.76 6.00  
  Northwestern Parker, Tayson 11 2019 LJ 2. 23' 10 8.00  
  NorthWood Andrews, Nathan 12 1996 300 H 6. 37.82 4.00 18 84.00  
  NorthWood Burkholder, William 12 1978 PV 2. 14' 09 8.00  
  NorthWood Chupp, Trenton 11 2004 LJ 9. 22' 03 1/4 1.00  
  NorthWood Chupp, Trenton 12 2005 100 5. 10.94 5.00  
  NorthWood Chupp, Trenton 12 2005 LJ 3. 23' 01 7.00  
  NorthWood Cleary, Brian 11 1991 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  NorthWood Culp, Richard 11 1986 400 4. 49.01 4.00  
  NorthWood Gessinger, Bailey 12 2016 200 4. 21.92 6.00  
  NorthWood Grove, Brett 12 1982 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  NorthWood McMurray, Mike 12 1978 880 5. 1:54.6 2.00  
  NorthWood Newcomer, Chad 12 1995 LJ 7. 22' 06 1/2 3.00  
  NorthWood Reynolds, James 12 2008 PV 5. 14' 09 5.00  
  NorthWood Schrock, Jeff 11 1993 3200 8. 9:32.83 2.00  
  NorthWood Schrock, Jeff 12 1994 3200 4. 9:24.48 6.00  
  NorthWood Shank, Keith 10 1974 Mile 6. 4:11.2 1.00  
  NorthWood Shank, Keith 11 1975 Mile 5. 4:19.4 2.00  
  NorthWood 1996 400 R 6. 43.09 4.00  
  NorthWood 2004 400 R 2. 42.01 8.00  
  Norwell Blackwell, Curtis 12 2017 SP 9. 52' 06 1/2 1.00 19 86.00  
  Norwell Confer, Matt 11 1975 100 6. 10.4 1.00  
  Norwell Confer, Matt 11 1975 220 3. 22.5 6.00  
  Norwell Felger, Dylan 11 2017 300 H 8. 39.00 2.00  
  Norwell Felger, Dylan 12 2018 300 H 5. 38.59 5.00  
  Norwell Harnish, Chandler 11 2006 DT 6. 168' 05 4.00  
  Norwell Hunter, Jim 12 1969 220 2. 4.00  
  Norwell Krick, Kurt 11 1995 SP 2. 60' 02 3/4 8.00  
  Norwell Krick, Kurt 12 1996 SP 1. 64' 06 1/4 10.00  
  Norwell Krick, Kurt 12 1996 DT 2. 188' 00 8.00  
  Norwell Raber, Zachery 12 1994 3200 6. 9:31.51 4.00  
  Norwell Schnieders, Larry 12 1980 800 6. 1:53.72 1.00  
  Norwell Schnieders, Larry 12 1980 1600 3. 4:13.60 6.00  
  Norwell Shutt, Duane 12 1969 100 5. 1.00  
  Norwell Stead, David 10 2000 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00  
  Norwell Stead, David 11 2001 PV 5. 15' 06 5.00  
  Norwell Stead, David 12 2002 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00  
  Norwell Studebaker, Jeff 11 1985 1600 5. 4:17.31 2.00  
  Norwell 2006 3200 R 3. 7:45.25 7.00  
  Oak Hill Jackson, Owen 12 2024 1600 5. 4:16.23 5.00 11 47.00  
  Oak Hill Johnson, Tahj 10 2018 400 2. 48.42 8.00  
  Oak Hill Johnson, Tahj 11 2019 400 6. 48.60 4.00  
  Oak Hill Moffitt, Michael 12 2012 HJ 2. 6' 07 8.00  
  Oak Hill Pyle, Damon 10 1976 100 6. 9.9 1.00  
  Oak Hill Sommers, Sammy 11 2018 LJ 9. 22' 07 1/2 1.00  
  Oak Hill Sommers, Sammy 12 2019 110 H 7. 14.85 3.00  
  Oak Hill Sommers, Sammy 12 2019 LJ 5. 22' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Oak Hill Thomas, Alan 12 1987 1600 3. 4:17.53 6.00  
  Oak Hill 2023 3200 R 5. 7:46.96 5.00  
  Oak Hill 2024 3200 R 9. 7:58.41 1.00  
  Oaklandon Weaver, John 12 1914 220 H +3. 0.50 1 0.50  
  Odon Allen, Ralph 10 1934 SP 3. 3.00 3 9.00  
  Odon Allen, Ralph 11 1935 SP 5. 1.00  
  Odon Allen, Ralph 12 1936 SP 1. 48' 09 7/8 5.00  
  Oldenburg Academy Eckstein, Curt 11 2016 3200 8. 9:20.00 2.00 2 12.00  
  Oldenburg Academy Eckstein, Curt 12 2017 3200 1. 9:08.54 10.00  
  Orleans Pickens, Coleman 12 1930 HJ 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Owen Valley Carey, Curt 12 1981 3200 3. 9:16.70 6.00 5 30.50  
  Owen Valley Henson, Josh 11 2005 LJ 5. 22' 05 1/2 5.00  
  Owen Valley Lee, Chad 12 1999 300 H 3. 38.92 7.00  
  Owen Valley Lientz, Randy 12 2009 HJ +4. 6' 08 5.50  
  Owen Valley Persinger, Curtis 12 2000 800 3. 1:54.40 7.00  
  Paoli Bosley, Brett 12 2021 LJ 7. 22' 02 3/4 3.00 2 4.00  
  Paoli Wolfe, Brian 12 2002 SP 9. 53' 05 3/4 1.00  
  Park Tudor Downs, Marcus 11 2014 DT 9. 157' 06 1.00 8 29.75  
  Park Tudor Downs, Marcus 12 2015 DT 3. 184' 06 7.00  
  Park Tudor Farley, Henry 11 2010 800 9. 1:54.79 1.00  
  Park Tudor Fields, Shanon 11 1991 200 5. 22.14 2.00  
  Park Tudor Fields, Shanon 12 1992 400 1. 48.04 10.00  
  Park Tudor Lee, Evan 12 2016 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Park Tudor Rogers, Jasiah 10 2021 100 3. 10.72 7.00  
  Park Tudor Rogers, Jasiah 12 2023 100 9. 11.41 1.00  
  Patoka Kolb, Clarence 12 1920 SP 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Pendleton Bankson, Virgil 12 1963 Mile 4. 2.00 5 11.25  
  Pendleton Hanna, Mike 11 1962 PV +5. 12' 03 0.25  
  Pendleton Hanna, Mike 12 1963 PV 1. 14' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Pendleton Helton, Dave 11 1968 PV 4. 2.00  
  Pendleton Honnold, Fred 12 1959 PV 4. 12' 00 2.00  
  Pendleton Heights Brady, Sean 12 2013 LJ 9. 22' 01 1/4 1.00 27 147.00  
  Pendleton Heights Carey, Kyle 12 2004 1600 4. 4:17.46 6.00  
  Pendleton Heights Carwile, John 12 1980 DT 2. 169' 07 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Coggins, Billy 11 1992 200 6. 22.69 4.00  
  Pendleton Heights Coggins, Billy 12 1993 100 8. 11.25 2.00  
  Pendleton Heights Coggins, Billy 12 1993 200 3. 21.92 7.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hagerman, Brock 9 2003 3200 9. 9:27.46 1.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hagerman, Brock 10 2004 3200 5. 9:17.95 5.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hagerman, Brock 12 2006 3200 2. 9:12.07 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hardacre, Cole 9 2004 3200 8. 9:19.85 2.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hardacre, Cole 10 2005 3200 4. 9:17.29 6.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hardacre, Cole 11 2006 3200 3. 9:16.81 7.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hardacre, Cole 12 2007 3200 2. 9:04.55 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Harvey, Andrew 12 2021 SP 6. 56' 06 4.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hendershot, Nathan 10 2008 800 3. 1:55.57 7.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hendershot, Nathan 11 2009 800 2. 1:53.45 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hendershot, Nathan 12 2010 800 2. 1:51.63 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hubble, Rex 11 1973 PV 4. 14' 00 4.00  
  Pendleton Heights Hubble, Rex 12 1974 PV 4. 13' 09 4.00  
  Pendleton Heights Jones, Parker 11 2016 1600 4. 4:12.71 6.00  
  Pendleton Heights Jones, Parker 12 2017 800 2. 1:52.62 8.00  
  Pendleton Heights Jones, Parker 12 2017 1600 5. 4:14.84 5.00  
  Pendleton Heights Pancol, Eli 11 2018 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Pendleton Heights Sakeah, Matt 12 2018 300 H 3. 38.32 7.00  
  Pendleton Heights Shaw, Chris 12 2006 DT 7. 167' 04 3.00  
  Pendleton Heights 2007 3200 R 4. 7:52.39 6.00  
  Pendleton Heights 2010 3200 R 5. 7:51.60 5.00  
  Penn Allen, Phil 11 1964 100 5. 1.00 48 208.75  
  Penn Allen, Phil 11 1964 220 3. 3.00  
  Penn Allen, Phil 12 1965 100 4. 2.00  
  Penn Brownell, Josh 11 2003 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00  
  Penn Campbell, Kyle 12 2009 PV 4. 15' 06 6.00  
  Penn Coker, Elijah 11 2023 LJ 3. 23' 07 3/4 7.00  
  Penn Coker, Elijah 12 2024 200 7. 22.29 3.00  
  Penn Coker, Elijah 12 2024 LJ 1. 23' 03 10.00  
  Penn Cook, Isaiah 12 2014 SP 7. 56' 00 1/2 3.00  
  Penn Daggy, Sam 12 2013 DT 8. 161' 05 2.00  
  Penn Deal, Tim 11 2013 300 H 5. 37.89 5.00  
  Penn Deal, Tim 11 2013 LJ 6. 22' 05 4.00  
  Penn Deal, Tim 12 2014 300 H 2. 37.91 8.00  
  Penn Duerksen, Randy 12 1974 100 5. 10.1 2.00  
  Penn Duerksen, Randy 12 1974 220 5. 22.0 2.00  
  Penn Duong, Frank 11 2003 LJ 9. 21' 07 1/2 1.00  
  Penn Duong, Frank 12 2004 LJ 4. 23' 02 6.00  
  Penn Fox, Justin 12 2004 800 9. 1:56.31 1.00  
  Penn Gales, Thomas 12 2014 800 8. 1:55.08 2.00  
  Penn Grant, Thomas 11 2012 200 7. 22.38 3.00  
  Penn Griffy, Mike 10 1984 LJ 6. 23' 03 1.00  
  Penn Haag, Mike 12 1978 2 Mile 2. 9:08.8 8.00  
  Penn Hardrict, Alec 12 2022 100 6. 10.87 4.00  
  Penn Johnston, Kyle 11 2011 PV 6. 15' 03 4.00  
  Penn Johnston, Kyle 12 2012 PV 1. 16' 01 10.00  
  Penn Krutsch, Kevin 12 2019 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Penn Lechlitner, Kyle 12 2005 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Penn McCown, Matthew 11 2016 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Penn Miller, Clint 11 2006 100 8. 10.93 2.00  
  Penn Miller, Clint 11 2006 200 9. 22.48 1.00  
  Penn Nierzwicki-Trifilett, Vincent 12 2021 110 H 6. 14.78 4.00  
  Penn Nierzwicki-Trifilett, Vincent 12 2021 300 H 5. 38.99 5.00  
  Penn Nierzwicki-Trifilett, Vincent 12 2021 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Penn Palmer, Thad 11 1991 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Penn Palmer, Thad 12 1992 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Penn Paquette, Mike 12 2022 DT 3. 168' 11 7.00  
  Penn Prentice, DeSean 11 2010 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Penn Prentice, DeSean 12 2011 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Penn Walker, Terry 12 1976 PV 6. 14' 00 1.00  
  Penn Watson, Kellen 10 2023 100 4. 10.74 6.00  
  Penn Watson, Kellen 11 2024 100 3. 10.84 7.00  
  Penn Williams, Dean 12 1995 PV 6. 14' 09 4.00  
  Penn 1992 400 R 6. 43.89 4.00  
  Penn 2012 400 R 1. 41.76 10.00  
  Penn 1965 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Penn 2012 1600 R 5. 3:18.82 5.00  
  Penn 2014 1600 R 8. 3:20.99 2.00  
  Penn 2001 3200 R 8. 8:01.29 2.00  
  Perry Central Hahne, Cain 12 2019 HJ 8. 6' 07 2.00 2 9.00  
  Perry Central Huber, Nick 12 2008 300 H 3. 38.62 7.00  
  Perry Meridian Dexter, Brian 12 1999 300 H 2. 38.79 8.00 21 98.00  
  Perry Meridian Dove, Herb 11 1990 HJ 3. 6' 08 6.00  
  Perry Meridian Dove, Herb 12 1991 HJ 6. 6' 07 1.00  
  Perry Meridian Fraker, Dean 12 2016 DT 6. 168' 09 4.00  
  Perry Meridian Hull, Jason 12 1999 SP 9. 53' 10 1/4 1.00  
  Perry Meridian Journey, Keith 11 1994 110 H 5. 14.82 5.00  
  Perry Meridian Journey, Keith 11 1994 300 H 3. 37.92 7.00  
  Perry Meridian Moore, Travis 12 1999 110 H 3. 14.57 7.00  
  Perry Meridian Needam, Isaiah 12 2024 LJ 4. 22' 05 1/2 6.00  
  Perry Meridian Pendergrass, Deon 10 1993 LJ 6. 22' 10 1/4 4.00  
  Perry Meridian Pendergrass, Deon 11 1994 LJ 3. 23' 04 7.00  
  Perry Meridian Pendergrass, Deon 12 1995 100 3. 11.03 7.00  
  Perry Meridian Pendergrass, Deon 12 1995 LJ 2. 23' 10 3/4 8.00  
  Perry Meridian Person, Paul 12 2010 400 7. 49.13 3.00  
  Perry Meridian Ross, Orlando 12 1991 200 3. 22.07 6.00  
  Perry Meridian Ward, Andrew 11 1998 800 6. 1:55.96 4.00  
  Perry Meridian 1989 400 R 5. 42.80 2.00  
  Perry Meridian 2008 400 R 8. 42.67 2.00  
  Perry Meridian 2013 400 R 9. 42.55 1.00  
  Perry Meridian 2003 1600 R 7. 3:21.06 3.00  
  Perry Meridian 2007 1600 R 4. 3:19.74 6.00  
  Peru Baker, Donald 12 1930 HJ 2. 4.00 34 129.50  
  Peru Borden, Minor 11 1917 440 3. 1.00  
  Peru Borden, Minor 12 1918 440 3. 1.00  
  Peru Britton, Thomas 12 1932 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Peru Brooks, Floyd 12 1917 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Peru Burt, Edward 12 1970 HJ 2. 6' 06 4.00  
  Peru Danzy, Dayo 11 1996 110 H 7. 15.17 3.00  
  Peru Fuller, Don 12 1976 HJ 6. 6' 10 1.00  
  Peru Garver, Clyde 12 1926 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Peru Geik, Homer 12 1927 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Peru Higginbotham, James 10 1928 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Peru Higginbotham, James 12 1930 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Peru Jarrett, Don 12 1943 SP 1. 48' 02 3/4 5.00  
  Peru Kelley, William 10 1936 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Peru Lester, Jonah 12 2017 HJ +4. 6' 06 5.50  
  Peru McCaffrey, Paul 12 1919 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 9 1995 200 2. 21.92 8.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 9 1995 400 3. 48.09 7.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 10 1996 200 2. 21.91 8.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 10 1996 400 1. 47.63 10.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 11 1997 200 6. 22.36 4.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 11 1997 400 2. 48.53 8.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 11 1997 LJ 2. 22' 11 8.00  
  Peru McCroy, Kendall 12 1998 400 2. 48.93 8.00  
  Peru Nelson, Chester 12 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Peru Phillips, John 10 1930 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Peru Proctor, Nelson 12 1927 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Peru Sharp, George 12 1928 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Peru Sharp, Joseph 11 1926 220 5. 1.00  
  Peru Shumpert, Adam 11 1979 HJ +4. 6' 09 3.00  
  Peru Shumpert, Adam 12 1980 HJ 2. 7' 01 1/4 8.00  
  Peru Sonafrank, Hal 12 1962 880 4. 2.00  
  Peru Trexler, Terry 12 1957 PV +3. 12' 00 1.50  
  Peru 1944 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Petersburg Britton, Lemuel 12 1934 HJ +4. 1.50 16 44.14  
  Petersburg Carter, Richard 10 1949 PV 1. 12' 08 3/4 5.00  
  Petersburg Carter, Richard 11 1950 PV 1. 12' 03 5.00  
  Petersburg Davis, Ward 12 1933 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Petersburg Hale, Clifford 10 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Petersburg Heuring, Byron 11 1914 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Petersburg Heuring, Byron 12 1915 440 1. 53.8 5.00  
  Petersburg Jackson, Owen 12 1930 SP 5. 1.00  
  Petersburg Kendall, Paul 11 1934 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Petersburg Kendall, Paul 12 1935 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Petersburg Knox, George 12 1931 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Petersburg Pinnick, Brooks 12 1915 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Petersburg Sanders, Bruce 12 1931 PV +2. 3.50  
  Petersburg Wilson, John  12 1934 LJ 1. 21' 10 5.00  
  Petersburg 1931 880 R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Petersburg 1937 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Pike Allen, Jeremy 11 1996 SP 5. 57' 01 6.00 77 392.25  
  Pike Allen, Jeremy 11 1996 DT 4. 181' 05 5.00  
  Pike Allen, Jeremy 12 1997 SP 1. 66' 08 1/2 10.00  
  Pike Allen, Jeremy 12 1997 DT 1. 194' 03 10.00  
  Pike Austin, Gary 12 2012 800 1. 1:52.17 10.00  
  Pike Beard, Ronald 11 1950 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Pike Beverly, Ray 11 2011 LJ 5. 22' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Pike Bizuneh, Ben 12 2008 3200 9. 9:25.58 1.00  
  Pike Black, Daryl 11 2017 110 H 7. 14.44 3.00  
  Pike Black, Daryl 12 2018 110 H 5. 14.31 5.00  
  Pike Bombei, Brian 11 1988 110 H 6. 14.56 1.00  
  Pike Bombei, Brian 11 1988 300 H 4. 38.07 4.00  
  Pike Ford, Aaron 11 2000 200 7. 22.41 3.00  
  Pike Golden, Troy 12 2022 400 6. 48.78 4.00  
  Pike Gunnell, John 11 2004 400 7. 48.87 3.00  
  Pike Gunnell, John 12 2005 400 1. 47.83 10.00  
  Pike Harding, Keron 10 2006 LJ 2. 22' 07 3/4 8.00  
  Pike Harding, Keron 12 2008 LJ 6. 22' 06 3/4 4.00  
  Pike Harris, Darnell 11 2009 100 7. 10.88 3.00  
  Pike Harris, Darnell 11 2009 200 8. 22.75 2.00  
  Pike Harris, Darnell 12 2010 100 8. 11.10 2.00  
  Pike Johnson, Sherman 12 1994 LJ 5. 23' 00 5.00  
  Pike Jones, Daniel 12 2007 200 5. 21.86 5.00  
  Pike Jones, Daniel 12 2007 400 3. 48.26 7.00  
  Pike Keglar, Stanford 11 2002 DT 3. 171' 02 7.00  
  Pike King, Ayron 11 1997 1600 5. 4:23.08 5.00  
  Pike King, Ayron 12 1998 1600 4. 4:18.48 6.00  
  Pike Lee, Josh 12 2008 200 8. 22.26 2.00  
  Pike Lee, Josh 12 2008 400 2. 47.93 8.00  
  Pike Lowry, Cameron 12 2008 DT 6. 166' 02 4.00  
  Pike McGuire, Brandon 10 2015 300 H 6. 38.55 4.00  
  Pike Minor, Rahman 9 2014 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Pike Minor, Rahman 10 2015 HJ 4. 6' 08 6.00  
  Pike Minor, Rahman 11 2016 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Pike Mitchell, Lawrence 10 2017 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Pike Mitchell, Lawrence 11 2018 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Pike Mitchell, Lawrence 12 2019 HJ 6. 6' 08 4.00  
  Pike Montieth, David 11 1962 HJ +3. 6' 01 2.50  
  Pike Oliver, Brian 10 1988 LJ 2. 24' 01 1/4 8.00  
  Pike Oliver, Brian 11 1989 LJ 2. 24' 11 1/2 8.00  
  Pike Qualls, Quinntyn 10 2010 200 3. 21.70 7.00  
  Pike Qualls, Quinntyn 11 2011 100 3. 10.88 7.00  
  Pike Qualls, Quinntyn 11 2011 200 5. 21.98 5.00  
  Pike Qualls, Quinntyn 12 2012 100 3. 10.84 7.00  
  Pike Qualls, Quinntyn 12 2012 200 3. 22.06 7.00  
  Pike Riley, Jahn 10 2018 200 3. 21.67 7.00  
  Pike Riley, Jahn 11 2019 100 7. 10.93 3.00  
  Pike Riley, Jahn 11 2019 200 2. 21.31 8.00  
  Pike Riley, Jahn 11 2019 400 1. 47.53 10.00  
  Pike Rodibaugh, Robert 11 1946 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Pike Rodibaugh, Robert 12 1947 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Pike Self, DJuan 12 2005 HJ 7. 6' 07 3.00  
  Pike Shaw, Jarel 10 2015 100 8. 10.85 2.00  
  Pike Shaw, Jarel 11 2016 100 2. 10.69 8.00  
  Pike Simmons, Andre 12 2002 LJ 3. 23' 05 3/4 7.00  
  Pike Thompson, Mark 12 1991 DT 3. 166' 01 6.00  
  Pike Weni, Ernest 12 2018 300 H 6. 38.96 4.00  
  Pike White, Rod 11 1993 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Pike Wilcox, Daniel 12 2007 DT 7. 163' 02 3.00  
  Pike 1997 400 R 6. 42.86 4.00  
  Pike 2002 400 R 7. 42.87 3.00  
  Pike 2008 400 R 2. 42.10 8.00  
  Pike 2009 400 R 5. 42.17 5.00  
  Pike 2010 400 R 3. 41.93 7.00  
  Pike 2011 400 R 4. 42.19 6.00  
  Pike 2012 400 R 7. 42.53 3.00  
  Pike 2015 400 R 9. 42.33 1.00  
  Pike 2016 400 R 9. 42.66 1.00  
  Pike 2018 400 R 3. 41.97 7.00  
  Pike 2019 400 R 9. 42.36 1.00  
  Pike 2005 1600 R 7. 3:21.59 3.00  
  Pike 2010 1600 R 7. 3:20.16 3.00  
  Pike 2011 1600 R 4. 3:18.44 6.00  
  Pike 2018 1600 R 5. 3:19.36 5.00  
  Pike 2019 1600 R 2. 3:18.19 8.00  
  Pike 2016 3200 R 4. 7:47.68 6.00  
  Pike 2019 3200 R 3. 7:52.43 7.00  
  Pine Twp. LaFon, Charles 11 1921 SP 3. 1.00 2 6.00  
  Pine Twp. LaFon, Charles 12 1922 SP 1. 45' 02 1/2 5.00  
  Pioneer Beach, Lucas 12 2005 SP 5. 57' 05 5.00 6 30.00  
  Pioneer Kiser, Brian 11 1984 DT 4. 163' 04 4.00  
  Pioneer Kiser, Jack 10 2017 SP 8. 52' 10 2.00  
  Pioneer Kiser, Jack 10 2017 DT 7. 166' 10 3.00  
  Pioneer Lewellen, Ezra 12 2021 100 1. 10.67 10.00  
  Pioneer Lewellen, Ezra 12 2021 400 4. 49.31 6.00  
  Plainfield Allen, Greg  12 2000 PV 9. 14' 00 1.00 40 211.00  
  Plainfield Brown, Mike  12 2002 DT 1. 173' 07 10.00  
  Plainfield Fishel, Todd 12 1988 PV +5. 14' 06 1.50  
