Myth ch 23

        Legends of Early Rome


Aeneas and the Aeneid still leave us a couple hundred years from the founding of Rome

                450 years—up to 753BC

                        ab urbe condita


        Aeneas was from Venus—Romulus is from Mars


        Livy (59 BC – AD 17 )

                history side of Augustus' propaganda  

                        Ab urbe condita


                               look at his tone

                                       very cynical people


        Romulus and Remus story

                origin?  Is it Roman?


        Exposure of children

                        cf. Oedipus, Paris, Moses

                Royal brothers

                        Greek equivalents

                               and Cain and Abel; Jacob and Esau

        Co-found city—but seek sign for superiority

                Offer sacrifices—one gets first, other gets more

                Romulus kills Remus


Rape of Sabine women

        we need ladies

                invite them in and seize them away


Romulus disappears mysteriously

        becomes god


Apotheosis--”become a god”

        Romulus, then Caesar, Augustus, and all the emperors (until Xianity, AD 337)

        cf. Hercules

                Dioscuri—very important in Rome



        Technically, the numen of the gens within an emperor

                Caesar and Augustus didn't want to be a god


        everyone else did

                Domitian, Caligula (gave it to his sister), Galba (gave it to his boy friend)

                        Senate erased these, and Nero's


Other legends, from Livy



        dual btw three brother on each side, vs. Curiatii

        Horatii win—kills sister for mourning one of the Curiatii

                Roman toughness


Monarchy ends with Lucretia



Some army me were comparing the virtue of their wives, including Tarquin Sextus

        visit unannounced

                all the ladies are drinking and gossiping

except Lucretia—wife of Tarquin Collatinus

        Tarquin Sextus visits, acts nice, then threatens rape

                or I'll kill a slave and destroy your name too

        Lucretia gathers her relatives and tells of the crime

                my body is violated but my soul is guiltless”

                        kills herself

                               Lucius Brutus—the “fake dope” swears revenge

                               drives out the king and establishes the Res publica

                                       first consuls---Brutus and Tarquin Collatinus


        Brutus—founder of Roman republic

                alleged ancestor of Marcus Brutus—who killed Julius Caesar


        Oracle—first to kiss his mother will rule

                Tarquins misunderstand—but Brutus kisses the earth



        ex-consul farmer

                quick, we need help—made dictator

                        returns to his farm afterwards

        Society of the Cincinnati – George Washington


Myth at Triumph at Rome

        Military power

                public displays—the TRIUMPH

                        only if approved by the senate

                Most famous—Titus--71 AD destruction of Jerusalem

        Augustus rebuilt Rome in his own honor


Rome—the Conqueror

        Converts to Christianity in 313 AD (edict of Milan)

        The ultimate colonizer—the real model of Europe

                is America more Greek or Roman?


        control by Rome was in most cases preferable of the dangers of freedom”

                               just like Britain