Myth 13


Descendants of Io:

Houses of Argos, Thebes, and Crete


Io a priestess of Hera


Hermes: Argeiphontes  Argus-slayer


She gives birth to Epaphus, ruler of Egypt

Is Io Hera (cow-eyed?)

Isis? (with cow-head?)


Lucian Dialogues of the Sea Gods, 11 (p. 286)



Epaphus descendants: Aegyptus and Danaus:

Fifty sons and fifty daughters (Danaids)

Kill them on wedding nights,

Hypermnestra with Lynceus

become founders of House of Argos

Danaids--later (in Hellenistic period) show up in eternal torment in Hades--carrying leaky water containers




Descendants: Acrisius fathers Danae

prophecy: your grandson will kill you

enclose her in a cave, but Zeus: golden shower 2


Divine origin of PERSEUS

GORGON's head

Stheno, Euryrale, Medusa






Andromeda is tied to a rock as a sacrifice to Ceto

Perseus 2, Andromeda 2, Cepheus 2, Cassiopea 2, Ceto 2




Perseus and Folktale

cf. Clash of the Titans