  Plainfield Gilkerson, Bode 10 2021 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  Plainfield Gilkerson, Bode 11 2022 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  Plainfield Gilkerson, Bode 12 2023 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Plainfield Hrbek, Harrison 10 2021 300 H 8. 39.38 2.00  
  Plainfield Hrbek, Harrison 11 2022 110 H 3. 14.50 7.00  
  Plainfield Hrbek, Harrison 11 2022 300 H 7. 39.31 3.00  
  Plainfield Jones, Greg 11 1977 HJ +5. 6' 08 1.50  
  Plainfield Jones, Greg 12 1978 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Plainfield Jones, Greg 12 1978 LJ 4. 22' 09 1/2 4.00  
  Plainfield Larrison, Troy 12 2023 200 4. 21.54 6.00  
  Plainfield Litz, Brandon 12 2007 800 9. 1:56.42 1.00  
  Plainfield Maple, Connor 11 2021 200 5. 22.06 5.00  
  Plainfield Maple, Connor 12 2022 100 4. 10.78 6.00  
  Plainfield Maple, Connor 12 2022 200 8. 2:00.26 2.00  
  Plainfield Maple, Jake 12 2016 400 8. 49.55 2.00  
  Plainfield Masquelier, Isaac 12 2023 DT 3. 175' 04 7.00  
  Plainfield Morris, William  12 2021 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Plainfield Newash-Campbell, Nayyir 10 2021 400 5. 49.35 5.00  
  Plainfield Newash-Campbell, Nayyir 11 2022 200 3. 21.62 7.00  
  Plainfield Newash-Campbell, Nayyir 11 2022 400 1. 47.45 10.00  
  Plainfield Newash-Campbell, Nayyir 12 2023 200 8. 22.59 2.00  
  Plainfield Newash-Campbell, Nayyir 12 2023 400 1. 46.98 10.00  
  Plainfield Pope, Melbourne 12 1935 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Plainfield Robinson, Keshawn 12 2014 LJ 3. 23' 02 3/4 7.00  
  Plainfield Snoke, Andrew 12 2015 100 5. 10.83 5.00  
  Plainfield Turner, Jacob 11 2001 400 3. 48.63 7.00  
  Plainfield Turner, Jacob 12 2002 400 4. 49.05 6.00  
  Plainfield Weber, Forest 11 1936 SP 2. 4.00  
  Plainfield Weber, Forest 12 1937 SP 2. 4.00  
  Plainfield Wiley, Rob 11 1985 PV 5. 14' 06 2.00  
  Plainfield 2014 400 R 2. 41.68 8.00  
  Plainfield 2022 400 R 2. 41.92 8.00  
  Plainfield 2023 400 R 4. 41.79 6.00  
  Plainfield 1996 1600 R 5. 3:22.71 5.00  
  Plainfield 2016 1600 R 6. 3:20.60 4.00  
  Plainfield 2022 1600 R 2. 3:20.38 8.00  
  Plainfield 2023 1600 R 3. 3:17.15 7.00  
  Plainfield Academy Cutrell, Ernest 12 1915 220 2. 3.00 2 6.00  
  Plainfield Academy Cutrell, Ernest 12 1915 HJ 2. 3.00  
  Plainville Miles, Billy 12 1933 440 (R1) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Plymouth Bieghler, Pete 10 1986 1600 2. 4:15.16 8.00 34 111.50  
  Plymouth Boener, Joe 12 1982 1600 6. 4:17.18 1.00  
  Plymouth Boener, Larry 12 1990 1600 4. 4:19.16 4.00  
  Plymouth Botset, Richard 12 1957 LJ 1. 22' 00 5/8 5.00  
  Plymouth Burroughs, David 12 2007 LJ 2. 22' 05 8.00  
  Plymouth Cook, Raymond 11 1915 880 3. 1.00  
  Plymouth Cox, Wayne 12 1921 880 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Plymouth Fox, Charles 12 1977 2 Mile 3. 9:14.5 6.00  
  Plymouth Garriotte, Brian 11 1995 PV 5. 14' 09 5.00  
  Plymouth Garriotte, Brian 12 1996 PV +9. 14' 00 0.50  
  Plymouth Haag, Ervin 12 1915 440 3. 1.00  
  Plymouth Ivy, Curtis 11 2009 400 9. 49.30 1.00  
  Plymouth Ivy, Curtis 12 2010 400 6. 48.51 4.00  
  Plymouth Lappin, Rob 12 2003 300 H 9. 39.38 1.00  
  Plymouth Lee, Derrick 12 2011 PV 9. 14' 09 1.00  
  Plymouth Mishler, Earl 10 1912 440 3. 1.00  
  Plymouth Morgan, David 1928 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Plymouth Palmer, Jacob 12 2007 800 5. 1:55.60 5.00  
  Plymouth Parsons, Jim 12 1933 440 (R1) 1. 49.6 5.00  
  Plymouth Patterson, Nate 10 2016 HJ 3. 6' 00 7.00  
  Plymouth Patterson, Nate 11 2017 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Plymouth Patterson, Nate 12 2018 HJ 1. 7' 04 10.00  
  Plymouth Patterson, Nate 12 2018 LJ 7. 22' 09 3.00  
  Plymouth Rentschler, Richard 11 1941 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Plymouth Richter, Keith 12 1913 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Plymouth Schadek, Dave 12 1998 HJ 9. 6' 04 1.00  
  Plymouth Sullivan, Brian 12 1983 800 5. 1:56.06 2.00  
  Plymouth Tanner, Dale 12 1933 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Plymouth VanVactor, Harold 11 1946 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Plymouth Weidner, Glenn 12 1989 1600 4. 4:19.73 4.00  
  Plymouth 1930 880 R (R2) 2. -  
  Plymouth 1918 Mile R 3. -  
  Plymouth 2007 1600 R 9. 3:22.15 1.00  
  Plymouth 2008 3200 R 9. 8:01.88 1.00  
  Portage Allen, Dan 12 1994 1600 8. 4:22.54 2.00 81 415.25  
  Portage Baker, Michael 12 1988 3200 4. 9:27.63 4.00  
  Portage Best, Alvin 12 2012 400 4. 48.98 6.00  
  Portage Blake, Jeron 11 2012 100 8. 10.95 2.00  
  Portage Blake, Jeron 11 2012 200 6. 22.28 4.00  
  Portage Blake, Jeron 12 2013 100 7. 11.04 3.00  
  Portage Blake, Jeron 12 2013 200 7. 22.72 3.00  
  Portage Bondon, Jacob 11 2017 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00  
  Portage Bondon, Jacob 12 2018 PV 9. 14' 06 1.00  
  Portage Brown, Antoine 11 2004 100 7. 10.98 3.00  
  Portage Brown, Antoine 11 2004 200 3. 21.70 7.00  
  Portage Casiano, Jason 10 1989 3200 1. 9:09.72 10.00  
  Portage Casiano, Jason 11 1990 3200 1. 9:16.65 10.00  
  Portage Casiano, Jason 12 1991 3200 1. 9:05.16 10.00  
  Portage Conroy, Shane 10 2023 3200 7. 9:06.76 3.00  
  Portage Conroy, Shane 11 2024 3200 6. 9:02.69 4.00  
  Portage Engel, Jakob 12 2008 SP 2. 63' 02 3/4 8.00  
  Portage English, Brandon 12 2019 SP 6. 54' 10 4.00  
  Portage Finley, Daveon 10 2015 110 H 8. 14.66 2.00  
  Portage Finley, Daveon 11 2016 110 H 6. 14.47 4.00  
  Portage Finley, Daveon 12 2017 110 H 1. 13.77 10.00  
  Portage Gerometta, Robert 12 1963 440 2. 4.00  
  Portage Griffith, Mike 10 1997 3200 7. 9:40.79 3.00  
  Portage Heckhausen, Phillip 11 2006 3200 6. 9:19.83 4.00  
  Portage Hill, Piere 12 2022 LJ 1. 23' 04 3/4 10.00  
  Portage Kegley, Ryan 12 1996 PV 3. 14' 06 7.00  
  Portage Lewis, T'Cori 12 2017 LJ 5. 22' 09 5.00  
  Portage Lindner, Russell 11 1973 DT 1. 166' 02 10.00  
  Portage Lindner, Russell 12 1974 DT 3. 162' 07 6.00  
  Portage Little, Joseph 11 2011 SP 8. 55' 02 1/2 2.00  
  Portage Manoski, Matt 12 1988 HJ 5. 6' 09 2.00  
  Portage Mendez, Xavier 11 1999 800 7. 1:54.78 3.00  
  Portage Powell, Justin 12 2002 SP 6. 53' 09 1/4 4.00  
  Portage Ratliff, Jeremiah 12 2016 100 5. 10.83 5.00  
  Portage Sanders, Jim 11 1988 PV 2. 14' 09 8.00  
  Portage Schultz, Mike 12 1999 PV +5. 14' 09 4.50  
  Portage Sebben, Taylor 11 2014 300 H 4. 38.32 6.00  
  Portage Sebben, Taylor 12 2015 300 H 3. 38.04 7.00  
  Portage Sebben, Trey 12 2019 110 H 2. 14.40 8.00  
  Portage Sebben, Trey 12 2019 300 H 2. 38.15 8.00  
  Portage Smart, Bob 12 1978 2 Mile 6. 9:20.5 1.00  
  Portage Smith, David  10 1985 SP 6. 57' 00 1.00  
  Portage Smith, David  10 1985 DT 4. 165' 09 4.00  
  Portage Smith, David  11 1986 SP 1. 61' 02 1/2 10.00  
  Portage Smith, David  11 1986 DT 1. 164' 06 10.00  
  Portage Smith, David  12 1987 SP 1. 61' 07 1/2 10.00  
  Portage Smith, David  12 1987 DT 1. 181' 02 10.00  
  Portage Smith, John  12 1979 SP 3. 57' 09 6.00  
  Portage Spurrier, Chris 11 1995 SP 9. 56' 02 3/4 1.00  
  Portage Spurrier, Chris 12 1996 SP 3. 60' 11 1/2 7.00  
  Portage Spurrier, Chris 12 1996 DT 6. 171' 07 4.00  
  Portage Stepanovich, Jason 11 1992 3200 9. 9:34.84 1.00  
  Portage Stepanovich, Jason 12 1993 3200 4. 9:26.41 6.00  
  Portage Sweeney, Kyle 12 2003 110 H 3. 14.49 7.00  
  Portage Taylor, Michael 10 1999 800 2. 1:52.98 8.00  
  Portage Taylor, Michael 11 2000 800 1. 1:53.47 10.00  
  Portage Taylor, Michael 12 2001 800 1. 1:52.30 10.00  
  Portage Taylor, Tom 11 1996 1600 3. 4:19.44 7.00  
  Portage Taylor, Tom 12 1997 1600 3. 4:19.98 7.00  
  Portage Thomas, Robert  11 1969 2 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Portage Thomas, Robert  12 1970 2 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Portage Tolliver, Myles 12 2008 300 H 7. 39.31 3.00  
  Portage Turner, Tony 12 2000 LJ 8. 21' 11 1/2 2.00  
  Portage Watson, Christopher 10 2014 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  Portage Zeha, Jeff 10 1997 1600 7. 4:25.45 3.00  
  Portage Zeha, Jeff 11 1998 1600 8. 4:19.67 2.00  
  Portage Zeha, Jeff 12 1999 3200 7. 9:29.69 3.00  
  Portage 2011 400 R 7. 42.23 3.00  
  Portage 2013 400 R 8. 42.46 2.00  
  Portage 2016 400 R 2. 41.65 8.00  
  Portage 2018 400 R 6. 42.23 4.00  
  Portage 2019 400 R 5. 41.93 5.00  
  Portage 2012 1600 R 4. 3:18.75 6.00  
  Portage 1998 3200 R 6. 7:56.17 4.00  
  Portage 1999 3200 R 2. 7:45.51 8.00  
  Portage 2000 3200 R 1. 7:45.65 10.00  
  Portage 2002 3200 R 3. 8:02.35 7.00  
  Portage 2006 3200 R 7. 7:55.07 3.00  
  Portage 2013 3200 R 8. 7:57.06 2.00  
  Portage 2014 3200 R 8. 7:55.62 2.00  
  Portage 2015 3200 R 7. 7:53.53 3.00  
  Portland Stone, Vernon 10 1925 440 (R2) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Prairie Creek Piety, Robert 12 1943 HJ +2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Prairie Heights Perkins, Matt 12 2011 800 8. 1:55.05 2.00 4 14.00  
  Prairie Heights Perkins, Matt 12 2011 1600 7. 4:16.27 3.00  
  Prairie Heights Shepard, Zach 11 2013 PV 5. 15' 06 5.00  
  Prairie Heights Shepard, Zach 12 2014 PV 6. 15' 03 4.00  
  Princeton Dove, Zack 12 2019 DT 3. 170' 02 7.00 21 69.00  
  Princeton Duncan, Steve 12 1987 400 5. 50.10 2.00  
  Princeton Hitch, William 12 1940 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Princeton Hughes, Russell 10 1936 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Princeton Johnson, Keenan 9 2007 400 5. 48.48 5.00  
  Princeton Johnson, Keenan 10 2008 400 7. 48.77 3.00  
  Princeton Johnson, Keenan 11 2009 400 3. 48.21 7.00  
  Princeton Johnson, Keenan 12 2010 400 5. 48.49 5.00  
  Princeton King, Whalen 11 1943 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Princeton King, Whalen 11 1943 200 H 1. 23.5 5.00  
  Princeton Lanman, Vivian 12 1922 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Princeton Latham, Lloyd 12 1925 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Princeton Niederhaus, Justin 11 2017 1600 9. 4:17.25 1.00  
  Princeton Niederhaus, Justin 12 2018 1600 7. 4:15.29 3.00  
  Princeton Sevedge, Jamie 12 1921 PV +1. 11' 06 4.00  
  Princeton Whitfield, Charles 11 1932 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Princeton Wilkerson, Phillip 11 2001 LJ 9. 22' 03 1/2 1.00  
  Princeton Wilkerson, Stephan 10 2017 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Princeton Wright, William 10 1942 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Princeton Ziliak, Lawrence 12 1922 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Princeton 1947 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Providence Bickett, Brian 12 1998 400 7. 49.18 3.00 12 40.00  
  Providence Book, Oliver 12 2009 1600 8. 4:22.36 2.00  
  Providence Costelle, Gary 12 1985 3200 6. 9:23.38 1.00  
  Providence Davidson, Marshall 10 1964 880 4. 2.00  
  Providence Ettle, Tyler 12 2017 110 H 4. 14.24 6.00  
  Providence Harris, Patrick 12 1974 180 H 5. 19.7 2.00  
  Providence Harris, Patrick 12 1974 LJ 5. 22' 06 3/4 2.00  
  Providence Huffman, Eean 11 2007 DT 5. 164' 11 5.00  
  Providence Kaiser, Jim  12 1988 3200 2. 9:12.70 8.00  
  Providence Prince, Roy 12 1967 120 H 1. 14.5 6.00  
  Providence Ridings, Brian 12 1997 SP 8. 55' 06 3/4 2.00  
  Providence Tinius, Joe 12 1972 880 5. 1:57.4 1.00  
  Purdue Polytechnic Dorsett, Antwan 12 2024 HJ +8. 6' 06 1.50 1 1.50  
  Raub Ball, Louis 9 1912 LJ 1. 20' 09 1/4 5.00 4 13.50  
  Raub Ball, Louis 12 1915 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Raub Ball, Louis 12 1915 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Raub Ball, Louis 12 1915 DT 1. 113' 00 5.00  
  Rensselaer Barkley, Earl 12 1905 PV 2. 3.00 17 35.38  
  Rensselaer Brandenburg, Steve 12 1959 HJ +5. 5' 11 0.13  
  Rensselaer Dobbins, Homer 12 1905 220 H 1. 28.4 5.00  
  Rensselaer Harmon, Harold 12 1922 440 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Hauter, Lillo 12 1906 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Hauter, Percy 11 1905 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Malone, William 11 1926 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Rensselaer Malone, William 11 1926 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Rensselaer Michaels, Harold 12 1925 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Morgan, John 1906 HJ +1. 5' 04 5/8 2.25  
  Rensselaer Morgan, John 1906 PV 2. 3.00  
  Rensselaer Parcels, Rue 12 1905 220 H +2. 2.00  
  Rensselaer Parcels, Rue 12 1905 LJ +2. 2.00  
  Rensselaer Somers, Allen 12 1923 Mile (R2) 3. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Sweeney, Elmer 12 1922 100 3. 1.00  
  Rensselaer Sweeney, Elmer 12 1922 440 (R2) 1. 53.0 5.00  
  Rensselaer Wright, Robert  12 1929 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Rensselaer Central Brandenburg, Dan 12 1991 HJ 3. 6' 09 6.00 8 32.00  
  Rensselaer Central Brandenburg, Jeff 12 1990 SP 4. 59' 03 1/4 4.00  
  Rensselaer Central Brandenburg, Jeff 12 1990 DT 4. 177' 05 4.00  
  Rensselaer Central Pucka, Jim 12 1984 DT 2. 165' 00 8.00  
  Rensselaer Central Schenk, Matthew 12 2001 3200 9. 9:27.65 1.00  
  Rensselaer Central Webb, Colt 12 1993 DT 7. 166' 05 3.00  
  Rensselaer Central Williamson, Pat 12 1982 DT 4. 155' 00 4.00  
  Rensselear Central Lintner, Greg 12 1970 SP 4. 57' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Richmond Allison, Karl 9 1906 220 H 3. 1.00 128 579.00  
  Richmond Allison, Karl 12 1909 120 H 1. 16.2 5.00  
  Richmond Allison, Karl 12 1909 220 H 1. 26.8 5.00  
  Richmond Blunk, Corey 11 2002 SP 2. 57' 09 3/4 8.00  
  Richmond Briggs, Jason 10 1997 800 7. 1:57.29 3.00  
  Richmond Briggs, Jason 11 1998 800 1. 1:53.38 10.00  
  Richmond Briggs, Jason 12 1999 800 1. 1:52.32 10.00  
  Richmond Briggs, Jeff 12 1982 400 2. 48.17 8.00  
  Richmond Brown, Joshua 12 1947 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Burns, Marlon 12 1973 100 1. 9.8 10.00  
  Richmond Burns, Marlon 12 1973 220 1. 22.2 10.00  
  Richmond Byrd, Ray 11 1935 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Cain, Ralph 11 1906 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Richmond Campbell, Bobby 11 1967 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Campbell, Jeff 11 1981 800 3. 1:54.83 6.00  
  Richmond Campbell, Jeff 12 1982 800 1. 1:53.35 10.00  
  Richmond Casebolt, Steve 10 1995 3200 8. 9:28.68 2.00  
  Richmond Casebolt, Steve 11 1996 3200 8. 9:33.48 2.00  
  Richmond Casebolt, Steve 12 1997 3200 1. 9:21.41 10.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 10 2008 100 6. 10.84 4.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 10 2008 200 5. 21.83 5.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 11 2009 100 4. 10.73 6.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 11 2009 200 3. 21.59 7.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 12 2010 100 5. 10.90 5.00  
  Richmond Cordova, Leo 12 2010 200 5. 21.77 5.00  
  Richmond Cressler, Vernon 12 1945 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Richmond Davis, Nathan 11 1991 SP 1. 58' 10 3/4 10.00  
  Richmond Davis, Nathan 12 1992 SP 1. 60' 06 1/2 10.00  
  Richmond Davis, Robert  11 1968 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Emslie, William 11 1919 440 3. 1.00  
  Richmond Epps, Doug 11 1993 SP 3. 60' 03 7.00  
  Richmond Epps, Doug 12 1994 SP 3. 59' 11 3/4 7.00  
  Richmond Epps, Doug 12 1994 DT 6. 169' 05 4.00  
  Richmond Fanning, Clarence 12 1960 440 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Fansher, Jeff 12 1975 PV 6. 14' 00 1.00  
  Richmond Faulkner, Price 12 1965 440 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Ferguson, Rick 11 1973 880 2. 1:54.9 8.00  
  Richmond Ferguson, Vagas 12 1976 LJ 4. 22' 06 3/4 4.00  
  Richmond Fletcher, Tommy 11 1953 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Fletcher, Tommy 12 1954 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Frazier, Roger 10 1974 100 2. 9.9 8.00  
  Richmond Frazier, Roger 11 1975 100 1. 9.8 10.00  
  Richmond Garrett, Juan 11 1981 110 H 5. 14.20 2.00  
  Richmond Garrett, Juan 12 1982 110 H 3. 14.10 6.00  
  Richmond Garrett, Juan 12 1982 300 H 3. 37.30 6.00  
  Richmond Gibb, Andrew 12 1995 1600 6. 4:17.02 4.00  
  Richmond Gibson, Kenneth 12 1934 220 H 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Givens, Spencer 10 1959 SP 2. 54' 02 4.00  
  Richmond Givens, Spencer 11 1960 SP 2. 54' 07 4.00  
  Richmond Givens, Spencer 12 1961 SP 1. 56' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Richmond Graves, Tom 10 1993 1600 7. 4:18.40 3.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 10 1999 100 4. 10.95 6.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 10 1999 200 2. 22.00 8.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 11 2000 100 2. 10.84 8.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 11 2000 200 4. 21.96 6.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 12 2001 100 6. 10.76 4.00  
  Richmond Grimes, Andre 12 2001 200 2. 21.76 8.00  
  Richmond Guyer, Ralph 11 1905 HT 1. 119' 11 5.00  
  Richmond Guyer, Ralph 12 1906 HT 3. 1.00  
  Richmond Guyer, Ralph 12 1906 SP 2. 3.00  
  Richmond Henderson, John 11 1972 440 1. 49.6 6.00  
  Richmond Henderson, John 12 1973 440 1. 48.9 10.00  
  Richmond Hofer, Bill 12 1971 PV 5. 14' 00 1.00  
  Richmond Johnson, Phil 11 1973 LJ 5. 22' 10 1/4 2.00  
  Richmond Jordan, Ja'Rel 11 2005 HJ 8. 6' 07 2.00  
  Richmond Jordan, Ja'Rel 12 2006 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Richmond Kaler, Doug 12 1964 LJ 3. 22' 11 3.00  
  Richmond Kalugyer, Mark 12 1981 DT 5. 158' 05 2.00  
  Richmond Kinzer, Everett 11 1934 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Richmond Kirtz, Andre 12 1990 200 2. 22.09 8.00  
  Richmond Kirtz, Andre 12 1990 400 3. 48.96 6.00  
  Richmond Kovach, Gunner 10 2021 HJ 9. 6' 04 1.00  
  Richmond Kovach, Gunner 12 2023 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Richmond Kovach, Nick 12 1958 PV +2. 12' 00 2.50  
  Richmond Lautzenheiser, Jon 11 2005 LJ 8. 21' 08 1/2 2.00  
  Richmond Lautzenheiser, Jon 12 2006 LJ 8. 22' 00 2.00  
  Richmond Lundy, Tom 11 1936 100 4. 2.00  
  Richmond Manford, Carl 11 1904 HT 3. 1.00  
  Richmond Mays, Rolando 12 2000 LJ 1. 22' 10 3/4 10.00  
  Richmond McCarty, Scott 12 2004 200 8. 22.51 2.00  
  Richmond McFarland, Chad 11 1995 3200 2. 9:15.95 8.00  
  Richmond McFarland, Dan 12 1972 2 Mile 2. 9:23.6 4.00  
  Richmond Moore, Gary 11 1978 220 6. 22.3 1.00  
  Richmond Parker, Joe 12 1975 2 Mile 5. 9:25.4 2.00  
  Richmond Peters, James 12 1952 220 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Pilgrim, Jim 12 1959 880 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Reece, Ron 10 2006 800 9. 1:55.20 1.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 9 1954 220 4. 2.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 10 1955 100 5. 1.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 10 1955 220 3. 3.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 11 1956 100 1. 10.0 5.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 11 1956 220 1. 22.0 5.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 12 1957 100 2. 4.00  
  Richmond Satterfield, Bill 12 1957 220 1. 22.1 5.00  
  Richmond Trawick, Nathon 12 2015 SP 2. 58' 06 3/4 8.00  
  Richmond Veregge, Everett 12 1946 120 H 1. 15.2 5.00  
  Richmond Veregge, Everett 12 1946 200 H 1. 22.4 5.00  
  Richmond Wight, Jim 12 1976 HJ 5. 6' 10 2.00  
  Richmond Williams, Marion 12 1950 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Richmond Wright, Cedric 12 2001 100 3. 10.62 7.00  
  Richmond Wright, Fred 12 1962 LJ 3. 22' 01 3/4 3.00  
  Richmond 1994 400 R 8. 43.24 2.00  
  Richmond 2001 400 R 4. 42.20 6.00  
  Richmond 2004 400 R 5. 42.38 5.00  
  Richmond 2008 400 R 5. 42.53 5.00  
  Richmond 2009 400 R 8. 42.37 2.00  
  Richmond 1952 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Richmond 1934 880 R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Richmond 1947 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Richmond 1963 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Richmond 1964 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Richmond 1974 880 R 4. 1:30.8 4.00  
  Richmond 1978 880 R 2. 1:29.0 8.00  
  Richmond 1934 Mile R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Richmond 1945 Mile R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Richmond 1946 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Richmond 1947 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Richmond 1954 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Richmond 1957 Mile R 2. 8.00  
  Richmond 1959 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Richmond 1961 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Richmond 1962 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Richmond 1963 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  Richmond 1964 Mile R 1. 3:21.5 10.00  
  Richmond 1968 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Richmond 1972 Mile R 3. 3:24.4 6.00  
  Richmond 1982 1600 R 5. 3:22.02 2.00  
  Richmond 1997 3200 R 2. 7:58.33 8.00  
  Rising Sun Clifton, Trey 12 1980 1600 4. 4:16.41 4.00 4 8.58  
  Rising Sun Hastings, Randy 12 1980 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33  
  Rising Sun Martin, Austin 11 2013 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.50  
  Rising Sun Martin, Austin 12 2014 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.75  
  River Forest Price, Rafael 11 2001 200 5. 22.12 5.00 2 8.00  
  River Forest Thomas, John  12 1969 PV 3. 3.00  
  Roachdale Stewart, Floyd 11 1918 SP 1. 44' 11 5.00 2 10.00  
  Roachdale Stewart, Floyd 12 1919 SP 1. 43' 02 3/4 5.00  
  Rochester Arnett, Jim 11 1992 SP 5. 55' 03 1/2 5.00 38 118.83  
  Rochester Arnett, Jim 12 1993 SP 6. 58' 03 1/4 4.00  
  Rochester Beattie, Mike 12 1960 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Rochester Daniels, Garry 11 1937 880 (R1) 1. 2:02.4 5.00  
  Rochester Daniels, Garry 12 1938 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Rochester Daulton, Jack 12 1962 SP 3. 55' 07 3.00  
  Rochester Denton, Charles 11 1949 200 H 5. 1.00  
  Rochester Denton, Charles 12 1950 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Rochester Felts, Dale 12 1925 SP 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Fornal, Cory 12 2006 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Rochester Haimbaugh, Omer 12 1929 HJ +1. 5' 07 3/8 4.50  
  Rochester Hill, John  12 1954 100 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Hill, John  12 1954 220 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Hoover, Matt 11 1991 1600 5. 4:18.68 2.00  
  Rochester Ivey, Charles 10 1916 HJ 1. 5' 10 1/2 5.00  
  Rochester Ivey, Charles 11 1917 HJ 1. 5' 11 5.00  
  Rochester Ivey, Charles 12 1918 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Rochester Ivey, Charles 12 1918 HJ 1. 5' 09 5.00  
  Rochester Ivey, Charles 12 1918 LJ 1. 20' 09 3/4 5.00  
  Rochester Leonard, John 10 1923 HJ +3. 0.33  
  Rochester Leonard, John 10 1923 PV +2. 0.50  
  Rochester Leonard, John 11 1924 HJ 1. 5' 08 5.00  
  Rochester Leonard, John 11 1924 PV 2. 3.00  
  Rochester Leonard, John 12 1925 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Rochester Leonard, John 12 1925 HJ +2. 2.50  
  Rochester Leonard, John 12 1925 PV +4. 1.50  
  Rochester Meyer, Wesley 12 2016 800 7. 1:56.33 3.00  
  Rochester Miller, Ray 11 1917 LJ 1. 20' 06 7/8 5.00  
  Rochester Musick, Bill 12 1949 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Rockwell, Paul 11 1926 220 H 2. 4.00  
  Rochester Rockwell, Paul 11 1926 SP 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Rosborg, Harry 10 1920 SP 3. 1.00  
  Rochester Rosborg, Harry 11 1921 SP 1. 46' 02 5.00  
  Rochester Sheridan, Charles 11 1926 880 (R1) +5. 0.50  
  Rochester Sheridan, Charles 12 1927 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Rochester Whitmer, Orville 11 1918 PV +1. 10' 03 4.00  
  Rochester 1937 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Rochester 2005 3200 R 7. 7:56.77 3.00  
  Rockport Jones, Fred 12 1935 440 (R2) 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Rome City Nowels, Riley 12 1914 220 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Roncalli Brosseau, Seth 12 2024 SP 6. 57' 05 3/4 4.00 14 75.00  
  Roncalli Crouch, Eli 12 2022 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00  
  Roncalli Dossey, Jonathan 12 2008 300 H 8. 39.48 2.00  
  Roncalli Hooten, Alexander 12 2022 110 H 6. 14.62 4.00  
  Roncalli Hooten, Alexander 12 2022 300 H 3. 39.11 7.00  
  Roncalli James, Conner 11 2014 DT 4. 161' 09 6.00  
  Roncalli Lauck, Trevor 12 2023 SP 3. 58' 03 1/4 7.00  
  Roncalli Lawrie, Nathan 12 2000 SP 3. 56' 09 1/2 7.00  
  Roncalli Lawrie, Nathan 12 2000 DT 3. 170' 04 7.00  
  Roncalli Schott, Will 12 2012 HJ 1. 6' 08 10.00  
  Roncalli Werner, Jason 11 2004 100 8. 10.98 2.00  
  Roncalli Werner, Jason 11 2004 200 4. 21.88 6.00  
  Roncalli Werner, Jason 12 2005 200 5. 22.14 5.00  
  Roncalli 2005 400 R 6. 42.34 4.00  
  Rossville Leman, Chris 12 2005 800 8. 1:55.90 2.00 1 2.00  
  Rushville Amick, Dick 12 1951 PV +3. 2.50 31 99.00  
  Rushville Beard, Joe 11 1946 LJ 1. 22' 06 1/4 5.00  
  Rushville Beard, Joe 12 1947 220 5. 1.00  
  Rushville Beard, Joe 12 1947 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Rushville Bowling, John 12 2002 HJ +7. 6' 04 1.50  
  Rushville Bradley, Bill 11 1944 200 H 1. 23.3 5.00  
  Rushville Bradley, Bill 11 1944 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Rushville Bradley, Bill 12 1945 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Rushville Bradley, Richard 12 1953 880 5. 1.00  
  Rushville Cooper, Mike 11 1974 HJ 5. 6' 06 2.00  
  Rushville Cross, Jack 11 1950 PV +2. 3.00  
  Rushville Fields, Ryan 11 2003 SP 7. 55' 03 1/2 3.00  
  Rushville Keim, Zach 12 2015 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  Rushville McIlwain, Ernest 12 1934 PV +1. 12' 03 4.50  
  Rushville Newbold, Robert 12 1925 PV +2. 3.50  
  Rushville Paugh, Bill 12 1947 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Rushville Phillips, Hermon 9 1920 Mile 1. 4:42.4 5.00  
  Rushville Phillips, Hermon 10 1921 Mile 1. 4:41.8 5.00  
  Rushville Phillips, Hermon 11 1922 Mile (R2) 1. 4:43.8 5.00  
  Rushville Phillips, Hermon 12 1923 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Rushville Phillips, Hermon 12 1923 Mile (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Rushville Smith, Conwell 12 1919 PV 1. 11' 01 5.00  
  Rushville Thorpe, Marlan 10 1940 HJ +4. 1.00  
  Rushville Thorpe, Marlan 12 1942 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Rushville Woods, Eugene 12 1937 100 3. 3.00  
  Rushville Woods, Eugene 12 1937 440 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Rushville 1931 880 R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Rushville 1935 880 R (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Rushville 1937 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Rushville 1938 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Rushville 1945 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  S. Bend Washington-Clay Asire, Richard 11 1945 PV +4. 0.60 3 3.10  
  S. Bend Washington-Clay Asire, Richard 12 1946 PV +5. 0.50  
  S. Bend Washington-Clay Lynch, Don 12 1951 880 4. 2.00  
  Salem Beard, William 1936 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00 19 56.00  
  Salem Bennett, James 12 1940 120 H 1. 15.7 5.00  
  Salem Cauble, Chris 12 1904 Mile 3. 1.00  
  Salem Davis, Edgar 11 1908 HT 3. 1.00  
  Salem Davis, Edgar 12 1909 HT 1. 140' 04 5.00  
  Salem Griffin, James 12 1936 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Salem Hobbs, Marmaduke 12 1931 880 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Salem Hobbs, Marmaduke 12 1931 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Salem Hoke, Robert 11 1934 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Salem Hoke, Robert 12 1935 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Salem Kelly, Nathan 12 1997 LJ 5. 22' 00 3/4 5.00  
  Salem Kern, Carl 12 1907 SP 1. 43' 09 1/2 5.00  
  Salem Martin, James  11 1904 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Salem Martin, James  11 1904 220 H 3. 1.00  
  Salem McKinley, Austin 11 2014 PV +9. 14' 06 0.50  
  Salem Packwood, Herbert 11 1942 120 H 1. 15.3 5.00  
  Salem Packwood, Herbert 12 1943 120 H 1. 15.1 5.00  
  Salem Packwood, Herbert 12 1943 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Salem Wilson, Frank  12 1904 880 3. 1.00  
  Scottsburg Busick, Mason 12 2022 110 H 8. 14.88 2.00 8 18.00  
  Scottsburg Denzler, Ed 12 1925 440 (R2) 1. 53.4 5.00  
  Scottsburg Richey, Lynn 11 1927 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Scottsburg Richey, Lynn 12 1928 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Scottsburg Rogers, Jeff 11 1964 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Scottsburg Rogers, Jeff 12 1965 Mile 4. 4:18.9 2.00  
  Scottsburg Weir, Woodrow 11 1929 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Scottsburg Weir, Woodrow 12 1930 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Seeger Mathis, Andrew 11 2002 400 8. 49.45 2.00 2 5.00  
  Seeger Mathis, Andrew 12 2003 400 7. 49.40 3.00  
  Seymour Berent, Jonathan 12 1991 800 6. 1:55.88 1.00 30 115.83  
  Seymour Bottorff, Dan 11 1977 180 H 3. 19.6 6.00  
  Seymour Brock, Andrew 12 2010 SP 5. 56' 06 1/4 5.00  
  Seymour Clark, Bevins 11 1937 220 2. 4.00  
  Seymour Coomer, Ben 12 2014 PV 8. 14' 09 2.00  
  Seymour Davis, Robert  12 1937 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Seymour Fife, Nolan 12 2010 1600 5. 4:13.29 5.00  
  Seymour Gray, Clyde 12 1932 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Seymour Hill, Baron 10 1969 100 3. 3.00  
  Seymour Hill, Baron 11 1970 100 3. 3.00  
  Seymour Hill, Baron 12 1971 100 3. 3.00  
  Seymour Hougland, Bob 12 1975 880 5. 1:56.7 2.00  
  Seymour Kieser, Dan 12 1980 PV +4. 14' 00 2.33  
  Seymour Kieser, Don 12 1958 PV +2. 12' 00 2.50  
  Seymour Potts, Johnte 12 2005 400 8. 49.04 2.00  
  Seymour Risch, Paul 12 1977 Mile 3. 4:15.8 6.00  
  Seymour Roark, Lance 10 2018 LJ 8. 22' 08 3/4 2.00  
  Seymour Rundquist, Howard 10 1943 100 4. 2.00  
  Seymour Rundquist, Howard 11 1944 100 5. 1.00  
  Seymour Schepman, Todd 12 1986 DT 4. 159' 04 4.00  
  Seymour Thomas, Danny  11 1956 100 3. 3.00  
  Seymour Thomas, Danny  11 1956 220 3. 3.00  
  Seymour Thomas, Jay 11 1977 LJ 2. 23' 03 1/2 8.00  
  Seymour Thomas, Jay 12 1978 LJ 1. 23' 10 1/4 10.00  
  Seymour Tracey, Thomas 12 1940 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Seymour Werskey, Eric 11 2005 SP 4. 57' 05 1/2 6.00  
  Seymour Werskey, Eric 11 2005 DT 1. 184' 05 10.00  
  Seymour Werskey, Eric 12 2006 SP 1. 65' 06 10.00  
  Seymour 1932 880 R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Seymour 1931 Mile R (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Shakamak Gambill, Drew 11 2009 800 4. 1:53.93 6.00 3 20.00  
  Shakamak Gambill, Drew 12 2010 1600 3. 4:12.48 7.00  
  Shakamak Witt, Anthony 12 2008 3200 3. 9:07.39 7.00  
  Shelbyville Collins, Emerson 11 1918 880 2. 3.00 23 116.00  
  Shelbyville Ellis, Patrick 11 2010 LJ 2. 22' 09 8.00  
  Shelbyville French, De'Shaun 11 2015 110 H 6. 14.54 4.00  
  Shelbyville French, De'Shaun 12 2016 110 H 5. 14.43 5.00  
  Shelbyville Garrett, William 12 1947 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Shelbyville Gunning, Kenneth 12 1933 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Shelbyville Gutting, Steve 12 1935 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Shelbyville Hart, David 11 1992 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Shelbyville Hodges, Loren 12 1924 120 H 1. 16.3 5.00  
  Shelbyville Holbrook, Matt 11 1994 800 5. 1:56.46 5.00  
  Shelbyville Hudson, Sean 12 2004 3200 3. 9:17.39 7.00  
  Shelbyville Keeling, Sherman 12 1915 LJ 1. 20' 08 5.00  
  Shelbyville Knight, Jake 12 2011 PV 5. 15' 06 5.00  
  Shelbyville Krebs, Jack 11 1957 HJ +3. 6' 00 1/8 2.00  
  Shelbyville Kuhn, Daniel 12 2014 800 1. 1:50.91 10.00  
  Shelbyville Martin, Jeff  12 1977 SP 6. 56' 02 1.00  
  Shelbyville Sadler, Thomas 11 1940 SP 1. 49' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Shelbyville Sadler, Thomas 12 1941 SP 1. 51' 05 5/8 5.00  
  Shelbyville Schmidt, Harold 12 1931 Mile (R1) 1. 4:34.8 5.00  
  Shelbyville Sosbe, Travis 10 1992 PV 4. 14' 00 6.00  
  Shelbyville Sosbe, Travis 11 1993 PV 2. 14' 09 8.00  
  Shelbyville Sosbe, Travis 12 1994 PV 2. 15' 00 8.00  
  Shelbyville 1932 Mile R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Sheridan Beck, Jesse 10 1909 SP 3. 39' 09 1.00 21 59.00  
  Sheridan Davis, Leslie 12 1904 440 3. 1.00  
  Sheridan Davis, Leslie 12 1904 880 1. 2:14.6 5.00  
  Sheridan Davis, Malcolm 12 1909 LJ 3. 19' 06 1.00  
  Sheridan Fritz, Arthur 9 1904 DT 2. 3.00  
  Sheridan Gibbons, Ryan 12 2005 SP 8. 55' 04 2.00  
  Sheridan Griffin, Winston 11 1931 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Sheridan Griffin, Winston 12 1932 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Sheridan Higbee, Lone 1904 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Sheridan Kercheval, Will 11 1904 LJ 1. 19' 08 1/2 5.00  
  Sheridan Nay, John 12 1915 Mile 1. 4:44.8 5.00  
  Sheridan Northam, John 12 1922 100 2. 3.00  
  Sheridan Northam, John 12 1922 220 2. 3.00  
  Sheridan Northam, John 12 1922 LJ 1. 22' 03 3/4 5.00  
  Sheridan Parr, Clifford 10 1921 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Sheridan Scott, Walter 12 1904 PV 3. 1.00  
  Sheridan Williams, George 1909 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Sheridan Williams, Russel 10 1915 SP 3. 1.00  
  Sheridan Williams, Russel 11 1916 SP 1. 45' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Sheridan Williams, Russel 12 1917 SP 1. 47' 06 1/2 5.00  
  Sheridan Zachery, Nick 11 2008 100 7. 10.84 3.00  
  Silver Creek Crouse, Neil 12 1989 3200 2. 9:09.84 8.00 6 26.00  
  Silver Creek Eckert, Jack 11 2009 PV 9. 15' 00 1.00  
  Silver Creek Gonzalez, Tremain 11 2017 110 H 5. 14.36 5.00  
  Silver Creek Gonzalez, Tremain 12 2018 110 H 3. 14.19 7.00  
  Silver Creek Harris, Spencer 12 2015 SP 6. 55' 06 4.00  
  Silver Creek Williams, David  12 1992 800 9. 1:58.26 1.00  
  South Adams Bixler, Braden 12 2021 300 H 6. 39.24 4.00 2 10.00  
  South Adams McIntire, Bailey 12 2017 3200 4. 9:11.42 6.00  
  South Bend Brug, Julius 12 1913 220 H 2. 3.00 22 61.00  
  South Bend Cordtz, Earl 12 1927 SP 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Crispell, Fred 11 1928 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Dodge, Hovey 12 1911 Mile 2. 3.00  
  South Bend Doran, Bernard 12 1929 PV +5. 0.50  
  South Bend Honer, Will 12 1910 220 H 1. 28.6 5.00  
  South Bend Kelley, Clayton 12 1913 880 2. 3.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 11 1910 DT 2. 3.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 120 H 1. 17.0 5.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 220 H 1. 26.8 5.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 DT 1. 107' 02 5.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 HJ +3. 0.50  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 LJ 2. 3.00  
  South Bend Kirby, Walter 12 1911 SP 3. 1.00  
  South Bend Lee, Robert 10 1929 120 H 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Martin, Fred 10 1911 LJ 1. 21' 05 5.00  
  South Bend Mosiman, Lloyd 9 1910 Mile 3. 1.00  
  South Bend Rowe, Leland 11 1910 220 H 2. 3.00  
  South Bend Sabo, Joe 9 1921 220 3. 1.00  
  South Bend Solbrig, Herbert 11 1928 220 H 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Sweeney, Hie 11 1915 Mile 3. 1.00  
  South Bend Thompson, Kenneth 12 1920 440 1. 54.0 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Anderson, Solomon 12 1980 800 2. 1:53.35 8.00 53 247.50  
  South Bend Adams Bartosch, James 11 1993 200 4. 22.04 6.00  
  South Bend Adams Campbell, Scott 12 1967 SP 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Carr, Robert  11 1943 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Adams Chambliss, Kenneth 12 1976 100 4. 9.8 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Dixon, James 12 1979 100 4. 10.00 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Dixon, James 12 1979 220 2. 21.88 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Forrest, Cory 12 1981 400 4. 49.20 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Freel, James 11 1977 180 H 6. 19.9 1.00  
  South Bend Adams Gibson, Jerry 12 1947 LJ 1. 21' 10 5/8 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Goldsberry, John 10 1943 SP 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Goldsberry, John 11 1944 SP 1. 50' 10 3/4 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Goldsberry, John 12 1945 SP 1. 53' 09 3/4 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Griffith, Logan 11 2008 110 H 5. 14.56 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Griffith, Logan 12 2009 110 H 1. 14.07 10.00  
  South Bend Adams Griffith, Logan 12 2009 300 H 2. 37.51 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Hamilton, Carl 11 1977 120 H 4. 14.5 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Hamilton, Carl 12 1978 120 H 2. 13.9 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Hazinski, Brandon 12 2001 110 H 5. 14.76 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Hoover, Jeff 11 2003 3200 8. 9:25.72 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Hoover, Jeff 12 2004 3200 2. 9:15.39 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Jurcik, Ben 12 1949 880 1. 2:00.3 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Lawrence, Anthony 12 1994 400 9. 50.22 1.00  
  South Bend Adams Minzey, Ronald 12 1948 LJ 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Adams Neubauer, William 12 2021 800 1. 1:53.91 10.00  
  South Bend Adams Nidiffer, John 12 1963 880 1. 1:56.6 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Shafer, John 12 1946 HJ +1. 5' 10 1/8 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Shelton, Noah 12 2000 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  South Bend Adams Shenenberger, Richard 11 1951 HJ +3. 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Stein, Leon 12 1977 HJ 3. 6' 09 6.00  
  South Bend Adams Swanson, Adrian 10 1995 300 H 4. 38.27 6.00  
  South Bend Adams Swanson, Adrian 11 1996 300 H 2. 37.06 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Swanson, Adrian 12 1997 110 H 5. 14.64 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Swanson, Adrian 12 1997 300 H 1. 36.48 10.00  
  South Bend Adams Taylor, Carl 12 1962 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.25  
  South Bend Adams Thompson, Gabriel 11 1994 100 6. 11.03 4.00  
  South Bend Adams Thompson, Phil 12 1967 880 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Adams Vann, Shaq 11 2013 200 8. 22.83 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Vann, Shaq 12 2014 200 3. 22.14 7.00  
  South Bend Adams Walker, Sherrell 11 1994 HJ 5. 6' 07 5.00  
  South Bend Adams Walls, Donald 12 1986 400 6. 49.48 1.00  
  South Bend Adams Watson, Glenn 12 1986 110 H 2. 13.96 8.00  
  South Bend Adams Wedel, Richard 12 1954 440 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Adams Williams, Jevon 11 1986 100 6. 10.80 1.00  
  South Bend Adams Williams, Jevon 11 1986 200 5. 21.75 2.00  
  South Bend Adams Williams, Samuel 12 1962 HJ +5. 6' 00 0.25  
  South Bend Adams 1994 400 R 5. 43.02 5.00  
  South Bend Adams 2014 400 R 5. 42.30 5.00  
  South Bend Adams 1976 880 R 6. 1:28.8 1.00  
  South Bend Adams 1945 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  South Bend Adams 1994 1600 R 5. 3:22.09 5.00  
  South Bend Adams 1997 1600 R 9. 3:24.53 1.00  
  South Bend Adams 2010 3200 R 4. 7:50.87 6.00  
  South Bend Central Carnes, Gene 12 1960 120 H 3. 3.00 53 192.00  
  South Bend Central Chandonia, Richard 11 1944 SP 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Clark, James 12 1933 220 H 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Clark, John  12 1954 220 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Coalmon, John 11 1956 HJ +3. 1.50  
  South Bend Central Coleman, Jim 10 1950 220 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Coleman, Jim 11 1951 100 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Coleman, Jim 11 1951 220 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Coleman, Jim 12 1952 100 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Coleman, Jim 12 1952 220 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Cote, Jack 12 1954 LJ 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Graham, Andrew 12 1951 Mile 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Graham, Gerald 11 1956 220 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Graham, Gerald 12 1957 220 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Greene, Richard 10 1959 440 1. 49.2 5.00  
  South Bend Central Harvey, Ben 12 1942 220 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Hunter, Jack 12 1942 LJ 1. 22' 06 1/2 5.00  
  South Bend Central Johnson, Larry 12 1968 180 H 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Lamirand, Francis 12 1935 PV +4. 1.50  
  South Bend Central Lee, Robert 12 1931 120 H 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Martin, Michael 11 1964 440 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Mason, Jerry 11 1934 440 (R2) 1. 50.2 5.00  
  South Bend Central Mathews, Eugene 12 1950 Mile 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Morrow, John 11 1931 100 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Nicholson, William 11 1938 HJ +2. 2.50  
  South Bend Central Nicholson, William 12 1939 120 H 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Rhodes, Lodis 12 1964 120 H 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Ross, Cassell 11 1958 LJ 5. 21' 02 5/8 1.00  
  South Bend Central Ross, Melvin 12 1958 100 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Ross, Melvin 12 1958 220 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Ruetz, Joseph 12 1934 SP 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Schulz, Fred 12 1962 180 H 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Seals, Robert 11 1967 Mile 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central Seals, Robert 12 1968 Mile 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Szynski, Paul 12 1966 120 H 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central Tantsi, Harsant 11 1933 100 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Central Underly, Dave 12 1958 PV +2. 12' 00 2.50  
  South Bend Central West, Art 12 1955 220 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Central Wilson, Willie 12 1959 880 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central 1931 880 R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central 1932 880 R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Central 1933 880 R (R1) 1. 1:32.1 5.00  
  South Bend Central 1940 880 R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  South Bend Central 1942 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  South Bend Central 1945 880 R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  South Bend Central 1957 880 R 2. 8.00  
  South Bend Central 1958 880 R 1. 1:31.1 10.00  
  South Bend Central 1933 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:31.2 5.00  
  South Bend Central 1935 Mile R (R2) 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Central 1939 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  South Bend Central 1959 Mile R 1. 3:25.6 10.00  
  South Bend Central 1964 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  South Bend Central 1968 Mile R 4. 4.00  
  South Bend Clay Briscoe, Ernest 12 1985 200 6. 21.95 1.00 26 146.00  
  South Bend Clay Brown, Jason 11 2002 SP 1. 58' 05 1/2 10.00  
  South Bend Clay Brown, Jason 11 2002 DT 4. 166' 09 6.00  
  South Bend Clay Brown, Jason 12 2003 SP 1. 62' 11 10.00  
  South Bend Clay Brown, Jason 12 2003 DT 4. 163' 09 6.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Carl 11 2006 110 H 4. 14.03 6.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Carl 11 2006 300 H 3. 37.31 7.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Carl 12 2007 110 H 2. 13.90 8.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Carl 12 2007 300 H 2. 37.30 8.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Jarrod 11 2009 300 H 3. 38.20 7.00  
  South Bend Clay Buchanon, Jarrod 12 2010 110 H 7. 14.57 3.00  
  South Bend Clay Dennig, Steven 12 2011 800 6. 1:54.62 4.00  
  South Bend Clay Huffman, Joe 11 1978 440 4. 49.0 4.00  
  South Bend Clay Macellari, Michael 10 2001 SP 5. 55' 03 5.00  
  South Bend Clay Macellari, Michael 11 2002 DT 9. 162' 03 1.00  
  South Bend Clay Macellari, Michael 12 2003 DT 3. 165' 06 7.00  
  South Bend Clay Mackey, Willie 11 1993 400 8. 49.66 2.00  
  South Bend Clay Mackey, Willie 12 1994 100 1. 10.83 10.00  
  South Bend Clay Mackey, Willie 12 1994 200 2. 21.78 8.00  
  South Bend Clay Smith, Daniel 10 2008 LJ 4. 22' 10 1/4 6.00  
  South Bend Clay Snead, Tony 12 2012 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.00  
  South Bend Clay Swanson, Lorenzo 9 2001 110 H 1. 14.27 10.00  
  South Bend Clay Swanson, Lorenzo 10 2002 300 H 5. 38.81 5.00  
  South Bend Clay 1994 400 R 6. 43.10 4.00  
  South Bend Clay 2008 1600 R 6. 3:19.83 4.00  
  South Bend Clay 1998 3200 R 8. 7:58.80 2.00  
  South Bend Jackson Landman, Dan 12 1973 Mile 2. 4:17.2 8.00 2 14.00  
  South Bend Jackson Reinke, Dean 12 1971 Mile 1. 4:15.1 6.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Akin, Herb 11 1990 100 6. 10.99 1.00 30 151.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Baugh, Atha 12 1983 300 H 6. 37.50 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 9 1999 100 9. 11.24 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 10 2000 100 5. 10.87 5.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 10 2000 200 2. 21.76 8.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 11 2001 100 1. 10.43 10.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 11 2001 200 1. 21.30 10.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 12 2002 100 3. 10.37 7.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Dixon, Leroy 12 2002 200 2. 21.11 8.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Freeman, Kenneth 11 2000 400 9. 49.78 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle LeSure, Michael 11 1987 300 H 6. 38.55 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle LeSure, Michael 12 1988 110 H 5. 14.55 2.00  
  South Bend LaSalle LeSure, Michael 12 1988 300 H 1. 37.56 10.00  
  South Bend LaSalle McCray, Kevin 11 1995 100 7. 11.06 3.00  
  South Bend LaSalle McCray, Kevin 11 1995 200 9. 22.86 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Robertson, Gregory 10 1973 120 H 4. 14.6 4.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Robertson, Gregory 11 1974 440 5. 49.6 2.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Robertson, Gregory 11 1974 120 H 1. 14.0 10.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Robertson, Gregory 12 1975 120 H 2. 14.2 8.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Smith, Michael  11 1984 100 1. 10.51 10.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Smith, Michael  11 1984 200 3. 21.49 6.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Swann, Charles 11 1987 LJ 3. 23' 04 6.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Terrio, John 12 1976 Mile 5. 4:16.7 2.00  
  South Bend LaSalle Tobolski, Mark 12 1977 2 Mile 6. 9:31.3 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 1986 400 R 2. 42.86 8.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 1987 400 R 3. 43.12 6.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 1993 400 R 8. 42.95 2.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 2000 400 R 2. 42.03 8.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 2002 400 R 9. 42.94 1.00  
  South Bend LaSalle 1974 880 R 2. 1:30.3 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Abell, John 11 1953 120 H 4. 2.00 52 201.44  
  South Bend Riley Abell, John 11 1953 180 H 1. 20.4 5.00  
  South Bend Riley Abell, John 12 1954 120 H 1. 14.8 5.00  
  South Bend Riley Abell, John 12 1954 180 H 1. 19.7 5.00  
  South Bend Riley Brown, Dan  10 1992 110 H 6. 14.39 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Brown, Dan  11 1993 110 H 7. 14.61 3.00  
  South Bend Riley Brown, Dan  12 1994 110 H 3. 14.34 7.00  
  South Bend Riley Butterworth, John 12 1978 Mile 3. 4:15.4 6.00  
  South Bend Riley Capers, Thomas 11 2013 400 2. 47.85 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Capers, Thomas 12 2014 400 3. 48.72 7.00  
  South Bend Riley Dunnuck, Richard 12 1942 200 H 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Riley Emboden, Gerald 11 1935 220 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Riley Frazier, Kurt 10 1983 1600 6. 4:18.19 1.00  
  South Bend Riley Frazier, Kurt 11 1984 1600 2. 4:18.10 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Gordes, Bob 10 1964 PV 3. 12' 10 3.00  
  South Bend Riley Gordes, Bob 12 1966 PV 1. 14' 01 1/4 6.00  
  South Bend Riley Jacobs, Jerry 12 1952 SP 3. 50' 07 7/8 3.00  
  South Bend Riley Jessup, Maurice 12 1938 PV +3. 1.50  
  South Bend Riley Kalwitz, Charles 11 1955 HJ +5. 0.33  
  South Bend Riley Keiter, Charles 12 1940 LJ 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Kimball, Morton 12 1938 200 H 1. 23.4 5.00  
  South Bend Riley Liechty, Dick 11 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  South Bend Riley Liechty, Dick 12 1953 PV 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Long, Ralph  12 1952 880 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Riley Lusk, Alan 12 1982 3200 3. 9:11.35 6.00  
  South Bend Riley McCoy, Mark 10 1949 Mile 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Riley McPherson, Steven 12 2003 800 8. 1:56.85 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Micozzi, Elias 11 2010 DT 2. 183' 08 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Micozzi, Elias 12 2011 DT 5. 180' 07 5.00  
  South Bend Riley Moore, Aaron 11 1987 400 2. 49.31 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Moore, Aaron 12 1988 400 2. 48.63 8.00  
  South Bend Riley Nabieu, Robert 11 2023 LJ 9. 22' 01 1/2 1.00  
  South Bend Riley Poole, Michael 12 1981 DT 4. 158' 06 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Scales, Steve 12 1979 LJ 5. 22' 05 3/4 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Spaid, Ora 12 1939 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Riley Starling, Tyrone 11 1989 110 H 4. 14.38 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Starling, Tyrone 12 1990 110 H 4. 14.42 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Starling, Tyrone 12 1990 300 H 3. 38.69 6.00  
  South Bend Riley Stokes, Robert 12 1987 200 5. 22.34 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Verink, Fred 12 1937 LJ 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Riley West, Ken 12 1972 180 H 4. 19.8 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Whitaker, Dick 12 1954 HJ +3. 2.50  
  South Bend Riley Whiteman, Roy 12 1949 880 2. 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Wright, Sean 10 2003 400 8. 49.48 2.00  
  South Bend Riley Wright, Sean 11 2004 400 6. 48.85 4.00  
  South Bend Riley Wright, Sean 12 2005 400 2. 48.13 8.00  
  South Bend Riley 1987 400 R 5. 43.24 2.00  
  South Bend Riley 1937 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  South Bend Riley 1939 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  South Bend Riley 1946 Mile R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  South Bend Riley 1986 1600 R 4. 3:20.79 4.00  
  South Bend Riley 1988 1600 R 4. 3:20.70 4.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Cavanaugh, John 11 2003 800 4. 1:55.50 6.00 21 81.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Cavanaugh, John 12 2004 800 2. 1:52.87 8.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Chamblee, Wesley 12 2007 300 H 8. 39.07 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Demaegd, Joe 12 2012 DT 8. 165' 02 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Gill, Alexander 11 1999 300 H 9. 38.85 1.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Gill, Alexander 12 2000 300 H 5. 38.98 5.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Kaufhold, Luke 12 2024 110 H 8. 14.70 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Kaufhold, Luke 12 2024 300 H 8. 39.24 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Morrell, Amani 12 2018 3200 5. 9:15.68 5.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Reinbold, John 11 1972 440 4. 50.3 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Simms, Les 11 1975 DT 5. 143' 03 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Stabnik, Jason 12 1995 1600 3. 4:14.13 7.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Stabnik, Jason 12 1995 3200 9. 9:29.44 1.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Waldvogel, Ronald 12 1958 880 1. 1:57.4 5.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Watcke, Craig 12 1985 3200 1. 9:07.63 10.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Weber, Hans 12 1987 3200 4. 9:14.64 4.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Wiegand, Peter 12 2016 SP 8. 52' 00 3/4 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Woods, Haki 12 2014 LJ 8. 22' 07 3/4 2.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph Zielinski, Joey 12 2012 1600 6. 4:12.60 4.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph 2007 1600 R 6. 3:19.86 4.00  
  South Bend St. Joseph 2004 3200 R 5. 7:51.00 5.00  
  South Bend Washington Austin, Clyde 11 1954 440 1. 50.1 5.00 35 164.33  
  South Bend Washington Austin, Clyde 12 1955 440 1. 49.1 5.00  
  South Bend Washington Broadway, Howard 11 2005 LJ 7. 21' 10 1/4 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Brooks, Arvester 12 1958 180 H 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Fellows, Ronald 12 1977 120 H 1. 14.2 10.00  
  South Bend Washington Franklin, TroyVier 12 2009 100 2. 10.67 8.00  
  South Bend Washington Gathright, Zeb 12 1997 200 5. 22.34 5.00  
  South Bend Washington Hankerson, John 11 2015 100 1. 10.73 10.00  
  South Bend Washington Hankerson, John 11 2015 200 6. 21.83 4.00  
  South Bend Washington Henry, Edward 12 1966 LJ 3. 22' 05 1/4 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Howard, Quentel 12 1999 HJ +9. 6' 04 0.33  
  South Bend Washington Jackson, Dean 12 1972 120 H 3. 14.5 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Kerr, Lloyd 12 1965 120 H 4. 2.00  
  South Bend Washington Kerr, Lloyd 12 1965 180 H 5. 1.00  
  South Bend Washington Moore, Marion 10 1987 110 H 4. 14.42 4.00  
  South Bend Washington Moore, Marion 10 1987 300 H 3. 38.12 6.00  
  South Bend Washington Muhammad, Hanif 12 2002 LJ 8. 22' 05 3/4 2.00  
  South Bend Washington Parnell, Dashawn 12 2010 400 4. 48.45 6.00  
  South Bend Washington Roland-Witherspoon, Dwight 12 2009 LJ 7. 21' 11 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Thomas, George 12 1959 SP 1. 55' 07 1/4 5.00  
  South Bend Washington Tinnin, George 11 1998 LJ 4. 22' 09 3/4 6.00  
  South Bend Washington Tinnin, George 12 1999 LJ 1. 23' 03 3/4 10.00  
  South Bend Washington Townsend, Oris 12 1959 440 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Washington Turner, Tim 10 1978 100 1. 9.8 10.00  
  South Bend Washington Turner, Tim 12 1980 400 6. 49.14 1.00  
  South Bend Washington Vann, Tom 12 1972 100 5. 9.9 1.00  
  South Bend Washington Vann, Tom 12 1972 220 5. 22.6 1.00  
  South Bend Washington Williams, John  11 1967 100 3. 3.00  
  South Bend Washington 2010 400 R 9. 42.69 1.00  
  South Bend Washington 2015 400 R 4. 41.61 6.00  
  South Bend Washington 1967 880 R 2. 8.00  
  South Bend Washington 1972 880 R 4. 1:30.7 4.00  
  South Bend Washington 1978 Mile R 1. 3:17.8 10.00  
  South Bend Washington 1979 Mile R 1. 3:17.76 10.00  
  South Bend Washington 2010 1600 R 8. 3:20.53 2.00  
  South Central (Union Mills) Thomas, Isaiah  12 2013 LJ 7. 22' 01 3/4 3.00 2 8.00  
  South Central (Union Mills) Wright, Skip 12 1965 HJ 1. 6' 05 3/4 5.00  
  South Dearborn Bostick, John 11 1991 400 5. 49.75 2.00 2 10.00  
  South Dearborn King, Robert 11 2000 DT 2. 175' 04 8.00  
  South Knox Barmes, Andy 11 1977 PV +5. 14' 09 1.50 7 22.50  
  South Knox Barmes, Andy 12 1978 PV 3. 14' 06 6.00  
  South Knox Burkhart, Steven 12 2019 300 H 9. 39.35 1.00  
  South Knox Hacker, Kevin 10 1985 300 H 6. 37.76 1.00  
  South Knox Hacker, Kevin 11 1986 300 H 6. 37.80 1.00  
  South Knox Hacker, Kevin 12 1987 300 H 4. 38.17 4.00  
  South Knox Staggs, William 12 2021 PV 2. 16' 03 8.00  
  South Putnam Messer, Todd 12 1989 3200 3. 9:17.87 6.00 1 6.00  
  South Spencer Blair, Jason 10 1996 PV 8. 14' 00 2.00 3 10.00  
  South Spencer Blair, Jason 11 1997 PV 3. 15' 06 7.00  
  South Spencer Wilhelmus, Jacob 12 2000 SP 9. 53' 06 3/4 1.00  
  South Vermillion Scifres, Dana 11 2001 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00 1 1.00  
  South Whitley Cordill, Archie 9 1926 SP 5. 1.00 3 8.00  
  South Whitley Cordill, Archie 11 1928 SP 2. 4.00  
  South Whitley Cordill, Archie 12 1929 SP 3. 3.00  
  Southern Wells Harris, Grant 10 2014 DT 7. 160' 09 3.00 3 12.00  
  Southern Wells Harris, Grant 11 2015 DT 6. 165' 00 4.00  
  Southern Wells Harris, Grant 12 2016 DT 5. 173' 01 5.00  
  Southmont Carlile, Lindsay 11 1976 2 Mile 5. 9:17.4 2.00 8 41.00  
  Southmont Christensen, Jonathon 9 2008 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00  
  Southmont Christensen, Jonathon 11 2010 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Southmont Christensen, Jonathon 12 2011 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Southmont Clampitt, Jacob 12 2000 800 7. 1:55.91 3.00  
  Southmont Long, Brooks 12 2017 1600 6. 4:15.54 4.00  
  Southmont Miller, Brian 12 1979 440 1. 48.03 10.00  
  Southmont 1977 880 R 6. 1:30.2 1.00  
  Southport Aliff, Robert 11 1942 SP 5. 1.00 73 350.50  
  Southport Aliff, Robert 12 1943 200 H 2. 4.00  
  Southport Aliff, Robert 12 1943 SP 5. 1.00  
  Southport Asher, Dan 11 2001 300 H 2. 38.60 8.00  
  Southport Asher, Dan 12 2002 300 H 2. 37.77 8.00  
  Southport Austin, Charles 12 1997 HJ +7. 6' 04 2.00  
  Southport Banta, Thomas 12 1935 PV +4. 1.50  
  Southport Bowie, Clayton 11 2013 3200 1. 9:01.36 10.00  
  Southport Bowie, Clayton 12 2014 3200 1. 9:06.63 10.00  
  Southport Boyd, Sean 12 1991 100 5. 10.92 2.00  
  Southport Branch, Charles 12 1961 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Southport Bueno, Herman 12 1976 2 Mile 2. 9:09.5 8.00  
  Southport Case, Michael 12 2008 DT 9. 157' 04 1.00  
  Southport Cowden, William 12 1970 PV 5. 14' 03 1.00  
  Southport Fields, John 11 1967 PV 4. 2.00  
  Southport Garrett, Travis 11 1991 DT 1. 178' 00 10.00  
  Southport Garrett, Travis 12 1992 DT 1. 187' 10 10.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 9 1995 DT 3. 172' 04 7.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 10 1996 SP 7. 54' 07 3/4 3.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 10 1996 DT 3. 183' 02 7.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 11 1997 SP 4. 59' 03 6.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 11 1997 DT 2. 183' 10 8.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 12 1998 SP 1. 61' 08 10.00  
  Southport Garrett, Tyler 12 1998 DT 1. 196' 09 10.00  
  Southport Glander, Steve 12 1979 PV +3. 14' 06 5.00  
  Southport Glant, Jeff 10 1997 3200 8. 9:41.63 2.00  
  Southport Glant, Jeff 12 1999 3200 4. 9:22.34 6.00  
  Southport Graham, Gordon 11 1956 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Southport Harbin, Bennie 11 1948 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Southport Haynes, Thomas 11 1941 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Southport Haynes, Thomas 12 1942 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Southport Johnson, Chris 12 1989 3200 5. 9:24.74 2.00  
  Southport Keene, Larry 12 1961 880 5. 1.00  
  Southport Kennedy, Robert 11 1984 300 H 6. 38.54 1.00  
  Southport Kennedy, Robert 12 1985 110 H 1. 13.69 10.00  
  Southport Kennedy, Robert 12 1985 300 H 1. 35.87 10.00  
  Southport Lemba, Nickens 11 2022 400 2. 47.66 8.00  
  Southport Lemba, Nickens 12 2023 400 4. 47.95 6.00  
  Southport Mauser, Kevin 10 2003 300 H 7. 39.21 3.00  
  Southport Mauser, Kevin 12 2005 300 H 8. 38.21 2.00  
  Southport Mitchell, Lamont 11 1995 100 2. 11.01 8.00  
  Southport Mitchell, Lamont 12 1996 100 6. 11.16 4.00  
  Southport Oliver, AJ 11 2001 SP 4. 56' 00 3/4 6.00  
  Southport Pabody, Michael 12 2006 3200 4. 9:17.27 6.00  
  Southport Paswtaer, Ben 12 1999 400 8. 49.86 2.00  
  Southport Porter, Mikal 11 1993 110 H 4. 14.20 6.00  
  Southport Rowe, Ricky 12 1996 300 H 4. 37.69 6.00  
  Southport Shobe, Roderick 10 2004 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Southport Smith, Steve  12 1989 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Southport Spearman, Ian 12 1999 SP 8. 53' 11 2.00  
  Southport Stratton, Rusty 12 1971 SP 3. 56' 10 3.00  
  Southport Stroub, Charlie 11 2015 300 H 8. 38.83 2.00  
  Southport Talley, Marty 12 1987 110 H 3. 14.36 6.00  
  Southport Talley, Marty 12 1987 LJ 1. 24' 00 3/4 10.00  
  Southport Thompson, Harry 12 1955 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Southport Tibbs, Derrick 11 1989 100 2. 10.68 8.00  
  Southport Tibbs, Derrick 11 1989 200 3. 21.80 6.00  
  Southport Tibbs, Derrick 12 1990 200 6. 22.34 1.00  
  Southport Turner, Nicholas 9 2006 200 4. 21.95 6.00  
  Southport Turner, Nicholas 10 2007 200 9. 22.27 1.00  
  Southport Turner, Nicholas 11 2008 200 9. 22.41 1.00  
  Southport Wilson, Clayton 11 2005 400 7. 49.00 3.00  
  Southport Wilson, Clayton 12 2006 400 1. 47.39 10.00  
  Southport Wilson, Clayton 12 2006 110 H 6. 14.27 4.00  
  Southport Young, Dennis 12 1976 DT 5. 162' 00 2.00  
  Southport Zavela, Dave 12 1964 LJ 4. 22' 04 2.00  
  Southport 1990 400 R 4. 42.14 4.00  
  Southport 1994 400 R 7. 43.15 3.00  
  Southport 1939 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Southport 1948 Mile R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Southport 1986 1600 R 6. 3:22.08 1.00  
  Southport 1998 3200 R 5. 7:55.58 5.00  
  Southport 1999 3200 R 8. 7:58.70 2.00  
  Southridge Buse, Mark 10 1989 PV 1. 15' 09 10.00 9 49.00  
  Southridge Buse, Mark 11 1990 PV 1. 16' 00 10.00  
  Southridge Buse, Mark 12 1991 PV 1. 15' 06 10.00  
  Southridge Hayes, Jaden 12 2019 DT 9. 157' 02 1.00  
  Southridge Schilling, Darren 12 1998 PV 9. 14' 00 1.00  
  Southridge Schneiders, Jason 12 1993 DT 9. 159' 02 1.00  
  Southridge Thompson, Cody 12 2014 HJ 5. 6' 06 5.00  
  Southridge Voegerl, Garrett 11 2019 HJ 5. 6' 08 5.00  
  Southridge Wertman, Chad 12 2007 SP 4. 56' 04 6.00  
  Southwestern (Shelbyville) Wise, Jacob 11 2007 HJ 6. 6' 06 4.00 3 20.00  
  Southwestern (Shelbyville) Wise, Jacob 12 2008 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Southwestern (Shelbyville) Wright, Jeremy 12 1992 3200 1. 9:20.33 10.00  
  Southwood Brodt, Duane 12 1986 PV 2. 15' 06 8.00 2 16.00  
  Southwood Chain, Larry 12 2011 LJ 2. 23' 04 1/4 8.00  
  Speedway Johnson, Tom  12 1967 SP 3. 3.00 3 9.00  
  Speedway Jones, Jacob 12 2017 LJ 6. 22' 09 4.00  
  Speedway Rustamier, James 12 1971 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Spiceland Applegate, George 12 1947 880 (R1) 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Springfield Twp. (Mongo) Wilson, Murlyn 12 1939 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Star City Bott, Neil 12 1910 220 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Stillwell Schultz, Benkler 12 1931 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Sullivan Campbell, Tom 12 1955 180 H 2. 4.00 11 32.00  
  Sullivan Catlin, Zane 10 2024 200 6. 22.25 4.00  
  Sullivan Crick, Bob 12 1956 SP 5. 1.00  
  Sullivan Flynn, Victor 10 1927 Mile (R2) 1. 4:38.1 5.00  
  Sullivan Flynn, Victor 11 1928 Mile (R2) 1. 4:40.5 5.00  
  Sullivan Flynn, Victor 12 1929 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Sullivan Newby, William 11 2021 200 8. 22.36 2.00  
  Sullivan Newby, William 12 2022 100 8. 10.91 2.00  
  Sullivan Newby, William 12 2022 200 6. 21.93 4.00  
  Sullivan Phillips, Branson 12 1995 SP 8. 56' 03 2.00  
  Sullivan 1930 Mile R (R1) 2. -  
  Swayzee Barker, Joe 12 1931 PV +4. 0.60 2 5.60  
  Swayzee Johnson, John 12 1909 SP 1. 40' 09 5.00  
  Sweetser Buroker, Norman 11 1956 LJ 5. 1.00 2 3.00  
  Sweetser Zimmerman, David 12 1958 SP 4. 51' 05 7/8 2.00  
  Taylor Davis, Marshall 12 1996 PV 7. 14' 00 3.00 4 7.00  
  Taylor Johnson, Tom  12 1976 180 H 6. 19.6 1.00  
  Taylor Searcy, Yan 11 1985 400 6. 49.48 1.00  
  Taylor Searcy, Yan 12 1986 400 5. 49.04 2.00  
  Tecumseh Clutter, Steve 12 1973 LJ 2. 24' 01 1/2 8.00 5 30.00  
  Tecumseh Connelly, Gavin 12 2022 DT 6. 163' 00 4.00  
  Tecumseh Glackman, Grant 10 1971 PV 2. 14' 09 4.00  
  Tecumseh Glackman, Grant 11 1972 PV 2. 14' 10 1/2 4.00  
  Tecumseh Glackman, Grant 12 1973 PV 1. 15' 07 3/4 10.00  
  Tell City Hagan, Mike 12 1984 SP 5. 54' 10 1/4 2.00 6 11.00  
  Tell City Smith, Steve  12 1975 180 H 4. 19.9 4.00  
  Tell City Wagner, Arthur 11 1924 440 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Tell City Wagner, Arthur 12 1925 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Tell City Wellman, Mike 11 1977 Mile 6. 4:17.9 1.00  
  Tell City 1994 1600 R 8. 3:23.99 2.00  
  Terre Haute Carter, Joe 12 1911 LJ 3. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Bell, Gregory 12 1948 LJ 2. 4.00 33 93.58  
  Terre Haute Garfield Bland, Ronald 11 1946 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Conover, Harry 12 1920 880 3. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Conover, James 11 1915 100 1. 10.4 5.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Conover, James 11 1915 220 1. 24.0 5.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Corban, Fred 12 1917 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Cundiff, Winston 12 1938 120 H 1. 15.3 5.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Dischinger, Terry 12 1958 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Dischinger, Terry 12 1958 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Fisher, Walter 11 1928 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Gray, Jack (Richard) 9 1935 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Gray, Jack (Richard) 10 1936 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Gray, Jack (Richard) 11 1937 440 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Gray, Jack (Richard) 12 1938 440 (R2) 1. 51.8 5.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Infange, George 12 1918 220 3. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Kuhn, Paul 11 1929 100 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Kuhn, Paul 11 1929 220 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Lamb, Charles 11 1921 100 2. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Mendenhall, Hugh 12 1926 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Newton, Walter 10 1942 PV +5. 0.25  
  Terre Haute Garfield Owens, George 12 1956 180 H 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Owens, Wallace 10 1936 220 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Poytner, Robert 11 1963 HJ 4. 6' 02 3/4 2.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Smith, Don  12 1944 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Stnons, Edward 11 1928 SP 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Thompson, Allen 11 1952 440 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Turner, Don 11 1954 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Terre Haute Garfield Turner, Don 12 1955 HJ +2. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield Winslow, Hugh 9 1948 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield 1926 880 R (R2) 3. -  
  Terre Haute Garfield 1953 880 R 4. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield 1955 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Garfield 1950 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Cooksey, Stephen 12 1968 HJ 2. 4.00 29 84.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer DeBow, Arthur 10 1956 440 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer DeBow, Arthur 11 1957 440 1. 49.9 5.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer DeBow, Arthur 12 1958 440 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Dixon, Allen 11 1964 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Hall, Charles  11 1957 HJ +1. 6' 01 1/8 4.50  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Hall, Charles  12 1958 HJ +1. 6' 02 4.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Ingle, Richard 12 1941 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Knox, Herman 12 1958 100 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Knox, Herman 12 1958 220 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer McClure, William 12 1946 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer McDaniel, Kent 12 1969 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer McGoffney, Floyd 12 1953 440 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Moseman, Charles 12 1969 880 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Pine, Charles 12 1961 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Pine, Charles 12 1961 180 H 1. 19.8 5.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Powell, Gary 10 1968 100 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Powell, Gary 10 1968 220 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Powell, Gary 12 1970 100 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Powell, Gary 12 1970 220 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Russell, Stanley 11 1957 LJ 5. 21' 05 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Sandberg, Robert 12 1962 880 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Snowden, John 12 1960 HJ +3. 6' 02 2.50  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Snowden, John 12 1960 LJ 3. 21' 05 3.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer Thompson, Bill 11 1947 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer 1958 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer 1968 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer 1969 880 R 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Gerstmeyer 1957 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute North Alumbaugh, Mike 12 1979 Mile 5. 4:17.56 2.00 32 147.00  
  Terre Haute North Aouad, Emmanuel 12 2006 300 H 8. 38.58 2.00  
  Terre Haute North Armentrout, Dan 12 1992 SP 6. 54' 08 1/4 4.00  
  Terre Haute North Curley, Connor 12 2012 PV 2. 15' 03 8.00  
  Terre Haute North Graves, Eric 12 2002 800 3. 1:55.73 7.00  
  Terre Haute North Hatfield, Phillip 12 1981 SP 3. 56' 11 6.00  
  Terre Haute North Henry, Terry 12 1998 DT 8. 163' 04 2.00  
  Terre Haute North Hill, Alan 12 1977 PV +3. 14' 09 5.00  
  Terre Haute North Hill, Raymond 12 1982 PV 3. 15' 00 6.00  
  Terre Haute North Holman, Ernest 10 1993 100 9. 11.38 1.00  
  Terre Haute North Holman, Ernest 12 1995 100 6. 11.09 4.00  
  Terre Haute North Martin, Kevin 11 1981 100 6. 10.87 1.00  
  Terre Haute North Martin, Kevin 11 1981 200 4. 22.07 4.00  
  Terre Haute North Mascari, John  11 2010 3200 5. 9:10.00 5.00  
  Terre Haute North Mascari, John  12 2011 3200 3. 9:04.68 7.00  
  Terre Haute North Mayhew, Zach 12 2008 3200 8. 9:24.45 2.00  
  Terre Haute North Ofsansky, Joseph 12 1974 2 Mile 2. 9:25.6 8.00  
  Terre Haute North Reedy, John 10 1973 2 Mile 6. 9:40.8 1.00  
  Terre Haute North Reedy, John 12 1975 2 Mile 4. 9:23.0 4.00  
  Terre Haute North Roberts, Starr 11 1996 110 H 4. 14.62 6.00  
  Terre Haute North Roberts, Starr 12 1997 110 H 2. 14.39 8.00  
  Terre Haute North Roberts, Starr 12 1997 300 H 9. 38.25 1.00  
  Terre Haute North Roscoe, John 11 1972 2 Mile 4. 9:37.8 2.00  
  Terre Haute North Roscoe, John 12 1973 2 Mile 2. 9:19.4 8.00  
  Terre Haute North Smith, Shaun 11 2007 100 7. 10.97 3.00  
  Terre Haute North Smith, Shaun 12 2008 100 1. 10.47 10.00  
  Terre Haute North Stewart, Tracy 12 1982 LJ 4. 23' 03 4.00  
  Terre Haute North Utley, Sean 12 1989 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Terre Haute North Verotsko, Paul 11 1973 PV 3. 14' 00 6.00  
  Terre Haute North Weatherford, Steve 10 1999 300 H 7. 39.66 3.00  
  Terre Haute North Weatherford, Steve 11 2000 300 H 8. 39.65 2.00  
  Terre Haute North 1992 400 R 5. 43.48 5.00  
  Terre Haute Schulte 1968 880 R 5. 2.00 1 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Aidoo, Ethan 12 2024 800 7. 1:55.34 3.00 47 196.33  
  Terre Haute South Aidoo, Ethan 12 2024 1600 3. 4:13.39 7.00  
  Terre Haute South Arnold, Ed 12 1973 SP 4. 56' 02 4.00  
  Terre Haute South Bertoli, Anthony 11 2004 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Bertoli, Anthony 12 2005 400 4. 48.75 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Bertoli, Anthony 12 2005 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Bertoli, Jackson 10 2012 3200 8. 9:09.81 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Bertoli, Jackson 11 2013 3200 4. 9:12.81 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Crawford, Mike 11 1973 220 3. 22.4 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Crawford, Mike 12 1974 220 3. 21.9 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Danielson, Spencer 12 2015 3200 4. 9:10.84 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Dixon, Tony 12 1976 120 H 4. 14.2 4.00  
  Terre Haute South Hughes, Kevin 10 1995 HJ 2. 7' 00 8.00  
  Terre Haute South Jaeger, Nick 12 2012 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  Terre Haute South Johnson, Don 12 1983 800 4. 1:55.00 4.00  
  Terre Haute South Lambertus, John 11 2003 800 7. 1:56.78 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Lambertus, John 12 2004 800 7. 1:56.16 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, Anthony 10 2005 DT 8. 163' 03 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, Anthony 11 2006 DT 8. 166' 05 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, Anthony 12 2007 DT 4. 173' 11 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, David 10 1998 110 H 8. 15.04 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, David 10 1998 LJ 3. 22' 11 1/4 7.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, David 11 1999 110 H 1. 14.23 10.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, David 12 2000 110 H 2. 14.13 8.00  
  Terre Haute South Lewis, David 12 2000 LJ 2. 22' 09 1/2 8.00  
  Terre Haute South Light, Cael 12 2021 1600 8. 4:19.80 2.00  
  Terre Haute South McLaughlin, Kevin 12 1975 HJ 1. 6' 08 10.00  
  Terre Haute South Montgomery, David 12 1991 SP 3. 55' 08 1/2 6.00  
  Terre Haute South Montgomery, Jordan 12 2015 SP 7. 55' 01 1/2 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Parks, Bryan 12 1999 HJ +9. 6' 04 0.33  
  Terre Haute South Shouse, Doug 11 1980 HJ 5. 6' 10 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Shouse, Doug 12 1981 HJ +4. 6' 08 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Stallings, Brian 12 1998 SP 7. 53' 08 3/4 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Stohler, Riley 12 2014 800 6. 1:54.64 4.00  
  Terre Haute South Swarens, Jason 10 2018 SP 9. 55' 11 3/4 1.00  
  Terre Haute South Swarens, Jason 11 2019 SP 1. 60' 02 1/2 10.00  
  Terre Haute South Swarens, Jason 11 2019 DT 6. 161' 09 4.00  
  Terre Haute South Uzzell, Tyrone 12 1999 300 H 8. 39.82 2.00  
  Terre Haute South Wilson, Sylvester 12 1972 LJ 3. 22' 03 3/4 3.00  
  Terre Haute South Wood, Jesse 12 1975 220 6. 22.8 1.00  
  Terre Haute South Young, Nathan 11 2001 LJ 8. 22' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Terre Haute South 1973 880 R 5. 1:31.4 2.00  
  Terre Haute South 1974 880 R 5. 1:31.8 2.00  
  Terre Haute South 1975 880 R 6. 1:34.7 1.00  
  Terre Haute South 2004 1600 R 7. 3:19.78 3.00  
  Terre Haute South 2005 1600 R 8. 3:22.49 2.00  
  Terre Haute South 2017 3200 R 9. 7:51.07 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Aldridge, Victor 12 1937 LJ 5. 1.00 82 241.99  
  Terre Haute Wiley Barbour, Warren 11 1948 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Barekman, Robert 12 1933 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Branson, William 12 1948 100 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Branson, William 12 1948 220 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Bratton, John 12 1926 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Bratton, John 12 1926 HJ +3. 1.50  
  Terre Haute Wiley Cass, Elmer 12 1932 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Cleary, William 11 1934 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Corridan, John (Jack) 11 1942 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Corridan, John (Jack) 12 1943 Mile (R1) 1. 4:24.4 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Darius, Wallace 10 1937 220 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Dimond, Edmunds (Jack) 12 1937 220 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Edwards, Oscar 11 1921 LJ 1. 20' 10 1/4 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Gray, Maurice 12 1936 PV 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Hayes, Don 11 1966 2 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Hensman, Robert 10 1947 440 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Hill, Lloyd 12 1925 100 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Hubbard, Creed 12 1966 SP 4. 58' 06 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Jarvis, Robert 12 1938 Mile (R2) 1. 4:36.0 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Johnson, Marvin 11 1950 PV +5. 0.17  
  Terre Haute Wiley Johnson, Marvin 12 1951 PV +5. 0.25  
  Terre Haute Wiley Kinny, Kenneth 12 1942 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Lash, Frank (Edward) 12 1943 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Little, Galen 11 1967 880 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley McClure, Maynard 10 1945 PV +4. 0.60  
  Terre Haute Wiley Nunn, Albert 10 1953 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Nunn, Albert 11 1954 Mile 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Porter, Don 12 1928 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Queller, Don 10 1941 880 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Queller, Don 11 1942 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Ray, Richard 11 1923 220 3. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Reimer, Larry 12 1957 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Reinhard, Dan 11 1961 PV +5. 6' 02 1/2 0.33  
  Terre Haute Wiley Reinhard, Dan 12 1962 HJ 2. 6' 03 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Robbs, Lloyd 11 1956 100 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Robbs, Lloyd 11 1956 220 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Robbs, Lloyd 12 1957 100 1. 9.9 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Robbs, Lloyd 12 1957 220 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Samuels, Joe 12 1950 100 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Samuels, Joe 12 1950 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Shaffer, James 9 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  Terre Haute Wiley Shaffer, Robert 11 1950 SP 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Shaffer, Robert 12 1951 SP 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Shew, Fred 12 1945 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Smith, David  12 1940 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Sprinkles, Ernest 11 1948 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Sprinkles, Ernest 12 1949 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Sweatt, Larry 12 1957 440 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Sweatt, Theodore 12 1964 HJ 1. 6' 06 3/4 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Tyler, Glen 12 1925 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Woolley, John 9 1928 880 (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Woolley, John 10 1929 880 (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Woolley, John 10 1929 Mile (R1) 1. 4:41.9 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Woolley, John 11 1930 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Woolley, John 11 1930 Mile (R2) 1. 4:32.1 5.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Zeigler, John 10 1927 Mile (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley Zeigler, John 12 1929 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1923 880 R (R2) 1. 1:37.1 -  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1924 880 R (R2) 1. 1:36.6 -  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1931 880 R (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1932 880 R (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1934 880 R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1935 880 R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1936 880 R (R2) 4. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1937 880 R (R2) 2. 8.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1940 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1942 880 R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1943 880 R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1945 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1947 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1948 880 R (R1) 1. 1:31.7 10.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1957 880 R 1. 1:31.4 10.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1963 880 R 5. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1931 Mile R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1932 Mile R (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1935 Mile R (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1936 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1940 Mile R (R1) 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1946 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1947 Mile R (R2) 3. 6.00  
  Terre Haute Wiley 1948 Mile R (R1) 2. 8.00  
  Thorntown Beck, Cleon 10 1916 220 3. 1.00 6 15.00  
  Thorntown Gant, Carl 12 1925 SP 4. 2.00  
  Thorntown Hankins, Russell 12 1926 220 4. 2.00  
  Thorntown Johnson, Raymond 12 1917 SP 2. 3.00  
  Thorntown Lawler, Fonzo 12 1917 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Thorntown Taylor, Charles 12 1966 HJ 1. 6' 06 1/2 6.00  
  Tippecanoe Valley Melanson, Wade 12 2022 SP 9. 57' 04 1/2 1.00 3 7.00  
  Tippecanoe Valley Perkins, Dawson 11 2021 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Tippecanoe Valley Perkins, Dawson 12 2022 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Tipton Coughlin, John 12 1915 PV +3. 0.50 12 37.00  
  Tipton Coy, Harold 10 1922 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Tipton Farr, Caleb 11 2024 PV +6. 15' 00 3.50  
  Tipton Howard, Harrison 12 1951 880 2. 4.00  
  Tipton Katon, Floyd 12 1919 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Tipton Lankford, Don 12 1963 180 H 2. 4.00  
  Tipton Luchtefeld, Chris 11 1992 400 8. 49.44 2.00  
  Tipton Luchtefeld, Chris 12 1993 400 4. 49.32 6.00  
  Tipton Maxey, Taylor 12 2009 110 H 9. 14.88 1.00  
  Tipton Orr, Jason 11 1994 800 9. 1:56.98 1.00  
  Tipton Werner, Glen 10 1920 Mile 2. 3.00  
  Tipton 1958 Mile R 3. 6.00  
  Tri Miller, Ed 11 1969 Mile 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Tri-Central Winner, Derick 12 1978 PV +4. 14' 00 3.00 1 3.00  
  Tri-County Buntin, Travis 12 1997 SP 9. 55' 01 3/4 1.00 2 2.00  
  Tri-County Burns, Chris 10 1994 PV +8. 13' 06 1.00  
  Triton Anders, Curt 12 1984 HJ 5. 6' 08 2.00 6 16.50  
  Triton Anders, Matthew 10 2001 400 5. 48.99 5.00  
  Triton Anders, Matthew 11 2002 400 5. 49.11 5.00  
  Triton McIntyre, Troy 12 2008 HJ +8. 6' 04 1.00  
  Triton Sharpe, Dan 12 1972 LJ 5. 22' 01 1.00  
  Triton Yankovich, Matthew 12 2002 PV +7. 14' 00 2.50  
  Tri-West Hendricks Lazaro, Austin 11 2012 400 7. 49.42 3.00 2 8.00  
  Tri-West Hendricks May, Danny 12 2000 SP 5. 56' 01 1/2 5.00  
  Twelve Mile Brown, Richard 12 1953 SP 1. 55' 07 5.00 1 5.00  
  Twin Lakes Christensen, Dick 12 1966 Mile 3. 3.00 6 20.00  
  Twin Lakes Cornell, Adam 11 1993 110 H 6. 14.59 4.00  
  Twin Lakes Cornell, Adam 12 1994 110 H 6. 14.88 4.00  
  Twin Lakes Fox, Jon 10 1972 2 Mile 5. 9:38.8 1.00  
  Twin Lakes Fox, Jon 11 1973 Mile 5. 4:17.9 2.00  
  Twin Lakes Fox, Jon 12 1974 Mile 3. 4:17.2 6.00  
  Union City Enis, Rich 12 1974 SP 2. 57' 10 1/2 8.00 9 39.00  
  Union City Hall, Charles  12 1978 Mile 5. 4:16.7 2.00  
  Union City Mock, Chester 11 1964 SP 5. 55' 06 1/2 1.00  
  Union City Mock, Chester 12 1965 SP 3. 60' 01 1/2 3.00  
  Union City Threewits, Sean 11 2001 3200 6. 9:20.89 4.00  
  Union City Threewits, Sean 12 2002 3200 2. 9:26.16 8.00  
  Union City White, Harold 11 1922 Mile (R1) 2. 3.00  
  Union City White, Harold 12 1923 880 (R1) 1. 2:04.0 5.00  
  Union City White, Harold 12 1923 Mile (R1) 1. 4:33.4 5.00  
  Union County Moore, Rocky 11 1999 SP 2. 57' 06 8.00 11 77.00  
  Union County Moore, Rocky 12 2000 SP 1. 62' 02 3/4 10.00  
  Union County Moore, Rocky 12 2000 DT 1. 180' 06 10.00  
  Union County Schienbein, Tate 11 2011 3200 4. 9:08.69 6.00  
  Union County Stephen, Benjamin 10 2005 SP 6. 56' 04 4.00  
  Union County Stephen, Benjamin 11 2006 SP 2. 65' 05 8.00  
  Union County Stephen, Benjamin 11 2006 DT 3. 172' 08 7.00  
  Union County Stephen, Benjamin 12 2007 SP 1. 64' 11 10.00  
  Union County Stephen, Benjamin 12 2007 DT 2. 175' 05 8.00  
  Union County Weisenborn, Nathan 11 1996 300 H 8. 38.29 2.00  
  Union County Weisenborn, Nathan 12 1997 300 H 6. 37.69 4.00  
  Unionville Sluss, Jerry 12 1962 Mile 3. 3.00 1 3.00  
  University (Bloomington) Snoddy, Robert 12 1947 120 H 1. 14.7 5.00 5 15.14  
  University (Bloomington) Snoddy, Robert 12 1947 200 H 1. 22.5 5.00  
  University (Bloomington) Staats, Charles 12 1944 HJ +5. 0.14  
  University (Bloomington) Wininger, Tim 12 1952 Mile 3. 4:29.5 3.00  
  University (Bloomington) 1951 Mile R 5. 2.00  
  Valparaiso Able, Warner 12 1949 440 4. 2.00 71 254.10  
  Valparaiso Aljobeh, Ahmad 11 2011 3200 6. 9:13.36 4.00  
  Valparaiso Anderson, Jordan 10 2017 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.60  
  Valparaiso Arnold, Jim 11 1987 3200 5. 9:16.64 2.00  
  Valparaiso Bailey, Robert 12 1951 440 5. 1.00  
  Valparaiso Barksdale, Nathan 12 2004 100 9. 11.09 1.00  
  Valparaiso Brown, Jeff 12 1998 800 3. 1:55.74 7.00  
  Valparaiso Chilian, Erik 11 1984 3200 6. 9:37.96 1.00  
  Valparaiso Chilian, Erik 12 1985 1600 4. 4:15.98 4.00  
  Valparaiso Compton, Sam 11 2004 SP 8. 55' 05 1/2 2.00  
  Valparaiso Crockett, Bruce 12 1943 PV +3. 2.00  
  Valparaiso Deal, Earl 11 1963 Mile 1. 4:19.9 5.00  
  Valparaiso Deal, Earl 12 1964 Mile 1. 4:18.4 5.00  
  Valparaiso Fleming, Eric 12 2002 1600 3. 4:19.73 7.00  
  Valparaiso Hildreth, Reg 11 1927 220 3. 3.00  
  Valparaiso Hildreth, Reg 12 1928 100 4. 2.00  
  Valparaiso Hildreth, Reg 12 1928 220 3. 3.00  
  Valparaiso Huber, Collin 12 2018 3200 8. 9:18.21 2.00  
  Valparaiso Johnston, Terry 12 1962 SP 4. 55' 00 1/2 2.00  
  Valparaiso Kane, Campbell 12 1937 440 (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Valparaiso Kent, Jeff 11 2002 3200 8. 9:24.49 2.00  
  Valparaiso Kitchen, Robert 12 1961 180 H 4. 2.00  
  Valparaiso Klein, Kyle 12 2007 PV +8. 14' 06 1.50  
  Valparaiso Kreider, David 12 1959 880 5. 1.00  
  Valparaiso Krysa, Jon 12 2002 400 9. 50.09 1.00  
  Valparaiso Kuhrts, Raymond 12 1954 220 5. 1.00  
  Valparaiso Lines, Ronald 12 1954 PV +1. 12' 06 4.50  
  Valparaiso Mann, Bill 12 1982 SP 2. 57' 10 8.00  
  Valparaiso McFarland, Craig 12 1984 1600 5. 4:19.87 2.00  
  Valparaiso Miller, Henry 11 1926 880 (R2) 2. 4.00  
  Valparaiso Otterbacher, Brett 9 2018 400 4. 48.91 6.00  
  Valparaiso Otterbacher, Brett 10 2019 400 3. 48.16 7.00  
  Valparaiso Otterbacher, Brett 12 2021 800 2. 1:54.14 8.00  
  Valparaiso Pavich, Brian 12 1991 PV 6. 14' 03 1.00  
  Valparaiso Pierson, Aaron 10 1992 1600 5. 4:22.90 5.00  
  Valparaiso Pierson, Aaron 11 1993 1600 4. 4:17.58 6.00  
  Valparaiso Pierson, Aaron 12 1994 1600 2. 4:14.76 8.00  
  Valparaiso Polizotto, Brett 11 1986 3200 3. 9:24.64 6.00  
  Valparaiso Polizotto, Brett 12 1987 3200 2. 9:09.96 8.00  
  Valparaiso Prochno, Nick 12 2000 110 H 9. 15.11 1.00  
  Valparaiso Prochno, Nick 12 2000 300 H 7. 39.17 3.00  
  Valparaiso Schroer, Scott 12 1984 3200 3. 9:29.35 6.00  
  Valparaiso Smurdon, Nathan 11 1992 3200 7. 9:33.35 3.00  
  Valparaiso Smurdon, Nathan 12 1993 3200 6. 9:30.56 4.00  
  Valparaiso Sperry-Allision, Travis 12 2016 400 1. 47.87 10.00  
  Valparaiso Tabib, Christian 11 2002 300 H 9. 39.04 1.00  
  Valparaiso Thomas, Jeff 12 1975 LJ 6. 21' 07 1/2 1.00  
  Valparaiso Triscik, Mark 12 1991 800 3. 1:54.74 6.00  
  Valparaiso Vandrey, Don 10 1965 Mile 3. 4:16.9 3.00  
  Valparaiso Vandrey, Don 11 1966 Mile 1. 4:10.8 6.00  
  Valparaiso Vandrey, Don 12 1967 Mile 1. 4:10.3 6.00  
  Valparaiso Ward, Scott 12 1959 Mile 5. 1.00  
  Valparaiso White, Cecil 12 1959 PV +5. 11' 09 0.50  
  Valparaiso Wilson, Frank  11 1985 PV 6. 14' 06 1.00  
  Valparaiso 2003 400 R 7. 42.79 3.00  
  Valparaiso 2008 400 R 9. 42.67 1.00  
  Valparaiso 2009 400 R 7. 42.26 3.00  
  Valparaiso 2010 400 R 6. 42.43 4.00  
  Valparaiso 2015 400 R 8. 42.25 2.00  
  Valparaiso 2004 1600 R 8. 3:20.04 2.00  
  Valparaiso 2006 1600 R 9. 3:19.59 1.00  
  Valparaiso 2013 1600 R 9. 3:20.98 1.00  
  Valparaiso 2014 1600 R 6. 3:20.59 4.00  
  Valparaiso 2015 1600 R 5. 3:18.75 5.00  
  Valparaiso 2019 1600 R 5. 3:19.61 5.00  
  Valparaiso 1996 3200 R 2. 7:55.49 8.00  
  Valparaiso 1997 3200 R 6. 8:03.41 4.00  
  Valparaiso 1998 3200 R 3. 7:51.10 7.00  
  Valparaiso 2003 3200 R 4. 7:48.33 6.00  
  Valparaiso 2005 3200 R 9. 7:57.65 1.00  
  Valparaiso 2006 3200 R 5. 7:53.82 5.00  
  Van Buren Conwell, Guy 10 1908 HT 1. 140' 05 1/2 5.00 6 20.00  
  Van Buren Conwell, Guy 11 1909 DT 2. 100' 09 3.00  
  Van Buren Conwell, Guy 11 1909 HT 2. 135' 07 3.00  
  Van Buren Conwell, Guy 12 1910 SP 2. 3.00  
  Van Buren Conwell, Guy 12 1910 DT 1. 111' 00 5.00  
  Van Buren Sparks, Lance 12 1924 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Veedersburg Hesler, Lex 11 1906 HJ +1. 5' 04 5/8 2.25 2 6.25  
  Veedersburg Hesler, Lex 12 1907 HJ +1. 5' 04 4.00  
  Vernon Twp. Petty, James 11 1961 LJ 4. 22' 05 1/2 2.00 1 2.00  
  Vevay Griffith, Harold 12 1938 100 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Vincennes Brouillette, James 10 1940 880 (R2) 4. 2.00 32 81.50  
  Vincennes Bruner, Louis 11 1911 220 3. 1.00  
  Vincennes Cannon, Gaylord 11 1954 880 3. 3.00  
  Vincennes Conrad, Frank 12 1934 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Vincennes Duckwall, Anderson 12 1908 440 2. 3.00  
  Vincennes Duckwall, Anderson 12 1908 880 1. 2:08.2 5.00  
  Vincennes Gard, James 10 1944 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Vincennes Gard, James 11 1945 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes Inman, Richard 11 1947 120 H 4. 2.00  
  Vincennes Inman, Richard 12 1948 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Vincennes Johnson, Elmer 12 1936 440 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Vincennes Johnson, Francis 11 1932 PV +2. 3.50  
  Vincennes Johnson, Francis 12 1933 PV +2. 3.50  
  Vincennes Kehl, Frank 12 1955 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Vincennes Limbach, Lester 12 1934 SP 2. 4.00  
  Vincennes Longest, Virgil 12 1939 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Vincennes Metz, Henry 12 1932 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Vincennes Metz, Henry 12 1932 LJ 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes Phillippe, Ralph 11 1910 100 2. 3.00  
  Vincennes Phillippe, Ralph 11 1910 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Vincennes Walker, Lloyd 9 1933 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes Walker, Wendell 11 1931 SP 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes Wampler, Firman 10 1923 440 (R1) 1. 53.3 5.00  
  Vincennes Wampler, Firman 11 1924 440 (R1) 1. 52.6 5.00  
  Vincennes Wampler, Firman 12 1925 440 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Vincennes Westfall, Clarence 12 1936 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes White, Carl 12 1915 PV +3. 0.50  
  Vincennes Wiseman, Lynn 12 1940 Mile (R2) 3. 3.00  
  Vincennes 1936 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Vincennes 1937 880 R (R2) 5. 2.00  
  Vincennes 1911 Mile R 3. -  
  Vincennes 1934 Mile R (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Vincennes Central Catholic Hudson, Richard 12 1969 LJ 5. 1.00 1 1.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Anderson, Thomas 12 1976 HJ 3. 6' 10 6.00 10 41.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Barker, Phil 12 1974 880 1. 1:53.9 10.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Barmes, Trevor 12 2000 PV 4. 15' 03 6.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Blackburn, William 12 1979 PV 6. 14' 00 1.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Catt, Steve 12 1971 SP 4. 56' 01 3/4 2.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Cobb, Steve 11 1970 LJ 5. 22' 01 1/2 1.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Cobb, Steve 12 1971 LJ 1. 22' 09 1/4 6.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Martin, Leon 12 1970 HJ 1. 6' 06 6.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln Smith, Evan 12 1997 300 H 8. 38.18 2.00  
  Vincennes Lincoln 1974 Mile R 6. 3:27.1 1.00  
  Wabash Anderson, Harold 12 1921 440 (R2) 2. 3.00 43 149.25  
  Wabash Barnhart, David 12 1945 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Wabash Butler, Stewart 12 1920 SP 1. 43' 07 1/2 5.00  
  Wabash Butler, Stewart 12 1921 SP 2. 3.00  
  Wabash Cantrell, Kyle 12 2005 DT 6. 167' 04 4.00  
  Wabash Cardinali, Mario 11 1987 HJ 2. 6' 11 8.00  
  Wabash Cardinali, Mario 12 1988 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Wabash DeBoard, Bryan 12 1993 300 H 8. 38.00 2.00  
  Wabash Farthing, Harold 11 1942 HJ +5. 0.50  
  Wabash Farthing, Harold 12 1943 HJ +5. 0.25  
  Wabash George, Kurtis 10 1998 3200 9. 9:22.48 1.00  
  Wabash George, Kurtis 11 1999 3200 5. 9:23.61 5.00  
  Wabash George, Kurtis 12 2000 3200 3. 9:18.48 7.00  
  Wabash Hogan, Hugh 11 1925 100 4. 2.00  
  Wabash Jones, Robert  12 1930 SP 1. 50' 03 5.00  
  Wabash Knee, Homer 11 1924 SP 2. 3.00  
  Wabash Knee, Homer 12 1925 SP 1. 51' 05 5.00  
  Wabash Knee, Irvin 11 1918 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Wabash Knee, Irvin 12 1919 100 1. 11.2 5.00  
  Wabash Knee, Irvin 12 1919 220 2. 3.00  
  Wabash Lane, Greg 12 2008 300 H 6. 39.30 4.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 10 1920 220 H 1. 27.0 5.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 10 1920 PV +2. 1.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 11 1921 440 (R1) 3. 1.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 11 1921 LJ 2. 3.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 12 1922 120 H 1. 16.8 5.00  
  Wabash Marks, Lawrence 12 1922 220 H 1. 26.6 5.00  
  Wabash McManee, Edward 12 1921 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Wabash Morrow, Fred 10 1922 HJ 1. 5' 09 3/4 5.00  
  Wabash Morrow, Fred 11 1923 HJ 1. 5' 11 5.00  
  Wabash Morrow, Fred 11 1923 PV 1. 11' 03 5.00  
  Wabash Morrow, Fred 12 1924 HJ 2. 5' 08 3.00  
  Wabash Morrow, Fred 12 1924 PV 1. 12' 03 7/8 5.00  
  Wabash Showalter, Lee 11 1926 440 (R1) 1. 53.5 5.00  
  Wabash Showalter, Lee 12 1927 880 (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Wabash Smith, Bob 12 1928 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Wabash Stout, Spencer 12 2024 300 H 6. 39.14 4.00  
  Wabash Treckman, Phil 12 1978 2 Mile 5. 9:19.7 2.00  
  Wabash Vrooman, James 12 1951 HJ +1. 6' 01 3/4 4.50  
  Wabash Woods, George 12 1929 440 (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Wabash 1926 880 R (R1) 2. -  
  Wabash 1927 Mile R (R1) 1. 3:36.3 -  
  Wabash 1936 Mile R (R1) 5. 2.00  
  Wainwright Newton, Darrell 12 1973 PV +5. 13' 06 1.50 1 1.50  
  Waldron Branam, Kaden 12 2017 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00 3 14.00  
  Waldron Burris, Justin 11 1996 1600 6. 4:21.38 4.00  
  Waldron Larrison, Will 11 2024 800 8. 1:56.07 2.00  
  Walton Bishop, Edgar 12 1910 LJ 3. 1.00 7 21.00  
  Walton Bishop, Ray 10 1910 SP 3. 1.00  
  Walton Bishop, Ray 11 1911 SP 1. 40' 00 5.00  
  Walton Staggs, Alva 11 1908 100 1. 10.8 5.00  
  Walton Staggs, Alva 11 1908 220 1. 24.0 5.00  
  Walton Staggs, Alva 11 1908 LJ 3. 1.00  
  Walton Staggs, Alva 12 1909 220 2. 3.00  
  Wapahani Glasson, Bob 11 1971 880 2. 4.00 3 15.00  
  Wapahani Stinefield, Derek 11 2008 1600 4. 4:21.62 6.00  
  Wapahani 2024 3200 R 5. 7:55.41 5.00  
  Warren Central Adair, Steve 10 1991 LJ 5. 22' 08 2.00 162 853.14  
  Warren Central Adair, Steve 12 1993 400 2. 49.11 8.00  
  Warren Central Anderson, Jon 12 2002 SP 3. 56' 06 7.00  
  Warren Central Banks, Paul 11 1994 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Warren Central Batemon, Terry 11 2011 PV 3. 15' 09 7.00  
  Warren Central Benge, Roy 12 1973 Mile 3. 4:17.5 6.00  
  Warren Central Berry, Max 12 1932 LJ 3. 3.00  
  Warren Central Black, Bill 11 1952 PV +5. 11' 00 0.11  
  Warren Central Black, Bill 12 1953 PV +3. 1.20  
  Warren Central Blackburn, Brandon 12 2010 SP 9. 54' 01 1/2 1.00  
  Warren Central Blakey, Justin 12 2016 SP 7. 52' 01 1/4 3.00  
  Warren Central Borgman, Emil 12 1930 Mile (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Warren Central Bumphus, William 11 1997 400 8. 49.42 2.00  
  Warren Central Byrdsong, Bryce 12 2017 110 H 8. 14.56 2.00  
  Warren Central Byrdsong, Bryce 12 2017 300 H 9. 39.05 1.00  
  Warren Central Carson, Kenneth 12 1998 SP 3. 56' 08 3/4 7.00  
  Warren Central Collins, Marquis 10 2007 110 H 4. 14.71 6.00  
  Warren Central Collins, Marquis 12 2009 110 H 8. 14.40 2.00  
  Warren Central Collins, Marquis 12 2009 300 H 4. 38.28 6.00  
  Warren Central Collins, Orlando 12 2003 400 3. 48.99 7.00  
  Warren Central Collins, Tyrelle 12 1996 400 3. 48.27 7.00  
  Warren Central Davis, Kristopher 12 2013 SP 3. 57' 06 7.00  
  Warren Central Dennis, Jarrell 11 2014 HJ 2. 6' 09 8.00  
  Warren Central Dennis, Jarrell 12 2015 HJ 6. 6' 07 4.00  
  Warren Central Dwyer, Tim 12 1978 HJ 6. 6' 07 1.00  
  Warren Central Edwards, Ryan 12 1996 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00  
  Warren Central Fendel, John 12 1991 3200 3. 9:16.53 6.00  
  Warren Central Griggs, Brad 11 1995 800 2. 1:53.33 8.00  
  Warren Central Griggs, Brad 12 1996 800 1. 1:51.69 10.00  
  Warren Central Hampton, Jamal 12 2009 HJ 8. 6' 07 2.00  
  Warren Central Harding, Aaron 11 2000 3200 9. 9:25.31 1.00  
  Warren Central Harley, Kris 10 2009 SP 3. 57' 05 3/4 7.00  
  Warren Central Harley, Kris 11 2010 SP 1. 62' 00 10.00  
  Warren Central Harley, Kris 12 2011 SP 4. 61' 05 3/4 6.00  
  Warren Central Henninger, Richard 12 1980 110 H 5. 14.60 2.00  
  Warren Central Herrick, David 12 1984 SP 4. 55' 02 1/4 4.00  
  Warren Central Herring, Aubrey 12 1996 110 H 1. 14.13 10.00  
  Warren Central Hodge, Jordan 10 2017 200 7. 21.98 3.00  
  Warren Central Hodge, Jordan 12 2019 100 1. 10.60 10.00  
  Warren Central Hodge, Jordan 12 2019 200 3. 21.35 7.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 9 2003 300 H 6. 39.02 4.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 10 2004 110 H 6. 14.59 4.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 11 2005 110 H 5. 14.30 5.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 11 2005 300 H 3. 37.49 7.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 12 2006 110 H 3. 13.96 7.00  
  Warren Central Hodges, Joey 12 2006 300 H 2. 36.76 8.00  
  Warren Central Hollis, Harry 12 1931 100 4. 2.00  
  Warren Central Hollis, Harry 12 1931 LJ 2. 4.00  
  Warren Central Housley, Keith 12 2010 200 7. 22.14 3.00  
  Warren Central Keys, Damien 12 2024 LJ 9. 21' 08 1.00  
  Warren Central Kissell, John 12 1935 LJ 4. 2.00  
  Warren Central Martin, Jeff  10 1994 110 H 7. 14.90 3.00  
  Warren Central Martin, Jeff  11 1995 110 H 1. 14.15 10.00  
  Warren Central Martin, Jeff  11 1995 300 H 2. 37.45 8.00  
  Warren Central Martin, Jeff  12 1996 110 H 2. 14.23 8.00  
  Warren Central Martin, Jeff  12 1996 300 H 3. 37.39 7.00  
  Warren Central Mason, Ron 10 1994 LJ 4. 23' 00 1/2 6.00  
  Warren Central Mason, Ron 11 1995 LJ 5. 22' 09 1/4 5.00  
  Warren Central Mescall, Tony 11 1992 PV 1. 14' 09 10.00  
  Warren Central Mitchell, Dennis 11 2001 100 8. 10.90 2.00  
  Warren Central Mitchell, Dennis 12 2002 100 4. 10.64 6.00  
  Warren Central Mitchell, Dennis 12 2002 200 5. 21.79 5.00  
  Warren Central Molyneaux, Charles 12 1929 120 H 5. 1.00  
  Warren Central Montgomery, Glendon 12 2015 110 H 4. 14.36 6.00  
  Warren Central Montgomery, Glendon 12 2015 300 H 4. 38.22 6.00  
  Warren Central Murray, Rahvy 12 1986 400 3. 48.79 6.00  
  Warren Central O'Connor, Michael 12 1977 180 H 4. 19.7 4.00  
  Warren Central Overbeck, Earl 11 1941 HJ +5. 0.33  
  Warren Central Owens, Royce 11 2000 SP 7. 55' 05 1/4 3.00  
  Warren Central Owens, Royce 12 2001 SP 6. 55' 02 3/4 4.00  
  Warren Central Parrish, Steve 10 1998 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Warren Central Parrish, Steve 11 1999 HJ +5. 6' 06 4.50  
  Warren Central Perkins-Sullivan, Keon 12 2021 DT 1. 179' 09 10.00  
  Warren Central Pipkin, Devin 10 2005 100 2. 10.71 8.00  
  Warren Central Pipkin, Devin 10 2005 200 4. 22.10 6.00  
  Warren Central Pipkin, Devin 11 2006 100 2. 10.55 8.00  
  Warren Central Pipkin, Devin 11 2006 200 2. 21.46 8.00  
  Warren Central Pipkin, Devin 12 2007 100 9. 11.47 1.00  
  Warren Central Price, Ishmael 12 2015 LJ 8. 22' 06 3/4 2.00  
  Warren Central Reeves-Lile, Jaelyn 11 2022 100 7. 10.89 3.00  
  Warren Central Reeves-Lile, Jaelyn 12 2023 100 7. 10.79 3.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 9 2005 110 H 9. 14.39 1.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 9 2005 300 H 6. 38.07 4.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 10 2006 110 H 5. 14.11 5.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 10 2006 300 H 5. 37.81 5.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 11 2007 110 H 3. 14.41 7.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 11 2007 300 H 3. 38.02 7.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 12 2008 110 H 1. 13.96 10.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, D'Juan 12 2008 300 H 1. 37.18 10.00  
  Warren Central Richardson, Ondraius 11 2006 800 6. 1:55.14 4.00  
  Warren Central Robinson, James 12 1986 LJ 4. 23' 01 1/4 4.00  
  Warren Central Robinson-Berry, Eric 12 2011 100 4. 10.89 6.00  
  Warren Central Robinson-Berry, Eric 12 2011 LJ 6. 21' 11 3/4 4.00  
  Warren Central Sandifer, Ahijah 12 2021 100 8. 10.91 2.00  
  Warren Central Shanklin, Damien 10 2023 DT 4. 174' 03 6.00  
  Warren Central Shaw, Arq'eil 12 2011 300 H 2. 38.26 8.00  
  Warren Central Showning, Dyrek 12 2012 DT 7. 166' 01 3.00  
  Warren Central Smith, Reggie 12 2012 110 H 4. 14.34 6.00  
  Warren Central Smith, Reggie 12 2012 300 H 8. 39.03 2.00  
  Warren Central Spight, Derrick Sr. 10 2007 HJ 3. 6' 09 7.00  
  Warren Central Spight, Derrick Sr. 11 2008 HJ 1. 6' 11 10.00  
  Warren Central Spight, Derrick Sr. 12 2009 HJ 1. 7' 00 10.00  
  Warren Central Stephens, Brion 12 2022 HJ 3. 6' 07 7.00  
  Warren Central Swanigan, John 10 1995 100 5. 11.05 5.00  
  Warren Central Swanigan, John 10 1995 200 4. 22.45 6.00  
  Warren Central Tardy, Desmond 11 2003 LJ 6. 22' 00 1/4 4.00  
  Warren Central Thomas, Isaiah  11 2014 200 1. 21.68 10.00  
  Warren Central Thomas, Isaiah  12 2015 100 4. 10.83 6.00  
  Warren Central Thomas, Isaiah  12 2015 200 2. 21.40 8.00  
  Warren Central Turner, De'Sean 10 2005 1600 6. 4:17.23 4.00  
  Warren Central Turner, De'Sean 10 2005 3200 9. 9:24.21 1.00  
  Warren Central Turner, De'Sean 11 2006 1600 2. 4:08.78 8.00  
  Warren Central Turner, De'Sean 12 2007 800 2. 1:54.34 8.00  
  Warren Central Turner, De'Sean 12 2007 1600 1. 4:08.34 10.00  
  Warren Central Tutsie, Michael 12 2017 300 H 5. 38.79 5.00  
  Warren Central Washington, Adarius 12 2011 110 H 4. 14.30 6.00  
  Warren Central Webster, Matthew 12 2008 DT 7. 164' 07 3.00  
  Warren Central Wills, Xavier 12 2022 800 2. 1:52.69 8.00  
  Warren Central 1995 400 R 2. 42.57 8.00  
  Warren Central 1996 400 R 1. 42.10 10.00  
  Warren Central 1997 400 R 7. 42.92 3.00  
  Warren Central 1998 400 R 4. 42.59 6.00  
  Warren Central 1999 400 R 8. 42.68 2.00  
  Warren Central 2001 400 R 8. 42.90 2.00  
  Warren Central 2002 400 R 3. 42.17 7.00  
  Warren Central 2004 400 R 7. 42.49 3.00  
  Warren Central 2005 400 R 4. 42.11 6.00  
  Warren Central 2006 400 R 1. 41.18 10.00  
  Warren Central 2007 400 R 5. 42.33 5.00  
  Warren Central 2008 400 R 7. 42.57 3.00  
  Warren Central 2009 400 R 4. 42.02 6.00  
  Warren Central 2014 400 R 4. 42.03 6.00  
  Warren Central 2015 400 R 6. 42.08 4.00  
  Warren Central 2017 400 R 4. 41.66 6.00  
  Warren Central 2018 400 R 4. 42.12 6.00  
  Warren Central 2019 400 R 1. 41.40 10.00  
  Warren Central 2021 400 R 1. 41.70 10.00  
  Warren Central 2023 400 R 6. 41.81 4.00  
  Warren Central 1991 1600 R 5. 3:21.52 2.00  
  Warren Central 1993 1600 R 8. 3:25.94 2.00  
  Warren Central 1995 1600 R 7. 3:21.90 3.00  
  Warren Central 1996 1600 R 1. 3:18.35 10.00  
  Warren Central 1997 1600 R 1. 3:20.89 10.00  
  Warren Central 1999 1600 R 5. 3:21.03 5.00  
  Warren Central 2000 1600 R 1. 3:18.00 10.00  
  Warren Central 2001 1600 R 5. 3:21.05 5.00  
  Warren Central 2003 1600 R 5. 3:20.70 5.00  
  Warren Central 2004 1600 R 9. 3:20.48 1.00  
  Warren Central 2005 1600 R 4. 3:19.08 6.00  
  Warren Central 2006 1600 R 7. 3:17.78 3.00  
  Warren Central 2007 1600 R 8. 3:21.89 2.00  
  Warren Central 2011 1600 R 7. 3:19.59 3.00  
  Warren Central 2012 1600 R 9. 3:21.20 1.00  
  Warren Central 2016 1600 R 4. 3:19.82 6.00  
  Warren Central 2017 1600 R 8. 3:20.27 2.00  
  Warren Central 2022 1600 R 5. 3:20.82 5.00  
  Warren Central 2023 1600 R 2. 3:16.89 8.00  
  Warren Central 2001 3200 R 5. 8:01.08 5.00  
  Warren Central 2002 3200 R 7. 8:04.40 3.00  
  Warren Central 2006 3200 R 2. 7:44.21 8.00  
  Warren Central 2011 3200 R 8. 7:53.34 2.00  
  Warren Central 2021 3200 R 8. 8:01.24 2.00  
  Warsaw Boley, Kyle 11 2003 PV 7. 14' 06 3.00 83 328.50  
  Warsaw Brallier, Argel 11 1941 Mile (R1) 4. 2.00  
  Warsaw Brallier, Argel 12 1942 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Warsaw Burke, Dave 10 1949 HJ +2. 3.50  
  Warsaw Burke, Dave 12 1951 HJ +1. 6' 01 3/4 4.50  
  Warsaw Chambers, Robert 10 1936 Mile (R1) 5. 1.00  
  Warsaw Chambers, Robert 11 1937 Mile (R1) 1. 4:37.2 5.00  
  Warsaw Chambers, Robert 12 1938 Mile (R1) 3. 3.00  
  Warsaw Coon, Ellis 10 2012 1600 9. 4:13.72 1.00  
  Warsaw Coon, Ellis 12 2014 1600 3. 4:15.00 7.00  
  Warsaw Curtis, Chad 12 1974 880 6. 1:56.2 1.00  
  Warsaw Dobbins, Dick 11 1946 100 5. 1.00  
  Warsaw Fancil, Dick 11 1960 PV +2. 12' 02 2.00  
  Warsaw Fancil, Dick 12 1961 PV 1. 12 '09 5.00  
  Warsaw Fouts, Seth 11 2013 SP 6. 55' 08 1/4 4.00  
  Warsaw Fribley, David 12 1996 SP 9. 54' 04 1/4 1.00  
  Warsaw Fribley, Neil 11 1982 SP 4. 55' 11 4.00  
  Warsaw Fribley, Neil 12 1983 SP 1. 58' 03 3/4 10.00  
  Warsaw Furnivall, Tracy 10 1983 300 H 4. 37.04 4.00  
  Warsaw Furnivall, Troy 11 1981 400 6. 49.53 1.00  
  Warsaw Furnivall, Troy 12 1982 200 2. 21.64 8.00  
  Warsaw Furnivall, Troy 12 1982 400 1. 47.83 10.00  
  Warsaw Glogovsky, Owen 12 2016 1600 6. 4:17.37 4.00  
  Warsaw Heisler, Randy 11 1979 DT 6. 167' 10 1.00  
  Warsaw Heisler, Randy 12 1980 SP 3. 60' 03 6.00  
  Warsaw Heisler, Randy 12 1980 DT 3. 168' 10 6.00  
  Warsaw Hicks, Jay 10 1990 1600 2. 4:14.27 8.00  
  Warsaw Hicks, Jay 10 1990 3200 3. 9:22.95 6.00  
  Warsaw Hicks, Jay 11 1991 1600 2. 4:13.57 8.00  
  Warsaw Hill, Jon 11 1998 400 9. 49.62 1.00  
  Warsaw Horrick, Dean 12 1952 HJ 4. 5' 11 1/2 2.00  
  Warsaw Kauffman, Kameron 11 2024 SP 9. 55' 03 3/4 1.00  
  Warsaw Kinney, Mike 12 1973 DT 4. 157' 00 4.00  
  Warsaw Knee, George 12 1955 SP 5. 1.00  
  Warsaw Kolbe, Stephen 9 2011 HJ 9. 6' 06 1.00  
  Warsaw Kolbe, Stephen 10 2012 HJ +6. 6' 04 2.00  
  Warsaw Levin, Howard 11 1937 440 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Warsaw Messenger, Daniel 12 2015 800 8. 1:54.81 2.00  
  Warsaw Murphy, Robert 12 2013 800 7. 1:55.33 3.00  
  Warsaw Murphy, Robert 12 2013 1600 4. 4:12.46 6.00  
  Warsaw Ottersberg, Karl 11 1983 SP 6. 56' 04 1.00  
  Warsaw Ottersberg, Karl 12 1984 DT 3. 164' 06 6.00  
  Warsaw Poyner, Jacob 12 2013 1600 3. 4:09.95 7.00  
  Warsaw Poyner, Jacob 12 2013 3200 5. 9:14.20 5.00  
  Warsaw Randall, Grady 12 2002 300 H 4. 38.71 6.00  
  Warsaw Randall, Jordan 10 2024 HJ 3. 6' 08 7.00  
  Warsaw Rankin, David 11 1936 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Warsaw Rankin, David 12 1937 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Warsaw Rankin, David 12 1937 200 H 4. 2.00  
  Warsaw Rheinhardt, Spencer 12 2012 800 2. 1:52.32 8.00  
  Warsaw Ruch, Larry 12 1959 PV 1. 13' 00 5.00  
  Warsaw Sapara-Grant, Victor 11 2009 LJ 3. 22' 05 3/4 7.00  
  Warsaw Seiss, Greg 11 1999 800 6. 1:54.75 4.00  
  Warsaw Seiss, Greg 12 2000 800 2. 1:54.30 8.00  
  Warsaw Seitz, Rich 12 1986 PV 4. 14' 09 4.00  
  Warsaw Shaw, Mike 12 1984 HJ +6. 6' 08 0.50  
  Warsaw Stamates, Donald 10 1921 100 3. 1.00  
  Warsaw Stamates, Donald 10 1921 440 (R1) 1. 53.8 5.00  
  Warsaw Stamates, Donald 11 1922 440 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Warsaw Stamates, Donald 12 1923 440 (R2) 2. 3.00  
  Warsaw Stiver, Tanner 12 2021 800 8. 1:55.09 2.00  
  Warsaw Stuart, Vahchaaroah 12 2007 SP 5. 55' 10 3/4 5.00  
  Warsaw Sutherlin, Vere 12 1925 880 (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Warsaw Truex, Max 11 1953 Mile 4. 2.00  
  Warsaw Truex, Max 12 1954 Mile 1. 4:20.4 5.00  
  Warsaw Wells, Leonard 11 2007 DT 3. 173' 11 7.00  
  Warsaw Wells, Leonard 12 2008 SP 4. 57' 05 6.00  
  Warsaw Wells, Leonard 12 2008 DT 2. 180' 03 8.00  
  Warsaw White, Errol 12 1965 220 4. 2.00  
  Warsaw Wilcoxson, Darrin 12 1989 800 2. 1:52.57 8.00  
  Warsaw 1984 400 R 6. 43.57 1.00  
  Warsaw 2002 400 R 8. 42.93 2.00  
  Warsaw 2014 400 R 8. 42.66 2.00  
  Warsaw 1941 880 R (R1) 4. 4.00  
  Warsaw 1952 880 R 2. 8.00  
  Warsaw 1920 Mile R 3. -  
  Warsaw 1974 Mile R 3. 3:21.3 6.00  
  Warsaw 1980 1600 R 5. 3:18.10 2.00  
  Warsaw 2013 1600 R 6. 3:20.22 4.00  
  Warsaw 2014 1600 R 9. 3:21.01 1.00  
  Warsaw 1998 3200 R 4. 7:53.43 6.00  
  Warsaw 1999 3200 R 5. 7:54.07 5.00  
  Warsaw 2000 3200 R 6. 7:59.83 4.00  
  Washington Allen, Earl 11 1914 120 H 3. 1.00 40 102.31  
  Washington Allen, Earl 11 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Washington Ballou, Richard 10 1914 880 1. 2:12.5 5.00  
  Washington Burris, Roy 11 1920 440 3. 1.00  
  Washington Eggleston, Robert 11 1948 Mile (R2) 1. 4:31.5 5.00  
  Washington Eggleston, Robert 12 1949 Mile 2. 4.00  
  Washington Forbey, Scott 12 2004 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  Washington Gilley, Eric 12 1998 DT 9. 163' 03 1.00  
  Washington Hatfield, James 12 1927 120 H 2. 4.00  
  Washington Hatfield, James 12 1927 220 H 5. 1.00  
  Washington Heffernan, John 12 1912 880 1. 2:10.6 5.00  
  Washington Heffernan, John 12 1912 Mile 1. 4:53.0 5.00  
  Washington Ingraham, Hoyt 11 1914 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Washington Ingraham, Hoyt 12 1915 120 H 1. 17.6 5.00  
  Washington Ingraham, Hoyt 12 1915 220 H 1. 27.8 5.00  
  Washington Kiefer, Ray 11 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Washington Kiefer, Ray 11 1914 PV +3. 0.25  
  Washington Kiefer, Ray 12 1915 PV +1. 10' 06 4.00  
  Washington Lett, Hamlet 12 1914 220 H 2. 3.00  
  Washington Martin, Joe 12 1962 PV +2. 12' 09 3.00  
  Washington Morgan, Arthur 12 1911 120 H 2. 3.00  
  Washington Murray, Charles 12 1955 100 2. 4.00  
  Washington Murray, Charles 12 1955 220 4. 2.00  
  Washington Owens, Jeff 12 1998 PV 5. 14' 06 5.00  
  Washington Simmons, Brayton 12 1960 LJ 4. 21' 02 2.00  
  Washington Smalley, Ralph 12 1916 DT 3. 105' 03 3/4 1.00  
  Washington Smiley, Paul 12 1916 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Washington Swords, Robert 11 1916 100 3. 1.00  
  Washington Swords, Robert 12 1917 440 2. 3.00  
  Washington Umbles, Lee 11 1914 880 3. 1.00  
  Washington Umbles, Lee 11 1914 Mile 1. 4:47.5 5.00  
  Washington Wallace, Russell 11 1911 880 3. 1.00  
  Washington Webb, Cecil 12 1915 220 3. 1.00  
  Washington Wiggs, Larry 12 1955 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Washington Wiggs, Larry 12 1955 180 H 3. 3.00  
  Washington Williams, Joe 12 1920 100 1. 10.8 5.00  
  Washington Yelch, Harry 12 1905 HJ +3. 0.50  
  Washington Yelch, Harry 12 1905 LJ 1. 20' 01 3/4 5.00  
  Washington 1914 Mile R 3. -  
  Washington 1917 Mile R 1. 3:38.2 -  
  Washington Catholic Hinkle, Tom 12 1960 Mile 2. 4.00 1 4.00  
  Washington Center Baker, Carl 11 1919 HJ 3. 1.00 5 11.00  
  Washington Center Baker, Carl 12 1920 HJ 3. 1.00  
  Washington Center Johnson, Vernon 12 1916 SP 3. 43' 01 1.00  
  Washington Center McCoy, Roy 12 1920 LJ 1. 20' 03 5.00  
  Washington Center Murray, Howard 12 1916 440 2. 3.00  
  Wawasee Argentino, Anthony 10 2002 110 H 3. 14.26 7.00 26 127.00  
  Wawasee Argentino, Anthony 11 2003 110 H 5. 14.85 5.00  
  Wawasee Argentino, Anthony 11 2003 300 H 5. 38.96 5.00  
  Wawasee Argentino, Anthony 12 2004 110 H 2. 13.93 8.00  
  Wawasee Argentino, Anthony 12 2004 300 H 1. 37.44 10.00  
  Wawasee Brown, Eric 11 2007 400 8. 48.73 2.00  
  Wawasee Brown, Eric 12 2008 400 4. 48.43 6.00  
  Wawasee Chalfant, Rob 11 2000 3200 4. 9:18.69 6.00  
  Wawasee Chalfant, Rob 12 2001 1600 8. 4:20.20 2.00  
  Wawasee Cook, Clayton 11 2014 110 H 5. 14.57 5.00  
  Wawasee Cook, Clayton 12 2015 200 8. 21.87 2.00  
  Wawasee Cook, Clayton 12 2015 110 H 1. 13.99 10.00  
  Wawasee Eisenhour, Scott 12 1995 SP 6. 57' 01 4.00  
  Wawasee Gilmer, Jacob 10 2013 HJ 4. 6' 06 6.00  
  Wawasee Gilmer, Jacob 12 2015 HJ 2. 6' 10 8.00  
  Wawasee Griner, Luke 10 2017 800 9. 1:55.46 1.00  
  Wawasee Griner, Luke 11 2018 800 8. 1:56.28 2.00  
  Wawasee Griner, Luke 12 2019 800 4. 1:52.89 6.00  
  Wawasee Marks, Kevin 12 1982 DT 5. 154' 00 2.00  
  Wawasee Reiff, Mark 12 1974 DT 2. 164' 00 8.00  
  Wawasee Rhodes, Jerry 12 1976 SP 5. 58' 01 2.00  
  Wawasee Rhodes, Jerry 12 1976 DT 2. 173' 07 8.00  
  Wawasee Wollman, Dave 12 1975 DT 3. 151' 03 6.00  
  Wawasee 2006 1600 R 8. 3:18.75 2.00  
  Wawasee 2008 1600 R 8. 3:20.40 2.00  
  Wawasee 2003 3200 R 8. 7:54.98 2.00  
  Webster-Williamsburg Howard, Larry 12 1965 PV +5. 13' 00 0.33 1 0.33  
  West Lafayette Anderson, Lee 12 1965 440 4. 2.00 41 179.17  
  West Lafayette Baker, Malachi 11 2012 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  West Lafayette Baker, Malachi 12 2013 PV 7. 15' 00 3.00  
  West Lafayette Blume, Josh 12 1998 110 H 7. 14.90 3.00  
  West Lafayette Bolin, Jeff 12 1970 LJ 3. 22' 08 1/4 3.00  
  West Lafayette Brown, David 12 1988 LJ 6. 22' 09 3/4 1.00  
  West Lafayette Curl, Mitchell 10 2017 800 7. 1:54.98 3.00  
  West Lafayette Curl, Mitchell 11 2018 800 6. 1:56.07 4.00  
  West Lafayette Curl, Mitchell 12 2019 800 6. 1:53.40 4.00  
  West Lafayette Curl, Wyatt 11 2022 PV +9. 14' 00 0.33  
  West Lafayette Evers, Mike 12 1991 300 H 3. 38.02 6.00  
  West Lafayette Gibbens, Mark 11 1964 Mile 2. 4.00  
  West Lafayette Gibbens, Mark 12 1965 Mile 1. 4:14.9 5.00  
  West Lafayette Griggs, Herbert 1909 PV +3. 9' 10 1/4 0.33  
  West Lafayette Heise, Robert 12 1999 1600 4. 4:20.34 6.00  
  West Lafayette Hendrickson, Vernon 12 1996 800 9. 1:57.39 1.00  
  West Lafayette Jaqua, Dick 12 1946 PV +5. 0.50  
  West Lafayette Johnson, Evan 12 2016 3200 3. 9:08.04 7.00  
  West Lafayette Karlaftas, George 9 2016 SP 6. 53' 01 1/2 4.00  
  West Lafayette Karlaftas, George 10 2017 SP 1. 59' 05 1/2 10.00  
  West Lafayette Karlaftas, George 11 2018 SP 1. 60' 00 1/2 10.00  
  West Lafayette Leatherman, Steve 12 1971 2 Mile 3. 3.00  
  West Lafayette Liste, Dave 12 1958 Mile 3. 3.00  
  West Lafayette Okeafor, Chike 12 1994 DT 4. 170' 00 6.00  
  West Lafayette Schwab, Zach 11 2003 1600 3. 4:17.25 7.00  
  West Lafayette Schwab, Zach 12 2004 1600 5. 4:18.12 5.00  
  West Lafayette Taylor, Steve 12 1962 Mile 2. 4.00  
  West Lafayette Warren, Mike 12 1985 400 3. 48.67 6.00  
  West Lafayette Williams, Cooper 10 2014 3200 6. 9:13.84 4.00  
  West Lafayette Williams, Cooper 12 2016 800 1. 1:54.03 10.00  
  West Lafayette Zambrows, Garrett 12 2005 800 3. 1:53.01 7.00  
  West Lafayette 1992 1600 R 9. 3:24.37 1.00  
  West Lafayette 2016 1600 R 9. 3:20.86 1.00  
  West Lafayette 2021 1600 R 8. 3:24.17 2.00  
  West Lafayette 2024 1600 R 9. 3:22.38 1.00  
  West Lafayette 1996 3200 R 3. 7:58.15 7.00  
  West Lafayette 2005 3200 R 5. 7:55.63 5.00  
  West Lafayette 2007 3200 R 8. 7:54.92 2.00  
  West Lafayette 2008 3200 R 5. 7:56.50 5.00  
  West Lafayette 2015 3200 R 1. 7:45.07 10.00  
  West Lafayette 2016 3200 R 1. 7:44.45 10.00  
  West Noble Burns, Michael 12 1983 HJ 6. 6' 10 1.00 13 49.00  
  West Noble Eyer, Rob 11 1988 800 6. 1:56.08 1.00  
  West Noble Eyer, Rod 12 1991 1600 4. 4:18.56 4.00  
  West Noble Flora, Mike 12 1994 1600 6. 4:19.74 4.00  
  West Noble Handshoe, Kevin 12 2012 1600 8. 4:13.11 2.00  
  West Noble Mazier, Mike 12 1983 1600 1. 4:15.49 10.00  
  West Noble Pizana, Frank 10 1993 1600 8. 4:18.89 2.00  
  West Noble Pizana, Frank 11 1994 1600 4. 4:19.28 6.00  
  West Noble Weaver, Chris 12 1993 PV 4. 14' 03 6.00  
  West Noble Wysong, Jeff 11 2007 800 7. 1:56.07 3.00  
  West Noble Wysong, Jeff 12 2008 800 7. 1:56.50 3.00  
  West Noble Wysong, Phil 10 1970 Mile 5. 1.00  
  West Noble Wysong, Phil 12 1972 Mile 1. 4:19.5 6.00  
  West Vigo Dispennett, Josh 10 1995 PV 3. 14' 09 7.00 5 19.00  
  West Vigo Roach, Ethan 10 2016 100 8. 11.05 2.00  
  West Vigo Roach, Ethan 12 2018 100 6. 10.76 4.00  
  West Vigo Roach, Ethan 12 2018 200 5. 21.96 5.00  
  West Vigo Schoffman, Ben 12 1976 880 6. 1:55.2 1.00  
  Western Everetts, Josh 12 2017 1600 7. 4:15.54 3.00 10 57.50  
  Western Gann, Kyle 12 2007 PV 4. 15' 06 6.00  
  Western Gilbert, Tyler 11 2017 DT 1. 173' 10 10.00  
  Western Gilbert, Tyler 12 2018 DT 1. 177' 03 10.00  
  Western Grider, Matt 11 2013 3200 7. 9:16.74 3.00  
  Western Scott, Corey 12 2009 3200 5. 9:17.67 5.00  
  Western Walsh, Kyle 11 2003 1600 8. 4:20.59 2.00  
  Western Walsh, Kyle 12 2004 1600 2. 4:15.95 8.00  
  Western Youngdale, Brandon 11 2005 HJ +9. 6' 06 0.50  
  Western Youngdale, Brandon 12 2006 HJ 1. 6' 10 10.00  
  Western Boone Benson, Logan 10 2017 HJ +8. 6' 04 0.60 3 13.60  
  Western Boone Benson, Logan 11 2018 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Western Boone Benson, Logan 12 2019 HJ 1. 6' 09 10.00  
  Westfield Armstrong, Charles 11 1913 220 2. 3.00 30 115.11  
  Westfield Armstrong, Charles 12 1914 220 2. 3.00  
  Westfield Armstrong, Linzey 9 1912 120 H 3. 1.00  
  Westfield Armstrong, Linzey 11 1914 120 H 1. 17.4 5.00  
  Westfield Armstrong, Linzey 11 1914 HJ +3. 0.11  
  Westfield Catlin, Seth 12 1998 100 6. 10.99 4.00  
  Westfield Connor, Kai 12 2022 800 1. 1:51.84 10.00  
  Westfield DuVall, Kyle 12 2013 1600 9. 4:17.49 1.00  
  Westfield Ewing, Tom 12 2023 SP 7. 57' 06 1/4 3.00  
  Westfield Haack, Peyton 12 2018 PV 8. 14' 06 2.00  
  Westfield Hartman, Alec 11 2015 800 3. 1:53.95 7.00  
  Westfield Hartman, Alec 12 2016 800 3. 1:55.55 7.00  
  Westfield Huesden, Christiaan 12 2021 300 H 9. 39.57 1.00  
  Westfield Mamril, Justin 12 2017 300 H 6. 38.95 4.00  
  Westfield Manley, Evan 12 2017 200 8. 22.13 2.00  
  Westfield Martin, Connor 11 2010 3200 6. 9:11.88 4.00  
  Westfield Martin, Connor 12 2011 1600 3. 4:10.03 7.00  
  Westfield Martin, Connor 12 2011 3200 9. 9:15.27 1.00  
  Westfield Thistlewaite, Andra 11 1912 SP 1. 40' 08 1/4 5.00  
  Westfield 2017 1600 R 9. 3:20.35 1.00  
  Westfield 2022 1600 R 8. 3:22.49 2.00  
  Westfield 2009 3200 R 4. 7:49.72 6.00  
  Westfield 2010 3200 R 8. 7:54.63 2.00  
  Westfield 2014 3200 R 6. 7:53.07 4.00  
  Westfield 2015 3200 R 4. 7:49.37 6.00  
  Westfield 2016 3200 R 2. 7:45.17 8.00  
  Westfield 2017 3200 R 4. 7:48.73 6.00  
  Westfield 2019 3200 R 8. 7:58.93 2.00  
  Westfield 2021 3200 R 4. 7:50.18 6.00  
  Westfield 2024 3200 R 8. 7:56.90 2.00  
  Westview Archer, Kevin 12 1993 SP 8. 57' 01 1/2 2.00 19 110.00  
  Westview Begley, Andrew 10 1993 3200 2. 9:22.63 8.00  
  Westview Begley, Andrew 11 1994 3200 1. 9:12.99 10.00  
  Westview Begley, Andrew 12 1995 1600 1. 4:11.66 10.00  
  Westview Begley, Andrew 12 1995 3200 1. 9:13.04 10.00  
  Westview Bontrager, Noah 10 2024 3200 5. 9:01.69 5.00  
  Westview Jones, Nate 12 1996 1600 5. 4:20.88 5.00  
  Westview Kennedy, Jason 12 1993 PV 1. 15' 00 10.00  
  Westview Kennedy, Trey 10 2012 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Westview Kennedy, Trey 12 2014 PV 5. 15' 03 5.00  
  Westview Raber, Nathan 12 2013 PV 8. 14' 09 2.00  
  Westview Slabach, Chris 11 1979 880 3. 1:55.87 6.00  
  Westview Slabach, Chris 12 1980 800 5. 1:53.64 2.00  
  Westview Slabach, Ervin 12 1994 3200 5. 9:28.53 5.00  
  Westview Stoltzfus, Richmond 11 2017 1600 3. 4:13.37 7.00  
  Westview Stoltzfus, Richmond 12 2018 1600 6. 4:15.07 4.00  
  Westview Yoder, Matthew 12 2018 3200 6. 9:16.79 4.00  
  Westview 2018 3200 R 4. 7:49.08 6.00  
  Westview 2019 3200 R 6. 7:54.79 4.00  
  Westville Thompson, George 12 1950 HJ +3. 1.50 3 19.50  
  Westville Zickmund, Jim 11 1975 LJ 2. 22' 06 8.00  
  Westville Zickmund, Jim 12 1976 LJ 1. 24' 04 10.00  
  Wheeler Glise, Lars 12 2007 800 6. 1:55.85 4.00 3 13.00  
  Wheeler Noland, Howard 12 1940 Mile (R2) 4. 2.00  
  Wheeler Wasz, Jacob 12 2016 LJ 3. 22' 10 3/4 7.00  
  White River Valley Campbell, Matthew 9 1998 PV +2. 15' 00 7.50 9 72.50  
  White River Valley Campbell, Matthew 10 1999 PV 1. 15' 03 10.00  
  White River Valley Campbell, Matthew 11 2000 PV 1. 16' 03 10.00  
  White River Valley Campbell, Matthew 12 2001 PV 1. 16' 09 10.00  
  White River Valley Dayhoff, Douglas 9 2001 400 7. 49.38 3.00  
  White River Valley Dayhoff, Douglas 10 2002 400 3. 48.47 7.00  
  White River Valley Dayhoff, Douglas 11 2003 400 1. 48.13 10.00  
  White River Valley Dayhoff, Douglas 12 2004 400 3. 48.00 7.00  
  White River Valley Provo, Ron 12 1999 DT 2. 166' 02 8.00  
  Whiteland Ballain, Jacob 12 2017 PV 6. 14' 06 4.00 19 88.00  
  Whiteland Emberton, Robert 12 1995 DT 6. 166' 07 4.00  
  Whiteland Emberton, Ryder 11 2016 SP 1. 62' 00 1/2 10.00  
  Whiteland Emberton, Ryder 11 2016 DT 3. 174' 03 7.00  
  Whiteland Emberton, Ryder 12 2017 DT 2. 173' 09 8.00  
  Whiteland Higginbotham, Bradley 10 2001 110 H 6. 15.03 4.00  
  Whiteland Higginbotham, Bradley 11 2002 110 H 8. 14.77 2.00  
  Whiteland Jefferson, William 12 2021 3200 1. 8:54.05 10.00  
  Whiteland Magennis, Tim 11 1977 LJ 4. 23' 03 4.00  
  Whiteland McPeak, Josh 12 2007 HJ 8. 6' 06 2.00  
  Whiteland Ogega, Djimmon 11 2016 400 6. 49.35 4.00  
  Whiteland Parrish, Scott 11 2022 PV 5. 14' 09 5.00  
  Whiteland Parrish, Scott 12 2023 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  Whiteland Schakel, Tayton 12 2023 DT 7. 170' 10 3.00  
  Whiteland Swails, Hunter 12 2010 PV 8. 14' 09 2.00  
  Whiteland Walls, Benian 12 2024 LJ 6. 21' 11 3/4 4.00  
  Whiteland Walls, Jacob 11 2012 400 8. 49.45 2.00  
  Whiteland Wray, Matthew 11 2023 200 3. 21.49 7.00  
  Whiteland Wuest, Cole 12 2014 PV 7. 14' 09 3.00  
  White's Institute Maggott, John 12 1973 440 4. 49.4 4.00 2 14.00  
  White's Institute 1973 Mile R 1. 3:22.2 10.00  
  Whitestown Bell, Donald 11 1923 SP 2. 3.00 2 8.00  
  Whitestown Bell, Donald 12 1924 SP 1. 47' 06 3/5 5.00  
  Whiting Allen, John 11 1952 220 4. 2.00 10 25.00  
  Whiting Allen, John 12 1953 100 1. 10.2 5.00  
  Whiting Allen, John 12 1953 220 2. 4.00  
  Whiting Gleghorn, Duane 11 1905 220 3. 1.00  
  Whiting Gleghorn, Duane 11 1905 SP 3. 1.00  
  Whiting Kilkeary, Paul 12 1925 220 H 4. 2.00  
  Whiting Stone, Jim 11 1951 120 H 3. 3.00  
  Whiting Thice, John 12 1905 880 2. 3.00  
  Whiting Vater, Ernest 9 1911 DT 3. 1.00  
  Whiting Vater, Ernest 11 1913 DT 2. 3.00  
  Whitko Howard, Glen 11 1989 SP 2. 60' 06 8.00 7 42.00  
  Whitko Howard, Glen 12 1990 SP 2. 60' 11 1/4 8.00  
  Whitko Mason, Tim 12 1998 100 4. 10.83 6.00  
  Whitko Mason, Tim 12 1998 200 4. 21.95 6.00  
  Whitko Mason, Tim 12 1998 LJ 6. 22' 08 4.00  
  Whitko Peters, Jeff 12 1984 300 H 3. 37.85 6.00  
  Whitko Snep, Cory 11 2008 HJ +5. 6' 06 4.00  
  Williamsport Campbell, Loren 12 1934 120 H 4. 2.00 2 3.00  
  Williamsport Lowe, Carl 12 1932 880 (R2) 5. 1.00  
  Winamac Crawford, Shane 11 2006 100 3. 10.71 7.00 7 34.00  
  Winamac Crawford, Shane 11 2006 200 8. 22.30 2.00  
  Winamac Crawford, Shane 12 2007 100 1. 10.51 10.00  
  Winamac Long, Don 12 1935 Mile (R1) 2. 4.00  
  Winamac Vanderheoef, Eric 12 2004 SP 9. 54' 11 3/4 1.00  
  Winamac Williamson, Bill  10 2015 PV 6. 15' 00 4.00  
  Winamac Williamson, Bill  12 2016 PV 4. 16' 03 6.00  
  Winchester Campbell, Brent 11 1992 110 H 9. 14.64 1.00 5 27.00  
  Winchester Campbell, Brent 11 1992 300 H 1. 37.73 10.00  
  Winchester Campbell, Brent 12 1993 110 H 8. 14.66 2.00  
  Winchester Campbell, Brent 12 1993 300 H 2. 36.88 8.00  
  Winchester Enis, Kiante 12 2016 100 4. 10.82 6.00  
  Windfall Osborn, David  12 1959 100 2. 4.00 2 9.00  
  Windfall Osborn, David  12 1959 220 1. 21.8 5.00  
  Wingate Crowder, Ralph 1916 Mile 3. 4:56.0 1.00 3 7.00  
  Wingate Thorn, Leo 11 1915 SP 2. 3.00  
  Wingate Thorn, Leo 12 1916 SP 2. 43' 03 1/2 3.00  
  Winslow Engleman, Ted 12 1919 880 2. 3.00 1 3.00  
  Wolcott Daggy, Ira 12 1910 440 1. 54.4 5.00 3 7.00  
  Wolcott Dellinger, Ora 11 1910 220 3. 1.00  
  Wolcott Kerlin, Harry 12 1909 DT 3. 95' 02 1.00  
  Wood Memorial Bartley, Johnnie 10 1986 HJ 2. 6' 08 8.00 1 8.00  
  Woodlan Klopfenstein, Todd 12 1974 LJ 2. 23' 00 1/4 8.00 2 13.00  
  Woodlan Richhart, Nolan 11 1997 800 5. 1:57.17 5.00  
  Yorktown Clevenger, Chase 11 2006 HJ 5. 6' 08 5.00 11 41.00  
  Yorktown Clevenger, Chase 12 2007 HJ 7. 6' 06 3.00  
  Yorktown Ekman, Chris 12 1996 800 4. 1:56.32 6.00  
  Yorktown Ewing, Ayden 12 2024 100 8. 11.12 2.00  
  Yorktown Moore, Walker 12 2021 SP 7. 56' 03 3/4 3.00  
  Yorktown Moore, Walker 12 2021 DT 6. 169' 02 4.00  
  Yorktown Moulton, Mason 12 2024 DT 8. 161' 10 2.00  
  Yorktown Nanko, Kolton 12 2023 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00  
  Yorktown Teeters, Jason 12 1997 LJ 8. 21' 07 3/4 2.00  
  Yorktown Whitehead, Cole 12 2021 400 7. 49.63 3.00  
  Yorktown 1996 3200 R 4. 7:58.75 6.00  
  Zionsville Anyaebunam, Christopher 12 2014 400 5. 49.17 5.00 47 227.00  
  Zionsville Bender, Lucas 12 2018 PV 5. 15' 00 5.00  
  Zionsville Berger, Samuel 12 2012 1600 4. 4:11.25 6.00  
  Zionsville Clark, Bennett 12 2018 DT 6. 166' 03 4.00  
  Zionsville Cooper, Carter 12 2001 300 H 8. 39.51 2.00  
  Zionsville DeCoursey, Bennett 12 2021 DT 5. 169' 06 5.00  
  Zionsville Dickson, Ryan 12 2011 400 4. 48.72 6.00  
  Zionsville Essley, Fin 11 2023 DT 2. 178' 02 8.00  
  Zionsville Ferrin, Brandon 12 1988 1600 6. 4:19.61 1.00  
  Zionsville Kramer, Austin 12 2007 SP 3. 56' 06 1/4 7.00  
  Zionsville Mikesky, Shane 10 2009 110 H 7. 14.37 3.00  
  Zionsville Mikesky, Shane 11 2010 110 H 1. 14.12 10.00  
  Zionsville Mikesky, Shane 11 2010 300 H 7. 39.07 3.00  
  Zionsville Mikesky, Shane 12 2011 110 H 1. 13.85 10.00  
  Zionsville Mikesky, Shane 12 2011 300 H 9. 38.97 1.00  
  Zionsville Mikic, Milos 12 2006 400 8. 48.74 2.00  
  Zionsville Mullens, Cameron 11 2023 200 7. 22.27 3.00  
  Zionsville Mullens, Cameron 11 2023 400 5. 47.97 5.00  
  Zionsville Pomfret, David 12 1983 800 3. 1:54.97 6.00  
  Zionsville Priddy, Cade 12 2021 PV 4. 16' 00 6.00  
  Zionsville Reiff, Caleb 11 2010 DT 7. 168' 09 3.00  
  Zionsville Reiff, Caleb 12 2011 DT 6. 176' 09 4.00  
  Zionsville Rigg, Oliver 12 2016 800 4. 1:55.65 6.00  
  Zionsville Schaumberg, Christopher 12 1998 300 H 5. 37.91 5.00  
  Zionsville Sorensen, Dylan 12 2009 1600 2. 4:12.45 8.00  
  Zionsville Tanona, Joey 11 2021 SP 8. 55' 04 3/4 2.00  
  Zionsville Willis, Knox 11 2022 110 H 2. 14.40 8.00  
  Zionsville Willis, Knox 12 2023 110 H 6. 14.65 4.00  
  Zionsville Zinn, Grayson 12 2018 SP 3. 59' 06 1/4 7.00  
  Zionsville Zinn, Grayson 12 2018 DT 3. 171' 04 7.00  
  Zionsville     2003 400 R 6. 42.71 4.00  
  Zionsville 2010 400 R 5. 42.39 5.00  
  Zionsville 2003 1600 R 6. 3:20.79 4.00  
  Zionsville 2005 1600 R 6. 3:20.72 4.00  
  Zionsville 2009 1600 R 7. 3:19.92 3.00  
  Zionsville 2010 1600 R 9. 3:21.10 1.00  
  Zionsville 2011 1600 R 3. 3:18.17 7.00  
  Zionsville 2017 1600 R 7. 3:19.79 3.00  
  Zionsville 2006 3200 R 9. 7:56.15 1.00  
  Zionsville 2008 3200 R 3. 7:54.57 7.00  
  Zionsville 2011 3200 R 9. 7:54.80 1.00  
  Zionsville 2015 3200 R 3. 7:47.82 7.00  
  Zionsville 2017 3200 R 8. 7:50.42 2.00  
  Zionsville 2018 3200 R 2. 7:48.36 8.00  
  Zionsville 2022 3200 R 6. 7:46.41 4.00  
  Zionsville 2023 3200 R 2. 7:37.84 8.00  
  Zionsville 2024 3200 R 4. 7:54.81 6.00  
(numbers in parentheses distinguish runners from same school with same first and last names)